June Newsletter - Lieutenant Governor James Florakis

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The June Edition of our Division 12 newsletter "The Olympian"!

Transcript of June Newsletter - Lieutenant Governor James Florakis

School is almost

out for Summer

2010! I can’t

wait to hit the

beach, head to

summer camp,

travel around,

and most espe-

cially attend the

Key Club Inter-

national Con-

vention in Memphis, Tennessee! It’s going to

be a blast! How about you guys? What are you

doing this summer and what are you most

looking forward to?

The summer is also a great time for

service, including some unique summer-

oriented service projects, and a time to further

bond with your fellow Key Clubbers! There-

fore I am asking each club to hold at least one

service project this summer. Although it may

be difficult to hold a project on vacation, it is

important to hold at least one since the Key

Club service year runs yearlong, from March

until March. I find holding a summer project

is easiest right after the school year ends in

June or before school begins in August.

Lastly, our next divisional meeting

and our first division project are on June 26

from 4-8 pm! The meeting will last for about

an hour and a BBQ and Pool Party will follow.

There will be a small admission fee and funds

will go to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospi-

tal, a district project and a hospital that the

New York District Key Club will be visiting on

the tour to International Convention. More

information is below. Hope to see you there!

If you ever need anything please feel

free to shoot me an email or give me a call or

you may contact our newly appointed Division

Board, which includes Division Executive As-

sistant Sam Saurez and Division Secretary Cay-

lin Acosta. Full contact information can be

found on page 9. Have a smashing summer!

Greetings from your Lieutenant Governor!


Important Dates!

• June 23 - Club

Presidents’ RSVP for


• June 26 - Divisional

Meeting at FDR Park

in Yorktown

• July 3-11 - NYDKC

Tour and Interna-

tional Convention


A Message from the



Articles from the

Exec District Board


Committee Chair



Past Events 6

Club Spotlight! 7

Paperwork 8

Contact Info 9

Issue 2 June


Lieutenant Governor James Florakis Division 12 N e w Y o r k D i s t r i c t K e y C l u b

By Lt. Governor James Florakis

Next Divisional Meeting and Division Project at FDR Park

Our next divisional meeting and division project for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital will be held on

Saturday, June 26th at the FDR Park in Yorktown from 4-8 pm. After a brief meeting, a BBQ and

Pool Party will be held to celebrate the end of the school year and the beginning of summer! There

will be a $7 admission fee that will go towards the BBQ, pool, and project for St. Jude’s.

All Key Clubbers from Division 12 and their respective Kiwanis Clubs are invited. Club Presi-

dents, please let me know by email how many people from your Key Club and sponsoring Ki-

wanis Club can attend by Wednesday, June 23. It is extremely important that you get back to

me by this date since we need to know how many people are attending for the food and the


The Olympian Page 2

Executive Assistant Intro & Duties

By Executive Assistant Jillian Harmon

Greetings from your Governor!

By Governor Nadyli Nuñez

Can you believe we’re already

in June? School is almost over

and summer is rolling in.

With great weather come

many great events that are

calling Key Clubbers for help!

Answer their call! Get a

group of friends, volunteer

together and have some sum-

mer fun. Many people will travel during this upcoming vacation

but before the end of the school year, find out who is staying

and exchange contact information so you can volunteer to-

gether. You will not only help others but you might make a new


Since the last newsletter, the District Board

has decided on the ten District Projects and established the Gov-

ernor’s Project. We have also established goals for this year that I

know we will achieve. Committees are currently working on how

to reach the goals easier for you. They are creating future publi-

cations just for you. Read the articles in this issue and you will

find out the numbers we will be reaching as well as information

on what the committees are up to.

If you are not subscribed to the New York

District website (www.nydkc.org), what are you waiting for? Go

to the homepage and subscribe! Encourage your Key Club

friends to subscribe as well. It won’t take more than twenty sec-

onds because all you need is your name and email address.

Alright everyone, hold on tight. The school year

is almost over. Finish strong!

Executive Assistant? What’s that?

Well, an Executive Assistant is an appointed position in the New York District Key Club. This year I

am proud to introduce myself as the 2010-2011 Executive Assistant to the New York District! My

name is Jillian Harmon and this year I will be working alongside Governor Nadyli and the Executive

Board in helping make this Key Club service year the most productive and exciting year yet! I’m aware

of the obstacles that face every Lieutenant Governor and I plan to make their year as successful and as

stress-free as possible in addition to assisting Governor Nadyli with the myriad number of tasks she

has to complete as our Governor of the NY District. I look forward to meeting each of you over the

upcoming year! Have an exciting and service-packed Summer!

Page 3 June

The Empire Key is the official publi-

cation of the New York District Key

Club. It serves as a tool and refer-

ence to Key Clubbers. However, the

Empire Key is also a place where the

successes of club projects and club

service events are celebrated and

shared. As a district that ranges

from the vibrant urban city life to

the peaceful rural towns, Key Club-

bers accomplish the same mission

through different means. These

measures should inspire others and

evolve into future successes. That is why the Service Spotlight

section of the Empire Key is very important not only to the host-

ing club but the Key Clubbers around the state. I encourage all

clubs to submit articles of their projects and events for publica-

tion in the Empire Key. This can be done through the district

website, www.nydkc.org, under “Club Resources” or it can be e-

mailed to me at jensencheong.editor@nydkc.org. As we celebrate

one club’s accomplishments, we inspire a dozen other clubs to

host successful events, thus creating a stronger spirit of service

and a greater district.

Service Spotlight Submissions for the Empire Key

By Editor Jensen Cheong

Webmaster’s Message By Webmaster Emily Lew

Hi Key Clubbers! I, Emily Lew, am

your new Webmaster for this year

and it’s great to be part of the Key

Club family and have a chance to be

able to help Key Club via techno-

logical services. I’ve noticed that the

NYDKC website has been used very

frequently for the past years and it’s

great that it has helped all of you so

much! If you haven’t used the site

to your advantage, I strongly encour-

age it because it’s a great way to keep

up with Key Club news outside of

your school as well. Our past webmasters have made a quite

large mailing list, so feel free to subscribe if you haven’t’ already

done so to keep yourselves updated with Key Club! This year I

would like to use the site to increase communication among the

Board and the other Key Clubbers. Also, the service spotlight

will continue being a very important part of the site; because one

great project idea can inspire another so don’t forget to tell us

about your school Key Club’s great accomplishments! Hope you

all enjoy your summer!

The office of club secretary is proba-

bly one of the hardest jobs a person

can take on. You frantically take

minutes, do attendance, and fill out

all the forms that need to be sent to

the district. In addition to that, you

still need to go above and beyond in

committing yourself to volunteering.

To help make your life run more

smoothly I will be creating a Google

group this year. This Google group

will consist of all the club secretaries.

This group will allow me to contact

all of you at once so it is easier for me to fill you in on what

forms need to be handed in. Also, if you have any questions you

can always email me or even post up an update on the Google

group so other secretaries can help you as well and give you sug-

gestions. It’s important that all of us are communicating with

each other so your club and district runs smoothly. I’m very ex-

cited to begin working with all of you!

Connecting Secretaries By Secretary Grace Na

Connecting Treasurers By Treasurer Safanah T Siddiqui

Have you heard of Google groups?

As you may or may not know, sev-

eral lieutenant governors have made

groups for their divisions on Google

or Yahoo. As your District Treas-

urer, I am currently working on

creating a Google group exclusively

for club treasurers. The Google

group will serve as a mailing list for

me to update all club treasurers di-

rectly rather than through lieuten-

ant governors or other district offi-

cers. Such updates will include in-

formation on dues payments and other reminders for club offi-

cers. In addition to serving as a simple way for you to contact

me, the group may also be used for club treasurers to contact

each other. Members of the group will be allowed to post dis-

cussion topics that other members may reply to. Through this

collaboration, frequently asked questions will be answered, as

well as ideas will be shared and spread. As a result, I will be

given a better idea of what the treasurers need to improve the

mighty New York District.

The Governor's Project, “Keys to Education”, for the 2010-2011 service year focuses on the reading and

learning aspects of education. This project is designed to include all age groups, from toddlers to senior

citizens, as well as all types of people, such as the blind and under-privileged. The Governor's Pro-

ject Committee is currently compiling a packet of ideas to help clubs get involved. Some ideas so are in-

clude throwing a "Dress Like Your Favorite Book Character" dance, organizing a book drive, and play-

ing brain stimulating games with nursing home residents. Clubs should also feel free to come up with

their own project ideas as well. Look for the Governor's Project idea packet coming soon!

Page 4 June

The new District Projects for the 2010-2011 service year have been selected! This year the New York Dis-

trict Executive Board has chosen ten charities to endorse financially. It ranges from the large American

Cancer Society to the smaller Fisher House. Whether you are aware of the charity or not, click on its link,

read its description, because each and every charity is fantastic in its own way. This can be done via

www.nydkc.org. The District Board has also set a goal of how much money to raise for these charities. The

verdict is $175,000. Yes, it is quite an ambitious goal. However, I know that together, as the Mighty New

York District we can achieve and very possibly surpass this goal! Together, Key Clubbers of New York, we

will achieve this goal. As you pick new service projects, and decide upon what charities you want your club

to support, never forget the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center, Kamp Kiwanis, and the Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation, our Ki-

wanis sponsored charities. Do not fail to remember these charities as summer rolls around; support them and think of the people you

could be helping. Now, Key Clubbers, check out the charities for the 2010-2011 Key Club year right now at www.nydkc.org!

Keys to Education

By Lt. Governor Nicole Murray

District Projects

By Lt. Governor Rhea Singh

The International Projects and Programs that Key Club International is affiliated with are Live 2 Learn,

March of Dimes, UNICEF, and Children’s Miracle Network. Our affiliation with these charities assists

us in helping others by allowing us to direct our efforts to special areas of need that can end up making a

substantial impact for millions of people worldwide.

• March of Dimes is a charity that works to give all babies a fighting chance against the threats to

their health. (NYDKC Goal: $12,000 and 7500 hours)

• UNICEF advocates for the protection of children's rights and helps expand their opportunities so

they reach their full potential. (NYDKC Goal: $42,000 and 25,500 hours)

• The Children's Miracle Network generates funds and awareness for the benefit of children and its member hospitals. (NYDKC

Goal: $12,000 and 7500 hours)

• Live 2 Learn focuses on helping children overcome learning obstacles so they can be successful and give back to their home,

school and community. (NYDKC Goal: 8,000 hours)

To reach our goals, we need to:

1. Spread the word. Stress the importance of international projects and programs and tell them our goals for the district. Show

them exactly what they can do to make a difference.

2. Think of creative ideas to fundraise. Some innovative fundraising ideas are:

a. Having a bake sale at a divisional or school wide function

b. Having a movie night or bowling night or a Stay-Awake-A-Thon.

c. Hosting a dance, talent show or Battle of the Bands typed fundraiser. You can charge an admission fee at the door and sell re-


Page 5 June

International Projects and Programs

By Lt. Governor Susanna Novick

Page 6 June

On Friday, May 21st from 6 to 9 pm a collaboration of 45 Key Club members

from various clubs throughout Division 12, Kiwanians, and guests attended Division

12’s first Divisional Meeting for the 2010-2011 service year! Of these people included

Yonkers Kiwanian Mr. Rocco Riti, who is the Past Kiwanis Lieutenant Governor, and

Mr. Frank Riti, who is the President of Yonkers Kiwanis. They donated more than

enough food including chips, cookies, pizza, drinks, and cake! We were also extremely

lucky to have the New York District Key Club Governor Nadyli Nuñez with us! It was

great to have Governor Nadyli in attendance since she gave me amazing tips for my next

divisional and she enjoyed meeting many of the Key Clubbers who attended.

The Divisional Meeting was really informative. At the divisional, various things were discussed such as the past Leadership

Training Conference, the upcoming International Convention, our official Division 12 Newsletter “The Olympian”, and the recent

Key Club Webinar (described below). After the general meeting, a President’s Council Meeting was held in which we went over paper-

work and shared some amazing ideas for future projects! After these meetings, we had an awesome time meeting other Key Clubbers

and we had a chance for icebreakers, such as “Quack-Delioso” and manhunt.

Our First Divisional

By Lt. Governor James Florakis

On Tuesday, May 25th, I was able to attend the Key Club Webinar, one of the more

fabulous events of this year for me personally in Key Club. It was my very first time experiencing

such a thing as tuning in to a live broadcast to hear someone speak and give a presentation via

Internet. I did not know what to expect and all I knew was that it was mainly about officer posi-

tions. That night, as I sat listening to the webinar, everything about the positions in Key Club was

made much clearer to me by the speaker, Florida Lieutenant Governor David Velasquez. In addi-

tion to a fantastic overview of each officer’s duties, the question and answer period following the

webinar was extremely helpful. It was somewhat comforting to know that many other Key Club-

bers across the world faced similar difficulties and had many similar questions as I did. What was even better was that Velasquez gave

really great answers to all the questions that were asked, some of which were similar to mine. Granted, some questions remained unan-

swered, but the fact that he could address a number of questions that I had personally had was truly amazing. That one hour on the

webinar was anything but a waste of time, so when the next one comes around, I strongly encourage everyone to attend!

Key Club Webinar

By New Rochelle President Emily George

Page 7 June

Club Spotlight!

By Ramapo Secretary Raven Stokes

Relay for Life is an American Cancer Society event designated to raising money for cancer research and to celebrat-

ing cancer survivors. Groups and Teams of people gather for this fun, overnight occasion. During the event, teams of peo-

ple gather at different locations and take turns walking or running laps around a field. Each team should have at least one

member on the track; everyone can walk around the track at least once and someone must be walking at all times.

The main idea of the relay is that cancer never sleeps and neither should we in the search for a cure. The relay we

will be participating in takes place Saturday, June 12- Sunday, June 13, 2010. The event is located in the Rockland Com-

munity College Eugene Levy Field house. There is a $10 commitment fee. Ramapo High School has 15 volunteers who

have accomplished raising over 200 dollars as our starting donation with more and more being fundraised.

Ramapo High School Key Club: Relay for Life

The Olympian Page 8

District Secretary Grace Na’s Paperwork Chart (as of June 4) - Even if you have handed me your Election Report Form,

please be sure to send it to District Secretary Grace Na and District Administrator Mr. Lowenberg as well. And make sure

you are getting your MRFs in on time! Club Presidents and VPs, don’t forget to send in your Club Statuses as well.

Paperwork Status

ERF and MRF Chart ERF Mar April May

Alexander Hamilton



Mount Vernon

New Rochelle X X

North Rockland


Rye Neck X


Spring Valley X

Ursuline X

Woodlands X


Yorktown Heights

Page 9 June

New York District Executive Board

• Governor Nadyli Nuñez


• Secretary Grace Na


• Treasurer Safanah Siddiqui


• Editor Jensen Cheong


• Webmaster Emily Lew


• Executive Assistant Jillian Harmon


New York District Division 12 nydkc12board@gmail.com

• Lieutenant Governor James Florakis


(914) 523-2837

329 Stuart Drive

New Rochelle, NY 10804

• Division Secretary Caylin Acosta


(845) 709-7809

• Division Executive Assistant Samantha Suarez


(914) 882-5428

• Kiwanis Committee Member Mr. Ed Sexton


(914) 523-6126

For contact information of the entire New York District Board, please visit: www.nydkc.org/board/contacts

Contact Information

New York District Committee Chairs

• Governor’s Project - Lt. Governor Nicole Murray


• District Projects - Lt. Governor Rhea Singh


• International Projects and Programs - Lt. Governor

Susanna Novick


• New Club Building and Reactivation - Lt. Governor

James Florakis


• Advocacy - Lt. Governor Katie Cieplicki


• Distinguished Key Clubber - Lt. Governor Sharif Mahfouz


• Kiwanis-Family Relations - Lt. Governor Dylan Gross


• Public Relations - Editor Jensen Cheong


• Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center - Lt. Governor Yasmin



• Laws and Regulations - Executive Assistant Jillian




• Visit the New York District Key Club website at www.nydkc.org

• Submit articles and pictures of exciting projects from your club to:

District Editor Jensen Cheong (jensencheong.editor@nydkc.org)

District Webmaster Emily Lew (emilylew.tech@nydkc.org)

• Pass on this newsletter to all your friends

Fun Fact!

The Key Club colors are:

blue for unwavering character, gold for service, and white for purity.