Journal Week 2 Shabi

Post on 24-Feb-2018

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Transcript of Journal Week 2 Shabi

  • 7/24/2019 Journal Week 2 Shabi


    North South University

    Journal (Week 2)

    Name : Shabi Ibne Aref

    ID : 0!02"20#0

    $ourse : %US "&

    Faculty : Md. Anwar Sadat Shimul [AwS]

  • 7/24/2019 Journal Week 2 Shabi


    Journal (Week 2)

    'n the 2neek of my internshi*+ at the very first ay of the eek an at the very mornin, I first

    sa some un*leasant situation in the bank- 'ne .ustomer behave very rou,hly ith our A/ 1

    o*eration mana,er- irst+ I in3t unerstan anythin, but then I aske one of the offi.ers of the

    bank about that in.ient- 4e tol me that the *erson mae a mistake in his .he.k an no

    blamin, the bank- When our sir tol him about that+ he ,ot an,ry+ an starte shoutin,- 5hat as

    the first in.ient that I observe in the bank- As I an the also tol me to

    .on.entrate on a s*e.ifi. se.tion for fe eeks+ so this eek I also orke in the ,eneral

    bankin, se.tion- 5his time they ,ave me a ifferent task- I as tol to .all those .ustomers ho

    ha la.kin, in their forms an to .olle.t that information- When I hear that+ I as e6.ite but

    after makin, fe .alls I reali7e that it is a very borin, an also very har ork+ be.ause almost

    809;09 .ustomers in3t re.eive their *hone an sometimes hen they re.eive they ere not

    able to anser my