Josephine from 6 Respect

Post on 03-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Josephine from 6 Respect

Done by: Josephine LauP6 Respect

Yew Tee Primary School

“Working and saving to achieve a better life for everyone”


Economics is the study of how people choose to use resources.

Economics includes the study of labour, land, and investments, of money, income, and production, and of taxes and government expenditures.

Economics also addresses

the collective behaviour of

businesses and industries,

governments and

countries, a

nd the globe

as a whole.

Making Singapore likable for future generations By saving electricity and water, and by adopting environment-friendly practices as a way of daily life, we are helping to conserve energy and to protect our environment. As a result, Singapore will continue to be likable for future generations.

Putting in place robust economic systems that can continue to function in times of crisisWhen the foundation of our economy is strong, our economy will not break down so easily in times of war or crisis. Sound policies and practices help us withstand external shocks. Putting in place measures to keep businesses running and maintaining stockpiles of essential items also help to keep our economy going.

Staying relevant and competitive through rapid change and development

When we upgrade our skills and knowledge, it helps us to stay relevant and employable in this rapidly changing world. Our ability to embrace lifelong learning and re-training is vital to keeping our economy competitive.

Thank you!

Why does my ice-cream cost $1 more than yours?

That’s becoz’ you added a cookie!