Jose Silva., Burt Goldman - Management Thinking Silva - Library

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Transcript of Jose Silva., Burt Goldman - Management Thinking Silva - Library

Xose Silva., Burt Goldman

Management thinking Silva

Each of us Mother Nature is reason given. But not every one of us uses it fully. One already lucky in life, the other waved his hand at all, and "buried talents in the ground", the third lazily drifting; fourth jaded setbacks, lost optimism and faith in the possibility of anything to change in yourself or around. The Silva Method is based on the philosophy of positive and constructive attitude towards themselves, their abilities, and life in general.


Since 1966, when with the Silva Method was first apprised of a group of students in Texas, much time has passed, and an organization dedicated to the introduction and popularization of this method has grown significantly. She has gone from being the only group of enthusiasts with one instructor to a worldwide system with centers and offices in all major cities in the United States and offices in seventy-five countries - from Japan to Israel, Saudi Arabia to Ireland, from China to Zimbabwe, from Australia to Alaska . Millions of people from different social and age groups listen Silva course, that they are 450 Certified instructors eighteen languages.

What is the philosophy of positive thinking, which distinguishes this method among the rest? Thanks to what happens phenomenal improvement? What's in the Silva Method attracts people of different races, creeds, social groups and professions?

Silva does not threaten anyone. People trained this method show that their beliefs become more peaceful than they were before the training. Silva mobilizes all the good and positive things in people: they acquire a special flavor to life, and have improved relationships with others and health, they better understand themselves and others, they have the confidence that they can not only feel responsible for what is happening but also to feel the strength and the ability to control and change your life.

This is the second major book describing the Silva Method. The first book "Mind Control Silva," written by Jose Silva in collaboration with Philip Miel, contains a series of lectures on the philosophy of self-improvement and problem-solving program, currently interested people around the world. The proposed book covers you advanced techniques for solving these

problems, it also helps to understand how the environment affects human life. Here you will find ideas and tips that will help you get rid of the harmful effects of the environment, to strengthen control over the work of his consciousness for health, success, relationships with others, and virtually all other aspects of human life.

I personally can say that Silva is extremely useful and effective. When I first heard about this method, I was due to a recent bankruptcy in a very difficult position in all respects. In a state of deep depression I went on courses Silva and learned to use it. At first I was very skeptical, but the results exceeded all my expectations. Six weeks after the course I was heading the new company, and friends, money and awards I had more than I could have dreamed of before. After that I wanted to share my knowledge with other people and he became an instructor at the training courses Silva. I gradually grew in the organization Silva and eventually took part in the development of what became the "Office of thinking Silva." This book introduces the basic concepts of the Silva Method, which they were designed and tested on thousands of people who have taken courses under my supervision.

For the most efficient use of the Silva Method, we recommend you read the entire book. After that, if you need to cope with a particular problem, you can look into the content and find a chapter that deals with the ways of solving this problem. Do you have trouble with your aunt? Then you need to read Chapter 22, devoted to family problems. You open your own business? In this case, you need to be familiar with the material that is contained in chapters 23-26. You do not have enough confidence in yourself? Read Chapter 10, which deals with the problem of self-affirmation. You have a problem with the nervous tension and stress? Pay attention to Chapters 1 and 6. Chapter 20 is devoted to the problems associated with communication between people. If you have sexual desire fades, refer to Chapter 19. If the problems associated with fear, you will find answers to your questions in Chapter 7.

How many different diets have you used? In Chapter 16, you will surely find more useful information on the control of their weight, than a dozen books about diets. From Chapter 13, you will learn how to cope with the problems of the past, which are still plagued by you. However, the most important in this book is Chapter 2, which deals with the changing view of love, in the general sense of the word. This question - central to the method of Jose Silva. In Chapter 2, you will find an explanation of the concept of positive thinking, which not only helps you in solving urgent problems, but will provide significant support throughout your life.

Chapter 4, "Seven basic principles" to help you understand the rules of life that govern everything around and minor events and global processes. These principles explain the emergence of fear and courage, guilt and self-forgiveness, hatred and love. In short, these principles explain all that is a product of thinking. Imagination and visualization - also products of the activity of thinking. In Chapter 5, which is called the "Golden Images", and covers the products of thinking activity, it also speaks of how the use of visualization can better control the activity of their thinking.

At the heart of the Silva Method is the claim that sensory perception is a product of the imagination. When the imagination is directed to the negative, the world seems dark and hostile.

When it is sent to the positive, the world is bright and cheery. With the concepts and techniques of the Silva Method, you can achieve better control of his mind. You also have the option of using the imagination to change your life for the better.

Burt Goldman, Palm Springs, California, 1988

Part I. Basic principles and techniques of the Silva Method.

Chapter 1. The first level of meditation.

All processes and phenomena occurring on our planet have their hidden rhythm. Rhythm of light is evident in its wave structure. The same can be said about the sound. Each color of the spectrum also has its own rhythm. Even your heart beats in a certain rhythm. In recent decades, scientists have found that in the process of brain activity also raises waves that can be measured. These waves are closely related to the fact you are asleep or awake, are in a relaxed or, conversely, stress state. These waves also depend on whether you are healthy or sick.

On brain rhythms reflect all desire, anxiety, stress and anxiety that you are experiencing. In short, the brain rhythms are a product of the state in which you are. Is not it wonderful it would be if these rhythms can be controlled?

One of the main goals of the Silva Method is precisely the achievement of control over these rhythms. In the years during which the Silva Method is actively used, hundreds of thousands of people who have taken courses this method, have felt as managing waves of brain activity can affect their life, changing it for the better. In this chapter we will examine the mechanism of functioning of these waves and the effect they have on human life. You will also learn about some of the ways by which you can control the brain rhythms.

In the study, researchers determined that there are four basic types of brain waves: beta, alpha, theta and delta, each of these types of waves corresponds to one of four levels of brain activity. The frequency of each type of waves is measured in cycles per second. It graphically displays the electroencephalogram.

The lowest frequency waves of brain activity - one cycle per two seconds, and the highest - eighty five cycles per second. These figures correspond to the extreme deep sleep and epileptic seizures when the brain is most excited state. For most people, the amplitude of oscillation cycles of brain activity ranges from four to forty cycles per second: four cycles per second correspond to a deep sleep, and forty cycles per second - the most excited state.

Each of the four areas of brain activity overlaps the bordering areas, and although the degree of overlap strictly individual for each person, but the information below is valid for all.

When you are in a state of Delta, your brain produces waves, the frequency of which varies from one cycle to two seconds to four cycles per second. Delta - an area of deep sleep, and the so-called unconscious. When you are in a state of theta, your brain produces waves with a frequency of five to seven cycles per second. Theta - it is also a state of sleep. When you are in

the alpha state, your brain produces waves with a frequency of eight to thirteen cycles per second. Alpha - a state of deep sleep accompanied by dreams. This condition is often referred to as the state of REM [English from Rapid Eye Movement - rapid eye movement - approx.]. When a person has a dream, his eyeballs are moving quickly. In the beta-state frequency brain wave activity from fourteen to forty cycles per second. It is an active conscious state. For example, right now, reading this book, you are in a beta state.

On average, the brain of the average man in the common functions produces beta waves, the frequency of which twenty one cycle per second. When a man is excited, gripped by fear, anger or jealousy, its frequency beta waves increases. Poor health, irritability, inability to concentrate, and many other unpleasant phenomena are partly a product of high frequency beta waves.

Rhythm good health, high intellectual abilities, largely focusing - the rhythm of genius - below nineteen cycles per second.

Let's look at the consequences of high frequency brain wave activity and compare them with the effects of low frequency.

Stress and anxiety are associated with the frequency of brain wave activity exceeding twenty one cycle per second. Most physicians tend to think that stress is the cause of many diseases. When the frequency of the waves of brain activity over twenty-one cycle per second, reduced immunity of the person that gives you a great chance to various viruses to hit the weakened body. If the virus enters the body, the immune system is not weakened immune system destroys these viruses, and thus the body remains healthy. If a person's immunity is weakened, viruses have the ability to multiply virtually unchecked and hit the body's cells, causing disease.

However, the increased frequency of waves of brain activity not only causes health problems. When their frequency exceeds twenty one cycle per second, people almost can not concentrate. Clear sequence of thought process is broken, my head begin to flicker thousands of random thoughts, and it does not allow a person to focus. A concentration - an extremely important component of a successful course of the thought process.

When the frequency of the waves of brain activity reaches forty cycles per second, it becomes quite impossible to concentrate on anything. You feel that you can not sit still. Thoughts swirl whirl in the head, and you just can not take any decision, but do not even remember what I was thinking a moment ago. Thoughts are carried away as fast as appear, they disappear like dreams disappear when we wake up.

When the excitation frequency of the waves increases brain activity, energy is released, which is seeking to escape and often finds it in any actions which you later regret. The man who can not control his mind, becomes weak and can not cope with emerging challenges. Its efficiency drops sharply.

Based on the above it can be concluded that if the increased frequency of brain wave activity is the cause of many problems, you can solve your problems if you learn to control the frequency of these waves. Indeed, the low frequency waves of brain activity is of great benefit.

When you are calm, you feel comfortable. At rest your brain produces waves whose frequency is approximately equal to nineteen cycles per second. We can say that a normal person, the frequency waves of brain activity that is less than twenty cycles per second, is dormant. When you are at rest, your immune system is functioning properly, and it allows you to fight successfully against various infections. In this state, your body is protected from viruses.

Alpha state in which the wave frequency brain activity is about ten cycles per second corresponds to a state of relaxation. Consciously reducing the frequency of brain wave activity, you gain the ability to successfully focus that enhances the effectiveness of the thinking process.

Achieving alpha frequency is extremely useful for any activity that requires the work of thought. In this state, thoughts become more clear and specific forms. You have the opportunity to evaluate them and consider comprehensively. We can say that in the alpha brain state, nothing prevents normal functioning as it were separated from the body. It is completely free and thus is able to successfully solve the problems you are facing.

Psychosomatic problems - it is a health problem that arise due to a mental disorder. Therefore, when we are in alpha state "dissociate" the brain (mind) from the body, many of these problems can be solved by themselves.

Normal pulse waves of cerebral activity in wakefulness - about twenty cycles per second. Medicinal properties of low-frequency waves of brain activity manifested in the fact that during his illness wave frequency decreases naturally. When a person feels bad, it is in a locked state: no desire to go anywhere, do anything, even there - he only wants to sit or lie down. In short, it would be desirable to be in a state in which the frequency of brain wave activity is reduced to fifteen cycles per second.

This frequency - the border between the states of alpha and beta.

With age, more people are starting to get into the alpha state. This should not scare anyone, it is very good and should be encouraged. This happens because the cells begin to take more time to establish the necessary potassium sodium balance. Brain as least temporarily separated from the body, allowing it to yourself to do the work on the reconstruction of cells. Alpha - it's all medical condition.

The easiest way to achieve alpha state wave frequencies of brain activity ten cycles per second is meditation. Meditation as agitation or, say, anger, has its own rhythm. Generally their rhythm have all the emotions, whether they stimulate or soothe us.

Meditation reduces the incidence of brain wave activity and allows us to better focus their thoughts. This is because the brain in a meditative state not have to deal with the emotions that

irritate and hinder concentration. During meditation also reduced irritant effect of the environment.

Due to the fact that in a meditative state the human mind as it separates from the body, it regulates the activity itself. This facilitates a healthy energy balance. The main point of meditation helpful from a health standpoint is that the mind does not interfere with the activity of the body, and it is itself regulates all processes.

Each has his own business, and nobody interferes with anyone. Mind is working to solve problems, and the body heals itself.

Meditation techniques we teach courses, we call the "entry level". By "level" refers to the frequency of the waves of brain activity, which is equal to ten cycles per second. Numerous studies and observations, we found that enter into the alpha state in which the frequency of the waves of brain activity is ten cycles per second, while not falling asleep, anyone can. After being in this state, he feels refreshed and ready for further action.

Entering the level is one of the fundamental concepts that underlie the Silva Method. In subsequent chapters, you will encounter many techniques, the implementation of which implies the occurrence of the level.

Entry level at the same time is an independent process and an essential part of other procedures aimed at solving problems.

Entry to the level - this is the first level of meditation, the first step towards relaxation. In subsequent chapters, you will meet with higher levels of meditation.

And in this chapter refers to the first level of meditation, or on entering the alpha level.

To access the alpha level, take a comfortable position. Sit on a comfortable couch or chair. The back should be straight. Close your eyes and make your breathing slow, steady and deep. When you achieve this, start mentally repeat: "Three, three, three." It should also provide this figure. Thereafter, the same procedure should be done with the number "two", and finally, with the number "one."

When you're done doing it, you need to be completely relaxed.

If this fails, you will need to repeat the procedure again, focusing all their attention on the figures. You must clearly understand them, paint them in different colors. This should help to focus and relax.

Then you need to breathe deeply and slowly exhale, mentally pronouncing the word relaxation. This should be done very slowly and quietly. You should feel like every breath makes your condition more relaxed.

Then you need to start the countdown from ten to one. It should also represent all the numbers, as you have done before. With each number you should feel like your condition becomes more relaxed.

How long will you be in the alpha state, depends only on you. You can enter this state only for a few minutes to relax and overcome stress. You may also wish to enter into an alpha state, to discover their creative abilities, or to solve a difficult problem. For example, you can use this state to get rid of bad habits, which, incidentally, will be discussed in a later chapter. You can also use this state to change yourself, change the way you yourself want. Opportunities - Unlimited.

To exit the level, you need to count from one to three, and tell yourself that you are on the account of the three-level exit, fully regain consciousness and will feel better than before.

So it actually happens.

As with any other activity, your ability to come into the alpha state will improve with experience. This improvement is manifested in the fact that over time you will learn to instantly go into an alpha state, and for this you need only close your eyes and make your breathing deep and regular.

To enable this process can also be used "three-finger technique." This technique is extremely simple: you meshed with thumb index and middle on the right or left hand and immediately immersed in an alpha state. Technique three fingers enhances concentration and helps to enter the level. The mechanism of this technique is as follows: you, as it was described, brings together three fingers and think about what you want. In this case, the desired level is input on.

If you do it now, it is likely that nothing will happen, because this gesture has not yet become the trigger. To make it so, enter the alpha state and say to yourself (out loud or mentally): "When I connect the fingers like this" (connect) "with serious intent, then immediately enter into the present condition necessary to achieve the desired". Repeat this procedure for seven days, and soon you have in mind the image of a reliable association between the compound of the thumb with the other two and instant entry into the alpha state. Serried fingers technique can be used in many different situations. You can use it before an important meeting or, on the contrary, when you have nothing to do, for example, during a long and boring trip or in a dentist's chair - in this case, it will help you more easily bear the pain. The technique of three fingers must clearly represent want, what you want to achieve.

A little practice, you will discover how easy it is to enter the alpha state using this technique. We recommend you go to the level at least once a day. If you have health problems or insomnia, this is best done before bedtime. If you have good health and have no problems with stress, then you better go to the level when you are full of energy.

Suitable for this is the time before dinner.

If you have any health problems or you are caught in a stressful situation, we recommend that you go into a meditative state three times a day. Five minutes is enough for a single session of meditation, but a ten-minute session will be more useful and session lasting about fifteen minutes is the best option.

Chapter 2. Switch to side view of love.

One of the most common and least understood words in any human language, perhaps, is love. In the entire history of mankind in the name of love was committed more murders than in the name of anything else. Altar of love constantly flooded with blood, in the name of love untold atrocities committed people themselves were subjected to severe torture. Because of love the people, fought with each other and the family feud. All were confident in his and tried to prove that they are right. However, their "rightness" did those who did not support them, "guilty." Armed with an ax, spear, sword, and then a gun and bombs love became a justification of any action "right" against the "guilty".

So what is actually what is called love? The word love means something abstract. By itself it makes no sense and makes sense only when we apply it to anything. The ancient Greeks had many definitions of love: agape - to refer to spiritual love; Philosophy - brotherly love, eros - erotic or romantic love. But these definitions also were abstract, they added a little extra meaning to the word love. What is, for example, Philosophy? This word simply denotes one kind of love. Eros is also one of its varieties. And what is love?

In order to arrive at the answer, use a useful and commonly used technique Silva called reception polarity.

This technique is based on one of the fundamental principles of the Silva Method.

You could even say that this principle is also one of the basic principles of life (see Chapter 4, "Seven basic principles"). In accordance with this principle, the nature of all things and concepts lies opposite.

Applying this principle to understand the nature of love, imagine a straight line or better bilateral beam, and even better - the thermometer by which we measure the temperature outside. On the left is a negative right - positive, and in the middle is zero - neutral region. Let's call love point of view and look at it from this perspective. At each end of our "thermometer" we put the phrase point of view. On the positive interval scale we now have a point of view with the "plus", and on the negative - with a "minus". On the positive interval scale we put the word love, but on the negative - hatred.

Thus, we determined that love is a positive point of view, and the opposite point of view - hatred. Let's see whether this fits the definition of love.

Let's imagine a person who is the recipient of unconditional love. Absolute love situated in the extreme right portion of our scale, where there is nothing negative, but there are only positive. That is, the person who is the recipient of unconditional love, you only see the

positives. What would this man does or may say, you can still see it in a rosy light. In other words, this man and his actions do you see through the lens of love.

It should be said that only a few can become recipients of such love - except, perhaps, only two groups, one of which are children, especially at an early age. Many parents see their children only the positive and do not see anything negative, at least until the children reach the age of six months.

Sometimes it happens that the couple relate to each other with the same degree of love. They also tend to see each other only positive side and not see anything negative. Whatever said favorite - all perfect! Whatever looked lovely - she is a beauty! But time passes, and relationships change. The point of view shifts from the 100 mark on the 90 or 80, and the lovers begin to see that all is not well in their partner or partners. Known negative things have always existed, but in the past they just do not notice, because the love blinded and did not allow to objectively evaluate what is happening. It may happen that love after some time they see negative qualities in each other, but can not accept them. They can also try to change each other. They can avoid each other, but they still have to accept each other for who they are, and then they will be happy.

So, love - this positive assessment, a positive point of view.

Let's see how this definition is suitable for everyday life.

If the sink is full of dirty dishes, it is likely that your score will swing sharply to the negative segment, hatred. You really do not like dirty dishes. If dirty dishes makes you hate the fact that this cookware should I do? Answer: to change your point of view. Should no longer think about washing dishes, because these thoughts annoy you and cause hatred. Instead, you need to go to the kitchen and make sure that there was clean. Washed kitchen evokes positive feelings. Everyone likes when there clean. Thus, changing the point of view, you change hate to love, go to the kitchen and wash all there.

In order to be able to use love as a driving force, you just need to change the view of an unpleasant event or unpleasant effect. Love - it's always a solution. What would change if, instead of completely incomprehensible "love thy neighbor" (which is especially confusing if you are owner of the castle, and your neighbor is a shepherd) would say "estimate his neighbor in a positive way?" The difference is that it is impossible to love thy neighbor, and evaluate it with a positive point of view it is quite possible.

Can be found in his neighbor positive traits and try to pay attention on them. A positive traits, positive things can be seen not only in the other person, but in a different country, a different race, a different profession. Effort to see in all that surrounds us, the good and positive change for the better our relationship to the world.

Learn to change their views, their attitude, you get a great tool that will help you turn life for the better. With this tool, you can change a cloudy, rainy day, making it so that your eyes will enjoy them. Insipid, tasteless lunch may be the best dish you'll ever eat.

Using this technique almost any negative thing in life can be turned into a positive.

Think of how many things at the moment annoy you and interfere with life. The reason is that you look at these things from a negative point of view. Whether you realize it or not, but you hate them. Your hatred can be quiet, but it turns out: the man hates what prevents him. The more it prevents any thing, the more he hates it.

Two recent graduate courses Silva Harold M. and Grace were honeymooning in Europe. They bathed in the Mediterranean, when someone stole the commitments they rent a car with all their belongings, including a purse and wallet Grace Harold. Of course, Grace and Harold were very upset by this fact, but they have tried to look at this incident from a different perspective and think that this incident is good. They discussed the situation and decided that their honeymoon will be a wonderful adventure, they have the opportunity arose to do something they would never do if you follow the plan a honeymoon that has developed for their travel agency in Dallas.

They said the incident to the local police station. The policeman, who they told what had happened, listen to them and invited them to his home and treated them as to their family members. Grace and Harold lived it to the police officer until their relatives in Texas not sent them money. During those three days, that was needed to send money, Grace and Harold appeared so many new friends that they decided to spend the rest of the week honeymoon in the little village where they spent three days. They say that if you could relive their honeymoon, they would not want to change anything, including car theft. When you might be an incident that you find extremely negative, remember that in this incident, you can find a positive side. On the unpleasant event to be regarded as an obstacle to be overcome, as some kind of validation. When you are doing everything you can to overcome the difficulties, he changed your view of these difficulties, you start looking at them more positively. Strive to be better, to show their best qualities and then life will be more enjoyable, and sometimes just lovely.

To change your view, please login to the level, as described in Chapter 1, and think about those things and events that prevent you from living. To change the view from negative to positive polarity principle can be used and based on it welcome. Imagine already described the scale on the left segment which is located all negative, and on the right - all positive. Then imagine some negative mark on the scale interval, and then mentally move it in the direction of positive segment and at the same time try to focus on the positive aspects of the event in question or phenomenon.

For quick entry to the level you can use the three-finger technique, which was described in Chapter 1. Entry to the level should take the stress associated with the considered event or phenomenon, and to help rid the mind from negative influence and find the positive side of the problem. Thus, the mind finds new ways of perceiving the event that prevents you from living. One day at one of our seminars furniture salesman who owned several large salons, told the audience that prevents him from working constantly and is a source of irritation. It turned out that a hindrance to his work and a source of irritation is the large number of complaints. He traded the beautiful, expensive furniture and sold it mainly designers who purchased headsets for their customers and promised them that it would be perfect. However, the seller could not

provide "perfection." Furniture always has small defects: or chair would be a tiny speck or shade upholstery will be a bit different from the sample.

Complaints dealt three people who sat on the switch next to his office in the main cabin. Although the analysis of complaints was not the sole responsibility of those people, but they expressed dissatisfaction with their situation. Nobody likes to deal with complaints, and therefore its employees do not want to be targeted by disgruntled customers and often dismissed.

Our tired businessman to hire new people for the job, and he went into a meditative state and I thought about this problem. He tried to find it at least some positive things, wanted to look at it from a positive perspective. He thought about the dirty dishes and sparkling clean kitchen and thinking about how you can dirty dishes (complaints) to alter in a clean kitchen.

He thought about it more than one day, he was sure that there was some way to change your view on the complaint and the position of their servants who deal with complaints. One morning he woke up, he realized that he came to him to solve. He batted with the thumb, index and middle fingers and felt for the first time in many months, can not wait for that moment when it turns in the office. He summoned his advertising specialist and asked him to draw a table on which were recorded to the complaint. Soon the table was ready. It was divided into three columns by number of employees involved with complaints. Thus, each such employee had his own column.

Each employee had to objectively assess complaints on a scale and mark them in the table. Minor complaints, which can be dealt with on the phone, valued at one point; complaints, for which you need to send a man - three points; complaints, for which the owner needs help - five points; complaints, which generally can not be as- or satisfy - at ten points. An astute businessman assumed that the majority of complaints will pull only three or five points.

It turned out that at the end of each month of the employees involved in the reception and complaints that will be your overall rating of complaints. And for those who have the highest overall rating would be at the end of the month award relied.

On that day, when a businessman told his staff are innovations, they have a new incentive to work, interest in her. Every time a new complaint came, an employee receiving it, smiled and nodded his head, and was not angry, as it was before. He understood the complaint and was noted on the board with a table rating of the complaint, which he had just figured out. Most often there appeared figures 1, 3 and 5. The next day, all employees engaged in the reception of complaints, willingly came to work at nine o'clock and began to look forward to when someone calls and complains. Of course, sure someone called and whined into the phone, "Oh, you should listen to me. I claim to you ..." After this call on the board rating complaints appeared greasy five. Very soon, the rating board complaints became the most popular place for the staff in the shop. At the end of the month the owner paid a hundred dollars to the one who had the highest rating of complaints. The problem was essentially solved. Merchant furniture no longer heard threats to resign from the officials dealing with complaints and reception. On the contrary, workers from other departments have been asking him to translate them to work with complaints!

Thus, the businessman got his. He managed to turn nasty job in an exciting activity that would engage all employees of his store. And he has achieved this by changing their outlook on the chore. Changed his mind, and changed the views of its staff. The more violent had a complaint, the more desirable it was provided for employees who took her. But earlier it was the opposite. In other words, these employees do not wash dirty dishes and did the kitchen immaculately clean. Probably in your life too there is any problem that prevents you from living, which can be quite a fun experience, if you look at it from a positive perspective. You can use this technique to convert unpleasant lessons enjoyable pastime that at least will not annoy you.

Along with the five rules of happiness, which will be discussed in chapter 3, this technique can help you to completely change your life, with the deletion of all, what's stopping you.

Event that occurred after one of the seminars, is an excellent illustration of the successful application of this method. Once Roger G. called one of our instructors and said he wanted to talk about how the Silva Method has helped him to effectively tackle the problem with his thirteen-year-son Sean. Sean wanted to earn some money. For this he was armed stencils, paint and brushes and wanted to close on the sidewalk in front of houses to paint their rooms. This was to help the postman messenger, taxi drivers easily identify the address. Sean evaluated their work in one dollar.

Roger, who worked as a salesman, thought it was good. Even if Sean and does not earn a lot of money, he will understand that this work, which is very good. Roger understood that this work is not hard, and his son could earn her a few dollars. And Sean, that anything like this was not engaged to, really wanted to try and could not wait to be able to start.

Roger took his son in the next quarter and said it will take him a couple of hours. Half an hour later, Roger drove to the appointed place, and saw Sean sitting on the sidewalk, his head in his hands. When Sean saw his father, he was glad that his take.

He threw a basket with a brush and paints in the car and sat down with a sigh near his father.

- Dad, I do not know how you manage to sell anything. These were the worst half hour of my life. I did not think that it's so hard and frustrating - he said.

Roger was, of course, very upset and asked his son:

- What happened to Sean? Anyone can agree on your services?

- Yes, - said Sean. - Several people have paid me a dollar, but some slammed the door in my face, and I was offended. - Sean shook his head and asked: - How do you manage to sell anything? How can you bear it?

- Wrap it? What are you talking about, son? - Roger asked.

- You know what I mean. People there were so bad to me. They kicked me out of their homes, abused me. They treated me as a last beggar. And I did not think that people can be so evil.

When Roger thoroughly questioned Sean, it became clear that none of this actually happened, although Sean seemed to treat him exactly as he said to his father. Just Sean for the first time confronted with the profession of a Salesman feature which is the ability to obtain a waiver. In his thirteen years, Sean infrequently encountered failure, but here in a relatively short time, he was faced with a large number of failures. It seemed that anyone who did not agree to pay him for his services, thus expresses dislike for him personally. It seemed to him that the people who dismissed him, its just hate.

Move it to Sean was very hard, and he would not like to take up the case again.

- Well, my son, and how much did you earn? - Roger asked.

Sean reached into his pocket and pulled out a crumpled dollar, and then some more. His father eyes nearly popped out.

- How many? - He asked in surprise.

- Six dollars - Sean said, counting the money.

- Six dollars! - Exclaimed Roger. - Sean, it's just amazing. You've been there for only half an hour and earned six dollars.

It's perfect!

- No, it's not perfect - Sean said. - I'm not going to do that. I hate this job. I'll do whatever you like, but do not call the wrong door and offer services.

- And how many people do you offer your services? - Roger asked.

- Maybe a thousand.

Roger shook his head and said gravely:

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- Sean, you're wrong. You were there for only half an hour and could not manage to offer their services to thousands of people. You just did not have much time.

- Well, maybe I spoke to fifty or sixty - said Sean, a little reflection.

- You know, Sean, - Roger began - you addressed to sixty people and earned six dollars, which means that ten percent of potential customers agreed to buy your services. This is a very good indicator. - Sean winced at these words, and Roger added: - Sonny, it's okay, no one is forcing you to do this thing again.

- He shrugged and continued: - At least you now know what it is.

Roger decided it was a perfect opportunity to check how the reception, according to which you want to change the view. Sean developed a negative attitude towards work, which he recently wanted to do so, and Roger wanted to try to change the view of Sean and make him feel like a success. Sean recently took a course Silva for children and watched some spectacular scenes that took place in this workshop. In many of them, he was himself, and so what was going to say Roger should not seem strange to him.

- Sean - Roger began - what would you say if I have laid upon thee the curse by which everyone who offered their services to you, and will agree to pay you a dollar?

- Everyone will agree? - Sean asked.

- Everyone - confirmed his father.

- That would be great.

Thus, Roger realized that his son was not afraid of work, and failure to which it can run. So if he will ensure that all those who he will offer his services, agree to pay, he will continue to work - because then he would not have to be afraid of failure. Most timid salesman in the world would agree to collect all his will in a fist, if each of its proposals are accepted.

Thirteen-Sean out of the car with his father as "magic." He touched his index finger to his chest and quickly Sean "painted" on her five-pointed star with a dot in the middle. Shawn was standing, waiting for his father to finish conjure.

- All I finished - Roger said.

- Now I want to verify that the change this spell - said Sean. - Similarly, everyone will agree?

- Exactly - Roger confirmed. Sean grabbed his cart with a brush, stencils and paint and was about to go check whether witchcraft acts.

- Wait a minute - his father stopped. - You know, Sean, I thought it would be unfair if everyone who offered their services you will agree. Have you ever heard that I was selling their products to anyone who offers them?

Sean did not really hear about these successes father.

- So, - continued Roger, - the spell will proceed as follows. You call fifty people, and the first forty five refuse, and the last five agree. Can you wait for the last five?

- Will - said Sean - but I will try to pass the rest as soon as possible.

- Excellent - Roger said - but, you know, it's hard to control the course of the execution of this witchcraft. Some purchasers of five may not be at the end and in the middle. - Roger gave his son a piece of paper. - Do you mark on this paper. And if the person agrees to pay you a dollar dash contours in a circle when you pass the first forty five people, look to your piece, and if you already are two marks in the circle, so only three of the remaining five will agree to pay you for your services.

Leaving Sean, Roger went to drink a cup of coffee and returned about an hour later, I saw Sean briskly walking down the street. His pants were smeared with paint. Driving up seeing his father, he waved to him, and Roger stopped.

- Wow! - Sean exclaimed in delight. - This divination actually works. Dad, can you leave me here? I'll be back home on the bus. Do I still have a lot of paint, and I want just one quarter.

Roger told us this story as it happened in reality. Reception load, view son Roger changed.

At first, when he rang the door, each door has a potential for failure. And he did not like it. He hated it when he was refused.

It seemed to him that a new call is sure to bring a new waiver. And so long he could not bear it.

And after the "spell" of his father, everything changed. He knew that the forty-five people refuse his services, but he did not regard it as a failure. He took it as a simple job to be done as quickly as possible to get to the five customers who agree to pay for services rendered.

Once Sean believe in the curse, it ceased to excite failures.

Sean no longer offended if his face slammed the door. He waited for it and wanted it to happen quickly so that he could soon reach its five clients.

Due to this increased his courage and quite significantly increased the percentage of sales. More and more people have agreed to pay for his services. By the time Sean got to forty-five potential client, he was so engrossed in his work that he did not need to count how many

people have agreed to pay him. When he refused, he thought: "Oh, here's another one of those forty-five."

His attitude changed completely fault. He began to look at every other door on the positive side and not the negative, as it was before. And it helped him to succeed.

This story and the consequences were. Roger, unwittingly created a problem for themselves. After all this happened during the summer school holidays, and it was not long, as Sean began to earn hundreds of dollars a week, and in addition, it began to work two more of his friend.

The problem was that when the holidays were over, Roger needed to apply all his eloquence to persuade Sean gave it up and go back to school.


You ask how it can be used in your life?

Imagine that you are busy with some business that you do not like. If for some reason you have to do all these things, then try using this technique, so to change their attitude to deal with them with pleasure. To do this, think about the positive aspects of what you are doing. After all, there must be something in this lesson, the good points. Otherwise, why are you doing it? When you find positive things to sign in alpha state and focus his attention on them. Imagine the good that there is a lesson in this, and then himself, have fun. Then get pleasure from it in reality.

Change your views on what you do, from negative to positive change hate to love, and you will truly enjoy life. If you succeed, then the statement "every day, every hour of my life is getting better and better" will really fit your outlook on life, and your life is actually every day and every hour will be better and better.

Chapter 3. Five rules of happiness.

Trying to determine what happiness is, it seems quite silly. You know very well and know when they are happy, just do not need to tell you when you are unhappy. However, what really makes a person happy? You probably now think of those experiences that make you feel that you are happy.

Music makes me happy, ice cream makes me happy, it makes me happy. A house cleaning makes me miserable, and Aunt Mabel upsets me, etc.

Extremely important to understand that what makes you happy, it may make the other person miserable. Conversely, what makes the other person happy, can make you miserable. Chetyrnadtsatifutovaya powerboat can easily make some people really happy. Their happiness will be caused by this particular boat. However, someone who is a holder of a thirty yachts, this boat can only upset. And people who generally indifferent to all the boats and yachts, in principle, does not react to any boat or a yacht. One man, if you give him a ridiculously cute

puppy will come from him in delight, and the one who hates dogs, will be desperate to think like him get rid of the poor animal.

We can not use as a criterion for happiness and profession. This is due to the fact that the profession of a person, for that matter, and a love for animals is purely subjective factor. A subjective concepts and phenomena can not serve as criteria. Instead of subjective concepts we better turn to philosophy.

Philosophy of happiness is to enjoy the things that I enjoy, sidestep or change things that do not like, and take those things that can neither avoid nor change through skillful change perspective. Using the lower set of rules which reflected "the philosophy of happiness," will help you find solutions to many problems, delivering you trouble.

And now to your attention the five rules of happiness.

Rule number one: Enjoy what you like. This rule seems simple to the absurd. You might say, "That's ridiculous.

Of course, I'll get a kick out of what I like. I absolutely do not need to advise. "But if you are thinking of this rule, you will find that in life there are many things that we like, but for which we do not get any pleasure. When officers, for which we do not get pleasure from what we like, are: (1) guilt (2) fear. You can not get pleasure from something as you like, if you then feel guilty or if you are afraid of the consequences.

Rule number two: Do what you do not like. At first glance, this also seems to be very simple, but if you think about it, you will realize how many people are engaged in, or in contact with the fact that they do not like. And it can be boring, uninteresting work, and unpleasant man, and tasteless food. Continue this list is endless.

It should be borne in mind that there are good reasons that are forced into contact with something or something that I do not like.

"Yes, I can not quit this job. I have to work to earn a living." Or, "I had to deal with this man for many important reasons." How many excuses that we have to do something or contact with something that we do not like, we can come up with?

How many good reasons we invent to persuade others, and most importantly, yourself that it is absolutely necessary?

Rule number three: Change what you can not eliminate from your life. This also suggests a simple answer: change! However, if you think of it, you realize that in order to change anything, certain conditions are necessary: money, time, etc. Think again, you know that something you have to be tied to the fact that you do not like and what you can not avoid.

Rule number four: Take what you can not delete any of your life, no change. It is also difficult. How can you take something that does not like it? Suppose you have a favorite aunt and

dentures. And when the lady says the word with the sound "sh", upper dentures klatsat on the bottom, and you have an extremely annoying. In this case your name is Shirley. You can not avoid her aunt, because you love her. You propose to change her dentures, but she likes the old, and she does not agree. Thus, you can not change it.

How can you be in such a situation? How can you accept the fact that annoys you and exasperate? How do you take a person who makes you nervous and irritable? I must say that you do not necessarily accept that person, you can still be nervous and irritable. I can guarantee that you will be unhappy if you do not take something you do not like the sharp and you at the same time can not exclude any of his life, no change.

Do not forget that we still consider the five rules of happiness, and in the fifth rule just concluded the secret of happiness.

Rule number five: Take what you can not exclude any of his life, nor altered by changing their point of view. Man in fact extremely dependent on your point of view. Everything is relative, nothing is absolute. There is no absolute good or absolute evil, all related to your point of view, with your attitude Life can not be good or bad, life just is. You can change what you do not like by changing their point of view. How to change my point of view, has been described in Chapter 2. And here we give a short example that illustrates the use of the fifth rule of happiness.

During the lunch break one of the listeners course George S. Silva decided to go to a nearby restaurant. Out on parking, George found a fresh dent on the right front fender of his car. Someone crumpled fender of his car and fled in an unknown direction. George did not like it. At the same time he could not dismiss it, nor in any way to change what happened.

Before George got a choice: either to be happy or upset because of what happened to his car. He decided it was better to be happy and change your point of view on what happened. Looking at the crumpled fender, he was not thinking about what he would have to repair a lot of money and spend a lot of time, and that it is an incentive to achieve something positive. George decided that he would earn three times more money than go to repair the machine. In the studio, he was told that the repair would cost $ 250, and he decided to earn 750 dollars and has earned them.

So George has changed one hundred eighty degrees their attitude to what happened to his car accident. He did not like what happened to his car, he could not rule it out of your life, do not change what happened legs, but he managed to change his attitude, his view of the mishap. When George looked at the crumpled wing, he saw not a dent, and $ 750, which will earn. George set a goal and achieved it. He earned $ 750, 250 of them spent on repairs and got so profit of $ 500. In addition, he was happy in the situation that would be incredibly upset most other people.


Once you enter into a meditative state and reassess your life with these five rules of happiness, you will find that different really began to look at your life and happiness. You will

understand why people are unhappy. You will come to the conclusion that happiness - it is basic and natural state of consciousness. It would appear you almost automatically. Once you realize how easy it is to be happy, you will form a different measurement scale of good and bad mood.

We should not forget that permanent happiness is not possible (or desirable) state. In accordance with the principle of rhythm (see Chapter 4) all have their ups and downs, ebbs and flows. You will still be ups and downs of mood, and it is clear that this can not be avoided.

However, the five rules of happiness will help make your mood lifts have become higher and downs would not be as sharp and deep.

After a while, you may even find that the condition that you think for yourself depressed for another person who is not familiar with the above five rules can be a state of happiness.

Chapter 4. Seven basic principles.

In Greek mythology, he was considered a messenger of the gods. Hermes Trismegistus - thrice illustrious! - The name of his ancient Greeks. In ancient Rome it was called Mercury and depicted with wings on his hat and sandals.

Known as the father of science, eloquence and cunning, Hermes was also the protector and patron of trade borders. He created alchemy, which later became chemistry and medicine, astrology, which is mutated, become astronomy, mathematics, philosophy, and virtually all other modern sciences.

Hermes, who is considered a contemporary of Abraham, laid the foundation for what later became the esoteric teaching. "Principles of Hermes" and simultaneously contained in ancient Indian culture and ancient Egyptian papyri. More Goals his teachings remained hidden, it focused on only a few. When in Europe, the Dark Ages came and roamed throughout the inquisitors who tortured and killed all those who had the courage to look into the "dark secrets" doctrine of Hermes was shrouded in mysteries of the occult.

Nowadays a lot written about the teachings of Hermes, especially many works devoted to his seven main principles that are the foundation of all modern knowledge. Researchers have discovered ancient manuscripts, which opened the casket of wisdom and caused increased interest in the widest possible range of people. We are in this book offer you these principles in the hope that they will help you get back on the path of cultivation.

To get the maximum benefit from the principles of Hermes, you need to enter the level and meditating, meditate on each of these principles. If you do, you will be on the path of enlightenment and perfection. But do not expect that an understanding of these principles will come to you suddenly, like a flash of inspiration. Most likely a deep understanding of the ancient wisdom of the principles you will be comprehended gradually as you reflect on their content and essence of life.

Seven great principles describe everything that exists in the world, and they always stay the same. They can not be changed, modified or destroyed. Their functionality is comparable to the traffic rules. We can say that these principles are the rules of the universe, and therefore it is subject to all around, ranging from small events and ending with the universe itself. Understanding of these principles will lead you to an understanding of the progress of life, because they are the rules of life.

The first of the basic principles is called the principle of mentalism. It says the universe is a mental creation of God. We are immediately confronted with the problem of understanding this principle: most people understand it correctly. Does it mean that we are only thoughts, fantasies of some supreme being, which is not available to us so that there is no hope to know it? If so, then we also know there is no hope of who we are. Simply powerless robots in someone's lab? No, it's not. The hero of the novel is not only a product of the mind and imagination of the writer, but a part of him. Similarly, we and all that surrounds us, are part of the Creator. We represent different facets, different aspects of the whole. And if we are connected to God, connected with the world around us, with the universe. Your world is real and almost entirely belongs to you. My world is a product of my mind, just like your world is a product of your thoughts.

This principle can help you better understand what your mind and how it functions. The power of consciousness, or, as we say, the power control of thinking works because the entire universe is mental. All around, in a sense the product of our consciousness. You may think that you can see a tree, and protein sure this house. Your friend may say that Picasso is the perfect decoration for home, and you think that a Picasso painting - perfect investment. You can think of any situation unsolvable problem, and your cousin sees it as a problem to be solved, and sees her decision.

Of course, in all these cases, any opinion is true, because what you believe is true for you and undisputed. The Silva Method is based on the assertion that the mind (or consciousness) can manage the processes in the world. And this can be true only if all around - a product of our consciousness. Our opinion, our opinion, our evaluation of all events are crucial. If so, then we can change their views, and to change the reality that surrounds us. And people who have passed courses Silva, just use your mind to change your world.

The second is the principle of universal interconnection. This principle states: Everything is interconnected, and changing anything, you change everything.

Physical condition affect his thinking, and thinking affect his spiritual condition. That is, if the frequency of your brain waves activity is forty cycles per second, then you are in an excited emotional state. Similarly, as the universe is the product of mental activity of God, and your world is a product of your mental activity.

Understanding this principle will allow you to release a myriad of emotions, both positive and negative, as well as problems tied to different levels of complexity. Solving any problem at a low level of complexity, you are to some extent solve the same problem on the higher difficulty levels (see Chapter 17). Generally this principle, the principle of universal interconnection, Silva Method used in many forms, however, as in your daily life.

The third principle is the ongoing movement. This principle states: Everything is in a constant and incessant movement and change of motion causes the manifestation of something. Health has its movement, as well as disease. Success has its movement, as well as failure. Changing movement, you change the manifestation of something. Rapid movement of the water manifests itself in the form of steam, and slow its movement - in the form of ice. Nevertheless ice and steam are the same water and the difference in display is caused by a difference in movement.

The first note is a note to the octave. Note to the piano is slightly above the previous octave notes si. Sound notes of the first octave is 440 cycles per second, unless, of course, well-tuned piano. Thus, 440 cycles per second to represent the note, and this is always the case. And if you take a little guitar and loosen the string, the note will sound like to 430 cycles per second. It's a little less than 440 cycles per second, but people with good hearing to hear the guitar a little upset, and therefore unclean until the note sounds.

If you have further weakened the string so that the note will correspond to 420 cycles per second, even if you can not tell from note to note in B, you still realize that guitar upset. If further weaken the string, the note to become unrecognizable, she dies.

However, it is easy to raise - we need only to pull back the string and thereby re-tune the guitar.

Everything is interconnected. And what happens with the guitar also happens to you. When you are sick, it means that your rhythm is disrupted traffic. Therein lies the problem. Again need to "tune" the rhythm of movement, and health is restored.

The fourth principle is that of the great polarity. This principle states that everything has its opposite, and opposites are concepts of the same nature and differ only in degree. High and low - it amounts to the same thing. There are high minor people and have low basketball. There is no high and low, everything is relative - relative to you, your opinions, your point of view.

Hot and cold - it also displays the same. We talked about this in the example of the movement of water. We use the principle of polarity to change their point of view to change fear into faith, and hate - love. This principle helps us to move from guilt to self-forgiveness, and anger - for patience.

We often use this principle in order to shed light on the meaning of such words as love, fear, anger, etc. We define the meaning of these words by considering their opposites. Take, for example, the word fear. What does it mean? If you had to draw a scale measuring fear - such as what we have drawn for the measurement of love - you would put fear into the negative portion of the scale. After some thought, you would conclude that this expectation.

Delving into the essence of the word, you would put on a waiting negative and positive parts of the scale. Fear - is a negative expectation. When you are afraid, you expect that to happen something bad. And when you believe, you expect only good. However, fear and faith -

these are different manifestations of one and the same, differing only in the degree of positive or negative. Change the power and you will change the very feeling.

Fifth is the principle of rhythm. This principle states that everything has its own rhythm, its time to ebb and flow. Everything rises and falls. Traced throughout the cycle of birth, growth, maturity and death. Cycles are evident throughout, they constantly, every time affect our lives.

When you wake up, your day is born. You start a new cycle of the day.

When you sit down to breakfast, you start a new cycle, which ends when you finish breakfast. Your day is dying, when you go to sleep, and at the same time the cycle is born overnight. Your dreams are also cycle. Everything you do during the day is a cycle.

When you do something on the rise, you have a greater chance that you successfully complete the deal. We all have lifting points and the point of recession - is the law of the Cycle. This is true for all cycles of the sleep cycle, Cycle health, energy cycle, the cycle of success, luck, etc. Cycle Each cycle lasts for a certain period of time. The cycle of the moon, as well as menstrual cycle lasts twenty-eight days; sleep cycle - Ninety minutes. Most cycles, however, remain hidden from us. If you analyze your life in terms of diseases, energy ups and downs, good luck, romantic sentiment, enthusiasm, etc., you will find throughout the cycle. To learn more about their life cycles, enter the level and use the three-finger technique. Tell yourself that, while in a meditative state, you want to learn more about their life cycles. If you are in the highest point in the cycle of luck, you might get lucky in Big gamble. If you, being at the highest point in the cycle of success, get a house, you probably will find a better home. Sales agents and salespeople can determine lucky days of the month in which they particularly lucky. And so on.

Sixth is the principle of cause and effect. This principle states: Every cause has its effect and every effect has its cause. Everything in the world is in accordance with this law. A coincidence - the result of undiagnosed causes.

We give a short story that perfectly illustrates this principle.

Once in a California forest has fallen leaf. He sat down on the grass and thick green caterpillar crawled toward fright. She crawled on the log, and when she did it, man sat on a log and crushed caterpillar.

The man jumped up and realized that soiled pants. He went home, changed clothes and headed to the pants stained trousers to the nearest dry cleaner, where he met a girl. They talked, met, he invited her to a nearby cafe where they drank coffee. After this incident, they began dating, fell in love and got married. They had a son.

The boy was very intelligent, he was a good student at school, then became a lawyer, entered politics and attained a high position in his party.

And due to the fact that once in a California forest has fallen leaf, Richard Nixon became the thirty-seventh President of the United States. Cause and effect.

The seventh principle is Dad. This principle states: Everything has a masculine and feminine. The Principle of Gender manifests on the physical, intellectual and spiritual levels. Masculine - a positive, motivating and incoming. Feminine - negative, outgoing, creative and receptive. Different polarities can not be reduced only to these factors the difference between males and females, which are manifestations of the principle of gender on the physical level. For example, a good speaker when he says, creates a masculine force, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman.

More on this principle will be considered in Chapter 24.

The above seven principles are immutable laws of nature.

They can not be changed or destroyed. However, as you know, one can act against the law of another law, more substantial, more meaningful law shall prevail. If the branch falls into the river, it can only go with the flow. A man using the principle of cause and effect, can get ashore. Of course, it is not necessary to know this principle to get ashore. To get ashore, you only need to swim. However, the understanding of the principle of cause and effect will take you to the shores of thought that you should do if you accidentally fall into the river.

If you continue to continue to speak the language of metaphor, we can say that the universe - the river that our planet - the river that our consciousness - the river.

If you are in a meditative state will understand the essence of these principles, if you get a deep understanding of them, they will help you in all situations.

The further you go down the road of self-improvement, the better you will understand the importance of these principles. There are manifestations of these principles, which are obvious, but there are also such acts, which are not easy to see.

But each of these principles is the basis of all the chapters of this book, and read them, you will become better recognize their manifestations.

When we talk about mental programming by sending messages to the Concept Center (Chapter 12), pay attention to the influence of the principle of gender. And when we talk about self-forgiveness, pay attention to the principle of universal interconnection. When will discuss health and disease, pay special attention to the principle of the ongoing movement. Try to better grasp the principle of cause and effect and find new investigation by establishing new goals, as described in Chapter 23. The principle of polarity should be used to change their negative views on the positive to change fear into faith, and hatred and hostility - for love.

Chapter 5. Golden images.

People who like to wash dishes, going to the kitchen to wash the dishes, see sparkling clean sink and rows of clean plates in the dryer - that is still dirty utensils and lies in the sink, and they already see it clean. This image of clean dishes created subconscious person who loves to

wash dishes. Such a person is inclined to not sink cluttered with dirty dishes and sparkling clean kitchen.

A person who can not stand to wash dishes, sees the mountain of dirty dishes in the sink, covered with some stains and littered with remnants of food.

Not surprisingly, he does not like to wash dishes.

Our imagination is largely shapes our views, and you can even say that our imagination makes us who we are. Our world, our realities exist in our minds and our imagination can make our world a paradise or hell. Recognition of this fact has given a push to create one of the most effective techniques and multilateral Silva Method technique called gold forms.

Concept art gold forms is that the power of our imagination can affect our behavior. This concept was first introduced for use in 1966 on a lecture course Silva. It involves two steps: receiving "blue frame" - you stroke it the things that get you in trouble and that you would like to eliminate from your life, and receive "white frame" - you put it in the things that you like and the amount that you would like would increase. When something prevents you live, when something causes you fear, you create a mental image of the event or object and image at the same time as the event or subject, directly opposite of that which you fear.

For example, if you are afraid of heights, then as a counter event or subject you fancy yourself an eagle soaring over a frightened world.

If you are afraid of worms, you can imagine how they loosen and fertilize the earth, so that gives a rich harvest, able to feed hungry children. If you are afraid to speak in front of a large number of listeners, you can imagine how it captivates your audience and how you greet with success after its utterance.

If you want to deal with any bad habit, you will need to determine what you want to replace this habit, and it is clearly present. For example, if you want to quit, you can decide to drink some water instead of cigarette smoke. You have to visualize, and then every time you want to smoke, you will need to drink some water.

The main difference between the visualization and daydreaming is that visualization is a conscious creative process, and dreaming is fun.

Below will be discussed in more detail equipment gold forms.

Conveniently located on a chair or couch and enter the level. After that, imagine yourself smoking. This scene blue circle frame. You must submit a scene in which you smoke, how can more clearly with the finest details in color. Colors should be vibrant. Then, in this scene you should make the motion, it must come alive. You must fully feel all the nuances: the smell of cigarette filter to his lips touch, the taste of tobacco smoke. The image to be three-dimensional.

Then you need to create circled white frame image of the actions that you want to replace your bad habit, in this case smoking. Imagine a prisoner in a white frame image in the lower left corner of the blue frame. In the white box must be created an image of how you drink a glass of water. This picture should remain black and white, flat and small.

When you create two images, mentally count: "One, two, three."

With the score "three" tell yourself mentally: "Change" and change images. Thereafter, the image enclosed in a blue box, should be small, and the image enclosed in a white frame - large, there is a picture in which you smoke, will be small, and the picture, which you drink water - large.

Image placed in the blue box should now be located in the lower right corner of the image, framed by a white border. This is explained by the fact that the right side corresponds to the past, and the left side - the future.

White frame always match what you like and what you want to save, and the blue frame - what you do not like and what you want to get rid of.

The next step should be the creation of gold forms. You need to increase the image of a white frame and reduce the image in blue frame. In the white box, you should see yourself drinking water. This image should become more, you also have to make it three-dimensional, color and more alive. You should feel all the sensations that feel when you drink water.

On the way to the blue box you should do the reverse. It should be small, fuzzy black-and-white. After he had become a small black-and-white, you have to make it flat and even smaller. Do you see yourself smoking in blue frame, but this image is gradually becoming more and more small and vague, and the image of a white frame - all the more vivid and clear. Gradually the image in blue box disappears. You do not see it anymore.

This technique will help you get rid of bad habits, get rid of the fear associated with these habits. But this is not the only possible way to use this technique. Below we give an example to illustrate its application. From this example, you will learn how you can use this technique to create motivation.

In Stanley I., listening courses Silva had a problem which was that he always kept putting it off until later and because of this he could not carry through any case it had begun. He came to the course to see whether they will help him deal with his problem. When Stanley I. came to the course, his height was five feet eight inches, he weighed 240 pounds, smoked a lot, abused alcohol and sat in front of the TV as long as it was necessary to go to sleep.

Previously, he was fond of fishing, but gave it up because of laziness craze. He felt that he was always too tired, and the TV did not require any effort from him. Sitting in front of the TV, you can do nothing and just watch one gear at a time. He liked to go to the movies, going to the cinema but require leaving the house, and out of the house he did not want, and so it became

rarely go to the movies. In the holiday Stanley wanted to go to the Caribbean but this required so much effort that he immediately dismissed the idea.

His bedroom was a corner, which he used as his workplace - the cabinet. His table was constantly inundated by various papers, pencils, paper clips, various debris, and he was unable to find the time to restore order there. From time to time Stanley appeared desire to do so, but the call whenever the TV is stronger. Every time he threw all the cases in order to have a beer while watching TV.

Stanley once wondered whether he will cope with the Silva Method habit all procrastinate. He decided it was worth a try, and came to the courses.

- How can I get rid of the habit of all procrastinate? - Stanley asked the instructor on the first day.

- Why do you want to get rid of this habit? - Asked him to answer the instructor.

This question seemed strange Stanley. He thought that his desire is quite natural. And then he said:

- I want to get rid of this habit, because it destroys my life. Every time it comes out the better of me. It drives me, I do not feel free. It does not allow me to do what I like.

Listening to him, the instructor laughed and nodded, he repeatedly faced with such cases. And he said Stanley:

- Habit all procrastinate may be a driving force, you can control it and use it to achieve their goals.

After these words, the instructor Stanley was even more surprised.

- How is it I can use the damn habit as a driving force? - He asked, shaking his head. - As a general habit of putting off until later all can serve to some useful business?

- I'll explain everything. Let's go upstairs - suggested instructor, and Stanley went upstairs, where he had to demonstrate the use of imaging technology called gold forms.

The instructor was going to show a group of listeners, how the brain works and what it can do. When Stanley sat down and relaxed, the instructor asked him to imagine you are at home.

The instructor also asked Stanley told all that he comes to mind. Stanley had to talk about all the images that he sees.

- I work at a desk in his bedroom - Stanley started. - In the bedroom I have a working area with a desk at which I work. On the table I have a bunch of papers, it looks like a small hill.

Now six hours into my head comes the hero of the television series, and now I'm watching TV, I smile.

Instructor intervenes descriptions Stanley

- While you're in the bedroom, try to focus on the papers and tell me all about what you think and see. Describe your thoughts, your actions. Tell me what you see clearly, and that spreads out.

Try to make your descriptions are as detailed as possible, try to talk about all the details.

Thereafter Stanley quite a long silence, sitting with his eyes closed.

Finally, he said:

- I'm in the bedroom. I see a pile of papers on his desk. I see them too clearly. Color ... I do not know what it is all colors. All black and white and gray. Oh, I see again the hero of the series Captain Kirk. I see, and other heroes, Spock and McCoy. Zulu smiling.

Again, the instructor intervened in the story of Stanley:

- Stanley, I ask you to describe the clarity of a mental image. You can clearly see the characters of the show? Stanley smiled.

- Yeah, I can see perfectly, the picture is very clear. It is color and three-dimensional. I think I can touch them.

- And the image of the desk you see clearly? Stanley shook his head.

- No, it's small, fuzzy and vague. I find it hard to see anything.

- So, - the instructor said - hence, the image of the desk you have a small and vague, and the image of characters' large and clear. Now I want you, Stanley, circled in the image of the characters of the television series frame is blue, and the image of the desk - framed in white. I will take from one to three, and then say "change", and when I say this, you have to change the images as if, that is, the image in blue frame should be small and vague, and the image of a white frame, the image of the desk, should be large and clear. So ready. One, two, three, change.

And in the minds of Stanley mental images as if reversed. The image of the desk became three-dimensional, clear and colorful. Instructor Stanley said that the image of the desk should be increased and gradually occupy the entire space, and then should see your desk tidy and clean and clutter should disappear. And Stanley saw his table clean, it was all so elaborately arranged as if on that worked capable designer. And the image of the TV series heroes disappeared altogether.

Stanley opened his eyes and smiled. He said elated instructor that can not wait until the end of the seminar, to go to his home and lay the table. He shifted in his chair a little, thinking about his working area in the bedroom, and I caught myself thinking, what he thinks about his workplace completely different. His view of the workplace has changed along with the image of the workplace.

The instructor looked at Stanley and asked him:

- Stanley, have you ever sat on a diet? Stanley nodded.

- Yes, of course, and many times. I think that they not work on me, at least, none of the diets did not help me lose weight. I'm on a diet or on a diet, I can not bear to look at food.

- Well, you have successfully coped with the problem of delaying all cases later. Why do not you just try to cope with the problem of overeating?

Stanley surprised look on the instructor.

- What do you mean? - He asked.

- When you have been struggling with the problem of procrastination, you have reduced the image that does not really want to do and at the same time increased the image of what you want to do. Procrastination - it is always a process of replacement of one process to another. As a substitute is always the activity that you want to pursue. To cope with this problem, you have increased the image of what you really want to do. This technique can also help you quit smoking, drinking and overeating.

- What about anger, jealousy and guilt? Can I use this wonderful reception cope with all this? Can this technique to help get rid of all superfluous and unnecessary, everything that prevents live?

Perhaps this technique can help to cope with aging and disease?

Maybe using this technique, you can get rid of everything from what we want to get rid of?

- You have an astounding source of positive energy, you use it just wrong. Or, most likely, you do not use it at all.

- So you can use this technique to get rid of anything that interferes with life?

When Stanley asked that all present laughed and he smiled that so quickly became a supporter of technology, the existence of which had never imagined. He succeeded in using this technique to cope with the problem, which was nearly destroyed his life. But this is not enough - now he was beginning to understand how it works, how it can be used. And he wanted to use it to get rid of all superfluous and unnecessary. He wanted to use this technique on one hundred

percent. Why waste the opportunity to change your life for the better? All he had to do - is to strive for a better understanding of the art and techniques of gold forms blue and white frames, which are components of this technique.

Why not get rid of anything that interferes with life? Tech gold forms can help you with this. For example, in the past there was something that still bothers you live. And it prevents you from living because you have created a strong mental image of the event. You know that we are considering the replacement of machinery implies dim bright and clear images. To an unpleasant event is no longer poisoned your life, a way to do this event dim and blurry. The more vague and fuzzy image of this event is, the less it will bring you troubles. After trying this technique, you'll find that it can help to cope with flashbacks that poison life. This is one of the functions of our mind, and it is required to use. We need to understand that with a conscious effort, you can change the mental images.

When you gain a deep understanding of the art gold forms, you will be able to use this technology, even a visit to the dentist to make a more enjoyable. Going to the dentist, you can imagine how you sit in this chair disgusting as you will hurt when you are drilling teeth. Thus, you create the wrong images that make a visit to the dentist unbearable torture.

Instead, you need to close with three fingers on the right or left hand (three fingers technique) and cause an image of yourself as you leave the dentist's office after treatment with a smile on his face. The image of painful treatments in a dentist's chair, you must enclose it in a blue box will decrease and become a blur. Generally the whole secret is to use this technique deliberately, consciously need to reduce unwanted image and simultaneously increase desired. Therein lies the secret of this technique.

Part II. Thought processes.

Chapter 6. Stress.

We constantly hear that all our problems are caused by stress. In books, on television, in movies constantly says that the cause of all problems is stress. Disease, indigestion, obesity, insomnia, problems at work and in the family, divorce, job loss, falling out with friends - all associated with stress. Moreover, not only causes a problem of stress, in turn issues are also a cause of stress.

So what is stress? This kind of force that is created by our minds and affects both the consciousness itself, and the body.

Stress has a detrimental effect not only on the body itself, but also on the internal organs, moreover, its negative impact is manifested at the cellular level.

It should be noted that stress negatively affects also on the mind, the thinking person. When you are in a stressful situation, you change views and perspective, what once seemed clear and sharp, blurred because of doubts, you lose faith in yourself and confidence, you become difficult to communicate with others.

When you find yourself in a stressful situation, the body sees it as a threat and began working in "high alert." When you are in a stressful situation, the consciousness of the body seems to be saying: "The danger is approaching. Complete readiness." A body that does not know there is a danger in fact or not, reacts appropriately to the warning of the danger, which sends him out. Make sure the changes that occur when you find yourself in a stressful situation. You descend shoulders, as if you wait blow tense muscles of the face, chest and abdomen. We can say that all the muscles tense, as if they are ready to beat a possible strike.

A desire to go to the toilet. Breathing quickens, because cells need more oxygen. Veins and arteries dilate, allowing blood to quickly saturate the cells with oxygen.

After abruptly thrown into the blood adrenaline ceases to operate, the voltage decreases, the energy is lost, and you stay in a relaxed state with an unpleasant feeling.

If a person is constantly under stress, the cells lose their ability to regenerate. And because of this army weakened cells can not cope with the active viruses and bacteria that cause various diseases. This explains the fact that the person who is often in a stressful situation, is more susceptible to diseases.

One Tuesday, after the seminar, which was held at the weekend, one woman called the instructor and an excited voice said she had a cold. Of course, the instructor is stumped, he did not understand. Why did she call him to tell about his cold? She recently took courses Silva but the instructor barely knew her.

Meanwhile, the woman continued to complain:

- I agree with all the concepts. I listened carefully to everything you said about illnesses, and was sure that now I can not get sick. But this morning I woke up with a cold - perturbed woman was silent for a while. - Why am I sick?

In response, the instructor asked her:

- You argue or quarrel with her husband over the last few days?

- Yes - admitted woman - we had a quarrel. Massive fight. We had a fight on Thursday evening, and he left home and came back the next day, Friday. All this time I was very nervous. And what this may be relevant ...

She broke off, because as recently as last Sunday to listen to lectures in courses about the negative effects of bad events on human health, and on the lecture said that especially bad influence events, create clear images, which have to constantly think about. Good things, on the contrary, have a positive impact, but that's another story.

- Of course - she said at last, - now I understand why cold.

Thanking instructor, she continued:

- Incredibly, I could forget about a quarrel with her husband? I could not associate it with his cold. But in any case I am going to get rid of colds, at least now I know what it was called.

She hung up, and the instructor kept thinking about the impact of stress on health. People do not always associated with a stressful situation ailment or illness. They do not see the relationship between these two events, and yet the relationship between them exists.

We must not forget that stress causes not only physical but also mental disorders, it is a kind of Pandora's box. When health is weakened, and the frequency of the waves increased brain activity, man's relationship with external factors is changing dramatically. All this causes a variety of disorders in humans, and when this happens, it is often asked: "Why did this happen to me?" There is a victim complex, self-pity, and this again causes stress, and this stress is becoming harder and harder to cope. Man trying to change anything, the future is unknown causes confusion and fear. Desire to leave things as they are further enhanced. This creates a long, lingering stress, which can be difficult to handle.

The effect of this stress manifests itself in almost everything. If without any substantial reason you feel extremely tired, just exhausted, if you do not just wait with impatience the weekend, but with difficulty experiencing every Monday, it means that you get to work in a stressful situation.

If you smoke a lot (it is believed that smoking helps relieve stress) and realize that you can not quit, the reason for this can also be stressful. If you overeat, constantly in the clouds, to abuse alcohol and unwise spending money, the cause of all these problems can also be stressful. Probably, you do all this in order to relieve stress.

If you're doing something that does not really want to do, if you are expecting that to happen something bad, it means that the stress is ready to attack you. All this means that it is ready to strike at your psyche and your health.

If you're doing something that you really do not like, and thus can not change anything or even stop doing this, the risk to create for themselves a permanent stress.

Feeling that you do not want something to do, is one of the most common manifestations of stress, and stress creates problems in the family and at work - it creates problems everywhere.

What, then, is an effective way to deal with stress? Now we will make a few thoughts on this. First, you can prevent stress or reduce its impact by diverting from the stressful situation. To escape from a stressful situation, you need to think about something else. The best way to achieve this is to enter the level (because you are in a meditative state most concentrated) and focus on something abstract. If a person experiencing a stressful situation, distracted from her, has a greater chance that the stress does not affect his health. Like everything else in our lives, a distraction from the stress has different degree. Let us illustrate this.

Once in the vicinity of Naples, two monks were walking along a forest path. On their heads they wore hoods thrown over, which was concealed from the sight of most of their

surrounding world, and they murmured their prayers. Going to a small creek, they stopped and saw that some of the creek is a young woman. She was wearing new shoes and a long peasant dress, and she could not go across the creek without spoiling the dress and shoes. Without thinking, one of the monks lifted the young woman in his arms and carried her across the stream. By doing this, he gently lowered her to the footpath. She gratefully smiled at him, and he nodded at her. After this, the monks in silence continued on their way. After some time, another monk, who was upset by his friend, broke the silence and with obvious disapproval in her voice asked:

- How could you do this?

What monk, a woman who moved across the creek (and it was at that moment deep in thought), asked in surprise:

- What to do?

- How could you touch this woman? When you bore her across the stream, you've touched it - the monk came through in his voice disapproval, bordering on disgust.

- So you're still holding the woman in his arms? - Asked with a chuckle the first monk. - And I put her down an hour ago.

If something happens that makes a strong impression on you, and then you keep thinking about this event, it thereby creating for itself a stressful situation. When you're thinking about something, you give your energy project ideas, and if you are extremely a lot of think about it, it can lead to very real mental trauma. Therefore it is very important to be able to distract their thoughts and switch to another subject.

Secondly, it should be remembered that the true cause of stress are not people, not disappointment, not fear, not unfulfilled dreams, and how you feel about all this. Your attitude, your view of what happened are the true cause of stress.

So, once again: no problem is the true cause of stress, and your attitude towards it. Now that we know what is the true cause of stress, it is easier to deal with it. At least now we can put the right question. The question is not how can I get rid of stress, and how can I change the attitude to their work, to various events, to frustration, to fear, to the people, etc.

The answer to this question was given in Chapter 2, "Changing attitudes towards love." In this chapter we just talked about how you can change your attitude to everything that happens. About changing attitudes as mentioned in Chapter 3, "Five Rules of Happiness."

Along with changing attitudes to change and frequency waves of brain activity that almost instantly relieves stress. Stress causes an increase in the frequency of brain wave activity, and relaxation, on the contrary, reduce their frequency, so when you relax, you relieve stress. The ability to relax is the secret of a successful stress management.

You may encounter such severe stress that the idea to relax (at least in this day) may seem completely absurd. You may also be subjected to severe stress, even knowing that it is the cause. One answer. No other way to light a room, but to include in her light. No other way to cope with stress, but to relax. You can not simultaneously be affected by stress and relax. So relaxing and the best way to deal with stress. When you relax, you reduce stress.

And reducing stress, and you reduce the negative effect it has on your physical and mental health.

A form of relaxation, which is based on multiple studies and observations is considered the most effective, is to enter the level of Silva. The first level of meditation, which was described in Chapter 1, perfectly helps to relax and thereby relieve stress.

In order to further increase the positive effect, you can use the second level of meditation, which was designed specifically for the full healthy relaxation. Daily use of the second level of meditation will not only help to cope with stress, but also change your attitude to the problems at all. Daily application of this technique allows to acquire the ability to quickly and easily enter the alpha state in which the wave frequency brain activity is ten cycles per second. This leads naturally to get rid of stress.

The second level of meditation is also called a beatiful pond. It is a visualization, or, in other words, operation of fantasy.

The following description of the use of this type of meditation, you should read twice before you will use it. You can also read it once, and then ask someone to read it aloud to you, and at this time, you should listen carefully to this description better with my eyes closed. Remember that you can use your imagination to change any images to suit your desires and needs.

Find a comfortable place for meditation where you nothing will stop.

Relax, close your eyes and enter the level, as described in Chapter 1. When you fully relax ...

Imagine that you are in a beautifully decorated hall, at the end you see the big oak door. You walk up to the door and opened it slowly. Behind this door is a lovely pond.

Concentrate your attention on how the door opens. When it is fully open, you will see a beautiful pond. Mirror blue-green water surface of pond lilies decorate huge. And around the pond grow trees, grass and thousands of beautiful yellow, purple, green, purple and red flowers. Bloom on the shore of your favorite flowers.

Amidst all this splendor frolic friendly animals, a lion drinking water from a pond. He lifts his head from the water with a huge mane, quietly looking at you, and then goes to the forest that surrounds the pond. You feel that you are looking for some kind of animal. This unicorn.

You look at the unicorn. He snorts, his fur playing in the sun, and you think that it welcomes you.

All carefully considered, you notice a huge pond in the center of a daisy. It is so great that you can comfortably lie on its petals. And you imagine yourself lying on this giant flower. You feel gorgeous flower scent. You see on a clear blue sky, in which floating white clouds. You feel peace. Then you sit down to see all around, and all that you see, makes you kind smile. You see, like a rabbit digs a hole, like a deer coming to the pond to drink. He looks at you big dark eyes. Sitting on the bank and bear splashing water on himself. Several elephants standing in the water and doused himself with the help of trunks and baby elephant trumpeting delight. Looking around it all, you daisy petal slips on the water. The water temperature is just such as the one you love, and you swim with pleasure.

You feel young and full of health. You drink right out of the pond and feel like with the water pouring in you strength and health. After that you dive and float in the water. You see a lot of beautiful fish that friendly scurry around you. You play with them. Then there is the dolphin greets you like an old friend, and floats around you. Beautiful Pond water - just like air, you find that you can breathe underwater. You feel as water gets into your veins and cleans your blood. Under the water you all seem different, but no less beautiful. You sail along the coast, and dolphin swims near you.

After inspection of the underwater world you come to the surface. Again you are lying on a giant daisy. Somewhere in the distance you can see the mountain peaks, one of which is covered with dazzling white snow. The country has a beatiful pond, nothing is impossible, and you take off over the pond. You fly higher and higher. You Flew edge of the pond and smile animals that eat, drink or just playing with each other. From the height of you all seem different.

You are heading to the mountains and see under a flying planes. You fly over the vast grassland where grazing buffalo. To you and the eagle flies for a while flying near you.

Approaching to the mountain top, which is covered with dazzling white snow, you land and revel in the pristine mountain air. You go down, and then take off again to fly over the top. Then you fly back to the pond, take a giant daisy and enjoy the warm air that envelops you. Along with the warmth envelops you and peace, you are immersed in peace.

You will then see yourself in the hallway. The door closes slowly, and you come out of the state of meditation.

After observations, we concluded that this exercise is the most effective method to combat the negative impact of stress. You can make any changes to our proposed scenario travel wonderful country beatiful pond, but you have to feel that control the flight of his imagination and sends it to fight stress.

Many may say that this technique - no more than a fantasy.

Yes, that's right, but do not forget that fear, stress, and indeed all the emotions, regardless of whether they are positive or negative, are the product of our imagination. They are created by our imagination. We can say that our world, our reality are imaginary, because the reality - a collection of our views, our relations, our points of view. And in the above exercise, we only makes your imagination run against you, and to your benefit. Eventually you and your mind makes up one team. You just have to work together.

Chapter 7. Fear, faith and courage.

To understand what kind of courage you need to understand this feeling, like fear. There are two types of fear. The first type is the pure fear that arises when something really threatening. Fear - an important survival tool, common to all animals. With the risk of blood is thrown in an additional amount of adrenaline, which causes the body to act instantly. When you, for example, late at night walking down a deserted alley of the park and are afraid that someone might throw at you from the darkness, fear makes you go faster and thus be more collected, prepared for the unexpected. Fear helps to keep away from the danger.

However, the feeling of fear that you developed in childhood, that you did not walk around late in the forest, you are unlikely to be useful in adult life. Many people, for example, fear that they could be fired. The thought of losing your job creates fear in most of us. But how to deal with fear?

What you need to do to get rid of the fear that can haunt you for quite a long period of time?

Obviously, at the physical level to get rid of fear nothing can be done, though the fear has a physical aspect, which we inherited from prehistoric times. Physical or rather, the physiological side of fear is manifested in the increased release of adrenaline in the blood, high blood pressure, increased heart rate and more.

Constant fear, which is often called the ongoing stress can lead to serious mental and physical disorders.

While fear itself useful in a certain sense (as a survival tool), but it is often disproportionate to the actual threat. Fear can not be programmed because it is one of the strongest instincts. Thus, we can practically fight only with the effects of fear, which have a long lasting effect on us.

But before we get down to it, let's look at another kind of fear: fear of illusory.

Illusory fear is felt as keenly as pure fear, but it is a product of erroneous perception of reality.

Many people spend their entire lives in a constant state of anxiety and do not even know what is causing the problem. Other people suffer from various phobias, which are expressed in an unreasonable fear of something spicy.

The reason for all this is illusory fear, which is based on an erroneous perception of reality.

Illusory fear is often directly or indirectly derived from inadequate perception itself. Ego or sense of self, can not withstand a collision with the challenges of modern life, and the result becomes a constant anxiety, which subsequently results in stress. If a person sees himself as unable to cope with their problems, he immediately falls prey to illusory fear. A faulty, inadequate perception of himself - almost always the result of someone else's authority, but improper influence on a child unformed human consciousness.

So illusory fear not always based on the correct perception or misinterpretation of reality. Let's say you come back late at night, go up on the porch of his house and see the evil on the doorstep, ready to throw at you dog. You must turn away so quickly that stumbles and falls. But the dog does not rush you. Upon closer inspection, you find that the dog was taken for a rag that left last night on the porch, as well as you used to see the porch empty your brain reacted to the unusual object in an unusual place as a possible danger. Of course, a simple cloth can not hurt you in any way. But the angry dog - is another matter. You thought sitting on the porch of a mad dog, and in your mind load protective mechanism that caused fear and made you retire.

Of course, you quickly figured out that the reason was fear of erroneous perception of reality. It's obvious. However, many errors of perception are hidden deep in the subconscious. Often, they are the products of improper influence of parents or other authorities on child consciousness. Our beliefs, viewpoints and ways of perceiving and evaluating reality can work on our favor or against us. What we perceive as truth, belong to our belief system. It happens that some of the belief systems can be difficult to realize. Nobody remembers anything like an objective concept, but only as a concept, which took a personal perception. A personal perception depends on my mood, feelings, age, company, environment, and even the weather. Two people can relive the same event, but later it will affect them in very different ways.

Reprogramming misperception so that it caused no fear, and positive emotions leads to a stronger sense of self.

A more developed sense of self, the less reason for unjustified fear.

The question arises: how can more than developing a sense of self, to fight illusory fear? First, let's aim for a more complete understanding of the world, what will help us to the principle of polarity. When you are using this principle, explore the opposite meaning of the word, you better delve into the notion that lies behind this word, and this leads to a more complete understanding of the world.

To better understand what is behind the word fear, use a scale that we have already used, and put the fear on the left, the negative portion of the scale. Fear - is negative expectation, or, more simply, the expectation of something bad. The polarity principle, on the positive portion of the scale we need to put a positive expectation. Positive expectation we call faith. Thus, it appears that fear and faith - these are concepts of the same nature, and they differ only in degree.

So, fear - it is negative expectation. When we experience fear, we expect that to happen something bad. And if we know this, then it is easier to deal with fear. You just need to change a negative to a positive expectation. It is quite easy, to learn how to do this, you need only a little practice.

To get rid of the fear, you need to apply the principle of polarity and switch to a positive expectation, that is, from what we are afraid, you should expect only good. For example, consider the fear of losing their jobs. When we think about the possibility of losing a job, the first thing that comes to mind - is the difficulties associated with a reduction in income, and the declining prestige. With the loss of work we associate the lack of money and loss of prestige. What are the positive aspects of the job losses? You can think of pleasant moments that precede the emergence of problems associated with job loss. You would think that the loss of a job will provide a lot of free time, and it will do what you wanted to do for a long time. Maybe you've always wanted to change their place of residence or activity? Then the loss of a job will give you a great chance to realize your long-standing ideas.

Another positive aspect of the change point of view is that this change helps to better determine what you want. Agree that a clear definition of wants and desires - this is important. And when you have a positive desire, and the result is a positive expectation.

And, as we have already shown positive expectation - faith - reduces the fear.

You probably thought that courage is the antithesis of fear, not faith. But you can not help but admit that courage can occur only when defeated fear. If there was no fear, there would be no courage. The question of why you are experiencing fear, leads nowhere, because fear - an abstract concept. Better to ask yourself what you expect bad. The answer to this question will help you cope with your fear.

Better yet, ask yourself what you would do if you were not expecting an unpleasant event? When you ask yourself this question, suddenly come to mind all sorts of positive responses. Fear - a product of the imagination, and faith - a product of the imagination, both of these concepts are the product of the imagination and should be controlled by your mind. You can control your fear by replacing it with a faith. This, strictly speaking, is the technique of struggle with fear, with which you can modify or destroy your own principle.

When considering your fear be sure to ask yourself, "What would I do and what my life would be if I did not expect that to happen this bad event?" or "What would I do and what my life would be if the poor did not happen?". When you ask this question, your imagination starts to work in a positive direction, considering what good can happen. So you start to consider positive alternatives and get a weapon against fear.

As we have said, fear is an integral part of the tool that ensures our survival. If fear has completely disappeared from our lives, we would have become exposed to considerably more dangers. After all, fear is often tells us that we are on the wrong path, which leads to danger. However illusory, false, unnecessary fear only hinders us. He does not give us ensure that what

we strive for. It follows that we must distinguish between fears. Need to constantly think, if they are needed. If they speak about the real danger?

If not, it means that this is an extra, unnecessary fear.

To fight fear sign level. Apply the principle of polarity, get positive expectations. Think about what you would do if you were not expecting that to happen bad event. This issue needs to ask themselves again and again, because it helps to find positive alternatives. To enhance the positive and mitigate the negative images should use the technique of gold forms, which has been described in Chapter 5. You must erase the negative images out of his mind and not let them bother you more. When you do this, in your field of focus will remain only positive alternatives, and thus you will cope with fear.

For example, if you are afraid to travel by air, you need to visualize the positive aspects of the flight. You can imagine how quietly sit in a comfortable chair. You must present a picture of a safe landing and how unscathed go down the ladder.

To cope with this fear, you need to imagine what you will do if you do not be afraid of flying.

To learn how to manage your fear, you need to change the negative to positive expectations. This must be done by changing the viewpoint in the alpha position. Meditation will help you achieve the desired result.

Meditation helps you manage your imagination, and yet fear - is the result of imagination.

Fear - a product of the imagination and courage - a product of the imagination. Source of courage in the imagination, the ability to create positive images. When you conquer fear, you have the faith, positive expectation, and with it, and courage.

Chapter 8. Guilt and self-forgiveness.

From Chapter 1: "Five Rules of Happiness," you learned the first rule, which reads: "Enjoy what you like." I should say that there are only two reasons why we can not enjoy what we like. These reasons - fear and guilt. In the previous chapter we dealt with fear, and in this chapter, proceed to consider the feelings of guilt.

Guilt poisons our lives more than any other emotion.

It is also a burden on our mind. And this burden is placed on us by parents, teachers, friends, media, educational and religious organizations. It rests with us for two purposes: to control and punish. We can say that guilt serves as control and punishment.

To better understand what constitutes guilt, you must first consider what precedes feelings of guilt and that is the result of this emotion. Guilt is inextricably linked to the other two concepts: sin and punishment. So let's look at all three of these concepts.

Sin - an act that goes beyond the conventional framework of morality and law.

Guilt - incentive to do the right thing next time. Punishment - a kind of reminder that accompanies repeated violations inviolability common framework.

We give a short story that perfectly illustrates how these three concepts work together. Helen M. was the belief that you can not kiss a guy when you first see it. Helen is now twenty-two years, but she forgot that this belief was formed by her mother when she was eleven years old went to a friend's birthday. This belief is so firmly lodged in her head, and she is twenty two years was strongly opposed to even the most innocent kisses.

If she remembered the circumstances under which she formed this belief, it would be understood that while it was quite fair. When she was eleven years old, she went to a birthday to her friend Erlin. Her mother drove up to the house by car Erlin and saw that the party will be a lot of unfamiliar guys. She feared for "his girl" and decided to warn her. When my mother Helen outlined the rules of conduct, the girl wished that all came to the party. It should be noted that this was her first mixed party, which, except for the girls and boys were also.

- Helen, dear, - the beginning of her mom - I want you to remember that you're still a little girl at the party and certainly there are guys who want to kiss you.

When Helen heard it, her eyes widened. After all, she had heard it from the nearest person who, in addition, there was also the greatest authority in her life. Any word mother she never discussed and always taken as absolute truth. So Helen tried to catch every word tell her mother, and looked straight into her eyes.

- If any boy tries to kiss you, you should leave him. Do you understand what I'm saying?

Helen nodded, her mother continued:

- So what do you do, my girl, if any boy tries to kiss you?

- I'll stand by him - said Helen, clearly enunciating each word and nodding.

Mom smiled and patted her on the head.

- That's right, my dear, you look away. Do not forget that, Helen.

Never let a boy kiss you, if you see it the first time. Remember that, and you'll be fine.

Thus, belief was formed. It is a sin to let the guy to kiss you if you see it for the first time.

Once, many years after this Helen met the guy of her dreams, and they not only kissed, but allow yourself a lot more. Helen forgot all principles. It destroyed the belief set the greatest authority - her mother.

It was, according to Helen, a sin, but what's apparent guilt?

The next morning Helen woke up with a smile on his lips. But then she felt something gnawing at her. She felt that she had done something reprehensible. In her mind there was any bad feeling, and consciousness as it forked: on the one hand, it felt fine on the other hand, she was haunted feeling that she was guilty of something. She appeared thoughts like: "I lost dignity!" and "How could I afford?" Helen tossed restlessly in bed, scrolling events in the head last night.

Time passed, and this guy did not call. Helen liked him, but apart from her, it was still a lot of girlfriends, and an evening spent with Helen, was his only enjoyable occasion, which he had almost forgotten.

But Helen this evening not forgotten. She thought he did not call because she allowed him to kiss her on the first night of dating, and it's because of this bad thought about it. Helen decided that she had committed a sin. She worked long laid program. And now comes into play guilt. "How could I? - Helen thought. - If only I could change anything." But how? The more she thought about the case, the more energy it gave his thoughts, and the more acute becomes guilt.

For there are many ways of self-punishment, and Helen chose food. (Methods of punishment itself chosen at a subconscious level.)

Helen decided to punish herself for what she herself so badly led. To do this, she decided to have a lot to plump and become unattractive to men. If it is unattractive, she would not have to talk to the guys that it will not be with them kissing. If it will not look good, it will cease to be invited to parties where there are many attractive guys, and it will be easier. Helen started to eat a lot of high-calorie foods and because of this weight gain. Meanwhile, on a conscious level she thought, "I should go on a diet. I look awful."

After that, she tried many diets, but none of them could help her. Finally, she resigned from her position and stopped at the next thought: "Some people are born with a predisposition to being overweight." She did not understand what the cause of her problems lies in the chain leading from sin to guilt, and feelings of guilt - in punishment.

This story is, of course, a simplification. We gave it as an example. One should also not forget that in the past, people admired curvaceous. To verify this, you can look at the paintings of famous artists of the past. Previously thought that curvy indicate good health, they were more welcome than thinness. We took the problem of being overweight as an example, because many people suffer because of this problem. A general beauty - a subjective concept, depending on the views of people on their tastes.

We can say that this example is a symbolic display of many problematic situations related to guilt. If you think you can find something in their life equivalent kiss and overeating, as mentioned in the above example.

Now let's consider interconnected concepts (sin, guilt, punishment) from a different perspective. Now we will consider each of these concepts separately. Let's start with sin.

The criteria by which we determine what is sinful and what is not, install various reputable individuals and organizations, including parents, teachers, media, church, state, etc. All of these people and organizations tell us how to act and how to behave. If we do not, we are told, it means that we go beyond the limits and should be punished for it. As a rule, we learn about these rules in childhood, when our brain is most receptive to information. Susceptible child who hears about the conventional rules of authority figures, accepts them as absolute truth, which is not negotiable. And when a man at an early age does something that is contrary to the accepted rules, he feels that he did something bad that he had committed a sin.

Because of this, there is a feeling of guilt. Guilt is integrated nature of the instrument, which should provide our correct behavior. When we do something that goes beyond the conventional framework, when we commit sin, there is a feeling of guilt that makes us do the right thing next time.

However, repeat actions that are considered the most poor, is not possible. Quite a different situation with actions that are considered small sins, among which include the use of anything that should not be consumed or work bad impression on the mother's brother, whom you do not care. For such behavior should be punished often. Unfortunately, the punishment is not always proportional to the perfect "crime."

Punishment - it's just kind of a reminder that says, "You did (Received) wrong, you should (must) be corrected."

How much punishment? It depends on how strong the feeling that you have gone beyond what you have done a bad thing, that is the concept of punishment is subjective. In physical terms (in this case we do not consider the spiritual aspect of sin and guilt), the man who killed a butterfly, may experience more guilt than what he felt would be if the person killed. For this man killing a butterfly can be a greater sin than killing a man, if he thinks so. For most of us, of course, vice versa, but the fact is that guilt depends on the subjective assessment of the individual committed the act.

As day follows night, and guilt follows the sin and punishment - for guilt. If guilt for a long time does not pass, the sentence appears on the scene, which usually manifests itself in the form of restrictions. People whose consciousness is burdened with guilt, often limit themselves by thinking, "I deserve only ..." I deserve to have constant problems with money. I deserve these health problems. I deserve these problems with friends, family, etc. These artificially imposed limitations are the result of unresolved issues.

Sin and guilt - the products of imagination. They are mental.

Punishment is also mental, but the problem is that it manifests on the physical level, causing various troubles.

How can you neutralize the guilt? To do this, applying the principle of polarity change their point of view. Changing the point of view, you will neutralize the negative impact of guilt. Negative impact guilt manifests itself in self-condemnation. And the opposite of self-judgment is self-forgiveness.

How simple.

And at the same time as the difficult.

Just say: forgive yourself. But before forgiveness should be understanding. Understanding should be to gaining confidence: you made at the time was the best way. You must be sure that you always do your best, that your actions are always the best way out of this situation. You can not ever tell yourself that you did then the worst thing that could be done. Even when you do something wrong, you have to think that you are all doing well.

Let's say someone you respect, asked you to do something, and you agreed, but for some reason did not and then feel guilty. When you did what you asked, there were reasons why you have not done it.

Anyway, they were consciously or unconsciously, but they existed. And if you were back in the same situation, in the same circumstances, in the same emotional mood, and if you have had the same opportunities as you would have done so again, as we did then.

The very fact of your feeling that in the past you've done something wrong, shows your maturity. And the more you have the feeling, the more mature person you are. When a person grows older, he becomes another. Often with the height of his years we think about some of his past mistakes, "Gosh, how could I do that? Now I would have done very differently." Of course, now we all would have done differently, because we have changed. As already mentioned, growing up, we become different. We gain experience, knowledge, some wisdom, and all this allows us to find her past mistakes that now we will not repeat.

So, remember: no matter what you did in the past, you did well. All that you have done, it was the best way out of the situation that then developed, and in those circumstances you could not do otherwise.

So do not feel guilty because of that, you're in no way to blame. The fact that you feel guilty, says that you become a different person with a new height condemn the man that you were in the not too distant past. You can forgive yourself for past mistakes because now become a completely different person.

Forgive yourself, because then, in the past, you could not do otherwise. Forgive yourself, because you will never repeat their mistakes these. After you become a different, more mature person.

Do not forget also that even if the twenty thousand angels with twenty thousand Bibles in their hands will give you forgiveness, you still can for himself remain unforgiven. And if you

remain unforgiven for yourself, you can not feel forgiven and free from old mistakes. Converse is also true: if the whole world blames you, do you forgive yourself, you will not feel guilty. You'll feel forgiven. The key lies in your imagination, it is your imagination makes you feel guilty and punish yourself. In order to receive forgiveness, you just need to imagine that you are forgiven.

Michael G. was a successful real estate agent, until the day when one of his houses collapsed roof. After that he became bankrupt. This failure created him many problems, but the most trouble it gave him a sense of guilt. He felt guilty because his wife and children do not get what he promised them, their lives changed dramatically for the worse. Michael fell into a state of deep depression. His depression was so deep that he even began to think that his family would be better off without him. He began to appear suicidal thoughts.

As this example fits our definition? In this particular case, Michael had his goals and his will to succeed established in childhood. It was programmed for success, he could not lose. As a child, his parents told him that the most important thing in life - to learn well, and so he should learn well if he wants to be loved.

And he was a good student in school. Then Michael was a good student, he quickly developed a setting of success. And this set began to render his life a decisive influence.

When he became bankrupt, he broke his installation, which many years ago he formed his parents.

Because of the changes that have occurred in his life and that of his family, he felt an urgent need to relive the situation that led to bankruptcy, but this time to do it right. This need, of course, is a sense of guilt. But the trouble is that he is no longer able to relive this situation. His business collapsed. And since he could not fix the situation, it came to him the thought of self-punishment. He felt helpless. And as a self-punishment came to him thoughts of suicide.

All this led to Michael terrible stress. He felt that his life was over. He showered and turned into a real burden for his family. He began to argue a lot, and often withdraw into themselves. He withdrew into the shell of helplessness.

We now describe Michael as he was, until the day when his wife Marcia literally dragged him for courses Silva. For courses Michael instantly learned to meditate and began to make it three times a day.

He analyzed the problem and concluded that set unrealistic goals for yourself. Michael concluded that all his life he tried to match the success of its parent concept. He realized that it was not his beliefs and that he is not the man who was supposed to be. Michael realized that because of the absurd belief that formed in him by his parents, he was extremely jealous and ambitious. He always watched carefully how things are going at his competitors, and if he saw someone doing better than him, then felt dissatisfied and eager to earn even more money. He always wanted to be the first. He wanted to become the most successful and wealthy real estate agents in the world.

Michael suddenly realized that he sought not to that to which it was necessary to strive for. He realized that he set for himself unnecessary goal. He competed and competed with everyone with whom he could, moreover, with whom he did have to compete. And he had to compete with yourself. And he decided that now he would be the best in the world, Michael G. And this had absolutely no relationship, whether it is the largest real estate agents. If he is the biggest agent - well, and if not, then it's not a tragedy.

- By the way, - said to myself, Michael G., - why I've always been a real estate agent? After all this work I never fun.

And he came to the level to analyze all aspects of their lives. He asked himself what gives him pleasure. It turned out that he only delivers fun playing golf. He loved to play golf, but it is rarely enough time for this. And Michael G. thought, "How wonderful it would be if I could do something related to golf." But most importantly - he disappeared guilt. He forgave myself, for I understood that then chose the best out of the situation. He threw off the burden of guilt and felt free.

- It seems really strange - recently admitted Michael G. - I had no money, no house, no car, no plans, I was forty-four years, and I felt so happy that I could not remember the last time felt such a keen sense of happiness. I understood that to be happy, I need to work in a shop selling accessories for golf or coach, teaching the game of golf, in short, my job is to be somehow related to golf. My friends think I'm crazy, but I do it anyway. I'm glad that it happened that way. The main thing that has withstood all Marcia. I found a job at the club golfers in Los Angeles. This servile work, but I'm glad her.

I decided to be the best in the world, Michael G.. I work at the club for three months and I can say with certainty that it was the best three months of my life.

I can not earn a lot of money, so Marcia also had to go to work. But she found a job that brings her pleasure, and we have never been as close as now. I meditate three times a day, and I'm happy. Enough for me.

We all need to heed the words of Michael. Now he sets himself goals and trying to be better. But most importantly - is that he was able to forgive himself for his past mistakes.

Guilt can be neutralized self-forgiveness. And to forgive yourself, you need to realize that you can not present and will not act like you yesterday. You become a different person, and it would be foolish to suffer because of past mistakes. If some of the mistakes of the past still continues to bother you live, you can enter the level and re-analyze the situation in a meditative state. To do this, you need at least relive this situation, and with all the details you remember. The image of an event that makes you feel guilty, should be enclosed in a blue box and gradually reduce this frame up until it becomes very small, the size of a coin, and then need to provide, as it disappears from the cotton.

Then you need to re-submit the event and think about how you will act in a new environment, in fact you have become to others. Imagine how you present would have behaved

in that situation. Circle the image of a new behavior in the white frame and concentrate on it your full attention. You feel that you can forgive yourself, because we became a different person (proof of which is the feeling of guilt that you have experienced), and you feel that you can forgive yourself, because now in the same situation you would have done differently.

Your actions, your actions - manifestations of your ego. And if you change your actions, it means that you are also changed.

To get rid of the guilt you while you are in a meditative state, you need to close together three fingers of either hand and say, "I forgive myself for all my past mistakes. From now on I will try to do well." When then you get out of meditative state, you will be free of guilt and will be able to live peacefully. But do not forget that one should always try to do well.

Chapter 9. Anger.

Everything in the world has its opposite. Many of these couples is easy to see: the opposite of day is night, the opposite of freedom - slavery, the opposite of love - hate, etc. To better understand the essence of a concept, it is useful to consider its opposite.

For example, to better understand what freedom does not interfere with slavery experience. Indeed, the man who had been in captivity, excellent feels and understands what freedom is. A tall man does not understand what is tall, and vice versa, a person of low growth does not understand what short stature. Nobody appreciates the warmth, as someone who was freezing in the snow.

And the water for a person suffering from thirst, not something that people killed by the floods. Natural and unnatural fear and faith - all this opposition, which differ only in degree.

What, then, is the opposite of anger?

We know that anger - negative feeling expressed in acute dissatisfaction with anything. Thus, it is the opposite sense of fun. If you have submitted a scale measuring anger, you would put the anger on the far left, the negative portion of the scale, on the opposite side you would put her sense of fun, and exactly in the middle of the neutral zone would be complete indifference. In this zone you nothing would have angered and gave nothing to pleasure. While in this area, you feel complete indifference, no reaction.

When you move from the left segment is extremely negative towards the center of the scale, you feel less angry, and when you cross the central zone and start moving to the right - all the more fun.

What gives you pleasure? And what makes you angry? In both cases, your emotion is a reaction to the influence of some external factor. The response - this action. Since anger - your reaction (action), you should check and change it. As we have said, to change yourself, you need to change your actions. Once you understand it, such a change is possible.

Let's look at an example of the nature of anger Bunny and Bally. At Bunny poorly developed sense of self. His low opinion of himself created weak ego. As a result, he feels that everything is hostile to him. (If he thinks bad about yourself, as someone else may well think of it?) So he gets angry easily. All that said and done around, makes him angry. His anger may even completely innocuous phrase like: "Hi, Bonnie. I see: you bought a new jacket." It seems that laughing at him, because bad jacket sitting on it because it is cheap, because it is completely inappropriate colors, etc. Low opinion of himself makes him all evaluated from a negative point of view. And so in response to a remark affable friend Bunny can snap: "And do you care?" or "Do not you like my jacket?" It was his unjustified anger can easily upset and hurt a man who just wanted to tell him something nice.

People who have a low opinion of themselves, easily angry, because they are evaluated from a negative point of view.

A Bally - typical aggressor who constantly bullies people. He fears that worse and weaker than others, and therefore tries to hurt and humiliate each, thinking that by humiliating others, he exalts himself. And the more he hurts others, the better it feels, because it gives him confidence.

And Bally meets Bunny and calls him so that offends and himself, and his parents. In Bunny indescribable anger erupts. Bunny realizes that Bally did not even know his parents, but he still feels insulted and believes that must somehow respond to the insulting words Bally, because otherwise it will consider cloth. He is convinced that, in order to prove his manhood, he needs to respond to the words of Bally's. However, if a person knows that he is brave, if a person knows his worth, then he does not need anyone to show their strength and virility. If a person knows that he has any value, then it does not need to prove it to others and especially yourself.

But in this case Bally significantly better than Bunny, prepared to act, he is more confident in their abilities. Bunny is not ready for action, he suppressed. He lacks the courage and strength to respond to insults Bally, and therefore his anger turns on itself. He hates himself for his cowardice, for the fact that he can not repay Bally same coin. He believes that because of his cowardice, he can not fight back Bally's, and therefore his opinion of himself falls even lower.

And that would be in the same situation did Jack Armstrong, the man is extremely confident, a well-developed ego? He was angry in response to the words of Bally? No. Be afraid he would find that his coward? And why should he be afraid? He knows that he is not a coward. Most likely he would have reacted to this incident as well as any dog to bark.

Indeed, why should it in any way respond to the false words of a stranger?

Consider another example. Jack Armstrong park his car and accidentally touches the bumper cars Bally. Bally just furious. He yells, "Hey you miserable idiot, look what you did to my car!"

In fact, the machine has not happened Bally's okay, but Bally's seems like a great excuse to yell at another person, and thereby raise himself in his own eyes. Bally for a great case to humiliate someone and thereby elevate himself.

Jack at once understands who he is dealing with. And just as it bypasses the barking dog, and he tries to evade an angry Bally. He says:

- I'm sorry, I did not mean to.

But these words for Bally's nothing. He complains that the bumper of his car dented now, he says that Jack is driving like an idiot, and maybe he even allows himself a few lunges toward parents Jack.

- How can we resolve this? - Asks Jack - he's just trying to calm the barking dog. Realizing that Jack does not scare, Bally gets in his car and drives off. Most of all he hates it when any person takes more strength and courage than himself. He feels humiliated, it causes unbearable blow to his sense of self.

Jack is not at all angry at this incident, his reaction is in the neutral zone of our scale measuring anger. His reaction to this incident was neither positive, because this situation is not caused him any pleasure or negative, as she had not angered. He remained unmoved. He has taken some steps, but they were focused on as much as possible the peaceful resolution of conflict. He had complete control over yourself and the situation. Nothing set him off.

Now remember any situation in which you felt anger, analyze it, and you will realize that you respond to any external factors. It's a fact. And remember that we should not respond, you do not want to react. In our minds often hammered the belief that if we do not react to external factors, then behave like helpless children.

In fact, an adult, before reacting to anything, think first.

Now we look at another example, which is not associated with a real confrontation, but with anger at an unknown object. For example, the bunny out of the store and saw that someone had crumpled fender of his car. He is looking for a note or any other indication as to who did it, but found nothing. Anger erupts in him, he throws it on the ground with shopping bag, swung punches at dented wing and a whopping five minutes betrayed terrible rage attack. He angrily looks around the parking lot in his heart seething anger. Finally, he jumps in the car and with a terrifying roar, leaving the parking lot. On the way home he curses everyone who comes his way, and constantly presses the horn, forcing pedestrians to concede him the way.

Perhaps it goes without saying that at home it spoils the entire mood of his family, and spends the night without sleep, tossing and turning from side to side: because as soon as he closes his eyes, he sees immediately crumpled fender of his car, that it was a real torture. This is a typical example of a negative reaction to crumpled fender.

You can say that every crumpled fender cause a negative reaction.

But it is not. Confident person with a strong sense of self could immediately assess the situation calmly. First, crumpled fender - not a personal insult, and randomness. Searching note and not finding her, such a person only shrug and immediately switch to the other. It will not make the problem of bruising wing.

But man, not just a confident person, but the last courses Silva can take a look at this situation from a positive perspective. Of course, he will respond to this incident, but the positive side. As we remember, positive response - it's fun. You may ask, how can anyone be happy to look at the crumpled fender of his car?

Remember the story of George S., which was given in Chapter 3, "Five Rules of Happiness." George even managed to learn a benefit from this situation. Seeing the crumpled fender, he thought, "I wonder how much will my repair? But how much would it cost me no, I put a goal to earn three times as much money." And when in the workshop said that the repair would cost him $ 250, George decided to earn 750 dollars more than usually earned. Thus, instead focus on the negative aspects of this situation, he managed to find it and positive points. After that, our listener courses when he looked at the wing of his car, each time smiling and thinking, "Five hundred additional income." That is a positive reaction.

So, we have considered three possible reactions: negative reaction (Bunny), neutral (reaction Jack Armstrong) and positive reaction (reaction listener courses Silva George S.). Can you imagine how does each of these people? Can you imagine how each of them evaluates himself, others, different situations and life in general?

Want to learn exactly how you can change the anger and irritation if not a positive reaction, at least at neutral? Now we will describe simple methods of the Silva Method, which can get rid of anger, or at least prevent a backlash in the beginning. The first technique is the three-finger technique, which was described in Chapter 1. When you get into a situation in which your reaction is usually negative, you only need to close with the thumb, index and middle fingers of either hand and say, "Calm down" or "sorry" and you will find that retained his composure and can safely consider how with dignity out of the situation.

Another technique is the technique of changing anger into positive reaction even before it has time to be angry. If you touch the tip of his tongue inside of his upper front teeth, and then take him up in the sky, you will find a small indentation in the sky. This is a change for the positive reaction of anger. When you get into a situation that will annoy you, you will need to touch the tip of the tongue to the place and say, "Calm down." If you do this, save the self-control and be able to control the situation.

All emotions are a product of the imagination, that is, they are mental. Anger, like all other emotions, evokes images that entail reaction. Therefore, to get rid of anger can also be used as described in Chapter 5 technique gold forms. With this technique, you can change its point of view from negative to positive, and thus get rid of anger.

Chapter 10. Sense of self-affirmation.

What is the sense of self? This sense of confidence that you feel towards yourself. We can say that the feeling of self - the ego, part of you that says about who you are.

What do you think about yourself? You have a high opinion of himself? If yes, then it means that you have a strong ego. If you are a low opinion of himself, then it means that you have a weak ego.

Possible, of course, that you differently rate yourself in different areas of their lives. You can be a high opinion of himself in one area of your life and a low opinion - in the other. Unfortunately, people often tend to focus on a low opinion of himself. We tend to suffer because of their weaknesses and do not pay attention to their strengths. The question is: how can I change this situation?

The first thing you have to realize that the sense of self is your opinion about himself. Realizing this, you stand on the way of strengthening a sense of self. Then you need to ask yourself why you are a low opinion of himself in any area of life? One reason may be that you are comparing yourself with others. If you lose in comparison with others, your opinion of yourself is deteriorating, and the problem is amplified.

Unambiguous is that the need to improve self-image. But what does it do to your self-image improved? When you compare yourself to another human being, whether it be an artist, lawyer, musician, secretary, senator, a nuclear physicist or an athlete, and you find that you lose him in something, your opinion of yourself is deteriorating. The only correct way to look at other people and do not feel that they lose something, is the most general assessment of people and their abilities.

Of course, everyone has different abilities. Someone man, woman and someone. Someone suffering from overweight, and someone pronounced dystrophy. But all are human beings, and that all calls. For example, you can not compare yourself with the horse. Horse considerably stronger than you. But you do not feel humiliated by the fact that the horse is stronger than you. Dog runs faster than you, but it also does not upset you.

Dimensions greatly exceed your elephant, but it does not make you feel inferior. You do not feel their inferiority, because silly to compare themselves with a horse or elephant.

Some people see the other abilities that they do not have, and it gives them a feeling of inferiority. This reduces your sense of self-confidence. But if you look at all as people, all are equal. High, low, poor, rich - all are equal, and all features - unimportant. We are all human, and from this point of view between us can not be any competition. You can not strengthen its position as a person, as well as and can not lose this position. You are and will be the man, and nothing can change that fact.

When you look around you just like people, you begin to realize that every person on earth can do something you can not do that. And you can do that are not able to do no other.

And it can not somehow humiliate you or other people on earth. It just means that people are different, that all people have different abilities. Does this mean that they are better than you? From their perspective, this might mean that they are better than you, but from your point of view, it only shows that people are different.

Let's look at the two trees. Suppose one of them is a giant millennial mahogany. You look at this giant, and then looks at the young pine, is trying to grow on the steep hillside. You do not think that a giant redwood pine better? Of course not. You just see two different tree. One more, another less, but we can not say that one is better than another tree. And when you look at the two men, one of whom - an outstanding talent, you should just see two people. And if you can just see two people and do not think about how best you use them or not, it means that you have achieved a higher level of self-determination and therefore can consider themselves simply as a person who is other people.

Each person is unique, because each is endowed with different abilities, which no one, except it does not possess. Think: the unique characteristic of not anyone else, can you boast?

Surely you can do something that no one else except you can not do. Does this mean that you are better than others, or is it merely says that you can do something better than others?

Do you think someone who you consider yourself better? If yes, then you need to develop your sense of self. Are there, in your opinion, someone worse than you think yourself? In this case, on your sense of self also needs some work. When you all, starting with those whom you thought were the greatest of the greats, and ending with those whom you thought were nonentities, will be treated as equals, but people have different abilities, it will mean that your sense of self is in a normal, healthy state .

If you have a high sense of self, then constantly compete and compete, but only need to compete with one person - with yourself, because the only person that makes sense to compete and compete, is you. Then life becomes a game, and all the troubles that had previously prevented live and poisoned existence are only obstacles that according to the rules of the game, you need to overcome.

History Charlie B. perfectly demonstrates the benefits of competition with yourself. Charlie B., engaged in laying on the floor carpet, always strive to do their job better and faster than others. I must say that he did not succeed. After one seminar course Silva, he decided to compete with yourself. After that he brought with him for the first time on the stopwatch and began to pinpoint how much time he spent on each room. To finish with a bedroom, it took him an hour to finish with a corridor - two hours to cope with living room - one hour and ten minutes to cope with stairs - two and a half hours. He recorded all of these indicators in a notebook, notebook and put it in his pocket.

The next day, Charlie B. was more enthusiastic than ever.

He pulled from his pocket notebook and stopwatch, but now he was a completely different purpose than before: he sought to improve their own performance. He sought to finish

with a bedroom in less than an hour, with a corridor - less than two hours, with a living room - less than an hour and ten minutes, and with stairs - in less than two hours and thirty minutes. Charlie did not have time to recover, as the working day ended, and he found that the amount improved the result for thirty minutes. On hearing this, he could not wait for the next day.

It was not long, and Charlie was the fastest worker in his company. After that, he decided to improve the quality of his work, he began to seek to ensure that the seams are invisible, and the perimeter - as neat as possible. Having achieved this, he began to look for more complex work. He became chief mechanic to the firm where he worked. Then he decided to found his own company selling carpets. Charlie opened a small firm and continued to compete with yourself. He sought every week to sell more and more. Two years later, Charlie was the biggest company in the country selling carpets.

Perhaps needless to say, that his sense of self has grown to the extent that, as his business grew. And it's all thanks to the fact that Charlie decided to compete with yourself.

If you set for yourself some goal and achieve it, your view of yourself better. This happens regardless of whether you are installing themselves long-term goal or new every day. It should be noted that it is easier to reach the goals that are associated with the competition with yourself. After all, you need to do - to do something better or faster than before. Achieving brings satisfaction, which improves your opinion about himself. To compete with yourself you can use a stopwatch. Other objects, the result of which is impossible to measure the time it takes other measures. For example, you can aspire to a deeper relaxation, or try every week to do more good deeds, or desire to achieve more goals, etc.

Himself an approach to self-improvement is already extremely useful. It is only necessary to understand all that is needed - is to strive to be better than yesterday. And it does not matter how fast will your progress. The main thing - to get you moving forward. If you will not be prepared to move beyond a certain level, then there is nothing to worry about. Also follow always remember that man is influenced by many external factors (from past experiences to the weather), which he can not control. And only need to control their emotions, their views and their relation to something, and that you just help the Silva Method.

He will teach you to control your emotions, attitudes and attitude towards anything.

Nothing strengthens the sense of self as a victory.

Winners always have perfectly developed sense of self.

We should not forget that the ego strength varies in different areas of life.

You can have a strong ego in one area of life (for example, in business), but at the same time, your opinion of yourself in another area (eg, in oratory) can be very low. Assertion is a total assessment of their abilities. In what areas of life you think you are strong? What can you do better than anyone else? What exactly can you succeed? If you can, for example, to do even

better is that before you good at it, you will still feel like a winner, and your assessment of their abilities in this area will improve and thereby increase the overall sense of self-affirmation.

The first step in improving our technique sense of self is the choice areas of life in which you performed well. It should also be an area in which progress would you like to improve. This can be cooking omelet gambling, football or management company.

In short, you choose that area of activity, which has already made some progress. Select it, and you go into an alpha state and analyze all aspects of this field. You are using visualization and create an image of how you are doing this activity. You try that this image was as much as possible bright, clear, colorful and voluminous.

Then you connect the other senses. After considering his talent in a meditative state you get out of the level and think, how can compete with yourself so as to achieve even better results. This technique is especially useful if you try to improve their results that can be measured in quantitative, qualitative or temporal terms.

Then must move to improve their abilities, and your first goal should be to improve the results. First you need to determine their real results. Then you need to decide on which indicators (quantitative, qualitative or time) you will measure your progress. And then you need to enter a level and see yourself, see how you do it better, then strive to improve. You must visualize how you are improving their results, and this image should memorize. When you come out of a meditative state, you will have to strive to ensure that this image has become a reality. You will need to compete with itself, and in this you will surely achieve success. Soon you have the habit of success, the habit of winning, and because of this habit of your sense of self will be continuously strengthened.

Francis G. always felt like a failure. She did not like your job, your appearance, and it seemed to her that she can not interest men. For courses Silva she came because she heard that here it can help get out of the rut into which it fell.

Francis had a low opinion of herself, and she enthusiastically listened lecture on self-affirmation and personal ego.

As a class, that she can do better than others, Francis chose the photo. None of her friends and acquaintances are not interested in photography, so she decided she could do it better than others. At the time listening to lectures about self-affirmation Francis assess their progress in photography as a very decent, but decided to achieve greater success.

When Francis after some time again came to the courses, it is impossible to know. Her style of dress, behave, hairstyle - everything changed. She seemed completely different person. When she spoke, it was felt that it is the leader. We asked Francis what happened. She smiled and replied that brought to life the idea that came to her when she was in a meditative state. Francis worked and gradually sought a better and better results. Over time, progress has been applied not only to her hobby, but also on the rest of her life.

Francis told us that in meditation, she saw the photo that made the mountains, but this photo looked somehow different. Coming out of meditation, she found this photo, cut out the contour of the hill, and pasted it on a piece of cardboard. Then she stuck glued to cardboard stand pictures and put it on the cupboard. A few days later the whole cabinet was laden with mountain photographs that have been cut along the contour. For Francis it was just a hobby, but once it came to visit her friend. She loved what she did with Francis mountains, and she asked for her to do the same thing, but with cacti. She promised to pay Frances for her work. Francis agreed and had coped with this task. Pretty friend told her friend about it and sent it to Francis. After that, all my free time doing photography Francis. Gradually, she had a lot of customers, it tripled its fee for their services, which gave her the opportunity to quit my job. But wishing it was still much business grew, and Francis increased fee even three times, but after that and want to become more and more.

When we last saw Francis, she quit her old job, hired three assistants and began to earn more money this month than previously earned in six months. Her sense of self has grown and strengthened. At a recent seminar, which was attended by Francis, she told her story and stated that any person can do something better than others. This means that you can do something better than others.

Think about what is your hobby. How can you get the best results in your favorite activity? What gives you the most pleasure? As of activity that gives you pleasure, you can do business? To answer these questions, sign level, determine what class gives you the most pleasure, and think about how you can a new way to use their abilities. With this technique you may well come up with a new Rubik's Cube or computer Apple. But even if you do not come up with something out of the ordinary, a belief in their ability to still increase your sense of self.

Part III. Programming: Past, Present and Future.

Chapter 11. The program of the past and reprogramming.

What is the purpose of life? What do you hope to achieve in your life?

What do you think the end result of your life?

Now, consider your goals and expectations. Are they your own goals and aspirations, or they - the result of the expectations of others?

If you find that they are not your own, then consider whether they can be the result of the program, which was created by other individuals and organizations, such as your parents, teachers, friends, the media, religious and educational institutions. Think forces imposed on whether the program you go not in the way in which you would like to go.

Do not forget to think about how to affect your life past events. Maybe these events deepened your goals, or, perhaps, on the contrary, they have done more than your goals small and insignificant?

Remember that you are granted free will, but your free will can influence events, actions and opinions of others. Last program affects your belief system, it can change yourself. Our beliefs - a framework that limit our lives - are based on the opinions of authority figures to whom we trust. Most often, such as our parents are the bosses. And since existing beliefs allow us to take only the information that supports these beliefs and cause rejection of information that undermines those beliefs, then we can say that beliefs limit our free will. Indeed, if the belief is formed based on the opinion of another person, prevent us from receiving information that contradicts this belief, it turns out that in fact our world is created not by us but by the people whose opinions are based on our beliefs were formed.

If your life and your lifestyle fit your desires, it means that in the past formed beliefs fit you, and they do not need to change. This should be taken into consideration, because why change something that so well? Still think you are satisfied with your present life. Think about what is good in your life, but do not forget about the negative things. (Actually, there is no good or bad moments. Anything becomes good or bad only according to our views, our attitude. Our point of view and attitude make things good or bad. Example, fire is good when it helps to prepare food but it is bad if destroys your home. Rain is good for farmers who need moisture for the fields, and terrible for the poor guy who is drowning in the river emerged from the coast.) So, you need to determine what is good for you and what is bad. Outweighs that? Good or bad? To answer this question, we need as much as possible to objectively evaluate their real life. What do you think about your current position? We can say that we are now trying to counter your ego life your personal ego. Your personal ego - it's your opinion about himself. And your ego life - it's your opinion about your present life.

If you are not satisfied with your life, if your opinion about it negatively, then perhaps one of the reasons for this is the last program. Let's see if we can break down the barriers that make you live the way you live. Let's find out if you can learn more about what kind of person you can be and what kind of person you want to be. The first thing it needs to do - is to get rid of the program that you are limited by other people. And after that you can create a new program that will meet your own aspirations.

The program of the past - it shackles that interfere with your life to develop in a natural way. As the river is enclosed in the fetters of dams, and you enter into a fetter program. With the help of the dam the river can be controlled, and the program can control you.

To free themselves from unwanted programs, sit in a comfortable position, sign level, through visualization, imagine the program as a dam that prevents you develop freely.

Imagine that this dam is the epitome of all those beliefs that prevent you from doing what you want. Imagine how the dam collapses, and the lake, which she held, again becomes a river.

Freed river symbolizes your thoughts, your mind free.

Your thoughts are absolutely free, they are subject only to your will. You can not control their beliefs when they act as absolute truths, but you can control them, when you realize that you have the ability to change and guide them. When you understand this, your mind will be

completely power over you. Foreign individuals and organizations, of course, will try to influence your beliefs, but you can at will either accept or reject their influence.

After visualizing your life to change. First you will need to enter into an agreement with yourself about trying to foreign individuals and organizations to program your future. To do this, right now, close your eyes and say to yourself: "I will only react to constructive suggestions." When you say to yourself these words, concentrate their attention on them. Let your ears will hear your own voice, pronouncing each word distinctly.

After that, get ready for the definition of their own program.

Think what would you change in your life. Software sends a message to the Universe energy and visualization increases energy. What are you not satisfied? What would you like to change? Now, you are creating a new program of his life. How would you like to live?

Imagine your new life and how you are enjoying this new life.

Reprogramming - it's just a choice of other road, another way of life. If you are not satisfied with their present life, then maybe go on the wrong road. Imagine that you are standing at a crossroads, and before you are many possible roads, each of which leads to different places. Imagine the places where these roads lead. Imagine the end of the road on which you are going at the moment. Then think of what lay before you the roads leading to the place in which you would like to get.

How do you get on the right road? Should produce a kind of replacement. This may be buying or selling anything, change of work, residence, etc. You can also decide that you need a minor change, such as changing the time breakfast or rearranging furniture in the home or in the office. But what would you change or conceived, it will certainly make your life a little easier. If you find that began to receive more satisfaction out of life, it may mean that you are on the right track. A sense of satisfaction as it tells you: "You are on the right track, keep up the good work." If you make a change again and again feel satisfied, then it may indicate that you really are on the right track and should continue in the same spirit.

Chapter 12. Programming purposes.

Most programming techniques, which are described here, work on the same principle: the use of visualization you see something that does not want to do, and erase that image, and then you see what you want to do.

Programming achieve any goal, you send a message to the Universe, which says what you want to achieve something, then you do not, or vice versa, get rid of something that you have. This message is transmitted as well as radio and television signals. Simply sends waves of energy. Energy propagates in all directions until it reaches any receiver (radio or TV). You only need to tune the desired frequency, and the wave will be accepted.

The same thing happens with your personal programming. When you program yourself using techniques of the Silva Method, you must be in the emitting state, which will be described in Chapter 24. When you take a wave, you have to be in a receptive state.

Permanent programming will make you reside in the emitting state. And since you are in the emitting state, you can not perceive waves, so, obviously, from time to time you need to switch to a receptive state to be able to perceive waves. The question is how to do it. You need to expect that you will begin to perceive the waves and you will definitely be able to switch to a receptive state. It should be noted that this is best carried out in the alpha-position, at a frequency of brain wave activity of ten cycles per second.

One of the most interesting and effective methods of creation of the program is the so-called Central Scenes appliances. Using this technique, you can create a plan that will achieve something you strive for, or, conversely, get rid of anything that hinders you and hate. Now you need a moment to reflect and determine what you want and what you strive for. In this case you need to think only about the end result. Not contemplate how you can achieve the end result - just imagine that you have already achieved it. If the final outcome something interferes, you can also think about this. When you imagine yourself with a positive result of the program, provide the date by which the attack you want to achieve the final result.

The following description is offered to your attention three acts of the art center stage.

Like the level, as it was described in Chapter 1. Then imagine yourself standing in front of the theater. You enter the theater, then in the auditorium and take a seat in the center, in the third row.

Act I. Imagine that the curtain is closed and you are sitting comfortably in a chair.

When you see this picture clearly, imagine the curtain opens, and then - what you see on stage. Besides yourself, you also need to see on stage all the people who in any way related to the problem, the solution of which you are working. Goes on stage performance. Imagine decorations that adorn the scene. You have to imagine that played out on the stage performance is a reflection of your problem. After the show ends, imagine yourself in a chair in the third row. You can see how close the curtain. When the curtain closes, mentally write on it in big red letters the word "no" and say to yourself: "I am now freed from all past feelings that attracted me to this stage." You should feel these feelings are separated from you, and remember their feelings related to the exemption from them.

During the second act, you need to create a scheme that will ease your way. Most of the success that people are the result of creating a successful scheme. The more often you do something, the easier it becomes to do it. Your goal in the second act is to break the constraints that hinder you, and thanks to the use of additional abilities. During the second act on the central stage you need to use your altered ego for protaptyvaniya road to success.

Think for a moment: if you could get (to participate in played on the main stage play) any hero, now living or those who lived in the past, real or literary, then what would you be? Chosen

hero and will embody your altered ego. In the second act of this new hero (your altered ego) find a solution to the problems facing you. You already know, of course the end result sought by. During the second act, you will be sitting in his seat in the third row, and your altered ego will act for you on stage.

You're both a director and playwright, and so feel free to make adjustments in what is happening on the stage action.

Act II. The curtain opens. Your altered ego plays on stage your role. You start to act. Imagine how your altered ego successfully achieves that what you seek. Carefully observe the developable on stage performance. If you, for example, program yourself to finding a new job, imagine you are sitting at the table, or are elsewhere - in short, the situation in which you are, must comply with the working environment in which you wish to work. Are also on the stage actors have to do whatever is necessary to get a new job, you (the end result of the program). Once you clearly see his dream come true, you must provide the date by which the onset of your dream is to come true.

You should hear a voice that says: "This will happen to ... (the desired date)." Once you have programmed date, imagine how the curtain closes. When the curtain closes, mentally write on it the word "better" and say to yourself: "That's all it should be."

After creating schemes succeed you have only to apply this scheme to him. As we remember, in the second act your chart success Pretend your altered ego, but in the third act of this scheme will play yourself. From the very scheme there is no change, the date of execution also remains the same, but this time you are going on stage and do play to the end result, which you are so eager.

Act III. Curtain opens. Do you see yourself on stage and act the same way as in the second act acted your altered ego. Once again note that the date of reaching the set goals should remain unchanged. Once you finish the main role to a happy ending, imagine sitting back in his chair in the third row. The curtain closes and you mentally write on it the words "better and better" and say to yourself, "That's the way it is." This is the technology center stage.

We recommend to apply the technique center stage three times to create a program for achieving each objective, to which you aspire. You define the goal you want to achieve, and once for three days to apply the technique to create a central stage of the program to achieve this goal. On the first day you lose all three acts on the second day - only the second and third acts, and on the third day - only one third act. The first act is played only once, because the formation of the program should focus on solving the problem.

Student courses Silva I. Barton before he came to the courses, almost a year and just did what he felt sorry for himself after his bankruptcy. A friend took him to the courses Silva and Barton showed some interest in some of our ideas. But, in his view, the central stage machinery was "completely unsuitable welcome".

We are not surprised, because even some of our instructors at first skeptical of this technique. But skeptics, if they have an open mind, can also be successfully used this technique. Barton was skeptical, but decided to try to use the technique to create a central stage scheme of his success. His goal, of course, was the prosperity of his business and a new car "Cadillac Eldorado".

I must say that Barton did not really know what kind of business he wants to do (he did not want to do their old business), so the final result presented himself sitting at a table and talking on the phone while his feet were on the table (only boss can freely afford to talk on the phone with his feet on the table). He also saw signs checks, go to the bank and get his brand new "Cadillac Eldorado". Barton presented as he admires his new car, and besides all this, in his mind, and there were also other images corresponding to pleasant living a successful businessman.

Barton later admitted he used the technique of the Silva Method, then felt a little silly, but consoled himself with the fact that millions of people worldwide over the last twenty years using the Silva Method techniques in order to solve their problems and create programs to achieve successful their goals. This consideration led Barton and I. try to use the technique to create a central stage program of its success.

Barton called us four months and enthusiastically shouted into the phone: "It all came to pass. All I can not explain how it happened, but it happened, I'm sitting in my office of the head of the company, and my" Cadillac Eldorado "is on my personal the parking lot. "

After that I. Barton led to courses Silva more than forty of their friends and acquaintances. His success story has been repeated many times in a variety of listeners. History I. Barton is the clearest example of the successful application of technology center stage. It really works. And we encourage each of you to try to use it to create programs that achieve some of your goals.

Chapter 13. Past and future.

When people think about the past, they often exclaim angrily: "Oh my gosh, how could I do that? It's so stupid." And then they, frowning with flour on her face for long minutes, hours, days, and sometimes weeks engaged in self-flagellation. If guilt associated with some past event, hard enough that a person can for a few months, if not years, to fall into a state of permanent regret.

Precious time and energy spent on it to regret what was done, or, conversely, deferred, or eaten in secret is to say, the developed or hopelessly abandoned.

From the point of view of logic is absurd. Indeed, why should oldest event you take the time and energy in the present? Why is the last act should poison you exist? Why would you let your past ruin your family interfere with business relationships and break old friendships? Why is the past so affects your destiny, your thoughts on how you feel? One thing is clear: the past has

a huge force, capable of providing a very serious impact on not only your mind but also your health, your well-being.

Nevertheless, you have a great opportunity to change their attitude toward the past. You can now change their attitude to any past event which prevents you from living. That is certainly not "right now" because "right now" has become the past, and in the process of constant movement from past to future. Indeed, concepts such as "right now" and "now" does not exist at all, there is only a constant, never-ending movement from past to future. Lack of this may explain the fact that for the future we need to change to delve into the past.

Thought knows neither space nor time. You can instantly imagine yourself at the back side of the moon. You only need one moment to return to the past, and has no value, no matter how distant past you return at will. You can just as well as the return on an hour ago, and for several centuries. Thought nothing can restrict, among other thoughts.

So, with the help of directed thoughts, you can make changes in the past - or, rather, to change their attitude toward the past. With the help of directed thoughts can change the whole concept of perception of the past.

All the problems of the present were born in the past. These issues gain strength through the work of your imagination. A directed work of the imagination can change many negative situations in your life positive. We need only to understand how to use your imagination.

If you had to feel that in the past you've done something wrong, then surely you befell desire, which can be expressed in the following words: "If only I could go back to that situation, I would fix it."

No, you will not be able to fix it. Remember, you always act well. And your desire to change something in your past says only that, now that you have become a different person. Then you did what could do, and if again back into that situation in the same circumstances and at the same time experiencing the same emotions, then you would have acted in exactly the same way as we did then. If you think that in the past have made some mistake and regret it - it shows only that you now have become a different, more mature person. If you have not changed, then you will feel in relation to any act its the same as that felt when he committed. But as a rule, in this you have different opportunities and abilities than those possessed in the past. After you acquire new knowledge, become smarter, and besides, when you refer to the past, you already know what the consequences would lead one time or another your act. Then, when you committed this act, you could only guess what will these actions. And if all these advantages give you - the past (at the time of the action, which subsequently causes you regret), then it will be a completely different person: intelligent, educated, and even in this case with the gift of foresight.

You - the real - is the result of cumulative actions of all the events that have happened to you in your life. However, you can correct this definition somewhat, saying that you would rather a product of their total relationship to all the events that have happened to you in your life.

For example, consider two people. First, consider what made them what they are. And then I thought, if they can somehow change themselves and generally if they want to change anything. These are two completely different people, one of them - unfriendly and closed, and we call it Buka. Another - sociable and friendly, and we call him a friend.

Ways of development Buki and Friend went in early childhood. When they were twelve years between Buka and Friend had a quarrel. This quarrel strongly influenced their personal ego. As we remember, the ego - is the ratio of man to himself.

They quarreled, and Buka cause other to a fight. Each refused and Buka very angry, had called Another coward and told him that he ran home to his mother. Each shrugged and walked away in dismay.

Everyday business. Now let's look at how to work during this incident thought and imagination in each of our heroes.

Before you perform any action in your mind consciously or unconsciously image appears. If you want to take a glass of water from the table, first you take it mentally, that is before you take it in your mind there is an image of how you have already taken. Sometimes between the occurrence of the image and the perfect action takes only a moment, and sometimes - quite long periods of time.

But one thing is certain: the action is always preceded by the appearance of the image.

During an argument and Buki and a friend are having images. In the minds of others there was an image of defeat. He heard Buck shouted: "Come on, let's understand," and saw him defeated Beech and as he lies in the dirt with a broken nose, and then, sobbing, home runs. Then he also saw all classmates laugh at him, show him your fingers and do not want to speak to him. After these images of other, of course, did not want to fight with Buka. The friend was already mentally defeated. The only way to avoid this reality - the refusal to fight, and so he turned and walked away.

A Buki images were different. He saw himself as a winner. He saw himself standing over the defeated Friend. He saw all the school admire his courage and ability to fight. Beech had seen himself as a hero of the school, imagine how he will walk with your head held high and smile. Not surprisingly, the Buka wanted to fight. Beech was aggressive because he wanted to be embodied in the images of reality.

When friend and Beech grown, much has changed. Adult friend was not a coward, but in the event of a confrontational situation has always sought to retreat, because in his mind there is the image of his defeat. At the same Buki was reversed. When a conflict arises, he always sought to fight, because in his mind there is an image of victory. Each inclined in a few weeks to think about the situation before making a decision. Beech makes a first, and only then think alien to him a thorough analysis of the situation.

We definitely do not want to say which of the types considered better, but simply want to assess both types of character, which we are considering. We want to say that other, and Buka practically have no clue as to how their thinking. They both misbehave, because they can not control themselves.

As a child during an argument, none of them showed any courage or cowardice. We have long studied their characters, questioned them, and came to the conclusion that the reason for this different behavior in adulthood is that the quarrel, to which they were at the age of twelve. And Buck, and others remember about this case. Beech remembered him with pleasure, he was smiling when we asked him about the details. Others, by contrast, like talking about it, the memories did not give him pleasure. They both remembered the quarrel, but did not attach any importance to it and did not associate it with adulthood.

When the friend recalled this event in his mind tripped protective mechanism that prevented him to remember exactly what happened.

Was broken nose? Or nothing? Time significantly altered memories of each case. Time is also significantly changed and memories Buki.

Since the fight was not really, but others think that it was, he can with a simple trick of the Silva Method to change his point of view on this incident. And if you change the attitude to this case, then, of course, changes the chain of events that caused the appearance of Friend defeatism. With her change from others will have confidence in his abilities, he will cease to be afraid to act. Changing attitudes to this case can change the whole life of another.

You may say, they say, you can not change what happened in the past.

But it is not. You can change everything in your past, because everything was going wrong (or not quite) as you think. Unable to store in memory accurate, unbiased, memories, because the program of the past and your beliefs always make changes to them.

Every event, before getting into your memory passes through the filter of your relationship to this event. If you remember a man then it means that you do not remember him, and his attitude towards it. This can be compared with the way if you look at the shadow cast by the man and said that this is the man. All people reject such shadows, some even cast those shadows on their own perception of themselves. A true feelings always lie on a subconscious level. These feelings are hidden from consciousness, because many of us are afraid to admit they are afraid to admit they do not only others but ourselves.

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What others think about a situation in which he hit the age of twelve, of course, is erroneous opinion. Because he thinks that the fight really was, and in fact it was not. And artificially formed memory has seriously affected the attitude of other people, to women, to business, to life in general. New conflicts cause in his mind images of old lesions in the children fight, and these images evoke defeatist attitudes into adulthood.

So to change a past event, you only need to change their memories of the event, and for this you need to change your attitude towards it. You can say that you go back in time and changing attitude towards a certain event, change the impact that this event on your life.

Let's see how it works.

Suppose A friend went for courses Silva, where he was taught to go to the level as described in Chapter 1. In the alpha state friend back in time and change their attitude to a quarrel, which occurred when he was twelve years old. Adult man, of course, can easily come up with a dignity of children's quarrel. And it will change the ratio to a quarrel that influenced the subsequent lives of others.

Each using visualization sees this event and applying techniques gold forms, enlarges the picture. Scene becomes colorful and clear. Then it becomes a volume included other senses allows other smell that accompanied the quarrel, to hear what he had heard, and feel what he felt like. After this action is suspended.

Still in a state of meditation, another approach to himself, as he was twelve years old, and says that he is the messenger from the future who came to help him get out of an awkward situation, he says, that will give him new abilities. These abilities is the power of imagination. Then others will be able to change the image of the conflict.

The quarrel was about to happen. For Buka shouts, "Come on, let's understand." At this point, the picture freezes, and others retain the ability to move. Acting as a Friend-adult, he comes to himself, as he was twelve years old. He explains what happened, explains that fear causes arising in the minds of images. And after twelve others acquire knowledge about why he has a fear, it is able to calmly deal with the conflict situation.

Adult friend says to himself, a twelve-year that you want to edit images, create an image of himself, laughing at the thought of a fight, and understand that the fight can only lead to the fact that someone or one of its members, or both get injured. Adult friend says to himself, the child that is necessary to present a scene in which Buka angry because others refuse to fight, and goes quite annoyed. Now, in the minds of twelve other emerging images of all his classmates congratulate and admire the way he easily got out of the conflict. In his mind, there are also images of the boys and girls think he is very brave and strong. He sees that everyone at school love him and admire him. Adult friend who is still in a state of meditation, makes this image more vivid, colorful and crisp. A friend then wraps it with a white border, and then it becomes the new memories of that quarrel.

If the old memory about the alleged fight and defeat held reappears in consciousness friend immediately encloses it in a blue box and replaces the one that was signed by a white frame. When an old memory will be enclosed in a blue box, it will be flat, dull and vague. Gradually decrease and it will become increasingly blurred, when it becomes very small, it simply disappears. And his place will be a new memory in a white box, which will gradually increase and become more bright, sharp and colorful. It will be three-dimensional, and then will all the senses: Friend can smell the new memories, the taste and feel its reality.

After that, every time a friend comes to memory the old quarrel, he would see the new images, and after some time a new memory completely take the place of the old one, which will form a new attitude to this event. Over time, forgotten all the bad memories associated with this event, and it will cease to have a negative impact on the lives of others. With this change his attitude towards life, one might even say that thanks to this new born friend who is confident in themselves and in their abilities.

If any area of your life, there is a problem caused by some past event, then you can go back and change their attitude to this event by entering the level and time travel in the alpha state. You need to explain yourself - past, who are you to say that you are much wiser than he, and therefore may suggest the right way out of this situation. You need to explain yourself - past as mental imagery can cause anxiety, fear and stress, how to modify them to get rid of these negative emotions. Once you explain yourself - past, as are mental images and how to change them, he must, under your leadership to make the necessary changes in their mental images.

These changes will help create a new attitude to the past event, bringing disappear by itself is a problem that was caused by unpleasant memories of the event.

Part IV. Gain.

Chapter 14. Desire, belief and expectation.

How can you influence events? How can you solve the problems you encounter? How can you change in your life that you do not like? Although it is still impossible to say for sure that we are able to change in your life everything that we do not like, but you can definitely not enough to say that we have enormous possibilities and able to have a serious impact on the various events and your life in general. To take advantage of these opportunities, you need to understand and use the three main forces: the desire, belief and expectation.

If you want to happen any event, before it can happen, you have this wish. In addition, you must be convinced that this event can occur. And you should expect that event.

Now let's look at each of these forces separately and see how we can make it work for yourself.

Every manifestation of the will precedes the desire to act. Before your will begin to act, you must be willing to anything. In addition, you must also be convinced that achieving the desired give you satisfaction.

Everything you do, starting with how you open your eyes in the morning and ending up as you go to sleep at night, caused by your desires. Nothing can be done if you do not want to do it in one degree or another.

The satisfaction that you get from any action can be direct and manifest in obtaining pleasure or indirect and manifest in getting rid of pain. When you have multiple desires that are fighting each other, the top will win for sure that desire that promises to receive more satisfaction. Practice shows that it may sometimes be chosen desire, which promises not so much satisfaction. In this case, you should look for the incidental cause.

For example, a visit to the dentist for drilling channels can hardly be a lot of fun. In this case, the reasons for incidental acts rid of toothache. Pain relief very often acts as incidental causes of action. Another reason may be incidental to attract the attention of others: the attention of others can compensate for experience discomfort.

The desire to avoid pain causes many people to behave a certain way of life and not to change anything, because they fear that the changes will cause discomfort and pain. To avoid possible discomfort and pain they are willing to endure the discomfort that it brings real state of affairs. In such cases, they say: "Uncertainty is worse, why strive for the unknown? After all good deed goes unpunished." Note standby operation in this case. If you expect pain or discomfort, then you strive to avoid any changes, even if the pain and discomfort are imaginary and can never be translated into real life.

Like all other concepts have desires also has a scale measuring the degree. Pay attention to the following story. One student came to his guru and said, "Master, how do I achieve enlightenment?" The wise old guru in response to this student sent to the river Ganges and told him to kneel down in the water so that his head was above the water. Then the teacher put his hand on the neck of the student and his head sank into the water. One and a half minutes student began to choke, he tried to pull away, but his hand seemed steel guru and disciple could not escape. Two minutes later, when the student began to feel that his lungs now burst, the guru let him go. Pupil raised his head above water and greedily inhaled the fresh air. Guru smiled.

- Tell me - he said softly, - what do you want most right now?

- Breathe - said the student who still could not catch my breath.

- Here, - continued guru - when your desire to get enlightenment will be as strong, and then you get it.

To better understand what desire, consider it with a giant thermometer scale. At the bottom of the scale would be zero at the top - one hundred degrees.

If your desire is weak and corresponds to only a few degrees, it is unlikely that it will cause you to act and achieve desired. If your desire is great and close to a hundred degrees, it is unlikely that anything will be able to keep you from actions aimed at achieving desired.

To learn how you can increase desire, in Chapter 18, and now we present only three rules that are associated with three major forces: the desire, belief and expectation.

Rule 1. To increase the desire to sign on the level and using positive visualization, imagine the end result is what you want. And then using the technique of gold forms make this image a bright, sharp and colorful. Then should make it surround and include the remaining feelings. The better and the more you use visualization, the stronger your desire will become.

Now let us consider the second force - beliefs. Persuasion - a mental acceptance of an idea as truth. Other people's ideas because we accept that people whose ideas we accept are our bosses.

Formation of beliefs (usually this happens at an early age) is because we fully believe authoritative person or organization, which often act as parents, teachers, religious and educational institutions, as well as the media.

Convincing can be taken even if there is evidence that contrary to this belief.

Strengthening belief occurs as long as they do not become a fundamental part of our thinking process. New beliefs always tested using the old beliefs. This means that you take only the information that enhances the old beliefs.

Same information that is in conflict with old beliefs, simply rejected.

This, indeed, is one of the main problems of mankind.

Racism, chauvinism, and virtually all other prejudices come from other people's ideas, which are accepted by the individual. In addition, there are also group beliefs, some of which are false, and others - quite fair.

The Power of Influence convictions on anyone's behavior is perfectly illustrated by the following story. One of our instructors Marsha K. read in Los Angeles introductory lecture Silva for a group of children aged between seven and eleven years. The main aim of the lecture was to develop children's self-esteem and make them believe that they can be who they want to be - anyone. Marsha wanted to develop children's sense of self and make them good students by the belief that there is no bad, stupid children, and there are children who believe that they are. We found that a good student can get from bad teachers more knowledge than a bad student from a good experienced teacher.

In the group that worked Marsh had twenty children, and one girl, eight-Jane B., was convinced that she was stupid. Her mother and a few friends were also convinced. Mum Jane said Marsha that she would be very grateful if it can affect the child's mental development, although I did not believe that something can be done in three days.

During the seminar, March tore a piece of paper and said that this receptor, which is something to take. Then she took a coin from his pocket and put it on a piece of paper, and the

sheet is placed next to a vase on his desk. Children watched closely for its actions. The next morning, she asked:

- And where I put this coin?

Nobody remembered to put a coin Marsha, because since there are too many events. Marsh pointed to a coin that was lying there, where she put her yesterday. Then she broke off two pieces of paper into many pieces, pulled out of his pocket and set of coins on each piece of paper placed on the coin. Performing this procedure, she said that the paper under each coin is a receptor, and spread these coins for the entire class. Some time after that, she asked:

- Where do I put a coin?

All the children looked at her, they did not understand what she says, because wherever they look, lay coin on pieces of paper. On each table, on the floor near the door, on the window sills - all lay coins.

- Where do I put a coin? Let's all look for - continued March.

Soon every child had four, five or six coins. Marsha said:

- How did you collect coins, and none of you have thought of that coin, I put yesterday near the vase?

- Because today you put a lot of new coins - was the answer.

- Yes, because today I put a lot of coins into a plurality of receptors - Marsha nodded. - The information that you store in your head, is also very similar to the coin - she continued. - Information, as well as coins, stored on the receptors which are called neurons.

Each neuron stores the bit (a piece of) information, and therefore we call receptor. When you put the information on one receptor, it is difficult to find, so you think you have a bad memory. Similarly, you was hard to remember where I put one coin. But once you put information on a large number of receptors, it has become easy to you "find".

Children do not understand what she said, and therefore decided to march all demonstrate this. She handed each child a piece of paper. On these sheets was briefly described the history of the Battle of Trenton. The text was as follows: white Christmas in 1776, General George Washington with two thousand two hundred soldiers crossed the Delaware River, attacked an army of mercenaries and won the battle, which was decisive in the war for independence.

Marsha called eight-Jane and said:

- Come on, Jane. I'll help you. Jane was offended.

- I can read - she grumbled in response. Marsha smiled.

- I know, but I'm going to help you locate information on more receptors. I will help you master a new way of reading Silva.

Jane march held in his office, asked her to close her eyes and imagine read the story. Jane closed her eyes and introduced General Washington. It felt like it's snowing. Marsha Jane said that Washington's army was two thousand two hundred people, and Jane introduced owl, big eyes that reminded her of two zeros, and over the eyes of owls were located two deuces. Gradually, with the help of Marsha Jane increased the images and make them more clear and bright. Snow became more sharp and prickly, owl, which embodied the strength of the army of Washington, seemed alive. Thus, Marsha Jane helped to master the technique of Golden Images.

Thereafter, Marsha Jane back in the classroom, and Marsha asked each child to tell what he read. And after some time on the same day march began to ask questions. She asked, "In what year did the battle took place?" On this question, many knew the answer and raised their hands. Marsha then asked another question: "Who was the general?" This question all know the answer, and all raised their hands. Marsha then asked another question: "And what day there was a battle?" Most of the children remembered that it was Christmas. Thereafter, Marsha asked children about one fact: "And how many soldiers were in George Washington's army?"

After that, only one arm raised Jane. Jane looked at the other guys and found that she raised one hand. Embarrassed, she quickly dropped it.

At this point we pause to recall that tend to perceive only the information which is not in conflict with our beliefs, and information that contradicts them, tend to reject. Jane was convinced that she sillier other guys. The same was convinced her mother. Most people with whom I communicate Jane, were convinced that she sillier other children. Most people expect from her stupid actions and it also expected from himself only stupid actions.

Did the fact that she is one of twenty children remembered the size of the army of George Washington, confirmed her stupidity? No, quite the contrary.

He came into sharp conflict with that belief. So Jane rejected the possibility that she alone can know the number of George Washington's army, and put her hand. She could not believe that she alone knows the correct answer. Marsha certainly knew that Jane remembers the number of George Washington's army, because in the minds of Jane formed a strong image of an owl with eyes resembling large zeros, and two deuces on his forehead. After some persuasion, Marsha still convinced Jane to say your answer, and Jane said doubting tone: "Two thousand two hundred people?"

Marsh nodded and told Jane that she correctly answered her question. Then Jane wondered why no one in the class can not remember the number of the army of General Washington, as well as the image of the owl helps to remember that number. "Maybe they're too stupid?" - Jane thought.

After Jane answered the question sounded some more answers.

So we see that old conviction prevented Jane to new information, doubt about the authenticity of which does not arise. Old false belief rejects new information, or Jane and will always reject new information that conflicts with her belief or old conviction will be broken, and his place will be the new belief. Thanks to the efforts of Marsha Jane formation of a new conviction, which was the fact that she, Jane, no more stupid than the other guys - she just kept the information is not as it should, and does not use additional receptors.

When my mother told Jane about the case, she immediately changed the conviction of her daughter and her intellectual abilities. (When Jane's mother was convinced that her daughter was mentally retarded, she imagined her future in black. She represented her daughter washing dishes at some dirty kitchen, crawling and sitting next to her stupid and dirty child.

When look at mental abilities Jane changed, has come to represent the mother that her daughter will go to college to become a good specialist, will be a wonderful mother smart and clever children.)

This story takes place nine years ago. Somehow Jane's mother called us to tell us about the success of his daughter. We were not surprised that Jane learns well. A good success in school, she began to seek so long ago that it does not bind them to the case of childhood, when she was taught to "read Silva."

Rule 2. To enhance or modify the conviction to realize that belief - is a mental perception of an idea as the truth, and that this perception can be changed.

You can get rid of the belief that you interfere, creating problems or limits your ability. When you define the belief that stopping you, you need to think about the opposite belief.

For example, your excess weight can be caused by not eating, but rather overeating - overweight. Your belief that you are overweight, may be the cause of overeating. In this case, you need the use of visualization to imagine otherwise. You need to imagine that you weigh as much as you want. In addition, you need to imagine that you can achieve what you want. To do this, you need to enter the level and imagine that you are active, feel great and weigh as much as you want. With this coupon, you can get rid of any harmful beliefs, which creates problems for you.

We now consider the third major force: expectations.

Waiting really is a powerful force. For example, the physician may give the patient a pill that does not have some special properties, which under normal conditions would have no special effect. But if the doctor tells the patient that this is a wonderful new medicine that will cure it, this tablet can really help the patient as if she really is a wonderful medicine. This well-known phenomenon is called the "effect of expectations."

Of course, the effect does not always work out. If he had always worked, then there would be no need for all medications, all would have been treated by this effect. Nevertheless a sufficiently large number of cases this effect is valid.

Waiting - a serious force. How can you use it? Could it be that you would expect: "That's something good to happen ..." - And it's really good to happen?

When you anything from a man who is the authority for you, whether it is your father, teacher, doctor or boss, his words have an effect on you at once on all three levels: physical, mental and spiritual. If you unconditionally believe this person is much more likely to actually implement all of what he expects from you. But if he does not, do you expect something from yourself? Yes, you can say to yourself: "I expect that this will happen."

However, it is likely that you will hear the answer: "Who are you trying to fool?" It follows an immutable, indisputable conclusion: it is necessary to make your own opinion was authoritative for you.

Tech Silva Method, which is based on meditation in the alpha state, the use of visualization can help create an image of what the desired event has already happened, and thereby strengthen the wait. This technique has a double effect: on the one hand, it makes it so that your own opinion becomes authoritative for you on the other hand, it makes you believe in yourself. The more successful you'll get to use the Silva Method, the more you believe in yourself, in your strength, and the easier you will ensure that what you seek.

Rule 3. To create suspense, you must log on the level and the use of visualization to imagine that the desired event has already occurred.

Thereafter, using the technique of gold forms need to make this image a bright, sharp and colorful, and then - surround and connect the other senses. When you get out of meditation, think that this event will happen by a certain date, and that you yourself designate. If you try this technique, you'll find that using it more and more desired events occur in real life.

Chapter 15. Power of Words.

A few decades ago there was a wonderful Russian magician Wolf Messing, who could do such tricks that admired literally everyone. More surprising was the fact that Wolf Messing unlike other magicians do not use any tricks. Wolf Messing acquired great fame, and he learned about Joseph Stalin, who wanted to meet him. Stalin ordered his security chief Messing send a letter stating that in three days he had come to the Kremlin, Stalin's office. Stalin ordered the head of security not to pass Messing and not let him. Stalin was thinking: if Messing really such a great magician, as they say, he can get to any place without any gaps, no matter how good this place is guarded. Stalin thought that if Messing really great magician, he can get into the most protected in the world.

Two days after the letter was sent Messing, Stalin looked up from his papers and saw standing before him a man.

It seemed quite impossible to get Stalin's office, bypassing the protection.

Stalin was absolutely sure that it has no one can get. He pressed the call button secret protection. The alarm sounded throughout the floor. Numerous guards rushed to Stalin. They ran into his office, surrounded by a mysterious stranger. When he was asked who he is, the stranger replied that he and Wolf Messing came to Stalin on his invitation.

When Stalin asked Messing how he was able to pass the guards, Messing said that made himself invisible by continually repeating the words: "Beria Beria, I Beria." He repeated it as long as he did not believe that he really Beria. When questioned the guards, they were told that they passed by only one person, and that person was the chief of the secret police of Stalin and Beria.

This focus Wolf Messing is a wonderful example of the manifestation power of words. Examples of the use of force of words around us, to the number of such examples can be attributed, and instructions that cause obey, and the cries of athletes who give them additional strength. Despite the fact that the power of words is manifested everywhere, few people use it in their lives. In this chapter we will explain in detail about the power of words and how it can be applied. Power words should become another tool with which you will achieve your goals.

Examples of the use of force of words, which we learned in the course of research at the Graduate School Hallahan in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania). One teenage girl was afraid of the local hooligans after they verbally abused her. In this school, students worked with our team of instructors who were disciples a new, modified program. One of the instructors conducted a study which found that the benefits that students of this school were removed from the new program, depended on their personal problems.

Girl hurt bullies particularly interested in the power of words, because I wanted to protect themselves from future manifestations of their "attention." She believed that a better understanding of power words to help her deal with their negative impact. The next day after a group of instructors left, this girl walked by those bullies, which she feared, and instead of waiting for new insults, ridicule, or something worse, she focused on the power of the word to beware.

She again repeated the word "beware" as it and taught.

Having closed with the thumb, index and middle fingers (three fingers technique), she repeated the word to beware, she imagined him, and gradually the word filled her mind. Passing by bullies, she held her head high and saying to myself the word beware, for the first time and none of the bullies never insulted her, they behaved as if it did not exist there.

This proves the efficiency of the use of force words. Power of Words helps to expect that all will be well, that there will be nothing bad. Power of Words helps get rid of fear, stress, expectations from the bad. It helps to relax the mind. Power of Words helps form the faith. Below we give an explanation of how to use the power of words.

To begin with a simple word that shows you the effectiveness of the use of force words. The first word that you need to use is vultures. To facilitate the use of force of words you can use three fingers technique, which we have already described.

So, focus on the thirty seconds on the word force, for this every two or three seconds mentally repeat it. Start with a small image of the word enclosed in a white frame, then gradually increase until the image until you see the word written giant letters on the hillside. At the same time you have to mentally pronounce the word, and your voice saying it must be getting louder and louder. Mentally yell the word power. Shouting it, you should feel that they have become strong. After that, take a few steps forward, and you'll notice that you hold a straight and feel more confident. You should feel that you pulsates new force.

This is the use of force words.

On training courses Silva, we demonstrate the use of force words. To do this, each of the students who sit in the first row, we give the word that they should mentally repeat. Half of the instructor gives students a strong word, and the other half - the word weak. While all students who repeat a word, you need to keep your right hand in front of him. A trainer comes to each and tries to lower his arm.

At present it is surprising that half of the students in the front row at the end of this exercise is lowered by hand, while the other half continues to keep his hand in front of him. It turns out that those who did not put his hand, repeated the word strong, and those who hand down - the word weak. Those who repeated the word is weak, temporarily lost its power, and so the instructor could easily lower their hands, and those who repeated the word strong force is not lost, and their hands could not omit the instructor, it is possible to say that the power of words made stronger than those who repeated the word strong and weakened those who repeated the word weak.

You can definitely say that even a very strong man, if he believes in what he is weak or that his opponent is stronger it can really become weaker. Examples of such mass. Think of the boxers who before the battle cries to express their power and try to show that their opponent is significantly weaker. This kind of suggestion.

When a person is to convince others that he is stronger than him, it's just a suggestion. And when a man convinces himself that this self-suggestion.

This also explains the fact that the team that plays at home is more likely to defeat an opponent. This is true for small school competitions, and for large international tournaments. When many fans believe that their team is stronger and that she wins, it gives strength to the command. Team strength increases further when multiple viewers begin to scream one word. This word, for example, can be a surname favorite player.

With the power of words can cause instant changes in their actions. For example, through the power of words, you can change the courage to cowardice, confusion on the activity, and

weakness in the force. For example, you now want to do something that you previously did not have enough energy.

You need to create an image of how you do it. This image needs to be increased and made more clear, bright and colorful. When you have a clear image of this, begin repeating the appropriate word in this case, such a word may be the energy. Hold the minds of the created image, repeat the word over and over again. And you feel like you are filled with energy.

There are many words that you can use when using the power receiving words. These are the words strength, health, beware, beautiful, strong, brave, fearless, slim, relaxed, successful, efficient, attractive, creative and many others.

When you feel the real power of words, you can use them to get rid of the fear and gain the courage to forget about the weakness and become strong. With the power of words, you can change your life and make it more successful, more saturated. Power words will help you to direct your ability to achieve your strength of the goals that you have set.

To change the wait, we must remember the principle of universal interconnection. According to this principle, in order to affect a great need to have a small impact on. So, if you want to influence the big, start small. For example, if you want to change your friend, wife or child, you must first change your attitude to a friend, wife or child. Should expect the desired changes, and then you notice that changes do occur.

If you learn how to use call waiting, small changes, then subsequently be able to cope with large changes. Waiting - a great power, which have absolutely everything. It works on all levels: the family, the city, the country and even the universe. The law is the law, it governs all. The same can be said about the wait, which is also a kind of law. What is true for molecules is true for the entire universe. Change your expectations, and you will find that your world, your reality is changed to the extent that you want to change it. We can say that with this principle you can do to make your life the way you want it to be.

Chapter 16. Control of its own weight.

To start go to your local bookstore and check out the books available out there on the control of its own weight and diets. It's safe to say that you will find there a variety of books on a wide variety of diets. You need a book about diet, based on the enhanced use of meat? Please. You need a diet for a person with an addiction to alcohol? Please. You do not like to drink a lot of water?

Please, here is a diet based on reduced use of water. You like to drink a lot of fluids? Please, here is a diet based on increased use of liquid. Besides the above diet, you'll probably see more and fruit diet, cheese diet, a diet based on the consumption of eggs, a diet based on the consumption of bread, high-protein diet, low protein diet, high-cholesterol diet, low cholesterol diet, diet, eliminating fat intake, diet approving the use of fat diet that excludes the use of salt, diet, does not exclude the use of salt, and a diet based on the use of yogurt. If you are an

advocate of the philosophy of breath, then you will no doubt be offered a diet based on the exclusion from the diet of all food and nutrition only air.

Most of these books are written by experts in nutrition, medicine and health, but confused by the fact that almost all of these books contradict each other.

Who would believe? What can we believe?

Let's look at a person that faces the problem of excess weight. Except in rare cases, the problem of excess weight is caused by excessive food intake at which calories are not the creation of kinetic energy (energy of motion) and potential (alternate energy) in the form of fat. The more fat, the more overweight. In short, people who suffer from being overweight, eating too much.

Solution to this problem seems simple and obvious. No secrets, no magic, it seems that anyone knows the answer. It can be stated in two words: eat less.

How simple.

And how difficult!

What is the difficulty? Let's examine the forces that are invisible at first glance, but which nevertheless have a significant impact on this problem.

First of all consider the relation of the organism to the food. Emptiness in the stomach, which requires filling food - one of the main problems. As analogies and metaphors often provide answers, even in abstract form, but lead to a better understanding, try to apply one of these metaphors.

There are two basic types of energy: potential and kinetic.

Potential energy - the energy that is waiting for its application. A kinetic energy - the energy of motion.

Let's say you have an old clock spring. You insert the key in the right place and tightening the spring tighter and tighter. During this process, there is a transfer of energy: the energy of your fingers to pass the key, the key transmits energy to the spring, and the spring that stores energy. Then spring slowly starts to unfold, the energy of the potential into kinetic, and this energy causes the arrows to move, so you can check the current time.

Once you completely twisted spring (complete works), you will be extremely difficult to make at least one turn of the key. Imagine what would happen to your old clock, if you took a pliers and using this tool and all his strength, tried to turn the key again, again and again.

Probably, your clock would have rained, and from them would have remained only a pile of wheels and gears. The reason for this would be that the spring was not able to keep the amount of energy that you would like to tell her, and burst.

Twisting spring (replant) - the main cause of failure in the early hours of the century, but later in the clock mechanism was built into a tiny mechanism that makes it impossible to replant and thereby prevents damage hours.

Now let's try this metaphor to move people and apply it to the problem of overeating.

Food - the potential energy. You use this energy and convert it into kinetic energy while walking, talking, thinking, eating, etc. You use this energy even when lying in bed staring at the ceiling. We can say that food for humans - is the same as the factory springs for hours.

To select the required normal life energy you need much less food than many people think. Most people know that between a hearty breakfast and lunch can be eaten only an apple or some other fruit, and it will be enough to maintain their strength. Why twist the spring? Why eat at lunchtime food in an amount that would satisfy the two-day food needs of several people? Of course, this is of no benefit. Then why is this happening?

Below are some of the reasons why people overeat: guilt, talks and meetings; substitution; deliberate change in appearance, the need for love.

Guilt. Some people believe that if a lot of people in the world die of hunger and can not afford to have even basic food, then a sin not to eat up and leave something on the plate. Therefore, they eat much more food than they need to satisfy their hunger.

Some people also believe that good products are expensive, and if they do not finish eating, then throw their money away.

Negotiations and business meetings. "Let's discuss it over coffee." "Let's talk about it over lunch." "We met for lunch." "Good cocktail helps negotiate." "I know a lovely restaurant nearby, where we'll talk." "I found a great cafe next, and we can discuss everything." And so on and so forth. Very often people are surprised when they find out that they do not need something to chew on, in order to negotiate.

Substitution. Overeating, additional food intake is often a substitution (a kind of compensation) of what we have, but we want to have. Tamping stomach food - the easiest way to get satisfaction, if we can not have what we want. Thus, the additional food intake is the transformation of needs, so we want something, do not have this, and the need for it is transformed into a need to eat more food.

Intentional change in appearance. Recently on training courses Silva engaged woman gigantic dimensions, which could not stop overeating. She ate four times a day, and besides, still and full-fledged snack between meals. With tears in his eyes and pleading voice she confessed: "I keep saying that I should eat less, but no one can say how. How do I stop overeating?"

Looking at a sad woman and pondering how to answer her, our female instructor realized that there is no need to talk about diet and exercise, because the poor guy probably did not hear it all the time. Then the instructor asked, "Is your husband still loves you?" It seemed that this question had no relation to the problem of excess weight, and tormented by this problem the woman was extremely surprised at the question.

She paused with his hands on the chair, then her eyes gave way to tears, she lowered her head and with a sigh she said: "I do not know."

In fact, she hated herself because she could not watch without disgust at his reflection in the mirror. She knew better than anyone else, and if she hated herself, then someone else could feel his love for her? With a look at your life over it was extremely difficult to believe that she may like someone, that someone could love her.

She was sure that her husband does not love her because she looks awful. "Well, - she thought on a subconscious level - all as it should be: if I do not like how I look, why should it please my husband?" Following this point of view, it is resigned to the fact that her husband does not love her.

If she lost weight and became look good if she began to like herself, but her husband still did not love her, then she could not accept this. Then it would have been unbearable for her.

No matter how many diets she has tried. It is important that it look at his appearance in connection with this relationship with her husband prevented her from losing weight. Attractive appearance was for her a threat to their self-esteem. After overweight served as original explanation dislike her husband, and if she lost weight and started to look good, and her husband continued to treat her still, it would be a severe blow to her vanity, she could not stand it.

Need for love. Many of us when we were kids, heard these words: "Eat more spoon for mom, eat another spoonful for dad." Or: "If you want us to be liked, you eat potatoes (porridge, spinach, etc.)."

Hearing it quite often, the child eventually begins to equate food with love. And when he (she) grows, it begins to overeat because the food in his (her) consciousness is identified with love. If there is no love, then you need to have. Is mom did not love you when you eat well? Of course, all these thoughts occur at the subconscious level.

Lack of love feels like emptiness. And many who want to fill that void with love, finally fill her food.

Surely someone has already thought: if there are as many reasons for overeating, it is surprising that someone still manages to maintain a normal weight. Why do many people do not overeat? It all depends on one's attitude to food. After all, everyone relates to food differently.

Some refer to the food as tools to help negotiate and make business meetings more enjoyable, while others - like to substitute something, and others - as an expression of love, the fourth - as a source of energy, such as simple and clean as firewood or gasoline for cars.

If a person is overweight, it is very likely that it does not consider food a source of energy, and is inclined to regard it with one of the above-mentioned points of view.

Many people use the hunger strike. Some fasted for ten days, while others - even forty days. However, we should note that the period during which the human body can not function properly without food, are five days. But we should not forget that there are people who eat breakfast at eight o'clock in the morning two eggs, potatoes, toast and coffee, and then a snack at half past ten in the morning, and in the hour of the day saying, "I'm dying of hunger, which let- some bite. "

Obviously, a person can not die of hunger between breakfast and lunch. Then what is the reason for their desire to eat?

The answer is simple. Emptiness in the stomach interpreted as hunger. And in fact, this transformation of potential energy into kinetic energy. This feeling for such a long period of time was interpreted as hunger, that it was really associated with hunger.

Meanwhile, your body just tells you that he still has power.

But instead of using this energy for work or training, we often use it for food. It turns out that instead of the efficient use of energy, we are thrown back "fuel in the furnace", again consume food and energy is the fact that this food digest. It should be noted that the new portions of food in the body there is no need. After eating a sense of excess energy is replaced feeling of heaviness and laziness, because the kinetic energy is converted into potential energy.

Therefore, we must learn to interpret it as a feeling of hunger, which indicates that the body still has enough energy. This energy should be used. You will soon realize that you have more energy than ever since you were a teenager.

Growing up, one begins to interpret the message body, saying the presence of energy, such as hunger.

At the beginning of this chapter we said that does not require any magic to lose weight. All that it needs to do - eat less. And this is the best diet in the world. In short, the ideal diet can be formulated as follows: "Eat less and work more." And that's all you need to do to get rid of excess weight.

Below you offer a wonderful way by which you can reduce the intake of food. Its use can be complicated if you have a guilt complex, which was mentioned above. In other cases, it works great. According to this method, you can order at the restaurant all that usually book a home can take all the things that usually take, but you need to eat only half of what you ordered or put on your plate. To do this, before you proceed to food intake, you need to split the portion into two

equal portions and eat only one piece. This is a very simple way, and most importantly - it really helps to learn to eat less.

We can also advise you to eat more fruit. For over a hundred years (the first book was written about the diet at the end of the last century), nutritionists recommend for breakfast, lunch or dinner eat only fruit. If you eat a couple of oranges and a banana or an apple, you will find that hunger disappears after this, enough energy to do normal things.

Exclusively fruit diet is not recommended, because our body requires much more nutrients than is found in fruits.

If you for breakfast, lunch or dinner will eat fruit, you will find that your food needs begin to change. Can be reasonably safe to say that you do not need a strict diet. We do not recommend any diet because diet implies control, and since no one likes to be controlled by some external force, then you are on a subconscious level will still resist diet, resist the constraints that it imposes on you .

Better just to make changes in your diet that can be done quite easily. It should be noted that it is much easier to eliminate from your diet that product, about the harmful effects of which you know.

Take, for example, sugar. You can not completely eliminate from your diet sugar. After the sugar contained in candy, cakes, pies, cookies, ice cream, etc. In certain amount of sugar found in almost all products. And generally should not try to completely eliminate it from your diet. You just need to modify the shape of its consumption.

You can, for example, exclude from your diet bread or condiments or sauces or vegetable oil, or butter, or alcohol. On the other hand, you can only reduce the rate of consumption of these products. In this case, they will not harm you, and you will get from eating them more fun. We should not forget that we get more pleasure when we eat any product in moderate amounts. If we start to abuse it, it becomes boring and annoying us.

In Chapter 3, stated, inter alia, the first rule of happiness. It reads: "Enjoy what you like." This chapter also states that only fear and guilt can prevent us to enjoy what we like. I must say that all this is true for eating. That fear and guilt keep us from having fun.

One person who attended courses Silva on weekends, there was a problem just with fear and guilt. He could not resist the apple pie and vanilla ice cream. This man suffered from being overweight, it is constantly sitting on a diet, then to another, but once saw an apple pie and vanilla ice cream, forget about everything.

Every day he escaped from the house, walked to the nearest restaurant and eat there apple pie and vanilla ice cream. However, he was afraid that someone would find him doing this, whenever cautiously looked and felt guilty. The very process of absorption of apple pie and vanilla ice cream caused his guilt, but he could not help himself. He also feared the consequences of excessive consumption of sweets and after their absorption within a few hours asking myself,

why did it. But every time the story was repeated, he again ran into the restaurant and eat there apple pie and vanilla ice cream. His desire was stronger than him, he could not help it, and nothing helped him deal with this scourge.

After the seminar, the man decided that if he would eat cake, then try to get pleasure from it. As we know, one key to satisfaction is moderation. If you eat anything in moderation, you get pleasure from it. And the more you consume moderately this product, the more pleasure get from its use. And our hero decided that I would eat sweets in moderation. He decided that he will choose the day that will have your favorite cake and ice cream without fear and guilt. He found that once a week can afford to please herself. Our hero is chosen as "sweet day" Tuesday, and the weekend was nothing to prevent him live because he knew that on Tuesday will allow yourself to eat cake and ice cream. He programmed himself to it in a meditative state, while at the level and this method worked.

When I came on Tuesday, the man gladly ate my treat, and this gave him such pleasure, what he had never received. According to him, it was wonderful. Four weeks later he changed the schedule and decided that he would now have apple pie and vanilla ice cream only once a month. After three months passed, the day chosen for the absorption goodies, he felt no desire to eat cake and ice cream, and did not eat these sweets. At the seminar, he said that he had never felt so free. He realized that, freed from its attachment to the sweet, got real freedom.

Needless to say, it is to lose weight and began to weigh as much as he wanted. It should be noted that in order to get rid of excess weight, he did not use any special diets. He ate what is commonly, but very sparingly. Reducing food consumption, he felt a lot of energy, and to find the application of this energy has become long walks, which also helped him to get rid of excess weight.

How to get rid of excess weight:

1. Do not close your eyes to this the problem. Take it as a given that you weigh much more than they should weigh.

2. Feel a strong desire to get rid of excess weight.

3. Sign in to rate and consider whether there is any reason (from those that have been described in this chapter) that prevent you to get rid of excess weight.

4. Learn regarded emptiness in the stomach, you feel in four to five hours after a meal, as a signal that the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.

5. Read the energy value of foods that make up your diet and replace high-calorie foods for low calorie.

6. Make changes in your diet.

7. Eat less and work more.

Chapter 17. Exemption from the victim complex.

Many lawyers and psychologists believe that there are people who have developed "a victim complex." These people think that they attract aggressors. It seems that people emit any waves or, say, the messages that attract the aggressor, just as a flower to attract bees uses not only the smell, but also vibration. When this "message" is accepted as an aggressor, it attracts him, and the victim and the aggressor come into contact. There are people who constantly have problems, they are subjected to abuse, assault, robbery and other hostile actions. This victim.

Do you have a victim complex? Let's check.

Have you, a waiter in the restaurant leads you to a table, which is located next door to the toilet, or to a table, behind which sits a man smoking a cigar, or crying baby? In this case, you probably take the place offers and thinking, "Here we go again. This happens all the time with me." Or whether you received your purchase in a battered box?

You will then probably take the box and think: "It seems to me constantly slip products second-class."

If the reported cases have occurred to you, then you are on the way to earning a victim complex. But how to get rid of the victim complex?

Is it possible?

Yes, it is possible. Using the principle of universal interconnection, we reveal the essence of the whole complex of the victim, examine the chain of events that shape it. Do not forget that large and small - everything is interconnected. A man who has a victim complex in the small, usually has them in large: unhappiness attracts unhappiness or misfortune never comes alone. The man who sits on a bad seat in the restaurant - as a rule, the man in whose house commit theft. And if we can cope with complex victim to a low level, then we can handle them on a large level.

How to get rid of the victim complex? Let's say you come into the restaurant, and you are offered a table that you do not like. Then you call the maitre d 'and say, "I hate this table. Please transfer me for another." Most likely you will be offered another table, and you will no longer feel like a victim.

If the store you are given goods crumpled package, you calmly say, "This box is dented, I do not like it. I ask you to replace it." In all likelihood, you will make a replacement, suggesting another box.

But what if you do not offer another table, or will not give another box? In this case, you will also cease to be a victim, because express their discontent and thereby asserting itself, stop feeling like a victim. You do not accept the situation for what it is, and take action to change it for the better.

If you take the actions described, then purchase the right choice. You can walk away from the restaurant, or stay, but in any case it will be your choice. Only your. In the store you can either take a box, or to refuse, but it's your choice, and it depends only on your desire.

To further establish itself, you may request a meeting with the store manager and the restaurant, which governs employees related to you unkindly. The requirement to see the bosses always work. You go to talk to staff occupying a higher position, and if you are hard, then most likely will achieve what you want, and feel satisfaction.

So, stating their dissatisfaction, you get the right choice. And next time, when you're dissatisfied with something, expressed its discontent. Expressing its displeasure, you stop being a victim.

So you are taking the first step in the liberation of the victim complex.

People often ask, what is the difference between the expression of discontent and violence. The difference is that the expression of dissatisfaction occurs gently with a smile. You thus do not shout and swear. And aggression - is a punch on the table, shouting to satisfy their demands. We do not recommend this. When you express your dissatisfaction, do it politely and with a smile. However, your courtesy should not be excessive, it should not border on servility. Need to be accommodating, but do not lose self-esteem. Do not forget that all necessary measure.

Using this method for a while, you realize that it's pretty funny. Life - the game if you look at it as a game. Should never be angry. When you realize that all people act in accordance with their interests and points of view, you begin to realize that each in its own right. People are right, because they believe that right. But you are also right. And important to you your point of view. When you realize that each in their own rights (in his view), you will notice that you will be hard for anyone to get angry. You will be particularly difficult to get angry if you have a well-developed sense of self. Remember that you have to act and not react to the actions of others. The person who operates his own master. A person who responds to the actions of others, depends on those whose actions he reacts.

Therein lies the difference between the victim and the person who declares confidently about themselves and their desires. Confidence that you are right, giving you the ability to act to assert itself. And knowing that others believe he is right, allows you to make themselves and their discontent without anger. Taking certain actions, you assert yourself not as a person who responds to the actions of others, but as a person who acts independently, in accordance with their wishes and needs. You get rid of the victim complex.

So, to get rid of the victim complex, you need to be sure that you deserve better treatment, and calmly and politely demand such relationships. By the way, acting as you will almost always get what you need to be satisfied and feel confident.

Chapter 18. Motivation actions and procrastination.

Now we will tell you the story of James K, which perfectly describes the behavior and motivation of procrastination.

Friends called him Jimmy gentleman, and he was both a lovely guy and a man who constantly kept putting it off for later.

Jimmy did not wash as long as he did not begin to scratch the whole body. He was late for his own wedding, arrived at the hospital an hour after his daughter was born, looked twelve productions on Broadway, but every time I was late for fifteen minutes. In short, Jimmy could not wait for later whatever.

Jimmy worked as a reporter for the "New York Post" and, of course, constantly late, but it made such wonderful reports, that the editor of a blind eye to his continued delay. Once Jimmy had to go do a report on the intersection of Second Avenue and Fifty-eighth Street. Probably do not need to say that he, as always, late. He managed to record the same as other reporters, but all of them were supposed to meet with the police nearby for more information, and Jimmy had not heard about it. He walked thoughtfully examined all around, getting acquainted with the situation.

After everyone left, Jimmy was still standing and was biting the tip of his pencil, which made notes. At this point, ran out of the house next door and a woman began to call for police assistance. She screamed that she sits on the toilet the robber. This interested Jimmy, and he went into the house to check the truth is this woman screaming. Looking into the toilet, he was convinced that she did not come up: in the closet, he saw some thug who hopped on one leg, while the second leg of his stuck in the toilet. It turned out that he was hiding in the house, and when I heard that rises police tried to get rid of drugs by throwing them into the toilet. But drugs are not so quickly disappeared into the toilet as he wanted, so he decided to push their foot, causing his leg and was stuck in the toilet. Police also left without noticing him. When the toilet stopped Jimmy trapped bandit offered to pay him a hundred dollars if he will pull his foot out of the toilet.

Jimmy sat down on the edge of the tub to ponder the situation. If he can help this man get your foot out of the toilet, you get a hundred dollars, but if he would leave everything as it is, probably, be able to make this a good report. What to do? While he tried to resolve this dilemma, stuck thug tried to persuade him to help him, but Jimmy did not budge.

Then someone called the police, and the police again went to the house, accompanied by reporters, who all this time sewn together somewhere nearby, trying to get more information about the first incident. When a thug with a jammed foot heard sirens, he went crazy. Grabbing his leg with both hands, he pulled her desperately, but instead to free himself, tore the toilet and collapsed on the floor, and, as he fell, his leg was still trapped. When he with a horrible crash landed on his back, his foot sharply risen up and flew with her toilet. Describing a small arc, he landed right in the head and Jimmy crashed in a hundred pieces. But Jimmy has not seen since the terrible impact fainted. He woke up in just two days in a hospital bed. His head was all bandaged, so that he looked like a Bedouin.

When Jimmy tried to explain to my editor that I did not report because of his head smashed the toilet, which was chock full of drugs, the editor was furious and, trembling with indignation, the poor man fired Jimmy. Of course, this was not the only occasion when Jimmy explained his behavior is totally unbelievable reasons.

After this incident came to Jimmy Silva courses with very specific purpose: he wanted to get rid of all the disgusting habit to procrastinate and procrastinate whenever you need to act.

Jimmy decided that if comes of any good, he would be a man who does not pigeonhole. He also promised myself two things: first - the next job he will run at least until the holidays, the second - he looks at Broadway at least one statement from beginning to end.

Converges to the seminar, Jimmy realized that getting rid of the habit to procrastinate all is not so simple. He understood the reason for his bad habit, but my head still hurt after a terrible blow toilet. However, in spite of everything, Jimmy decided that his next job he did not procrastinate.

Jimmy found a new job in New Jersey in a small newspaper format which almost all occupied advertisements. Jimmy was the only reporter in the newspaper. All that was required of him - is to gather once a week the local gossip.

Jimmy had to submit their news within three hours of the day on Wednesday, but the woman who was responsible for it all, I wanted to represent a preliminary report on Tuesday at ten o'clock. That is turned two terms. A two-term - it does not catch two possibilities to perform the work to date.

Nevertheless, on Monday Jimmy already knew what he would write. The story has already been formed in his head, which, incidentally, looked quite normal, because the bandages removed two days ago. But for some reason Jimmy did not bother to write his story. However boss Jimmy did not like that the story exists only in his head, rather than on paper. She did not want to delve into the problems Jimmy and said that the story should be printed, and without grammatical errors.

It was the seventh place where Jimmy worked for a year, and he had no desire to lose this job. So he sat at his desk, pulled closer typewriter and going to print, but suddenly found that I forgot about what I wanted to tell the readers of the newspaper. His story is stuck "between the left ear and right eye" and did not want to be clearly set out on paper, as demanded by Jimmy.

Jimmy took a deep breath, closed his eyes and tried to remember the basic idea of which we spoke at a seminar on the problem of delaying indefinitely. Jimmy was at this seminar a week ago.

He tried to remember what was said at the seminar, and hoped that if you remember this, you will never be anything to pigeonhole.

On this, let Jimmy cut the story and tell you that he was trying to remember sitting in front of his typewriter.

Principle of Polarity states that everything has its opposite, and opposites are similar in nature and differ only by degree. Leaving in the closet and motivation (motivation) are opposites. They essentially differ only in the degree of desire to do anything.

We can apply our scale, which has repeatedly used. On the far left, the negative portion of it we will write on leaving then, and below we assign a weak desire. On the far right, the positive portion of the scale write motivation, and a strong desire to assign below.

When you have a strong desire to do something, you have a strong motivation. If your desire decreases, motivation is also becoming weaker. If your desire is on the far left of the scale interval, it means that you absolutely do not want to do anything, which means you do not will.

May be simply to say that the motivation - is a strong desire. If you really want to do something, in all likelihood, you do. There are certain processes, the implementation of which do not need any motivation because their flow is controlled at a subconscious level. For example, do not need any motivation to breathe. Your body adjusts itself perfectly such processes and does not need any motivation. You also do not need motivation, to sleep, to eat and drink. You go to bed when you want to sleep, eat when hungry and drink when thirsty. And the breath we can say that it is carried out automatically.

However, if you deprive the air, food or water, you will experience a strong desire to get back what you lost. And most likely you'll get his. You will do everything to be able to breathe. If someone set his face to smother you, your desire to get rid of his hands again and breathe the air will be so great that you, if needed, kill this man. If two or three days you will be deprived of water, your thirst will become so unbearable that you are ready to break through the wall to get to the water.

What you need to do to create motivation for doing anything? In order to create motivation, you must log on to consider the level and standing in front of you a question. When you need to create motivation for doing any act, think about the feelings that you are experiencing this action, about his attitude towards it. Do you have a strong desire to get a positive result? If you've been putting off this thing, it means that you have a strong desire. In this case, you need to create desire, you need to make yourself want. The question then arises: what to do in order to create desire?

Let's say you have a weak desire to drink water. You rest comfortably on a chair, reading a book or watching TV, or maybe browse the newspaper, and at this point you have the desire to drink water not strong, they have you think that it would be good to drink water, but not very thirsty, and so you do not want to get up from his chair. You continue to sit and read. This is a typical example of a weak desire. Your desire corresponds to the left segment of the scale interval postponing until later. In our case, you will surely decide that later drinketh. To get up and drink water, you need to host a motivation, that is a strong desire.

And in order to create a strong desire to think about what you want. In this case you need to enter the level and present a refreshing glass of cold water. You need to imagine how you hold it to his lips, feel like, bringing satisfaction in your throat pours refreshing moisture. Using the technique of gold forms you need to increase this image, make it clearer. If you've done this, you will soon be a strong desire to drink a glass of water to meet you stand up and headed for the kitchen.

The same should be done for the creation of any other desire. With this technique you can create motivation for any action.

Now you need to select what action you want to create motivation. Selecting the target, you need to consider all aspects of this goal, all its aspects. First of all you need to ask yourself why you want to do it.

Also ask yourself, what will be the result if you successfully achieve your goal. What will you do when will achieve this goal? Imagine what happens after you achieve your.

After that, imagine how you do what shelved. With the help of visualization you should visualize how to do it. Then you need to take three decisions. First, you need to decide where you intend to perform this operation. To do this, set the actual date of its commission. Secondly, you need to decide where you intend to perform this operation. Third, you need to determine how you perform this action. You should imagine that you start with how you will strive to achieve, etc. And at that time, as long as you think, when, where and how you need to imagine how you all are doing.

Now you know when you start where the action will take place and how you will implement it, and you also understand why you want to perform this operation, you only create a desire. A need to create desire through visualization. Now we talk about visualization as a means of enhancing desire.

Visualization - a key component of the process that leads to action. This process begins when a thought of committing any action then, this process leads to a concentration of energy, and he ends up committing to this action. Rendering function is to concentrate energy, and by means of which the action is carried.

If the process of the emergence of thought, concentration, energy and an action is out of control, it can lead to obsession, or obsession. People suffering obsession (those who have an obsession), concentrated attention only on any one subject at the expense of everything else. They are so engrossed in their obsession with that energy is concentrated in huge quantities, and as a result, people are not thinking about the consequences of their actions.

On the other hand, controlled by the concentration of energy that accompanies the appearance of imagery (visualization) can play a positive role. This, in fact, is our goal: to provide a controlled process of concentration of energy, which ultimately leads to the commission of the desired action. Moreover, as already mentioned, using the visualization.

For the concentration of energy must be a level and focus on the image of how you make the desired action. With this technique you will be able to concentrate energy. The better you are able to concentrate on the image of how you perform the desired action, the more energy you will be able to concentrate, the greater will be your desire to perform this operation. Daily focuses on this image, and every day motivation will become stronger. This will happen as long as concentrated energy output is not required and it will not force you to take the necessary action.

And now, when we met with the ways of overcoming the habit of putting off until later and all procrastinate whenever you need to act, back to the story of Jimmy.

All ideas and concepts, which he learned at the training courses Silva went head Jimmy K, as he sat at the table and tried to create in his motivation for writing your message. Remembering another key point about creating motivation, Jimmy wrote it down on paper.

- First, I must reinforce the desire to write a message. Secondly, I have to actively use visualization. Thirdly, I shall provide a positive message writing. Fourthly, I shall determine the date when I start working on the message, the place where I work, as well as going to work. Fifth, I have to focus on the successful completion of the case and concentrate energy.

Let's see how I get it all. Now, I'll increase my desire by concentrating thought.

Jimmy closed his eyes and concentrated on thinking about your message. He is presented as it is on his desk. He presented himself smiling and satisfied.

- Well, I have the desire. Now I need to actively use visualization.

After that Jimmy began to do the work completed on the image brighter and clearer. Then he made this image colorful and then surround.

Gradually increasing the image of the finished work, it is completely immersed in it. Immersed in this way, he thought only of his message.

Then he thought: "What will be expressed positive shutdown?"

After that, he introduced as the editor reads his message, nods, and appears on her face an expression of satisfaction. Jimmy introduced, as she tells him that he coped well with the work. Then he presented as the editor raises in his post. When this thought came to mind Jimmy, his face broke into a smile involuntarily.

Jimmy thought, "When should I get started?" It automatically decided that starts at 11 o'clock 35 minutes. "Where?" This table. "How am I going to work?" It's very simple. I put a sheet of typewriter paper and start typing.

Jimmy is presented as it prints a message and began to increase the image. Finally, he thought, what image should make him start work immediately?

And this image immediately came to mind. He presented himself to rest in Nassau, the Bahamas. It was his favorite vacation spot.

Last time he was there a few years ago. Jimmy sighed and said to himself: "Of course, if I want to get to the Bahamas, you must get to work. I want to lie on the warm sand, so should work."

Finally, Jimmy opened his eyes and looked at the clock that hung on the wall. They showed ten minutes to eleven. Jimmy thought, "To hell with it, eventually. I should start." And he began a furious pace to print. Although the time when Jimmy had started, has not yet come, but he never thought about it, and thought only of work. He thought about what to write your message. And if he has time, he can spend it usefully.

Chapter 19. Strengthening of sensual desire.

People are products of their desires. You can achieve everything you want is strong enough. For example, if you can not breathe, your desire to make it so great that you do not need to use any special techniques to seek opportunities to breathe the air. In this case, you do not need any visualization or equipment gold forms. The image that you can breathe again, arises in your mind instantly, without any effort on your part, and it persists as long as you do not breathe the air again. Thus, in this case, one does not need any whatsoever instructions.

In Chapter 18, we talked about how to increase desire leads to the creation of motivation. All this is true, but is applicable in those cases when it comes to achieving success, getting rid of the problems and other areas of life. And as is the case with other desires? What can we say about the sensual desires? What can we say about the desire, which increases sexual desire, the desire that increases interest in food, the desire, which helps us to enjoy the beauty around us, or the desire that causes artists to create beauty on a boring gray canvas?

There is an opinion: real education tells the man that he already knows, but in other words, and thus increases its understanding of the subject under consideration. If you successfully apply the technique of gold forms, you probably already know what we are talking about. But let's try to delve deeper into it. Below you offer an explanation of how the technique increases the desire gold forms.

Area where people often have problems with weak sensuality, sex is. When a person there is a problem with sex, it causes a lot of stress, which makes it difficult to relax. Mental images that arise in connection with this problem, brighten fear and negative expectation reduces or completely destroys desire.

When both partners do not experience fear associated with failures that may have occurred during past experiences, they are free from negative expectations and feel comfortable and confident, allowing them to obtain the maximum enjoyment. Relaxed state of mind creates images of perfect union, and it really becomes an ideal. Freedom from negative expectations from sex helps to get all the good that he can give.

And male and female organisms have the ability to respond to sexual images. Male body reacts to the release of hormones, but the wait can neutralize the negative effect of causing minor setbacks at best and at worst impotence.

Female body also reacts to emitted hormones that cause relaxation and prepare the body for sexual experience.

Stress caused by negative attitudes, feelings of guilt or fear, is counterproductive. Stress can cause muscle tension, discomfort during sexual intercourse or even pain.

However, stress is not the only cause problems with sexual desire. One of the problems that couples often claim quite a long period of time lived together, is that decreased sexual desire is due to habituation, which makes sex boring and gray. And the images that precede sexual intercourse also become monotonous and colorless. Such couples often say that before, when their relationship began, these images were bright, colorful and rich. Sexual images can be compared with flowering shrubs in your yard. It attracts with its beauty, but you are so accustomed to it that pass by without paying any attention to him.

If you close your eyes and imagine what you are doing with his partner (partner) is what you have not done before, it will help you to look at your relationship from a new perspective. You will see them in a new light. Consider for example a flowering bush. If you imagine that moved flowering shrub of the patio in his bedroom, you will see this familiar bush in a whole new light. You can also imagine how this bush are traveling in your car or watering and fertilize it. You can imagine how it becomes more or less, on the contrary, less as it changes color. And suddenly you see its beauty. You will return to an interest in him.

Sex and desire are the functions of thinking, and a better understanding of the art gold forms will certainly help to increase desire. Think about how you feel strong sexual experience. Then, using visualization to make the image of a successful sexual experience more clear and vivid. It should become voluminous and colorful. After this, you should turn on all the senses, all you need to feel and hear everything. What do you feel? What emotions are experiencing? Try to reinforce the feelings experienced.

Then you should take a look at this scene from the side. Imagine that you are sitting in the third row in the theater. You should see on the stage itself. Then imagine how you come to the stage and considering the action from close range. When you see something that catches your attention, slow down and carefully consider what attracted your attention. Once the action closer to the moment you are most interested in, imagine that you are part of the action. Aim for a depth of feeling.

The next time you have sex, use what you have seen "on stage." Ten minutes before intercourse try again cause in their minds the images that are seen, and using the technique of gold forms make these images more clear, bright and colorful. Then return to the reality and do what in your mind gave you great pleasure.

To strengthen the desire to have sex in different positions, you can use the same technique. To do this with the help of visualization, imagine a successful sexual experience, and then apply the technique of gold forms.

Think about the positive aspects of such sexual intercourse. Think about what gives you pleasure. Then be a good way to conclude a white frame surround and make it colorful. You can then translate that image in real life.

We now consider the interest in eating. Do you have problems with appetite? Whether you want to enhance your appetite? If yes, then think about how you get pleasure from eating. Before the meal, imagine how much fun you get. Imagine how you enjoy every morsel. Try to get that image became as clear as possible and bright. Feel the pleasure of absorption of food, and you will have an excellent appetite.

Ability to control their desires is a very useful skill.

We have already talked about strengthening the desire, now let's talk about it weakening. After all, in life there are times when a person for any reason want to reduce their desire. The polarity principle, if you know how to increase desire, it will automatically know how to reduce it. You just need to apply the inverse method.

To reduce the desire to apply the technique of gold forms and enclose the image in a blue box. Then you need to make this image a flat, black and white and fuzzy, then reduce it to as long as he does not disappear. When he disappears, to be replaced in the opposite way in a white frame (see Chapter 5, "Golden Images").

Well to create abstract images.

Let's say for some reason you want to reduce your sexual desire. You tried to enter into standing in front of your eyes in the image of a blue box, but you failed. Then you can imagine that you are in a circus arena clowns jokes orchestra plays some funny music, imagine Mickey Mouse. And your desire to quickly disappear.

This technique can help you if you want to dismiss the man that fell in love. For this you need a good idea of her (it) to you smiling. She (it) clown cap, two front teeth in her (it) painted to create the illusion of their absence. Have you noticed a change in his attitude?

One of the greatest gifts of nature are our senses. As you know, we have five senses: hearing, sight, touch, smell and taste.

Many people treat their senses as well as a novice with computers. There are people who heard the advertisement bought a computer, and then, to his surprise, found that they need to spend a lot of time and effort to learn how to use correctly. Then, in order not to throw away the money paid to the wind, they acquire a minimum knowledge and use a tiny fraction features intelligent machines. And there are people who have spared neither strength nor the time, mastered programming language and began to use all the features of the computer.

The same happens with the senses. We all have senses, but not all use their capabilities. As a rule, we use them on a subconscious level. And Michelangelo used his feelings much more fully than we do. It was enough to look at the block of marble to see in her beautiful figure. After that, could only take a hammer and chisel and release lurking in marble sculpture. This is an example of the extraordinary use of the senses.

Or recall of Vincent Van Gogh. It was enough to look at a flower, to see in him what he could not see anyone else. Convey this feeling in his paintings, he provided them immortality. His paintings people excited even a century after they were written, because the unfailing enthusiasm is kind of perception of the world, which was not peculiar to anyone else. Or you can give an example of Ray Charles, who can sing so that its execution will cause delight almost everyone.

When we hear the word gifted people, they usually think of people who have very developed one or more senses. Have them differently arranged senses? No. Maybe they have a larger brain size? Once again, no. They are simply more completely use their senses.

Now it's time to talk about how you can learn to make better use of their senses.

To increase the desire to perceive the world more deeply, you can use the technique of gold forms. Let's start with a clean sheet of paper. Take a blank sheet of paper and a pen and draw a circle of diameter from the bottom of a coffee cup. After a few moments of this look at the circle, and then close your eyes and think that he may exhibit. Maybe it's an open umbrella, car wheel or anything else? Unleash your imagination.

After that, take a look around. What do you see? Couch, a book, a picture? Let's talk about the picture or some pictures. Find a painting or photograph and examine it, and then close your eyes and imagine what you saw. If you find it difficult to do it right the first time, you can look at the picture again. Sign in to rate and imagine that you are in the picture. Look around you. What do you see? And what do you feel this?

Try changing the background. Give your imagination complete freedom.

Make a picture of what you want changes. Make new colors, new scenes, new colors, new sounds. Feel that your imagination - is a great power, which is subject to all. After a few minutes of free flight of fancy exit level and take a look at the picture again.

Try to notice that the last time escaped your attention. We can confidently say that after such a flight of fancy you look at the picture completely differently.

Now let's turn our attention to the hearing. Take a good recording of the concert or symphony performed good Symphony Orchestra under the talented conductor. Listen to this record, even if you are not a fan of classical music. Listen to it as you would normally listen to music.

Now you will develop your ear, trying to hear what had not heard.

Listen to the recording once. When music sounds, enter an alpha state and listen to music in this state. Try to hear all the nuances of sound. Try to hear the gentle voice of the violin, vibrance pipes, heat bass, piano stage (if it is a concerto for piano and orchestra), thunder drums. Divide the orchestra into three groups: a group of bass, medium group of voices and a group of high voices, and then listen to the voice of each group. Follow the melody over how its tools are in each group. Feel the music flowing into you as you become the music. You should feel that every cell in your body reacts to the sound of music. Think about what you said music. Let it carry you away to another place and another time.

Imagine you are traveling along with the music. Feel the sound of the surf, imagine that you are somewhere in the mountains. Do not limit your imagination, let it become a free and flies along with the music.

When you come out of a meditative state, you will feel that they have heard more than usual listener hears. If you're lucky, you can even hear what the composer heard when composing this music.

To develop the sense of touch, look good on the tree that grows near your home, on the street or in a nearby park, then somknite with three fingers on either hand (three fingers technique), take a deep breath and then slowly exhale, and when you exhale, mentally say the word relaxation. Then again look at the tree.

Imagine that you are touching it by hand. Feel the roughness of its bark. Then imagine how you spend your hand slowly, feeling every twig, every leaf, lean to the roots. Feel how deep they go into the ground. Do it with love. Then imagine that your hand has penetrated into the tree, feel the sap of a tree, its vitality. Try to hear the voice of the tree, leaves his voice when it stirs breeze. Then you are sure to become a look at this tree differently, not as looked before.

Take a look. Touch mentally to ceiling, feel what he feels. Then do the same with the carpet to the wall with the book - with everything that is in your field of vision. You feel the difference that occurred with your perception?

Maybe now you'll understand what Michelangelo said when asked about his amazing abilities: "I see a beautiful figure in marble and simply removed all unnecessary."

Better acquainted with these techniques, you will notice that acquired greater control over their desires. Little experience, and you can increase or decrease any of their desire, they will be totally dependent on your own. You will also notice that they have become more fully and successfully use their senses.

Part V. Improved relations.

Chapter 20. Concept relations.

To understand what is the relationship, and how to install them to improve and why they can deteriorate and decay, you have to realize what power needs.

Our needs are most important to us. They affect our perspective, our views. Generally we know better about our unmet needs than the needs of those who were satisfied. We are so accustomed to the satisfaction of the basic vital needs that simply do not notice them. Surely none of us pay attention to the air he breathes, the water you drink, the ground on which he walks. Meanwhile, we are more likely to suffer when deprived of air, water, etc. Deprived of the ability to satisfy their basic needs, we begin to pay more attention to them, it seems to us that these requirements have become huge, as if we look at them through a powerful magnifying glass.

Nevertheless, besides the main, we have other needs, the number of which increases sharply as we grow ourselves.

Adult man needs the same, and what baby: food, water, warmth, security, etc. However, if the baby gets it all for free, without any effort on their part, then an adult need to make an effort, and often significant to achieve all this. Growing up, one begins to forget about basic needs, because it appears others, among which are the need for love, sexual assertion in procreation and self-affirmation.

There is also a need to satisfy the ego. People must like himself. As you probably noticed, the nature of most of these emotional needs.

There also needs things in action: money, work, rest, in a labor of love.

The key to good relations is a simple understanding of the role played in establishing a relationship needs. Need to understand how our needs give our relationship more or less force. Let's look at the dictionary and learn the meaning of different relationships that will help us better understand what we denote them.

Another meaning of the word relationship is the following: a good relationship - it is a mutual satisfaction.

When two people have serious needs and meets the needs of each other, as a result of having a strong relationship. If two people have weak needs and meets the needs of each other, as a result there are moderate or weak relationship.

If a person has a serious need and not getting to meet them, having a bad attitude. If a person has a weak and need not get their satisfaction, there are moderate relationship, but they are closer to the negative relations than positive. General dissatisfaction with the needs of the weak does not cause us a strong reaction.

When our needs are not met, it often causes anger and stress. The stronger the need, which has not received satisfaction, the stronger will and stress. Power requirements determines the amount of emotional energy. If demand is low, it generates a bit of energy, and all the reaction to her dissatisfaction may lie in a simple shrug of the shoulders and uttering phrases like: "No wonder, as it should be."

To improve relations need to know the other person and the need to satisfy her.

In order to put an end to any relationship, you need to do the reverse operation: the need to find another person and under no circumstances does not satisfy her.

This is extremely simple. According to the principle of universal interconnection, if you know the key to happiness, and you also know the key to disaster. You may not even be aware of this, but if you know that leads to failure, then you also know that should lead to success. We can confidently say that if you know how to ruin a relationship, then you can successfully and create new relationships.

If a person can not create a good relationship with people, it means that he ignores their needs. We can therefore conclude that the first step to establishing a good relationship with someone, you should determine the needs of that person. Also important is the determination of their needs: if you know them, you can help the person with whom you want to establish a good relationship, and meet your needs.

Unfortunately, the majority of people not only can identify the needs of the other person, but they can not afford even to determine their needs.

The children maintain good relations with parents as long as their needs are met. When it ceases to satisfy the needs, attitudes change and problems arise. As the child grows, it also needs to grow, and it is extremely important for parents to notice these changes. The same can be said about the child: the child should strive to meet the needs of their parents.

When we ask, "How can I improve the relationship ..?", We formulate the question correctly. To get the right answer, you need to put the right question. Better ask yourself: "How can I meet the needs of ..?"

At this stage you need to do detective work, because before to meet anyone's needs, these needs should determine discover. Many people are not aware of their own needs, to say nothing about the needs of the other person? Nevertheless, if we want to establish a good relationship with someone, we need to answer the question: "What are the emotional needs of this man?"

For courses Silva somehow came a young couple. These people, although they have recently tied their fate already had serious problems in the relationship. After questions arose almost poisonous baseless argument. It turned out that the young wife was engaged in archery and was very proud of their achievements. The young man, although he was an athlete, he knew nothing about archery and was not interested in his wife's enthusiasm. She decided to teach him how to shoot a bow. At this point, it need is to show your love, to show him that she has more talent than he thought, to show that it is worthy of it. Perhaps she even tried to ensure that her husband had to create a new need, and perhaps wanted her husband also became interested in archery, because then they would be able to engage with their favorite sport. Her sense of self was great, it was satisfied with its achievements and wanted to show it to the person who had loved her.

They went to the back patio, where she hung the target and showed him the basic techniques of archery. She released two arrows, one of which fell into the outer circle, and the second target was stuck in about eight inches from the first. Not brilliant result, but very good when you consider the distance to the target, which she chose.

Her husband with a smile took her bow, shot an arrow, and that arrow hit the target accurately. Then he took another arrow and as calmly again accurately hit the target. Then he released the exact target and third arrow.

His young wife just opened her mouth in surprise, she was shocked. Her opinion of herself dropped sharply. This was a critical moment in their relationship, but they are about it then, of course, did not know. If the young man thought he would have realized that the words he had said, much offended his wife. They have hurt her passion, as well as its conceit. And then he said the following: "This archery - the real nonsense, a waste of time."

After that, his wife was not released any arrows. She also did not do anything, what would her husband could show better results. Because of this, they both lost many pleasant moments, when the lovers are engaged in mutual satisfaction of their needs. And all this because her husband could not just look at her needs.

Thus, we come to the main issue of good relations, "How can I determine their needs and those dear to me?"

Often easier to identify the needs of the other person than their own, which are often hidden behind the guilt, fear and unnecessary program. To determine the needs of the other person, you need to watch out for his reaction to you, to your actions. If you say or do anything and get a positive response, it means that you are on the right path that leads to the knowledge of the needs of another person. Similarly, should be defined and their needs.

What do you respond positively? What makes you positive emotions? That does not cause you guilt? What you can do without feeling any fear? What do you do with confidence? What emotions do not cause you fear or guilt? Find the answers to these questions, and you will better understand their needs.

Silva Method helps to better know their needs. Being in alpha state, you can more easily identify their needs. So, for a better knowledge of their needs sign level. When you relax and relieve stress, send thoughts to determine their needs. Deep understanding of the chapter material, and possibly re-read it will help you increase your abilities. As you become better understand yourself and others, you will have a tolerance of others and to himself. Developing an understanding will help you learn more about the needs of others, and it will enrich your relationship will make them stronger and more versatile. This is true for all kinds of relationships: with family, with friends, with various acquaintances, etc.

One of the fundamental requirements is to strengthen the ego. You can strengthen the ego of others by creating a situation in which they acquire or improve their opinion of themselves.

More learning about the needs of others, you will understand that these needs often take unexpected, insidious forms. Consider, for example, the mother's need to love their children. It may be noted that children show their love when she's sick. So the need for love can lead to the need to be sick, sick.

Alcohol and drugs are considered tools for improving your mood. Their negative impact is easier to avoid, if you get rid of the need for an artificial change of mood. When a person is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, his former needs become unimportant and insignificant, and what once seemed unimportant - important. Influence of alcohol and drugs increases one needs and reduces the other. Alcohol and drugs destroy one needs and create others.

Action drugs crushes old needs and creates new ones. This danger to people who abuse alcohol and drugs, especially if they do not fully understand what impact these funds have on their body and psyche.

If someone meets temporarily arising under the influence of alcohol and drugs needs, such relations can be continued. If you are in such a situation, think and ask yourself whether you want to continue to satisfy temporary needs that arise only as a result of alcohol or drugs. After all, it only exacerbates the problem. Why not instead create a new and different needs? Now you can create and meet their needs.

Think about what your life will be if it will disappear from drugs and alcohol.

The key to the knowledge of the needs of the other person is communicating with this person. Need to ask questions and get answers to expect. What will your life, what will be our life if it disappears from drug intoxication? How will we live without alcohol? What will be better?

At this time, it set a new goal: individual, personal and shared. These goals need to be installed for the week ahead, a month, a year, ten, twenty years. Targets will give you a new direction of your relationship. You will become a new way to think and relate to each other.

Now let's see how the goal can program needs.

Suppose the parents want their child to learn to play the piano. The child is learning to play does not want, and each lesson turns into a scandal. The child begins to hate tool. Parents may need to learn to play their child, but the child did not have any need to learn to play the piano. How to create the required relationship between the child and the piano?

First, you must consider how you can create a child's need to play the piano. Need to see what can help create such a need. This may require a series of steps. You can reduce the child for several piano concertos, and it may be classical music, jazz and popular music. This will help to make the first step toward creating a need for music. At this stage you do not specify any areas, but simply trying to create interest. In the next step you can take a few simple melodies and explain to your child how to create music. Try to explain to him that music is universal and international language which is understandable to everyone.

Then you can help your child come up with some simple melody, play it on the piano and write a music book. After the child write his tune, you can take notes and play the piano written by him, to show him that he wrote that clear to everyone.

Praise him for it, tell me what good it turns out that he wrote a wonderful melody, do not skimp on the praise. Soon your child will arise interest in composing. He will wait for your recognition, your praise. And you should not skimp on praise.

Always praise your child and encourage him. Any good or bad your child composed music. The important thing is that he wrote it. The important thing is that he worked on it creatively. Do not forget that this is what people in the awakening talent. That's how the first shoots appear talent, for which it is necessary to take care that must be nurtured. And as the child will want you to continue to praise him, then he will need to compose better and better, and for this he will need knowledge. Here you have the need to learn, need lessons. So, the child will need for self-expression skills, whose preparation and provide music lessons. The child feels that he needs to learn. So you create music between a child and a great relationship.

Without a doubt, this example can be applied to other cases. This is an original recipe. If you understand its essence, you can quite easily amplify and attenuate almost any need. The main thing - is to understand the idea, and then you can use it in a variety of situations.

If you do not apply their knowledge, they are completely useless.

Knowledge that constitute the basis of relationships needs is extremely important, but if it does not use the knowledge, it does not do you any good. Use these same knowledge should be through communication.

Communication will help to identify the needs of others and to satisfy them.

If one partner is faced with needs that he does not want to meet, in the process of communication need to try to change these requirements. You could say something like: "I do not want to do just that, maybe I can do for you anything else?"

At one of our workshops and a man stood up groaning voice: "When I watch TV, I need to be sure to have a cigar." Then he pointed at the woman who sat next to him with such a straight face, as if she had eaten unripe lemon, and went on: "And my wife will not let me do it."

Probably should not say that all of us laughed at his words. When the laughter verse, the instructor asked this chain smoker, if he has any more needs that his wife does not satisfy him. "Of course, - he said. - Even very much: I sometimes want to play with friends in the card, and she nags me for it, that I do not have to play the card as often as you want.

I love to play ball, and she does not like. Besides all this, it is still a lot of things does not allow me to do. "Exhausted his supply of courage, our smoker, gambler and a player in the ball glanced at his wife, in which the mind can be said that it is ready to sink into the ground, but then- still added: "I damn tired of all this."

Instructor realized the ship was ready to break up the family fortune on the reef.

- Have you ever talked to her with these problems? - He asked.

- Of course, we are constantly talking about it. When I leave the house or take out a cigar, she always starts whining.

Of course, what told disgruntled cigar smoker, can not be named discussing the problem. Therefore, the instructor turned to his wife:

- Which of the three favorite activities of her husband, which he just told you like least: smoking cigars, playing cards or playing ball?

- You know - the woman said quietly, - I always feel bad of cigar smoke, I do not like it when he plays cards, because then it is delayed by almost all night, and if it loses, then two days goes darker clouds. Ball game so excited him that he can not sleep, when he returns home. I think most of all I hate the fact that he smokes cigars. A ball game - the most innocent of his passion, at least it is at least physical exercise that is good for his health.

Then she was asked the following question:

- If he stops smoking cigars in the house, then you will agree that once a week he went to play ball? Cigar smoker wife nodded vigorously.

- With pleasure. If he stops smoking cigars cursed their home, it may, if he wants to play ball even twice a week.

- Wait, we are talking about only one raze a week - the instructor said, and then turned to her husband. - Do you agree to these terms? You stop smoking a cigar in his house and can go play ball once a week.

Smoker looked at the wide eyes of his wife and said:

- But it suits me scandal every time I go to play ball.

I do not want this to continue, I do not want to argue with her every time will be going to play ball.

In response to a wife shook her head.

- What do you say? - Turned to her instructor. - All this happens only if you need to support the new husband. He stops smoking cigars at home, and you allow him to quietly play ball. You have to maintain it, you need to change your perspective on the game ball, it must be positive. From now on, instead of having to stop him with their reproaches, you have to encourage his fascination ball game. Do you understand this?

Wife smoker sign revealed that she understands everything. After some time, the couple said the instructor who helped them cope with their problem, their relations have never been better. But this could easily guess, because when they get there the next time she held him by the arm, and he gently pressed her hand to her.

Chapter 21. Resolution of family conflicts.

As you already know, in the Silva Method ego is defined as the view itself, or conceit. If you have a strong, healthy ego, it means that you have a high opinion of himself. If you do not think much about yourself and think many are standing, then in this case you are looking for other people's opinions, which could improve your opinion of yourself. If you find out what other people think you are perfect, or at least a normal person, it may be because it is actually.

Therefore, we constantly need to know the opinion of other people.

There are people who, as children, constantly plagued surrounding naive questions like: "Do you really think I'm beautiful?" "This costume is really me?" "It really turns me?", "Do you really think I deserve this increase? "," Do not you think I had a cook? "," Do not you think my car is fine? "" You really like my house? "

Those who need the continued support of his ego, his opinion of himself, responding to compliments about melting, "Oh, this is not true, you just flatter me." This they show that they need ongoing praises.

There are also people who tend to downplay their dignity and their belongings. They do this even if you know that you'd mind. From such people can often hear the following: "Yes, my machine looks like a good idea, but Carl Weatherby bought a red car, and I think maybe I also buy a red car." Or: "I think that my house is not that bad. Course, I would have to buy a house in the best quarter, but this house was the best option that I could afford." Or: "I think I look pretty good, but I would not mind that my nose would be thinner." And if you're after such statements are not rushing to pay compliments, then such people is always harvested excuse your unwillingness to defend their dignity: "And that they understand this ..."

The most dangerous stick neutral or negative point of view in the family circle. The closer the relative, the more effort we spend on strengthening his egotism. If a person does not receive support from their egos people close to him, it often causes quarrels and insults. People associated with gentle, warm relationships tend to be consistently maintained conceit of his partner, thereby strengthening his ego. This makeup conceit is both fed relationship, it does not allow them to fade. Without such a relationship can recharge fast enough to get upset because of the numerous injuries.

Nevertheless, this does not mean that people should constantly praising each other. Do not forget that the ego - an opinion of himself, or conceit. To properly feed the egos of other people, you only need to treat them kindly, as equal partners and free. Your opinion on them to be positive. However, some people find it difficult to relate to others that way, especially characteristic of the family circle, in which inevitably set a specific hierarchy.

Dominant position in the hierarchy is occupied by older family members and younger are at the bottom of the pyramid family. Seniors would not want to lose his position as junior in early childhood "programmed" to believe that the older members of the family are their unquestionable authority. This situation often causes severe, profound contradictions that take place at a subconscious level.

Let's look at an example of two brothers Albert and Drew. Drew was born when Albert was four years old. Thus, when he was four years old, Albert has been eight, and it is a significant age difference. Albert occasionally took care of his little brother, played with him, and sometimes fought. Between them there was no competition, which sometimes starts between children because Albert was four years older than her brother. Time passed, and Drew was fourteen years old, and his brother Albert - eighteen. Drew watched as his brother did what he wanted to do, and Drew had hoped that the day would come when he, too, will be able to do what his brother is doing. He learned a lot from friends and his older brother. Meanwhile Albert belonged to Drew as a child, you want to teach, guide and you can, of course, and sometimes play. And every time something Albert taught his younger brother or bashed him for something his conceit (relative to younger brother) increased significantly. In addition, every day he learned what Drew did not know and will not soon learns and it also gave him a sense of superiority.

Time does not stand still, and that Drew - already a young man of eighteen, but Albert was twenty-two years. Albert graduated from college and found a good job, and his brother had just entered college. Drew is now looking for his older brother, not merely as a brother, with whom he always took as an example, but also as an adult. One day he will also work.

It should be noted that Drew could never compete with his older brother. Albert is always looked at his younger brother as a rival who is constantly trying to catch up with him, but never catch up, because he will always be older and wiser.

As you probably noticed, this situation is when Drew was four years old, and Albert - eight. It was further strengthened when Drew was fourteen years old, and Albert - eighteen.

It was another time, and that Drew was thirty two years old and his brother - thirty-six years. Practically no difference. They're both adults, everyone has their own family. But what happened to the current program?

It still sits in the subconscious of both brothers and Drew in the subconscious, and the subconscious Alberta.

Have you ever thought that family problems are always worse than the problems with friends or acquaintances? Have you ever thought that to solve these problems you need to deal with deeply hidden in the subconscious "programs" that have been formed in the distant past?

Between family members when problems arise, their decision must be sought primarily in the area of self-affirmation. It is necessary to consider the views that are held by family members of themselves, ie, their self-esteem. When you have defined the self-esteem of family members, think about how you can enlarge and strengthen.

We can confidently assert that arise in family anger, jealousy and other negative emotions have deeper roots than the same emotions if they do not arise in the family circle.

How sad is when two people really love each other and have much in common, arguing over some minor incident, which is based on the threat of any of the requirements of one of them or what is perceived as such a threat.

You can change friends, relatives - is not present. When you lose a friend, you can always find another. But if you lose a brother, sister, mother, father, child, uncle, aunt or cousin, it becomes an irreplaceable loss. Think with how many relatives you do not maintain a relationship because of a few hurtful words that were spoken rashly when irritation and which for a long time then sorry. Often two words become a cause of intractable contradictions family. In such cases, the warring parties for a long time do not go to conciliation, no one wants to take the first step, although these are at loggerheads people love and respect each other and always rush to defend each other if there is any "external" threat. If an "external" danger, danger from people who are not family members, even relatives are at loggerheads will strongly defend each other.

Family comes together in the face of danger. Parallel can be drawn: family, city, country, religious and other communities of people have their own ego, or, in other words, self-esteem, which they will defend in all situations. In short, any community of people has their own ego that it will protect the face of danger and strive to strengthen it.

A classic example of this, we were able to observe at a recent seminar courses Silva. Now we give it here. This is a story about two sisters who quarreled over something and did not speak for five years. We will call them Jenny and Sue. Courses came to us Jenny. At one of the seminars she spoke about his long quarrel with his sister. She loved Sue and wanted them to get back together, but neither she nor her sister could not find the strength to take the first step towards reconciliation. For courses gave her advice to use three magic words.

These three words have been re-established between the sisters good, warm relationship. Jenny said in response:

- These three magic words, probably, "I love you", but I can not say it to his sister, even though I really love her. You must want to advise me to call Sue and tell her that I love her, but I can not do that. It is quite impossible.

- No, - objected Jenny. - We have an entirely different word.

We understand how difficult for you to tell your sister, "I love you" after five years of quarrels, and do not require you this.

After that, Jenny asked to talk about what caused the quarrel, but she could not remember it. She said that she and her sister were arguing, and the dispute led to a quarrel. Instructor told Jenny that she must now call Sue and Sue is not giving time to react somehow to her call, say the following: "Sue, this is Jenny. I want you to know that I've thought a lot about our quarrel and

came to the conclusion that I was wrong. " Jenny said that if she told her sister the three magic words, they reconciled again and be together. And the magic words, as you probably already guessed - I was wrong.

Jenny thought about it and decided she could do it. But then she started and said, "But I did then was right." As soon as she said this, all present laughed heartily. In the consciousness of something Jenny finally dawned, and appeared on her lips barely noticeable timid smile. She confidently walked to the nearest phone, it was quite obvious that she has set a clear goal. Jenny realized: Recognizing that was wrong, even when assured of the full right, it gives these magical words even greater force. In fact, saying these words, she forgave her sister, because when a person forgives, he is freed from anger and hatred. If Sue will still be angry if she will be angry, even after Jenny pleads not wrong, then it is her problem.

When she realized that she had to plead guilty only to re-establish a good relationship with his sister, her self-esteem has not decreased, but, on the contrary, increased. She walked to the phone, representing the very confidence.

Jenny came back ten minutes later, her face was smiling. Pleasure she shook her head and said:

- You know, it really worked. I wonder why I myself have not guessed?

Jenny did not think of that myself, because her ego did not allow such thoughts. Generally, there are many ways through which you can resolve family conflicts, but if the conflict dragged on for many years, the best help these three words. They really have magical powers. Can be answered only a manifestation of love.

But what do you do if you have not received a response manifestations of love?

For example, in response to your words of reconciliation man says: "You always think that smarter than everyone, but in fact you're always wrong." Or, "I know perfectly well that, your words do not surprise me at all." Or something like that. In this case, you have to forgive the person with whom you want to make up for his harsh words. You must not give rise to anger, of course, if really want to make peace with him. If the words of the man you seem too harsh, it only says that the quarrel with you is his sharp mind.

When you make the first step towards reconciliation and say, "I was wrong", you know that you get rid of the problem, which means that even if your relative answer your conciliatory words rudeness, then it will be his problem, not yours. You've done our job, you have made the first step. If your words will heal the wound and lead to reconciliation, then it's fine. If they do not have a healing action, then you can rest easy because you did your best. You can safely realize that strengthened their self-esteem, and, in truth, really became better because displayed their best qualities and found the strength to take the first step towards reconciliation.

You can read the previous chapter and refresh your memory of the fact that for a good relationship requires the mutual satisfaction. You may ask yourself: "What are the needs of your

family member? Can you somehow meet these needs? Or can you help himself to meet their needs?" If you are able to help that his relative satisfy their needs or satisfy them yourself, then you are sure to restore and improve your relationship.

Chapter 28. Communication with the pessimists.

Essence of understanding is the awareness of the negative of the following fact: negative thinking - it is a defense against disappointment. People with negative thinking (pessimist) do not expect anything good, so he does not get upset when there's nothing really good happens.

Most pessimists are pessimists at an early age. Man becomes a pessimist because his negative attitude is protected from unnecessary pain. Such people are often faced with disappointments and to protect yourself from unnecessary pain associated with them, it becomes a pessimist.

A pessimist is never faced with frustration, so it seems that negative thinking brings positive results. However, negative thinking and have a side effect. When a person loses the joy and excitement good expectations, his life becomes monotonous and boring, it ceases to be transformed into life and existence. When people come to nothing seek, do not expect anything, when they have no goals, no desires, there is apathy, which is accompanied by depression.

It should be noted that many are in that state. A depression is very often (especially in the elderly) causes despair when the person feels that is what he seeks, it will never be achieved. When a person has a life of despair, he loses interest in everything, he had a feeling that everything he wants, automatically becomes impossible. Soon this man accustoms himself did not want to, and his life becomes a simple expectation of death.

We hope that you have a very unhappy upset our reasoning.

You probably know people like that. The easiest way to protect yourself from the harmful effects of such people - avoid them (as well as advises the second rule of happiness). But it's not as easy as it seems. Quite often, that person is the one whom we love, a close friend, business partner or just a good friend. Consider how a person becomes a pessimist. Understanding why people become pessimistic, will help you decide the extent to which you want to communicate with him.

When Betty B. was six years old, it was impossible to imagine a more cheerful and optimistic girl. World for her was wonderful and amazing. It seemed to her that he is full of miracles. Each walk brings thousands of new discoveries. For her, the grass is always was green and the sky - blue. When Betty woke up in the morning, she immediately jumped out of his bed to quickly see what wonders it will present another world. As a child can become a pessimist?

One day her mother said, "Betty, this weekend we go to the zoo."

Betty joy knew no bounds, and she told all my friends about exciting upcoming tour. However, on Friday night my mother Betty said: "I'm sorry, baby, I promise you that on the

weekend we go to the zoo, but this weekend it will not work, because these days dad had to work." Betty was very upset. But soon her children's energy helped her cope with the disappointment, and on Sunday she was feeling just fine. Several weeks passed, and my mother said happily Betty: "Betty, my dear, I know that you were very upset when our trip fell to the zoo, but now I can tell you firmly promise: this weekend we're going on a picnic in the park." Betty shouted "Hurrah!" and ran to tell his friends about it. But come Saturday, and mother Betty said: "I'm sorry, baby, but I had completely forgotten that we must go and see my grandmother and so we can not go on a picnic."

Betty loved her grandmother, but if she had to choose between a picnic and a trip to her grandmother, the grandmother, no doubt, would lose. Again Betty experienced the bitterness of disappointment.

Of course, Betty then not become a pessimist, it also became a pessimist and after the fifth such event, and after the twenty-fifth, but after a while she began to respond to the mother's sentences like "Betty, this weekend we go to the park" to read as follows: "Oh, mother, apparently, this weekend will be rain, or dad have to work, or I get sick." Here you have the birth of another pessimist.

Betty remember well how it feels when faced with disappointment. And Betty, of course, did not want to suffer, and so she decided to self: if from nowhere expect no joy, there will be no bitterness when they happen. So it will get rid of the pain of disappointment.

Understanding what the pessimists become pessimists, as they too often in my life encountered disappointments, will help you learn not to judge them. You will understand why they have become so, what they are. Negative thinking or pessimism, very closely connected with the establishment for many years negative program. Unbelievable that a person can become a pessimist just because a couple of failures, due to several disappointments. However, the method allows to make Silva pessimists if not optimistic, at least people who look to life is not only frustrating. We know that the pessimists are due to frustration.

Therefore, to change their way of thinking from negative to positive, you need to convince them that you have never personally do not call them disappointments.

Many of those who have passed courses Silva believed that pessimism - a cloud of smog that poisons everything. Trying to make their loved ones optimistic, they realized that it's damn difficult task is difficult, but not impossible. The results we obtain show that's a realistic goal that can be achieved, of course, if you have a strong enough desire.

To change the way of thinking person close to you from negative to positive, and call him in a conversation can specify the exact time when you will call to see him. And, of course, make every effort to arrive exactly at the specified time. And when you go, tell me when you come next time, with the unusual name any time. For example, you can say: "Next Tuesday I'll be in the area - I'll have to stop by one of my friend.

I'll leave him at twelve o'clock, then you'll be in the first seventeen minutes. "Make sure your correct pessimist clock ticking, and go to him next Tuesday at twelve o'clock seventeen minutes. Will take some time, and you will notice that your friend started coming back to life. One day you might hear: "You know, I have, in my opinion, appetite, food seems more delicious." appears of interest not only to food but also to life in whole. Man will once again live, not to exist.

Unlikely pessimist immediately become an optimist, but you have to remember what is your goal, and it consists in the fact that as far as possible take the person from the brink of despair.

Do you think that person close to you can not change? Remember, you should at least try to change it, to change his life and his attitude to it. The same can be said about the people to whom you do not feel tender feelings, but which for some reason you do not want and to avoid. Avoid human, thereby getting rid of the problem, the easiest way. You must clearly define its relationship with the pessimist. Maybe you'll find that on a subconscious level torturing yourself communicating with this person because of some unforgiven guilt. Then check out Chapter 8 "Guilt and self-forgiveness."

All people have problems that you can not realize. Meanwhile, these problems have a very serious impact on the point of view of behavior, attitude to life, expectations, etc. And if you use the techniques and methods of the Silva Method to control thinking, you can help these people and yourself.

Part VI. Work and business.

Chapter 23. Setting and reaching goals.

If you want to grow turnips, instead of buying it at the local greengrocer, you first need to get seeds of this root. Then you have to find a suitable plot of land, prepare the soil, plant the seeds in it, sprinkle flower bed and fertilize it.

If you do, you will then turn to the very nature of the case, which will help seeds germinate, ascend, and perhaps even give fruit.

The plot of land where you planted the seeds should be sunny to sprout when the seeds germinate, were always in the sun. In addition, you should water them - because they need water and nutrients that come with it. If you plant seeds in the untreated soil, it would be difficult to climb, and if you do not fertilize the soil, the seedlings will grow weak and lifeless.

Therefore, to grow from seed turnips present, is required to expend a lot of work, thus it is necessary to set goals and implement them consistently.

The same can be said about the career. For a successful career should also set goals and implement them consistently. Now we consider an example.

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Mark X. was sixteen years old when he decided that he would play the piano. He asked his parents, and they bought him a tool, provided that it will diligently study music. (Decision to play the piano - the decision to acquire seeds. Goal was set.)

Tool bought. (Thus, found under the bed of a plot of land, but this site has not yet been processed, not watered and fertilized not.) Then my parents hired to make a music teacher.

Day, when he began his music lessons - a day when the soil is prepared and planted the seeds. (Now we need seeds watered and fed.) Mark diligently studied music every day, because I knew that if there is every day to move forward, it will be a little every day to roll back. (A few days without water will not kill the seeds, but they can slow down their growth.) As Mark studied music, he learned about it more and more, he has appeared with new ideas. Each new level of knowledge helped him realize how much more of what he knows and what he has yet to learn. At the same time he learned to appreciate their knowledge. The more skills he mastered, the more he wanted to learn. We can say that seed fell on fertile ground. At the age of twenty-two years, Mark X. gave his first professional concert and won tumultuous applause. He correctly cared about seeds of his future, and they gave the rich harvest.

And the story is quite different G. Benson. Benson was sixteen years old when he decided that it would be nice to learn to play the piano. Every time he heard someone playing the piano, it seemed to him that he's playing. He wanted to learn to play the piano and constantly pestered his mother to buy him a tool requests. Finally, she bought him a piano, which is put into the corner of Benson. Benson And from time to time up to him to extract a sound. After some time his mother had hired him for a music teacher, but somehow lost interest in Benson teaching and have always preferred to do something else, just do not go to class. He often practiced, but instead to focus on teaching, he dreamed about how to become a great pianist. (Benson got the seeds, but he threw them on unprepared soil, not watered and fertilized it is not, and chose a bad beds shaded area in which the seeds have almost no chance to ascend.) He always wanted to learn to play the piano, but incorrectly entered with "seeds" and achieved nothing.

To achieve the desired objectives to be performed five rules.

1. Decide what you want to grow, and obzavedites seeds. (If you want to grow a turnip and carrot seeds bought, it could seriously disappoint you.)

2. Prepare the soil. (Businesses typically spend more time to prepare than the work itself. Lover, as a rule, do not bother training. And you definitely need to loosen the soil, to water and fertilize it.)

3. Plant seeds. (Nachinayte. seeds can not germinate in your pocket, they should be planted in the ground. You do not need to worry about how they will germinate or not. You must keep firmly in mind that in your pocket, they just will not grow.)

4. Take care of your crops. (You have to water them, fertilize the soil, spud, weeding and wait a rich harvest.)

5. Harvest. (Ideal time for harvesting is the peak of his maturity. He must mature, but not overripe.)

When you use this method, enter the level and determine what goals you want to achieve.

And when you've found the ultimate goal, can use this technique to achieve it. Five of the above rules will help you achieve the best results.

Suppose you want to redecorate your home - paint the walls.

According to the first rule, first you need to buy seeds, in this case - a paint brush and roller. Then you need to prepare the ground - in other words, prepare scope of work. In our case, the use of visualization need to imagine how you remove the door, close the furniture, windows that did not stain. After that should be planted seeds in the ground, that is you can start to work. Can you imagine how you are all closed, prepared paint roller and brush, and start to work.

Finally, you need to imagine how you reap the fruits of his actions. Imagine that the work is completed, re-arranged the furniture in its place, and your home look more attractive and comfortable. Whatever goal you set yourself or you have to imagine that it has become a part of you. You should feel the full control of the situation and continue to ensure that what you strive for.

The above method is a wonderful reception achieve all what you seek, it can be used to motivate, orient yourself to achieve this goal and ultimately achieve it.

Chapter 24. Communication.

The Principle of Gender says that everything has male and female traits, male and female characteristics. According to this principle, all aspects of the men are outgoing and initiative, and all feminine aspects - creative and perceptive. In short, around two principles manifest, which are the main forces that exist in both a tiny molecule, and the entire universe. These two principles are called "yang" and "yin". It should be noted that we can not any one of these forces is called "good" and the other - the "bad", they are both required components, without which nothing can exist. Masculine and feminine have nothing to do with male and female sexes, although these principles are manifested in men and women on a physical level.

Applying this principle, one can easily understand that such communication.

Communicating, we talk and listen. When we say, then tuned to the male - outgoing - the beginning, and when we listen, then rebuilds the female - Receivable - start. In other words, to understand and even to hear what others have to say you, you should be tuned to the female - Receivable - start. And others to hear and understand you, you should tune in to the male - outgoing - the beginning. In order for you to better understand what we're talking about, you can give an example of two magnets: if two magnets face each other in the same pole, they will repel each other (male and female can be compared with the poles of the magnet); if two magnets facing each other different poles, they will attract each other (for a beneficial contact for successful communication requires that the poles of the magnets were different to the masculine with the feminine contacted). If you talk, tuning into perceiving the beginning, to the man who will also be configured to start perceiving, then you will not succeed. If it happens the opposite situation, and both players will be configured to communicate outgoing beginning, it also came to nothing lead. So, in order to achieve beneficial communication, it is necessary to contact with plus minus, to the masculine with the feminine contacted.

If two people are tuned to the male - outgoing - start trying to communicate with each other, if one wants to say something and do not want to listen, then in that case there is no mutual understanding and communication is impossible. If trying to communicate with two people who both are pro-feminine - Receivable - early if they both want to listen to, in this case also there is no mutual understanding and communication is impossible.

Thus, to an exchange of information, it is necessary that one of the parties to the communication has been configured to men - coming - home (wanted to share information), and the other on women - perceiving (like listening).

Should draw your attention to the fact that this principle applies to all forms of human communication: for the fine arts and art in general, sports, business and other fields.

And to manage this power, you only need to know that it exists.

When they say influential, popular leaders, they clearly tuned to the male - initiative - the beginning. The force of masculinity sends a powerful impulse that overcomes the male audience's energy field, the crowd and sets it on the feminine. (Do not forget that this has nothing to do with sex man - woman can emit strong masculine momentum as easily as a man.) Charisma opens up new lines of communication and can suppress the views of many other people. Charisma - is an extremely powerful force coming.

Power settings at one time or another beginning different degree. If one of the two equivalent speakers set to more outgoing - male - the beginning, the speakers will have a different impact on the audience. Of course, the influence of the speaker, the power setting is greater would be great.

His words will have on listeners greater effect. The degree of adjustment on masculinity depends on feelings of self-affirmation, self-confidence. The stronger sense of self-affirmation

and self-confidence, the greater the degree of customization to the masculine. A sense of confidence, in turn, depends on the knowledge of the material practice and the number of positive results obtained in such circumstances. There are also speakers who have a sense of confidence developed for other reasons, their strong ego manifests itself in the form of charisma.

You've probably noticed that people with influence, always take the position that makes others obey them, they suppress the will of others. Such people are a lot of merchants, lawyers, brokers, accountants, doctors, and politicians. If a man says something, it will (with objections or without modification) is almost always satisfied. If anyone has any effect on you, it is possible with sufficient certainty that this person has a strong enterprising start, at least in relation to you.

Edward S. recently undergone courses Silva. At one of the workshops, he met with all of this and said he now realizes one of his subordinates, who in the past it extremely surprised.

Edward led the sales department in the company that produces the encyclopedia, and in his department worked extremely lucky salesman named Big John Jones.

John Jones was a big increase in the six-foot-seven inches, weighed 325 pounds and, of course, had at the same time extremely impressive view. The impression that Big John sells encyclopedia almost every time it offers.

Cases from Big John went so well that Edward decided to appoint him head of the Division to prepare sellers. But on the first day, when Big John went to work in a new way, and began to prepare sellers by example, to Edward man came and said that he no longer wants to work with John Jones. Edward asked this man if Big John sold the encyclopedia, and the man replied: "Yes, he sold the encyclopedia, but I have no idea how he managed it. He worst dealer I have ever seen."

Needless to say that Edward did not pay serious attention to this report? The next day he sent another man with John, and he said about John the same. Edward asked if John sold the encyclopedia, and a new partner, John said this: "Yes, he sold the encyclopedia but I can not understand how it happened. He very badly advertised goods."

Edward puzzled the two reports of the professional ability of John Jones, and he decided that he would go in the evening with John and see how he performs his job. Having traveled with John, he was convinced that both his partner telling the truth. John did very poorly advertised their goods, but the encyclopedia still was sold.

After the seminar Edward learned about male and female principles and their impact on communication between people, he realized that John was producing its impressive views such a strong masculine impression that forced its customers to automatically switch on and start perceiving surrender under its pressure. When Big John rang the doorbell, the client saw a huge male figure John involuntarily switched to perceiving the beginning and gave up. Besides imposing, John also exuded confidence in the success of the business, therefore, to sell goods, he had only to ask the client to sign. He did not even need to advertise your goods. Edward told him

that once a woman called and said the following: "Last night I came to your man, and I bought something from him. Tell me, please, what I bought."

Remember, unless you have never had to buy anything that you do not want to buy, just to rid you of the dealer?

If this happened to you, it means that you were tuned to the feminine, and the seller - to men.

Knowing this will help you to control this effect.

The next time you'll have to deal with the seller, salesman or just someone who has influenced you, think about the fact that a successful sale provides a setting for the masculine. And the buyer is usually set to the feminine. You must know and remember that you can set yourself on one thing or another beginning.

If you want to listen to what you offer, imagine that you are tuned to the perception of information. Imagine how the tide is coming at you as someone throws you the ball or as close to you car. In short, you have to imagine how something close to you. You can imagine how happy the acquisition of what you offer. This technique may be useful for students who want to listen to lectures and take in information.

A student who thinks in a lecture about the other, it is usually set to the male - initiative - the beginning and then almost not perceive what he says lecturer. If a student wants to take a lecture, then he needs to switch to perceiving the beginning, then he will understand and remember information. To change the perception of information, you need to close the thumb, index and middle fingers of either hand and focus on the stated material.

If you want to tune in to more proactively start, you should first of all to imagine that between you and the person with whom you are communicating is a shield that protects you from his influence. This shield absorbs all the male energy that directs you to your partner. Then you have to imagine that are configured to proactively start. Imagine how confident you are talking about. Imagine how something away from you, you may submit a passing train, flying away missile sail boat or any other vessel. Imagine how you turn away from the person speaking or close the door in his face. All this should help you tune in to the beginning of man's initiative.

If you want to limit the impact of the seller or the traveling salesman problem, remember that you do not depend on it, and it depends on you what you decide to buy it or not buy goods. Also do not forget: you do not have to apologize for something that does not buy his product. You may say, "No, I think that now is not the time for such a purchase." Or "No, I do not need."

If the seller or salesman will ask you why, and you answer it, then switch back to the feminine - Receivable - start. You did not need to argue the decision, you do not have to report to anyone. You do not necessarily have any reason for the refusal.

If a salesman asks why you do not want to buy his product, the answer you have to say: "I just do not want to buy it." We repeat once more: you do not have any way to explain his refusal.

We know that sometimes it is difficult to get rid of the obsessive seller, overbearing relative, colleague or just a friend, especially if they are tuned to the masculine, and you can not switch from the female. Below we offer a simple method by which you can easily switch to the masculine.

With the help of visualization you should imagine how you come to power off as an arrow shot taut bow as rocket takes off. And then you need to tell the seller: "I changed my mind, I do not need it."

Thereafter salesman can ask what changed your point of view or why you do not want to buy his goods. In short, he will try to keep your attention and get you to buy his goods. Regardless of what he asks, you have to answer a question with a question about melting "Why should I answer that question?"

Afterwards you'll see how diminished courage and enthusiasm have attached to you the traveling salesman. To answer your question, he will have to switch to perceiving - women - beginning, and if he (or she) will switch to the female principle, that all his strength and confidence lost. Defeating the annoying traveling salesman, you cute smile and walk away.

All strong people is predominant masculine.

Think about who among your relatives and friends has a strong masculine. Maybe it's your mother-in-law, wife, boss, father or child?

Most reputable people are treated as masculine power, and others in their presence tend to switch to feminine. Knowing and applying the principle of gender, you can manage your male and female principles, and thereby regulate their communication with others the way you want to.

Chapter 25. Mini-course for success in business.

In this chapter we consider ten components that are necessary for success in business. This motivation, promotion of the company's goals, to develop clear projects, conducting effective action, sales organization, overcoming the fear of rejection, propose new ideas, relaxation and relief from stress, the presence of sellers optimists with positive thinking, how to find a dynamic, ambitious, focused team.

You might think that such a broad topic can not be addressed in one chapter. However, most of the above components in relation to the notions of the Silva Method have been discussed in previous chapters.

Looking at all these components together, you realize that no matter what business you are in (including the work of another person), they will help you achieve great success. These components will help you achieve the desired results.

1. Motivation. If you treat the problem as a simple problem to be solved, not as insurmountable obstacles, we will notice that they have become more willing to get to work. As we remember, the concept of inverse motivation is leaving for later, and the reason for leaving the caller then - lack of desire.

Therefore, to increase motivation, increase desire (see Chapter 18, "Motivation and delaying actions for later"). There is no such thing as failure, and the more there is no reason that can make you quit doing what you want to do (see Chapter 26, "Personal success in business").

2. Promotion goals. To further the goal, it is necessary to define it. You should write down all the goals of the company with the dates for the offensive which these objectives are to be met, then enter the level and the use of visualization to imagine a positive outcome.

Then, still in a state of meditation, think about how the successful achievement of these goals will stimulate new ideas that will ensure the company's growth. Then it is possible to apply a programming technique purposes has been described in Chapter 11. You can also refer to the material contained in chapters 20 and 26. Chapter 20 is devoted to the relationship and how they can be improved, and in chapter 26 speaks of how to achieve personal success in business.

3. Establishing clear projects. Clear project can develop only when attention is focused only on one idea, and all others are discarded. All known geniuses had the ability to concentrate fully on one idea. Among the many stories about Albert Einstein is also such, which states that he was walking on the track at Princeton when he was stopped by one of his colleagues. After a short conversation, Einstein asked a colleague to stop him: "Tell me when you stopped me, I went to his home or in the opposite direction?"

Surprised scholar replied: "Of course, you walked from his house." Einstein rubbed his chin and said, "So I have a bite." That is to focus on one idea to the detriment of all other thoughts.

How can you learn to concentrate so? On the first level of meditation, as described in Chapter 1. You are interested in on the idea it is necessary to focus only when you are in a state of meditation. And for the desired treatment ideas you can use a visualization technique, which was discussed in chapter 5.

4. Conducting effective action. Success in business depends on carrying out activities aimed at the development of this business. You can not act effectively, if at all, do not take any action. In this world nothing is completed, it began. The sole cause of your failures can only be failure from the beginning of action. To better understand how to start a business and how to ensure its effectiveness, you should review Chapter 18, 23 and 26. Chapter 18 refers to the motivation for the postponement and then, in Chapter 23 discusses setting and achieving goals, and Chapter 26 is devoted to the problem of achieving personal success in business.

5. Sales organization. Now we come to the sales organization. We assume that you know what the goods are released and can arrange advertising. We can confidently assert that advertising goes up to 90 percent of your time. It follows that for sale is only ten percent of the time. Under the sales organization, we mean the process of selling products.

Advertising your goods, you have to appreciate buyers to persuade them to buy this item. Their desire to buy your product will grow. Must not be allowed reassessment. It makes no sense to offer a car "Porsche" for $ 60,000 to the person who barely earns $ 300 a week. You need to be realistic about who can afford to buy your product. By doing this, you specify the number of potential buyers. When you make such an assessment, you can proceed to the process of the sale.

You can ask the prospective purchaser the following question: "Mr. X, would you buy my items, if there was no question of time and money?"

If a potential buyer will have a positive response, he was already mentally go into your product ownership. Then you just need to "wrap a package and arrange the sale."

If you asked this question and got a positive answer, you will not have to go back to advertising, otherwise you just lose a potential buyer.

If you get a negative response, you can also save time for further advertising their goods. If a potential buyer will answer "no", nothing you can do about it. If he does not want to buy a product without taking into account the cost and time costs, it means that he does not buy it in any way, and you can not lose your time.

This question is important because if a potential buyer agrees to buy your goods, considering the price and time costs, it has become mentally owner of the goods, which means that it has practically become its owner. When you ask such a question in the minds of potential buyers there is an image of what he already owns this product. And if you get a positive answer, you can lose no time, prescribe goods. Purchase almost true.

If any questions arise here, it means that the potential buyer does not know how he can buy your product, and your job is to make the buying process as simple as possible. We want to consider two ways to make the sale. One is to "sell along with the main additional item", and the second - in the "deprivation of the potential buyer the possibility to refuse you."

First, we explain the essence of the first method of sale. Whatever you're selling, you need to have additional items that you offer for an extremely low price, and you need to explain to the buyer that he is sold together with the main product. Let's say you sell a car for $ 12,000. Then you have to offer with the car hood ornament for, say, $ 10. It is required to have available a large amount of jewelry, so the client can choose what he likes. You must offer the buyer choose what decoration, which he likes, and when he chooses this little thing for $ 10, you can be sure that he will also buy and car for $ 12,000.

If you are selling a home, you can offer some goods for the house at 100, 500 or $ 1,000. You need to be sure to obtain the consent of the buyer to buy this thing for the house, and if he would buy it, you can be rest assured that he will buy a house and.

Now for the second method. The question arises: how can we deny the buyer a chance to say "no"? First, never say, "Would you buy it?" By asking this question, you are a potential buyer would provoke you to answer "no." Remember that if you are selling something (whether goods or some service), you should not say what I want to say "no." You must speak so that you it was difficult to refuse. In any case can not give the buyer a choice, so we can not ask him whether he wants to buy your product. If you ask a question, you can give the assurance that from your product or service from your refuse. Given customer question determining its interest in your product (Mr. X, would you buy my product, if there was no question of time and money), you should definitely offer him several varieties of your product. Then you can ask a question that does not allow a negative response. For example, if you sell the couch, you can offer a couch with a green and red upholstery and ask, "Do you prefer red or green upholstery?" Or, "Which one do you like better?" Or: "What pillows offer you: brown or white?" Or: "When you deliver the goods: Tuesday or Saturday?" Or: "You will be paying by check or cash?" In short, you need to ask such a question that can not give a negative answer.

We present an interesting example. One woman worked in the dairy cafe there and sold a lot of eggs. Her business flourished, because the sale of eggs brings more income. Prior to this, no one drove in milkshake eggs, but she did, and her cocktails demand. And it has been successful is very simple: each client she asked a very simple question. Suppose a man comes and says: "I chocolate shake." To which she replied: "Of course, sir, but how many eggs you drive: one or two?" So she sold a variety of eggs and earned a lot of money.

6. Overcoming the fear of failure. If anything interferes with seller carry out its work, so it is the fear of failure. In order to overcome this fear, you need to read the story about Sean, who was told in chapter 2. You can also refresh your memory about the development of the material sense of self, as set out in Chapter 10. And after that you can still go back to the history of others and Boquete (remember, this story is contained in chapter 13). When you get better looks into the heart of the matter, you will realize that "fear of rejection" - it's only words, for which costs nothing.

7. Nomination of new ideas. New ideas for one person is not enough. We need to attract more people (up to a dozen). All participants of this meeting should sit at the table and put forward any ideas about promoting the objectives of the company, which only come into their heads.

This is not anything to scoff at. All ideas should be taken with respect.

This will help release the imagination. Do not forget that one thought entails the second, and the second - third. After half an hour, "meetings" you will find that it led to the birth of an idea that will really help move the company forward. For the success of advancing ideas is necessary that each party "meetings" understood: it can offer anything that can increase sales, no

matter how ridiculous it seems his idea. Each proposal must be thought out and discussed. If you will try this method, you will find how useful it is to generate creative solutions.

8. Relaxation and relief from stress. Enter your company rule that each employee during the day had a fifteen-minute break to relax. During this break your staff should include the level and meditate. If you enter this rule, you will surely notice that your employees increased labor productivity. They also will offer more creative ideas. If you work for another person, then take it a rule every day to do a break and meditate. You can see Chapters 1 and 6.

As we remember, in Chapter 1 explains the technique of the first level of meditation, and in Chapter 6 refers to dealing with stress.

9. Existence of sellers optimists with positive thinking.

Need all the staff who is selling products, explain the benefits of positive thinking. Try to make sure that employees involved in the sale of products, competing with themselves. They need a set positive goals that they have increased the proportion of successful sales. Look at chapter 10, "The feeling of self-affirmation."

10. Selection of dynamic, ambitious, focused team.

Make it so that all the employees of your company read this book, then you will be a dynamic, ambitious, purposeful team.

When your employees read this book and discuss the Silva Method, you can invite them to a meeting to nominate ideas.

If you follow these tips, you will notice that your business is thriving and expanding and that all barriers have disappeared. If you're just going to open a business, then set out the material in this chapter will help you succeed. Remember that before taking any decision should enter on the level and think about it in a state of meditation. Alpha state helps to find the right solution. If you will need to make an important decision, before taking his sign in a meditative state and all carefully ponder. Then you certainly will receive the optimal solution.

Chapter 26. Personal success in business.

Business - it is the question which you are engaged. So you can better grasp the issue that will be discussed in this chapter, we define what you're doing. You can do anything: the production, purchase and sale of goods, advertising and other activities. Busy teacher training, and the salesman - selling products. Business can be a thing that you do because you like it, or you do it to earn a living. Printing can be your business if you secretary, and treatment of people - if you're a doctor. Business writer is to write books, and the business of the artist - the creation of paintings.

Whatever your business, you need to determine what role it plays in your life. It is also necessary to ensure that your business does not cause you stress. You should mind his own

business with pleasure. And in order to avoid stress at work, you have to engage in that business that you like. This is the surest way to avoid stress at work. If you do not like your business, then you need to either change it or change your attitude towards it.

How can you change your business so that you get to work more joy and satisfaction? First of all, we should develop a positive attitude to business. You need to set new goals, and when you seek to achieve them, you should feel the enthusiasm and pleasure. You must set these goals towards which you will be pleased to strive for.

To start think that this may be the goal. Many do not start new businesses because they are afraid of defeat. Such people do not realize that the only failure is the failure of new beginnings. Without beginning or end is not, and consequently succeed. Rather than risk, you can not win.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Do not forget that the eagle was once just an egg.

And if you find the strength and courage to start something new, it can not be defeated, and this is supported by many examples.

Thomas Edison before invented the light bulb, put more than a thousand bad experiences. When he was asked why he stubbornly continues to work after a thousand failures, he replied: "What kind of failures? I have not had any setbacks. Now I know a thousand ways that do not work." Wise people consider "failure" as a lesson that helps to move on.

To change your view of the case that you do, try to make your work more creative. Creative abilities are activated when you are aiming for their activation. You can "tell" your subconscious mind and make him obey. You may say to yourself, "Today I'm going to think more creatively." Once you see it you say, your creativity will increase. To activate the creative abilities of the technique can also be used three fingers. It needs to close the thumb, index and middle fingers of either hand and say to yourself: "My creative abilities grow, I'm starting to think more creatively." And if you will think more creatively, you will get a taste for work, become engaged in it with pleasure. You will begin to establish a more serious goals and get satisfaction from their achievements.

What do you expect from your business? Think about what you would like.

Imagine the best result. Presented? Now imagine what else is ten times better. At the same time forget about all sorts of doubts and limitations. So you get a perfect result. If you're a sculptor, you can imagine that created a sculpture that embodies the whole world, the whole universe. Unleash your imagination. Believe that you can achieve mind-blowing results. You only need to believe in themselves, in their capabilities, and the flight of your imagination should not be constrained by any fears and doubts. Complete freedom of the imagination! If you are a businessman, then imagine that you leave on the regional, national, global market! What can you hold? What limits your ability?

Ask yourself the following question: "If I had nothing to limit, if I had unlimited funds, if I were business partners around the world, what would I do? How to develop my business? What new trends have come to? What changes would occur? " Think about the ultimate goal. Think about the purpose, which would be the ultimate, if you had all that we have listed above. Now that you have identified a higher purpose, you can think about the desired purposes.

How far you are from your higher purpose?

Give yourself a symbolic ideal. Draw on paper pyramid.

Base of the pyramid will embody your present condition, the peak of the pyramid - your higher purpose. Ideal, as it is known, is unattainable, but it is necessary to strive for, meaning you do not necessarily need to reach its peak of the pyramid, you should seek only to him. Knowing what the ideal is unattainable, allows you to set other goals that are achievable.

You must climb on his pyramid, rising from one level to another, moving from target to target. Each goal achieved is the launch pad to reach the next, more difficult. So, rising higher and higher, step by step, you will thereby achieve better and better results, and your ideal will become more intimate and not so unattainable.

Let's say your ideal, your highest goal represents the number 1000.

This is your star unattainable. At present you are, say, figure 3. Your first goal should be to reach 10, and then - in the promotion of dozens of third and fourth, and so on up until you get to 100. Reaching the 100, you will strive to 125, then - to 150, then - to 175, then to 200, etc. Although 1000 seemed completely unattainable top, when you were on the figure 3, it will seem quite achievable, when you get to 300.

And when you get up to seven or eight hundred, you will realize that 1000 is no longer your ideal. You've changed, and your ideal also changed. When you will achieve significant progress and see that 1000 is no longer unattainable vertex, then your ideal would be 5000 or 10000. Whatever you meant for these numbers, you'll notice: after you have moved forward, it became easier to move on. The building is built brick by brick, the novel is written in line, and success go up the stairs.

Man far removed from the literature, it is difficult to complete a novel, but he can submit a complete sentence. We can say that if the novel - the ideal vertex, the proposal - the first step to this ideal beginning of a great work. If the house - ideal, brick - the beginning. Without beginning and can not be a successful outcome.

Home - the first step to the top, and if you do not do this step, you will never see not only the top, but do not get close to her.

If something prevents you start, think that it is a hindrance. Honestly tell yourself that it does not allow you to take the first step. Maybe dream more desirable than the actual goal? Without a doubt, the dream does not require work, does not require the application of effort, the

dream itself is essentially ideal. It may not be within the failure, but, on the other hand, it does not lead to success. If the dream does not entail any action, it is so forever and remains an elusive dream. If you are taking the first step to achieving it, it ceases to be a dream and becomes a reality.

Maybe the idea that the action will destroy the dream, preventing you from start to translate his dream into reality? So, it is extremely important to consider what prevents the first step that prevents start moving towards success.

Now consider the motivation of actions, consider what motivates us to action. To do this, apply the principle of polarity, and think that is the opposite of motivation. Contrary motivation - leaving for later, in which there is no practical desires. If your problem is that you are all set aside for later, it is only necessary to create the desire to act. A desire is created by defining the values and goals, in other words, we need to establish an ideal and strive for it.

One serious problem that costs virtually to all businessmen, regardless of the scope of their activities is decision-making. In many situations, it is that the right solution is not so far from wrong, and so the only mistake is a complete rejection of the decision. If you need to make a decision, and the final result of this decision can not affect your ideal, what, indeed, is the importance of this decision? Make it a rule to make decisions almost instantly, and you'll immediately notice that you will become much easier to go to the top. You will find that getting rid of the stupid agony over the decision-making, you get rid of the stone that you pulled to the ground and stopped going to the top.

One was an industrial magnate, who almost immediately took any decision. When he came to the issue one of his subordinates, he studied the ceiling for a few moments of his office with his one hand in his pocket and the other rubbing his chin, and then shifted his gaze to the slave, and gave a positive or negative response with such confidence that he was leaving shaking his head and marveling at his boss's ability to instantly make the right decision on any issue.

It should be said that the ability of this person to make decisions instantly helped his company to reach new heights in business. About his ability for a couple of seconds to make the right decision legends.

His authority was absolute, even around his personality emerged some mystical aura. One day he came to his chief of the advertising department, and proposed a new draft campaign. Magnate looked project asked a few questions, thought just a couple of seconds and said, "Well, I approve of this project." On another occasion, he was asked what to do with the company cafeteria. It was offered to move to another place. Tycoon again asked a few questions and said, "Leave him where he is."

Ability to instantly make clear decisions, never hesitate and do not procrastinate led to the fact that our industrial tycoon appeared reputation of a man who never makes a mistake and does not spend time thinking about and discussing issues. Other manufacturers were jealous of his ability, and when he retired, was asked how he gets so quickly make the right decisions.

What outgoing CEO replied politely that this information is a trade secret and can not be disclosed. The new president of the company, taking things with surprising tycoon also asked what his secret. And when they were alone in the office, the outgoing president, said: "Beans".

The new president thought he could not hear what he said tycoon, and asked:

- How to forgive?

- Beans - repeated the outgoing president.

- Pods? - Surprised the new president. - I do not understand.

Then retiring magnate from his pocket a handful of beans and showing them to his successor, pour from one palm to another, and then again put it in his pocket.

- I have long noticed that if I put off making decisions, the situation gets worse. Then I invented a way to instantly make decisions. I began to carry in your pocket a handful of beans, and when it was necessary to give to any question a positive or negative response, I lowered his hand into his pocket, took a few beans at random and without taking his hands out of his pocket, counted them. If it turned out that I randomly picked an odd number of beans, then gave a negative answer, but if it turned out that the amount taken me even beans - a positive response. Essentially what I said did not matter, it was important that I did not put off the decision until later. Of course, I had to be wrong, but most importantly - the decision was made, and I could consume your energy on something really important.

- Beans, - said, shaking his head, the new president.

And leaving on vacation industrial tycoon took from his pocket a handful of beans and with a smile handed them to his successor.

- This handful of beans give you a chance to earn a reputation as a man who never makes a mistake and does not waste time to think. Use them wisely - said goodbye to the newly retired.

Part VII. Changes.

Chapter 27. Test changes.

You are experiencing a time of transition in your life, and you do not believe in all that happens. It comes time to make a decision that will change the rest of your life, but also affect the lives of other people you may not even know. You should ask yourself whether the better the changes that occur in your life. You need to determine whether they will bring benefit to you and the people you love. Also do not forget that on the rest of your life affect even your inaction.

If you do not do anything, everything will remain as it is.

Think about whether you want everything to remain as it is. Consider your present first with a positive point of view, and then with the negative.

First, imagine that everything will be as it is now, with all consider in a positive manner, that is, looking around the positive moments. Imagine what would happen if you do nothing will change. What are the positive aspects of what all this will continue?

After that, try to see around the negative side.

Imagine what would happen if you do nothing will change. What will happen eventually?

Just think back to the period when there were problems, the solution of which you are working in the present. Have you watched while at life differently? Are you worried about what care then? Have you changed?

Changes - is growth. If you have changed, you can assume that become more mature, more wise man.

Imagine yourself in the future and think about what you will and what the situation yourself. Will you be happy with this new situation? If you can - like the future itself - really?

Changes involve the destruction of the old frameworks, old patterns of life and creating new ones. The steady habit-established scheme does not create discomfort, it's nice because you got used to it. People like comfort, and he parted with him reluctantly. In addition, familiarity implies to some extent safety. You all familiar, and so you feel safe.

Repetition leads to the formation of something habits. When you do the usual work for you, it becomes routine. Usual process enjoyable because you know what will happen next, you are sure that there will be no surprises.

Like a child who is under the age of constant change and changes loves to next were familiar objects and adult loves everything to be familiar. The difference is that the child is not very long to part with the subject, which is used to and that love, no matter how dirty, old and spoiled became this thing. That the child was able to calm enough to part with such a subject, it must grow. Important for a child to be near a familiar object, to which he was accustomed. Any attempt to pick up the familiar object leads to the fact that the child seems that the loss of this object (eg, toys) all change in his little world be chaos. But as the child grows, he is freed from this dependence, and like a child throws the old stuff, you can watch the stages of his growing up.

We are all afraid of the unknown and of any changes. Because of this, we sometimes do not even change the usual course of things that someone else might seem totally unacceptable. An outsider who does not understand that such a course of things prevailing associated with security, can draw the wrong conclusions. Due to lack of information outsider sometimes do not understand what is happening. Even the one that causes the situation, can not understand that it is not changed because it is associated with the familiar, and hence the safe state of affairs.

Most of us confer the possibility of external forces lead to success or failure. Simply put, the success or failure, we often explain the influence of external forces. When we feel that we have no control over external forces, the changes seem as random as the biggest win of the bone. We often do not want contact with the changes with any changes because the changes we necessarily associated with the loss of security. We prefer to stay where we are, prefer to maintain the status quo (the status quo).

In principle there is no reason to worry, as unwise to focus on past mistakes, because if the situation repeated itself ideally, it would have all the conditions that have influenced you in that situation, you would have done exactly as did then. And the reason that you are considering their past action as a mistake is that you become a different person, that your views have changed. And if you have changed your views have changed, and you are considering past its action as an error.

On their past actions should be seen not as a mistake but as pointers to show that you are on the right track. All (including errors) should be considered as experienced. Your mistake - this is roughly what you can not, what does not work. And the only way to know it will work or not - try it. And even if you know that it does not work, it says only that you learned something new. This is not a bug, it's an experience. A negative result - also a result. The main thing - to be persistent, do not stop and do not give up.

To change was welcome, it should be considered as growth is moving forward. Need to look at changes in a positive manner. If you will consider the change as progress, then you will seek him. To form a positive view of the changes you need to relax and use the visualization to consider the positive aspects of change.

You can start right now. And you need to start with in order to get pleasure from it all. Enjoy the present moment. Whatever you do, you should enjoy it.

Now relax. When you are in a relaxed state, all the processes you normally proceed harmoniously. You are able to balance.

When you are relaxed, anxiety disappears. Anxiety - a form of fear associated with any future event. You can not worry about the future, if you expect good from him only. Fear of change occurs because of the expectation that something bad might happen.

When you are afraid of the future, the past seems more pleasant and desirable.

Older people expect from the future only weakness and disease, they are just waiting for the bad changes and so afraid of the future and recall with pleasure the past when they were young and healthy and feel safe. Young people are also more comfortable with the changes for the opposite reasons.

Change - this growth, it is progress. No change can not be obtained new knowledge can not be evolution. Changes - an integral part of human life. Avoid changes - means avoiding life. Life without change can not be.

Changes should be considered as something that leads to the achievement of the objectives, then the future and the changes will appear more desirable, then they will not cause fear. If you will consider changes that way, you will have a real zest for life. Desired change is a natural change. With such a view of the changes so they become what is expected, what they want to aspire to people. Changes themselves are waiting for something good.

In order to acquire a new perspective on the changes you need to use technology and techniques of the Silva Method. To learn to look at changes in a positive manner, it is necessary to enter into a meditative level alpha state and consider the positive aspects of change.

To secure a positive impression, you can use the technique of gold forms, which has been described in Chapter 5. You need to see a positive end result as if you're a playwright and the play - a play about his life. Positive aspects must be enclosed in a white frame.

So you're unfamiliar and unusual make habitual.

After this change and changes are seen as the most natural thing. You even start to wait for changes, appears positive expectation faith. In the end, the changes become convinced that to happen something good.

In short, you need to believe that the only good things ahead, and then it's good will happen.