JIT Solutions Design Brief

Post on 17-Nov-2015

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Design brief for small IT solutions business.

Transcript of JIT Solutions Design Brief

  • DESIGN BRIEF By Jessica Altshuler

    Abstract A guide to the company brand and plans for the website, mobile, and social media deliverables.

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    Table of Contents

    Goals and Objectives

    Mission ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 2

    Project Intent .................................................................................................................................................................................... 2

    Success Metrics .................................................................................................................................................................................. 2

    Constraints ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 3

    Messaging and Target Audience

    Branding ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

    Stakeholders ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

    Collaborative ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

    User Assessment ................................................................................................................................................................................. 5

    SWOT Analysis and Deliverables

    Social Media ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 7

    Desktop Website ............................................................................................................................................................................... 10

    Optimized Mobile Website ................................................................................................................................................................... 11

    Competitive Analysis

    Dataprise Inc. .................................................................................................................................................................................. 12

    Geek Squad ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 14

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    Goals and Objectives

    Mission J/IT Solutions is a company that offers the highest standards of timeliness, convenience, personal care, and integrity in all forms of

    IT maintenance.

    Project Intent The project intent is to formally launch a website for J/IT Solutions that will grow the brand awareness and client base beyond

    current clients personal referrals.

    The website will be accompanied by an optimized mobile version of the website and we will use social media as a springboard to

    refer traffic to the newly created website. J/IT Solutions will have a pages created in Facebook and LinkedIn as a way to gather

    clients and prospects together in a digital forum to increase brand awareness.

    The project intent is confined to the creation and success measurement of the website, mobile website, and social media pages.

    While long-term success metrics will consider the secondary effects (i.e. business growth and possible staff hiring) brought about by

    the website launch, the intent is to create and focus on the website, social media visitor referrals, website visitor activity, and the

    number of jobs booked from the website in the first month of launch.

    Success Metrics Success metrics will be measured to judge the effectiveness of the social media pages in supporting the website launch as well as

    the usability and draw of the website. Specific metrics will include the following and will be approved by Eric, the CEO of J/IT


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    Number of Facebook and LinkedIn page Likes

    Number of social media referrals to the website

    Average amount of time spent on the website per visitor

    Number of job bookings secured through the website over the course of six months

    First month goal is to secure one business booking and one individual client booking due to the website

    Constraints There are several constraints to consider in both the short-term and long-term of the project.

    Short-term Constraints:

    The primary short-term constraint is the budget, since we may decide to hire an outside professional to design the website and

    possibly run the social media pages. It is entirely possible to create the website in-house, but if we want a fancier design we will

    need to consider the added cost and conduct a significant amount of research to find the best fit for a web design consultant. There

    is also a time constraint for running the social media pagesthese pages require daily updates and we are considering the addition

    of regular blog posts.

    Long-term Constraints:

    Long-term constraints will include the following, assuming the business grows and develops over the next six months due to the

    successful launch of the website.

    Limited manpowerAs the business grows we may require additional IT staff to assist Eric in completing jobs in a

    timely manner. We may also require an administrative person to create and send out bills while managing the


    ResearchThis will be needed to service industry-specific clients to comply with government regulations while

    completing IT jobs (ex. For healthcareHIPPA laws).

    LiabilityWe may consider moving J/IT Solutions status from a sole proprietorship to an LLC or other status that

    limits liability.

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    Messaging and Target Audience

    Branding The branding of J/IT Solutions is summed up in the following Brand Chart:

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    Stakeholders As a small localized company establishing initial digital web presence in the Washington, D.C. area, the primary stakeholder is Eric

    Joyner, CEO and founder of J/IT Solutions. He is the decision-maker to please in the various steps of the project and he will make

    the final call regarding the projects success.

    Collaborative There are no collaborators scheduled to work with J/IT Solutions in the project, but we reserve the right to research and hire a web

    design consultancy if the design needs of the website and mobile website surpass our skills in-house.

    User Assessment Our User Assessment consists of two target audience types that will require different sets of IT services:


    Defined as DC-individuals looking for personal IT maintenance

    Defined users are looking for ways to make their personal computer systems more efficient in processing speed, cyber

    security/firewalls, etc.

    They wish to learn about their computer and empower themselves with simple ways to conduct regular upkeep and

    maintenance on their computer system.

    They enjoy social media interaction with like-minded individuals in the area

    Small to Medium-Sized Business

    Defined as any smaller local business, but intent is to focus on the business owners or decision-makers of each company

    Ideal targets are the owners or heads of DC-based political agencies or PACs

    Defined users are looking for ways to run their business or agency more efficiently by conducting tests, speeding up

    bandwidth, consolidating servers through virtualization or backing up their business data through more reliable methods.

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    SWOT Analysis


    Selling points:

    Personalization from start to finish

    One-on-one consultations with customized projects/solutions


    We educate, empower, and collaborate with client

    Holistic approach to ITlooking aheadanticipating client issue before they realize it

    Scalabilitywe can handle a variety of businessesindividuals to smallmedium-sized businesses


    Limited budget and manpower

    Lack of brand awareness in the larger DC business population

    Lack of experience managing an online presence for the company

    Lack of business experience growing the company beyond personal client referrals


    Ability to create a social media fan base from previous and current clients

    Thanks to CEO's existing relationships with clients in the DC political scene, we have the ability to claim a portion of the local political market not captured by or sold on the idea of using large or national IT companies. Our web presence will make it easier for prospects to contact us and make it easier for clients to recommend us.


    Another local company may stake a claim or dominant presence amongst our target political audience before we can brand ourselves with our new website.

    Our new website design will surpass our in-house skills and we will be forced to outsource web design, expand our budget and extend our time needed for project completion.

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    There are three different platforms for delivery: social media, the desktop website, and the optimized mobile website. Each

    platform serves a different purpose and is explained in further detail below.

    Social Media J/IT Solutions will receive Fan Pages for Facebook and LinkedIn that will assist in the launch of the direct J/IT Solutions website and

    mobile website. The use of these social media platforms will serve several purposes thatwhen combinedwill act as a springboard

    to refer traffic to the main websites and increase public awareness of their launch.

    The social media pages will:

    Provide a digital group in which to gather current and former clients

    Provide a place for clients and prospects to interact and discuss the brand

    Offer announcements about website updates and referral rewards programs

    Offer educational blog entries and links from the websites

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    Mock-ups of Social Media Deliverables

    Figure 1: Facebook Page

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    Figure 2: LinkedIn Page

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    Desktop Website The primary J/IT website is meant to showcase the most background information on the company, but its main purpose is to

    increase brand awareness in the DC community. The following diagram is a mock-up layout of the websites pages and navigation,

    and huge success measurement of its usability will be the ease with which visitors can classify what type of client they are

    (Individual or Business) and contact J/IT Solutions for an appointment.

    Contact UsAbout Us



    Network Security

    Systems Administration

    Network Infrastructure

    Web Design

    Speed Up your Computer

    Save Server Space

    Web DesignProtect your Computer

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    Optimized Mobile Website Like the two previous platforms, the mobile website is designed for the same individuals and business owners described in the User

    Assessment; the only difference is that it is meant to provide them with an optimized view of key website information on the go.

    This platform is not necessarily meant for the buying or decision-making stage, but rather to quickly research who we are and

    quickly contact us by phone.

    Figure 4: Mobile Phone & Tablet views

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    Competitive Analysis

    Two competitors were analyzed to determine what they did well in their website designthey deal in professional IT services and

    they represent both local and national presence. The following sections address each competitor and explain what usability

    examples from their websites J/IT Solutions plans to mimic or at least consider in the creation of its own website.

    Dataprise Inc. (http://www.dataprise.com/) As a company specializing in IT services for small to medium-sized businesses, Dataprise, Inc. has a mission and service list almost

    identical to J/IT Solutions. In fact, its motto is very personable and embodies its mission in a short sentenceWere like having a

    best friend in the IT business.

    Examples of things done well that J/IT plans to mimic:

    1) A menu for clients to classify themselves and personalize their service menu.

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    2) A quick contact form on the home page 3) A personalized CEO blog

    http://www.dataprise.com/about/companyprofile http://blog.dataprise.com/


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    Geek Squad (http://www.geeksquad.com/) The Geek Squad is a household name that spans nationally in most Best Buy electronics stores. While it holds a huge advantage as an

    established competitor by maintaining physical locations in every major U.S. city, the Geek Squad also hosts a clean, user-friendly

    website where customers can quickly browse service menus.

    Examples of things done well that J/IT plans to mimic (both from the Geek Squad Homepage):

    1) A well-labeled, drop-down illustrated menu for categories of device services

    2) A drop-down menu of services neatly grouped into support plans