JAPAN GV 2 ~ GV 9 welcome you Osaka.pdfon Kobe side of the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, known as the...

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Transcript of JAPAN GV 2 ~ GV 9 welcome you Osaka.pdfon Kobe side of the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, known as the...

Osaka, Kobe, Nara, Kyoto (Mandarin Speaking Guide)

Day 01 Kuala Lumpur Osaka - Kansai International Airport Assemble at Kuala Lumpur International Airport for your flight to Osaka Kansai International Airport . Day 02 Kobe - Maiko Marine Promenade ( Akashi Kaikyo Bride ) - Kikumasamune Sake Museum - Nankinmachi (ChinaTown) - Motomachi Shopping Street - Meriken Park ( Meals-on-Board )

Upon arrival at Osaka – Kansai International Airport

Maiko Marine Promenade(舞子海上散步道) : Maiko Marine Promenade is an excursion-style promenade which is built

on Kobe side of the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, known as the longest central span of any suspension bridge in the world, with

approximately 47m in height above the sea-level, 150m in height above the ground, and protruded 317m beyond the bridge.Walking on a log 47m above the sea-level would be so intense! The information about the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge is

located on the first floor at the entrance of the promenade. You would feel like you were on top of the main pole (app.

300m in height) of the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge if you look through a observatory camera system in the lounge located on the 8th floor. Enjoy your journey on the marine promenade as you look over the great view of the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge

Kikumasamune Sake Museum (菊正宗酒造记念馆 ): It is the only facility exhibits "Sake brewing utensils of Nada" which are appointed as important tangible folk-cultural properties of Japan. It is a museum of Sake which exhibits the

secret techniques of brewing Sake inherited by Toji masters in Tamba region to the present.You can find your favorite

one by tasting variety of Sake including freshly brewed unheated Sake for free. Nankinmachi (Chinatown) 神户南京町(中華街):The only China Town in the Kansai region. The chinese food stores

and huge variety of delicious restaurants make it a very popular tourist spot. Motomachi Shopping Street ( 元町商店街) : Motomachi (literally meaning “the original town of Kobe”) was formed in

1874 and became one of shopping hubs in Kobe. The 1.2 kilo meter long Motomachi shopping street offers 300 dining and shopping choices including +100-year-old shops and new shops.

Meriken Park (神户港湾) : The landmark Kobe Port, cozy breeze and cruise ships at Meriken Park define what Kobe is

about. lluminated Port Tower one of the oldest port towns in Japan.

Hotel : Osaka N Gate Hotel http://nippon-gate.jp/ or

Osaka Joytel Hotel http://www.joytelhotels.com/osaka/global/en/index.html or Similar

Day 03 Nara - Deer Park - Todaiji Temple - Osaka - Osaka Castle Park - Shinsaibashi Shopping Street

- Dotonbori ( Breakfast)

Deer Park (鹿公園): The deer, about 1200 (sort of) wild deer, are really used to visitors and a lot of times will pose

nicely with you. If they find out you have food to give them they will follow you around for a little bit and sometimes call

their friends over. You can purchase deer-crackers (鹿煎餅 Shika-senbei) to feed the deer in the park.

Todaiji Temple (東大寺): In 728, the Emperor Shomu, who placed great importance upon Buddhism, founded Todai-ji

Temple, now inscribed as a World Cultural Heritage Site. Daibutsu-den (Great Buddha Hall) is 57 meters long and 50

meters wide, making it the world's largest wooden structure. The hall enshrines a huge statue of the great Buddha. Weighing approximately 300 tons and standing some 15 meters tall, it is the largest Buddha statue in the world.

Osaka Castle Park (大阪城公園): It was originally built by Hideyoshi Toyotomi (1536-1598) a well-known warlord who

brought the whole country under his rule in the late 16th century. It has been burned down in a series of battles in the 17th century, and reconstructed later. Once again it was destroyed by fire, its donjon only reduced to ashes this time,

and was reconstructed at last early in the 20th century. Shinsaibashi Shopping Street (心斋桥购物区) : The major

shopping paradise in downtown Osaka.

Dotonbori (道顿堀) : This food paradise has two rows of eateries packed wall-to-wall with Japanese nosh of every

imaginable kinds and prices. With the lights of neon sign boards touting as colourful as a rainbow, this is the good reason why Osaka is called “The Kitchen of Japan”. This is also the place where all started Takoyaki, Okonomiyaki, (conveyor

belt sushi), Hometown Noodle (Ramen, Udon), etc..

Hotel : Osaka N Gate Hotel http://nippon-gate.jp/ or

Osaka Joytel Hotel http://www.joytelhotels.com/osaka/global/en/index.html or Similar

GV 2 ~ GV 9

Private Tour

JAPAN welcome

you !

Day 04 Kyoto - Kiyomizu-Dera - Fushimi Inari Taisha - Kingakuji Temple ( Golden Pavilion) ( Beakfast )

Kiyomizu Temple(清水寺) : Famous for its principal sanctuary, built on a steep cliff. It is registered as a world cultural

heritage in 1994. The 139 Zelkova pillars that support the balcony are over 12 metres tall. It is a popular site for the

tourists because it commands a wonderful view of the city of Kyoto.

Fushimi Inari Taisha (伏見稲荷大社) : Since early Japan, Inari was seen as the patron of business, and merchants and

manufacturers have traditionally worshipped Inari. Each of the torii at Fushimi Inari Taisha is donated by a Japanese

business. First and foremost, though, Inari is the god of rice.

Kingakuji Temple (Golden Pavilion) (金閣寺): The temple was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994.

the temple's official name is Rokuon-ji. was constructed in 1224 as a second house for an aristocrat. Later, Shogun

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu (1358-1408) took it over as his residence, and after his death, it was converted into a temple. The famous novel "Kinkaku-ji" by Yukio Mishima (1925-1970) is based on an incident in 1950 when a young monk, obsessed

by the temple's beauty, set fire to it and burnt it down.

Hotel : Osaka Joytel Hotel http://www.joytelhotels.com/osaka/global/en/index.html or Similar

Day 05 Free & Easy Day ( Breakfast )

Today is a free day for all to explore Osaka City by JR Train to major shopping district such as Umeda, Shisaibashi, American Village, Shinsekai , etc.. or you can choice ;

Optional : Universal Studio Japan (www.usj.co.jp) ( Adult :Yen7400 / Child : Yen4980 ) (Transportation and Entrance are at own expense)

Hotel : Osaka Joytel Hotel http://www.joytelhotels.com/osaka/global/en/index.html or Similar

Day 06 Free at Leisure - Osaka Kuala Lumpur ( Breakfast ) After breakfast, free at own leisure till your transfer to Kansai International Airport for your flight back to Kuala Lumpur. (Apologize for any inconvenience caused if due to unforeseen circumstances, the sequence of itinerary is subjected to local agent’s arrangement)

Sedunia Travel Services Sdn. Bhd. 宇宙 旅遊有限公司 (30240-V) KKKP0019

Level 12 & 13, Menara Genesis, 33 Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia http://www.sedunia.com.my

Phone 03-2148 1022 Fax 03-2148 1863 Email contact@seduniatravel.com

GV 2 ~ GV 9

Private Tour

JAPAN welcome

you !

6D4N Osaka One Belt 大阪 , 神戸, 奈良, 京都. (华语司机导游)

第一天 吉隆坡 大阪

聚集在吉隆坡国际机场,乘坐航班抵达大阪关西国际机场 , 司机导游将于机场欢迎您的光臨.

第二天 神戸 - 舞子海上散歩道 (明石大橋) - 菊正宗酒造记念馆 - 神户南京町(中華街) - 元町商店街 -

神户港湾 (机上用餐)

舞子海上散步道 :舞子海上散步道是在世界有数的吊桥「明石海峡大桥」的神户市方面开设的眺望漫步道设施.离开海面高

度约 47 米从陆地延伸突出到海面的距离为 150 米,是一条周游式步道,全长为 317 米.海上 47 米之高的独木桥---震撼力可打

满分.在 1 楼散步道的入口有大桥详细易懂地解说资料的展览; 8 楼展望大厅的展望照相机系统,可以让您品味到登上约 300


菊正宗酒造记念馆 : 菊正宗酒造记念馆是展示国家指定重要有形民俗文化财产「滩之酒道具」的唯一设施,是再现丹波杜



神户南京町(中華街) : 神户南京町---和横滨中华街,长崎新地中华街一起被称为日本三大唐人街.中国菜的材料,杂货,丰富


元町商店街 : 在 1874 年按照“神户原有的市町」的意思被命名为”元町“.已有 140 年的历史了.“元町”与唐人街“南京町”非常

邻近,一起形成了神户市都心商业区.在此创业 100 年的老店铺和时新的店铺混合在一起,只有在港口城市.神户才有的时尚,杂

货,美食,咖啡等 300 家店铺一起形成了非常漂亮的购物区-日本传统的「商店街」

神户港湾 : 神户港湾是象征神户的一个地标.它的建筑物的外形非常醒目而吸引人们的眼球,一直都是神户的一个观光热点.


酒店 : Osaka N Gate Hotel http://nippon-gate.jp/ or

Osaka Joytel Hotel http://www.joytelhotels.com/osaka/global/en/index.html or Similar

第三天 奈良 - 神鹿公園 - 東大寺 - 大阪城公園 - 心齋橋購物區 - 道頓堀 (早餐)

鹿公園: 鹿公园内到处都可以看到大约 1200 隻的野放鹿群非常的靠近. 可自费購買煎餅餵飼野鹿。

東大寺: 被列入《世界遗产名录》的东大寺是公元 728 年遵照重视佛教的圣武天皇圣旨建造的。东大寺是全国 68 所国分寺的总寺院,据

说是因为建在首都平城京以东,所以被称作“东大寺”。正面宽度 57 米、深 50 米的世界最大的木造建筑东大寺大佛殿内,放置着高 15 米


大阪城公園: 拥有 500 年历史的大阪的象征, 大阪城是与完成统一天下大业的 16 世纪后期武将丰臣秀吉有很深关系的城堡.建于 16 世纪

末,17 世纪因战乱而被烧毁,之后虽然得到再建,但天守阁还是烧毁了.直到 20 世纪前半期,天守阁才获得了重建。

心斋桥购物区: 心斋桥作为大阪最大的购物区,集中了许多精品屋和专卖店,从早到晚熙熙攘攘,到处是市民和游客的人流。心斋桥

是以带有拱廊设施的心斋桥筋商店街为中心发展起来的。道顿堀 : 道顿堀是沿着道顿堀川南岸的一大繁华街区日本人常说“吃在大阪”,


酒店 : Osaka N Gate Hotel http://nippon-gate.jp/ or

Osaka Joytel Hotel http://www.joytelhotels.com/osaka/global/en/index.html or Similar

JAPAN welcome

you !

2人 成行


第四天 京都 - 清水寺 - 伏見稻荷大社 - 金閣寺 (早餐) 清水寺 : 清水寺為 1633 年重修.[清水寺]為棟樑結構式寺院.正殿寬 19 米,進深 16 米,依懸涯峭壁而建, 大殿前為懸空的“舞

台”,由 139 根高數十米的大圓木支撐.寺院建築氣勢宏偉,結構巧妙,未用一根釘子.寺中六層炬木築成的木台為日本所罕有。

伏見稻荷大社 :




金閣寺 : 金阁寺以外表贴上金箔的三层建筑物闻名。 1988 年金阁的金箔被重新贴换,至今以其金光闪闪的风姿吸引着游


酒店 : Osaka Joytel Hotel http://www.joytelhotels.com/osaka/global/en/index.html or Similar

第五天 大阪環球影城 或 全日自由活动 (早餐) 早餐後, 可以乘坐 J R 电车(車票約 Yen500 単程) 前往大阪環球影城(www.usj.co.jp) (大人: Yen7400 /小孩: Yen4980)

或 選擇今天是自由活动的一天,游玩大阪市区 如:梅田, 心齋橋, 美国村街, 新世界…. (所有車票和入場票自費)

酒店 : Osaka Joytel Hotel http://www.joytelhotels.com/osaka/global/en/index.html or Similar

第六天 自由活动 - 大阪 吉隆坡 (早餐/机上用餐)

早餐后是自由活动时间, 然后将送往大阪关西国际机场 搭乘航班返回吉隆坡,并希望你享有美丽的回亿。 (行程顺序和船班时间如有更改,以当地旅行社的安排为准. 抱歉造成任何不便.)

Sedunia Travel Services Sdn. Bhd. 宇宙 旅遊有限公司 (30240-V) KKKP0019

Level 12 & 13, Menara Genesis, 33 Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia http://www.sedunia.com.my

Phone 03-2148 1022 Fax 03-2148 1863 Email contact@seduniatravel.com

JAPAN welcome

you !

2人 成行


(Mandarin Speaking Guide)

Day 01 Kuala Lumpur Osaka (Meals-on-Board) Assemble at Kuala Lumpur International Airport for your flight to Osaka Kansai International Airport . ( GV4-9 first day arrival own hotel shuttle bus to hotel own check in )

Hotel : Kansai Airport Washington Hotel http://kansai-ap.washington-hotels.jp/ or

Kanku Joytel Hotel http://www.joytelhotels.com/kanku/ or Similar

Day 02 Osaka – Nara – Deer Park – Todaiji Temple – Kyoto – Kiyomizu Temple (Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner) Deer Park (鹿公園): The deer, about 1200 (sort of) wild deer, are really used to visitors and a lot of times will pose nicely with you. If

they find out you have food to give them they will follow you around for a little bit and sometimes call their friends over. You can purchase deer-crackers (鹿煎餅 Shika-senbei) to feed the deer in the park. Todaiji Temple (東大寺): In 728, the Emperor Shomu,

who placed great importance upon Buddhism, founded Todai-ji Temple, now inscribed as a World Cultural Heritage Site. Daibutsu-den (Great Buddha Hall) is 57 meters long and 50 meters wide, making it the world's largest wooden structure. The hall enshrines a huge statue of the great Buddha. Weighing approximately 300 tons and standing some 15 meters tall, it is the largest Buddha statue in the world. Kiyomizu Temple(清水寺) : Famous for its principal sanctuary, built on a steep cliff. It is registered as a world cultural

heritage in 1994. The 139 Zelkova pillars that support the balcony are over 12 metres tall. It is a popular site for the tourists because it commands a wonderful view of the city of Kyoto. Hotel : Kyoto Hotel Karasuma www.kyotohotel.co.jp/karasuma or KYOTO HEARTON http://www.hearton.co.jp/kyoto/ or similar Day 03 Kyoto – Kingakuji Temple ( Golden Pavilion) – Kimono Show - Arashiyama Togetsu-kyo Bridge – Osaka – Osaka Castle – Shinsaibashi Shopping Street – Dotonbori (Breakfast/ Lunch)

Kingakuji Temple (Golden Pavilion) (金閣寺): The temple was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994. the temple's

official name is Rokuon-ji. was constructed in 1224 as a second house for an aristocrat. Later, Shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu (1358-1408) took it over as his residence, and after his death, it was converted into a temple. The famous novel "Kinkaku-ji" by Yukio Mishima (1925-1970) is based on an incident in 1950 when a young monk, obsessed by the temple's beauty, set fire to it and burnt it down. Nishijin Kimono Show(西陣和服表演) : At the Nishijin Kimono Textile Center. Kimono is the delicate Japanese national

costume. The duration of the kimono show is approximate 15 minutes. Arashiyama Togetsu-kyo Bridge(嵐山渡月橋): spans the

Hozu-gawa River at the foot of Mt. Arashi-yama. It is 250 meters long and still retains its 17th century appearance, despite renovations made using steel. In the summer evening, people write their wishes on 'toro' lanterns and let them float away on the Hozu-gawa River. Osaka Castle (大阪城): It was originally built by Hideyoshi Toyotomi (1536-1598) a well-known warlord who brought the whole

country under his rule in the late 16th century. It has been burned down in a series of battles in the 17th century, and reconstructed later. Once again it was destroyed by fire, its donjon only reduced to ashes this time, and was reconstructed at last early in the 20th century. Shinsaibashi Shopping Street (心斋桥购物区) : The major shopping paradise in downtown Osaka.

Dotonbori (道顿堀) : This food paradise has two rows of eateries packed wall-to-wall with Japanese nosh of every imaginable kinds

and prices. With the lights of neon sign boards touting as colourful as a rainbow, this is the good reason why Osaka is called “The Kitchen of Japan”. This is also the place where all started Takoyaki, Okonomiyaki, (conveyor belt sushi), Hometown Noodle (Ramen, Udon), etc..

Hotel : Osaka Plaza Hotel http://www.plazaosaka.com/ or Osaka Hearton Hotel Nishiumeda http://www.hearton.co.jp/nishiumeda/ or Similar Day 04 Free & Easy Day (Breakfast) Today is a free day for all to explore Osaka City by JR Train to major shopping district such as Umeda, Shisaibashi, American Village, Shinsekai , etc.. or you can choice ; Optional : Universal Studio Japan (www.usj.co.jp) ( Adult :Yen7400 / Child : Yen4980 ) (Transportation and Entrance are at own expense) Hotel : Osaka Plaza Hotel http://www.plazaosaka.com/ or Osaka Hearton Hotel Nishiumeda or Similar

Day 05 Free at Leisure – Osaka Kuala Lumpur (Breakfast / Meals On Board) After breakfast, free at own leisure till your transfer to Kansai International Airport for your flight back to Kuala Lumpur. (Apologize for any inconvenience caused if due to unforeseen circumstances, the sequence of itinerary is subjected to local agent’s arrangement)

Sedunia Travel Services Sdn. Bhd. 宇宙 旅遊有限公司 (30240-V) KKKP0019

Level 12 & 13, Menara Genesis, 33 Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia http://www.sedunia.com.my

Phone 03-2148 1022 Fax 03-2148 1863 Email contact@seduniatravel.com

4 paxs can go Private Tour

JAPAN welcome

you !

5D4N 大阪, 奈良, 京都 (华语导游)

第一天 吉隆坡 大阪 (机上用餐) 聚集在吉隆坡国际机场,乘坐航班抵达大阪关西国际机场 ,导游将于机场欢迎您的光臨,随后送往您的酒店。

( GV4-9 first day arrival own hotel shuttle bus to hotel own check in )

酒店 : Kansai Airport Washington Hotel http://kansai-ap.washington-hotels.jp/ 或

Kanku Joytel Hotel http://www.joytelhotels.com/kanku/ 或同級

第二天 大阪 - 奈良 - 鹿公園 - 東大寺 - 京都 - 清水寺 (早餐/午餐/晚餐) 鹿公園: 鹿公园内到处都可以看到大约 1200 隻的野放鹿群非常的靠近. 可自费購買煎餅餵飼野鹿。

東大寺: 被列入《世界遗产名录》的东大寺是公元 728 年遵照重视佛教的圣武天皇圣旨建造的。东大寺是全国 68 所国分寺的总寺

院,据说是因为建在首都平城京以东,所以被称作“东大寺”。正面宽度 57 米、深 50 米的世界最大的木造建筑东大寺大佛殿

内,放置着高 15 米以上的佛像。

清水寺 : 清水寺為 1633 年重修.[清水寺]為棟樑結構式寺院.正殿寬 19 米,進深 16 米,依懸涯峭壁而建, 大殿前為懸空的“舞

台”,由 139 根高數十米的大圓木支撐.寺院建築氣勢宏偉,結構巧妙,未用一根釘子.寺中六層炬木築成的木台為日本所罕有。

酒店 : Kyoto Hotel Karasuma www.kyotohotel.co.jp/karasuma 或

Kyoto Hearton http://www.hearton.co.jp/kyoto/

第三天 京都 - 金閣寺 - 西陣和服表演 - 嵐山渡月橋 - 大阪 - 大阪城 - 心斋桥购物区 - 道顿堀

(早餐/午餐) 金閣寺: 金阁寺以外表贴上金箔的三层建筑物闻名。 1988 年金阁的金箔被重新贴换,至今以其金光闪闪的风姿吸引着游客。

西陣和服表演: 西陣織是產自京都西陣地區的日本和服專用的有關資料, 手工機織表演和展銷和服的場所。會館每天都舉行 6~7


嵐山渡月橋 : 渡月桥跨越岚山脚下流过的保津川,全长 250 米,至今仍然保留着用钢骨复原的 17 世纪的原有风貌。

大阪城: 拥有 500 年历史的大阪的象征, 大阪城是与完成统一天下大业的 16 世纪后期武将丰臣秀吉有很深关系的城堡.建于 16

世纪末,17 世纪因战乱而被烧毁,之后虽然得到再建,但天守阁还是烧毁了.直到 20 世纪前半期,天守阁才获得了重建。

心斋桥购物区: 心斋桥作为大阪最大的购物区,集中了许多精品屋和专卖店,从早到晚熙熙攘攘,到处是市民和游客的人流。心

斋桥是以带有拱廊设施的心斋桥筋商店街为中心发展起来的。道顿堀 : 道顿堀是沿着道顿堀川南岸的一大繁华街区日本人常说


酒店 : Osaka Plaza Hotel http://www.plazaosaka.com/ 或

Osaka Hearton Hotel Nishiumeda http://www.hearton.co.jp/nishiumeda/ 或同级

第四天 大阪環球影城 或 全日自由活动 (早餐) 早餐後, 可以乘坐 J R 电车(車票約 Yen500 単程) 前往大阪環球影城 (www.usj.co.jp)

(大人: Yen7400 /小孩: Yen4980)

或 選擇今天是自由活动的一天,游玩大阪市区 如:梅田, 心齋橋, 美国村街, 新世界…. (所有車票和入場票自費)

酒店 : Osaka Plaza Hotel http://www.plazaosaka.com/ 或

Osaka Hearton Hotel Nishiumeda http://www.hearton.co.jp/nishiumeda/ 或同级

第五天 自由活动 - 大阪 吉隆坡 (早餐/机上用餐) 早餐后是自由活动时间, 然后将送往大阪关西国际机场 搭乘航班返回吉隆坡,并希望你享有美丽的回亿。

(行程顺序和船班时间如有更改,以当地旅行社的安排为准. 抱歉造成任何不便.)

Sedunia Travel Services Sdn. Bhd. 宇宙 旅遊有限公司 (30240-V) KKKP0019

Level 12 & 13, Menara Genesis, 33 Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia http://www.sedunia.com.my

Phone 03-2148 1022 Fax 03-2148 1863 Email contact@seduniatravel.com

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you !

