JAMAICA LOAN CO. - Fultonhistory.com 14/Jamaica NY...their wedding trip b>r say they will ©pen...

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Transcript of JAMAICA LOAN CO. - Fultonhistory.com 14/Jamaica NY...their wedding trip b>r say they will ©pen...

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FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18. 1938. —" ' ' •" l l g | . • • " " »"•'• " " " " • • ! • • • ! •— I | • ! I I — •

• — ^ — — — — ^ — III I I I I







Corrine Kast to Wed F. L. Cummings Jr. At Mass on Tuesday

and Louis Kas t of Glen-

•*ii"n at a breakfast

n the Blue Room of

isert. Brooklyn, on

hday following

the i r d s u f h t w ,

to Freder ick L.

BIx of

• Mr 6>\ » will enl • - • reception t h e Hotel B

Wash ing ton ' s

• t h e mar r ing*

Gttrtnt M Kas • C u m m . n g s J r of Gienda> .

T h e roup',* trill h* w d a* a nup­t ia l mass in ?h# Roman Catholic C h u r c h of the Sacred Heart , Glen­dale, by the F>v Gejnrgs S h e r m a n . T h e y hav» nor divulged plans for t h e i r wedding t r ip b>r say they will ©pen the i r aew ttOflftS ;it Kessel Street , P w n i Hills, when they re­t u r n .

Laura K»s* will h» maid of honor for h*r .S; ter ar:d lit* br idesmaids mr* to ho Hmma M u i > r of Manhat­t a n . Soph.a Ka*', ano ther sister, • n d Anne and Helen Cummings , Sisters of ' h e propped g r o o m

Alexander Cuntf a sked to serve as- ) m a n . T h e ushers A lb ra rh t . Louis L o r e t i and F r e d T

The bride-elect f rom St. Angela a n d St Joseph 's C a n In 1903 .She Union tu rnp ike .

Mr. C u m m i n g v an a lumnus H a w t o w n High S wool, is w th

Six Who Chose Winter For Their Weddings

(Arthur Pbota) MRS. G E O R G E G R A H A M


• ' ( 1 Is bix w. ! M i i

k B w a s •


h^s een »ther"s best ba A"*" ;r r. Robert joee. gradanted Brooklyn,

egt for Wom-ives a* 87-19

or he

K e w York Stork E*< aides at: 87-41 Union lli« p a r e n ' s , Mr. ar C u m n v n g s .

He * i r n p h d Mrs. F .

Hi L.

B A RE K T T — K I M N KB Mr. and Mrs. George Kwsner of

7«-l l 88th avenue. Woodhaven, have * a n n o u n c e d the engagemen t of their

d a u g h t e r , J u n e Ann Kissner , . to • J a m e s Henry Ba r r e t ' , son of Mrs. . W i l l i a m F r a n k of 95-23 104th s t reet , * Oxone Park .

T h e bride-elerf was g radua ted ' f rom Richmond Hill High School.

H e r fiance is nn a«->-ountant with I A r m o u r and Company

Gues t s at a recent pa r ty given for the rowple at the Kissner home

i w e r e Mr and Mrs. Frank . Mrs. A I E . Duryea. Mrs. Cur t Schaffran, * Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zelher. Her-" 'hert Volz, Helen Maxwell, John j Field, Margare t Schaffran, H>mry 4 Henrae t . Marion Graf, Joseph Sicfc-* 1 nger , Virginia Pusman o, Thomas <JGUlen, Rita Clark. Lawrence Volk, J Mr . and Mrs. Wa l t e r Welle, Flor-j entfe Dixon, George Haviland. .Va-t r i o n Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Char les 1 Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Dixon, 2 E d w a r d and Helen Volk. Genevieve - Ameau . Helen Coughlin, Frede i ick " EmmericTc, Mr. and Mrs. Freder ick * K r e c k m a n . Violet Kissner , Daniel i Keeley, Corne l ius I Her.

•Ladies of Church ^Hold Bridgn

RELLKROSK •• The l a d l e s "f St * Gregnr> "> Clnir.-h Iw'd a desser t -• h r idg* ye^terdaj afternoon a( S '

Gregory ' s Roman Catholic Church '• audi tn i ium. 88th road. 1 Mrs. T h o m a s Daly, chai rman, was ! a s s i s t ed by Mrs. John Lemma, Mrs.

** F r a n k Mokeler. Mrs. J o h n O'Keefe. ', Mrs , J o h n . Whalen, Mrs. George

T ld r ldge . Mrs. William Cat 'ow, . • M r s . Fred Treshman . Mrs. George

F r a n k . May Tobin and, Mrs, Dean Shook.

(Obler Photo)

M R S . F R A N K H E L L M U T H

Children to Fete Otto Herrmanns


jMr. and Mrs. Ot to H e r r m a n n of 74K>7 Cypress Hills s t reet . Glendale, will celebrate the 40th ann ive r sa ry

• off the i r mar r i age Sunday with a re­ception at the Arion Club In Brook-1\ n.

The hosts will he thei r seven cMl-drca, Anthony, Neal, Gustavo, Anna and Ot to H e r r m a n n J r . Mrs. Mae Warh t e f and Mrs. Isobel Durdal ler .

Among the 100 guests will he the couple's g randchi ldren . They a re Anthony H e r r m a n n Jr., Pa t r ic ia He r rmann , Mary Ann and Pat r ic ia Wschte-f and Neat and Pe te r Dur­daller.

Mrs. H e r m a n n is the former Mary Plata of Brooklyn. They were mar­ried in Brooklyn but have lived In Glendale for the past 15 years.

Mr. He r rmann , formerly a build­er, now owns a h a r d w a r e s to re in Ridge wood He is act ive in local ci\ • • organisat ions , the Kn igh t s o t (' irubiis and the Arion Singing Society, to which his wife also be­longs. She i* a member of the Aid S<>« fty of the Wyckoff Heigh ts Hos­pital .

(Hemp»t«»<J Studio Photo*

M R S C. H . L O O M I S

(Columbia Photo) M R S . M I C H A E L F . S H E R I D A N M R S . DAVID R O S E N

T h e s e six b r i d e s chose t h e w i n t e r for t h e i r wedd ings . M r s . Michae l F . S h e r i d a n is t h e f o r m e r D o r o t h y J o a n Cos t igan of Wi l l i s ton P a r k , a n d M r s . Dav id R o s e n Is t h e f o r m e r Mur i e l F e i g e n b a u m of J a m a i c a . Mrs-G e o r g e G r a h a m w a s M a r g a r e t O ' C o n n o r of E lmon t . T h e br ide of C. H. Loomis w a s M a d e l i n e McNevis of E a s t H e m p s t e a d , whi le t h e wife of J o s e p h C h i m e r l w a s C o n s t a n c e P a r a n i n f o of B a l d w i n n . M r s .

F r a n k H e l l m u t h is t h e f o r m e r E l i zabe th Mills of Glenda le .

Club News and Notes The Jolly Neighbors will hold a

bingo, bunco and card pa r ty to­n igh t at 114-12 131st s t ree t , Ozone Pa rk . Mrs. Joseph ine Muccio will be hostess .


Mrs Louise M Her, president of the Mothers Cluh of Public School

'53, Richmond Hilt, resigned yester­day because of illness in her fani ly Mrs, Robert Metz, vice-president, will be a r t ing president until new officers are elected in June.

" DENTISTS Dr*. G a r d n e r , H a r t & D o l a n

416 FULTON ST. B R O O K L Y N . N. Y.

2*> W„ 3 Ith ST. N E W Y O R K CITY



Sorokins Hold Party For First Born

Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Sorokin of 115-18 107th avenue, Richmond Hilt,- recent ly held a d inner in h nor of the i r first horn child, David Arnold, a t the Levinton Man­sion, 117th s t reet and Liber ty ave­nue. Richmond Hill.

P resen t were Mr. and Mrs. P incus W i ' s e n t h a l , g r e a t - g r a n d p a r e n t s of the baby; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob K nt»e pier, Mr. and Mrs. Bar net Sorokin. the Rev, Jacob Wandere r , and Rabbi Isadora Meinick of the Talmud T i r a h ' Pr ide of Israel of Br 'I'klyn.

Mr. and Mrs. I rv ing Sorokin. Mar-rla Sorokiii, Mrs, Pincus Greensteln* Minnie Creens te in , I^avid Sorokin, Mr. and Mrs. Char les SChein, F'lo-rence Schein, Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Weiss Freed and Betty and Norma Weiss:. Mr. and Mrs. M D. Weiss, Mrs. Minnie F u r m a n . Mrs. Be r tha Greenborg, Joseph; and Clara Knoep-|er, Mr. anrl Mrs. Edward War ren .

Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Hal pern, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Levy, Mr. and Mrs. J ack l e a n e r , Mr. and Mrs. Morr is P r u i n . Mr. and Mrs. Morr is Wein-s tem, Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Leskin, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Greis tadt , Mrs. Anna Schnaier , Blanche Schnaier , Mr. and Mrs, F reder ick Ruckens te in , Dr. and Mrs. Char les Seheim, Mr. and Mrs. F reder ick Schmulewi tz , J yes Schmulewi tz , Mr. and Mrs. H e r m a n Pla tzbla t t , F reder ick S t im, Mrs. N a t h a n Solomon, Dr. an 1 Mrs. H a r r y Spitz, Rober t Spitz, M: and M|s . H a r r y Rappapbr t , E s t h e r Fi 'eistadt , Maur ice Knoeple r and Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Seuier. t

T h r e e new member s were wel­comed yes terday by the Pa ren t -Teacher Association of Public School 155, South Ozone Park .

They a r e Mrs. May Burros , Mrs. Rose Blackburn and Mrs. Addis Bleimeyer.

The association is sponsor ing a

T h e Aid Society of t he Good Shephe rd L u t h e r a p Church of Bell-a i re held a chow-mein luncheon and card p a r t y yes te rday at the church . One hundred and thir ty-f ive ate tended.

Ru th Ei t ingcr , pres ident of the N e w York S t a t e Nat ional Council of Jewish Jun iors , wiil speak on "Youth," a t ton ight ' s service in the Kew Gardens Jewish Center .

i T h e Jamaica Women ' s Or t will r u m m a g e sale today and tomorrow u , a t 130-107 Rockaway boulevard. h p a r * Malev of Jamaica Jewish Cente r discuss

The Turn V M e i r , Vorwaer l s of 'I 2 * ^ Jm%t l l ^ ^ E u r o p e ' " Brooklyn will p resen t i ts 56th an- 0 n M o n d a y » a t J ^ c e n t P r -nual ball and a modern mins t re l I show, "On the Campus ," tomorrow n igh t at the Brooklyn Labor Lyceum. Valent ine F . Wen ing and Dorothy E. Kaiser a re the directors .

T h e Bible Club of Tr in i ty Metho­dist Church will meet at 8 P. M. today for a social a t the home of Mrs. C .J. Von Stein , 84-.;o 109th s t reet , Richmond Hill.

T h i r t y new members joined the Suer i te Crapper . Queens Social Club at a dance and j • card par ly at headquar t e r s , 137-16 Jamaica avenue, Richmond Hill. Mrs. Clare Lawrence was cha i rman. Meetings a re held on Thursday at 8:30 P. M.

The I n t e r m e d i a t e Chr is t ian E n ­deavor Society held a Valent ine pa r ty las t n igh t a t t h e Jamaica Dutch Reformed Church .

An a m a t e u r radio hour ski t was one of the features of the p rogram.

Judges were Rober t Tough, Ed­ward Ralph and Howard Grodotzke.

On the a r r a n g e m e n t s commit tee were Eleanor Dour, E lmi ra Gro­dotzke, Harr ie t Spauld ing and Mar-

(Hempstead Studio Photo) M R S . J O S E P H C H I M E R I

— « life'- — • — I — ' " — ' - — ' i.i»

Girl Scouts Name Committee Heads

At the a lon th ly m e e t i n g of t he

QueensborQ Girl Scout Council held

yes terday a t headqua r t e r s , the fol­

lowing appo in tmen t s t ° head s tand­

ing commi t t ee were conf i rmed: Fi­

nance, Mrs., Cha r l e s Simonson, Elm-

h u r s t ; Publ ic Relat ions, Mrs. Ru­

dolph Grimm, F lu sh ing ; Camp, Mrs.

Daniel Lydsn, Woodhaven ; Tra in ­

ing and Personnel , Mrs. Lewis J.

People, R i e h m ° n d Hill ; and Pro­

gram, Mrs. Ann MacDonald, Doug-


Mrs. Geojj^e E. Twai l s of Hollis,

past comm^|sioner , presided in the

absence I r a k town of Mrs. S. Mer­edith S t ron lL ' J r . , of Bayside, newly elected commissioner .

Mrs. Simftison repor ted that one fund-raising-activity which her com­mit tee would sponsor immediate ly would be aJI in tens ive effort to se­cure n ? \ v | con t r ibu to r s du r ing March. All gifts from Queensboro res idents \ J | 1 go into the borough Girl Scout budget so that more ! Queensboroifcir ls may become Girl

! Scouts. I Borough Jl ir l Seoul h e a d q u a r t e r s

are at 92-32 162nd s t reet , J amaica ; and C. Evangel ine Ford of Kew Gardens is jfcrofessional director of Girl Scouti

Marcella D e w sbury And Brother, Edwin, Both Are to Marry

The engagements of Marcel la Dewsbury of Woodhaven and her brother , Edwin L. Dewsbury, both were announced today. Miss Dews-bury will wed Will iam Kallensee of Je r sey City and her bro ther will wed Carol Neil of Woodhaven.

Miss Dewsbury ' s engagement to Mr. Kal lensee was announced by her parents , Mr. and Mrs. F red Dewsbury of 76-48 85th drive.

Henry G. Neil of 86-02 Fores t parkway. Woodhaven. fa ther of Carol Neil, announced his daughte r ' s engagement to Mr. Dewsbury.

Miss Dewsbury was graduated from Richmond Hill High School and Miss Dunbar ' s School in Man­h a t t a n and he r fiance was gradu­ated from Dickinson High School In Je rsey City.

Both Miss Nei l and her fiance are g r adua t e s of Richmond Hill High School. He also g radua ted from the American Ins t i t u t e of Banking and is now employed by the Brooklyn T r u s t Company.

Pattern T h e real economy in sewing

comes from mak ing those s imple c lo thes t h a t you w e a r a round the house. One good p a t t e r n like t he one above and two or t h r ee pieces of mate r ia l and you have a whole sp r ing ' s r equ i r emen t s . Notice how s imple this dress is to make . The f ront and back a r e each cut in one piece from shoulder to hem wi th only d a r t s to m a r k t h e wais t l ine . Soft roll collar and sho r t sleeves comple te t he sh i r twa i s t l ines tha t a r e the c h a r m of th is dress. Make i t up in a p r e t t y cot ton pr in t . If you a r e jus t l ea rn ing to sew, th i s is a good p a t t e r n wi th which to ga in headway. T h e pa t t e rn ln-

MARTHROSS KACFMANN Mar th ross Kaufmann of 237-15

93rd avenue. Queens Village, is cha i rman for Central Queens of a commit tee of Adelphi College a lumnae working to raise a $30.-000 living endowment fund for the college.

Manor Association Hears Lecture on

C h i I d-Training New methods of educat ing chil­

dren for peace were i l lus t ra ted yes-1 terday in a talk by William E. «Hendrie, principal of Public School

109. before the King Manor Associa-: tion at K ng Manor, Jamaica.

A motion picture made at P S. 109 was exhibited. As par t of the

; education project, its theme was a j visit to chi ldren in various coun­

tries of the world. The scenery and co>tumes were made by children at

' P. S. 109. They acted the roles ;n ' the picture.

Mrs. Henry W. Raudenbush and Mrs. Horace W. Nor th were wel­comed as members

Mrs. E leanor Towns was a guest .

Mrs. T. J. F lynn was program cha i rman. Mrs. Ar thu r Burns . Mrs. Henry Curt is and Mrs. Louise Lot t poured tea.

A meet ing of the board of direc­tors preceded the program.

Naomi Winship Honored Mr. and Mrs. Leon Lazaroff of A t b h O W e P

109-18 Lefferts boulevard, Richmond I Naomi Winship. daugh te r of Mr. Hill, celebrated their fourtn wed-

, ding anniversary yesterday by en-j t e r ta in ing 10 couples at a Manha t -I tan night club. Mrs. Lazaroff is : the former Elsie Gingold of Brook­lyn. Her husband is an a t torney .

Mrs. Maria Bulow of 109-23 179th ' s t r ee t , St . Albans, is recupera t ing , from a serious illness a t her daugh­

ter 's home in Pot ts town, Pa.

Mr. and Mrs. John Schnable of 64-02 Metropoli tan avenue, Maspeth,

: recent ly held a surpr ise pa r ty for thei r daughter , Otti lda, who was

and Mrs. Harvey W.nship of 105-41 New York boulevard, Jamaica, w a i honor guest at a shower WedrnMt day n ight given by Gamma Mu Sigma Soror i ty a t the home of Char lo t t e D* Bevoise, 166-32 89th avenue, Jamaica .

Miss Winsh ip will he mar r ied early in the Spr ing to A r t h u r Meyers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Char les Meyers of 104-36 164th place, Ja­maica.

Guests at t he pa r ty wera Mrs . Winship, Mrs. Mary Child, Ger-

" i * * :

3s *,.5^


T h e M e r r y m a k e r Girls ' Club will meet tonight at the home of Gui i i Grondahl . 145-21 156th s t ree t , Ja­maica, to complete a r r a n g e m e n t s for a danse, ' T h e R h y t h m Ren­dezvous." to be held on Apri l 23 a t the Souths ide Civic Hall, Sunr i se h ighway and New York avenue .

Four new member s were admi t ted yes te rday by the K inde rga r t en Mothers Club of Public School 97, Woodhaven. They a re Mrs, Char les Smith, Mrs. Rober t Lacer. Mrs. Charles Ohlig and Mrs. Franc is S torms .

Kitty Nelson Honored At Bridge Party

Kit ty Nelson of 67-45 75th s t reet , Middle Village, was recent ly guest of honor a t a Valent ine br idge at the home of Mrs . Adolph Appel of 68-37 78th s t reet , Middle Village. The proceeds of the br idge were donated to the Sis terhood of the Ta lmud T o r s h of Middle Village of which Mrs. Nelson is social secre­tary.

Hostesses were Lillian Leveine, Evelyn Goldmintz, Bella Slomack, Clara Per l s te in and Sadie Rubin.

Kaues Ar*e Honored On Anniv|rsary

Mr. and B r s . John Klaue of 14 ; Kane p la<l | Brooklyn, recent ly celebrated their golden wedding an-n iversary « | the home of the i r daughter , Mrs. J ames J. Rush of 10.3-10 109th avenue , Ozone Park .

P re sen t were their chi ldren and g r a n d c h i l d r l l , PYederick Klaue, Elizabeth Anearn, Edna and How­ard Belga, Helen and J a m e s Rush, Eicon Bernard , Bet ty and Joan Ahearn, Florence Weber and Alice Albr ight .

O the r gue j t s were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Fox, Mr. and Mrs. John McLaughl in , Mr. and Mrs. S tan ley Pe te rs , Mrs . Rober t Cedestrom, Jo­seph Fox, Rober t McLaughl in , T. P. Rush, John Weber , George Albr ight and H o w a r d Belga.

celebrat ing her 21st b i r thday a t t h e , t rude Child. P e a r nd Ru th Wieder-home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph j mann . Jessie r K rd, H a r k i n s of 6160 Evelyn avenue, Maspeth. Present were R u t h and Mary Rommile, Eleanor and Wil­liam Schneller , Anna Haefeli, Helen Kunz, Teresa Baer. Marie Brobet to , H a r r y Carl, Llulu Crisci, Ma-y Lind­ner and John O'Day.

Ann Raia, Anthony Giorlando, Bet ty Fabian, James Lally. Edna

j F ins terer , Robert Grass, Char les ;Lampe. Freder ick Mart in , John

Dorothy Wander le , Margare t Sea-ton, Ca the r ine Stuber , M u r i e l Baker, Edna Gibbons, Margare t Tool, Lillian Van Nos t r and and Evelyn Johnson .

Dr. Josephs Addresses P. S. 77 Mothers Club

Dr. Daniel Josephs, principal of

Wcnsdofer, Susie DeMasi, George Jamaica Vocational High School, ad-; Wensdofer, Mrs. Pe te r Ward, Mr. : dressed the Mothers Club of Pub-and Mrs. John Wensdofer. Mrt . > , j c S c h n o l n Ridgewood. yesterday. John Fu t t e r e r . Mr. and Mrs. Richard „ . , _ . _- . - . . .

iBerbr ick , Mrs. Mary Ward, Martin 1 I , S t o P l c w a s 7h* N e e d f o r M o r * I Berbrick, Joseph Foley, Regina | Vocational High Schools." I Young, Eleanor Frauaff. Margaret , I Mrs. Anne Nelke, first vic<»-prcsl-Catherine, John Mart in, George and dent, and Mrs. Char les E. Clement, Vincent Schnable . pas t pres ident , of the Queensboro

Federa t ion of Mothers Clubs, wera guests .

Class 5B3 was awarded the at­tendance banner .

A memorial resolution was passed in honor of the late Mary Lucia, past vice-president.

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gust i tus were gues ts of honor recently at a farewell par ty at the home of Mrs.

j J ames E. Scully of 145-12 155th j s t reet . Jamaica . Present were Anna and Anthony Gust i tus , Mrs. Alfred Byran, May and Rita Scully, Mr.

! and Mrs .James Scully, Har ry Broad-bent, Margare t Giavanatone, Rita Bennet t , Dorothy Morris and Bea­trice Scully. The Gust i tus family is moving to Union, N. J.

Mr. and Mrs. Char les F r u d e r of 90-18 149th s t ree t , Jamaica, a r e , , spending the i r win te r vacation a t ! Ihe Jamaica \ o u n g Men s Christ ian

the Flor idian Hotel, Miami Beach, i A ^ rO C , a l ' , ? n

lB u , i l d i n 7 . . _ _

, Mrs. Wechtel spoke on The E v Louis D. Marr io t t of Forest Hills ! S € " t i a l s o f L * a d ( i r s h i P - "

is vacat ioning at the Skytop Club '• Representa t ives were present from Skytop Pa I p R a r r n t Teacher Associations of

Public School .36, St . Albans; P S. 1,33. Bellerose: P. S. 37 and P S 16L Springfield Gardens : P. S. 203. Brooklyn, and the Bayside child

Mrs. Wechtel Addresses Leadership Class

Mrs. F r a n k Wechtel of Sea CI iff addressed the lay leadership train­ing class of the Queens Council of P a r e n t s and Teachers , yesterday at

A N D 125 Attend Party Of Mothers Club

T h e Mothers Club of Public School 50, Jamaica , yes terday donated 55 to the scholarship fund of t h t Queensboro Federa t ion of Mothers Clubs.

Pr io r to the meet ing, Mrs. Lillian McCaffrey was hostess to t h t ex­ecutive board at a luncheon a t he r home, 145-02 97th avenue, Jamaica .

ST. 1636



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A .*a:d party held yesterday by e Mothers Club of St. Mary Mag-lene School, Springfield Gardens, the 1 Mu :. was attended by 125.

Mrs Thomas Pickles, chairman. is assisted by Mrs. William Gratz,

Thomas Burke. Mrs. William, Lo> ne. Mrs Jean Faller. Mrs.

ne MrConville, .Mrs. Robert Hilda* andt; Mrs J. J Baker. Mrs. P N. v % : > «nd Mrs.-^Thomas Kav-augH

Dr. Ralph Winn, Ins t ruc to r In phi ­losophy at C C. N . Y., addressed the Pa ren t -Teacher Association of Public School 140. Alban Manor, yes­terday on "Sex Educa t ion for Chil­dren."

T h e Richmond Hill Section of the Nat ional Council of J ewi sh Women held an execut ive board m e e t i n g last n ight at the Congrega t ion Be th

_ I Israel , R ichmond Hil l .

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T h e Queens Auxi l iary of t h e Brooklyn Home and Hospital for t h e Aged met yes terday a t the Con­gregat ion Beth Israel , Richmond Hill. Twenty-four were enrol led as members .

su s?t^'C&*f*i%J*tS

hosttions Secured- Ox>cv \5oo employment calls i n 195T.

mm wf

90-43 SITsTHIN B(H 1EVARD Tel JViiaV*

Three w e r e enrolled as m e m b e r s of the auxi l iary to t h e Ve te ran Volunteer F i r e m e n ' s Association of Queens yes terday, a t 90-25 160th s t reet , Jamaica . T h e y a r e Mrs . Wil l iam Pine. Mrs . Andrew Leonard and Car r i e Remsen .

Ten t a t i ve plans w a r s m a d e for a luncheon In A p r i l

Ref reshment s were served by Mrs . > Carr ie Beat ty .

T h e Senior League, of the J a maiea Jewish Cen te r will hold a j formal dance tomor row night a t i t h e center . On the a r r a n g e m e n t s commit tee , headed by Meivin Spr inger , a re El inor Spr inger , Sam­uel Green. Ma.-garet Lang and

j David Eps ta in . j

eludes complete and detailed in­s t ruc t ions .

Ba rba ra Bell P a t t e r n No. 1431-B is designed for sizes 38. 38, 40, 42, 44, 46. 48, 50 and 5L\ Size .38 requi res 4"* yards of 35 or 39 inch mate r ia l plus ** ard con t ras t for the collar.

SEND F I F T E E N C E N T S FOR T H E BARBARA BELL PAT­T E R N BOOK. Make yourself at­tractive, practical and becoming clothes, select ing designs from the Barba ra Bell well-planned, easy-to-make pa t t e rns .

To get the pa t te rn , send 15 cents to Barba ra Bell P a t t e r n Service, Long Is land Daily Press, Postoffice Box 140, Times Square Stat ion, New YorK City. Don't forget to specify the p a t t e r n n u m b e r and size.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bassett of Orchid street , Floral Park, enter­tained at cocktails recent ly for Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F . Wright , Mr. and Mrs. George Culver, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Windecker , Mr. and Mrs. J ames Newman and Olive A. Cash.

s tudy group.

IN VIRGINIA Bet ty Pr ies t of 80-27 232nd street .

_ Queens Village, has left for Char-

Jack King of 147-28 90th a v e n u e l o t t P s v i l l p - V a - to a t tend the mid-Jamaica, dancing ins t ructor and year darvp at the Universi ty of Vir-member of Jamaica Kiwanis, is re- ginia. She is recording se r r e t a ry cupera t ing after an operation at Ja- of the Sub-Debs of Queens Village maica Hospital . j Woman ' s Club.

Queens Village Sub-Debs Hold Costume Party

A cos tume Valent ine par ty was held last n igh t by the Sub-Debs of the Queens Village Woman ' s Club a t the Queens Lyceum.

Awards were given the following: Audrey Bunziek for the pre t t ies t cos tume, a Spanish dress ; , Be t ty Connolly for the most unique cos­tume, a peasant F r e n c h ; Far ion Aumack and Rosemary H a r t m a n n who wore the funniest costumes, depic t ing Mickey Mouse and Rag­gedy Ann. respectively.

P lans weFe made for a board mee t ing March 1 at the Lyceum.

Mrs. J. Allison Stevenson will be gues t speaker a t the March 3 mee t ing and on March 17 the group will hold an a m a t e u r hour .

, G E R T R U D E M A R S H A L L

G e r t r u d e M a r s h a l l of 104 Gabr ie l avenue F r a n k l i n Squa re , will lead t h e "big a p p l e " f e a t u r e of t h e " S e w a n h a k a Revue of 1938" t o n i g h t

a t t h e h i eh school . F lora l P a r k . S h e a l so will be h e a d u s h e r e t t e .

MAKE YOUR HEATING DOLLAR PRODICE MORE By careful ly se lec t ing t h e A n ­t h r a c i t e Coal you b u r n in your h e a t i n g p l a n t , you a r e ab le to save a s u b s t a n t i a l s u m . C o n ­vince yourself, p lace a t r i a l o r ­de r now for a t on of


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