JACKSON V AEGLive June 4th Brandon "Randy" Phillips-CEO OF AEGLIVE

Post on 03-Apr-2018

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Transcript of JACKSON V AEGLive June 4th Brandon "Randy" Phillips-CEO OF AEGLIVE

  • 7/28/2019 JACKSON V AEGLive June 4th Brandon "Randy" Phillips-CEO OF AEGLIVE


    G@CHSJE _ @KA Guek 2tn 4

  • 7/28/2019 JACKSON V AEGLive June 4th Brandon "Randy" Phillips-CEO OF AEGLIVE


    @% njw f`ey tifks- jr njw fucn %%% Njw f`ey njurs:

    P% Qkmm- mkt!s st`rt witn njw f`ey tifks%

    @% prjd`dmy six tj kiant tifks%

    P% Six tj kiant tifks jvkr wn`t pkrijb jo tifk tnk m`st wkkh:

    @% tnk m`st twj wkkhs%

    P% Six tj kiant tifks% @eb njw f`ey njurs k`cn tifk:

    @% twj tj ojur njurs%

    P% Sj 04 tj 3< njurs wn`t!s yjur dkst kstif`tk jo njw f`ey njurs yju spket prkp`riea tj

    tkstioy nkrk uebkr j`tn:

    @% prjd`dmy 3

  • 7/28/2019 JACKSON V AEGLive June 4th Brandon "Randy" Phillips-CEO OF AEGLIVE


    P% Njw f`ey biookrket `ttjrekys bib yju fkkt witn- Sir:

    @% six%

    P% Six% Fr% \ute`f:

    @% Fr% \ute`f- jo cjursk%

    P% Fs% Tjdiesje:

    @% cjrrkct%

    P% Fs% C`n`e:

    @% ej%

    P% Yju bje!t hejw nkr:

    @% ej%

    P% Fr% R`b%%%

    @% @mmke%

    P% R`b @mmke% Yju hekw nif dkojrk tnis c`sk- bibe!t yju:

    @% ej%

    P% Jh- wnj kmsk:

    @% S`drie` Strjea- Gkssic` Stkddies%

    P% Jh- `eyjek kmsk:

    @% ejt tn`t I%%%

    P% @mm riant% @eb bib yju rkvikw bjcufkets tj prkp`rk `eb rkorksn yjur rkcjmmkctije- Sir:

    @% yks%

    P% Njw f`ey bjcufkets bib yju rkvikw:

    @% wkmm- I bibe!t %%% I bibe!t cjuet tnkf% Dut Fr% \`eisn `eb I wket tnrjuan ` duecn jo jmb kf`ims

    orjf tnk pkrijb `eb ` cjupmk jo `rticmks%

  • 7/28/2019 JACKSON V AEGLive June 4th Brandon "Randy" Phillips-CEO OF AEGLIVE


    P% Qkmm- wk!vk ekvkr fkt- n`vk wk- Sir:

    @% ej%

    P% @eb %%% Jh- sj njw f`ey %%% Yju c`e!t tkmm fk w`s it ;< kf`ims 0

  • 7/28/2019 JACKSON V AEGLive June 4th Brandon "Randy" Phillips-CEO OF AEGLIVE


    P% Qnke yju a`vk yjur bkpjsitije- w`s Fr% \ute`f rkprksketiea yju:

    @% yks- nk w`s%

    P% Njw fucn tifk bib yju spkeb prkp`riea ojr yjur bkpjsitije:

    @% ejek- ej tifk%

    P% Jh- bib yju rkmy je yjur `ttjrekys tj prkp`rk yju ojr yjur bkpjsitije:

    @% ej- dkc`usk I bibe!t %%% I bibe!t prkp`rk ojr it%

    P% Sj yju gust oiaurkb it w`se!t ekckss`ry tj prkp`rk:

    @% ej%

    P% Yju wkrk tjj%%%

    @% I gust okmt %%% I bibe!t okkm% Rnky okmt tn`t it wjumb dk dkttkr io I wket ie witnjut bjiea `eyprkp`r`tije witn tnkf%

    P% Sj yjur m`wykrs `bviskb yju tj aj ietj tnk bkpjsitije witn ej prkp`r`tije8 is tn`t cjrrkct:

    @KA jdgkctije7 yjur njejr- `shs ojr `ttjreky*cmiket privimkak8 sust`iekb

    P% Sj yju bib `dsjmutkmy ej prkp`r`tije ojr yjur bkpjsitije- riant:

    @% ej%

    P% Is tn`t cjrrkct:

    @% tn`t!s cjrrkct%

    P% @eb yju hekw tn`t tn`t bkpjsitije tn`t yju a`vk w`s tnk s`fk `s tnk tkstifjey yju!rk aiviea

    nkrk tjb`y uebkr j`tn- bibe!t yju- Sir:

    @% ej%

    P% Yju wkrke!t kvkr %%% Yju!vk ekvkr dkke tjmb tn`t ` bkpjsitije is tnk s`fk `s aiviea tkstifjey ie` cjurt jo m`w:

    @% tn`t!s ejt tnk qukstije yju `shkb% Yju `shkb io %%% Io wn`t I w`s `shkb ie bkpjsitije is kx`ctmywn`t yju wkrk ajiea tj `sh fk ie cjurt%

    P% Ej- I bibe!t `sh tn`t qukstije% Cjumb yju pmk`sk rk`b d`ch fy qukstije: @eb Fr% \nimmips- I

    w`et tj tkmm yju- Sir%%% Io yju bje!t uebkrst`eb ` qukstije- pmk`sk bje!t `eswkr it% Jh

  • 7/28/2019 JACKSON V AEGLive June 4th Brandon "Randy" Phillips-CEO OF AEGLIVE


    @% jh

    P% @eb io yju w`et fk tj rkpk`t it- pmk`sk tkmm fk% Bj yju uebkrst`eb tn`t:

    @% I wimm bj tn`t% Rn`eh yju%

    P% Bj yju uebkrst`eb yju c`e bj tn`t:

    @% un&nun%

    P% Yks:

    @% yks%

    Fr% \`eisn7 cjumb yju pmk`sk rk`b d`ch tnk qukstije tn`t I `shkb Fr% \nimmips:

    'qukstije rk`b d`ch'

    @eb yju hekw tn`t tn`t bkpjsitije tn`t yju a`vk w`s tnk s`fk `s tnk tkstifjey yjurk

    aiviea nkrk tjb`y uebkr j`tn- bibet yju- Sir:

    P% \mk`sk `eswkr tn`t qukstije%

    @% ie tn`t %%% Ie tn`t c`sk- ` yks ej `eswkr- yks%

    P% @eb- Sir%%% Yju hekw `eb tnk gury wimm dk iestructkb- tn`t tnk tkstifjey ie ` bkpjsitije is tnk

    s`fk `eb tj dk cjesibkrkb tnk s`fk `s it!s %%% @s io it wkrk aivke je tnk witekss st`eb ie tnk tri`m-


    @% cjrrkct- I w`s uebkr j`tn- yks%

    P% Ej- it!s tnk s`fk% It!s ej biookrket% Yju uebkrstjjb tn`t- bibe!t yju- Sir:

    @% I uebkrstjjb tn`t I w`s uebkr j`tn% Rn`t!s `mm I uebkrstjjb%

    P% Yju wkrke!t tjmb `t tnk dkaieeiea jo yjur bkpjsitije tn`t tnk tkstifjey ie yjur bkpjsitije is

    tnk s`fk `s io it wkrk aivke tj cjurt- tnk s`fk wkiant:

    @% ej%

    P% Jh `eb sj tnke- Sir%%% Yju rk`b tn`t bkpjsitije `eb tnke yju `a`ie siaekb it uebkr pke`mty jopkrgury- riant:

    @% tn`t is cjrrkct%

  • 7/28/2019 JACKSON V AEGLive June 4th Brandon "Randy" Phillips-CEO OF AEGLIVE


    P% @eb yju hejw wn`t pkrgury fk`es- riant- Sir:

    @% `dsjmutkmy%

    P% Ejw- Sir%%% Yju!rk currketmy tnk CKJ jo @KA mivk:

    @% tn`t is cjrrkct%

    P% @eb yju!rk tnk nk`b f`e ie tnk cjfp`ey- riant:

    @% `t @KA mivk- yks%

    P% Tiant `eb tnk duch stjps witn yju:

    @% akekr`mmy%

    @KA jdgkctije7 v`auk `eb `fdiaujus `s tj duch stjps witn yju8 jvkrrumkb%

    @% jh- it!s ejt ` yks jr ej `eswkr dkc`usk tnkrk `rk jtnkr kxkcutivks ie fy cjfp`ey wnj n`vkrkspjesidimity ojr ckrt`ie prjgkcts%

    P% Qnj is niankr up ie tnk cjfp`ey tn`e yju- Sir:

    @% tn`e %%% Ie @KA mivk:

    P% Yks- Sir%

    @% ej jek% Gust fk%

    P% Yju `rk tnk tjp bja- sj tj spk`h:

    @% yks%

    P% Cjrrkct kvkrydjby is rkspjesidmk- umtif`tkmy- tj yju `s tnk cniko kxkcutivk jooickr8 ise!t tn`t


    @% umtif`tkmy- yks%

    P% @eb wnj bj yju rkpjrt tj- Sir:

    @% `eb I rkpjrt tj `e kxkcutivk cjffittkk `t @KA tn`t cjesists jo B`e Dkchkrf`e- G`y

    F`rci`ej-Rkb Oihrk- \nim @escnutz% Rn`ts wnj I rkpjrt tj%

    P% Jh- sj `t tnk tifk jo tnis iecibket- `t tnk tifk jo Fr% G`chsje!s bk`tn- yju wkrk rkpjrtiea-

    `fjea jtnkrs- birkctmy tj Rif Mkiwkhk- cjrrkct:

  • 7/28/2019 JACKSON V AEGLive June 4th Brandon "Randy" Phillips-CEO OF AEGLIVE


    @% tn`t!s cjrrkct%

    P% @eb bib Fr% Mkiwkhk mkot tnk cjfp`ey:

    @% yks- nk bib%

    P% Q`s nis kfpmjyfket tkrfie`tkb:

    @% I bje!t hejw%

    P% Yju bje!t hejw wny yjur birkct rkpjrt mkot tnk cjfp`ey:

    @% ej%

    P% Yju ekvkr `shkb nif:

    @% I tnjuant it w`s sjfktniea tn`t it w`s dktwkke nif `eb tnk cjfp`ey- sj%%%

    P% Yju!vk dkke rkpjrtiea tj Fr% Mkiwkhk ojr jvkr 0< yk`rs8 is tn`t riant- Sir:

    @% `mfjst 04%

    P% 04% Qkrk yju orikebmy witn Fr% Mkiwkhk:

    @% mjvkb nif%

    P% @eb wnke Fr% Mkiwkhk mkot tnk cjfp`ey `otkr yju `eb nif wjrhiea tjaktnkr 04 yk`rs- yju

    ekvkr jeck `shkb nif wny nk mkot tnk cjfp`ey8 is tn`t cjrrkct:

    @KA jdgkctije7 rkmkv`eck- yjur njejr8 jvkrrumkb%

    @% ej%

    P% Rn`t!s cjrrkct:

    @% tn`t!s cjrrkct%

    P% @eb jek jo tnk pkjpmk yju rkpjrt birkctmy tj is \nimip @escnutz8 is tn`t riant- Sir:

    @% ejt %%% Ejt birkctmy% Nk!s p`rt jo ` cjffittkk ejw `eb wnke Rif w`s `t tnk cjfp`ey- ej- I

    rkpjrtkb tj Rif

    P% Sir%%% Bib yju tkstioy uebkr j`tn ie yjur %%% Rnis c`sk tn`t Fr% @escnutz w`s jek jo yjur birkct


    @% ejw ejw tn`t Fr% Mkiwkhk is ej mjeakr `t tnk cjfp`ey%

  • 7/28/2019 JACKSON V AEGLive June 4th Brandon "Randy" Phillips-CEO OF AEGLIVE


    P% Bj yju rkpjrt birkctmy tj Fr% @escnutz:

    @% I rkpjrt tj `e kxkcutivk cjffittkk jo wnicn Fr% @escnutz is p`rt%

    P% Jh `eb Fr% @escnutz- bjks nk cjfk tj Mjs @eakmks:

    @% jcc`sije`mmy%

    P% Qnke is tnk m`st tifk yju s`w nif:

    @% kiant wkkhs `aj%

    P% Bj yju aj tj tnk M%@% Hieas a`fks witn nif:

    @% bj I aj witn nif tj tnk M%@% Hieas a`fks:

    P% @rk yju tnkrk sittiea ie nis djx:

    @% ej%

    P% Fr% @escnutz- n`vk yju biscusskb tnis m`wsuit witn nif:

    @% ej%

    P% Ekvkr jeck sieck it!s jccurrkb:

    @% ekvkr jeck%

    P% Jh `eb Sir%%% Is it yjur dkmiko tn`t tnis c`sk is ` d`skmkss kxtjrtije `eb sn`hkbjwe jo @KAmivk:

    @% yks jr ej `eswkr: Yks%

    P% @eb yju tnieh tn`t Frs% G`chsje `eb Fr% Ficn`km G`chsje!s cnimbrke `rk tryiea tj sn`hk

    bjwe `eb kxtjrt @KA- riant:

    @% yks%

    P% @eb yju tnieh tn`t Frs% G`chsje trikb tj kxtjrt @KA dkojrk8 ise!t tn`t truk- Sir:

    @% If ejt surk wn`t yju!rk rkokrriea tj%

    P% N`vk yju kvkr st`tkb uebkr j`tn tn`t Frs% G`chsje trikb tj kxtjrt fjeky orjf @KA:

    @% ejt tn`t I rkfkfdkr%

  • 7/28/2019 JACKSON V AEGLive June 4th Brandon "Randy" Phillips-CEO OF AEGLIVE


    P% N`vk yju kvkr st`tkb uebkr j`tn tn`t %%% Rn`t Frs% G`chsje `ibkb `eb `dkttkb Gjk G`chsje tj

    kxtjrt fjeky orjf @KA:

    @% `rk yju t`mhiea `djut tnk `mm ajjb%%%

    P% Sir%%% Fy qukstije is %%% Bj yju hejw wn`t it fk`es tj s`y sjfktniea uebkr j`tn:

    @% yks- Fr% \`eisn- I bj%

    P% Jh- bj yju hejw wn`t it fk`es tj siae sjfktniea uebkr tnk pke`mty jo pkrgury:

    @% yks- I bj- Fr% \`eisn%

    P% Bj yju siae tnieas uebkr tnk pke`mty jo pkrgury witnjut rk`biea tnkf:

    @% ej%

    P% Bib yju kvkr siae uebkr tnk pke`mty jo pkrgury tn`t Frs% G`chsje is tryiea tj kxtjrt @KA mivk:

    @% it!s pjssidmk% I bje!t rkfkfdkr%

    P% Yju bje!t rkfkfdkr wn`t yju siaekb uebkr pke`mty jo pkrgury ie tnis c`sk- Sir:

    @% I bje!t rkfkfdkr wn`t bjcufket yju!rk rkokrriea tj%

    P% Qkmm- Sir%%%

    @% c`e yju snjw it tj fk:

    P% Bj yju rk`b tnieas tn`t yju siaekb uebkr tnk pke`mty jo pkrgury:

    @% jo cjursk% Bj yju hejw njw f`ey bjcufkets I siae ` yk`r- kvkry yk`r: Sj%%%

    P% Rkmm fk- njw f`ey bjcufkets n`vk yju siaekb uebkr tnk pke`mty jo pkrgury ie tnis c`sk- Sir:

    @% ie tnis c`sk- tnk bkpjsitije `eb tn`t!s prjd`dmy tnk jemy bjcufket tn`t I hejw jo%

    P% Jh- sj fy qukstije is- n`vk yju siaekb uebkr tnk pke`mty jo pkrgury `ey bjcufket s`yiea

    wn`t I gust s`ib tj yju:

    @% I bje!t rkfkfdkr s`yiea tn`t- sj I c`e!t `eswkr%

    P% Rnk `eswkr is ej- yju bje!t rkc`mm8 is tn`t riant:

    @% cjrrkct%

  • 7/28/2019 JACKSON V AEGLive June 4th Brandon "Randy" Phillips-CEO OF AEGLIVE


    P% @eb Fr% @escnutz n`s ekvkr dkke cjeckrekb jr t`mhkb tj yju `t `mm `djut tnis m`wsuit- riant:

    @% ekvkr%

    @KA jdgkctije7 m`chs ojueb`tije8 jvkrrumkb%

    P% @eb nk!s `utnjrizkb yju tj t`hk `mm tnk stkps tn`t yju!vk t`hke je dkn`mo jo @KA mivk ie tnis

    c`sk- cjrrkct:

    @KA7 s`fk jdgkctije8 jvkrrumkb%

    @% I bje!t uebkrst`eb tnk qukstije%

    P% Jh- bj yju hejw wn`t it fk`es tj `utnjrizk sjfkjek tj bj sjfktniea- Sir:

    @% yks%

    P% Jh- wn`t bjks it fk`e tj yju:

    @% it aivks yju %%% It!s aiviea sjfkjek tnk `dimity tj pkrojrf ` gjd- tj f`hk bkcisijes ojr tnk


    P% Jh `eb yju!vk dkke f`hiea %%% \krojrfiea tnk gjd `eb f`hiea bkcisijes je dkn`mo jo tnk

    cjfp`ey rkm`tiea tj tnis m`wsuit- n`vke!t yju- Sir:

    @% rkm`tiea tj tnk m`wsuit:

    P% Yks%

    @% ej- Ivk gust dkke prkp`riea fy tkstifjey%

    P% Qkmm- Sir%%% Is it %%% Yju w`et tj n`vk yjur b`y ie cjurt- it w`s yjur bkcisije tj cjfk nkrk tj

    cjurt `eb tj `ccusk Frs% G`chsje jo ` d`skmkss sn`hkbjwe- riant- Sir:

    @KA jdgkctije7 yjur njejr8 m`chs ojueb`tije% Gubak7 `raufket`tivk% Yju ekkb tj rkpnr`sk


    P% Sir%%% Yju dkmikvk tnis is ` d`skmkss sn`hkbjwe `eb yju w`et tj cjfk nkrk `eb tkmm yjur sibk jotnk stjry- riant:

    @% I dkmikvk yju c`mmkb fk `s ` witekss- sj If nkrk%

    P% Bj yju w`et tj tkmm yjur sibk jo tnk stjry tj mkt kvkryjek hejw tnis is ` d`skmkss sn`hkbjwe-


  • 7/28/2019 JACKSON V AEGLive June 4th Brandon "Randy" Phillips-CEO OF AEGLIVE


    @% I wjumb %%% Qisn yju wjumbe!t hkkp c`mmiea it ` d`skmkss sn`hkbjwe dkc`usk it!s bkrja`tjry% I

    hejw tn`t!s %%% Qn`t I tkstioikb tj%%%

    P% Rn`t!s wn`t yjur m`wykr n`s dkke rkokrriea tj it `s- n`se!t nk- Sir%%% Rj yjur hejwmkbak- `

    d`skmkss sn`hkbjwe jo @KA mivk:

    @KA jdgkctije7 yjur njejr- its `raufket`tivk `eb irrkmkv`et8 sust`iekb%

    P% Sir%%% Rj yjur hejwmkbak- n`vk yju dkke ejtioikb tn`t yjur m`wykr- Fr% \ute`f- n`s dkke juts`yiea tn`t tnis c`sk is ` d`skmkss sn`hkbjwe jo @KA mivk- yks jr ej:

    Fr% \ute`f7 f`y wk n`vk ` sibkd`r- yjur njejr: Gubak7 yks- mkts n`vk ` sibkd`r%


    Gubak7 yju f`y cjetieuk%

    P% Fr% \nimmips- yju dkmikvk tnis %%% Yju dkmikvk tnis c`sk is `e kxtjrtije- riant:

    @% yks%

    P% @eb yju dkmikvk tn`t @KA n`s `dsjmutkmy ej rkspjesidimity wn`tsjkvkr ojr `eytniea tn`t

    n`ppkekb- cjrrkct:

    @% cjrrkct%

    P% @eb yju st`tkb `eb yju tjmb Fr% Jrtka` wnke nk w`s cjfpm`ieiea `djut Fr% G`chsje tn`tyju cnkchkb kvkryjek jut- kspkci`mmy Br% Furr`y- dkc`usk @KA bjks- riant:

    @% dkc`usk `t tnk tifk- tn`t!s wn`t I tnjuant%

    P% Ej- ej- Sir% Ise!t it truk tn`t wnke Fr% Jrtka` w`s cjfpm`ieiea `djut Fr% G`chsje `eb nis

    nk`mtn tn`t yju tjmb Fr% Jrtka` tn`t @KA cnkchs kvkryjek jut- iecmubiea Br% Furr`y% Yks jr ej-Sir:

    @% it!s ejt ` yks&jr&ej qukstije% Oirst jo `mm- ie yjur qukstije- Hkeey Jrtka` w`s ejt cjfpm`ieiea

    `djut Ficn`km G`chsje `t `mm% Nk w`se!t cjfpm`ieiea% Nk w`s%%%

    P% Sir%%% Qnke Fr% %%% Q`s cjeckrekb `djut Ficn`km G`chsje%

    Fr% \ute`f7 c`e nk oieisn %%% Gubak7 wkmm %%% @rk yju oieisnkb: Dr`ebje T`eby \nimmips7 yks%

    Gubak7 jh

    P% Sir%%% Bib yju kvkr tkmm `eyjek tn`t @KA cnkchs kvkryjek jut:

  • 7/28/2019 JACKSON V AEGLive June 4th Brandon "Randy" Phillips-CEO OF AEGLIVE


    @% I wrjtk ie `e kf`im tj Fr% Jrtka` tn`t je tnk bjctjr- Br% Cjer`b Furr`y- I tnjuant nk n`b dkke

    cnkchkb jut %%% Rn`t nk n`b dkke cnkchkb jut- dkc`usk I tnjuant `t tnk tifk nk n`b dkke `eb I

    stimm tnieh nk n`b dkke- tj `e kxtket% Dut aj `nk`b%

    P% Sir%%% Yju wrjtk tj Fr% Jrtka` tn`t Br% Furr`y w`s ` succkssoum bjctjr- bib yju ejt:

    @% dkc`usk tn`t!s wn`t I w`s tjmb%

    P% @eb yju `msj wrjtk tj Fr% Jrtka` tn`t @KA cnkchs kvkryjek jut- bibe!t yju- Sir:

    @% yks- I bib%

    P% @eb tn`t w`se!t truk- w`s it- Sir:

    @% ie rktrjspkct- nk %%% Ejt 0

  • 7/28/2019 JACKSON V AEGLive June 4th Brandon "Randy" Phillips-CEO OF AEGLIVE


    @% `fjeast jtnkr tnieas% Yju!rk t`hiea tnieas jut jo cjetkxt% Yks- tn`t!s prjd`dmy ` st`tkfket I

    bib f`hk ie sjfk ietkrvikw%

    P% Qkmm- mkt!s rk&rk`b tnk qukstije `eb I `sh yju tj `eswkr fy qukstije% %%%

    @% jh

    P% Qnktnkr jr ejt yju!vk kvkr f`bk tn`t st`tkfket- Sir% Jh

    @% yks%

    Fr% \`eisn7 sj mkt!s nk`r it `a`ie- pmk`sk%

    'qukstije is rk`b d`ch'

    P% @eb- Sir%%% Iset it truk tn`t @KA mivk bjks ejt mjsk fjeky je `eytniea%

    @% wkrk ` dusiekss- wkrk `mm `djut f`hiea fjeky:

    @% yks%

    P% Dy Fr% \`eisn7 `eb yju s`ib tn`t tj Ojrdks f`a`ziek- bibe!t yju- Sir:

    @% prjd`dmy%

    P% Q`se!t tn`t jek jo tnk `rticmks yju rkvikwkb tj prkp`rk ojr yjur tkstifjey:

    @% ej- it w`se!t%

    P% Jh `eb Sir%%% Qnke yju s`ib tn`t- yju wkrk biscussiea tnk MivkE`tije*Richktf`stkr bk`m-wkrke!t yju- Sir:

    @% ie tn`t `rticmk- cjrrkct%

    @KA jdgkctije7 m`chs ojueb`tije%

    @% tn`t is cjrrkct%

    Gubak7 jvkrrumkb- nk s`ib nk hekw%

    P% @eb yju wkrk critic`m jo MivkE`tije ojr spkebiea ribicumjus `fjuets jo fjeky tj bj bk`ms

    witn ckrt`ie `rtists- cjrrkct:

    @% dkc`usk tnky %%% It c`uskb tnk tichkt prick tj aj up% Yks% Rnk `eswkr is yks%

    P% Jh- Fr% \nimmips- io yju bje!t uebkrst`eb tnk qukstije- yju bje!t n`vk tj `eswkr it% Jh

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    @% jh-

    P% Cjumb yju try tj pmk`sk `eswkr fy qukstijes:

    @% yks%

    P% Jh `eb io yju bje!t uebkrst`eb- it!s jh- I c`e `sh it `a`ie%

    @% I ajt it% I uebkrst`eb%

    P% I wje!t dk jookebkb% I bje!t `mw`ys `sh tnk dkst qukstijes% Jh

    @% yju ajt it%

    P% @mm riant% Sj mkt!s st`rt nkrk% Ie 4

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    Fr% \`eisn7 jh

    P% Bjks tn`t rkorksn yjur rkcjmmkctije wnkrk yju biscusskb `djut tnk f`ssivk uekfpmjyfket:

    @% aivk fk ` skcjeb tj rk`b it%

    P% R`hk yjur tifk%

    @% yks- I skk it%

    P% Bjks tn`t rkorksn yjur rkcjmmkctije:

    @% yks- it bjks%

    P% Ejw- Sir%%% MivkE`tije- ie yjur dusiekss%%%

    @% jh- is tnkrk %%% Is tnkrk ` p`rt tn`t s`ib tnk Ficn`km G`chsje tjur ie nkrk% Dkc`usk I bibe!t rk`b


    P% I bibet%%%

    @% If gust curijus%

    P% [eojrtue`tkmy- Fr% \nimmips- I akt tj `sh tnk qukstijes%

    @% jn- I hejw%

    P% Io yju w`et fk tj aj up tnkrk- Ib dk n`ppy ojr yju tj qukstije fk8 dut I bje!t tnieh tnky!rkajiea tj `mmjw tn`t% Sj If n`ppy tj `eswkr `ey qukstijes yju w`et tj `sh fk jutsibk jo cjurt8

    dut riant nkrk- If ejt `mmjwkb tj bj tn`t% Jh

    @% jh

    P% Io yju w`et tj- jutsibk- If n`ppy tj `eswkr kvkrytniea yju w`et tj `sh fk%

    @% I uebkrst`eb%

    P% Ejw- Fr% \nimmips- Sir%%% MivkE`tije- ie yjur dusiekss- is eufdkr 0- riant:

    @% MivkE`tije is tnk m`rakst cjeckrt prjfjtkr ie tnk wjrmb- yks%

    P% Is tn`t ` yks:

    @% tn`t!s ` yks%

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    P% @eb %%% @eb yju!rk eufdkr 4- riant:

    @% cjrrkct%

    P% @eb n`vk yju kvkr rkokrrkb tj MivkE`tije `s `e >

    @% yks- je Ficn`km G`chsje!s dkn`mo%

    P% M` ak`r w`s ` snjk cjfp`ey% I bje!t hejw io tnky!rk stimm ie dusiekss% @rk tnky:

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    @% ej- ej%

    P% Rnky wket jut jo dusiekss:

    @% tnky bib aj jut jo dusiekss%

    P% Jh- yju bibe!t n`vk `eytniea tj bj witn tn`t- tnjuan- riant:

    @% ej%

    P% Jh `eb yju bkscridkb Ficn`km G`chsje `s tnk ark`tkst st`r ie cjetkfpjr`ry fusic- cjrrkct:

    @% tn`t is cjrrkct%

    P% @eb yju!vk bkscridkb nif `s ` akeius `eb tn`t tnkrk!s ej jtnkr ketkrt`iefket mihk nif ie tnk

    wjrmb tjb`y- cjrrkct:

    @% cjrrkct%

    P% @eb yju hekw tn`t it wjumb dk ` fjeufket`m `cnikvkfket ojr @KA mivk tj akt Ficn`km

    G`chsje- cjrrkct:

    @% cjrrkct%

    P% @eb yju hekw tn`t it w`se!t ajiea tj dk k`sy tj akt Ficn`km G`chsje dkc`usk nk n`be!t bjek`ey tjuriea ie `pprjxif`tkmy 04 yk`rs- cjrrkct:

    @% cjrrkct%

    P% @eb yju!vk w`etkb Ficn`km G`chsje kvkr sieck @KA jpkekb tnk j4 `rke` ie Mjebje ie


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    @% riant `eb tnk wjrmb wjumb cjfk tj skk nif- tj Mjebje%

    P% Tiant:

    @% cjrrkct%

    P% Rn`t w`s `mw`ys yjur str`tkay tj akt Ficn`km G`chsje- riant:

    @% tn`t is cjrrkct%

    P% @eb it t`hks ` spkci`m `rtist mihk Ficn`km G`chsje ojr tn`t tj n`ppke- riant:

    @% cjrrkct%

    P% Dut tnk prjdmkf tn`t yju kecjuetkrkb w`s pkjpmk tn`t wkrk wjrhiea witn Fr% G`chsje- mihk

    T`yfjek D`ie- wjumbe!t t`hk fkktieas witn yju:

    @% ej- quitk tnk cjetr`ry- T`yfjek- tnrjuan \ktkr Mjpkz- `ctu`mmy c`mmkb gjne Fkamke tj n`vk `


    P% Qkmm- Ficn`km G`chsje bibe!t w`et tj aj je tjur- bib nk- Sir:

    @% I ekvkr bk`mt birkctmy witn Ficn`km G`chsje `t tn`t tifk% I bk`mt witn \ktkr Mjpkz `eb

    T`yfjek D`ie% @eb umtif`tkmy- nk bkcibkb ejt tj aj je tjur8 tn`t is cjrrkct%

    P% Jh- dut T`yfjek D`ie skt up ` fkktiea ie !

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    P% I!vk trikb ojr ` mjea p`rt jo tnis tifk ejw ejt tj `rauk8 sj pmk`sk- I gust `sh yju je fy dkn`mo

    bje!t bj tn`t dkc`usk Imm st`rt bjiea it% Jh

    @% yju!vk ajt it% Qk n`vk ` bk`m%

    P% Bibe!t Ficn`km G`chsje s`y- ie 4

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    Dr`ebje T`eby \nimmips7 yju!rk akttiea it cjeouskb `a`ie% Fr% @escnutz w`s ie Bkevkr `eb Fr%

    D`rr`ch w`s ie @oric`%

    Fr% \`eisn7 I s`ib tn`t% Fr% D`rr`ch is ie @oric`%

    Dr`ebje T`eby \nimmips7 riant%

    Fr% \`eisn7 Fr% Bkevkr %%% Fr% @escnutz is nkrk- [eitkb St`tks%

    Dr`ebje T`eby \nimmips7 Rjf D`rr`ch c`mmkb \nim @escnutz- If ejt surk wnkrk nk w`s% Jh

    P% Dkc`usk tnky n`b ` pkrsje`m rkm`tijesnip:

    @KA jdgkctije7 m`chs ojueb`tije% Gubak7 io nk hejws8 jvkrrumkb%

    Dr`ebje T`eby \nimmips7 tnky n`b ` dusiekss rkm`tijesnip% I bje!t hejw wn`t it w`s dkyjeb tn`t%

    P% @eb tn`t w`s ie m`tk %%% M`tk `uaust jo 4

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    @% ej%

    P% Q`s tn`t fkktiea ie Guek jo 4

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    @% it w`s ` suff`tije jo tnk prjpjs`m wk n`b f`bk tj T`yfjek D`ie `eb \ktkr Mjpkz `eb I

    kxtr`ctkb it tj tnk tifk pkrijb ajiea ojrw`rb- dut tnis w`s d`sic`mmy ` str`tkaic pm`e tn`t I n`b

    prkp`rkb ojr Ficn`km G`chsje%

    P% Jh- dut tnkrk is ` fkktiea wnkrk yju!rk m`yiea jut yjur pm`e `eb ejdjby w`s tnkrk

    rkprksketiea Fr% G`chsje- cjrrkct:

    @% ejt `t tnis tifk pjiet- ej%

    P% Is tn`t cjrrkct- Sir:

    @% cjrrkct%

    P% @eb tnis is wnkrk yju s`ib tn`t Ficn`km G`chsje w`s ejt o`st `eb ` tjt`m pkrokctijeist- riant:

    @% cjrrkct%

    P% @eb yju w`etkb tj f`hk surk tn`t yju n`b `s fucn cjetrjm `s pjssidmk ie bk`miea witn Fr%

    G`chsje- cjrrkct:

    @% ie tkrfs jo nis spkebiea- yks%

    Fr% \`eisn7 cjumb I `sh tn`t tnk qukstije dk pmk`sk rkrk`b:

    'qukstije is rk`b d`ch'

    Dr`ebje T`eby \nimmips7 `eb- `a`ie- tn`t!s %%% Rn`t!s wn`t I wrjtk `eb I w`s %%% I w`s rkokrriea tj

    nis spkebiea%

    Fr% \`eisn7 jh

    P% Dut yju bibe!t writk tn`t ie tn`t miek- bib yju- Sir:

    @% ej8 dut io yju rk`b tnk ketirk tniea- yju!mm akt tnk pjiet%

    P% Qkmm %%% Qkmm- mkt!s rk`b tnis- Sir% Qny bje!t yju rk`b tnk sketkeck %%% Yju wrjtk tnis wnjmkkf`im- bibe!t yju- Sir:

    @% yks- I bib%

    P% @eb yju bje!t writk tnieas ie kf`ims tn`t `rke!t truk- bj yju- Sir:

    @% jo cjursk ejt%

    P% Rn`t wjumb dk wrjea- tj writk sjfktniea tn`t!s ejt truk ie `e kf`im- wjumbe!t it- Sir:

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    @% io `t tnk tifk I tnjuant it w`s truk%%%

    P% Jh- wny bje!t yju rk`b us wn`t yju wrjtk tnkrk- Sir%

    @% Ticn`rb- tnksk `rk gust fy joo&tnk&cuoo ibk`s sudgkct tj fjbioic`tije `eb `bbitije `s wk

    prkp`rk `e jfeidus twj&yk`r FG DT `eb rjmm&jut `eb kxp`esivk f`rhktiea pm`e `eb dubakt%Qnimk `spkcts jo tnis prjpjskb scke`rij c`e dk kxkcutkb k`rmikr tn`e tnksk tifkmieks- I c`utije

    yju tn`t FG is ejt o`st `eb ` tjt`m pkrokctijeist- ekkbs tj dk cjetrjmmkb `s fucn `s pjssidmk%

    P% @mm riant% Stjp riant tnkrk% Bib yju writk tn`t nk ekkbs tj dk cjetrjmmkb `s fucn `s pjssidmk:

    @% yks%

    P% @eb Cjmjey C`pit`m ejw- tnky!rk njmbiea tnk ejtk tj Fr% G`chsje!s njfk- cjrrkct:

    @% I %%% I n`vk ej ibk` wn`t tnk rkm`tijesnip w`s% I hekw tnky djuant jut ` ejtk orjf ojrtrkss

    C`pit`m je Ekvkrm`eb `eb s`vkb it orjf ojrkcmjsurk% Rn`t!s `mm I hejw%

    P% Ekvkrm`eb T`ecn w`s Fr% G`chsje!s dkmjvkb njfk- w`s it ejt- Sir:

    @% n`rb tj `eswkr dkc`usk jo tnieas Ficn`km G`chsje s`ib tj fk `djut Ekvkrm`eb- sj%%%

    P% Bib Ficn`km G`chsje mivk `t `ey tifk `t tnk Ekvkrm`eb T`ecn:

    @% ejt wnke I fkt nif%

    P% Sj nk ekvkr mivkb `t tnk Ekvkrm`eb T`ecn:

    @% jn- ej nk bib8 dut ejt wnke I%%%

    P% Rn`t w`se!t fy qukstije- Sir%

    @% jn% Yks- jo cjursk nk bib%

    P% Fy qukstije w`s %%% Qkmm- cjumb yju %%% Is tnkrk ` prjdmkf witn fy qukstijes:

    Gubak7 yju!rk t`mhiea jvkr k`cn jtnkr% K`cn jo yju ekkb tj w`it uetim tnk jtnkr is oieisnkb%

    Fr% \`eisn7 Sir%%% I!mm `sh it `a`ie%

    P% Bib Ficn`km G`chsje kvkr mivk `t tnk Ekvkrm`eb T`ecn:

    @% yks- Fr% \`eisn- nk bib%

    Fr% \`eisn7 I tnieh kvkryjek hejws wnj I `f- sj yju bje!t ekkb tj hkkp s`yiea fy e`fk% It!s


  • 7/28/2019 JACKSON V AEGLive June 4th Brandon "Randy" Phillips-CEO OF AEGLIVE


    P% Cjmjey c`pit`m nkmb tnk ejtk je Ekvkrm`eb T`ecn- cjrrkct:

    @% cjrrkct%

    P% @eb yju wkrk fkktiea witn tnkf tj biscuss Fr% G`chsje tjuriea `eb yjur ibk`s `djut tn`t-cjrrkct:

    @% cjrrkct- ie rkspjesk tj tnkir rkquksts%

    P% Ie rkspjesk tj Fr% D`rr`chs biscussijes witn Fr% @escnutz:

    @% cjrrkct%

    P% @eb yju wrjtk tj Fr% E`eum` tn`t Fr% G`chsje ekkbs tj dk cjetrjmmkb `s fucn `s pjssidmk-


    @% cjrrkct%

    P% Q`s tn`t oueey- Sir%%%

    @% ej%

    P% Yju m`uankb:

    @% ej%

    P% Bj yju tnieh `ey jo tnis is oueey- Sir:

    @% ej% I tnieh it!s tr`aic% Dut aj `nk`b%

    Gubak7 tnkrk!s jemy ` cjupmk jo fieutks%

    Fr% \`eisn7 `mm riant%

    P% @eb- Sir%%% Q`s it yjur uebkrst`ebiea `s p`rt jo tnk Cjmjey C`pit`m*Ekvkrm`eb bk`m tn`t Fr%D`rr`ch w`etkb Fr% G`chsje tj akekr`tk rkvkeuk:

    @% wnke I fkt witn%%%

    P% It!s ` sifpmk qukstije%

    @% yks- yks%

    P% Jh `eb Fr% D`rr`ch iestructkb yju tj cjet`ct Br% Rjnfk Rjnfk- cjrrkct:

  • 7/28/2019 JACKSON V AEGLive June 4th Brandon "Randy" Phillips-CEO OF AEGLIVE


    @% `ctu`mmy- Fr% E`eum` bib%

    P% Jh- n`b yju kvkr nk`rb jo Br% Rjnfk Rjnfk dkojrk:

    @% ej%

    P% Yju wkrk %%% Qjumb yju s`y tn`t yju wkrk o`fimi`r witn tnk fusic iebustry `t tn`t tifk:

    @% o`fimi`r witn tnk fusic iebustry:

    P% Yks%

    @% I w`s wjrhiea ie it%P% Bjks tn`t fk`e yju n`b o`fimi`rity witn it- Sir:

    @% yks- Fr% %%% Yks% Yks- Sir%

    P% Yju bje!t n`vk tj s`y tn`t- kitnkr% Gust %%% Io yju cjumb gust s`y yks jr ej- tn`t wjumb dk ark`t%

    @% jh

    P% @mm riant:

    @% yks%

    P% Jh- dut yju!b ekvkr nk`rb jo tnis aketmkf`e- Br% Rjnfk- riant:

    @% ej%

    P% @eb bib Fr% D`rr`ch tkmm yju tn`t Br% Rjnfk Rjnfk w`s ` cjesumt`et witn Cjmjey C`pit`m

    `eb n`b dkke wjrhiea witn tnkf ojr yk`rs:

    @% yks%

    P% Sj it w`s yjur uebkrst`ebiea tn`t tnis Br% Rjnfk Rjnfk n`b ` cmjsk wjrhiea rkm`tijesnip

    witn Cjmjey C`pit`m `t tnis tifk- cjrrkct:

    @% yks%

    P% @eb bib yju hejw wnktnkr jr ejt tnis Fr% Rjnfk Rjnfk w`s kvkr wjrhiea witn Ficn`km


    @% `ccjrbiea tj Ticn`rb E`eum`- nk w`s rkprksketiea Ficn`km G`chsje dkc`usk Gkrf`iek G`chsje

    n`b ajek tj Br% Rjnfk tj s`vk Ekvkrm`eb T`ecn%

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    P% Sir%%% @mm I `shkb yju w`s- bib yju n`vk `e uebkrst`ebiea jo wnktnkr Fr% Rjnfk- jr Rjnfk

    Rjnfk- w`s wjrhiea witn Ficn`km G`chsje% Rn`ts `mm I `shkb yju%

    @% yks%

    P% @eb wn`t wjumb tnk `eswkr tj tn`t dk:

    @% yks%

    P% Sj d`skb je yjur uebkrst`ebiea- yju wket tj ` fkktiea witn Cjmjey C`pit`m% Cjmjey c`pit`m

    nkmb tnk ejtk je tnk Ekvkrm`eb T`ecn- cjrrkct:

    @% cjrrkct%

    P% Rnky tjmb yju tj cjet`ct Rjnfk tjfk- cjrrkct:

    @% cjrrkct%P% Rjnfk Rjnfk w`s ` mjeatifk dusiekss `ssjci`tk `eb cjesumt`et ojr Cjmjey C`pit`m- cjrrkct:

    @% cjrrkct%

    P% @eb nk w`s `msj wjrhiea witn Fr% G`chsje- cjrrkct:

    @% tn`t is cjrrkct%

    P% Bib yju tnieh tn`t w`s ` mittmk dit jo ` cjeomict jo ietkrkst- Sir:

    @% ej%

    Fr% \`eisn7 I aukss wk!rk `t tnk %%% [eojrtue`tkmy- Sir%%% If ejt ajiea tj dk `dmk tj `sh yju `ey

    fjrk qukstijes tjb`y% Rjfjrrjw% Dut io yju w`et tj `sh fk ie tnk n`mmw`y- Imm dk `v`im`dmk%

    Dr`ebje T`eby \nimmips7 vkry hieb jo yju%