Ivanhoe Newsivanhoechurch.org/iucc/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/...Jun 05, 2019  · Knit and Crochet...

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Transcript of Ivanhoe Newsivanhoechurch.org/iucc/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/...Jun 05, 2019  · Knit and Crochet...

Ivanhoe News 1

Ivanhoe News

Volume 180, Issue 9 June/July 2018

From the Pastor: Dear Friends, Thank you for the kind and thoughtful sendoff last Sunday. I appreciate the prayers, blessings, and special cakes with fel-lowship. As I said in the commissioning litany: I look forward to that day when I will return and share in our ministry to-gether. I will miss you and I will pray for you. Thank you for creating this opportunity for a time of Sabbath rest in my min-istry. I wish that this time is also one of rest and renewal for all of us as Ivanhoe Church, so I share with you these reflections on “A Sabbath Way of Life,” by Thomas Long. Mark 2:23-28 presents a famous dispute about the sabbath between Jesus and the Pharisees. The Pharisees have caught Jesus’ disciples plucking grain on the holy day, and they con-front Jesus about this alleged infraction of the law. Jesus says: “The sabbath was made for humankind, and not humankind for the sabbath; so the Son of Man is Lord even of the sab-bath.” As a teenager I welcomed this saying, which I heard as meaning that all rules were off. The sabbath was made for me, and that meant I was free to indulge the day with all the mov-ies, sports, dances, and whatever else my heart desired. I have since learned that Jesus had something deeper in mind. His goal was not to annihilate the sabbath, but to restore it to its true purposes. The sabbath is about participating in and anticipating God’s rest and God’s justice for all. These are the gifts from God that make life human and full, and it is in this sense that “the sabbath was made for humankind.” The sab-bath is a way of life, a way of training one’s attention, that leads to the life that really is life. Deep in its disciplines is the goal of clearing away life’s clutter and focusing on what truly matters. So, that is my Sabbatical plan, to try to focus on my relation-ship with God, my calling to serve Jesus Christ, and be led by the Holy Spirit. I pray that it will help me clear away some of the clutter, so that I might focus my attention in order to deepen my connection with God. I trust in so doing, that I will find rest and renewal, meaning and power, peace and joy. May we be connected in prayer and by the Spirit as the United Church of Christ; and may we all know joy because the God of peace promises to be with us. God Bless You, Pastor Kris +

2018 Confirmation – May 20th Congratulations Aidan!

Sabbatical Contacts While Pastor Kris is out of the office on Sabbatical for three months beginning June 1, here is some general guidance… Who is taking care of what? Building, Grounds, and Finances are taken care of by the Board of Trustees led by Lee Dickinson dickinso.l@sbcglobal.net H(847) 949-7996 M(847) 917-3821

Worship, Membership, and Missions are taken care of by the Board of Deacons, led by Ken & Keith Ken Flaks flaksk@aol.com H(847) 540-6075 M(224) 433-1936

Keith Temby ktemby@ameritech.net H(847) 487-9348 M(847) 942-1863

Lay caregivers are led by Ken Kelting kelting61@yahoo.com H(847) 566-6719 M(847) 989-5462

Our Administrative Assistant is in the church office Tuesday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Kathy Riehle uccivanhoe@gmail.com 847-566-5204

In case of emergency you can contact Rev. Nicole Farley (847) 239-2013 info@hereisanewcreation.com

Ivanhoe News 2

Board of Deacons Ken Flaks / Keith Temby, Co-Chairs

Welcome - The Barnes Family

Scott & Joanna became new members on May 13th when Josephine was baptized.

Men’s Social Group The June Men's Social Lunch will be held on Tuesday, June 19, 11:30 am, at J&D's Bar & Grill in Wauconda. The restaurant is located at 26400 N. Rand Road; 847.526.2112. If coming on 176, take South Main Street about a mile. We can car pool if that helps. Hope to see you there. We will not be meeting in July.

Knit and Crochet $1.00 a Book Sale The Knit & Crochet Group will hold a $1.00 a Book Sale in our Fellowship Hall following church services on June 10 and June 17. Proceeds from the sale will be used to purchase yarn and other supplies to sup-port the mission of our group. We hope that you will support this effort through purchasing and donating books and/or DVD’s that you are ready to rehome. You may start bringing your books to the church. Please put your books in the Sunday School classroom on the second floor. Throughout the year, the Knit & Crochet group makes baby hats and hat/blanket sets for Vista East Hospital. We also make prayer shawls, baby afghans and adult afghans for our church members who are ill, mourning a loss or celebrating the arrival of a new baby. The group does additional outreach for Christ-mas, supporting the Night Ministry and providing a bag of candy for each child receiving a gift from the church.

Wellness Ministry Traci Smith

We hope by the time you receive this that summer will finally have arrived! While we’re channeling the power of positive thinking, please keep these safety tips in mind for yourself, loved ones & pets: Protect your skin from the sun Stay hydrated Bring insect repellent! Keep an eye on the forecast so you’re ready in case

of severe weather

Smoothie & Salad Nutrition Tuesday June 19, 2018, 7:00 – 8:00 pm Taste and see how easy and fun healthy eating can be! Join an Advocate Nutritionist for a fun-filled hour learn-ing to make delicious smoothies and award-winning sal-ads. Bring all your nutrition questions; take home new knowledge & recipes! Please sign up so we make enough for everyone to try! Join Debbie for yoga: Monday & Thursday 11 am – noon Wednesday 7 – 8 pm All are welcome regardless of fitness level! Thank you for your participation! If there are any topics you would like to see in future workshops please send to

Traci: tlynnuscell@gmail.com

Mundelein LUNCH Program For the fifth year, Ivanhoe Church will be participating in the summer lunch program for the children in Munde-lein. We have two locations at which we serve: Gordon Ray Park (358 Rays Lane) and Hanrahan Park (913 Noel Dr.). Starting date for the lunch program is Monday, June 4, and it will run through Friday, August 10. For more information, and to sign up to volunteer

Go to mundeleinlunch.org http://mundeleinlunch.org

Thank you in advance. If you have any questions, please contact Ken Kelting.

Ivanhoe News 3

Smoothie & Salad Nutrition

Ivanhoe Women’s Connection May was a busy month for Women’s Connection:

A dozen women shared a convivial social lunch on

the 5th at Crossroads of Ivanhoe in Mundelein. A

summer lunch is planned; stay tuned.

On Sunday, May 6th, we held a most successful Bake

Sale after church. Almost twenty bakers, many volun-

teers, and innumerable generous customers resulted

in $700 in donations to increase the church library’s

collection of large print books - and to supply our

youngest worshippers with new activity bags to en-

hance their experience in Sunday services.

Many thanks to all who participated!

Daily Herald 2018

The Ivanhoe Church Library

Books new to the library include:

The Story of Arthur Truluv by Elizabeth Berg

LARGE PRINT – Waking Up in Dixie by Hay-

ward Smith

LARGE PRINT – The Cat Sitter’s Nine Lives by

Blaize & John Clement

A Piece of the World by Christina Baker Kline

Checkout is very easy. Just take the book home and re-turn it when you have finished reading. Return your book to the cube that you will see to your left when you enter the library.

Some books may also be purchased for $1.00 a book. Please put $1.00 for each book in the basket on the cabi-net under the windows. LARGE PRINT BOOKS are not for sale.

Ivanhoe News 4

Happy June/July Birthdays

Dennis Larson June 03 Bonnie Larson June 04 Lisa Bishoff Cornell June 04 Janice Springborn June 05 Elise Robertson June 07 Celeste Cruickshank June 09 Shelley Rubenacker June 12 Michael Cieslak-DeGross June 12 Sandee Dwire June 21 Sharon Smith June 23 Francine Salituro June 23 Phyllis DeGross June 28 Stephanie Cruickshank June 30

Larissa Salituro July 07 Maynard McPherson July 09 Gail Garling July 17 Ryan Fasbinder July 20 Jean McCormick July 26 Elaine Hucko July 29 Marie Gilbert July 30

The children are out at Green Meadow Farms as I write this. I’ve seen pictures from yesterday’s trip of them gently holding baby ducklings, milking a cow, sitting high up on a tractor wheel, riding a po-ny, and generally having fun as they connect with other living things and nature. What a great expe-rience! Our annual family picnic is in two weeks and we are hoping for good weather. The last few years have been perfect. It’s been a wonderful year and we send over 20 children off ready to conquer the world (or at least kindergarten.) Summer camps will begin in a couple of weeks

and before you know it we will be beginning with a

new group of children. Thank you for your support

as we help them grow.

Ivanhoe Book Club June Book Selection

Crocodile on the Sandbank, written by Elizabeth Pe-ters, will be discussed on Tuesday, June 5, from 10 to 11. Join Liz Johnson as she guides our discussion as we travel up the Nile in the midst of interesting, mysteri-ous characters. We will not meet in July. On August 7, we will discuss the novel, The Women in the Castle, written by Jessica Shattuck. Jan Springborn will be our discussion leader. I will notify members as soon as I hear that this book is available at Fremont Public Library. The Ivanhoe Book Club meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 10:00 am in Fellowship Hall. All are wel-come to attend. Please come even if you haven’t read the book. If you have any questions, contact Sherri Kelting.

Rolling River Rampage VBS 2018

Rolling River Rampage invites Rafters of all ages on a white water rafting adventure to experience the ride of a lifetime with God! Rafters will discover that life with God is an adventure full of wonder and surprise, and that they can trust God to be with them through any-thing. Please join us for this year’s Vacation Bible School which will be held Tuesday, August 7th 1-3 pm and Wednesday, August 8th 1-3 pm for all our young people, and Thursday, August 9th 5:30-7:30 pm for everyone – young and old alike, who wants to be part of VBS fun and discovery! Please contact Sandee Dwire with any questions. - sdwire@hotmail.com “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you”. (Isaiah 43:2)

Ivanhoe News 5

News from the Nurse Debbie Sterling, R.N. MINDFULNESS MEDITATION

Meditation: What it does

Helps you to get in touch with your inner voice

Helps you keep your intuition and senses sharp

Helps you to experience a sense of personal dis-


Helps to access your inner guidance

Breathing deep, breathing slow

Letting peace and quiet flow

You are feeling calm, and feeling free

Your breath is coming home.

Breathing in, stillness flows

Breathing out, tension goes

From your head to toe

You are calm, you are relaxed, you are free.

Meditation only looks simple; if you find it difficult,

that doesn’t mean you’re failing. Here are some strate-

gies for getting past bumps in the road to mindfulness.

Self-Criticism: When we begin meditating, it’s all too common to beat up on ourselves. I’m doing it wrong! I’m not a good meditator! I’ll never be able to follow my breath! Most everyone who has tried to meditate has ex-perienced some version of this self-doubt. Though it’s natural impulse, it’s not helpful. Remember, the purpose of meditation isn’t to enter a bliss state or eradicate all thinking. It’s simply to be present with what’s going on right now, whatever that is. Try to let go of any judg-ments you have about good meditation or bad medita-tion, and whether or not you’ve achieved anything. We all have the capacity for clarity, for calm and for mindful-ness.

Sleepiness: Many people get sleepy when they try to meditate. This may be because our minds are simply overstimulated, or it may be because our bodies are tired and need some rest. Either way, there are skillful ways to wake ourselves up so we can engage in meditation. Straighten your posture. Open your eyes. Try walking meditation. Instead of using your breath as the anchor of your attention, try listening to sounds. Or, develop a pat-tern of sensations to focus on: for example, first the feel-ing of breath passing in and out of your nostrils, then the diaphragm rising and falling, and then the gentle breeze of air just above your lips.

Restlessness: We’re so used to keeping busy, that medi-tation can seem boring at first. If that’s the case, try focus-ing on very specific sensations, like the outbreath. You can even try to control your breathing, taking shorter in-breaths and longer outbreaths. Most importantly, try not to be too hard on yourself.

Pain: You may feel pain when you begin to practice medi-tation for longer durations. It could be just a sharp, fleet-ing pang in your legs, or it could be dull cramps or aches in your back. Whatever it is, try to simply notice it and accept it at first. Acknowledge that it’s a feeling, just like any other feeling, and that it will eventually pass. If it per-sists, try directing your attention to another part of the body. And if the pain gets intolerable, adjust your posture as needed.

Fear: In the rare instance, panic or fear may arise. Should this happen, try to shift the attention toward something outside the body, like the air whooshing in and out of your nostrils, or sounds. But don’t force yourself to pay close attention to whatever it is that might be causing you emotional discomfort. And if it’s too intense, don’t worry about opening your eyes, or just taking a break.




3 Worship


Craft Circle 9:00-11:00am Yoga 11:00–12:00pm

5 Book Club 10:00am Knit & Crochet 1:30-3:30pm Board of Deacons 7:00pm

6 Yoga 7:00–8:00pm

7 Yoga 11:00–12:00pm

8 9 Men’s Service Club 8:30am Women’s Connection 11:30am


Worship Book Sale

11 Craft Circle 9:00-11:00am Yoga 11:00–12:00pm

12 Knit & Crochet 1:30-3:30pm Board of Trustees 7:00pm

13 Cubs @ Brewers 1:00pm Yoga 7:00–8:00pm

14 Yoga 11:00–12:00pm


16 Service at The Crib

17 Worship Book Sale Father’s Day

18 Craft Circle 9:00-11:00am Yoga 11:00–12:00pm

19 Men’s Lunch 11:30 Knit & Crochet 1:30-3:30 Wellness Workshop 7:00-8:00

20 Yoga 7:00–8:00pm Pub Theology 7:00pm

21 Yoga 11:00–12:00pm

22 23

24 Worship

25 Craft Circle 9:00-11:00am Yoga 11:00–12:00pm


Knit & Crochet 1:30-3:30

27 Yoga 7:00–8:00pm

28 Yoga 11:00–12:00pm

29 30

June 2018 - Ivanhoe News