at Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School

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Keeping in mind space for the headlines to

the left.LEARNING AND TEACHING at Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School

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SustainabilityWe are well connected to our broader community and manage our physical, human and financial resources wisely. We ensure

that the quality of educational and personal development opportunities and outcomes of staff and students are widely known, resulting in strong enrolments and ongoing financial

security for the School.


Quality Resources and FacilitiesWe plan for and provide the most

appropriate and relevant resources and facilities to optimise learning, participation,

productivity and overall wellbeing of students and staff.

Quality StaffWe employ highly-skilled

employees who bring expertise, unique talent and a depth and breadth of relevant

skills to Ivanhoe Girls’.


In seeking to realise our aspirations, Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School will focus its planning, leadership and resources on five major strategies for continuous School improvement:

Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School is a forward-thinking community of learners who are thoughtful in their choices and brave in their actions.


Connected Community We value curiosity, authenticity and service, leading to connections to others and to the

wider community.

Quality Pastoral Care We value courage, inclusion and diversity, leading to resilience and compassionate,

respectful relationships.

Quality Learning and TeachingWe value an education that challenges and connects, leading to powerful and

progressive thinking.


STRATEGY 5Strengthen community

engagement and school sustainability.

STRATEGY 4 Provide engaging,

flexible and innovative learning and work


STRATEGY 3Attract and develop

expert academic and professional staff.

STRATEGY 2Provide exemplary

student pastoral care and opportunities for

personal development.

STRATEGY 1Facilitate engaging,

holistic and connected learning and teaching.


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At Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School we are dedicated to our students reaching their full potential in academic, sporting and cultural pursuits through the provision of engaging, holistic and connected learning and teaching. Our overarching purpose as a school is clear: to be a forward-thinking community of learners who are thoughtful in their choices and brave in their actions. When it comes to our learning and teaching programs, the thoughtful and brave learner - each student - is at the very core of all we do.

“We are facing unprecedented challenges – social, economic and environmental – driven by accelerating globalisation and a faster rate of technological developments..... The future is uncertain and we cannot predict it; but we need to be open and ready for it.” 1

Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School looks to the future with great optimism and a clear sense of purpose. This Curriculum Document outlines our continuum of learning from ELC to Year 12 and our customised approach to the teaching of our students at the different stages of their learning journey. In addition, this document outlines the various student capabilities that we foster in our students that enable them to thrive, both here at Ivanhoe Girls’ and, ultimately, in the challenging and exciting world beyond our school.

Dr Deborah PriestPrincipal Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School

1. Andreas Schleicher, Director of Education and Skills, OECD (2018) The Future of Education and Skills: Education 2030. Retrieved from

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Research over many years consistently shows girls feel more confident and most free to pursue their interests to the best of their abilities, in the classroom, on the sporting field and in a broad range of co-curricular pursuits, in an all-girls learning environment.

Even more significant, the academic outcomes for girls who learn in all-girls schools are consistently superior to girls’ outcomes in co-educational settings, so too are the numbers of girls participating and excelling in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects through to Year 12 and beyond.

When girls are free of social pressures from boys and gender stereotypes in their learning environment, they become empowered to freely discover their passions, explore their own values and identity, and to develop their unique set of strengths and talents without the limitations so commonly experienced by girls in co-educational settings. Furthermore, teaching methods in an all-girls learning environment are customised to the way that girls like to learn and the pastoral care is customised to the needs of girls progressing through the various developmental stages of early childhood into adolescence and early adulthood.

At Ivanhoe Girls’ we believe passionately in the effectiveness of educating girls in an all-girls learning environment and of the advantages that this opportunity brings to our students.

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We care as much about the developing character of each girl as we do about their academic achievement. Our School has a well-established and impressive reputation for nurturing strong, intelligent and compassionate women who go on to lead and serve the community in meaningful ways. This legacy continues as we believe that the wellbeing of each child is a fundamental precursor to them achieving their personal best.

By maintaining our enrolments between 850 – 1000 learners from our Early Learning Centre (Three Year Old) through to Year 12, we are able to know each student as an individual, to monitor her progress carefully and to ensure she feels accepted, valued and validated as she learns how to fly high.

With over 116 years of experience in finding and nurturing the strengths of our learners, Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School

continues to provide a personalised education for each girl to explore and extend herself academically, socially and culturally while developing a disposition founded on integrity and generous service to our community. Thus, our teachers unashamedly put the pastoral care and character building of our students on an equal footing with their academic achievements. In doing so, we are proud to develop articulate, courageous, critical thinkers who are generous of spirit, have a lifelong love of learning, and who have a voice and use it to make a positive contribution to their wider community.

Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School has an inspirational tradition of leading innovative and socially progressive girls’ education with graduates achieving outstanding success in a broad range of Australian and international tertiary pathways including STEM-based courses. Our school community enables girls to

challenge stereotypical views of what they can and should achieve, with Mathematics, Science, Visual Arts and Music being among our most popular and successful subjects. The key to our learners’ success is for us to encourage and nurture passion, engagement and creativity in whatever combination of subjects our girls are interested to study and explore.

We welcome every girl as a unique individual and we foster in her the confidence to discover her talents and to build upon them. Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School is a remarkable and forward-thinking school that enthusiastically embraces innovation and learning that is connected to real-world applications.

Our girls explore and develop their potential in a friendly, nurturing and welcoming school and leave as graduates who are “life ready” as well as “tertiary and career ready”.

At Ivanhoe Girls’ we view the opportunity to educate girls, to prepare them for purpose and success in their adult lives, as a privilege.

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At Ivanhoe Girls’ the thoughtful and brave learner is at the centre of all our learning and teaching programs.

We develop students who have the capabilities necessary to thrive in a changing world. We use specific, high-impact and evidence-based strategies in order to develop each student. Alongside established learning methodologies, we have developed interdisciplinary programs that require deep thinking and collaboration.



























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While each teacher uses their unique set of teaching skills to engage students in learning, Ivanhoe Girls’ teachers have been professionally developed over many years to incorporate some specific strategies that research studies repeatedly show will provide distinct advantage to our students in their learning.

Deep Learning

Deep Learning engages students in real-world activities. Through longer collaborative projects, linked to personal areas of passion, students establish stronger engagement and understanding. Deeper Learning strengthens interdisci-plinary connections and weaves together skills and knowledge across traditional subject areas. Whilst there is always a place for developing subject-specific content knowledge, deep learning is explicitly linked to the world beyond school and enhances high-order thinking skills.

Differentiation and Challenge

Ivanhoe Girls’ is proud to be a genuinely open-entry school leading to a student population where the learning needs of students vary. Our teachers engage in a range of teaching practices to know each student as a unique learner and to support and challenge them to reach their full potential. The School employs specialist educators to support students who experience learning challenges in a single or range of subjects as well as specialist educators who provide enrichment and extension learning opportunities for students who are working well beyond their year group in one or a range of learning areas.

Ongoing, Quality Feedback

Few strategies have greater impact than meaningful and timely feedback to advancing learning in students. Through ongoing feedback all students know what skills and content they have mastered, are able to identify any gaps in their learning, and can be supported to address them for ongoing improvement. Timely feedback encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning outcomes.

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Today’s students need to develop 21st Century capabilities in order to thrive in the uncertain world that awaits beyond school.

At Ivanhoe Girls’ we focus, through the strategies discussed on the preceding pages, on developing four key capabilities in our students. Extensive evidence shows that these capabilities will both equip our students for the changing world of work and develop a life-long love of learning.


To make sense of an increasingly complex and rapidly changing world, students need broad and sound general knowledge. They also need to develop deep knowledge, which is a true conceptual understanding, if they are to be flexible and adaptive.

Students need to be able to recognise what they do not know, and the process by which to source and learn this information. Equally important is their ability to be self-reflective and have a true and genuine knowledge of their own strengths and values.


Increasingly, students need to be able to process vast volumes of information in meaningful ways. The ability to think critically, analyse information, consider a range of perspectives, evaluate and make decisions are essential to students’ success in their future lives.


Developing creativity is essential to embracing a growth mindset and being willing to consider endless possibilities. In an entrepreneurial world, students also need the hands-on skills to design and construct physical expressions of their ideas.


Being able to engage and collaborate constructively with others, forming healthy relationships, is essential to human development. People, and especially young people, need to feel that they have a nurturing community to belong to and that they have something meaningful to offer that community in return.

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The Early Learning Centre (ELC) draws on the best theory and practice from Reggio Emilio Philosophy and the Australian Early Years Learning Framework.

The children are provided with opportunities that promote the joy of learning while developing their sense of self through active exploration, manipulation of their environment and positive experiences. The ELC is a place where girls grow and learn through play, laughter, imaginative experiences, wonderful literature and nurturing relationships.

Through an integrated approach, the learning environment is designed to take into account individual needs, and enables each girl to participate in activities that are suited to her age and developmental level.

Our Early Learning Centre provides girls with a range of opportunities that promote learning, caring relationships and a positive self-concept. Through active exploration and manipulation of their environment, girls are encouraged to develop a sense of themselves on their learning journey. Girls in the ELC explore learning in a range of specialist areas with specialist teachers in Art, French, Music and Physical Education.

ELC – Learning through Play and Nurturing Relationships


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Prep to Year 2 provides the foundations in learning to read, write and be numerate whilst also engaging students in a range of exciting real-life learning opportunities.

A caring, nurturing environment enables every student to become a confident, resilient, resourceful and independent learner.

English and Mathematics skills are taught explicitly. Learning is maximised as teachers target and individualise learning to meet students’ specific needs. Literacy and Numeracy skills are applied in meaningful contexts in integrated inquiry learning.

These and many other skills are developed through a rich specialist curriculum facilitated by specialist teachers in:

• Art

• Library

• Music (including P-2 choir and string ensembles)

• French and

• Physical Education (including swimming)

Prep to Year 2 – Foundations for Learning


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In Years 3 to 6 the focus of learning shifts towards making connections socially and academically.

Students make real-world connections as they respond to authentic problems and they take action in the community. Students take increased responsibility for their learning as they participate in team sports, social service, performance and enrichment opportunities.

In addition to the specialist subjects, a sequential integrated curriculum from Years 3 to 6 develops skills and understandings in Science, Geography, History, Civics and Citizenship, Digital and Design Technologies, Personal and Social Skills and Health.

Integrated inquiry units help students learn about:

• themselves and being part of a society

• ways people interact with each other and their environments over time

• cultures other than their own

• ways they can use science and technology to explore and improve the world

• working collaboratively to solve real-world problems and contribute to the School and wider community.

Years 3 to 6 – Making Connections


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The middle years of schooling are a significant time for brain growth and development. It is very important for students to practise and gain skills in all learning areas. With this in mind, all Years 7 and 8 students study a core curriculum in a broad range of subjects.

Students are expected to take responsibility for and to be actively involved in their own learning. They are encouraged to collaborate with as many different students as possible and the timetable is constructed with this in mind.

“I like having different teachers for different classes. It helps you meet new people, and it means that the teacher you have is specialised in that subject.” Year 7 student

“Different teachers teach in different ways. Through this you can also discover how you learn best.” Year 8 student

Years 7 and 8 – Transition and Developing a Breadth of Knowledge

Year 7 Core Subjects

• English

• Mathematics

• Science and Technology

• Languages:

– Chinese

– French

• History – The Ancient World (One Semester)

• Geography (One Semester)

• Outdoor Education

• Religious Education

• Physical Education

• Visual Arts

• Performing Arts:

– The Language of Music

– Drama and Theatre Arts

Year 8 Core Subjects

• English

• Mathematics

• Science

• Languages:

– Chinese

– French

• Geography (One Semester)

• Health

• History – The Ancient to the Modern World (One Semester)

• Food Studies

• Lights, Camera, Action

• Outdoor Education

• Physical Education

• Performing Arts – Creating and Exploring Music

• Religious Education

• Visual Arts

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Year 9 – Discovering Self and a Place within the Community – “I Can”The Year 9 program is designed to empower students to develop a deep sense of self-efficacy; that is, to be confident in declaring “I can!”.

By the end of Year 9, Ivanhoe Girls’ students will be able to state: “I can connect, I can create, I can know and I can think” and will also be able to demonstrate that these statements are true.

The “I can” model underpins all learning that takes place in Year 9 electives and all learning activities make concrete links back to this model. The model encourages students to experience learning at Year 9 as increasing levels of mastery across these four domains, rather than seeing Year 9 as just a

collection of discrete and unrelated subjects and disciplines with separate knowledge, skills and competencies.

“It not only gave me the opportunity to learn things about my peers but also gave me the opportunity to make a change towards problems I am passionate about.” Year 9 student

Years 9 Core Subjects• English

• Mathematics:

– Accelerated Mathematics

– Mainstream Mathematics

• Science

• Geography

• Health

• History – The Making of the Modern World

• Outdoor Education

• Physical Education

• Religious Education

Year 9 Electives• Criminal


• Design for Me

• Music: Creating and Arranging for Group Performance

• Music: Creating and Performing

• Play, Create, Make

• Journalism: The Ivanhoe Times

• Learning Support

• Creative Cafe

• Outdoor Challenge

• The Making of an Athlete

• Chinese

• French

• All the World’s a Stage

• Mechanical Engineering

• Be Your Own Boss

• Game of Life

• Innovators and Entrepreneurs

• Recycle Revival

• Structure, Thought, Reality

• What a Load of Rubbish

• Drone Pilot

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Typically all students in Year 10 will commence one VCE subject that will enable them to complete one four-unit VCE subject by the end of Year 11. This enables the students to take up an additional VCE subject in Year 12 or alternatively to place greater focus on the remaining VCE subjects being studied. The VCE program is extremely flexible, making it a superior program to others offered globally. Some of the features of the VCE include:

• The VCE is an internationally-recognised program that has minimal restrictions on breadth and depth of subject choices. Students are able to pursue their passions in a vast array of subjects, whether they are in one particular discipline, or across a range of disciplines.

• The VCE can be completed over a number of years to accommodate the needs of individual students.

• The flexibility of the VCE means students can participate in overseas exchanges and be confident of being able to complete their VCE on their return. Similarly, students with chronic conditions or whose participation in national sporting teams means long absences from school, can complete their VCE over three years or longer.

• The VCE provides highly-capable students with the opportunity to complete extension studies, such as a first-year university subject or a vocational subject.

Years 10 to 12 – Learning for Life Beyond School


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Year 10 Electives A range of electives are offered, including a number of VCE Units 1 & 2 subjects.

• Commerce and Law

• Creative Media in Film

• Creative Music

• Drama and Theatre Studies

• Food Studies

• Global Powers in the Global Arena

• History Mysteries

• Human Rights – Everyone and


• Innovate Create

• Languages: – Chinese – French

• Outdoor Education

• Robotics

• The Mind and Me

• VCE VET Certificate III Applied Language (Chinese)

• Visual Arts – Art – Photography – Studio Arts

• Weimar and Nazi Germany

• Year 10 Literature

Year 10 Core Subjects• English/EAL

• Science

• Religious Education

• Geography

• History – The Modern World and Australia

• Physical Education

• Mathematics, one of:

– Mainstream Mathematics

– Mathematical Methods (Units 1 & 2)

– VCE Foundation Mathematics

– Pre Further Mathematics

– Pre Mathematical Methods (Semester 2)

VCE Subjects• Accounting*

• Applied Computing* (Units 1 & 2 only)

• Art

• Biology*

• Business Management*

• Chemistry

• Economics*

• English

• English EAL

• English Language

• Ethics (Not a VCE Unit – Year 11 Core)

• Food Studies*

• Geography*

• Global Politics (Units 3 & 4 only)

• Health and Human Development*

• History:

– 20th Century* (Units 1 & 2 only)

– Revolutions (Units 3 & 4 only)

• Legal Studies*

• Languages:

– Chinese: First Language*

– Chinese: Second Language*

– Chinese: Second Language (Advanced) (Units 3 & 4 only)

– French *

• VET: Certificate III Applied Languages (Chinese) (Units 1 & 2 only)

• Literature

• Mathematics:

– Further Mathematics

– Mathematical Methods*

– Specialist Mathematics

– University Higher Education in Mathematics (Year 12 only)

• Media (Units 3 & 4 only)

• Music Performance*

• Philosophy*

• Physical Education*

• Physical Recreation (Not a VCE Unit – Year 11 Core)

• Physics

• Psychology (Units 3 & 4 only)

• Studio Arts

• Theatre Studies*

• VET: Interactive Digital Media Certificate III (Multimedia)

• Visual Communication Design*

Note: All subject listed were offered in 2020.


(Refer to the VCE Subjects marked with an * to show what is available to Year 10 students)

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