Itinerary for conquer 1 joshua mc namara

Post on 16-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Itinerary for conquer 1 joshua mc namara

itinerary for conquer 1


lift off

The Conqurer 1 lifts off leaving its 2 horizontal stabilizers on the ground


The Conqurer 1 docks with the iss to take on fuel


The Conqurer 1 disenbarks with the iss


The Conqurer 1turns on its fission reactor


The Conqurer 1 gravity assists around earth and is slingshotted to venus it will take 4 months to get to venus.


The Conqurer 1 arrives and goes in orbit with Venus.


When the Conqurer 1 gets to the dark side of Venus 2 people get into pod 1, then pod 1 detach’s from the Conqurer 1.


When pod 1 is 2 km above Venus it turns on it main engine.


At 200 meters from the surface pod 1’s main engine shuts down ,splits in half and folds up to the side of pod 1. then engine 2 starts.


10 meters up engine 2 stops,splits in half and folds up to the sides of pod 1. mono propelent will be use to guide pod1 down from now.


Pod 1 touch’s down on Venus.While on Venus our 2 astronauts will stay in a dome to protect them from solar flares and the extreme heat.

In the dome they will take samples of soil,rock and they will take lots of pictures.


Pod 1 lifts off the surface of Venus using mono propalent.


Pod 1 docks with the Conqurer 1.


The conqurer 1 gravity assists around earth to get to Mars this will take 144 days.


When the Conqurer 1 is 5 km above the surface of mars 2 astronauts will get into pod 2 while 1 astronaut stays in the Conqurer 1.


Pod 2 disenbarks from the Conqurer 1. As soon as pod 2 disenbarks it will put its nose down. The nose will act as a heat shield so pod 2 will not disintergrate when entering the atmosphere of mars.


At 3km up pod 2 turn’s around so the nose is facing up toward the sky after that pod 2’s main engine will ignite.


1.5km up pod 2s main engine stops and splits in half and floods up to the side of the space ship then engine 2 ignites.


20 m up engine 2 shuts down, splits in half and slides to the sides of pod 2. Mono propelent will be used the remaning 20 m.


Pod 2 touch’s down on the surface of mars whoever our 2 astronauts will be in a dome at the bottom of pod 2 this is because of sandstorms on mars that would damage conventional space suit.While they are there they will take samples of the soil and air they will take photos too.


With both astronauts inside pod2, pod2 lifts off the ground with all engines folding down to there original positions.


Pod2 docks with the Conqurer 1.


The Conqurer 1 gravty assists around saturn and is slingshotted toward Neptune. To get to Neptune it will take five years.


When the Conqurer 1 arrives at Neptune 2 km up, 2 astronauts climb into pod 3 then pod 3 detachs from the Conqurer 1.


Pod 3s main engine fires.


1km up from the surface of Neptune pod 3s main engine stops , splits in half and folds to the side of pod 3. Then pod3’s 2nd engine starts.


50m up pod 3s 2nd engine stops,splits in half and folds to the sides of pod3. Pod 3 will be guided down by mono propelant from now on.


Pod 3 touch’s down on the surface of Neptune however our 2 astronauts will be in a dome at the bottom of pod three. This is because of the extreme temperatures on Neptune and also because of contamination. While our astronauts are there they will collect samples of dirt, rock and temperature.


With both of our astronauts inside pod 3, pod3 lifts of the ground using mono propellant with all the stages folding into there original positions.


Pod 3 docks with the Conqurer 1. After that the Conqurer 1 burns its thrusters toward Pluto this will take 5 years.


When the Conqurer 1 gets 2 km up from the surface of Pluto 2, astronauts hop into pod4 then pod 4 detachs from the Conqurer 1, then pod 4 faces it nose down toward the surface and starts its main engine.


1 km up pod 4s main engine stops,splits in half and folds to the side of pod 4, then pod 4 turns around and starts its 2nd engine


20 m up pod 4s 2nd engine stops,splits in half and folds to the sides of pod 4.The remaining 20 m we will use mono propellant.


Pod 4 touch’s down on the surface of Pluto however our astronauts will be in a dome at the bottom of pod 4 to protect them the climate and the zero gravity conditions. While they are there they will take samples of dirt, rocks and they will take lots of photos.


Pod 4 lifts off the surface of Pluto with all the stages folding back into there original positions.


Pod 4 docks with the Conqurer 1.


Home pod disenbarks with the Conqurer 1 with our three astronauts inside. After that home pod sets its trajectory toward earth and turns on its main engine. It will take 10 years to get back to earth.


10 km up from the earths surface our 3 astronauts get into the nose cone and the nose cone dissenbarks with the rest of the home pod, then going back first the nose cone re-enters the earth’s atmosphere.


2 km up the nose cones parashute deploys and the nose cone and our astronauts plunge down in the Pacific Ocean!!!!!!!!!!!!

The End.