Italy : Art & Culture

Post on 06-May-2015

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This presentation contaions information about Italy. History, tourist places, important cities, business culture, culture, art, places to visit, cuisine, fashion. All about Italy.

Transcript of Italy : Art & Culture

ItalyAn emphasis on Culture

Map of Italy

Emblem of Italy

IntroductionCapital – Rome

Official Language - Italian

Total Area - 301,338 km sq.

Population - 60,813,326 (2011)

GDP - $1.834 trillion (2012)

Currency – Euro

President - Giorgio Napolitano

Ranked as the world's 24th most-developed country


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Civilization And Invasion

• The migrations of Indo-European peoples into Italy begun in 2000 B.C.

• The Etruscan civilization dominated from about the 9th century B.C. till 3rd century B.C.

• By 264 B.C., all Italy south of Cisalpine Gaul was under the leadership of Rome.

• They ruled for next 7 centuries and therefore the history of Italy is largely the history of Rome.

Early Modern Period

• The Black Death pandemic in 1348 left its mark on Italy by killing one third of the population.

• Following the Italian Wars (1494 to 1559), Italy saw a long period of relative peace under• 1. Habsburg Spain (1559 to 1713)• 2. Habsburg Austria (1713 to 1796)

• During 1800s, Italy was unified by Napoléon, who crowned himself as the King in 1805.

During 19th Century

• But with the Congress of Vienna in 1815, Austria once again became the dominant power in a disunited Italy.

• Austrian armies crushed Italian uprisings in 1820–1821 and 1831.

• In 1830s, Giuseppe Mazzini, a brilliant liberal nationalist, organized the Resurrection, which laid the foundation for Italian unity.

Unification of Italy

• Victor Emmanuel II, king of Sardinia, was proclaimed king of Italy in 1861.

• With this, Italy was united on 17th March, 1861.

During the World Wars

• In 1915, Italy entered the war on the side of the Allies but obtained less territory than it expected in the postwar settlement.

• Benito Mussolini, a former Socialist, organized discontented Italians in 1919 into the Fascist Party to “rescue Italy from Bolshevism.”

• On Oct 28, 1922 he became the prime minister and transformed Italy into a dictatorship

• He allied himself with Adolf Hitler in the Rome-Berlin Axis in 1936.

• When the Allies invaded Italy in 1943, Mussolini's dictatorship collapsed.

The Republic Of Italy

• Finally on 2nd June 1946, Italy became a Republic.

• Italy became an integral member of NATO and the European Economic Community.

• Italy adopted the euro as its currency in Jan 1999.

• Today, Italy has a parliamentary government based on a proportional voting system.





North vs South

Wide cultural gap between:

oNorthern people - cold - rushed

oSouthern people - warm - easy-going

…because of…

• Italy is a very young country (unification: 17th of march 1861)

• During the 19th century Italy was divided in two parts:• the Spanish in the South• the French and Austrians

in the North

…historical reasons

Business background

• Big percentage of small and medium sized, family-run businesses.

• Larger companies are still controlled in large part by single families (Fiat, Benetton etc.)

• The idea of an enterprise being an arrangement of strongly felt relationships

• Long-standing affiliations – old society

• -Regionalism - one of the least mobile management populations

• High degree of hierarchy – usually old man (wisdom)

• The number of women and young in senior management positions is quite small.That’s it because of…

… Catholicism and Vatican

The values of Catholicism in Business Culture:

• sense of family

• Paternalism

• dignity of the person

• confidence in the others

• respect for the elderly

Business Etiquette

• Indirect

• Fond of behavioral formulas

• Stylish

• Talkative

• Warm and tactile

• Easy-going

• Convinced (proud)

Behavioral Formals• Good manners and courtesy are prized

qualities in Italy

• Italians rate considerateness above behavioral formulas

• In the presentation: shaking always the right hand absolutely on your feet.

• When meeting and departing always shake hands

• The guest seats always before the host

• Women enter inside the places always before men

• the importance of appearance in Italy should not be taken lightly otherwise people think you neglect yourself as your work.

• Importance for the accessories (watch, pen, jewels…)

• women visiting Italy might be surprised to hear compliments made to them on their appearance. (Such comments are not considered politically incorrect in Italy.)

Italian dress code

Italian communication


• little personal space is left between people

• a lot of body language also during a simple conversation Italian like this kind of communication

• After doing business in Italy for a period of time and building relationships do not be surprised if you are embraced

Concept of Time

• Italians are usually relaxed

• If you are late of 10 minutes, don’t worry this will not have any negative consequences

• However punctuality is always welcome.

• Pay attention to the daily schedule:

• breakfast (around 8 a.m.)

• lunch (around 1 p.m.)

• dinner (8 p.m.)

Italian Meetings and Negotiations

• The best time for meetings is between 10 - 11 a.m. and after 3 p.m.

• Avoid August as most businesses will run on skeleton staff due to holidays

• Try to make presentation less heavy is possible in Italian business life

• Meeting are really caoticnever follow the schedule people

arrive late people

Answer the phone

At the beginning of a meeting avoid business and concentrate on some small talk. Topics of discussion could include Italian culture, food, wine and football

Negotiations can be slow. Demonstrating a sense of urgency isseen as a sign of weakness.

:Italian Entertaining

-Hospitality Invitations to lunch and dinner are to be expected

Bring always a present…wine is very welcome

-Dining does have certain protocol:- the host always pays- keep your knife in the right hand and fork in the left - do not answer phone calls at the table- don’t put the elbow over the table- drinking wine and water in the right glass

Free Day and Festivity

• Days in which is better not to organize work meeting:Saturday and SundayAugustAll the catholic festivities (Easter, Christmas, all saints, etc…)25th April: national party 1st may: feast of the workers2nd June: feast of the republic

• They're both in the Eurasian continent • Indians and Italians both love food and

celebration • They're both young nation states • They're both ancient civilizations • They’re both democratic • Both a five letter words• Both start with an I• Both words contain an a

Difference• Italy is in Europe while India is in Asia • Italians have varying hair colors while Indians just have

black hair

Italian Inventions• Ambulance the first ambulance service (horse drawn carts) was

instituted in 1244 in Florence by a pious organization known as "Arciconfraternita della Misericordia"

• Bicycle. Leonardo da Vinci had designed a bicycle, which has now been constructed and is functional

• Dictionary first dictionary widely diffused and translated in multiple languages invented by Ambrogio Calepino in 1502.

• Eyeglasses invented by Salvino Armati in 1280• Highway, first Autostrada built in 1921• Nuclear reactor, first artificial reactor built by Enrico Fermi in 1942• Radio, first long-range transmission by Guglielmo Marconi in 1895• Typewriter first practical and perfectly working typewriter invented

by Pellegrino Turri in 1808 • University. The University of Bologna was founded in 1083 and is still

operating to this day.• Disco music was pioneered by Italian Composer Giorgio Moroder in


Presentation By :

Ayush Parekh Sampurna Chawdhary

Sunny Waugh Suchit Chauhan

Thank You !