Italia After WWI

Post on 06-Oct-2015

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Italia WWI

Transcript of Italia After WWI

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- Treaty of Versailles; little economical and territorial advantages- Great economic, social and politic problems - Parliament lost credibility

Economic Problems;

- Damages on industry ; great difference between North (industrially developed) and South ( rural structure, poor)- Strikes and inflationSocial Problems;Workers called for revolution inspired by Bolsheviks- Middle classes and bourgeoisie: worried wanted a contra-revolution against the left wing.Political Problems;- Nationalists felt Italia was not well treated in the Peace of Paris- This feeling was explited by Mussolini

ITALIAN POLITICAL FORCESSOCIALIST PARTY ( Partito Socialista Italiano) Led by Luigi Sturzo . Supported by Church and the Pope (Benedict XVI)Popular Italian Party ( Partito Popolare Italiano) Divided into two Parties;Fasci de Combattimento Created and led by Mussolini . Old Socialists and ultra-conservativesCommunist Party Founded by Antonio GransciBenito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini1883-1945Son of Alessandro Mussolini (Blacksmith) and Rosa Maltoni (school teacher)1900 becomes member of the Italian Socialist Party1902 Lived in Switzerland escaping from compulsory military service Amnesty in Italy, Comes backFrench teacherAgainst the WWIEnrolled. Wrote War diary (the trenches) Promoted . Hurt by a mortarDefended Veterans right to govern Italy

Mussolini and the creation of fascism

March de 1919. Strikes and protests. Creates the Fasci Italiani di Combatimento . Called to fight against the left wing parties. 1920 The Blackshirts were used as a the repressive arm of the state to crush socialist movements. Dismateled the general strike started in Alfa Romeo factory.1921 Creates the Partito Nazionale Fascita (National Fascist Party) Marched through Milan with the Black shirts (squadristi) armed forces of the party. Supported by the bourgoisie, the industrialists and the landowners.Elected Deputy

1922 organized the March on Rome (Marcia sur Roma) followed by 200000 voluteer blackshirtsEither the government will be given to us, or we will seize it by marching on RomeWanted to create the third Roman Empire10/1922 Named Prime Minister by the King Viktor Emmanuel