
Post on 27-Sep-2015

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Transcript of it

its 7:34 am.

As I sit at the edge of my bed, I stare at my laptop for seconds as I am waiting for Episode 16 thats currently on downloading mode. I am in a fine mood of anticipation and a hint of smile can be seen on my face. Sudden realization hit me that we only have 4 Episodes left and I start to feel a little gloomy inside. I then apprehend that I am in no way ready to let go of this drama. Sadness then flooded within me as I find it hard to admit that it will be ending soon and leaving it will be excruciating and difficult to do.

I sigh, looking for an answer that will end what I am starting to feel right now. I then realize that more than the expected goodbyes, Im more wary that soon, the things that I feel whenever I first watch a scene of this drama will soon be forgotten.

Then it comes to my mind that KMHM has always been a part of me in a special way and I know that almost whatever I do, Ill remember it somehow.

Ill recall it whenever I wait for something. As I unconsciously stare at my watch, seeing the second hand moving as the anticipated time approaches, the first meeting of RJ and SG will come to my mind. And it will make me smile.

Ill remember KMHM whenever I shake hands with a stranger as I introduce myself to that person. For this drama can make you magically gasp even with just an introduction of a characters name. Its so wonderfully beautiful.

Ill remember it if ever I have kids of my own someday. For when I read them bedtime stories, especially about Disney princesses, Ill recall that this drama had once been a time machine, turning me back into a kid again as it shows the modern day reenactment of those fairytales Ive once loved and still do.

Ill remember it whenever I look at someone elses eyes for they are the mirror of ones soul. Most of the times, we laugh and smile although deep down inside, we are shattering into thousands of pieces. KMHM is something that shows that what you see is not always whats underneath and we should always be knowledgeable about that.

Lastly, Ill remember it whenever I look at myself in the mirror because all of us have our own little selves inside of us in our own ways. And whenever I feel like quitting, Ill recall that RJ once said that theres also a part of us that wants to fight and we should always be thankful of being alive.

I know that there will come a time that I have watched an unimaginable number of dramas and each one is different yet alike to one another. It may be hard for some to recall those times when you laughed until your jaws hurt, got angry at some character that your mouth lines are pursed in anxious tension, cried a river of tears from the heart-wrenching goodbyes or your heart melted away with a kiss scene. But will KMHM, the one who touched my innermost emotions in every way possible, Im sure I can remember. And I will.