It technology used by terrorist

Post on 09-Jun-2015

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how terrorist get information via satelite phone

Transcript of It technology used by terrorist

Information Technology used by


Presented by -Pravin Devkar

Information Technology used by


Presented by -Pravin Devkar






The word terrorism was first used in France to describe a new system of government adopted during the French revolution.(1789-1799).

Their intention was to promote democracy and to write-off the revolution of its enemies and there by purifying it. However , the oppression and the violent excesses the revolution and transformed it into the feared instrument of state.

From that time on, terrorism has had a decidedly negative connection.

Terrorist is not new, and even though it has been used since the beginning of recorded history it can be relatively hard to define.

The strategy of terrorist is to commit act of violence, which draws the attention of local population and the respective government.

A Terrorist group commits acts of violence to:-

Produce wide spread fear.

To capture the attention of the media.

Harass, weaken, or embarrass government security forces.

Steal or extort money & equipment to fulfill their operation of their group.

Destroy facilities or disrupt lines of communication.

Produce wide spread fear.

To capture the attention of the media.

Harass, weaken, or embarrass government security forces.

Steal or extort money & equipment to fulfill their operation of their group.

Destroy facilities or disrupt lines of communication.

Discourage foreign investments, tourism, or assistance programs that can affect the target country’s economy and support of the government in power.

Influence government decisions, legislation, or other critical decisions.

Free prisoners.

TO carry on a mission that is a terror attack the terrorists require a lot of fund. Saudi Arabia remains the world's leading source of money for Al Qaeda and other extremist networks.

Furthermore, terrorist organizations have created links with the Russian Mafia, Colombian drug cartel, and a number of other international criminal organizations. These links of politics, money, geography, and arms create a mutually beneficial relationship that allows both the terrorists and the criminal organizations to prosper.

Drug trafficking, an estimated $2 trillion market per year, has become the best weapon for terrorists. Beyond helping terrorists to finance their wide range of illegal activities, the drug market has also allowed terrorist organizations to undermine targeted countries both politically and economically.

Terrorists also generate money from criminal Terrorists also generate money from criminal activities such as extortion, prostitution rings, video activities such as extortion, prostitution rings, video pirating, and drug trafficking pirating, and drug trafficking which gives them $2 trillion per year

Satellite phone

Google earth

World Trade Center : 11th September 2001

Mumbai : 26th November 2008

Lahore : Pakistan

In all such terror attacks Information Technology has been extensively used(or rather misused)

In fact the terrorism is day by day becoming more & more techno-savvy without which it may not achieve the expected results

For Example --------

Satellite phone is the greater invention in IT Technology.

The greater advantage of satellite phone is that, the instrument can be used in any where all around the world.

IT does not require any sim card facility ,it is directly connected to the satellite.

Thus Due to which it helps them to communicate easily.

This satellite phones was used by terrorist in this recent Mumbai attack.

Among the other objects found in the boat used by the terrorists, satellite phone, a model, was discovered which could be the key to find more information about the terrorists

“On 2008 Nov. 18, Indian intelligence also intercepted a satellite phone call to a number in Pakistan known to be used by a leader of the terror group, Lashkare Taiba, believed to be responsible for the weekend attack”

Among all the commercial technologies used by the terrorists are GPS and SATELLITE PHONES

Locations were pinpointed by using GPS very accurately during Mumbai attack

The terrorists used them to monitor the situation using British medias

It appears the terrorists proclaimed their identity by sending various forged emails to news outlets by using a REMAILERS

French counter-terror experts leading an international inquiry into the attacks discovered that a facility, set up there by Abu Musab al Zarqawi, al Qaeda’s late Iraq commander, had developed the new design which works through Internet messengers like Skype or MSN.

Network-connected mobile phones can remotely detonate over the Internet simultaneous explosions hundreds of miles apart, anywhere in the world

Google Earth provides free Internet satellite pictures to sensitive locations in India, which are being misused by terror agents.

Information technology is a very high tech system It provides lots of knowledge to the new generation

It should be used for the welfare and the progress of the society …..

… let us hope it will be used for the benefits of the mankind only