It means you stand to win Three to one do you mean? I’m telling you, guys, you...

Post on 25-May-2018

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Transcript of It means you stand to win Three to one do you mean? I’m telling you, guys, you...

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I’m telling you, guys, you don’t want to miss this!

It’s three to one odds on the Slingers winning against the Slamdunkers.

All you got to do is to take a bet before the game starts. If you’re right, you’ll be richer by the time the game ends!

Three to one odds? What do you mean?

It means you stand to win three dollars for every dollar put in. You can’t get a better deal than that.

That’s what I’m talking about! Anyone else?

What are you guys waiting for? who doesn’t want to have more pocket money?

I’m in. Slingers.

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Count me in, too!

Whoa! Slow down, guys. One at a time!

Charlie Chance, We need to talk.



Stop right there!Yeah! Me, too!Put me

in for twenty!


He was there, just like you said, Headmaster Anthony.

Charlie… you promised me before that you’d stop this gambling business.

oh please, it’s not a big deal.


People bet all the time!

Do you want me to suspend you?

hello again, agent penny.

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You don’t gamble to make money. I mean, what if you lose? You’ll end up with nothing!

yeah, But…

We will… but You’re the ring leader. Remember, you’ve already had a warning about this!

I’m not the only one who gambled! Why don’t you go after the other kids?

Yes, you are! You encouraged everyone to gamble! It’s a very dangerous habit to pick up!

it’s just for fun and a bit more pocket money. I’m not hurting anyone!

If it were any other school or any other headmaster…

Where are we going?

…You’d already be suspended by now.

Don’t you understand, Charlie?

You should be thankful.

Headmaster Anthony is giving you one last chance.


How will we make ends meet now that daddy has lost his job?

Is buying something pirated really stealing?

How can I still look cool without wearing the latest brands?

Why shouldn’t I spend all of my savings?



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Horrible, isn’t it, kid?

To see what your future might look like…


in fact, here we are.


You don’t have to lie to me. I may be poor, but I’m not stupid.

don’t worry, If anything happens we’ll be here to stop it.

I mean, Mr ROLLER isn’t exactly…

besides, Charlie needs to hear this story first hand.

yes, I mean no… not at all… It’s…

Do You think it’s a good idea leaving them alone like that?

… Or am I?

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It wasn’t always like this.

i used to have it all…

But then I got hooked.


I started off slow. Just once in a while on a weekend.

But pretty soon I was gambling every day.

… i had my own business. Earned a decent and honest living for me and my wife and

little girl were happy…

I thought I could control myself. But I lost everything.

They were right to leave me. I was really hurting them.

My family couldn’t take it anymore. I was driving them down a terrible road.

I gambled away my savings, my company… I couldn’t stop. The more money I lost, the more I had to gamble to try and win it back.

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I… I was just doing it for fun and some quick bucks, you know?



I didn’t think gambling could be so bad.

You’ve got some money, right?

That’s… that’s awful…

I just need to win it big one time and I can get it all back!

I… I don’t have any money!

Hey! Open up, open up!



One hundred dollars! One hundred dollars is all I need to win the money back!

Agent Penny! Will! Help!

You gotta lend me some! Please!!

ahhh. . .

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Agent Penny?

Please! I don’t have the money now! I need more time!


You should have thought about that before you gambled it all away!


Give us back what you owe! Or we’re gonna come in and take it!

oh No, go away! Leave me alone!



Get away from there!

And you better have our money when we do!

but Watch out, roller! We’ll be back!

Come on, boys! We’re outta here.

Hey, boss. We’ve got company.

yep, here’s trouble!

did you hear that?

Aw, great.

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What… what happened? Who are those guys?

Mr ROLLER, Charlie! Are you two alright?

Not to worry, I’ve already buzzed the police. They’ll be hot on the heels of those thugs in no time.

Illegal money lenders, also known as Loan sharks.

argh… we’re too late…

He may have been gambling only for a while, but he’s been paying for it ever since.

After Mr ROLLER lost everything, he turned to borrowing money from them.


come on, mr roller.

I don’t know what to do anymore…

It’s scary, isn’t it?

Everyone likes to think they have their bad habits under control.

But then you realise it isn’t true, That you’re actually trapped, and you’ve been lying to yourself all this time.

I… I’m sorry, agent Penny… Charlie… I…

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It’s not too late for you, kid.

Don’t make the same mistakes I did.

come on, charlie. this has been a rough day for you. let’s take you home.

You’re better than this. If you change your ways now, you’ll still have a bright future ahead of you.

Well said, Mr ROLLER. It’s not too late for you either.

Well, looks like everything turned out fine after all.

charlie has stopped collecting bets in school and the police have arrested those thugs.

The best thing is Mr ROLLER is now on a debt counseling program and has a new job. gradually, he’ll be able to pay his debts and get his life back!

thE END.

… so I give you this piece of advice…

… you may think that you’re just gambling for fun but The odds are always against you. It’s a dangerous habit, and it can ruin your life.

Hey, we’re here just in time to hear charlie share what he has learned.

and If you know anyone who’s addicted to the habit, there are helplines and counsellors who can help.

a few weeks later