Issues and Connections. Sanskrit phrase that means that the whole world is one single family ...

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Issues and Connections. Sanskrit phrase that means that the whole world is one single family ...


VILLAGEIssues and Connections

WHAT IS A “GLOBAL VILLAGE” Sanskrit phrase that means that the

whole world is one single family Marshall McLuhan (famous

Canadian); the globe has been contracted into a village by electric technologyMcLuhan says this forces us to become

more involved with one another from countries around the world and be more aware of our global responsibilities


INTERNATIONAL TRADE International trade is the exchange of

capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories

Without international trade, nations would be limited to the goods and services produced within their own borders.

Global Trade = more jobs for Canadians, better economy and more opportunities

FREE TRADE Trade is important to the success of the

Canadian economy Free Trade is a system where there are

no penalties or limits on the exchange of goods and services between countries

CANADA AND FREE TRADE Free trade is a good policy for Canada However there are many issues

Fair TradeChild/Slave labourClimate ControlHumanitarian Aid


DEFINITION: fair trade is a trading partnership, based

on dialogue, transparency, and respect, that seeks greater equity in international trade

Fair Trade ensures that workers in developing countries receive equitable profit for the work that they do

The big question: does Canada participate in “fair trade”? Do we, as Canadians have responsibilities to ensure that international trade is “fair”?

ISSUES IN GLOBAL TRADE Slave/Child labour – watch “Chocolate –

The Bitter Truth” (Youtube video) Outsourcing of jobs – outsourcing.htm Climate Control - Promoting local goods –

Assignment SRM 9.3 page 411(cd-rom)


Making a difference – a Global perspective – Being a Global Citizen SRM 9.5

ID’ing Global Issues-Local Connections