· -p te ipff- YoiiE...

Post on 12-Mar-2020

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Transcript of · -p te ipff- YoiiE...

- p t e ip f f - Y o iiE ’Tgtrj^PAY^ m , x m :


Mijs^sa—The iBceIpSs »irIng-tlc8 past *w_ ty-foar Hoars wera as faflowa : 5000 bKs EioW, !00 bask, w iieai: 11,030 do com. THeiSsrKetfcr fioar is dull and ansetUed; holdeis, la oonseqaance of the ta.rvra.bU> new* by t i e Earops, *8& an adranee. l o t In je rs refo3« to op4lSfe4Xcept a t tb e rates cnirent b e ^ e the receipt of the neira. Frhse irhaat is in fair demand, bat the Srmaem of loMcra ehesfcoBeraiions. The sale* axe con- tinea toa lB l o f liCOObnaht&WissOBSinat SI cts T ie fwtign l e w to in c e t t l td U is coin na iie t . sndno ssdesC^tapartaaco laTP ttW B^rtdi OWo WhJahey sella a t

d Mt prices ■w© diet not learn._______ _ TTfeeks prices lishre gfadnatty

-------------- 4^44 to 50s&2o per gall far good andprime, a sd i t is now firm a t tbe latter rates. This ad- ▼ancer is e f iy owing to the assured anticipatioDs genr- jrally e n te ta ^ e d t l^ t the strpply the present year will

helow the regtxlar d^^nand In the importations ^wbaldoH were^5.C00bbIs,T................... -*■

I J S S C R A R C E .

W Coast on pri-

. Western! Corn at anal freights are a


and good Uiddline ’l^ c . We noticed an adrance in pries of Me«! rerfe( irjtfi safes cf SOOO ib is a t gioaioHolders OTRio Coffee hsTesacceeded in estAhlishixip an sdeanc^ Soma dddd b a ^ hare cdmnged hands a t SaSje.Tbare is aa upffaid tendahcy in the Sugar marfeet, while Jioldewldo not gsein inolfnedto press sales. New Orleans Molaj^^cohtimje infi4rreqnest, andfltm with fair sales a t SSaSTftjper- gallon. There is more aetieity amongdesfera of hard while quotation* hafa Improved fntly i cent. Th^ transactions inprinje qualttlee within a week are Terjf largB, a t To. The.-8teamahip Hihemia’s new* hasjost been received here from Halifax- Its effect on thsproifeico'insrhets in general is os yet unknown.

LxHi) WUBKiH’ti.- .T ha depreciation and dnllners in and W arrants are attributed to the efforts ffiaWng to

passage of a law through Congress giving stion—or 3.60 acres—of

C>ltai]^1ereiyaeteal setflejra- quari pubiioiand. Ifsuohalaw pass, the W arrants will be-

warrants liaTe-.not been obtained, or sold and loested become so mneh waste paper. The proceeds of the sales ofpnbiie lands are also pledged for the payment of the pnbSe IbaSMhTiofeprineipia and Interest; and the certifl-cale* of stock issued by Miv;id by Miv Secretary WaBier, under the

ey 1847, b e « this assurance engraven on the face o f them. Section 19 of the act alluded to

fiSth January

reads as follows t“ And he i t fhrther enacted that for the payment of

the stock which may be created under the proTisions of thi* a c^ ^b e sales of thepablic lands are h^ebij plrd^ed .-

oeived into the Tressaft©r the 3at day of January 1S4S ; first, to pay intestoh sHsiock isSned under this act, and secondly to uae the balance cif said receipts in the purchase of said stocks a t their ipariiet valne ”


^ R S IV B J l ¥ESTERX)Jiy.

ilonis, IS.ds fm Paisboro. N S. with Machias, with lumber to Simpton.

v“Tmkham,— ds from Chetryfield, with timber to i^D HaUbek.Davis, 3 ds fm Baltknore. to Van Bmnt

oil5uid&ro vriial^alohj^sidr. .

er machinery-was iff workiogTorder.

BOMES3TC FOBXS.AmeUdn)*u-Ai9Cth.barit General Harrison, Meade. Bar-

s; bus Partridse, Freach, do:

Ible 3 X 2 ^ taririrtious of iihis city.

s s , s s t -UR'ssr,--Philip Embury* WOUam Thx.mson,Stanton Bobee, Henry A. Howe,

''ia*ar» .Il B.n««T.S<u:rotary my23aiaGe o r a i i T S e w ^ w ^ ^ q u l t o D l e In su c a n c c

A T tbo Annual Election frr D1 O . ofthe Compsny, on r.fonday,

Ins gentlemen were elected :

I S S Z . S S * 'Lambert Suydao, Joseph W. Duryc

/^ o sH riN tJ E S ite h a J ra ^ S th la e i ty liiider the att^L V erity

J U W T i^ L bII, HimUcgtca}: W texL cetc r

0 . J OflNSOR, ftKWdlit, idaelesTosPier IS, foo‘ fCPnmitat&{not (Sundsp excepted) a t s o ’ tiocki

*‘ T h ? ,s S a S % V o W E S T E |rc ^No. 72 Wan strecl

. f s s w m -

traac L Platt, Lora Walsh,Wm S. Herrlman,

5ilE3 HeUaM, AquiiaO stout, Henry Toung. Jacob a Lo itoy, Irad Hawley. Ch»3 N. Talbot,

^111 at a meeting of *” e Board of Manegeri lOHN WUilTS,Esq., was nnammoosli

i s s r s s ,


Secured by Bonds and Mortgages an< per cent Stocks.

d United States

isiness for twenty-five years, and still continues

s r g . e g g a g g a X . S u “ ,

S . 2 7 S i „ . „

iS S t'iCharles K

i r S r


E !“? k

isMKs Wu-siE,Secretary

Burplns, Sffier deducting ati outstanding*^i210,00!l

j i T o f

Insnranees made a t lowest current rates


ige-WaU stra it.-T I ‘

niea of this city.DIRECTORS.


JOHN V V.V NOSTfl \ND. rrosWont.A ppU citi^ lettat\h^>i?r^^ Exchange Bank,

corner of (ireenwich and D©i» streets, will receive imme­diate-attent^'^n

f S Z), Household Furniture, Sc., against loss and damage

by fire, on as favorable terms as similar Institutions in


m m :?rjat, l^ r r ? L ^ ^ ^ r .m e y e r ,

■*- TlMbTHT WHlTTEMORkTrresident. J . in s s HsjtBiso:.^Seoretary_____________^___ ^

hand an exceUent assortment of Book, Newspaper, am; Ornamental Type. Bordering, &c., which they are pre

_______ _____________________ im.went up the Ssr•^^SptonHo»dt,*HpM addnr. (of Thomsitoa) Ames.

; P | g § 5 i g . t i ^ ' C t e c h i l l . N York; Slth, ^^i»0!c£^ilS^^tchDeBBit»flod8doa, fin Calais for-W(

ing articles, of their i . . .No. 1 Chrome Green* dry and in oilBranawick do doRms|ian Green, in oil Imperial do doA fan s do dryB do doEx. Penojanent Green, in oil No. 1 Ido do do Paris Blnle* dry A PruKL ido do and in oil B do do do do Ultra Marine Bine* dry Antwerp do doCelestial do doA Slip Btne B do doNew Yoflk Chrome Yellow Extra do do dry and infoUNo. 1 do do doA Rose Pink do ■A d|o pulp.Pulp Lak;e Extra Vtjnmllion

Turkey Vniber, burnt andTavr Do do in oil


? ijSLBGRAfJB.3- lavtBpwjl. 23d tdt; Lucinda

. . r e r t o ^ e n t - c ^ ^ ^ ^ & SON, ^

.^ d ; , fv ; ; ;^ a b " c »

T h if 'lo^ estabUsheJ institution, incorporate!! in 1810with aperpetnal charter, has tiansactea a very extensive

£:*fffigsaa"':a'‘,s:ss;rST~m:aU fair cUims for loss uxL^tv its policies wiU be UberalJy

Tliejurisdictionof the Ceurts - this city will be ac

SUphalet Terry,■— rt Day

is Gooilt


IsHKi G B.,M.ies Serratarl

HeseHn Mantlngton,

Calvin Day

E u K f d - T S a y . Prssident^^

The Ivtngs Co. M ntual in su r-

3 1 i i s “ S Spayme^orU)38es,'of One Hnn<lrcd ThousancTDoiIar».‘rm which the puDho may rely as ample seennty agaim t any future losses the Company^may^amtaln.

Chtiriefl M. Olcott, Oerrlt Smith,Sanmel E. Johnston, Mott BedeiJ,


Amos Madden, Aaron L Held,John A. Cross, Nicholas Lu«iu>*pr.

Stlphev Uvderhill, Secretary. mhlb

F n U S IN SU RA N CE ,KlNOflCoi NTY I fl« Ran< b ("OMPWV.

OfQ7e42 knlton street, BrioXlvn.

iu^,‘!‘i \ r e S £ " S S i : Sagainst loss or damage by fire ^ .ppije., tmn^, r^ ^ by

mh2T 07 Wall street. New York.^ TN^\ FIRE INSFRANtE LOMI’ANl Ob H A Kr

C a p ita l 300,000 D o lla rs .This ( ompivny waf* lU'-ori»hn\ted in the year 1H19, with

A perpetual charter, and Insure?* against loss or damau© by fire on dw«Unj;; houses, sturef*, manufiictunDg ©stHM'sh oiei»ta,hoa.*8»*hoM furniture, and merchandize in general,

may sustain, on r1*s taken a t this agency, will be liberally adjusted by th-

in money current at the banks in this city.This t ympany has ueTer contested a loss made in thtff

I S s E 'SBaa B Hanulton.- Edwin G Ripley,yrederick Tyler^ ^ ^ Samuel S. Ward.

ta' K^*'BRA(;E. PrMid.nt.

n.'' I ru^tn-r. or thoTenewsl of poiieies and,til business coniipctra with thu offlee. may be mai'.

New York, with full power to receive pr.ipf.., ,1* auj Issm^policiea, on


mxtlandt street, dsilyi . P .M . and arrives to

Eastern tcabs_ - aawr WOHCESTEE, CsBtaia 17m. Y7UCCX,

will leave every hfoirJey, TTeaneiday and Friday, fircapier 19, Itot o f Conrt’Amlt street cl bo’d o c k .r M.

The irteaffiaei KNICKERBOCKER, Captain WUliaaasi Tuesday, Thursday and Satordnv. at

liiB *M iI coat! OC18 bnlll ta jic srij fiix t in Scunfli navlng great strensth, and brfn^ provided with Ilfs boats and fireonglnes.

As there Is no ehang* 6 | cers or ferry en this ifiats, sD kipdcffrdght wiUhe farsardcd with tho greatest del*

“ 5?r.«,v;.v.v.1 ,1SDo do Lc.weli .............4 00Do du Nashua............... .. 4 00

i I ’

I onoord'............ 4 70

K»*©ne................... 0 00df* B**Uo#3 Falla. . . . 5 10

An Expriw Freight Train leaves Ally u s Point for Bos­on immediately on the arrival of tho steamboats.

freight taken at the Inwevt rates for Boston, Worces­ter. LoweU, «.oncOT'l, BeUows Kalis, BurUugton, Montreal,

Fcr freight, passage, or ether informition. Inquirp on board the or at the oClce, Tier IS, north river* foot of Cocrtiatidt street. mhll

iS"v5«™r.,Yorkand Haxler

Mlfutureburlness of that corporation will therefore be transacted under its new name.

Itmay be weU to add. by way of explanation, that, the >1(1 ■• .Mutual,” notwithet-andtug ite title, was in fart a stock comp-any, having ae-apitd all paid in and securely

This company ccctinu©© to Ineur© aga1n"t losn ordaroag© b fire on as lavorable tf»na« af similar institutions in this

George Ireland, Anthony Lamb,J:hu Ooth^ut; Adam Ni»rri©,tieori^e Arculariua, Ili»bert Kermlt.Robert B©nsoD, Anthony ( Lardon,

{ra‘l‘;>\TS;] “o t “r? ^.^rt^irt,

s i r . - i S i ,GEORGE IRELAND. President.

A. B. MoDoitsxD.SeorBtary. apn^

Oflice Wol! street.O Y a recent act of the Legislature, tho name of this O Company ha.s been changed, the term Nauiilue b“.ng

cies, and paid for los&es liS.yw dol»ar». In tifteen jD tanc* rtsth© sum Injured was for tho benefit nf the widows and

lag together families, and saving them from destitution Four annual dividends have been declared, three of fifty,

will be issued in oases when the whole premium has been

near Broadway.

l U U r S i f S l S t i ; " , " - -------------- ■ar.'isA?.

and Naugatu

Will take this Train andjnin Express Train at N^w Jla-

2 Exprera Train at 8 o’clock, \ M. for Stamford, Etrs-lgepnrt. .\ihany, and Hou.vatonic n^d Naugatuck Rail-

i; Kivc.r ikallroad* Worcester Providence and Boston3 .Vccommod.*tion Train at 9 A. M. for New Haven

..w4 IntermA-diate stations. Hampden, ( hoahire. South­ington* fbunviile.T-armington, Avon, rarflTviUe and r ol- hiiFviUe Middietowu Hartford and Springfield

4 Expfe* '* Tr.' .iu at 3 P. M. for Stamford, Nor- walk, Bn«lgeport, and Huusatonic and Naugatuck RaP- roads. New Haven, and Mtatimis on tb© Canal KallroaJ. H'trlford Spiin ffiYld. Worcester add Bontun

6 lccomin*Mation Train at 4 f . M. for Now Haven, and (dl the intermediate stations

ti < omm itation Train at *.*.60 P. M.for Brldgep rt and Intermediate atatlons

Trains to New York:1 Commutation train at r> r» A M.. from Bridgeport,

stoppin ? at ail the intermediate stations.

pas. eDge*p frrm the ■>iau'jratuf;k Raliroa i at Bridgeport o .XcconuDi datiou Train at 9.^0 A M. from New Ha-

Vtn. at alltbe interipediatbstatious receivingpaj«8eng*rs from the Hartford and *New-Haven* (.analKrtilroad. and Naugatuck Railro,ad.

4 Exj rf.3*s I rain at 1.10 P M . Hn c' nnectlon with Express Train Irnm Boston.) from Nnw-HAVen, stopping at Bridgeport and Stamford, receiving parsengera Irom the Ht»u«aP"nic R.allri»ad at Bridgepi rt.

4 Exi-rf.-s 1:Express Tra^nthe HousaPonie .........................., , _.

5 .\cforamndatiou Train at 4 30 P M . (rveeiviug pa8- «Htigerg f I ill (he .Iccommiidation 'Irain iruui Bo?ton.)from New-Haven, stop}*ing at aU the intermediate sia-

tl Express Train at 4 HI p M .(or in eftnncctii'n with B’ iprcps train tr«m Bosion ) stopping at BridKcporl. NV-r walk and Stamford arnvlog in New York at 11 *4) P \] Evening train from l itC-beJU connects with this train at Bridgep-dt

Pa'Lsengprs are requested to ptocure Tickets before ta king seats in tb® cars.

AprU UUth, 18£0 R. B M»VSO?Lmy 18 Superintendent

S —On and after fith of May, the tralui leave as follows : Leave Suilem’p Depot- j Leav. .SewVork.*8 4U O'clock. A. M. I 7 3U o'clock A. M.

HI .?,d " ^w et

Leave s(iTwrn't 'epot, I Leave n»*w York.o4u«« rUHk. \ M ! fO. P .M.

PMEUSON TRMNs Lf»avA Paterson. t Le.vvi’ \ew York.

7 O ' ru, AM . Market ■•t 1 7 .’»»> o c<»k*K.-A M.8 30 •• - Pat deiKtl 9-uO

12 ‘ *' I 1

stS S e S S I u t c t ."^

S S S ” ... .Uctorning, will Wve New York by the steamer Wash-

in^gton Irving from Fulton Market Slipi, at 9 A. M. andPaeBengers will ploaae to procure their tickets of the

T ’M^o°Ro^y 6 ^ \ off bay Cs , Maahesset and Little

„ _ ™ KGR NEWADK f a r e 12J cents

Btreet, at 4 n'l-lock, P M ; leave New^trk. foot of Centre Btreet, at 8o oluck A. M., landing at Bergen Point- eicb

Kreicht tsken at reasonable r.ates inhl8OR ALBA.NV DIRECT

From the foot of Robini

The Manhattan will at all times arrive in .Albany in time for the first nu rDlDg train of cars east and west. A<«o in time f*>r tho eHrlie.ot conveyance north.

Kreight ft»rv. arde.i bv raUr<*ad if requeiited.Knr pos?;igp or freight apply on board the boat ap.3

The above barge is fitted up with fltate-roY>m.«, large and commodious cabins, and paii«eng *r8 wlU find it a very

AU hagg«g»*. p.aokag©8. parcels of good, or mon»*y. must be at the risk »‘f the owners thereof uniesa entered upon the b *ok« of the b'tat, or ix^celptod for. mh8

FOR ALDA.NV Ulliht T -P A S S \liE 25 ( ENTS.„ -«3B0 ^ The Bteam packet RIP VAN u-nv.

Schoybu:. wmicaec^*i>;»r3gi.TlirroIrN■■ i Uesday.s Tnur»dsiy« and .Saturday** at0 V. .M . from I'leauRmit pier loot ol Uoblnsun street. llrH above Barclay, arrivinp in Albany in Ume to take the •a.stcrn or western express trains.

Knd'pht taken «t m >der®te rates and forwarded by rail-


.N n Ou M. tiday mornings the first train from i uf- f.TDs will l‘*4ve at 7 40. or on the arcicai of the Port Jarvis

1 he 6 <■ rh'ck trams will not stop at the different sta- tlidjM north of l atcri ou except Hebokus

The trains whif'li leave -New York at 7j A M and P will >te m tiiiju to mcp tiiH Erie tramfl morning ami

Tenini?. ijoini? Ntifiern’s r*«pot div4

CAJHLDKk AN U ' A M m ) Y iw iL U O A D

ANN & CO.IT Burling Sll

lO O a B iS CO., NcfilBand 21. Cliff eiand 1 X, also a full assortment of extra

sixes of all desoiiptions. Roofing nates, 14x201C and 14x20 l X.Taggeta Tin Hates, loo boxesToggors Irga, soo dolocMbwndlea Bsstt. Issu Wire allniunbaxaiOO AA EEgUlll do600 Slabs Government Banoa Tin600 do India

( U n ^ M ^ ^ S i and American Sheet Iron,^No^ 10 to

1000 do R. G. Sheet Iron, No. 10 to.No. 38 Russia Sheet Iron Imitation do Bar T in, Big andBar Laid Sheet Ziuo, Spelter -Sheet Srws, Sheathing Copper

■ B w J ti ^ C ^ ^ Ia l lw S g M s and dlMBtaiierai.Copper,a Bolt Copper

Copper-Bottom^ raised and flatBrass Kittles Compos; Hon Kails and Spfl

her; with s “ '

dends are declared annually of all the profits Tho premium upon Policies may be paid annually, semi­

annually or quarterly, at the option of the assured, or when they are for life and exceed fifty dollars, sixty p,r cent., may be paid in cash, and a note giyen for the balance with interest at six per cent. It is beUeved tha t should the assured live to m;ike thirteen annual pay­ments, leaving the dividends to accumulate, the policy will be paid fTir.

The pro.speetus of the Company, and any further infor­mation. will be turnbhed on application at its otBce, No. 5S Wallstreet, or a t an^of it., agencies.

K £ 5;“"' ""‘""'“iK 'S ,. ,Henry A. Nelson, Spencer S. Benedict,

; S - S ’ S S h

New YottK. June, 1849

A m e ric an M u tu a l Idlle I n su ra n c e C om im ny. Chabtkhed By the Lbujsi.atubb of Co-*vectkit iw

This institutioa is authorized, by its chart*ir, to is­sue pohciea of Insurance upon life, and to make all and

SK 7.“ .%T,i;niSvrp» t, s,?H S s

meet every continsency.A A BEDvo-Tio.N in the rates of premium of 25 par cent.

payable annually, seml-annnally, oi quarterly, as may3. The assured participate annually In tho profits.

u p t u S o f r h ’s s r r o ? L ? K ^ ; i i h = ,free from any claims of the representatives ofher husband

debtors themselves may insure for the protection of their

^ € s « € ? r ;

H S : ;Frederick T Peet.

^ ^ ^ O ^ ICERS. ^

antitted to debenttufs flUIT A X m B N C E ,T R m B L iB & C O ., offer fotsaleat Li No. S3 Broad street;— .

Bromi Sheetings and SWrtIngs, a great variety oiBleached Sheetings and Shirtings. S-4, 4- 4.7-8,5-A 6-4

8-4,10-4, and 11-4, Lonsdale, Hope,MasonTiUe Allendale aadether styles.

BroTOhleached, Elne,and printedDrills.Carolina* and Richmond Stripes.DenmSjlndigo Blue, of several qualitia .

^ ^ ^ f ? l » t r i d e c l o t h s , u c w a n d B a n d

i h l Green m iiel.-ortodcolorm

Rso-itnTahleCloth3,c^,r-4jan4 8-4.

snesias,Casbans.PaperMns-SttUffi, a large aSoriment orde-

Cloths, h^k,bri?iim andcs mTy.

'* ^ » ^ e e ^ ^ to w ,* a d ;3 3 r e M P f c i t t .. p ^ g ^ 9 i |a ^ £ « ^ o c i to & P £ B a h |u p .

i H S l i s r ^ i ^ S S a n Local Board.Wna-IAX WAOTwoRTH.^^tewWu-uiM N.

A N .V D D : i ' , ! J ^ |^ J ^ I S N k W 1 0 R K T O

Viastiamboat.K>H.N POTTER to South Amboy, from thence In first rate cars to ( amd-o and Philadelphia.

On and after Thursday, 'i-e llth of '.pril The P irst line will leave pier So 1 .North River at 7

4 M. taking cars at South Amboy, lur ( amden and PhilafiriphiO; stopping to t4>Jsf np »tna l«t down p*fr'>»*onf;«trri at the ojBual inturmediiLte places, arriving; in Philadelphia About DOoli

Swond Lin© I©avin(( hs ab“T« a t r M . nnd ruuninc

korc thrmiuh by oUhiTUne................ *f 3 10horwiird ijtck pa-«aK©. ......................... .. ‘i

BrenkfiMt a»id dinner provided t/u board steamboikt John

Leavoflby st©am.,rTUANSrURT ('apt J lMulJ,a*3i M Fnre $1 MJi 50 pounds bageaff© alU wed ea* h

passenger be carried at th© risk oi u« own»-f but noth- will be received or couNidered os baggage except wearing apparel. aplO i BL'SN

Pa«fcHn«:er8 Leave JSe^ York at fi A. M.andO A. M., 12Leave HiUadelph^a frot of Dock strovt. in tho steam­

boat Robert Morris^at 2i ^ M 'daily.eXceptSunday, for

Lear, BalMmoia at 71 A M, W 7or fambetlanA aad^®’^*°BALT1M0RE a n d OHIO RAILROAD.

Leave (.umber^nLat^Softhe National Road and Good Intent Stage rompanies,

em buUt Bteamboate Baltic and AUantio. at Brownsv,Ue.and thereby hav.-only 74 miles of staging on the whole

FDat olaaa steamboats leave Httaburg and Wheeling

3 ? g i i , l l 3 3 i lPassengers have tho privilege of stopping a t Baltimore

Faiuworth, Actuary.MEDICAL EX.45IINER.

l.Bi-ijeEMa».hLD_ 103 BiesokMSfreet

______ _ ________________JCH STREET,C a p ita l, S350,000,

rlTHIS Cciapanyi haviusheen tminterruftedly In hml-Tifif” for la^orlj tw enty-ri^tyears, aud possessing

th .f r C a p l^ an tlra , eontinnes to insure against loss or d w n a g e b y f l r e t i i S n W ^ t ^ ^

THUfria G. Kihiuefrudet, John Sloason,Stephen Stortn, Lyman D e ^ o ^

is .‘a\fia~ *-«ectgcArcalW lta,

James Van N esbina,EH 1711113, •ronanB.TH sca.

HQW€aH0Fp<»Jt Ebeneier CanldweU,

IE T E R R . WAENEE, Prerident J obs HEOEnMxw.SeereUry.___________

n ^ ’ route to^h33.ey s .Mbuntain, with less staging

S S B p fS . T S 'S - ^ S iS

EL.ii;._IS:m s m s E fminutes before 1 o W k , to ensure being taken through

& ^ : |S ™ s t 5 r S m S s ^ S S S ^


n w v ’

B r i ^ p ^ >ehy Nock, 25 cents } tp Ncrwalk, S7i 4 1^ F ^ t t taSen » t rsduMd ra ta t

The new and spleudid steamer NORWALK, Captai W» ,H. Tec. win leave the steamlKBt pier, oast side Fa ton Market ^ p , Tuesday, Thursday and SMurday, 1 1 o’cljek P. M. Returning, trill leave iridgpijart ever Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning, a t 7 o'clock Norwalk a t hplf past 8, and Rocky Neck at, 0--45 ar- rlviag In New York a t l3 M. tolrM

F u l l A L B A N k.5S’ STE/tMBOAT LiN

SHStSxra‘‘wbisa" ™‘any person on

Knd'fht t&k©u «t ratesroad with dt^patch a.'‘directei

K‘»r ur freight, apply tO:rigbt. apply to the Captain on bbard

d^r ^day Wedr*»Pday and !• rtday , and HuotiikgtMn IJarbor and Northport ©very Tuesday, ‘Xhuraday, and Satur-

f-DV Ra'trnad. a distant© of 53 mile^ to Br»Hton only.

i ‘S ‘ “ e . ,rr.-viay« ThurMiy** p.od SaturAayfl. at 5 f’ M.

LM.;4 baggage marter is attached {o each steamer. who

oelvesondtiolietathe baggage, and aoeombanlea the sa

M e H “b” oS^ P ^ sg s and the pries of state rooms, the

fritSHSi,rcrpttudCPrcl.-h ro B vton Is taken r-t the ra-ne rates a«by the i-tu-r re.gnlar line., end f,->.-ward»d with greater -ii- tii n by an H.vpri as freight train wh'eh leave., fall Rivet every mi'ig. (Suudav *xropt,-3) » o ou-k.fiir R'-eteB red^N. W Be ifcrj. arriving at Us-let Jualioa a t or about

For fr.vight or passage, apply on board, or at the offee • 11 i irr ,1 North River, where state rnonis nod berths

iDuy t.-c secured. Per fuitber InO rmation. apnlv to myw_______ T UDAl s la EORUKN, 70 W.-et street.

nexlon with the Stonington and Providence nnd Boston and Providence Railroads, leaving New York daily, Sun-

b o'clock, P. M, or upon the arrival of the maU train

These steamers were buUt expressly for the rente, and

grra areoommo^ouB and comfortable, the officers capable

ington proceed imiaedJately In tho splendid Rail Roadoars to Providence and Boston.

A ^aggi^e master accompanies the steamboat trains to

fSiSiiS.,Tbiie by contract, exprewly

for gOTernment flervlco, every carebas b^cn lakvn m thF-b- conBtmction. as nlao in their enj^Tie?. to ensure etr«ngth and speed ; and their accommodations for passengers are' “ S e ^ ^ n S L l X m Liverpool 8130. ex­clusive nso of state rooms charged as noted on the plans


attached to each

ED17a1xD* K. COLLINS, 74 South at, n r to BROWN. SHIPLEY fe CO.. Liverpool.

The ATLANTIC will leave New York April 27th.Do do do Liverpool May I8th.

The F.driF ir wai leave New Tort May 25th.Do do do Liverpool June 12th^^do Liverpool Jn

The ATLa4-NTIC vriJl leave New York June 8th.Do do do Liverpool June 26th.

The PACIFIC WUI leaye New York Juno 23ih.PO do do Llvei^ool Jxrfy ivtli.

' \ ■ '

m ix v r y o k k a n o E i im * tA ii ,R O A i> .CHANGE OF HOURS.

THOMAS POWeS !? ’ from JthQ foot of Duane street, Daily, tSundays exeeepted )

{Breakfast and Sapper on board the Boat)WA'Y AND M AIL TRAIN a t 64 A U-, Stopping at

all thaStsMoiu, irrlTing a t Corning anff JtSerssn abonlpT ^ ' S vAMI theKiation.

and anrivina a t Geneva In rime to COUncCt With tha E t- prew tta in from Albany, anff aiiiTe a t Buffalo a t 7 r.M .,

B running in i t . from fool e

D ^;n7r2SSt," Diay- (Snnday a | W-Frcighifrt oTaeva, Eoehester, Bufiilo forwardsa by Ex. nt6£3 F t c i^ t TXSliXL* CHAS. APNOTa gup«ziiitai3eut.;^

KewV«k,May»i.l8SSL » pyJI

The owners ofthesesWpswm not bo acconntaUe for

value thereof therein expressed. _____________" f r e n c h . g ERSIAN. AND OTHTO FOREIGN GOODS, win he admitted into the United States, In British Ships, on and after tho 1st January n e x t: there­fore the British and North -American Royal S t e ^ Ships,-will receive Foreign goods in common With British cooda, according to priority of arrival a t the wharf onAW—,»— -V-— aad Wednesday of each week, com-

la ©FiiH-ng on the 29th December from


. b e t w e e n NEW-YORK . ^ D ^ ffVERFOOL, and between BOSTON AND “ LUfERPOOL. calling at Halifax to land •mand receive mails and passeagers, are in­

tended to sail as follows ___CANADA, from Boston,Wednesday, May r tth NIAGARA, Cap6. Ryrie from New York Wednesday

^^^IMRNIA, Capt.----------, from Boston, Wednesday

^ ^S jr oTA, Capt. Lott, from New York, Wednesday,

' ”a I u , C a p t ._____ , froia Boston,

AhlERlCA, Capt. Shannon, from Now York, Wednes­day, Jnne 19.

An experienced surgean on hoard. ^ g h t ^ ^ 'S ^ l m ^ e d ^ n ^ l e ,b e jb n d a a amount

^ m L ^ r s S d b S w s p a p e w a u s t para through the Poet

Pm®«o from New-York or B<»ton to Liverpool, first oaMa,Ald9! 2d do, S70

^ ^ f r f f i2 h tC r t3 M » g « 8 p |j K ^ ^ nSBreadWav


V F fc a FfoM From i (New Y cr t Bremen, Southimptou'4

IS“» - i f i l l i t

r* espieric^nreU on board of aacb steamer.

IS ™ '.


Agaatft a t Sonthampton- WM. fSHLTN. Agent at Hftvr** jaiP

K r . f » . '“. ' s s s , r s 7 i s ' s ' - i s j s ' s d a i t ' " " ” • '* * " • "

New Vm-kfmr Ckarl-stott. Charleston for New Tark.

rU M„„oay:^3unTnth

« « 5 e .m ^ l3 ^ rn E R i.K F J : and TEN.-v'ESlilEE have

aervice early the comini; season-one in June and the

Savannah, L, MITCHILL. 194 Front st.

‘’' l ! f W , ‘ d';ngs-.gned bv tbe clerk on board.

^ ” p ‘ ‘ ° ^ W F 0 M fT lL E & T 0

- = FOR LlYKRroOL-Becui'aTpaoket o rtb rM tn

^ w i r - T o ™ t " w , r i i . X r.;—

( apt E Howe.i, Jr . will aajl as above, her regular

**'Firr freight nr pa'S.vre. iiaving very line accommoda­tion-.. apply to srOKKOUU, TILF-STON & ( O . ^

FOR LlVERPOOl, - I'acket of the 23th May-

lar.-B part of her cargo on board, will sail as abovi-,I" or b.alance of freight or passage having c'.egant fur-

n'shed state room accommodations, apply on board, Doyer street Wharf, or to

roy20__________FRO.-tT fc HICKS. 68 .‘tenth afreet

^I'^olnron^board': wiil'hero' immediate di-spat h or freight or passag©, apply on board, at pier 9, Nil.,

shiproi!^j!.^sSi"Uiir::^^^^el £For freight or par.sage apply toniyjo E. D. HURLBUT & r.O.. 84 South streetThe ships 01 this line will herealler sail on the 25th

of each month from New York, an-i the 16th from Havre.

«rUL master, will sail os above For freight nr pascage, apply on board, at pier 13, East

JANP; E. WlLLl.AMS, MA'son, master, will re-immediate dippatch a« ab-*ve.

Vor freight or passage. ■^Prly^ou^boa rd^a^^pmr J20 EE.,

inyfiO - 48 South at.' FOirsXN~FRANClsc67f>rRLGT--To have

^opper-fi ten*^^ pItfkot'’rhip SOI TH Ja^Tph Hamilton ma:HtT just rt'lurnod from the above [ort, fcavinp the pcreat*part of l>**r cargo engaged and

balance of treight or passage, having unsurpaflped

my-to No 88Sou ths t.o o r .B arUng Slipjip stMrs.

A n OR WI. E ^ it m‘ ,tor.^;^ifh^^dispatch for tho above port

;ht or pa-sage, havlifg excellent aooommoda- r on board, fu-r 12 E. H . or to

Mi»-rS TAYLOR te (-0. 44 South street.

httvmg a large portion ot her cargo engagtd and going ou board, a portion o^wliitih u Lime t?i]I bo dis- paten ac* above

J'or baUn.*t. of freight or paiisa;?© app’y on board at


CO. R4 South St;

. r , furnished a,

r n o i i r i H i 7 i s ; ' « ‘:t.'(ii '.iijary measurement poods 6 cents per foot.Agents m New Orleans, Messrs. John O Woodruff fe

-o who will promptly forward ail goods to their idresa. ~ ^ ” rU tt7,E iv oi.LC.-’ .'ih^o im ea ' I nie-Ueguiar

-■■“Tt-wW )KLEANs'l-A.:t;ET- --Eogie L.neT1-1 rs: Resuar I'aeket —The fikst Bailing paeketshipJt-SMIRK, Samuel ( obb. mm.ter. leaving the

largest part ot her ear-v, engaged and going on hoard, will rpf'HiT.- dijijatch a*, above.

Kor of tr»*tsht or passage, apply on board, at

itl7 forwiLTd all eoo(h» to thrir addre

h t f g ‘S e ',“ roi» b^aj-d is expected to fill up by Saturday eveniim-xt. and will receive di.spatoh as above.

my23 e a g l e h HAZARD. 40 South st.Agents In Mobile. .Vessrs. K r . Center & Co who will

promptly forward, free of commission, all goods to thoir

* The^egolor packet bark EMILY MINER, Capt Miner, wiU hOcc©©d the M and aail on her re^u'ar day

t» ~ f a s t sailing regular pocket sch VIRGINIA, Ho- art, master, will pail as above, full or not 'all

Positively no freight roeeived on board after To-

' f a : ? S „ » « » . . . . . . a -All goods sent to the Agents In New V^rb wiU he for­

warded free of ccmmlerion, and sUgoodB intended for the, interior of Georgia, South Carolina,-Alabama or Tenneiu

a,s ,*ss?s i . r s s ‘f . s c . f r . i ? ,A. r'awnfl, Georgia Steamboat Co, will be forwarded free of comraieaion.____________________________

J ^ Pos1riroly‘ Firet^V«sse^-Her'"B^

For freight or pa-ssage, hav'ng extensive and raperior iccranmodation^^p^p^y 0 ^ b south” freiL*^^'

corn, ■ Buriing slip, up stairs. Ordinary measurement goc» - 4 cents per foot.

Carolina. Georgia. Alabama and Tennessee wiU be for-

TO SHIP OWNER.S-The subscribers nave

DEMILL. 186 Front pt.the summer

WANTED TO CH 4RTER-—fwo^nhi; s ' of 400 an 1 8U0 tons Regittori either American or for-elgn, to loadr*— ’■----- ' -----------' *—>--*

24 B^ver street, to

s Regictori either American or for- at Quebec or Liverpool, Apply at



- tYA.NTED—immediately—A good Ship to load in * the line for Mobile.^ Apply to E. D. HURLBUT, t CO.2 84 South st.

r io r !v e ^ * f S ° S a in g ^ « S ^ S '^ S ^ u ^ O V MB. Hilton,master, burthen AOOOharcels. Applj

to WILLIAM NELSON, 81 South street._______ my23

aster, 760 tons . Apply to ^ROST &H1CI:KS, C8 Spnth street.

miila tor Europe, pceiMvely.on Saturday, the 25th tost, a t 12 o'clock, M.Fcrfeelshtoriassuge, having uuKpaUsa aECcarioda-.

QUINEBAUO^Cilit.'j. wunama.One of the shove boats will leave New Tork every

Tuesday, Thursday.snd Saturday, s t4 o’clock P.M.Returntog, will leaveNorwieh for New Yorkj Monday

Wednesday, and Friday, a t 4 o’clock .P, M- For freight, which will he taken stredneed prices, up>

ply on board, or aa the oUlco P iers N pr^ ffiver b5» k i s s T O S3PPlRTSB^Sr---Poubie iiarreUedgnns .

'Vj W a few very eaperiorsnns of extra, worknmnshlp just'received, and frr s^e low. Also, afiiUetodk of aed iun ffuality. double and single guns, Dixon k Son’s flasks, Walker’s caps, Baldwin’s wadding, lever ehot p o c e}^ garde bags, rieantog rods, fen. fee , with a general and ccapjeto stock of gun materials, forged and finished for gun makers. For sate by

D a R tJS ^L , J40 Ftulion porters of Hardware and Ci

Jg l.A ^ A M O B lW > \Y ^ ^ 4 ^ ^ r i l l3 . Set

and Broadway

-------at U i s treet

l i S S S r 3 ^ i J i 3 - . v : B A’“'“""3 S iT S E E S i

P a rso n ’s ^ Co.ISLA N D,

a OB’ii'ElK. Jc'OH, SAXiSs their usual assortmen (?of Fruit and Ornamsntal Trees, Shrubs, Rosei

heir large scale of propaj;

reds or thoueauds are taken.

T O liR T .- Thebasementanda sub cellar. Tbe

Tbe rear building will be devoted to exhibition and other

confectionary and ice cream saloon. Early application w filperatot^iifrerior^arrangementB to bo adapted to

and Leonardjtroet._ f„Bn

1 leet square to two hundred feet, of such

Drawings can be seen, and every information given byirtn +yv '

‘’v r s r

family of eix persons. Address N .'w . a t'th is '’ofBc?BtB- ring location &c. jnhF4

spStf _________________No. S John street.

A.rommirsion, houses, stores, building lots, farms, &c.. &c.,

n this city

-•SS--300,000 D oU nra to b e D is tr ib u te d !

g 5 S " ," a .? a = „ T ”land The Managers beg to ac-

traits of Race PJorNea for the Great St. Leger Race/' to

' "3 a H s ifR?i‘5.iSsr'‘'Parties should make early application for shares.Tho fortunate members who draw the various portraits

Portrait of winning horaL . l'“ $50,00o' ®’ ^‘‘$26X00°'

S '* ^dS:;;;;;S S

distribution will take place May, 1850.

i f p S f S

“ “ SSE-5S1for each particular Race. Non-starters as weU as Win-

laros in each or either of the different Classes.SeTnTan“d & | oth erSg g tsJs t’

the Race All Letters to contain a remittauce Drafts, Bank-notes &c. a d to ^ e d and made payable to the Man-

Dmector,_JOHN EURRIDGE, Efeq., 88, Albany

s sI from the above prices.N. B. Xdsts open for the ;St. Legeir same as the a


nowrecciviug from tlortment ef White Lead, compriatog the sever^gradei

r ^ f i r a » i .v ; ; .v : ; “ "IS5!gia ag45£-.-.-.v.-.v.;:.-.S'£SS

made, aitoiusd a

ilA R 9 J 0 £ 9 as CD..IForclgn D um estlc a n d f o r w v r d l i ^ n

m igglon llfe rc lu iu ts ."rrAYING diipoaed of thefrinterestio-the Express lie- i * tweea New York and Bwtou, heg to jnfotjn theii friends and the puhlio, tha t they will devote their atten. tioa particulariy to the. Exchange, ShipphiK andG eneralCpamM on businera, in conuectionwith their Liverpoof g rt^o rto u houses Jtod agencies n t London, Farfr »na

. 8 W ali*treet,NewT7rk,8 Court street, Boston,« Ceokst,« id 60 W aterloo*o*4,Liy^^2L

— ev—

SCrUSMB toU RT. Mary G. Pinkney, 1

B^nst iSnmmons—(Forielie£)

fad to answer the complatat a, albtesaid, the plauitil

D ^ March 12th. isso. WESTERN & COREN. _arn -o_ ^ Plaintiff’s Attorneys.^

ceediug election, and the perjsous bo elected shall also be

. .fS’gr±".s±.5opersons so elected shall not, on being notified, serve as inspector on the day of election, the direotora shall fill- the vacancy or vacancies from the stockholders a t large.

•• .3, The inspectors of efretion, • as Boon as thi ----'■*’- ’d after any election, Shall proceed to canv

8. and shall slgn a eertipoate declaring who

about ^1.700,000. according; tp the -terms of their re­ceipts . Payments for the same to he made as follows :

£'=3£S“ Sta....." " T / i f “/ r K ia . ' iS .™ .

NewYork, May 18.1850. my21 lo t^ O p A K ,'rK K a " s .m i» —Tne underrigned has ibTs H..' day taken hia son. Lucas Thompson Inlo his busl-

May Ut, 1850. my2Officb of the Lon« Island RAU.ttOAP oo. /

Rnapp, Esq., Trustee upon their entire road and its franchises, &.&C. for the sum of five hundred thousand

1850, with in t^est at six per cent. semi-annuaUy, 1st of July and 1st' of January, are now prepared to exchange mortgage bonds, secured as above, for the present out-

i : A 'S i z c ‘’ z £ S S ’Siit>s.

ff-D.Jun, Treasurer,the bond, for the use of holderofma


Ml Subscribers having their Steam Saw MUl ta Complete operation, and also on hand a full assort of White Pine, T ^ ite Oak, Georgia Pine and Hem [Hmber, of the best quality, are prepared to famish

all orders with which they may be favored on very reas(

, __ .fee.; or Sawed into Flank,Hails,Columnsand'Girders', Engine Frames, and every other description th a t may he

WHITE PINE TIMBER hy the raft or single log, or sawedto order into Deck Plank, Bridge and Scow Flank, Gutter Sticks, Balustrades, and hnadlng timber of every description.

HEMLOCK TIMBER in logs, or sawed into ranging and cross timber, and for all other.nses requiring a low; pitoed article.^^ ^

may depend

We have also in operation a complete tam ing apa boring shop, for every description of worklta the trade- Also two 8u;^erior CiacuoAn Saws, for Tualnng long oxshort Bmall sized stuff—such as Tales, Blind Lath, Rails, Bed Slats, Wedges, ho. • or Saws let by the hour to persons

’shtog their own timberfoxTlpaawingor cross-cutting.. I th<^ interested in the abovo we invite-to call a h d '

j p ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 3 tO W ® D ls A V E Y O U R ^ O C p

Mr. S. C. H erring- ^Dear Sir—A , short time sin<


r-* AS!I>JUROif A-TIriViSejeOSTS— T1 G troduced by WGEHAIA- ■ CO., (and* ci^authorities,)CO " “

SSSI’S ^ B ^ l sw<mld 76*PMtriinj' EOfiBit tlie Tiatran!®i of tHel*

C I T Y I K I T l G g i A

..' ' ....... -on the bulkhead at WashinEton Mar-

sidewalks, myi set cnib end suUei in

f . r i 5 S 5 r S s y S S S J J a s ^


each, payable January lsti.a865* do. do. do, for$l,(

each, payable January 1st, 1869,40 do. do. do. do. for ^509

each, payable January 1st, 1860.20 do. of the city hf Zan^vaie, for $1,000

eaidi, piyahle January Ist, 1865.40 do. do. dp. do. for ^

New York, May I3th, 1851

t i a i i f o x i l i a A r m s *I f . sjT jm s a C0.9

ij JtlaiaBn « DC, o h c riooir lie lo w G oW s t r e e t . H JjXSEWS t - ’EVOliVXTSG D IS 'EO JLiS--Thum h

Revolvers,, new and Jmptdved article j Rifles, G*r- Sketii, Fowling Guns, |Bo^e_ EidT*a,^)CK,.A -

Save yoasr Y lu^oofAE AmericanPatsntSOap Stone Taint has proved,

J. by the experience ofthe last te n years tohetbem ost durable and economical article Over offeted to tbe public, or used for preserving tin roofo, and making thoso,that ere leaky tight.

The subscriber will warrant to make ail t in or metst roois tight tha t he undertakes, for the low price of one- cent per square foot.

ifen», bli»sK anff g o l t ,______,_____________fancy colored marbles. T he designs are of every variety, from the plainest -to th e richeBt fend most elaborately carved andfiflishea. .

Fnichasere a re asanred, th a t th e prices set -upon the above articles are fully as Ip w as Ihoseof a similar qnaliiy ^an^be pMohased a t In this o r any other city in the

^O . G. -will he p issed to receive orders for sculpture

Of every d e sc r ip ^ , which h^ j ^ res JuspatronsstoU

S k i r t StorcBTiypaiH. C|:,£VE:L4IVI>, ROS B ro a ffw ay , New XYX York, tespeotfully announces to her friends and to thepnbliogehersBy, th a t she manufactures and con-, stantiy'keeps forsslealsigeAtoclcorBupcrior and fajh- i&ndhlyhiEde Uneh fo rg ^ fiem e n . ^dso,Dres^ihg6^>*Ils, Bosoms, Collars, Cravats, Gloves, Hosiery, Ae. Shirts, • Bifeems, Collaim, fcc- ifec-, made .to order to. any desired Style, and a t the shortert notlee. The attention of the gentlemen fo solicited tp an inspectfon-pf h e ra ^ k . In----- — -,7ithVlieaB0Te,MiB. O. has establMhed her

idis_ now- prepared to ^ n tfectjfo r t

kS -wei aain-anypari of

T T A 5 R D R S A U ^ A I w T ^ ”'®S T O O H »J

tentSon. Gent’s fnLdshlng g to e e^ y ; ^ Also Ladles’ Jenny Linds, Gents’ Hotnihg Qowni^ Gloves, Rosiery,* W r thousand anfographs o f i ^ a r customers pn her **'^Fowtoidred s e a ^ fr M ^ coMtontly employed.

S j i r i n i f SSr A ? o . , st •KXCHA|»G®1--'.PXACE,

HaVx yon SALE

Q K f \ c a s e s Kemplon’fi Denims, Cotton 'Tweeds, D t J \ / Kentncky,TennesseenndTJymouthBocitDassi-

'"■‘vyylRiage, Jacquard, and-Doeskl: ~ '
