ot is ’'....

IB E ETENIKG POST: NEW ToltK. WEDNESDAY. MAY 22. 1850; lysuRAjycE. Chartered in 5U)0,«», entire /-tO S T lS U E S its business in this city under the anj Vy thCTitrof«»eCon>pt™““ - ia*i:cT.oa ■- Charles dohsMn, Le'wisHyd , tyniJani Williams, Joseph WjlliamB, j Q W. TmmbuU, Jedediah Rnnttngtoa, T. W. WEii»S3a,Sna. Walter Lester Joseph BMhr- JosCTH WiLLiAJH^Seoietiffy. fourth on Bnltdin^, Merehand ceeding S!^.S0Oin anyone risk) issued and renewed, THOMAS A. AUfiX,^DEJh.^gent,^ lOHNSON, President. snd Furniture {not ed and renewed, by JDEU.^gent, OrritE or the Delai ’•‘".sstsss.'fi;-"! 'lO S held on the 26th instant at J.T. the oonipany‘3 Office, No. 31 Wall street, the follow- ing gentlemen were elected Managers of the Company for th^ ensuing year, to ; ISAAC N. SEYMOUR. Treasurer <onpanv. both being clothed with toll power t.j take Th.' long estabUshed institution, incorporated in 1! with a [•er(etual charter, has transacted a very estens in-Timsi-'** Ka-sinesa. (insuring against loss or Jams "•=• fir»* n hoases, maouia'taring establUhi S The jurisdiction of he jurisdiction of the Courts . this city will be ao .wledgeA directors . James (ioodwia, Charles BcSYfeU, Henry Keney, Caivin Day BoT a Lb# S<»oretar Tlie Kings Co. Mutual m»u£- ance Company, [>. 4*3 I^ttlton Street, Brooltly ^itV E NOTfCE ttotthey cf.ntin^tomJke Inaur- VT_ani-e on all km'ls of property against loss or dan September to t: they will have assets aVailabUj f..r payment of losses, of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, i which the public may rely as ample security againtt ai i»nr. io»« ih, c « ,.w S S '.» % rri silM eSSi, SS‘iS“' ssu.., Ss?:,. William B«ard. Wtaiam Banlon, Roberta Story, Rif hard K Hariland. ?a';orrit:id, John A Croes, NichoiaH Laquc*pr. MORRIS RblYNCLDs .VDRI \ \ HKtiK kl VN , \ i*z*i IW SURAKCE. Dfldce ox the Hew YoeK ihqaliiuble InsaxsAC* ‘^ “ rw“?o-nn inunal Election for D pany, on Monday, tl •n were elected : rd J^raome, Harrey Weed, George Uapelye, ^ Nat£.niel Briggs, James 0 Ward. CAPITAL............................. ..................5250 000. With a large Surplus Secured by Bonds and Alortgages and United States 'i n ^ r e '^ ^ ’nst loss and'damage by fire. ^b^hriuSM o’fV'od^: sona? property, buiihuigs ships. . on merchan- and other per- vedsels in port BSS -7= Lh K Carf»eatm IE"i'/sSr-' Samuel L .Mitchffl, Cnah K CmT^atcr. Sol^on ririSa'!’ £b»*&«*z^r ( ^oi'iwrU, P«ter R Bonnett, Mf'rria hum Jost*ph N Lord, ioshuaS I ndt-rhill Robert a^se, .uTti S :“r?e=^lT-rU. Robert Rowne, tv i: bam U Brad/orA, JOSh' t ^^S^ UNdLrHILL, President' aiz. Secretary r*2l O&sh ( apital ^ JdC ,00 i j^mrplus, a fto rin g ah outfitas I’njr claims. . .. . ....................................“ ]22.0t^0 |i332,0C0 A Ia L. safely Invested according to the proYisions o IX. its charUr Insurances made at lowest current rates <reA--.^-eS Fox, <jru.H Hitrhcf^k- WiUiam H Kails, Hr?, -y WiUiam H Kails, Jo-t^h (-.flies, JobD U Wright. Abrahan. Bt-'l Tii'-m.iJ* J Tf-wnsend, Pi*tt'r S I'itu-, Oar i.'l rnrabls. ( ornelius W Lawre IraJ Hawley. Richard F ‘ arman, jHanry H. Barrow, Hull ( lark, J.Smytb Rogers D. F. CcROT, Secretary. nicH of thi.’ ' City No'tfAnii. VVm A Mai <»'ihon Mhmf FOX, Preaideat bThPHBN UM'> !i:rV?r!tr''' V \ III \ I triii'inm. Meiiiv :| tvj;iiii .1 ' . ( Itariew[• llow-i. k. VIi»th'W \rrn-j'..n_’ ( jrti-i \ K >u" llow-i. iiuc.uj. k. Vli'tii-w \rrn-i'..n_’ I Jill'i! . K > J«F«—f. Pef r. < ; Treiivseii. VViHi.iiii Ki. riRE INSURANCE. I 3S (*oi Nr ¥ .Mr Tl 4l IssiH AM » CoMPAry. } J •»..»-%,J >..-vvAft, i.te.'or*. P . k ;' k . i- ’f''« ' ' . «’■ -J S '" ’ • “ •' ”w »T L E w rrsr " mh27 _____ 67 Wad street. New Vork FIRE INfiJURANth tOMV.\S \ C In^oney curreuf at the banks in this ri‘" ) (. ompanybas pledged by a resolution •ectors. to submit to arbitrators indif- V ir.rK itiK r/.s BOARD 0F DIRttTOnS. ^ o m a s K. Brace, Robert Duel, Ward Woodbridgo, E A Bulkelej, lEl'iS’ ;.” , p£'i'!'S'- ^TliOVLAST"bR.\CE. President. S L. LneMis, Secretary. .A-pplications for Insurancf and ail bu**iDp.’».s cou t«» ibe ■Jubsh-nher, d^ New Vf fk, with fui sij‘*policies, on terms a.1 faYomhl'^ as any offire in i T. A rjiH r, K.M< Kf.HBri< KER FIRE l.NaUKANCE COM ^ 84WaiUtreet. 1 he Legluiature of this State, at its la.st session, passed an act changing the corporate name of the old *.Mutual Insurance ( ompany of the city of Now V'ork,” to the Kwokerbocker Kire Insurance Kompany of New York — .Ail future business of that corporation will therefore be transacted and^rits new name Itmay be well to add hf way of explanation, that the old ■ • Mutual." notwithstanding its title, was in fa'-t a invested, and that th / change of name wad obtained to prevent mHappreheasiun on that point. This company cent inu»*« to insure a-rain-st loss ordamage I j are on as favorable terms as similar institutions »n this UiaSt'TORS, 0«*or^» Ireland, Anthony Lamb, John Oothoat; Adam .Norrie. lieorgs Areularitis, Robert Kermit, Robert Bensfn, Anthony <harden, John t'ampbeU, Lewis<'. Hamerslej, Ueor^w <onkiiu, Charles P Levericb, GEORGE IRELA.ND.PresVdBUt. B MBDo.,t.Lu..<i.nr«tftrT ap^ i YORK liiB'K ISSURANCB Ct FORMERLY THE N.Al'TILUS, Office .No. 6S Wall street. :OMPAN k cent act of the Legislature, the name of this any has been changed, the terra Nautilus being Appropriate to the business of Lile Insuranc"- rn“hng ieth*^A7rulS.Tha cies, and paid for losses SD .OOO dollars. In fifteen in.stan.- e> the flum insured was for the benefit i"»f the wid >% ¥ .■< and crphan.«» of thedoceasfld and, in a numbsr of ca'*e<. iLr timely relief, thus aiTorded. has been the m**aos id‘ k»‘e^*- t">ur annual dividends have heeo de.-Ured, thrt^e of fifty aud one of forty per cent., upon wU'.ch intere!»t la pay ibie Hi “ix per cent per annum, and transferable ceriiflcates ».spured being the only proprietors, ana to whom divi- aeaOs are declar*^ anuoaUy of all the profits. The premium upon Policies may be paid annually, semi will be paid for. 65 WuUstreot, or at an^ofits agencies. Pliny Freeman. fh^t'rri^r^”’ UML.. Henry I Seaman, Cyrus Curtis, J o h n f . Beach, baoiel S. Miller, r»„ FLINT FREEMAN, Actuary A^atfrlcWn ittutnainuiFiriiistixaiicc company. ChabterkdB v the Leoislati-re of COVNfcCTKt.T IN This institution is authorized, by its charter, to H sue policios of in-Nurance upon life, and to make all and S p T g sssy iT p iir?, s .s 'r.u , with the accumulating premium, is deemed adequate to Appiirdti' U< left Hi Ihf \ler hants •nrni^r «>f (»r»*»'Uwirh au 1 L '»*> e aU**Dtif'U .NOMJKkNI) Irn-I.iuut Ls' Kx-han*rf Bank Vhii> ci9iapany coDtin.ae.'* to insure Builfhni^.s Mer'^hati- dise. Houiiehold {‘■ ’irmf are, ikr Hitai-nHt bws and ■jHijiatr'- by fire, on as favorable temw an similar lunuiations in PIBELTOIU. Tim-dby Whittemore, Warren Harriot, Jam.s N, VV 'c-IiH b<4;»liaz>-r . 'Aliok Abr-iham Van Nest, J« bn Ran iali. J< hn l/e{amat**f Viui*i’iit W ' Many, r itjion lolhert, John Ja«*k.'<* n Jiuratio '!••tt. Uul‘'en 'U-'kley, Batij h Brush, Jeremiah T*-rbetl, (ieorge*MiIn, Kdward »rreen. rhHrlee< rane TI.MOTIfY WlilTTEMORE^rrMi.lcnl Secretary n r i '. ’feP ill.-I UNNKK & SON'.S I'SiTl-.D J;:r\rr.- L TYPK KOINDRI - The subsrr hers have now or hand an eX'.'eUeut as«Y»rtmeu; of Bink. .New«paj'er, anc Ornamental Typ** Bordering. Itc., which they are pre pared to sell at reduced rute.s. on approved paper, at -ij miinlhs or at a discount of ten per cent tor ca-h INif of Scotch la-'es, eo much admired and approved «i mixture oi mecaiH ainereni in proportions in<ise u<- r. geiieral'v. by which we iDMUrc greater duraPtUy. 'I c our aesortment nf OrnameTital and Jobbiug 'I’ype. Boi • d-ering. at<*. we have made a largeioorea.se and are rcr- stanMy addiag to the variety lTet*-e¥ W'iM.d I yj e <a*!'"* Stands. Brass and Wood Ilule.s lnip«>'-mg M*n-- I ouipi^ing Sticks, Bra-s and Wood IthIIcvs. i u^.* i Priutiog Office turnish-d wi*h deupatch. Kpe. i.ner fthefts (if Scotch fari'ii, m*. an* now ruady for Oellvery pound. PuhiisherK of D-w'spaperH who will insert this ad- vertisement three time.s and forward US a paper treV;om to the l.st oYjHQuary. ISdO. will be paid in u at»rlu.o me.nufaeture. by purehaJ-ing four times tUe amoaat ol their bill for the advertisement. JAMLS rONNKR & SON, corner Ann and Vaseau eta. N. B .-A new Specimen Book wiU be l-«Huel huiready or delivery about th- l*t of N'».v«mhiir IRJO, tf QflTANO Av ^ T F 7U C « U O K S .“' t n e KUDscnt.Tri- mg artle es <>1their weh know, n inanuiactur» , v u ; N I. 1 ( brume Oreeu. dry and m oU I'fU'^klliU (ifeen iu I'.l Imperial d" do Lx IVrmaaent (ireen in i-il >o 1 do do do ^ ^1? “‘Ho New York * hrome Yellow K.itra 'lo do dry and in'oU Nn I d'l d'i J" A Ko.e Pink do .A di' pulp. Pulp I ak.. i atra VVrmillir.n Tur7y I mbnr burnt and raw Do do lo od UA.N.EL F. TILM.\NN &I O. J-RlSHUNEN n. 3 4 7 5 and i 4 aumaoii u- rAua A ti.a a.N-a(>rtment >.l 4 4 white Linens ? 4 :ind brown Hollands, of the 5vell known seal ot James and Robert \ oun*; B il- ^Table and FUlow Case Linen. SheelingSj Towellinir, from t h aJ : li---factory .Ardoyn.near Belfast 6-4. 7-4. b-4 and 10-4 Damask and Table ( loth.-, of ap ^Zuinfmbm .,0 Pin. .r H^Lc AVINO C-AKJDS -Bashaa steamtoat pi»jer« oT 1st and 2nd Higlander Merry Andrew Klla)»*r I»e WM H. ( ARP:Y &( (1 . 24A Pearl f^treet ind Spanish ea ilLUSON KIVKH KA1L.ROAU. H , .\MKRh \ running to and from .Albany, and touch at the usual intermediate laudi^gs.^ ^ GOING NORTH, j Prom theoffice in Hud-»on street near Ch.AmbeT'i g^re^t I At 7 a. m. Way tram for Albany, stopping at hH O c will laud at Hyde Park. Kingston, Barrytown, Tiv«-li Malden ( atskill. Hudson. ( oxsackle, Muyvesant and N'ew-Baltim re. and arrive at Albany at 3 V M. r.rH 7 o 7 ° 7 m X '‘??e rate* of premium of 26 per cent payable annually, eemi-annnally. or quarterly, as may i r ; : , ““ V„ . ny which leaves there at 7 a M^topping at .NVw Ham which laaves there at 11 a, M,, stepping at all way ‘"■“S r "’”” 5 i^ T y s r ’” ”“'F w r George HaU, GeorgeD. Phfelpe, Ftedorick T Feet. Caleb Mix, Treasurer. , f ako^TieK^xThTTc'^San Local Board. W.nmaMW™aT3,A^^^^ W,i.iaAMN.BLA»a.KAW.M.D.. 193Bleecfcl»rttr«et tto r families from want, in ease of their death. A proepectUM has bean issued (which can be bad gratis t the office of the company, or any of its agents.) es- f I'tHIS Compaxiy, h a. ness for nearly ti their Capital entije, ct _______ damage by fire upon favorable ter DIRECTORa. WOliam C. Rbindandec, John Slosson, Stephen Storm, Lyman Denisbn,. Benjamin Strong, Samuel V Hedmutn Stuart F. Rudolph, Feter G.Axcqiarius, inel Verplanck, . aael Verplanck, George P. Rezer*, Micha^ A lii^, trSliam Bleakley, John B-Sehmelael, Jtimja'MiIrSi EU White, . •- * -------- Nwt, EbaneierCat PETER R. WARNER, Preside. ;^raha^T^^«ti. JoHiT Heognltaw, ^ o ir d l HoppocXi Ebenezer Cauldir. At4, r u. i.xpre.-< -rain for Albany, stopping at . l»*tArman Tarrytowa Mn»; "Md Spring. Kisbkdl New- siewith the Steamer SOITH AMERICA, which will land at Hyde Park Kingston. Barrytown. TivoU. Mal lcn ( atskill. Hudson ( oxs.ackie. Stuyvesant and Ncw-Balti* more, and arrive at Albany at 1 a m At 6) K M . For Passengers to Poughke A tiJ A. M, For New-York, stopping at aB the way which leaves there at 3f r M, stopping at all way ® ‘^ “pas“engefe‘wiU promote theG convenience and “ " '’" " • ‘“ ‘‘s t.r B s r s .s w .d.e.d .... New York. May IS. 1350.___________________my21 doxjSAii'oisic st*iT.nr»AP. , .......... Sj.Snti e express train, which om«K?ajK«tW e ISSrSf^s^^onMtoMf^ hrtte Agent only, at the Depot, foot orSIarketst^t. N. B. SJapi^Tvin please to have ail package with the imme of the Station at which they are to he left. CHARLES ROCKWELL, Agent, Office on the p i^ New-Tork, April 23, I860. »P ® RAILROADS. ^F arefw ^e 1st class cars $3 ; 2d class cars, $2 50; ar- Leavk New Yore—At 9 a. a . and" 5 r. m. foot of Liber- ty Streep via Jersey Cit^ Trenton. Bristol, taking steam- ^^Fare S ot B is/ Claa^Cars, $3 ; for Second Class Cars, _^_<^Snntoys, the Lines leave New York at 5 r. n ; a /. lij Saturday nights, and 11 Wednesday night.s O^^rv^Ais—Lrave New York at 5 r. m Newark at 8j- <6?- Phila-lelphia Trains stop at Market street Dept-t ^nly. &nd t'Arry no way pa-'iSea.*-!*^ in th - A f m from New 1 ork pxci^pt t ‘>plftr»*H beyond N«w Brnnswif k m r in the y A SI trom New \ork except to place'* b*y"Cd NKW YORK AND F a LUABKTHTOWN Leavv N5 .wYork-.At 6 and y % m , an-i 1 ‘i 6j V M.. lb Katurduy tiitibt.*? and U i on lue *jd and 4rh U . d Dt-day ni.:htfl of each month Lxaik KLIZAHETHT..WN-At 6 05 . 7J. «i- l'»A* i « and 1:J 4»..3 4d o, p . p aSaturday uiK^ht* and 10. >.n the 2 i and 4tb VV,.anf-d,-*j nij^bt.N cf *-aoh O'y Si Vi-iYs—Leave New York at a r m. —LliKabclh towQat liJ' p M. for New V rk NKWYOKK \NU KAHWAT Leave Ni wVoaK—At 6 and V a. m. and 1. 2- ii. 5 p M,)0 Saturday and 11^ . n the 2d and 4lh Wednesday uiijhtii of ea* b mi uth Li -avk flAHWAV-At 7 6. l(r A.M.and 12^ * 3J 6v b lo ‘ p M, y Saturday niirhG and luj ou the 2d and ■llh VVedn«i drt.y E4.,i,Li. il eacu wouuj On Si nuavs- leave New Vork at 6 p M.—Rahway at MlU’. p.M for .New York a NkW YORK AND NKW BRl’NSWTt’K Leave Nf .w\ oaa —At 6 and P, a. m and lend » r m L r^vK.Nfcw Bai NHV .1 k *\t6, 7j and a 5i.,aiidl2* i>N SI -vi-kvi - Leave New York at o p m - New Bruns- wick at7t* p M for New \ ork NKW \oRk, \10Klll'‘HUV\ \\u liOVKU Lva>^ Nfv» \ iiiik for vlorru-towQ D,>ter and ijiLerme liate p’acert, H . A M. llj a m . l<reiefat 4 P M \K\V \(U:K <(i.:Kn\lU.K \ND \VHil'KHOl>K Cc?“ Those marlted thus ♦ leave upuu the arrival ol the In addition t" the above stopping plBce'i. some <rf the way traiU’ ' vu 1 *p al “rn.i'.ier w.iv -tauon'* ex«-<-pt when nr th« train would lusc th*. regular trip for at the Ei< PPT THE Philadei phia T pamvs -T q CT from New York and Newark tt* c.* dI'» . Kiizabethtowu and Hah way. .31} ot« . .New Brunswick, .Vi cf- pfiee aud all pa-he'n./ei;i to -bow nn'i delivep tbidr fire rer-ivv r t.rry toket L'^atis extra h n» *e xi e I rick^-tn are r»ceiv«Ml by the »- i l-i. top only «.n tla f'-ain tor h Uav are i iit. "li tar day wla-u^pur p '"C-. .<.[1 '.I t b.....'in !■ .!tiy until i b • ir . In <■ -, a ;• *v-r, ti .r t-ikiubt anythin,' -i- l -j'.''.:- t >i’ (hvo .1 tb^U. (•liltv ■t the uip.iuv I r Ahoh:- ii- I l >lio Kre ri'i'c'tid at the fo r of i.ihcitv Nh VmA !-T New brin-A ktil' Ki V M. anltM Newei^. I li R,*r .Tht4a» n Rahwiv Iriiu-t<a Tr«-ul'.n sie uoL.l AU rreit;ht from N5\\\ nk for pUc*s south (f Npw Hrutiswirk will lie rcreiiAd .it the N'arhct -t.eef d'p t -ve'.v Jay and f-rwai 1. 1 m the uorn;n*r I'hiliidelphiit One in iiei^ht cars ruriiun^ direi tly ihf'Otfh t.. I’hda Ihe Ul-'mini; t lie illJe ir.il es ' IHV.; 1-sO.NG IS G .W O U A IIj IK’AU, . 3 , V " j Ke.eiver. SI MMKU \lilt WuKMI- \ r f'M'i hiem*.' N.wp-.it Nerwieh VV.>r.'.v[^r U‘l;iiiii.ititic and Hartford. I h.'Lew Hil l--pieudid "teHmer MJ' b ( apt Uhit» « M l uiu I'l y in i-i ijiierl 0 Ii wil h thel.oii); iFl.iiid Iwi’i RAILROADS a bTtheCendnctorofth8trmin,who will have particular SS 5S taS ‘iS ‘ 4 S 5?““'-"^‘‘” “■ pier 18, foot of rourtlandt etreet a> 50'clock. P .M The steamer KNlCKERBOi KER. Captain WlUlams. will leave every Tuesday, Thursday and Satunlav. at 7S5hf3w™s."i« '•.SSi.T™L”t “ S S C X 1 ssa .................... ftnd \'*-utren,l. and ftrr^TiDji .»x Worrefter take the ear-« i.f th - WrT, i-ster and .Va.-hUii, or the Worut Wr at.d Kiteh- buri? raUr*‘ad>» Fare from .NVw Yi«rk to Bojiton................. f4 (K) Do iln Wor« ester......... ... :i no Do do Lowell 4 no Df.i d" ( oiii-ord.......... 4 70 K 1: D“ do <»r*'ior| /u^jetfop, ;t H© (lo do B-11fi*« b alL-. ... 5 lo Burllnirlnn.... S 7U Do do MoDtreil..........l.j 70 An f.xpTej.8 Freight Train leaves Vllyn s Point for Bo«- >n iinmediat**ly i-n the arrival uf the et* aniV.«.uts Krej^bt Likeu at the h»wept rales for Biwton Worces ter LowelJ, ( oDcord, Bellows KalU. BurUngti^n. Montreal. lor ireirnt pa-'^Patte or *»tb'r information inquire oi Imard the ho-At. or at the ofilce, I'ler ly north river foot o ( ourttandit aUeeL inhll %K W k liJU I i A NO N K W h AV fc^YllXllTuO A U On and after Wednesday, \pnl 24ih the following fraiUM wilMeave t : ’jgwja Mgfe Cuual street Ma’ .i Pa*o(eni'>(*r3 Rl^o rccvivd a tlb ij Ne ailroad office ‘iTth -trev-t Vlailroad office ‘iTth -trev-t 1 A*‘«oiamo iatli.a Train at Ti o'clock. \ M for New Ko'hcilc NNunarOMfck Kye r'*'-* ( hi’^^’ r (tr*enwub Si.oul' rd. I»iir:en Norwalk We-tp«*pt. s«.uthi-*rt, i a»r field. Hnd<**porl Stratitird Milf‘r*! «nd N«-w Haven i’aflSeafter-» from the W»iy Stations for Mltany and th< xffltioDN tn th« H'»u«atauie ami NauuarucK RHilroadH will take this train and -t*>p at Bnd uport rnssenij it from W'h) .Stations for H>eton Provi leni e, VV 'nri’enter Hartford' Sprin^dield and ( .*m<ecliciit River Kailroiids Will take th’.'i Tram and j >m ^ Train at New Hu- boat WAsHlNlifi.................... leave I'la'-hiuiT every morninf^ (j o’clock and Astoria at 7^ o cloek KeturnlPir will leave New Vork at 9 o'clock. Aflermwiu Trip -WilUeave Klusklng. at *iD‘ clock and \sUina at d. Returning. I ave York at 5 STA(}K AKK.ANtiKM.Nsr To Asn FKf.M ll.»s!vv. .M anhissi-t anh Npw-Votik- Wdl leave Rfsiyn liukp“.v*s H*'tel daily (Sunday «x rept'di at 6 AM- and 12^ pm V(fiTih.'L.*«<et at am and I rif.-k »M ( ow I’ .ny at .• o »'loek »m and return from the f, n clot k Boat irom N Vork LilUt^ Neck. •■•I h o «i..ek. Urlu-iiuiiF. w.ll h-HVe Now ^'nrk by the steamer W'asl. nift'u ir V in ^ from Kaltin .Nlarket Mip at HA M and Pk'-en^eris will pledfi.'to prncurn Uieir U. ket-t of tin- tbr- to iJo'lyn ( oat bay .'-s . Manha>^i't uud I-itth TlHi vl \s « ORNVVLLL Stai^e Proprietor Flushing ^prii Jn l-.Vt a j‘-'0 #” <231 K *■ '**"' ^ MUi r j' reijtd ^ _ f i spria!.? Yrran-reuM nt 1 he >-i,.{i.njer P ^S &S£ilSSS2S»h U« (ap t J Iratly will run a.-follows until t'urtlier tj-diee I wave NN^w \ orli. feed ol B;ir.T4ay -Ifeet, at 4 ' vlf rk, P M. bav* Newark fo-*t '»f <eiitre vtreet at Mo'ciock M . iaudiu,; at Point ear h l-r* (,;li* Uken at reasonable rates mhlH 4 Kxprt-s Train at \ P M f'*r Stjunt rd. Nor ! walk, l-uditeport .lod HiU-ialoiu,* an 1 N,iu./a'uek Kwi j .. UA'i.j, r.-i.TTi fit 4 P t'r N^w Hmv. l j ill i 4.'! r La,ri(»ruiedlr.‘e ^rnt.-iis I o I . mi.iut if "U i tai i at 5 C .O»• -M. f- r Bn \7ep rt an.‘ f latelUle l. -t.iMf n« I 1r*ins (o New Y' rk ' I «»*mmotsHor, tr-.in m • L‘. \ J f»*oiji Bn,l.r'p''rt ; 8'oi.pin-'!»r ..P t jut-ruie iiat*-Ftad'-ps 1 -J Aeeomf>»od4»i..n Tr-Aii at . \ M from New Ha- at all Ihr iDleriuetl'ni' I'ruin.s li'oui St 'Din^ton places and N -w \ ork. I he new and eli gaut ^teambl'at' Kh KKP • xpt I'o«t Saturday at 7 VAl Midi-t. wn A M. Savbr-ok il \ W, arriving at (ireenport m lime f.ir the 1 .a p % i Pram ti>r New 1 «<rk. <I’UNI\(. roN pu n \ IHV N< P-. it N f- H Tnlt i' I.lNf- 1 he steamer .\L1* K e a' Sit* uiti.rir>ii \>i»h lh»- sti’iiiiigton and Proii ien-e IPulroH*! By ib n r- t.** exi ept .111 Sundays I . e i y Bf'ri klyii at ' \ .1 I r re (iTeeD^x rl at I All -e an J ' r..-: PloppRb^ ill Ihr iDlenue. \i-eonimodato n Tmli! at U \ Slopping at all the inteniiediatr •rjj'erM f.'obi the Har f'*r 1 and Railroad and Naiitfatuck Railmaii. 4 Kxpreix^ Train at I I» P M Hn connerlion witl' at Bridire^H rt and St'imlV.r-1. ree eu in / j a.-. r,^ tr-.n* rlo- Hoii.-Mt-o;;r Kailr a 1at Bridg»p' r' ....... nimod^ition iTain :it I .I'l P Irtr-iviog pi; s*njer-from The IccommodaM >n Tra.i t 'in Ji '-i- fi r, h viiress^Tnin at P M. ' r in tint-,‘to n witl I- V e!i!i ■ : 11a -n (f 111 l 111 ' . i niM ( t - wIt '1 litis tl illli at Br. 1.'* rt I'.isseo 'efs are re.|ueated to procure Tb kels bet,ire ta kitii; seat • in the .-Hre \j ni Mith D* o U. H M loN, inx IS S-i[>erintend«nt I 'n and ,.l'. r hih of V,iy. the trains !<a te a*i folhnvs Lea’, e oT.-rn s I’,.poi. i I eaw New li-rn •I-,-IMo ■•i'ak M j 7 ;io o \ M 1 arnviil of Li'.'Ve ' utf- r»i s 11 1f t .1 s'vI^Tnriv intermediate stations (Hi SiE’utduvs this liniu make up the trip to \ aphaiik .l(Id;la^e iaph-uiH t .eave Brooklyn at .Vld P M f«>r ‘ ypn-rsHi’N ai; i i.iiiiaii'A. l-eave I.'imaica at 7 41* \. N’ !< t Brook'yti. Te-iv.- J,imni‘-vat 1 - P't P 'T 1 r ' y|r-’ Hil' an * l.e.iv ■Jamao*a at \.'<P Mfor Br« oklv»i I.ear* Jamai S '! at 0 o P M Pr >>pif< Hiu- arid MIKK.HT TR UNS Leave Bnerhlyn at 8 \ . .1 f'T i.fe,.trTe rl aiiU nil Inter ule.liate -tdti'»nM I.eHVee 1,r»-eoi ort at •' V V’ f 'rBro k yii hui ;i!l ml* r mediate Niahoip 1he I raui- of rile New I <nd ii U loiniHtitK- an i f -*i Ui*-r RH.?lr"a<f wrll ie-nve rvi f fid CJ at . o I n f ' . arrival of the Ali“e from (rfeenjort 1 r .Noru ih ao t tV.H<maht)e 1 he I^rain-f of the N'-rwo-h and M*or«'* ster Rai ro.ij Uki* the evening 'rrum h a<t ati t for B.-ton cu the arrival of the-1 lam at Wuhm.infr trom New (.ondon. a I r.'iin will U-a\ •• P r flart'ord vU ll.iriPr* Providence and Fishkill UaiinMd and mrive nt i i.ir, t* d. m time h r I'avetigers to la k- the eveuin ; Trams to Nr „ V<Tk >i.nrigfield a u i Bo-t* ii The ut^aiuef ( ricket W1.1 i.'HVe (Jreeup.rt ev-ry Mon lay Wednesday and Uidav 7 \ ^l s,ij H.oli-r s \ M Say*r->*k9. \ and Mld*li. t‘wit pj. P V,a rm I'l^ .it it ,«rt r.jr.t m time |..r tli»- ; ; riu ii i Sprtiij; t' r New Ha\ eti h1 ,-* ot he Sv I tra "n- I t h * Hiirt t L1 Leave Hartford at fill \M Ir Wol mint;.-.Nor l.t aw- U . r- e-tri- ti \ M1 rN- rivol. N. w Lon (on <ire|Tip rl .nd Br"'My.i 'riie«tc'imrr Mice will have New {.nn l dJ a t l " l * \ oil td* ■arrival (-f the tmm- tV-.in H,t rtr i d w I'h nar.- fhe I hDj^ Ishtriil Kalin ad train-*. amviDv*: at Brooklyn at Huntmgtfia. ( oM spring (\vsterbay. and .South Oy-tvr hay and .imityville r=;age,-v yuQ to au«d from the cars at the ftllowir;r “^la (Ttbeh A.M au.l 4 P M dunning m time !/. m'fi Leave liimaiciii.n the arrival <4 trairirt from Bn.>okiyu for Rorktiway retu Leav- the Hraneh for l4eaip.«tead on ihe arrival of I 0 .A M and 4 r. M traiun via the Brunh rind H* ti 't»*H*] K ailroa*! an*! r» turn intim e for them rninc a evening' tiam- f*r Br*>- kl> n Leave Bran, h f<r U—y n an I • leii ( • n the am fthe^'j \ M aii,i 4P tram- Ir lui li 'Mvi; a L»;.ivt I:i ■ k-V ;1i‘ * - n t Ije .(i-;-,v.i [ ii *f{i,- ^;p,. ,,f j f, / 9 : ' Old .'•pr'iiHr ( ’y-'terlMV Icri to aiel Wof-iltUiy tn 1niei the iuornin,T ^dd evehuic f r B:wV(iyii lU of the 4 P M t’ 'ain !<■(*Baby i-r the morning and evening tr M Trrfin from'^Brouklyn^an 1 to%t 3ro*'klyn Deer Park. hT Bahyl<>n. Ddp and ( omac Th..mt'h5"'n for Dhp. ( hapuian s. i of.kN. ( rand.ill s and K Noedec ir s Ho’-eD Suffolk Sfxt on f «r Nliy ' ranJall s, (‘r*ok'< an*l S ', Sn»* d:c -r'6 Hotc K . lud ^mithtoHu. st'>Deybrc>ok 'iPd S*tau- P Sayville, Stoneybrook. Setauket and B»i{x-.,ri St (Jeorge s Manor h r Moriches and Westhampton fnveiheul f‘T (dufigue. 1 tie iD» - Tr.iins will commeii* icig cn 'u nda y V.i\ o i-.', i . l.eHTe Ui'H klyn .it I- \ v ‘ f..p p.*rmi rival of the steamer at Sag roa as follows, - Sunday's eveepted ' until further notice TR,I,S WIIL l . . i r . f t . HAIJ- (N Tj .»R Mon-iNania Village-". 10. l( SO A M ; 3. 4 0< .i 30 ^^eordham 7. 7 45. 10. U SO. A M : 3 30. 4 So 5 3J 6 ''^VVUUaM's Bridge-T 46, 10 M ; 3 30. 4 30 5 30. G Tuckahoe and White riain»-7 46, 10 .1 M ; 3 30. 4 30. PlealantviUe. Newcastle. Bedford. .Mechanicevjlle. Purdy's, and I roton Falls and Intermediats Stations on Signal-" 46AM, 3 30.4 30 PM Brewster's, Towner's, Patterson, Panling's, South Dover. Dover Furnace, and Dover Plains--7 46 A M , Morrbania ViIlage-5 63.6 52.7 57 8 C8 9 43. A M ; 1 ’* ‘^Bridge-5 4'l. 7 45 9 31 10 47 .VM: 2 44. >, 7 60. 8 30. £136 10 62, A M. 1, 2 49, and Harlem at 6.7. 8 45,10 15.1 15,2 30,3 05,4 45, 0 15, and Oo-clooh will land and receive passangera at 27th, 42d,61st 61st79th,86th, JOSth, U6th, 126th and 132d ■TTinfumiiitBi in a ISrtBtr pSS M. iSLOATt Swp«TH»*»ndent. S 35 «ss ©art of April, a trunk marked TB* in a diamond, contain* inj5 vret^ng apparel* fcc. It is possihle it may have been taken in mistake. The above reward will be paid for Informatioxi leeding to its recorery. Apply to mylT NYM. NKJLSON, 85 South st. .SI N U \ V TH \1VS L»* rVmPat‘>r* ' r. L4”i . r w V *rk. 7 n T \ M ''UsDH't *d I i* ' !l, \ f.-rr-x vt« /'i'tri . ol tii. port J'l Si ;f. r*. K1 n VJ S' M h H \Kh ' Nw - M*• N I 1A3IUKN A\i> KAIL.IUMII C .,E ^ ^ S ^ S r i I 11 U'r IHL ii > ' M ' N .\ DIM 11 ' ' I. I 1^ K'H >\! N'.^V y MR K'I t ' iV";' s. i-.ml : ill-U iviijj Hri above al 1 L M Miilruaniii.' H' by Lif 1lull*; iiuc- Hiiivihg lu I boiid' i h .V hL lU L_ }■ rvr;i *1 L ck p;iw;uf,-...................................-J (HI v'Ux.'t au I ’ iiTit r \Ti V olf-l (’ll h<>A i i -tramboat iMbri I ■>ff r I*r* ' h< 'Id 111(J»k«* f h- ‘ ut VVV ,-1.-' Far- from .N» vv M i k t*’ t r* -h> .<1 ‘ '7 I- \N I I !N> I fiV*-- i-y r 'lK lN sli K L (uft I (•••ull at ."L P M 1-.1.7 pilIiL .Mbiw-l f x b ' I.I " l' l:’ ~ SLTIMKa \ K it A M i K ■*! h. AT. -I VKf. i ■i'l ' KD •:..i V ILh s H \ II III I U) l.ll I" ) N ITMN \L rto \ i- Tillin' ..1! I\ J l.\',s fL'Iii^jgg. ^ ;^ai^''rt.w i <> i: k T" iiii.M ii ~wLsgqigitaiANU IVHl-.' l.iNl. OV r.MTKD .S'rvTK.8 (.K.*:aT mail vU IlLLll'H,- pHJ4t»*-a»;-rri L-ttvw .Saw Ynrk at rt A. .M . and <»-A. M . li. M. and 4v P. M Leavi'I Ij'l&ilt'lphiii. f"i)t ot I'orh strcPt In It"- cli-in' beat Robert Mnrn« at r* M dai'y exc* pt Sunday f-'T Baltimore Pitt«bur-> and M'heA-’infcC Lt»avc PhiladMlfh*'* fy.-m tb«* c(»rnpr i*f M*'vi*nth ai*d Market «tn**tn by railro.id, M> '• \ M duly (cx.cpT Sun<Jayi , ao l daily at Id* I' .1 , for BiU'inr*re I iu**. burtr. WMclinij ic The "nlylifi" "ii 4,)n tsy nmi riiila'leiphla more. riU-b'i»‘t'h !iu*t Vvliriomir lu I' M Leave Baitrmore at 7i A vl, daily 'or* 'luibe' ti VLTIMOIU: AM) OHIO ] » VUhll-oo ie nd at 8 B M by TUMNIt D\:i* 1. or'thA NardmAl H ndm dfio.ii 'ntcut ^ ompanlew an i arrive lu LiiuLurg bf Wh. eHn,l LeV! eV.dl«*J ' ra*‘.*)»*i ,H*rnfiir rutMhui • ruv^'' Ih- r; udid ii' ’v:i n t nn 5 -re built -’tcamboHt- Ha'tic and \Uaut it. up wr* •. i:- and thereby hav only 74 miles of Fta-ir.g on the wh"K hi 'Mar^ ntpamboatu leave Pittsburg and Wii.flinv regularly and pn.*eeD/;Hr8 are forwarded wui out i. i;iy to <tncmnati and all other ports m the M'uuh and west. For Thjb-ngh TicketX by this mufe. apply in PhiladcF- phia at the Railroad office, corner of Marketaml b.levcuiu streets, or at 45 South Third street or CD boird steam- boat Roberl Morns. fot»t <*f Dock Htreet wharf ra.«fiengera have the privilege of stoppin, at Baltimore and resuming seate atpiea«ure At Adams a C o'8 Kxprceo office. No IB Wall -trect, rt 11 .V M ,or ImaricttD Hctel. corof Bn adway and B,r- ■r'and aod Il -llLUO \D .......... Thie road extends from KHzabethport A' inilew t' White Houee. N. J . reducing the etai;!cig b tiw*en the terminus of the road and Kaston to 26 miles, and t« SebooVy's Mountain to 14 mUes This line leaves .New York bystearnboat Red Jacket Fieri. N R.. and connect.s with trainK on the New Jer >ey Railroad, which leave New York from foot of(.ourt u4t 8t, at the same hour. Anaw route to Sihoo ey’fl MouQtttld, with ler:a staging than any ether. .* pivsvv v‘,vn TBAiv -I r. ra>!pengers will U*uve New York by steamboat, froui pier No 1. North River, or the N J H K , foot oi i ourtlaniit st . at 9 o>‘ock. A M , and 5 o'clock F M. Leave blizabetht.'cn at 10o*ci*^k \ .M. and fi F M. S r - I I ; l;S : ElizaKethtovm 7 15 1*> S*) and Z 'ium “ The freight tram (with pa.'^Hcr.ger can* attacbe.il will leave While a' 3 Ty 4 m, Somerville 4 TjiL Flaiii- fields 15 and Flizabeib, Mit. by f*Uamf.oM. at 7 ,10 a m. Keturning. leav« New \ ork. by steamboat Red Jacket, pier N'n 1. North River, at I p, m All freight from New \ ork iutendrd to (?n by thH line. mu-«t be at the boat S*J rainuN's bef*:*|e I o'clock, to ensure being taken through invey paseugers to F.aston. Wilkesbarre, Bethlehem. HKW VOB33: AND EtxUX: ElAUjaOAD. ____ * HANGE OF HOITIS. ggo.gig.g.aS'^Sr ^ ft THOMAS POATELL, from the foot cf Du&no etreet. Daily. (Sundays execepted ) (BrealtfaBt and Snpper.<>n board the Boat.) WAY AND MAIL TE.A1N at fij A. M.. stopplug at all the Stations, arriving at Corning and Jefferson ' ' 10+ P M , and at Buffalo next Morning. NIGHT 3 and anivin! DIEOHMI ' ntsli daj' AN EXPRESS TTRAITi WiU commence running w days, of which due notice win be given. FREIGHT TB.AINS leate f«YW York, from fo Duane b T - . FrelgbtforGen press Freight Train ^ New York, Mi^2<: ifly. (Sunday excepted) ^ Rochester, Buffalo ferw rerwarded by Ex- STEAMBOATS. The spleudi,now pressure steamboats ISA.Ai' NEW- TO.V. I ommodore Wm. H. Peck, and OREGO.V. * om- m'T'.re A P. St. John, will! sve the pire between i ourt- laudt and Liberty atreels, for Albany, daily, vSundays excepted.) at 0 r. si. VMTF-D STITKS MAIL LINE lave, office of Hudson River Railroad, comer of Cham- an.mud,on etie-ts daily. (Sundays excepted) at 7 packic. Stuyv..itant and eGbany. ..’S'lE. ;;;5 - h T». 5? M. daily. iSundayp «*2:c4*|.U‘d). T hf v^ietid,.! NtM&jucr ■New W‘>rlJ^’ will ctd.imt^Dct* her r.*>;iilrvr trip'* a" a d»y b<-'at to Albany, imafeing the u-iivl laU'liug-,1 cn Mr.n4.iv next Her reyular dny- arc M-ui l.-iy Wedriisday and Vridaysi-at 7 o'clock . vm from AH t h -h u t ’n cuam-ft with the ^aliTr^^.ls we'll L> BulT do and N'l-rth to Satal<vTi and Whitehall rcf- p Thori;. are fnrb'd nutting any pn>on on ac- y ASTORJA — r n u Al.H \N V DIRK( T ^ iT'im th»» f'ri't of RabiUNnu st , firdt f;,ir*-l.iy 'i h»* u»->v and -pi.-u.i,i gE!BLs1--iio r M \N H \T T \N f .ipfxin W B Ili i«,iv f‘ t li»* loi I*f»f ItnhiH’M 'ii fi|rc*’t lir^tflbi'li rj .'si' n 1.1^ \Vr Ici-. 1,'ij find t*rM«y iit H•• <-i<ob '1 h.* Mftnhatt'in v.ill at hH t tiriief'r iliH nr-t ni'inuiitr I" ! bv r.t’ .ir* rol u rt-ju*- tr« ’/li» 11}i-'v «.o b'-.ir.l earn and v/i-t C < \HI ^ NTf K St 1 <1 s l.iN “ I- f\\h \VF.l HuH ’I }•»• ii.-w t.iir, ( b-ir'.'H HhI-I-H*! *'f Wsirrm .-v»*rv I I I-'*!' \ \ * a t iiu ( h-ir'.'S HHl-f-Ji*I V . t.-N' *'f Wsirrm 7lrn*.t .-v»*rv I I !■'-!' \ \ n l <vi ry U ..DM- MJ U and h U LKU U aU. r ri H'ii. ut 7; I rl M k iitiil I '(it,nu.duiii‘j .-.ibitifj. and poNhengiTK will find it a ver} l*r»-l/ht taiiMU *<n the li-vvi'Mt termn. Ml pRckiLpT*''* parcels of or mon-py M! pHcka,r»*x pare lo- > . *!f. . I Ih- l • ,t(. or rnce ^ ^ T ie lit.',till pi.'k’t 1lo^d.li l'’TKn-^Ttv- and V*: > ' r SI fT' in ste.itilI.,! (I,,T I Mt t>' I(,.1.1r;- ‘ifi - OCh.Al'J STEi COatPANY—L jenNEWYOI i BREMEN. and BREM The L nlted States Mail Y.ASHINGTON, wfll run e I m navk -Lune of Ste oi| k, south tsssih MASS'S™; k IP: e IS ’'.■'S-rS.n.r.SK”'' 20 July 15 Aug. M Ang. gS" 2 & ‘- S,T Price of passage to F.urope $120 In 1st cabin ; $so in 2d do Do from do $150 do $811 - do \p experienred Burgeon on board of each steamer. ^ I . S l , “ Geueral Agents. GOBroadway, .NVw Y.ork. tt'M. ISK.I.IN. Agent ill ^^E li“7the'“ Tonrerr:r.1"4t the regu'ar days of departure of the above vessel will /rt CAort,,i„n. CiaiU■ -mi fnr Nrv York. Thursday f.'lay 2d at 4 e« 1 -J-uesday. .May 7th. Satur*4ay. June );>t. at 4 t m I Thurt^diy .June 6th. Tuc‘;d-fy. June n th ot 4 F>i ! .M<»uday. June 17tb Friday . Jun** at 4 KM . 1 AWOtif.-iav June ^6th. M.M'..l;iy,July I k I. at 4 IM. { Sa’i”-d>jy July fith. -\ll bills of lading tt-guod by the dork on bujird. &CO. 4R Snnth i»t t-ulS’rV S W 'S S VM’L L MITI'HILL. 194 Front ct. on tbcir way Loui Havaiui. and _________ griHil fir Loudou about 25tb iuet and 1st Jiint* For Das'ftai?** apply to u.vl7 tt‘5 ' MdS' S T\YLOR &('O 44 Sou*h st .8 Ma'i^ St eiislMP ' S( H Tl IK HNT,I' ’ 'iptHin M, Berry, will leave |.ier -N.. 4 Rner. Saturday lun.-lst,at 4 “'' vn:.ri7rt'lading I- gni'J t'V th-clerk on bo.-rd P„r freight ro. „,y.2-2 _______4S Noutli street (.oR hi VP.KPOOL - Itefular Packet of the IIU! June-The new and Rplendid packet ship BaiTa" above her regular day For fri'k-ht or pa,-age. her aecommodationB being un ."iirta«8ed (ur .'oom elegance ami convenience, apply on board at pier 18 E K foot of Mai.Jen laue, or to lufjg ROU T. KLR.AtiT, 76 South »t. I hIuii paBBage $75. ______ 'px- Kill! l.iV KliPIMl. The regular''packet ol the •Ji.,1. nt May The Irtc kct -h,p SII'P'IN- I-; f frKii'ht ' r pH H»'* 1ftv«n'» very fine ficcomim-da t’-M ii M'HHJbi' 1I Lr.N i ON * '*<() . l-nU LI\:-Kn'('I. I’lu'kH *.f ih* 'JMh May ^i;-A TLv' <j|ri r.«? :.A-t -H.luiu' i 'p jtT . 1 pa- k«t -Hii' iLrat ^b^^ i. ro\ U nv){ JHi-scli maMcr 1aviut' i* 1.1. I n rt *'I 1 '«- ■ I . r ‘ ii li*)di < i vv|I 1pa il ju- Ji U*'Vt.* 1 T 1 f »- rtpt '.r pss..,..»(» bavii.,r r far I! L-tl •tat • r '<ni a. u. . apply ‘ u b'*? rd D**vcr ;i-tt\VI:drf ir la I HO'T & HI’ K '.J r,s South Hire-t — r n h . .1 :vs~ .w'''vrru7Tin^ed;rt; im:,'..-:!-" I'r l-.i. l.-t bark .AD A 400 tons, ( apt Jamef White, w.tl hall as P'or freight or passage.'Tiaving excellent accommod.a Hoik apiily to the . aptam, ou beard, at Fad of oliror flr» »I KH,Ft R'v»-r <r to my.u \ WOODHCLL 87 South street 1h-1p'iiibtr Fr pncKfi ph'p IiH(tnKS[i\' i npi H Vc hi t i ! f i ,it in i-iit. 1it.'H and furwiiid«*d by r-iii A-'.'.;** ' r Ia*-.«'til. L . cipp'y I.-* the ( iipiainTu b \N.» NoKJHi.ihl On and afttr 'I uc-day 1 ”.| iH.'iO the ( HO TON <MplrtUl }■ S>*w\ *rk from t u’t )• 1 ' ..ye ‘ 'y -••■r ['ii:. ‘ irriMy willleHTe Nf.rtbport -v.-ry Moniav niora '•! t H'M-f n ;iJ Virili p**-l ( ar J • v. rv U . d ■1 ^pnn,; every Iue-a,t, 'Mutr- 'V'lv vW .ti ir,v‘ J jy ^ I'l lir-.l'4\ ' ir.'L ' b h:>1 vvil! ^a*! in a .If.y'i '** t fi. h:ht I r pa ‘-a,.’:* ' ap|‘iy ‘ n b' -irJ at pier 0, NR . ifivju K n HrKI.HI’T k f O ftJSoiitbst. Mnp fTTFU H \ i rjii« K will Mif-A'e.j ip . hH* vc .iT- 11\ \ b I \ 1 K1 1 oj May Ibe fiiwt Hail in.: • ■ppKr.-d nbip Kl.LMI’- iH l>l-MSUN ‘-P'-iM-ei iii'i-tYr will bi-.iesjiiit.,h-J as atw.ve mjJl ' f D H r : lI ,n r T iL ( O 84 .South street ill** ‘•li’f'MM tliiH luit* vmU htTKiift'r raitfin lb*- -bib* FOR II VVKK r.-ifKet 0fthelUlh<H iuue- -pj^^'niep^.-ket fhip<;aUJ\. <apt A Ri.-hHr.is-on tTja«t»T will s.Hil as ab*vc j<or tr»*ij:hi <»r pat:«ao*« &FP^y b<>ard, at I'ler 13 Ka*;t m j.'i/ ' w''',' W'HITI.ni K, Jr . 4« South «t " itn -rn .i DA'.' P\l kl-T ' I he'copper. I'sh.p r Hill,I A.:, Vspn n il ter, will re- .1' n-l**}t ' j Io tliK nav ii*R| K-n ,,f Lonj? Ulan l S< ^nmiiii 7HI c- uuKrimn with th*» ^hII Rivt r an I (»ii -•Dv RaUruBiil a Ji tauc« of 53 mile.-* to D<*Ktf*n only. lUe-iuv- 1huroirty« -and saturdav* al 5 (‘ N t I -,H-,mer KNM'IIG. ST \'!'K <aptain Hei.j Bru)- .. 11 * m,,„ihy We*:ie lav }*n,l Fndrv- at u I* .M I j... l-in. 184t : - in;y <t bat rnic-'lir*‘-1 b-r Niiw f ort a n >1ev» rV M"!HruV'in» *4i fi"* t*'*-•*'c jrit> and c i '* <.f b r " w o ‘*7.. 4*y,r-icd by th*.' r o u t n i-J t '.--t * ^ Mn ' htI; the ' .:i ,W 1 r i ,■'/ *r . .,i) lef '« ,r j ,e. •<*),. tp .,J >. , . 1t,.r 1 , f-i. .1 fi.rr' -ue oj r 4„ J. H. ,y .\t v.bi l; r. ..c^ e. F .-r..., n' ..i, * 1 A o i::af*ier i- t.! .u ■>t-d I ^ x'u st.-akner who re- Cel v e t t ; . ' , . . f; thp bftuV.'iKt', and ac«.i'l-iparm'« the daSi# 1 r.- *• r and th^ price of ctotc roo.’i.?, the Sam- 'vs |.y other line* Vfi»v ner runs in e mnevion with thl*! Hd6 tc Jind rai I V hr-l.aiiy e . j.t '<»in Ipvt iKi'htf' K■*4f.'n i^ tak-II ai tfi“ samo rates a* oy t “ 'c b 1" i*'>tuUr iiUKs and t»'■wnr<iKij wiib iir.Mt’T cv’ne'i . ^ %,.n ^ 1pren f'r»-i .rht Itht tj wIi; elj U hvs '' Krj> I J( iver pVi VL , '—nin • Nundny ut > • .. . b -k. f r b«-i n an J ■*. w Hedtord arriving at its J«ftUriallon at or ab(*ut K..r ireO-ht *sr apply on boar-1 orattbeom re ib‘Vbv - 'U'I'l b or fu » her Itu rtiiiTj-n •*['}’ ' ______TISi»M.1- 3t L' » H N , 7a ) \. ePt Ftreet fil* 1.1 I AK V ^ M J [N* K.- r V.'K.h”r> . »NrJNKW\nUK viahiO. :ip 1IV"U !■ '' iiyd'i 4S s.'oth Ht. ^--S h«*H s \N f-H\SriS‘ 0 MIG '1* 7'*. hav.- '^^^■'rtipi.etinlel'.e.l fi ket','|,V|‘ . <1SI LI I'l ’'’'iu j Li v ! b [ h lihunil' ii ii'H-f' I ]ii?-t ! '► (iir lie t ;p IU the .ibiv ............. 1 ... - , _:i . p.i,ic having imfiurpa«0(*d . .................... i "u '' ’ard Kid« ^ 'I lf *•! t . ■ 'jHoMV.s \\ \ui*Ll-.. ,No N uthrt cc.r B'i* .^lip upstuirn fur if vv\N \ 'i riM reKVil^f packet flnp ^ ' I ■- luttsi'T Will hav. lUini^'diatc 11»I' N;.V H fi I.I ■« tua>*i‘T e^j it h f- r U'e H f.<\ e p >rt '0:ht 4 'T p■l^'M.-|• hilVlIlL' e> I'ly <*n b«>Hr.l I n r i« ' K * <.M s ’} V\ I 1HI .V I n- apply <•« l*>> ; '•'■lieiit acrommoda* 45S'.uth street FOR SAliEi OR TO lots, with YANDERPOEL, 23 'VYall st. hous«Reld ftirnit — of going to Euroue. The farm con- td the buildiu^ are of the most “ "comfort. b.iM moderate, and immediate possession given. Apply on_^e premrics. _________________________ . J^'T O ' L E 'T -T h e first floor of the new store No IS g^C liff street. Bent $i000 per^annum^ Ap^y to _ap?9 ____________________ 245 Pearl St. SIXES OV 1 B P forty-five minutes* ride frot lisVe^rist. X H E SOU-VD, within EOb forty-five minutes* ride from the New Haven. Rjill- The subscriber offers for sale 200 acres of land which for its maoy handsome building sites, together with its bealthiulue.iS. and great facility of ingress and egress to. ao I. omthe cily.give SAI..K cheap and on acc'^mo/iatiDf^ The H ou-f and Lets No RJG. l.'IA and 137 _______ . street, and 693 Wasbingtop street Also H tbree-fitory modern built brick Dwelling iu Twcuty-firnlftrect nenr .Ninth avt^nue. Two four &tiiry biig lifeu.'A .**; in Fifth street, near avenue B. Also the h'-u>i4‘ ami lot No 349 Wntei ftreet. Apply tO ap8 M'M. V MOtStS.No. 1 Nassau, cor. Wall prwcut two dwelling houses on the property, w be altered. <T taken down and another building < in^y^ereeted as 3O Fine kt. He wautr'>t tht- t-r.jiutfl. -U.'O L. rent -'I he larsc esbibHion Rooms at present occupied by the N.A. D on xhe corner of Broadwny, and Lponardstreet j y3Q IliWIV STORKS ANO'HOLfSE^t^K. ra-j;| ( .ALlMIlt.', I A--The Mil.scrlberii are prepared to ■^i|^*'ont rnci fur furni'-hint: *ron buibliDgs of size'.*! from ten lent H-jU'ire t«i two huudreti feet. (»f nuch heurbt as iDH 'v b' orden-.l 7 be prices rariire from about two bun- -Jr-d -1‘ ler- f' fifty thousand dollars eftcb accor-Hn^ 1<> !-.ze and oo’istructiru All built of the best ruatprial and m'-Bt iipprevcd Avorkmanship. and ran be funiishea at ifr.itt iiigB can be feen, and every iuformation given by application to IIARNDKN & rO., No. 6 WaUstreet. Sole Agents for thf? I'nited States. N B -These buildings can, on arrival, be erected without much cost or trouble. mhStf fl2r> per annum, wilh acfomm<*dations tor a liomiy of six p*'r««>ns. Addrebt. .V W .at this rfficp pla- ting picHti.'VD mhl4 to let. litH upper part of the fin* ^|i|l storts. Notj bllnud 'Hi hff «tr<*et. in-juireof njb'J7 la'^ind^il^niff st. KUK SALE -The three Btnry''brick hou.ie g :::] with biKi ID. Ill and under cellar. No 127 .Madinon .MU&sireet. corner *f Birmingham 'J he bouse was well aC'l b ‘bstHOtialiy built by the owner f»>r his own occup.ilio.j. is now in good order and has the croton water intr* «iuced TiU- p4 fleet and terms favorable. Enquire of HORATIO BtHJERT. ^pP tf _______ ________________ No 5 John street. Californfa Arms. ir. s CO,, ?^av4 f yoicr 'fi lu Mosfls TpHK, Arr..'rican r’aieiit si.iij, mi c .b faint lias proved or u-ed fi.r preBerviug tiu tools, and making those that arc iciiKy tight. Th'* saK'^cnP*"r will warrant to mnlte all tin or metal Cent per square fm-t B F. BUNKKy., ISO Chamber street. N B Onlf-rs left at tho store. 136 Chamber stree e lh»T t.-r roolo or painting in general, will be promptly I'o Arc listed s~aiid fN OORJ, No. KI3 Bromlw«Yt 19th etreit V / . rc4.pecUul'y i utf ruis bis frieudH and the public, that b . t on hHiid and for sab*, the largest as- s.-v-M'j' Ut of Marble Mnutles. Statues, Va.st*s. FouutaiiiK ' ■n ’lm. ;jt*f iLj. ,vc in ibi.i cfoiniry. Maulels are v.im j. s ein. b.Hck abd g'-Id. brocatello. and ail other \ . <. re.t LiHrbles, The desjgni- are of every VHrieiy. •»n I '*r- VI U.-tilr-jj.,-. : -.N. w( . r *2 i*.U .• ♦'’f t pil'd. fTi m pier N‘« :’. N-*rth Rh - t wb irf if>. VHiu*f. .; f U.-4*. W * . 4■.rk J *1 f*ai .,t * o'.' ok f' ,v!, or Uj .a u*e umviU >> t thi* ruc.O tr«.in tropi i h»^e steamer^ were >*uilt expressly for the route, and *r. m HV.-rv r»--p4xct p»irt(riil.vr‘y alai*f.**l t'> the nr.>u ,.,m tif Lfitj^ Island SwunJ Thn u. •comm.»dati«*as for pa.i;v(*Tiv ‘"’a and oomfortabltf, the offlcciii capabic 'i'hc louU l.«ins tho Bhortont and moi-t direct between nsi'iQ and Nciv York. piU.BongorB Rri. enabled In arrive . Buipic t i u - f r the ni'-rniiig line" of "tcwulrtals and lb- ( \ VNDKKtHI.T.^wUMelvH New i ork XueB day Tiiurr.i.ky and .'Ktur l^iv L -'lv-«.S’' u.ort.'ii Moii lav. 'vV-dne*'dny aw-1 f'TIdtiy The 1 OMVnijnJO- v.lU icr.vs N-w York ' U a Js 7 vV*d'les i;iv au*l I*ndav L'n-" 13.1 Off C.j. Tbur^ tsy RTii Saturday prnre^d HMr » VIn li.e spicudiJ l‘a,i HjaI \ ' i.E'!*'4ze masL-r ac' ou.pttuies the stekLiboattrairs tr ft’i'i rrofii n*-nrn ’A i’"'- PttUrCnaca'"'” apH'r SHIPS &c. A T L W T if ( ^pta-,n MV-’t. IKK . I uptain -Nye. \"n! ^ v Tn*-4 sbii'N havuig b.en i7inlf by contract. expre»«’y ti.r k’ovf-rpr.i. nf st-rvb'e, t-vt^rv »-nre b;i.s b* pti r tk' n 'u ‘ .h- .r ru-'ii ’n a*-s! j in their engine* t" ► ri-ure • t r u .'H; iiu 1 e.-d , Hnd Uieir a*'ef.infot.,i ,t uus f-r pu-*-eiig* rs a ** uTi“*juab**d f-'T elojrrin.**- • r mi.Tt f*rt.-4- p.as-4-ige trfiiu ,Ni w \ ork t*"*Liverpt'.oi $l.lu *lu-iv« u-f I f stale nf.niv charg* d a.- r»-»ed ta the pbintf of tl)»* C 'jl.lU** No b.'iths oan *iecur“d until pai ’ f^r An exf.eriencv-d surgeunwili be in atta- hed to each ■?.; ■"‘■Jo’'’'" ir.v.iJMrs'ls? The PA finC will leave New Turk .May 23th. The PAI IFlt will leave .New Vork June 'fflth Do do do Livcrp.ool July ITih Th ■owners of these ships will not be ac-ountab!e for IJ. silver i iil itn. specie jewelry. preciouB stone" or ni-dals ur I—" hi > ' f l i n g are pigned therefor, and the v.'.itiH tb«r«- f »xpre"4-t*J _ ap27 ~bKs.N(H i,r,h..lA\ A.sD OI'HEK i-UllKiu.N lOui'S will be admitted mt" the lm ted .States, in rtritisb shif ". en and affer the 1st J a n i^ y th,re-^ THE BRITLSH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROVaL ------ ------ .'—aud receive maila and passengers, are In- HIBKRNIA. I a p t ---------- , from Boston, V/cdneAlay koi-Ar, rapt. Lott, &om -New Ynrk, TYednesday, Capt. ------------. from B<-ston, Wednesday ................... ..... Wednes- ^A.MERb A. Capt Shannon, from New York, f r e ig h t wJl be charged cn specie, beyond an ammsnt ^^TetUrTS^'ew^ must pass thiongh the Pest ^^Ligeft-om New-Tcrk or Boston to UTOipeoi, fNART 88 Broadway. iffd Trtll depart with the mane-for Europe. poalUvely turday, the 26th of May, at 12 o’clock. M. - freight or passage, having unequalled accommoda- tions for elegance oacomfortj^appJ^ ^ M f . ' 74 Sooth street. (. ''1 (1 rtKi* h.ivirg Mipen^T lurai-bed a' m\ju ' H:ns'!’kH!( ks os s .uth ki Or niary luciiAurcmt'iit g’Hid-* fi C4eui8 pt-1 j,,nt Ag.Tit.-in Nrw <>r:4*«a-< J liiii* \\'(i>*Jrufr »w h<. w111I t' -HI pt V1<Iw H»-1 nl i u’ •* l“- I ’ t be-i r .«1,1 r- - pa«*kt*l l . ,'U( »*»*4-d ‘be ()r-‘\vt [;i. 'J'hr Irtft c. I p* ri-d 1. c MI. LAN A. T Larn-U inx-U' an i vnii *«»i; a- .i l.- * . {“or f-b ,jLt or pev."F; ^p, opply ‘■ ’n >ioar<l nt PinnKt wbnr myjl crf'.v.v NKLsnN h.. ^.<al•5. pt. ^ Ir V NI} 11 > >• d an 1 Mi'iiJv’ {7 J. “bip t< ■ bitUiig tb*' mg i'll b ar-t. will Uhl. ' mJ S'.p or Uy m.>2' t AUI K & H \/AR1>, 4" .*M'.Jtt ft !■» In NVw Ori».H4..>Mr W'jnuuu ' r . v v. wbo wiil tf'lvaijH' tt thri r :iiiiic.s:<. ’ ^ :M()[H'K r-M>,KT Linp itoZiTu vlut-r T>lUinll n*-r r-irgo Tlirfa'i -Hiiin,; lar prickft br:g MV , 1 \W>H \ Bun****. u»j having thn largpiNt part fflMT «'argo 4*mrug<'i and i i»n will rei'pivp -Ji>palcb aU-te Kr.r buUufp «.f frcitfbt i.-r p-y’pagf. apply on boara, at Pipr 11 L^l^t River. (OblsHp) or to inyVI KAiiLK K H A /\R n 40 S.'.ulh «. Agenifi in Mobile. .Mc'wru. K ., ( . «putpr &i f who wiM forwe.-J frw of oommiiMsion, uJ,! eo'-d.-* to ,.S W ^N N A H , (#po - iTb’i'ht at ReJucpd |{ Packrt SiiM'tduv J .Mj ! fit* liUf f4Fj'in-r r.-guiar packet ^f'b VlUivINlA. Ho- bjiit. tivrts,.»r v»,„ yPiil us4 above, full r>r not ii.ll l o r ; . , i^ht or i*rti^«i »,.;4<i.having elegAut ct. r'-r m aci'oin- •J'-Ialp Ba. rtpi-jy to t.* j *ma/itproD J»>ttrd f‘K>t of i'.f h:n*n -i C-'MiLie (E 1 O . Ikrt p 'H-t. i‘>* lUt-iy nn frti »bt re^plvpd on boa**! alU r SgIu?- ■lity ru:a cr rbsUe Ji.s, rrei.efat taken at twc-Tinr6« trs than nQfiinr:.ary ,v; gopd<4 ficnt to tb r A^POTti in New York will he fo r uts-rp.r of *^futb ( rt -oa. AlBbixina *r iVnn**.-*- flrtp, add^e^^**d to tbi'I try Of 1 b-’inau S Wjivne, Agent of ‘ •'U^ral Rabrofid T H Mill - n .Steamboat ' • or J. A fawap. t4e-;*rgm V., will be fvrward»*.j free of commtcMOD____________________________ jny^ fg? (Mv'*:vsr N—Packet 8hip Line- idl^Podt'vHy l-irst Wn ^- Her Regular Day The .^'.il'ng, roppere-t F' :• H ALLKN.A McMunn, mt^oter wiU take wbal frugo. may fllv-r. and c.ear as tor fr-’biht or paft-age. bar pg PXtfii«ivc and superior r**rr^r Burling -dp‘^up htairs. Ordinary m^-oRUrtmeut gf-oa?. 4 cent-per fi.t.i HJR NKWBKKN..N (. -f)M Line The regular packet ftph ANN M A Pl\ J«*DeR. ma-ster. will re- ceiTR treight untu VAe.iijMPJay 22d inst fV ight or i.a.*sa;re apply on board, at pier 30 *7K or to S.AM'L L. MITi'HILI Bhis of latling signed on board. Tjy; FQIi W 1 11\ •;TOn7 nTT X. 194 Front iy21 Forfreigbt or pa^rago apply on b; = lIN'.n'ON, N. c.-oid LinT ket 8cb U L O & |_ ^ ^ „ n B , |I ^ t M - j .f lading signed_on board__ :'ard, at pier .81) East L L. MiTi HILL. IS4 Front st 'i£, TO SHIP OW.VKRS-The fluVenbern Pav VOwharfs at Wiiiiam'-bargh where they can ac ;>cnmr>datR three or four ship? to lay up during the summer months. Apply to ___________________s^ ffiy4 ___________ BARCL.YY h LIVINGSTON, New BAKCLAV & LIVINGSTON. •24 Beaver street. F 5V 4 •- TIED - A gOf>d vessel to f utec ^and^load in the I'ne for New Orle^i .cced the Jes-port D. iU South st. - VVA.VTfcP -immediately-AioeclBhlp to load In ^ th e Unefor.MobUe. 7 E.D.HCRLBLX.^.^CO.^ FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER—The fast sail JgliAY Alfl ' C f ^Uin. rit, to t • 1 M ll J t- l.xNbk J I'riigiii- art* of every VHriely. lUikl.DMiH lire K-vurel that the priewj Ret upon the .ibo-,,' Hnu-le« are f»iUy as b’Wa.-’ IhoM^of aHiinilar quality M»» J urchated at m thia or any othtT city m the I states (* (/ will bt* plcft<»4*d to receive orders for fculpture U 'TTjbH. luoriumHnt'j. mantels and ornamental marble work ot *-v4 ry Ueriori)-tJon. which hn aSPuree hifipatrou^ RhaU b*' 4*\eriit« *1to their entire K«( infartion ial4 fr'orejgH Doint-sHc and Foi"tvardiiig and Cona- eiitssinn Wercljantw, IT N(f dispt N . d f,f the^r5ntel«•^t in the Ksprops be- iX Iwe* HNvswVork and B*..vton. bvg to inff-rm their Irir-ndNand tb»- publ’* ' tbiil tb« y v ill -levote th« ir .*itten- U-M pctrlicuiarly t<» the Fxchan,r»'. Shipping andG ericral ‘ i-iaiiji.-v'i-u 1.1 ci oru'Ction with their Liverpool 'u>d hou'*..« a a J at Lonuon, raun ajad 'I'he fju*UiHe«i tha t have bc«-n off»-red by the eubficriberi- for the lew yi*.j.rR. f‘ r the execution ot London and ( r J.-.'-, fjr’- n ’WVery riiuch incrf-aSMl through the O.dvrstf.r turchaf-ey 1--b*-m^de in F-nglaiid, France and Mih. r part- ol KuilPc will be exetjut-ed, and upon the ’ ; l ‘ I»f.dvHiiced aud <!'• dits given for the purpose of fa- gioiaUug Mu'ir exn'ution l »rt».-uUr HtL»-uth*n paid to enteriog and clearing g4-odf* at the New VorKRud Boston Custom Houses, and forwarding wilh the utmost despatch. Kx*;h.'4nge at t'ight iu sums to suit, oonstAntly or ealc "" Otdces!No.*rwrii sGeet.lvew York, Coi'i'letrebi, Conton, - 6 c ook BV . ana 6« T "'U P. Sutmeribera haviDi; their Slcnm Saw Mill in i c.,,ni i-tr I'l cratinn. iiml ; ipo on hand a full acsort ru-at of M'liiu I Inc. White Oak (ieorKia Fine and Hem -Ttmb,.r. f f th.‘ <jnality. tvr- prepared to furnish all orders with which they luavbt ' I on very reason- all orders with whifih they may be favored oi Logcor sr^^nd n;:;k Bridge 1 imber. King and Queen Fosts. Header and Trim- t ., &c , or Sawed into Piank, Rail«. Columns and Girders, Kc;rine Frames, and every other description that may be ‘ w'lHTE PINE TIMBER by the raft or single log, or IS it= llpsss N. B. A conatsmt supply of Georgia pine flooring and step stuff in the rough state, and southern or city dresstd, e » 1 <*>• KR It Dl’GARD rroTfcEs. C IT Y JVOTICJES. Hl'rEC-Mt; CUCRJ. i o---- oils—(F'ot relief.) illiiiliiS Tliepreniiams ofl.-roii for .aid loan mii-l lie paiii in rash, or I H110 s)\ jri-r ■ <ni -t<Mk- rtf iH^i f.t j.nr. on the <JaYot 4.i»rn-tic the p'-oiRV Fmi*l roinm'-ri)oner> Th*- lialam-e of [in«i i;)ri| to l>e paid a> ''■SS.or,^ the sani. 1M7. ^hall be held at the office of the ( ornrsny. in cily ‘*f New \ ork ; the poll tu be opened at 12 o'cloc and lo continue open until 2 o'clock. 1'. M.. and ae i longer, not beyond the setting of the etin. on tbt- day. a-J the In.^pector^ may find nece«5ary to rccein votes of electors presenting themselves. “ 2. At every elec tion, the stockbnlder.«! Fhali bereque‘^t- ed to elect three of their number as inspectors of the suc- ceeding election, and the jiersous so cb-citd sball al o be considereii a committee or the ritocKh*'M*-rt- for Ih* se of investigating th« sflairs aud situaiion of the couipm^ previous to the ne>t anr;UaI tb cti.oj of D.ructer**. Ai s'lnie lime within the month j'rccedmg .-uck election. Htid at lea,-t one week prior thereto. U shall be the Ji documeuls and \ oucLc* p of ibc c' mpauy If ary eftb- inspector on the day of election, lije din-ctois shall fit! the vacancy or vacancies from the MocKholders at lartce •'3 1 be inrpectors <pf clectioj.. ao soon «..s the c!osc*i after any «!cctiOti, shall proceed to cauva.-.** the TOtcN. and shall sign a certificate doi-Iaring who are the sha!' deliver the sajuo lo tbrf Secretary to be filed and ; rt - ________ ».n I. .-.t.M'S.-s »"■ ” — ■ - •>«« , No. 4 ilali ol Aeoords. witlim m.,-,pHl of liie 6 p,.; .-MU the r.alan..e may n on Vn- - —I n' H." r’evcii.h aVTnue.------------- ;S£iiSii£s^^ fi)r e-icli one iiunur *.l d.iliHr.-? ot »-io.'k, llI^cl♦In!nalmg betwe*-n th* live and six percent*.. gi\:ng llic a»Mns>- ol ttie party making\tu- proptFsal, act-1 be enc!o-“d m an enveloifc marked. " I'ni.x-t-o f _ap30tl9thJe A A. HijJ'i''i.TrenwuiP! ol Stale. S a LL>;?»0-^ iU V K K KAli.RX>AiJ COxllPAM ii .a. -*.N‘-w i ork April 27ih.lb-0- The election of bj- re''t<-r8 of thist ompau)’. an*J ftr lbre*> la.«ipectors ot Klee- lioD. for ibe cD.'Uir.ir year will be h4 Id at the office of the 1ouipany No 54 U all street, (frime's Buildings) on the lOth day of June ncxt.arilin compliance wuh lh“ re- «iuircm**nts of the laws f>f theKtate of New ^’ork. the fol- lowing by laws ol thi.s Company. r< gulating such election arc published for the information of stockholders '• Article 1st. The annual election of Directors of the GKO B TH’TLKR SeerHary Lifi. S 1 D fB urni ’i.-igncd 1 taken his s«)n. Lu'^as 'I Iv-iripson lu o ] ^ ^Os••A It. >slf 1 iMtl'Vit ko. *4i4- -<3ir. <»i\. If IL have this d. 3' t.*nu‘ J a e *partnerf-hip tor iKe ti‘un.< aciioupiiiii A u d i'b a n d • ■■mua.-sion l-UMm"'' u i 'h r tb.’ turn i-f F * L.tWKAXc'f. Si 1 O . at the store No Ml\Nt U>C. LA^VKAN' K New York. May 1st.1850. - my7 *iw 0> t-1Ct OF TKF t:B0^4^ Isi AND B A J l.R04l> «O f m iiK 1.0RG IS^AWD^^UA1L1W>A JL r.^N V HA VTNii executed a mortgage to Shepherd Knapp, K,s*i . Trustee upon their entire road ari*l its fraiichi'ies. & kc. lor the sum of five hundred thousand dollars, to Secure their bonds or obligations for a hKe amount, payable twenty years from the 1st of Januarj IH.'d). with intere.-t at .six per cent. senii-aDnually. i'l cl July and 1ft of January, are now prepared to eschfii.ge RyrKS. CL^EL^ND.^wP^roartTvay, N'ri. iV x York, respectfully ann'UDce.s to her friends and to the public generally, that she mauutacturea and cen- Bosoms, CoUare. <ravats. tiloves. Hosiery. &«. Shirts. 5 s r ; . r . X ‘«,.feh“ fe ? gentlemen is soheited to an inspection ot her stoek In c.^unection with the above, Mr.s C. has establi.<hed her own Laundry, and is now' prepared to contract for the washing rf Hotels. Stores. Famil:c7« .lud <ieutlemen. she rt licits orders aa above, aj-suriug all that washing esn be di-tie in ht-r Laundry, as well as in any part of the city. TTAS eOK SAGlIf TO ' i i in Ihrrt’ilajB. or in L" 'll /luiin If npress *J"Roript ''’J- of fin.-arid f;u'hi«'nabl<* Sll I P.q’f? . Of < KAV'A-TS. Reman i« determined to keep the nia<t PlPinini ib'MinnKnjt in Himrity. nml tn ihrm. an«J to BI-AIAS <(»hL.Uls,tbew'Ul hereafter devote t special at- tention. (rent'6* furni>-hing generally; as also Ladies J.2nny Lind<-. Gents' Morning Gowns, Glov-?fl, Hosiery Four thousand autographs of regular oustomers on he Four hundred eeamstresses constantly employed. Shirt ailVentTF-L^nSgStcr. Manufactory, No. 13 Beekman street \ S, VAKfJGSliFOKlj, Real fcstatt _ X ces—8S Albany Road. London, Kngland. I,™ Ki?;Lxr„“ wS“ .; .rHVS4 5,000 Y?embers to each Class, atri^n™ Ltrf;Lr»e S e ^ T a u T ? B ^ f r ' i r r U ‘‘%"« 80 th'ise that do not start, (bat N nmbeCB foxwan^d liiuxi«dL.tcly <m receipt of » remit- *We. PJlpecUcnL^eciaeaccewfflLeieStClIOltlia fortuBAt® NumtMa to oaoh Sabsortbef, so IM t ho miy know hla pioslUon and »iether or not ha be one of the fortunate. Office eommisaion?^ per cent, to bedednet- «d ficmihe above ^liees , N. B. Lists open for this St. Leger same as tbe HAiiO SAOGiaK,TTKS -WhUr f ar e-in OMta. '.'.'.'’ .!.'. ’^^IbB e^b The quality of this Lead is warranted eyuai to ant maie, and to give entire satisfaction, ©r it may le r- t—i i o w TO SAYE YOUR BOOKr Mila. v, Ohio, Not. 27th, 1849. Dear Sir—" ’'’fliort time einee our •B-arebonse. wUl can trust it again ,ee e c c ' STEVe' s & RYAN. I-,„ r, .e„,.| .„ L'M , IV ,„„ |,„p ,• 2,1 i.; Jmh ___ mvvnjx :L’s^^>’-MllenU hfixe been J ot buiuiiHj: a »ewer m 3*1a .\| b 111GM:i'j/lb* pbce. hoiiiCtid-l Juiussiree! lo FourtlnitTGet, ' J-’lir'ejoi. at Uiih offici:. ||§ isi 5 S £ iillr ^ -•Hvo lor a sewer in \V’a:»hington place. Jiom Mercer to Green A'mi. ior a sewer in Reventeeuih street, from 1st avenue to 2d ^b A; o. Ior a sower in Rioarlway. horn Spmg street to Grand I'D. (ora»evtenn lOth avenue, between Sjlli sheet end 42d _NI01()LAS_pEAN, r-c>,<leDU_ NinvYoiK.MFj'^iflS^”' ' ^ ' ______ __________ ^-^(JKI’ORATION NOTICE.-Pnbhc nout* is hereby given. V > Uiat a resolution has been presented rn the Board of A^islant ^ :sS M 3 H,r:r::r;:: ^PeooilJ OMrte7.uri?lmtiog olijertions uuhi- fame, are iterired to ;;n7a..;24uid^;'„i'M.a",mt. - To regulate and bet curb and frutler m 44tii street, trom 3tl toSth ‘■^To'II'ive thi- orxn 'fiKs- oil the buitliead at WashlufiUra 5Iai- '''Tr~.t.'rve^^3 rthi“ iiidatva!fa. and set curb and Eut'ei ra Street Comjaisssoiier’* w lik ccj.^ (PkcIci,o,U«ri,}»&ej,ba4»»tonelcins«,anO bo sot feta ill tbO ffroaili, naVineVrlnescaat on eaci. side. Having Deeuattbo ei^nKe of getting up.iHo ori- ginal pattmn, and introducing tbe uticle, the nndsr- otgaod would fOOpectfiilly solieit tbe patronage of tbeG fcieiuu and tbiopabliocreqnirlng awning posto. WORSALL & CO., Iron Fonnderr, „. Fiinting Press and Saw Mannfcctnrers, 29 . 24 , 2 i«xd28 £lffi*tieet NOTICE, ^r?bo“ !tT^^ .«a aaa,, A«xxv»wing dcschueu oonoa, wau too Bondso ^ tb o « ^ ^ 20 do. do. do. do. for $1,000 40 do. *-'t.ParaW «’>o-arylst,l60^ffi 20 do. eacb, paj-able Jaooary 1st, 18M^ for $L000 jSTVfigg S ^ andCutlwE; I

Transcript of ot is ’'....

Page 1: ot is ’'. 'S-rS.n.r.SK”''nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030390/1850-05-22/ed-1/seq-4.pdfVT_ani-e on all km'ls of property against loss or dan September tot: they will have

IBE ETENIKG POST: NEW ToltK. WEDNESDAY. MAY 22. 1850;ly s u R A jy c E .

Chartered in 5U)0,«», entire/- tO S T lS U E S its business in this city under the anj Vy thCTitrof«»eCon>pt™““ -ia*i:cT.oa ■-

Charles dohsMn, Le'wisHyd ,tyniJani Williams, Joseph WjlliamB,j Q W. TmmbuU, Jedediah Rnnttngtoa,T. W. WEii»S3a,Sna. Walter Lester

Joseph BMhr-

JosCTH WiLLiAJH^Seoietiffy. fourth on Bnltdin^, Merehand ceeding S! .S0O in anyone risk) issued and renewed,

THOMAS A. A U fiX ,^D EJh.^gent,^

lOHNSON, President.snd Furniture {not ed and renewed, by JDEU.^gent,

O rritE or the Delai’•‘".sstsss.'fi;-"!'lO S held on the 26th instant at

J.T. the oonipany‘3 Office, No. 31 Wall street, the follow­ing gentlemen were elected Managers of the Company for th^ ensuing year, to ;


< onpanv. both being clothed with toll power t.j take

Th.' long estabUshed institution, incorporated in 1! with a [•er(etual charter, has transacted a very estens in-Timsi-'** Ka-sinesa. (insuring against loss or Jams "•=• fir»* n hoases, maouia'taring establUhi S

The jurisdiction ofhe jurisdiction of the Courts . this city will be ao .wledgeA d ir e c t o r s .

James (ioodwia, Charles BcSYfeU,Henry Keney, Caivin Day

BoTaLb# S<»oretarT lie K ings Co. M u tu al m»u£-

ance C om pany,[>. 4*3 I^ttlton S treet, B rooltly

^ i t V E N O TfC E tto t th ey c f.n tin^ tom Jke Inaur- VT_ani-e on all km'ls of property against loss or dan

September to t: they will have assets aVailabUj f..r payment of losses, of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, i which the public may rely as ample security againtt ai i» n r . io » « ih , c « , . w

S S ' . » % r r i

s i lM e S S i , S S ‘i S “ 's s u . . , S s ? : , .William B«ard. Wtaiam Banlon,Roberta Story, Rif hard K Hariland.

?a';orrit:id,John A Croes, NichoiaH Laquc*pr.

MORRIS RblYNCLDs .VDRI \ \ HKtiK kl VN , \ i*z*i

I W S U R A K C E .Dfldce ox th e H ew YoeK ihqa liiub le InsaxsA C*

‘^ “ rw “?o-nninunal Election for D

pany, on Monday, tl •n were elected :

rd J^raom e, Harrey Weed,

George Uapelye, ^ N at£.niel Briggs,James 0 Ward.

CAPITAL...............................................5250 000.With a large Surplus

Secured by Bonds and Alortgages and United States

'i n ^ r e '^ ^ ’nst loss and'damage by fire.^b^hriuSM o’fV'od^:sona? property, buiihuigs ships.

. on merchan- and other per- vedsels in port

BSS -7 =

Lh K Carf»eatm

IE"i'/sSr-'Samuel L .Mitchffl,

Cnah K CmT^atcr. S o l^o n ririSa '!’£b»*&«*z r ( ^oi'iwrU, P«ter R Bonnett,Mf'rria hum Jost*ph N Lord,ioshuaS I ndt-rhill Robert a se,

. u T t i

S :“r?e=^lT-rU.Robert Rowne, tv i: bam U Brad/orA,

JOSh't ^^S^ UNd Lr HILL, President'aiz. Secretary r*2l

O&sh ( apital ^ JdC ,00 i“ j^mrplus, a f t o r i n g ah outfitas I’njr

claims. . . . . ....................................“ ]22.0t^0

|i332,0C0A IaL. safely Invested according to the proYisions o

IX. its charUrInsurances made a t lowest current rates

<reA--. -eS Fox,< jru.H Hitrhcf^k-WiUiam H Kails,

Hr?, -yWiUiam H Kails, Jo-t^h (-.flies,JobD U Wright. Abrahan. Bt-'lTii'-m.iJ* J Tf-wnsend, Pi*tt'r S I'itu-,Oar i.'l rnrabls. ( ornelius W Lawre

IraJ Hawley. Richard F ‘ arman,jHanry H. Barrow, Hull ( lark,

J.Smytb Rogers

D. F. CcROT, Secretary.

nicH of thi.’' City

No'tfAnii. VVm A Mai < »'ihon Mhmf

FOX, Preaideat


!i:rV?r!tr'''V\ III \ I triii'inm. Meiiiv :| tvj;iiii .1' . ( Itariew [•

llow-i. k. VIi»th'W \rrn-j'..n_’ ( jrti-i \ K >u"llow-i. iiuc.uj. k. Vli'tii-w \rrn-i'..n_’ I Jill'i! . K > J«F«— f. Pef r. < ; Treiivseii. VViHi.iiii Ki. ‘

riRE INSURANCE. I3S (*oi N r ¥ .Mr Tl 4l I ssiH AM » CoMPAry. } J •»..»-% ,J >..-vvAft, i.te.'or*. P

. k ;'k . i - ’f''« ' ' . «’■ -JS ' " ’

“ • “ • ' ” w » T L E w r r s r "mh27 _____ 67 Wad street. New Vork


In^oney curreuf at the banks in this r i ‘"

) (. ompanybas pledged by a resolution •ectors. to submit to arbitrators indif-V i r . r K i t i K r / . s

BOARD 0F DIRttTOnS.^ o m as K. Brace, Robert Duel,

Ward Woodbridgo, E A Bulkelej,

lEl'iS’;.” , p£'i'!'S'-^TliOVLAST"b R.\CE. President.

S L. LneMis, Secretary..A-pplications for Insurancf

and ail bu**iDp.’».s cou t«» ibe ■Jubsh-nher, dNew Vf fk, with fui sij‘* policies, on terms a.1 faYomhl'^ as any offire in i

T. A


^ 84WaiUtreet.1 he Legluiature of this State, at its la.st session, passed

an act changing the corporate name of the old * .Mutual Insurance ( ompany of the city of Now V'ork,” to the Kwokerbocker Kire Insurance Kompany of New York — .Ail future business of that corporation will therefore be transacted and^rits new name

Itmay be well to add h f way of explanation, tha t the old ■• Mutual." notwithstanding its title, was in fa'-t a

invested, and that t h / change of name wad obtained to prevent mHappreheasiun on that point.

This company cent inu»*« to insure a-rain-st loss ordamage I j are on as favorable terms as similar institutions »n this

UiaSt'TORS,0«*or^» Ireland, Anthony Lamb,John Oothoat; Adam .Norrie.lieorgs Areularitis, Robert Kermit,Robert Bensfn, Anthony < harden,John t'ampbeU, Lewis<'. Hamerslej,Ueor^w < onkiiu, Charles P Levericb,

GEORGE IRELA.ND.PresVdBUt.B MBDo.,t.Lu..<i.nr«tftrT ap^


Office .No. 6S Wall street.


cent act of the Legislature, the name of this any has been changed, the terra Nautilus being Appropriate to the business of Lile Insuranc"-

rn“hng ieth*^A7rulS.Thacies, and paid for losses SD.OOO dollars. In fifteen in.stan.- e> the flum insured was for the benefit i"»f the wid >%¥.■< and crphan.«» of thedoceasfld and, in a numbsr of ca'*e<. iLr timely relief, thus aiTorded. has been the m**aos id‘ k»‘e *-

t">ur annual dividends have heeo de.-Ured, thrt e of fiftyaud one of forty per cent., upon wU'.ch intere!»t la pay ibieHi “ix per cent per annum, and transferable ceriiflcates

».spured being the only proprietors, ana to whom divi-aeaOs are declar*^ anuoaUy of all the profits.

The premium upon Policies may be paid annually, semi

will be paid for.

65 WuUstreot, or a t a n^o fits agencies.Pliny Freeman.


U M L..Henry I Seaman, Cyrus Curtis,J o h n f . Beach, baoiel S. Miller,

r » „


A^atfrlcWn i t tu tn a in u iF irii is tix a iic c c o m p a n y . ChabterkdBv the Leoislati-re of COVNfcCTKt.T IN

This institution is authorized, by its charter, to H sue policios of in-Nurance upon life, and to make all and

S p T g s s s y i T p i i r ? , s . s ' r . u ,with the accumulating premium, is deemed adequate to

Appiirdti' U< left Hi Ihf \ler hants •nrni r «>f (»r»*»'Uwirh au 1 L'»*>

e aU**Dtif'U

.NOMJKkNI) Irn-I.iuut

Ls' Kx-han*rf Bank

Vhii> ci9iapany coDtin.ae.'* to insure Builfhni .s Mer'^hati- dise. Houiiehold {‘■’irmf are, ikr Hitai-nHt bws and ■jHijiatr'- by fire, on as favorable temw an similar lunuiations in

PIBELTOIU.Tim-dby Whittemore, Warren Harriot,Jam.s N, VV'c-IiH b<4;»liaz>-r . 'AliokAbr-iham Van Nest, J« bn Ran iali.J< hn l/e{amat**f Viui*i’iit W' Many,r itjion lolhert, John Ja«*k.'<* nJiuratio '!••tt. Uul‘'en 'U-'kley,Batij h Brush, Jeremiah T*-rbetl,(ieorge*MiIn, Kdward »rreen.

rhHrlee< raneTI.MOTIfY WlilTTEMORE^rrMi.lcnl

Secretary n

r i ' . ’fe P i l l . - I UNNKK & SON'.S I'SiTl-.D J;:r\rr .- L TYPK KOINDRI - The subsrr hers have now or

hand an eX'.'eUeut as«Y»rtmeu; of Bink. .New«paj'er, anc Ornamental Typ** Bordering. Itc., which they are pre pared to sell at reduced rute.s. on approved paper, at -ij miinlhs or at a discount of ten per cent tor ca-h INif

of Scotch la-'es, eo much admired and approved «i

mixture oi mecaiH ainereni in proportions in<ise u<- r. geiieral'v. by which we iDMUrc greater duraPtUy. 'I c our aesortment nf OrnameTital and Jobbiug 'I’ype. Boi • d-ering. at<*. we have made a largeioorea.se and are rcr- stanMy addiag to the variety lTet*-e¥ W'iM.d I yj e < a*!'"* Stands. Brass and Wood Ilule.s lnip«>'-mg M*n-- I ouipi^ing Sticks, Bra-s and Wood IthIIcvs. i u .* i

Priutiog Office turnish-d wi*h deupatch. Kpe. i.nerfthefts (if Scotch fari'ii, m*. an* now ruady for Oellverypound. PuhiisherK of D-w'spaperH who will insert this ad­vertisement three time.s and forward US a paper treV;om to the l.st oYjHQuary. ISdO. will be paid in u at»rlu.o me.nufaeture. by purehaJ-ing four times tUe amoaat ol their bill for the advertisement.

JAMLS rONNKR & SON, corner Ann and Vaseau eta.

N. B .-A new Specimen Book wiU be l-«Huel huiready or delivery about th - l*t of N'».v«mhiir IRJO, tfQ flT A N O Av ^ T F 7U C«U O K S.“' t n e KUDscnt.Tri-

mg artle es <>1 their weh know, n inanuiactur» , v u ;N I. 1 ( brume Oreeu. dry and m oU

I'fU' klliU (ifeen iu I'.lImperial d" do

Lx IVrmaaent (ireen in i-il >o 1 do do do

^ ^1? “‘HoNew York * hrome YellowK.itra 'lo do dry and in'oUNn I d'l d'i J"A Ko.e Pink do.A di' pulp.Pulp I ak..i atra VVrmillir.n

T u r7 y I mbnr burnt and raw Do do lo od


J - R lS H U N E N n . 3 4 7 5 and i 4 aumaoii u- rAuaA ti.a a.N-a(>rtment >.l 4 4 white Linens

? 4 :ind brown Hollands,of the 5vell known seal ot James and Robert \ oun*; B il-

^Table and FUlow Case Linen. SheelingSj Towellinir,from t h aJ : li---factory .Ardoyn.near Belfast

6-4. 7-4. b-4 and 10-4 Damask and Table ( loth.-, of ap

^ Z u i n f m b m .,0 Pin. .rH ^L cAVINO C-AKJDS -Bashaa steamtoat pi»jer« oT 1st and 2nd Higlander Merry Andrew Klla)»*r I»e

WM H. ( ARP:Y & ( (1 .24A Pearl f treet

ind Spanish ea


H ,

.\MKRh \ running to and from .Albany, and touch at the usual intermediate laudi^gs.^ ^

GOING NORTH, j Prom theoffice in Hud-»on street near Ch.AmbeT'i g^re t I At 7 a. m . Way tram for Albany, stopping at hH O c

will laud at Hyde Park. Kingston, Barrytown, Tiv«-li Malden ( atskill. Hudson. ( oxsackle, Muyvesant and N'ew-Baltim re. and arrive at Albany at 3 V M.

“ r . rH 7 o 7 ° 7 m X '‘??e rate* of premium of 26 per cent payable annually, eemi-annnally. or quarterly, as may

i r ; : , “ “ V„ .ny which leaves there at 7 a M^topping at .NVw Ham

which laaves there at 11 a, M,, stepping at all way

‘"■“S r"’”” 5

i ^ T y s r ’” ” “ ' F w rGeorge HaU, „ GeorgeD. Phfelpe,Ftedorick T Feet.

Caleb Mix, Treasurer. ,f ako^T ie K ^ x T h T T c '^ S an Local Board.W .n m a M W ™ a T 3 , A ^ ^ ^ ^ W,i.iaAMN.BLA»a.KAW.M.D.. 193Bleecfcl»rttr«et

t t o r families from want, in ease of their death.A proepectUM has bean issued (which can be bad gratis

t the office of the company, or any of its agents.) es-

f I'tHIS Compaxiy, h a. ness for nearly ti

their Capital entije, c t_______damage by fire upon favorable te r

DIRECTORa.WOliam C. Rbindandec, John Slosson, Stephen Storm, Lyman Denisbn,.Benjamin Strong, Samuel V HedmutnStuart F. R udolph, Feter G.Axcqiarius,

inel Verplanck, — .aael Verplanck, George P. Rezer*, Micha^ A l i i^ , trS liam Bleakley, John B-Sehmelael,

J tim ja 'M iIrS iEU W hite, .

•- * -------- N w t, EbaneierCatPETER R. WARNER, Preside.; ^ r a h a ^ T ^ ^ « t i .

JoHiT Heognltaw,

^o ird l HoppocXi Ebenezer Cauldir.

A t4, r u. i.xpre.-< -rain for Albany, stopping at . l»*tArman Tarrytowa Mn»;

"Md Spring. Kisbkdl New-siewith the Steamer SOITH AMERICA, which will land at Hyde Park Kingston. Barrytown. TivoU. Mal lcn ( atskill. Hudson ( oxs.ackie. Stuyvesant and Ncw-Balti* more, and arrive at Albany at 1 a m

A t 6) K M. For Passengers to Poughke

A tiJ A. M, For New-York, stopping at aB the way

which leaves there at 3f r M , stopping at all way ®‘^ “pas“ engefe‘wiU promote theG convenience and

“ " ' ’" " • ‘“ ‘‘ s t . r B s r s . s w . d . e . d . . . .New York. May IS. 1350.___________________my21

d o x jS A ii 'o is ic st* iT .n r »A P.

,.......... Sj.Sntie express train , which

o m « K ? a j K « t W e

ISSrSf s^^onMtoMf hr tteAgent only, at the Depot, foot orSIarketst^t.

N. B. SJapi^Tvin please to have ail package with the imme of the Station a t which they are to he left.

CHARLES ROCKWELL, Agent, Office on the p i ^ New-Tork, April 23, I860. »P ®


F a re fw ^ e 1st class cars $3 ; 2d class cars, $2 50; ar-

Leavk New Yore—At 9 a. a . and" 5 r. m. foot of Liber­ty Streep via Jersey C it^ Trenton. Bristol, taking steam-^^Fare Sot Bis / Claa^Cars, $3 ; for Second Class Cars,

_^_<^Snntoys, the Lines leave New York at 5 r. n ;

a / .lij Saturday nights, and 11 Wednesday night.s

O^^rv^Ais—Lrave New York at 5 r. m Newark at 8j-

<6?- Phila-lelphia Trains stop at Market street Dept-t ^nly. &nd t'Arry no way pa-'iSea.*-!* in th- A f m fromNew 1 ork pxci^pt t ‘> plftr»*H beyond N«w Brnnswif k m r in the y A SI trom New \ork except to place'* b*y"Cd

NKW YORK AND FaLUABKTHTOWN Leavv N5.w York-.A t 6 and y % m , an-i 1 ‘i 6j

V M.. lb Katurduy tiitibt.*? and U i on lue *jd and 4rh U . d Dt-day ni.:htfl of each month

Lxaik KLIZAHETHT..WN-At 6 05 . 7J. «i- l'»A* i «and 1:J 4»..3 4d o, p . p aSaturday uiK ht*and 10. >.n the 2i and 4tb VV,.anf-d,-*j nij bt.N cf *-aoh

O'y Si Vi-iYs—Leave New York at a r m. —LliKabclh towQat liJ' p M . for New V rk

NKWYOKK \NU KAHWAT Leave Ni w VoaK— At 6 and Va . m . and 1. 2- ii. 5

p M ,)0 Saturday and 11 . n the 2d and 4lhWednesday uiijhtii of ea* b mi uth

Li-avk flAHWAV-At 7 6. l(r A.M.and 12 * 3J 6v b lo ‘ p M , y Saturday niirhG and luj ou the 2d and ■llh VVedn«i drt.y E4.,i,Li. il eacu wouuj

On Si nuavs- leave New Vork at 6 p M.—Rahway at M lU’. p.M for .New York

aNk W YORK AND NKW BRl’NSWTt’K Leave Nf.w \ oaa —At 6 and P, a. m and lend » r m L r^vK.Nfcw Bai NHV.1 k *\t6, 7j and a 5i.,aiidl2*i>N SI -vi-kvi - Leave New York at o p m - New Bruns­

wick at7t* p M for New \ orkNKW \o R k , \10Klll'‘ H U V \ \ \ u liOVKU

Lva> Nfv» \ iiiik for vlorru-towQ D,>ter and ijiLerme liate p’acert, H. A M . l l j a m . l< reiefat 4 P M \K\V \(U:K < (i.:K n \lU .K \ND \VHil'KHOl>K

Cc?“ Those marlted thus ♦ leave upuu the arrival ol theIn addition t" the above stopping plBce'i. some <rf the

way traiU’' vu 1 *p al “rn.i'.ier w.iv -tauon'* ex«-<-pt when

nr th« train would lusc th*. regular trip for at the

Ei< PPT THE Philadei phia T pamvs - T q CT from New York and Newark tt* c.*dI'» . Kiizabethtowu and Hah way. .31} ot« . .New Brunswick, .V i cf-

pfiee aud all pa-he'n./ei;i to -bow nn'i delivep tbidr

fire rer-ivv r t.rry toket L' atis extra h n» * e x i e I rick^-tn are r»ceiv«Ml by the » - i l-i. top only «.n tla f'-ain tor h Uav are i iit. "li ta r day wla-u^pur

p '"C-. .<.[1 '.I t b.....'in !■.! tiy until i b • ir . In <■ -, a ;• *v-r, ti .r

t-ikiubt anythin,' -i- l -j'.''.:- t >i’ (hvo .1 tb^U.(•liltv ■ t the uip.iuv I r Ahoh:- ii- I l >lio

Kre ri'i 'c'tid at the fo r of i.ihcitv NhVmA !-T New brin-A k til' Ki V M. anltM Newei .I li R,*r .Tht4a» n Rahwiv Iriiu-t<a Tr«-ul'.n sie uoL.l

AU rreit;ht from N5\ \ \ nk for pUc*s south (f Npw Hrutiswirk will lie rcreiiAd .it the N'arhct -t.eef d 'p t-ve'.v Jay and f-rwai 1. 1 m the uorn;n*r I'hiliidelphiit One in iiei^ht cars ruriiun^ direi tly ihf'Otfh t.. I’hda

I he Ul-'mini; t lie illJe ir.il es ' IHV.;1-sO.NG ISG .W O U A IIj IK’AU,

.3, V " j ‘Ke.eiver.

SI MMKU \lilt WuKMI- \ rf'M'i hiem*.' N.wp-.it Nerwieh VV.>r.'.v[ r

U‘l;iiiii.ititic and Hartford.I h.'Lew Hil l--pieudid "teHmer MJ' b ( apt Uhit»

« Ml uiu I 'l y in i-i ijiierl 0 Ii w il h thel.oii); iFl.iiid Iwi’i


bTtheCendnctorofth8trmin,who will have particular

S S 5S t a S ‘iS ‘4S 5?““'-" ^ ‘‘” “■

pier 18, foot of rourtlandt etreet a> 50'clock. P .M The steamer KNlCKERBOi KER. Captain WlUlams.

will leave every Tuesday, Thursday and Satunlav. at

7S5hf3w™s."i«'•.SSi.T™L”t “ S S C X 1ssa ....................

ftnd \'*-utren,l. and ftrr TiDji .»x Worrefter take the ear-« i.fth - WrT, i-ster and .Va.-hUii, or the Worut Wr at.d Kiteh- buri? raUr*‘ad>»

Fare from .NVw Yi«rk to Bojiton................. f4 (K)Do iln Wor« ester............ :i noDo do Lowell 4 no

Df.i d" ( oiii-ord.......... 4 70

K 1:D“ do <»r*'ior| /u^jetfop, ;t H©

(lo do B-11fi*« b alL-. . . . 5 loBurllnirlnn.... S 7U

Do do MoDtreil..........l.j 70An f.xpTej.8 Freight Train leaves Vllyn s Point for Bo«-

■ >n iinmediat**ly i-n the arrival uf the et* aniV.«.utsKrej^bt Likeu at the h»wept rales for Biwton Worces

ter LowelJ, ( oDcord, Bellows KalU. BurUngti^n. Montreal.lo r ireirnt pa-' Patte or *»tb'r information inquire oi

Imard the ho-At. or at the ofilce, I'ler ly north river foot o ( ourttandit aUeeL inhll% K W k liJU I i A NO N K W h AV fc^YllX llTuO A U On and after Wednesday, \pn l 24ih the following

fraiUM wilMeave t :’jgwj a Mgfe Cuual street Ma’.i

Pa*o(eni'>(*r3 Rl o rccvivd a tlbij Neailroad office ‘iTth -trev-tVlailroad office ‘iTth -trev-t1 A*‘«oiamo iatli.a Train at Ti o'clock. \ M for New

Ko'hcilc NNunarOMfck Kye r'*'-* ( hi’ ’ r (tr*enwub Si.oul' rd. I»iir:en Norwalk We-tp«*pt. s«.uthi-*rt, i a»r field. Hnd<**porl Stratitird Milf‘r*! «nd N«-w Haven

i’aflSeafter-» from the W»iy Stations for Mltany and th<xffltioDN tn th« H'»u«atauie ami NauuarucK RHilroadHwill take this train and -t*>p at Bnd uport rnssenij it from W'h) .Stations for H >eton Provi leni e, VV'nri’enter Hartford' Sprin^dield and ( .*m<ecliciit River Kailroiids Will take th’.'i Tram and j >m Train at New Hu-

boat W A sH lN lifi....................leave I'la'-hiuiT every morninf^ (j o’clock and Astoria at 7 o cloek

KeturnlPir will leave New V ork at 9 o'clock. Aflermwiu Trip -WilUeave Klusklng. at *iD‘ clock and

\sUina at d. Returning. I ave York at 5 STA(}K AKK.ANtiKM.Nsr

To Asn FKf.M ll.»s!vv. .Manhissi-t anh Npw-Votik- Wdl leave Rfsiyn liukp“.v*s H*'tel daily (Sunday « x

rept'di at 6 AM- and 12 pm V(fiTih.'L.*«<et at am and I rif.-k » M ( ow I’.ny at .• o »'loek »m and return from

the f, n clot k Boat irom N Vork LilUt Neck. •■•I h o « i..ek.Urlu-iiuiiF. w.ll h-HVe Now ^'nrk by the steamer W'asl.

n if t'u ir V in from Kaltin .Nlarket Mip at HA M and

Pk'-en^eris will pledfi.'to prncurn Uieir U. ket-t of tin- tbr- to iJo'lyn ( oat bay .'-s . Manha>^i't uud I-itth

TlHi vl \ s « ORNVVLLL Stai^e Proprietor Flushing ^prii Jn l-.Vt a j‘-'0

#” <231 K *■'**"' MUi r j ' reijtd^ _ f i spria!.? Yrran-reuM nt 1 he >-i,.{i.njer P ^S&S£ilSSS2S»h U« (ap t J Iratly will run a.-follows until t'urtlier tj-diee I wave NNw \ orli. feed ol B;ir.T4ay -Ifeet, at 4 ' vlf rk, P M . bav* Newark fo-*t '»f < eiitre vtreet at Mo'ciock M . iaudiu,; at Point ear h

l-r* (,;li* Uken at reasonable rates mhlH

4 Kxprt-s Train at \ P M f'*r Stjunt rd. Nor ! walk, l-uditeport .lod HiU-ialoiu,* an 1 N ,iu./a'uek Kwi

j .. UA'i.j, r.-i.TTi fit 4 P t 'r N^w Hmv. lj ill i 4.'! r La ,ri(»ruiedlr.‘e ^rnt.-iisI o I . mi.iut if "U i tai i at 5 C.O »• -M . f- r Bn \7ep rt an.‘ f latelUle l. -t.iMf n«I 1 r*ins (o New Y' rk' I « »*mmotsHor, tr-.in m • L‘. \ J f»*oiji Bn,l.r'p''rt; 8'oi.pin-'!»r ..P t jut-ruie iiat*-Ftad'-ps1 -J Aeeomf>»od4»i..n Tr-Aii at . \ M from New Ha-

at all Ihr iDleriuetl'ni'

I'ruin.s li'oui St 'Din^ton

places and N -w \ ork.I he new and eli gaut ^teambl'at' Kh KKP • xpt I'o«t

Saturday at 7 V Al M idi-t. wn A M. Savbr-okil \ W, arriving at (ireenport m lime f.ir the 1 .a p %i Pram ti>r New 1 «<rk.<I’U N I\( . roN pu n \ IHV N< P-. it N f- H Tnlt i' I.lNf-

1 he steamer .\L 1* K e a' Sit* uiti.rir>ii \>i»h lh»-s ti’iiiiigton and Proii ien-e IPulroH*! By ibn r- t.**

exi ept .111 Sundays

I .e iy Bf'ri klyii at ' \ .1 I r

re (iTeeD x rl at I All -e an J ' r..-:

PloppRb ill Ihr iDlenue.\i-eonimodato n Tmli! at U \Slopping at all the inteniiediatr•rjj'erM f.'obi the Har f'*r 1 and

Railroad and Naiitfatuck Railmaii.4 Kxpreix Train at I I» P M Hn connerlion witl'

at Bridire H rt and St'imlV.r-1. reeeuin/ j a.-. r, tr-.n*rlo- Hoii.-Mt-o;;r Kailr a 1 at Bridg»p' r'

....... nimod^ition iTain :it I .I'l P Irtr-iviog pi;s*njer-from The IccommodaM >n Tra.i t 'in Ji '-i- fi

r, h viiress^Tnin at P M . ' r in tint-,‘to n witl

I- V e!i!i ■: 11 a - n (f 111 l 111 ' . i niM ( t - w It '1 litis tl illli at Br. 1.'* rt

I'.isseo 'efs are re.|ueated to procure Tb kels bet,ire ta kitii; seat • in the .-Hre

\j ni Mith D* o U. H M loN,inx IS S-i[>erintend«nt

I 'n and ,.l'. r hih of V,iy. the trains !< a te a*i folhnvs Lea’, e oT.-rn s I’,.poi. i I eaw New li-rn•I-,-IM o ■•i'ak M j 7 ;io o \ M

1 arnviil of

Li'.'Ve ' utf- r»i s 11 1 f t

.1s 'v I ^ T n r i v

intermediate stations (Hi SiE’utduvs this liniu make up the trip to \ aphaiik .l(Id;la^e iaph-uiH t

.eave Brooklyn at .Vld P M f«>r ‘ ypn-rsHi’N ai; ii.iiiiaii'A.

l-eave I.'imaica at 7 41* \. N’ !<t Brook'yti.T e-iv.- J,imni‘-vat 1 - P't P 'T 1 r ' y |r - ’ Hil' an *

l.e.iv ■ Jamao*a at \.'< P M for Br« oklv»iI.ear* Jamai S'! at 0 o P M Pr > >pif< Hiu- arid

MIKK.HT TR UNSLeave Bnerhlyn at 8 \ . .1 f'T i.fe,.trTe rl aiiU nil Inter

ule.liate -tdti'»nMI.eHVee 1 ,r»-eoi ort at •' V V’ f 'rBro k yii hu i ;i!l ml* r

mediate Niahoip1 he I raui- of rile New I < nd ii U loiniHtitK- an i f -*i

Ui*-r RH.?lr"a<f wrll ie-nve rvi f fid CJ at . o I ‘ n f ' .arrival of the Ali“e from (rfeenjort 1 r .Noru ih ao t tV.H<maht)e

1 he I rain-f of the N'-rwo-h and M*or«'* ster Rai ro.ij

Uki* the evening 'rrum h a<t ati t for B.-ton cu the arrival of the-1 lam at Wuhm.infr trom New

(.ondon. a I r.'iin will U-a\ •• P r flart'ord vU ll.iriPr* Providence and Fishkill UaiinMd and mrive nt i i.ir, t* d. m time h r I'avetigers to la k- the eveuin ; Trams to Nr „ V <Tk >i.nrigfield a u i Bo-t* ii

The ut^aiuef ( ricket W1.1 i.'HVe (Jreeup.rt ev-ry Mon lay Wednesday and Uidav 7 \ l s,ij H.oli-r s \ M Say*r->*k9. \ and Mld*li. t‘ wit pj. P V, armI'l^ .it it ,«rt r.jr.t m time |..r tli»- ; ; r iu ii i Sprtiij;

t' r N ew Ha\ eti h1,-*o t he Sv I tra "n- I t h * H iirt t L 1

Leave Hartford at f ill \ M I r W ol mint;.- .Nor

l.t aw- U . r- e-tri- ti \ M 1 rN- rivol. N. w Lon(on <ire|Tip rl .nd Br"'My.i

'riie«tc'imrr Mice will have New {.nn l dJ a t l " l * \ oil td* ■ arrival (-f the tmm- tV-.in H ,t rtr i d w I'h nar.-

fhe I hDj Ishtriil Kalin ad train-*. amviDv*: at Brooklyn at

Huntmgtfia. ( oM spring (\vsterbay. and .South Oy-tvr hay and .imityville

r=;age,-v yuQ to au«d from the cars at the ftllowir;r “la

(Ttbeh A.M au.l 4 P M dunning m time

!/. m'fi

Leave liimaiciii.n the arrival <4 trairirt from Bn.>okiyu for Rorktiway retu

Leav- the Hraneh for l4eaip.«tead on ihe arrival of I0 .A M and 4 r. M traiun via the Brunh rind H* ti 't»*H*] K ailroa*! an*! r» turn intime for them rninc a evening' tiam- f* r Br*>- kl> n

Leave Bran, h f<r U— y n an I • leii ( • n the amfthe^'j \ M aii,i 4P tram- Ir lui l i 'Mvi; a

L »;.iv t I: i ■ k - V ;1 i‘ * - n t Ije .(i-;-, v .i [ ii * f{ i,- ;p,. , ,f j f, / 9 :

' Old .'•pr'iiHr (’y-'terlMV Icri to aiel Wof-iltUiy tn 1 niei the iuornin,T ^dd evehuic f r B:wV(iyii

lU of the 4 P M t ’'ain !<■(* Baby i-r the morning and evening tr

M Trrfin from'^Brouklyn^an 1 to%t 3ro*'klyn

Deer Park. hT Bahyl<>n. Ddp and ( omac Th..mt'h5"'n for Dhp. ( hapuian s. i of.kN. ( rand.ill s

and K Noedec ir s Ho’-eDSuffolk Sfxt on f «r Nliy ' ranJall s, (‘r*ok'< an*l S', Sn»*

d:c -r'6 Hotc K. lud ^mithtoHu. st'>Deybrc>ok 'iPd S*tau-

P Sayville, Stoneybrook. Setauket andB»i{x-.,ri

St (Jeorge s Manor h r Moriches and Westhampton fnveiheul f‘T (dufigue.1 tie iD» - Tr.iins will

commeii* icig cn 'unday V.i\ o i-.', i . l.eHTe Ui'H klyn .it I- \ v ‘ f..p p.*rmi

rival of the steamer at Sag

roa as follows, - Sunday's eveepted ' until further notice

TR,I,S WIIL l . . i r . f t . HAIJ- (N Tj .»R

Mon-iNania Village-". 10. l( SO A M ; 3. 4 0<.i 30^^eordham 7. 7 45. 10. U SO. A M : 3 30 . 4 So 5 3J 6

''^VVUUaM's Bridge-T 46, 10 M ; 3 30. 4 30 5 30. G

Tuckahoe and White riain»-7 46, 10 .1 M ; 3 30. 4 30.

PlealantviUe. Newcastle. Bedford. .Mechanicevjlle. Purdy's, and I roton Falls and Intermediats Stations on Signal-" 46A M , 3 30.4 30 PM

Brewster's, Towner's, Patterson, Panling's, South Dover. Dover Furnace, and Dover Plains--7 46 A M ,

Morrbania ViIlage-5 63.6 52.7 57 8 C8 9 43. A M ; 1

’* ‘ Bridge-5 4'l. 7 45 9 31 10 47 .VM: 2 44.

>, 7 60. 8 30. £1 36 10 62, A M. 1, 2 49,

and Harlem at 6.7. 8 45,10 15.1 15,2 30,3 05,4 45, 0 15, and O o-clooh will land and receive passangera at 27th,42d,61st 61st79th,86th, JOSth, U6th, 126th and 132d

■TTinfumiiitBi in a ISrtBtrpSS M. iSLOATt Swp«TH»*»ndent.

S 3 5 « s s©art of April, a trunk marked TB* in a diamond, contain* inj5 vret^ng apparel* fcc. I t is possihle it may have been taken in mistake. The above reward will be paid for Informatioxi leeding to its recorery. Apply to

mylT NYM. NKJLSON, 85 South st.

.SI N U \ V TH \1VSL»*rVm Pat‘>r*' r. L4”i . r w V *rk.

7 n T \ M ''UsDH't *d I i* ' !l, \

f.-rr-x vt«

/'i'tr i

. ol tii. port J'l

Si ;f. r*. K 1 n V JS' M h H \Kh ' N w - M *• N I


C . , E ^ ^ S ^ S r iI 11 U'r IHL ii >

' M ' N .\ DIM 1 1 ' ' I. I 1 ■ K 'H >\! N '. V y MR K 'I t

' iV";'

s. i-.ml : ill-U iviijj Hri above al 1 L M Miilruaniii.' H' by Lif 1 lull*; iiuc- Hiiivihg lu I boiid' i h .V hL lU L_

}■ rvr;i *1 L ck p;iw;uf,-...................................-J (HIv'Ux.'t au I ’ iiTit r \Ti V olf-l (’ll h<>Ai i -tramboat iMbri

I ■> ff r I* r* ' h< 'Id 111 (J»k«* f h - ‘ ut VVV,-1.-'Far- from .N» vv M i k t*’ t r* -h> .<1 ‘'7

I- \N I I !N>I fiV*-- i-y r 'lK lN s li K L (u ft I (•••ull at ."L

P M 1-.1.7 p ilIiL .Mbiw-l fx b

' I.I " l' l:’ ~S L T IM K a \ K it A M i K ■*! h. AT.

-I VKf. i ■ i'l ' KD•:..i V I Lh s H \ II III I U) l.ll I" ) N ITMN \L rto \ i-

T illin ' ..1! I \ J l . \ ' , s f L 'I i i^ jg g . ^ ; ^ a i ^ ' ' r t . w i <>i:k T " iii i .M ii~wLsgqigitaiANU IVHl-.' l.iNl. OVr.MTKD .S'rvTK.8 (.K.*:aT m a il vU I lL L ll 'H ,-

pHJ4t»*-a»;-rri L-ttvw .Saw Ynrk at rt A. .M. and <» -A. M . li.M. and 4v P. M

Leavi'I Ij'l&ilt'lphiii. f"i)t ot I'orh strcPt In It"- cli-in' beat Robert Mnrn« at r* M dai'y exc* pt Sunday f-'T Baltimore Pitt«bur-> and M'heA-’infcC

Lt»avc PhiladMlfh*'* fy.-m tb«* c(»rnpr i*f M*'vi*nth ai*dMarket «tn**tn by railro.id, M >'• \ M duly (cx.cpT Sun<Jayi , ao l daily at Id* I' .1 , for BiU'inr*re I iu**. burtr. WMclinij ic

The "nlylifi" "ii 4,)n tsy nmi riiila'leiphla more. riU-b'i»‘t'h !iu*t Vv liriomir lu I' M

Leave Baitrmore at 7i A vl, daily 'or* 'luibe'

ti VLTIMOIU: AM) OHIO ]» V Uhll-oo ie nd at 8 B M by

TU M N It D \:i* 1. or'thA NardmAl H ndm dfio .ii 'ntcut ompanlewan i arrive lu LiiuLurg bf Wh. eHn,l LeV! eV.dl«*J '

ra*‘.*)»*i ,H*rnfiir rutMhui • ruv '' Ih- r; udid ii' ’v :i n t nn 5 -re built -’tcamboHt- Ha'tic and \Uaut it. up wr* •. i:- and thereby hav only 74 miles of Fta-ir.g on the wh"K

hi 'Mar ntpamboatu leave Pittsburg and Wii.flinv regularly and pn.*eeD/;Hr8 are forwarded wui out i. i;iy to < tncmnati and all other ports m the M'uuh and west.

For Thjb-ngh TicketX by this mufe. apply in PhiladcF- phia at the Railroad office, corner of Marketaml b.levcuiu streets, or at 45 South Third street or CD boird steam­boat Roberl Morns. fot»t <*f Dock Htreet wharf

ra.«fiengera have the privilege of stoppin, a t Baltimore and resuming seate atpiea«ure

At Adams a C o '8 Kxprceo office. No IB Wall -trect, rt 11 .V M ,or ImaricttD Hctel. corof Bn adway and B,r-

■r'and aod Il -llLUO \D

..........Thie road extends from KHzabethport A' inilew t'

White Houee. N. J . reducing the etai;!cig b tiw*en the terminus of the road and Kaston to 26 miles, and t« SebooVy's Mountain to 14 mUes

This line leaves .New York bystearnboat Red Jacket Fieri. N R.. and connect.s with trainK on the New Jer >ey Railroad, which leave New York from foot of(.ourt u4t 8t, at the same hour.A naw route to Sihoo ey’fl MouQtttld, with ler:a staging

than any ether. .*pivsvv v‘,vn TBAiv -I r.

ra>!pengers will U*uve New York by steamboat, froui pier No 1. North River, or the N J H K , foot oi i ourtlaniit st . at 9 o>‘ock. A M , and 5 o'clock F M.

Leave blizabetht.'cn at 10o*ci*^k \ .M . and fi F M.

S r - I I ; l ; S :ElizaKethtovm 7 15 1*> S*) and Z 'ium “

The freight tram (with pa.' Hcr.ger can* attacbe.il will leave While a' 3 Ty 4 m , Somerville 4 TjiL Flaiii-fields 15 and Flizabeib, Mit. by f*Uamf.oM. at 7 ,10 a m. Keturning. leav« New \ ork. by steamboat Red Jacket, pier N'n 1. North River, at I p, m All freight from New \ ork iutendrd to (?n by thH line. mu-«t be at the boat S*J rainuN's bef*:*|e I o'clock, to ensure being taken through

invey paseugers to F.aston. Wilkesbarre, Bethlehem.

H K W VOB33: AND EtxUX: E lA U jaO A D .____ * HANGE OF HOITIS.ggo.gig.g.aS'^Sr ^ ft

THOMAS POATELL, from the foot cf Du&no etreet. Daily. (Sundays execepted )

(BrealtfaBt and Snpper.<>n board the Boat.)WAY AND MAIL TE.A1N a t fij A. M.. stopplug at

all the Stations, arriving at Corning and Jefferson ' '10+ P M , and at Buffalo next Morning.

NIGHT 3 and anivin!DIEOHMI ' ntsli d a j'AN EXPRESS TTRAITi WiU commence running

w days, of which due notice win be given.FREIGHT TB.AINS leate f«YW York, from fo

Duane bT - .FrelgbtforGenpress Freight Train ^

New York, Mi^2<:

ifly. (Sunday excepted) ^ Rochester, Buffalo ferwrerwarded by Ex-


The spleudi,now pressure steamboats ISA.Ai' NEW- TO.V. I ommodore Wm. H. Peck, and OREGO.V. * om- m'T'.re A P. St. John, will! sve the pire between i ourt- laudt and Liberty atreels, for Albany, daily, vSundays excepted.) at 0 r. si.

VMTF-D STITKS MAIL LINE lave, office of H udson River Railroad, comer of Cham- an.m ud,on etie-ts daily. (Sundays excepted) at 7

packic. Stuyv..itant and eGbany.

..’S'lE. ;;;5 -hT » . 5?M. daily. iSundayp «*2:c4*|.U‘d).

Thf v^ietid,.! NtM&jucr ■ New W‘>rlJ ’ will ctd.imt Dct* her r.*>;iilrvr trip'* a" a d»y b<-'at to Albany, imafeing the u-iivl laU'liug-,1 cn Mr.n4.iv next Her reyular dny- arc M-ui l.-iy Wedriisday and Vridaysi-at 7 o'clock .vm from

AH t h - h u t ’n cuam-ft with the aliTr^ .ls we'll L> BulT do and N'l-rth to Satal<vTi and Whitehall

rcf- p Thori;. are fnrb'd nutting any pn>on on ac-


r n u Al.H \N V DIRK( T ^ iT'im th»» f'ri't of RabiUNnu st , firdt

f;,ir*-l.iy 'i h»* u»->v and -pi.-u.i,i gE!BLs1--iio r M \N H \T T \N f .ipfxin W BI li i« ,iv f‘ t li»* loi I* f»f ItnhiH’M'ii fi|rc*’t lir^tflbi'lirj .'si' n 1.1 \Vr Ici-. 1,'ij find t*rM«y iit H •• <-i< ob

'1 h.* Mftnhatt'in v.ill at hH ttiriief'r iliH nr-t ni'inuiitr

I" ! bv r.t’.ir* rol u rt-ju*- tr« ’/li» 11}i-'v «.o b'-.ir.l

earn and v/i-t

C < \HI NTf K St 1 <1 s l.iN “ I- f \ \ h \V F.l HuH ’I }•»• ii.-w

t.iir, ( b-ir'.'H HhI-I-H*!*'f Wsirrm .-v»*rv I I I-'*!' \ \

* a t iiu ( h-ir'.'S HHl-f-Ji*I V.t.-N' *'f Wsirrm 7lrn*.t .-v»*rv I I !■'-!' \ \ n l

< vi ry U ..DM- MJ U and h U L KU U aU. r ri H'ii. ut 7; I rl M k

iitiil I '(it,nu.duiii‘j .-.ibitifj. and poNhengiTK will find it a ver}

l*r»-l/ht taiiMU *<n the li-vvi'Mt termn.Ml pRckiLpT*''* parcels of or mon-pyM! pHcka,r»*x pare

lo- >. * !f. . I Ih- l • ,t(. or rnce

^ ^ T ie lit.',till pi.'k’ t

1 lo^d.li l '’TKn-^Ttv- and V*: >' r SI fT' in ste.itilI.,! (I,,T I M t t>' I(,.1.1 r;- ‘ifi -

OCh.Al'J ST E i COatPA N Y —L • jenNEW YOI

i BREMEN.and BREM The L nlted States Mail

Y.ASHINGTON, wfll run

e I m n a v k-Lune of Steo i|k , s o u th



k IP:e I S’'.■'S-rS.n.r.SK”''20 July 15 Aug. M Ang.

g S " 2 &‘- S ,TPrice of passage to F.urope $120 In 1st cabin ; $so in 2d do

Do from do $150 do $811 - do\p experienred Burgeon on board of each steamer. I . S l , “ Geueral Agents.

GO Broadway, .NVw Y.ork.

tt'M. ISK.I.IN. Agent ill

^ ^ E l i “7the'“ T o n r e r r : r .1 " 4 tthe regu'ar days of departure of the above vessel will

/rt CAort,,i„n. CiaiU■ -mi fnr Nrv York.Thursday f.'lay 2d at 4 e« 1 -J-uesday. .May 7th.

Satur*4ay. June );>t. at 4 t m I Thurt^diy .June 6th. Tuc‘;d-fy. June n th ot 4 F>i ! .M<»uday. June 17tb Friday . Jun** at 4 KM. 1 AWOtif.-iav June ^6th. M.M'..l;iy,July IkI. at 4 IM. { Sa’i”-d>jy July fith.

-\ll bills of lading tt-guod by the dork on bujird.& CO. 4R Snnth i»t

t-ulS’rV S W 'S S

VM’L L MITI'HILL. 194 Front ct.

on tbcir way Loui Havaiui. and_________ griHil fir Loudou about 25tb iuet and 1st

Jiint* For Das'ftai?** apply to u.vl7 tt‘5 ' MdS' S T\YLOR & ('O 44 Sou*h st

.8 M a'i^ St eiislMP ' S( H Tl IK H NT,I' ’'iptHin M, Berry, will leave |.ier -N.. 4

Rner. Saturday lun .-ls t,a t 4

“'' vn:.ri7rt'lading I- gni'J t'V th-clerk on bo.-rd P„r freight r o .„,y.2-2 _______4S Noutli street

(.oR hi VP.KPOOL - Itefular Packet of the IIU! June-T he new and Rplendid packet ship

BaiTa" above her regular dayFor fri'k-ht or pa,-age. her aecommodationB being un

."iirta«8ed (ur .'oom elegance ami convenience, apply on board at pier 18 E K foot of Mai.Jen laue, or to

lufjg ROU T. KLR.AtiT, 76 South »t.I hIuii paBBage $75. ______

'px- Kill! l.iV KliPIMl. The regular''packet ol the •Ji.,1. nt May The Irtc kct -h,p SII'P 'IN -

I-; f frKii'ht ' r pH H »'* 1ftv«n'» very fine ficcomim-da t ’-Mii M 'H H Jb i' 1 I Lr.N i ON *'* < () .

l-nU L I\:-K n '( 'I. I’lu'kH *.f ih* 'JMh May^i;-A TLv' <j|ri r.«? :.A-t -H.luiu' i 'pjtT. 1 pa- k«t -Hii'

iL r a t b ^ ^ i. r o \ U nv){ JHi-scli maMcr 1 aviut' i*1.1. I n rt *'I 1'«- ■ I . r ‘ ii li*)di <i vv |I 1 pa il ju- Ji U* 'V t.*

1 T ■ 1 f »- rtpt '.r pss..,..»(» bavii.,r r farI! L-tl • tat • r '< ni a. u. . apply ‘ u b'*? rd D**v cr;i-tt\V I:drf ir la

I HO'T & HI’ K'.J r,s South Hire-t— r n h . .1 :vs~ .w '''vrru7T in^ed;rt; im:,'..-:!-"

I'r l-.i. l.-t bark .AD A400 tons, ( apt Jamef White, w.tl hall as

P'or freight or passage.'Tiaving excellent accommod.a Hoik apiily to the . aptam, ou beard, at Fad of oliror flr» » I KH,Ft R'v»-r < r to

my.u \ WOODHCLL 87 South street1 h - 1 p'iiibtr Fr pncKfi ph'p IiH(tnKS[i\' i npi H Vc

hi t i ! f i ,it in i-iit. 1 it.'H and furwiiid«*d by r-iii A-'.'.;** ' r Ia*-.«'til.L. cipp'y I.-* the ( iipiainTu b

\N.» N o K JH i.ih l On and afttr 'I uc-day1 ”.| iH.'iO the ( HO TON < MplrtUl }■

S >*w \ * rk from t u’t

)• 1 ' ..ye ‘ 'y -••■r ['ii:.

‘ irriMy willleHTe Nf.rtbport -v.-ry Moniav niora '•! t H'M-f n ;iJ Virili p**-l ( ar J • v. rv U . d

■1 ^pnn,; every Iue-a,t, 'Mutr-'V'lv vW.ti ir,v‘ J jy I'l lir-.l'4\

' ir.'L' b h:>1 vvil! a*! in a .If.y'i'** t fi. h:ht I r pa ‘-a,.’:*' ap|‘iy ‘ n b' -irJ at pier 0, NR .

ifivju K n HrKI.HI’T k f O ftJSoiitbst.Mnp fTTFU H \ i rjii« K will Mif-A'e.j ip . hH* vc .iT- 11 \ \ b I \ 1 K 1 1 oj M a y Ibe fiiwt Hail

in.: • ■ ppKr.-d nbip Kl.LMI’- iH l>l-MSUN‘-P'-iM-ei iii'i-tYr will bi-.iesjiiit.,h-J as atw.ve

m jJl ' f D H r: lI ,n rT iL ( O 84 .South street ill** ‘•li’f'M M tliiH luit* vmU htTKiift'r raitfin lb*- -bib*

FOR II VVKK r.-ifKet 0fthelUlh<H iuue- -pj^^ 'niep^.-ket fh ip < ;a U J \. < apt A Ri.-hHr.is-on

tTja«t»T will s.Hil as ab*vcj<or tr»*ij:hi <»r pat:«ao*« &FP y b<>ard, at I'ler 13 Ka*;t m j. ' i / ' w''',' W'HITI.ni K, Jr . 4« South «t

" i t n - r n . i DA'.' P \l kl-T ' I he'copper. I'sh.p r H ill ,I A .:, V s p n n il ter, will re-

.1' n-l**} t ' j Io tliK nav ii*R| K-n ,,f Lonj? Ulan l S<^nmiiii 7 HI c- uuKrimn with th*» ^hII Rivt r an I (»ii -•Dv RaUruBiil a Ji tauc« of 53 mile.-* to D<*Ktf*n only.

lUe-iuv- 1 huroirty« -and saturdav* al 5 (‘ Nt I -,H-,mer KNM'IIG. ST \'!'K < aptain Hei.j Bru)- ..

11 *m,,„ihy We*:ie lav }*n,l Fndrv- at u I* .M I j... l-in. 184 t : - in; y < t bat rnic-'lir*‘-1 b-r Niiw f ort

an>1 ev» rV M"!HruV'in» *4i fi"* t*'*-• *'c jrit> and c i '* <.fb r " w o ‘*7.. 4*y,r-icd by th*.' r o u t n i-J t '.--t

* M n ' htI; the ' .:i ,W 1 ■ r i ,■'/ * r . .,i)lef '« ,r j ,e. •<*),. tp .,J >. , . 1 t,.r 1,f-i. .1 fi.rr' -ue oj r 4 „ J. H. ,y .\tv.bi l; r. ..c e. F .-r..., n' ..i, * 1

A o i::af*ier i- t.! .u ■> t-d I x 'u st.-akner who re-Cel v e t t ; . ' , . . f; thp bftuV.'iKt', and ac«.i'l-iparm'« the daSi#

1 r.- *• r and th^ price of ctotc roo.’i.?, theSam- 'vs |.y other line*

V fi»v ner runs in e mnevion with thl*! Hd6 tc Jindrai I V h r - l . a i i y e . j.t '<»in Ip v t• iK i'h tf ' K ■*4f.'n i tak-II ai tfi“ samo rates a* oy t “'c b 1" i*'>tuUr iiUKs and t»'■wnr<iKij wiib iir.Mt’T cv’ne'i

. % ,.n 1 pren f'r»-i .rht Ith t tj w Ii ; elj U h v •s'' Krj> I J( i v erpVi V L, '—nin • Nundny ut >• .. . b -k. f r b«-i nan J ■*. w Hedtord arriving at its J«ftUriallon at or ab(*ut

K..r ireO-ht *sr apply on boar-1 o rattbeom re

ib‘V bv - 'U'I'l b or fu » her Itu rtiiiTj-n •*['}’ '______TISi»M.1- 3t L' » H N , 7a) \. ePt Ftreet

fil* 1.1 I AK V M J [N* K.- r V.'K.h”r>.»NrJNKW \nUK v ia h iO .

:ip 1 I V "U !■''

iiyd'i 4S s.'oth Ht.--S h«*H s \N f-H \S riS ‘ 0 MIG '1* 7'*. hav.-

'^^^■'rtipi.etinlel'.e.l f i ket','|,V|‘. < 1SI LI I'l ’'’'iu j L i v !b [ h lihunil' ii ii'H-f' I ]ii?-t !'► (iir lie t ;p IU the .ibiv............‘ . 1 . . . - , _:i .

p.i,ic having imfiurpa«0(*d. .................... i "u '' ’ard Kid«

'Ilf *•! t . ■ 'jHoMV.s \\ \ui*Ll-..,No N u th rt cc.r B'i* . lip upstuirn

fur if v v \N \ 'i riM reKVil f packet flnp ^ ' I ■- luttsi'T Will hav. lUini 'diatc11»I' N;.V H fi I.I ■« tua>*i‘T

e j it h f- r U'e H f.< \ e p >rt '0:ht 4'T p■l 'M.-|• hilVlIlL' e> I'ly <*n b«>Hr.l I n r i« ' K *

< .M s ’} V \ I 1 HI .V In- apply <•« l*>>;

'•'■lieiit acrommoda*4 5 S'.uth street

FO R S A liE i OR TOlots, with

YANDERPOEL, 23 'VYall st.

hous«Reld ftirnit — of going to Euroue. The farm con-

td the buildiu^ are of the most “ "comfort.

b.iM moderate, and immediate possession given. Apply on_^e premrics. _________________________ .

J ^ 'T O ' L E 'T -T h e first floor of the new store No IS g ^ C l i f f street. Bent $i000 per^annum^ Ap^y to_ a p ? 9 ____________________ 245 Pearl St.

S IX E S OV 1 B P forty-five minutes* ride frot

lisVe rist.X H E SOU-VD, within

EOb forty-five minutes* ride from the New Haven. Rjill-The subscriber offers for sale 200 acres of land which

for its maoy handsome building sites, together with its bealthiulue.iS. and great facility of ingress and egress to. ao I. omthe cily.give

SAI..K cheap and on acc'^mo/iatiDf The H ou-f and Lets No RJG. l.'IA and 137

_______ . street, and 693 Wasbingtop street AlsoH tbree-fitory modern built brick Dwelling iuTwcuty-firnlftrect nenr .Ninth avt^nue. Two four &tiirybiig lifeu.'A.**; in Fifth street, near avenue B. Also the h'-u>i4‘ ami lot No 349 Wntei ftreet. Apply tO

ap8 M'M. V MOtStS.No. 1 Nassau, cor. Wall

prwcut two dwelling houses on the property, w be altered. <T taken down and another building < in^y^ereeted as 3O Fine kt.

He wautr'>t tht- t-r.jiutfl.-U.'O L. rent -'I he larsc esbibHion Rooms at present

occupied by the N.A. D on xhe corner of Broadwny, and Lponardstreet j y3Q

IliWIV ST O R K S A N O 'H O L f S E ^ t^ K . ra-j;| ( .ALlMIlt.', I A--The Mil.scrlberii are prepared to ■^i|^*'ont rnci fur furni'-hint: *ron buibliDgs of size'.*! from ten lent H-jU'ire t«i two huudreti feet. (»f nuch heurbt as iDH'v b ' orden-.l 7 be prices rariire from about two bun- -Jr-d -1‘ ler- f' fifty thousand dollars eftcb accor-Hn^ 1<>!-.ze and oo’istructiru All built of the best ruatprial and m'-Bt iipprevcd Avorkmanship. and ran be funiishea at

ifr.itt iiigB can be feen, and every iuformation given by application to

IIARNDKN & rO., No. 6 WaU street.Sole Agents for thf? I'nited States.

N B -These buildings can, on arrival, be erected without much cost or trouble. mhStf

fl2r> per annum, wilh acfomm<*dations tor a liomiy of six p*'r««>ns. Addrebt. .V W .at this rfficp pla­ting picHti.'VD mhl4

to let. litH upper part of the fin* ^ |i |l storts. Notj bllnud 'Hi hff «tr<*et. in-juireof

njb'J7 la'^ind^il^niff st.KUK SA L E -The three Btnry''brick hou.ie

g :::] with biKi ID. Ill and under cellar. No 127 .Madinon .MU&sireet. corner * f Birmingham 'J he bouse was well aC'l b ‘bstHOtialiy built by the owner f»>r his own occup.ilio.j. is now in good order and has the croton water intr* «iuced

TiU- p4 fleet and terms favorable. Enquire ofHORATIO BtHJERT.

^ p P t f _______ ________________ No 5 John street.

C alifornfa Arm s.i r . s C O ,,

?^av4f yoicr 'fi lu MosflsTpHK, Arr..'rican r’aieiit si.iij, mi c.b faint lias proved

or u-ed fi.r preBerviug tiu tools, and making those that arc iciiKy tight.

Th'* saK' cnP*"r will warrant to mnlte all tin or metal

Cent per square fm-tB F. BUNKKy., ISO Chamber street.

N B Onlf-rs left a t tho store. 136 Chamber stree e lh»T t.-r roolo or painting in general, will be promptly

I'o Arc lis te d s~aiidfN O O RJ, No. KI3 B rom lw «Y t 19th etreitV / . rc4.pecUul'y i utf ruis bis frieudH and the public, that

b . t on hHiid and for sab*, the largest as-s.-v-M'j' Ut of Marble Mnutles. Statues, Va.st*s. FouutaiiiK ' ■ n’lm. ;jt*f iLj. ,vc in ibi.i cfoiniry. Maulels are

v.im j. s ein. b.Hck abd g'-Id. brocatello. and ail other\ . < . re.t LiHrbles, The desjgni- are of every VHrieiy.

•»n I '*r- VI U.-tilr-jj.,-. : -.N. w ( . r *2 i*.U .•♦'’f t pil'd. fTi m pier N‘« :’. N-*rth Rh -t wb irf

if>. VH iu*f. .; f U.-4*. W *. 4 ■ .rk J *1 f*ai .,t* o '.' ok f' ,v!, or Uj .a u*e umviU >>t thi* ruc.O tr«.intropi

i h»^e steamer^ were >*uilt expressly for the route, and*r. m HV.-rv r»--p4xct p»irt(riil.vr‘y alai*f.**l t'> the nr.> u ,.,m tif Lfitj Island SwunJ Thn u. •comm.»dati«*as for pa.i;v(*Tiv‘" ’a and oomfortabltf, the offlcciii capabic

'i'hc louU l.«ins tho Bhortont and moi-t direct betweennsi'iQ and Nciv York. piU.BongorB Rri. enabled In arrive . Buipic t iu - f r the ni'-rniiig line" of "tcwulrtals and

l b - ( \ VNDKKtHI.T.^wUMelvH New i ork XueBday Tiiurr.i.ky and .'Ktur l iv

L -'lv-«.S’' u.ort.'ii Moii lav. 'vV-dne*'dny aw-1 f'TIdtiy The 1 OMVnijnJO- v.lU icr.vs N-w York ' U a

Js 7 vV * d'les i;iv au*l I* ndav L 'n - " 13.1 Off C.j. Tbur^ tsy RTii Saturday

prnre^d HMr » V In li.e spicudiJ l‘a,i HjaI

\ ' i.E'!*'4ze masL-r ac' ou.pttuies the stekLiboattrairs tr ft’i'i rrofii n*-nrn

’Ai’’" '- P t tU rC n ac a '" '” apH'r

SH IPS &c.

A T L W T if ( ^pta-,n MV-’t.IKK . I uptain -Nye.

\"n! ^ ’ vTn*-4 sbii'N havuig b.en i7inlf by contract. expre»«’y

ti.r k’ovf-rpr.i. nf st-rvb'e, t-vt rv »-nre b;i.s b* pti r tk' n 'u ‘.h- .r ru-'ii ’n a*-s! j in their engine* t" ► ri-ure • t r u .'H;

iiu 1 e.-d , Hnd Uieir a*'ef.infot.,i ,t uus f-r pu-*-eiig* rs a ** uTi“*juab**d f-'T elojrrin.**- • r mi.Tt

f*rt.-4- p.as-4-ige trfiiu ,Ni w \ ork t*"* Liverpt'.oi $l.lu*lu-iv« u-f I f stale nf.niv charg* d a.- r»-»ed ta the pbintf of tl)»* C'jl.lU**

No b.'iths oan *iecur“d until pai ’ f^r An exf.eriencv-d surgeunwili be in atta- hed to each

■?.; ■"‘■Jo’'’'" ir.v.iJMrs'ls?The PA finC will leave New Turk .May 23th.

The PAI IFlt will leave .New Vork June 'fflth Do do do Livcrp.ool July ITihTh ■ owners of these ships will not be ac-ountab!e for

■ IJ. silver i iil itn. specie jewelry. preciouB stone" or ni-dals ur I—" hi > ' f l i n g are pigned therefor, and the v.'.itiH tb«r«- f » xpre"4-t*J _ ap27~bKs.N(H i ,r ,h ..lA \ A.sD OI'HEK i-UllKiu.N lOui'S will be admitted mt" the lm ted .States, in

rtritisb shif ". en and affer the 1st J a n i^ y th,re-^


------ ------ .'—aud receive maila and passengers, are In-

HIBKRNIA. I a p t ----------, from Boston, V/cdneAlay

koi-Ar, rapt. Lott, &om -New Ynrk, TYednesday,C a p t . ------------. from B<-ston, Wednesday

................... ..... Wednes-^A.MERb A. Capt Shannon, from New York,

f r e i g h t wJl be charged cn specie, beyond an ammsnt ^ ^ T e t U r T S ^ 'e w ^ must pass thiongh the Pest ^^L igeft-om New-Tcrk or Boston to UTOipeoi,

fNART 88 Broadway.

iffd Trtll depart with the mane-for Europe. poalUvely turday, the 26th of May, a t 12 o’clock. M.

- freight or passage, having unequalled accommoda­tions for elegance oacomfortj^appJ^ ^

Mf . ' 74 Sooth street.

(. ''1 (1 rtKi* h.ivirg Mipen^T lurai-bed a'

m\ju ' H :n s '!’ kH!( ks os s .uth kiOr niary luciiAurcmt'iit g’Hid-* fi C4eui8 pt-1 j,,nt Ag.Tit.-in Nrw <>r:4*«a-< J liiii* \\'(i>*Jrufr

» .» w h<. w 111 I t ' -HI pt V 1< I w H» -1 nl i u’ •* l“- I ’ t be-i r .« 1,1 r- -

pa«*kt*l l . ,'U( »*»*4-d ‘be ()r-‘\vt [;i. 'J'hr Irtftc. I p* ri-d 1. c M I. LAN A. T Larn-U inx-U'

an i vnii * «»i; a- .i l.- *.{“or f-b ,jLt or pev."F; ^p, opply ‘■’n >ioar<l nt PinnKt wbnr myjl c r f '.v .v NKLsnN h.. .<al•5. pt.

I r V N ■ I} 11 >>• d an 1

Mi'iiJv’ { 7 J. “bip t< ■ bitUiig tb*'mg i'll b ar-t. will

U h l . ' mJ S'.p or Uy m.>2' t AUI K & H \/AR1>, 4" .*M'.Jtt ft

!■» In NVw Ori».H4..>Mr W'jnuuu ' r . v v. w bo wiiltf 'lvaijH ' tt thri r :iiiiic.s:<. ’

^ :M()[H'K r-M>,KT Linp itoZiTuvlut-r T>lUinll n*-r r-irgo T lirfa 'i -Hiiin,; lar prickft br:g M V, 1 \W>H \ Bun****. u»j

having thn largpiNt part fflMT «'argo 4*mrug<'i and i i»n will rei'pivp -Ji>palcb aU-te

Kr.r buUufp «.f frcitfbt i.-r p-y’pagf. apply on boara, at Pipr 11 L l t River. (OblsHp) or to

inyVI KAiiLK K H A /\R n 40 S.'.ulh « .Agenifi in Mobile. .Mc'wru. K., ( . « putpr & i f who wiM

forwe.-J frw of oommiiMsion, uJ,! eo'-d.-* to

,.S W ^NNAH, (#po - iTb’i'ht at ReJucpd |{ Packrt SiiM'tduv J .Mj ! fit* liUf

f4Fj'in-r r.-guiar packet f'b VlUivINlA. Ho- bjiit. tivrts,.»r v»,„ yPiil us4 above, full r>r not ii.ll

lo r ;. , i^ht or i*rti «i »,.;4<i.having elegAut ct. r'-r m aci'oin- •J'-Ialp Ba. rtpi-jy to t.* j* ma/itproD J»>ttrd f‘K>t of i'.f h:n*n

-i C-'MiLie (E 1 O . Ikrt p 'H-t.i ‘>* lUt-iy nn frti »bt re^plvpd on boa**! alUr SgIu?-

■lity ru:a cr rbsUeJi.s, rrei.efat taken at twc-Tinr6« trs than

nQfiinr:.ary,v; gopd<4 ficnt to tb r A POTti in New York will he for

uts-rp.r of * futb ( rt -oa. AlBbixina * r iVnn**.-*-flrtp, add e ^**d to tbi'I try Of 1 b-’inau S Wjivne, Agent of ‘ •'U ral Rabrofid T H Mill - n .Steamboat ' • or J. A fawap. t4e-;*rgm V., will be fvrward»*.j freeof commtcMOD____________________________ jny^

fg? (M v '* :v s r N—Packet 8hip L ine-id l^ P o d t 'v H y l-irst W n - Her Regular Day The

. '.il'ng, roppere-t F' :• H ALLKN.A McMunn, mt^oter wiU take wbal frugo. may fllv-r. and c.ear as

to r fr-’biht or paft-age. bar pg PXtfii«ivc and superior

r**rr^r Burling -dp‘ up htairs. Ordinary m^-oRUrtmeut gf-oa?. 4 cent-per fi.t.i

HJR NKWBKKN..N (. -f)M Line The regular packet ftph ANN MAPl\ J«*DeR. ma-ster. will re- ceiTR treight untu VA e.iijMP Jay 22d inst fV ight or i.a.*sa;re apply on board, at pier 30

*7 K or toS.AM'L L. MITi'HILI

Bhis of latling signed on board. T jy ; FQIi W 1 11\ •;TOn7 nTT

X. 194 Frontiy21

Forfreigbt or pa rago apply on b; =

lIN'.n'ON, N. c . - o id LinT ket 8cb U L O & |_ ^ ^ „ n B ,|I^ tM - j

.f lading signed_on board__

:'ard, at pier .81) East L L. MiTi HILL.

IS4 Front st'i£,TO SHIP OW.VKRS-The fluVenbern Pav VO wharfs at Wiiiiam'-bargh where they can ac;>cnmr>datR three or four ship? to lay up during

the summer months. Apply to___________________s ^

ffiy4 ___________ BARCL.YY h LIVINGSTON,


•24 Beaver street.F 5V 4 •- TIED - A gOf>d vessel to f utec ^and^load in the I'ne for New O rle^i

.cced the Jes-port

D. iU South st.- VVA.VTfcP -immediately-AioeclBhlp to load In ^ th e Unefor.MobUe.7 E.D.HCRLBLX.^.^CO.^


J g liA Y Alfl

' C f Uin. rit, to t• 1 M ll J t- l.xNbk J

I'riigiii- art* of every VHriely.

lUikl.DMiH lire K-vurel that the priewj Ret upon the .ibo-,,' Hnu-le« are f»iUy as b’W a.-’ IhoM^of aHiinilar quality ■ M»» J urchated at m thia or any othtT city m the I states

(* (/ will bt* plcft<»4*d to receive orders for fculpture U'TTjbH. luoriumHnt'j. mantels and ornamental marble work ot *-v4 ry Ueriori)-tJon. which hn aSPuree hifipatrou^ RhaU b*' 4*\eriit« *1 to their entire K«( infartion ial4

fr'orejgH Doint-sHc a n d F o i"tvard iiig a n d Cona- eiitssinn W ercljantw ,

I T N(f dispt N. d f,f the^r5ntel«•^t in the Ksprops be- iX Iwe* H NvswVork and B*..vton. bvg to inff-rm their Irir-ndNand tb»- publ’*' tbiil tb« y v ill -levote th« ir .*itten- U-M pctrlicuiarly t<» the Fxchan,r»'. Shipping andG ericral ‘ i-iaiiji.-v'i-u 1.1 ci oru'Ction with their Liverpool'u>d hou'*..« aaJ at Lonuon, raun ajad

'I'he fju*UiHe«i that have bc«-n off»-red by the eubficriberi- for the lew yi*.j.rR. f‘ r the execution ot London and

( r J.-.'-, fjr’- n ’W Very riiuch incrf-aSMl through theO.dvrstf.r turchaf-ey 1--b*-m^de in F-nglaiid, France

and Mih. r part- ol KuilPc will be exetjut-ed, and upon the

’ ;l‘ I» f.dvHiiced aud < !'• dits given for the purpose of fa- gioiaUug Mu'ir exn'ution

l »rt».-uUr HtL»-uth*n paid to enteriog and clearingg4-odf* at the New VorKRud Boston Custom Houses, and forwarding wilh the utmost despatch.

Kx*;h.'4nge at t'ight iu sums to suit, oonstAntly or ealc

"" Otdces!No.*rwrii sGeet.lvew York,Coi'i'letrebi, Conton,

- 6 c ook BV. ana 6«

T "'U P. Sutmeribera haviDi; their Slcnm Saw Mill in i c.,,ni i-tr I'l cratinn. iiml ; ipo on hand a full acsort

ru-at of M'liiu I Inc. White Oak (ieorKia Fine and Hem-T tmb,.r. f f th.‘ <jnality. tvr- prepared to furnish

all orders with which they luavbt ' I on very reason-all orders with whifih they may be favored oi

L ogcors r ^ ^ n d n ;:;kBridge 1 imber. King and Queen Fosts. Header and Trim-

t . ,&c , or Sawed into Piank, Rail«. Columns and Girders, Kc;rine Frames, and every other description tha t may be

‘ w'lHTE PINE TIMBER by the raft or single log, or

I S i t = l l p s s sN. B. A conatsmt supply of Georgia pine flooring and

step stuff in the rough state, and southern or city dresstd,

e » 1 <* >• KR It Dl’GARD

r r o T fc E s . C IT Y JVOTICJES.

Hl'rEC-Mt; CUCRJ. i o---- oils—(F'ot relief.)

i l l i i i l i i S

Tliepreniiams ofl.-roii for .aid loan mii-l lie paiii in rash, or I H110s)\ jri-r ■ < ni -t<M k- rtf iH i f.t j.nr. on the <JaY ot 4.i»rn-tic the p'-oiRV

Fmi*l roinm'-ri)oner> Th*- lialam-e of [in«i i;)ri| to l>e paid a>

''■ S S .o r ,^

the sani.

1M7. ^hall be held at the office of the ( ornrsny. in cily ‘*f New \ ork ; the poll tu be opened at 12 o'cloc and lo continue open until 2 o'clock. 1'. M.. and ae i longer, not beyond the setting of the etin. on tbt- day. a-J the In.^pector may find nece«5ary to rccein votes of electors presenting themselves.

“ 2. At every elec tion, the stockbnlder.«! Fhali bereque‘ t- ed to elect three of their number as inspectors of the suc­ceeding election, and the jiersous so cb-citd sball al o be considereii a committee or the ritocKh*'M*-rt- for Ih* seof investigating th« sflairs aud situaiion of the couipm^ previous to the ne>t anr;UaI tb cti.oj of D.ructer**. Ai s'lnie lime within the month j'rccedmg .-uck election. Htid at lea,-t one week prior thereto. U shall be the Ji

documeuls and \ oucLc*p of ibc c' mpauy If ary eftb -

inspector on the day of election, lije din-ctois shall fit! the vacancy or vacancies from the MocKholders at lartce

•'3 1 be inrpectors <pf clectioj.. ao soon «..s the c!osc*i after any «!cctiOti, shall proceed to cauva.-.** the TOtcN. and shall sign a certificate doi-Iaring who are the

sha!' deliver the sajuo lo tbrf Secretary to be filed and ; rt

- ________ » .n I .

.-.t.M'S.-s »"■ ” —■ - •>««

, No. 4 ilali ol Aeoords. witlim

m.,-,pHl of liie 6 p,.; .-MU the r.alan..e may n on Vn- - —I n' H." r’e vcii.h aVTnue.-------------

; S £ i i S i i £ s ^ ^fi)r e-icli one iiunur *.l d.iliHr.-? ot »-io.'k, llI cl♦In!nalmg betwe*-n th* live and six percent*.. gi\:ng llic a»Mns>- ol ttie party making\tu- proptFsal, act-1 be enc!o-“d m an enveloifc marked. " I'ni.x-t-o f

_ap30tl9thJe A A. HijJ'i''i.TrenwuiP! ol Stale.S a LL>;?»0- iU V K K KAli.RX>AiJ CO xllPA M i i .a. -*.N‘-w i ork April 27ih.lb-0- The election of bj- re''t<-r8 of thist ompau)’. an*J ftr lbre*> la.«ipectors ot Klee- lioD. for ibe cD.'Uir.ir year will be h4 Id at the office of the 1 ouipany No 54 U all street, (frime's Buildings) on the lOth day of June ncx t.arilin compliance wuh lh “ re- «iuircm**nts of the laws f>f theKtate of New ’ork. the fol­lowing by laws ol thi.s Company. r< gulating such election arc published for the information of stockholders

'• Article 1st. The annual election of Directors of the

GKO B TH’TLKR SeerHaryLifi. S 1 DfB urni ’i.-igncd 1taken his s«)n. Lu'^as 'I Iv-iripson lu o ]

^ ^Os••A It. >slf 1 iMtl'Vit ko. * 4i4- -<3ir. < » i\. I fIL have this d. 3' t.*nu‘ J a e *partnerf-hip tor iKe ti‘un.< aciioupiiiii A u d i'b a n d • ■■mua.-sion l-UMm"'' u i 'h rtb.’ turn i-f F * L.tWKAXc'f. Si 1 O . at the store No

M l\N t U> C. LA^VKAN' KNew York. May 1st.1850. - my7 *iw

0> t- 1C t OF TKF t:B0 4 Isi AND B A J l.R04l> « O f

m i i K 1.0RG IS^AWD^^UA1L1W>A JL r.^N V HA VTNii executed a mortgage to Shepherd

Knapp, K,s*i . Trustee upon their entire road ari*l itsfraiichi'ies. & kc. lor the sum of five hundred thousand dollars, to Secure their bonds or obligations for a hKe amount, payable twenty years from the 1st of Januarj IH.'d). with intere.-t at .six per cent. senii-aDnually. i 'l cl July and 1ft of January, are now prepared to eschfii.ge

R yrK S . C L ^ E L ^ N D .^ w P ^ r o a r tT v a y , N'ri.iVx York, respectfully ann'UDce.s to her friends and to the public generally, that she mauutacturea and cen-

Bosoms, CoUare. < ravats. tiloves. Hosiery. &«. Shirts.

5s r ; . r .X ‘«,.feh“ fe?gentlemen is soheited to an inspection ot her stoek In c.^unection with the above, Mr.s C. has establi.<hed herown Laundry, and is now' prepared to contract for the washing rf Hotels. Stores. Famil:c7« .lud <ieutlemen. she rt licits orders aa above, aj-suriug all that washing esn be di-tie in ht-r Laundry, as well as in any part of the city.

TTAS e O K SA G lIf T O 'i i in Ihrrt’ilajB. or in L" 'll /luiin If npress *J"Roript ''’J- of fi n. - arid f;u'hi«'nabl<* Sll I P.q’f? .

Of < K A V'A-TS. Reman i« determined to keep thenia<t PlPinini ib'MinnKnjt in Him rity. nml tn ihrm. an«J toBI-AIAS < (»hL.Uls,tbew'Ul hereafter devote t special at­tention. (rent'6* furni>-hing generally; as also LadiesJ.2nny Lind<-. Gents' Morning Gowns, Glov-?fl, Hosiery

Four thousand autographs of regular oustomers on he

Four hundred eeamstresses constantly employed.

Shirt a ilV e n tT F -L ^ n S g S tc r . Manufactory, No. 13 Beekman street

\ S , VAKfJGSliFOKlj, Real fcstatt

_ X ces—8S Albany Road. London, Kngland.

I,™ K i? ;L x r „ “ wS“.; .rHVS4

5,000 Y?embers to each Class,

a t r i ^ n ™ L t r f ; L r » eS e ^ T a u T ? B ^ f r 'i r rU ‘‘%"«80 th'ise that do not start, (bat

N nmbeCB foxwan^d liiuxi«dL.tcly <m receipt of » remit-*W e. PJlpecU cnL ^eciaeaccew fflL eieS tClIO ltliafortuBAt® NumtMa to oaoh Sabsortbef, so IM t ho miy know hla pioslUon and » ie ther or not ha be one of the fortunate. Office eommisaion?^ per cen t, to bedednet- «d ficm ihe above ^liees , N. B. Lists open for this St. Leger same as tbe


f ar e-in OMta. ' . ' . ' . ' ’.!.'. ’ ^IbB e ^ b

The quality of this Lead is warranted eyuai to ant maie, and to give entire satisfaction, ©r it may le r-

t—i i o w TO SAYE YOUR BOOKr

Mila.v, Ohio, Not. 27th, 1849. Dear Sir—" ’'’fliort time einee our •B-arebonse. wUl

can trust it again

,ee ecc ' STEVe ' s & RYAN.

I-,„ r, .e„,.| .„ L'M, IV,„„ |,„p ,• 2,1i.; Jmh

___mvvnjx :L’s >’-MllenU hfixe been

J ot buiuiiHj: a »ewer m 3*1 a

.\| b 111 GM:i'j/lb* pbce. hoiiiCtid-l Juiussiree! lo FourtlnitTGet,

' J-’lir'ejoi. at Uiih offici:.

| | § i s i 5 S £ i i l l r ^-•Hvo lor a sewer in \V’a:»hington place. Jiom Mercer to Green A'mi. ior a sewer in Reventeeuih street, from 1st avenue to 2d

^bA; o. Ior a sower in Rioarlway. horn Spmg street to Grand I'D. (ora»evtenn lOth avenue, between Sjlli sheet end 42d

_NI01()LAS_pEAN, r-c>,<leDU_

NinvYoiK.MFj'^iflS^”' ' ^ ' ______ __________^-^(JKI’ORATION NOTICE.-Pnbhc nout* is hereby given. V > Uiat a resolution has been presented rn the Board of A^islant

^ : s S M 3 H , r : r : : r ; : :^PeooilJ OMrte7.uri?lmtiog olijertions uuhi- fame, are iterired to;;n7a..;24uid^;'„i'M.a",mt. -

To regulate and bet curb and frutler m 44tii street, trom 3tl toSth

‘■ To'II'ive thi- orxn 'fiKs- oil the buitliead at WashlufiUra 5Iai- '''Tr~.t.'rve^^3 rthi“ iiidatva!fa. and set curb and Eut'ei ra

Street Comjaisssoiier’*

w lik c c j.^ (PkcIci,o,U«ri,}»&ej,ba4»»tonelcins«,anO bo sot feta ill tbO ffroaili, naVineVrlnescaat on eaci.

side. Having Deeuattbo ei^nKe of getting up.iHo ori­ginal pattmn, and introducing tbe uticle, the nndsr- otgaod would fOOpectfiilly solieit tbe patronage of tbeG fcieiuu and tbiopabliocreqnirlng awning posto.

WORSALL & CO., Iron Fonnderr,„ . Fiinting Press and Saw Mannfcctnrers,29. 24, 2i«xd28£lffi*tieet

N O T IC E ,

r?bo“ ! t T ^ ^

.«a aaa,, A«xxv»wing dcschueu oonoa, wau

too Bonds o ^ tb o « ^ ^20 do. do. do. do. for $1,00040 do. * - 't.P a raW « ’>o-arylst,l60^ffi

20 do.eacb, paj-able Jaooary 1st, 18M

for $L000

jSTVfigg S ^
