Island futures timetables

Post on 25-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Island futures timetables

This student is an all round student with interest in a wide range of subjects. In year 9 s/he is taking French as a second taster language and optional subjects cover the Humanities Arts and Technologies. The elements courses cover Literature, Geography, History and Film Making

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In Year 10 he/she is following two Sciences, History and Chinese to go with English Language, Literature, Maths and Global Perspectives GCSEs. There is also the possibility of GCSE in Enterprise. The other Elements course s are in Art, Geography and History

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In Year 11 he/she moves on to a pre IB course in Maths, having taken the GCSE. The other GCSE courses lead to final exams this year. The elements course on Cryptography will build further on those Maths skills while Journalism will improve communication. The Marine project has the extra bonus of picking up a SCUBA qualification along the way

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This student has already decided where his/her interests lie s/he is a passionate scientist who knows that their future will lie in an area where Science plays a big part. In year 9 a broad education means that they are following the Arts and Technology options, and will Improve their ICT skills with Animation

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In Year 10 the Sciences come to the fore, with three GCSE optins to o with Spanish, English Language and Literature, Maths and Global Perspectives. The Marine Environment Project pushes their Science theory into the real world, and two more compute based courses improve these skills as well as gaining Adobe certificates

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In Year 11 he/she moves on to a pre IB course in Maths, having taken the GCSE. The other GCSE courses lead to final exams this year. App design will push the computing skills even further, while the Science course in elements will cover areas that are outside and beyond the GCSE courses. The History course will set the stories of history in broader cultural context.

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Here we have a student who is passionate about the Arts and is looking to go on to Art School after Island School. The options in Year 9 are predominately Arts related and the basic Cantonese will help the student explore the professional Art world in Hong Kong

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In Year 10 Arts and Textiles are GCSE courses with Biology, Chinese, English Language and Literature, Maths and Global Perspectives. Fashion and Vision and Viral will emphasise the creative skills. There is an emphasis on communication through journalism and some Psychology through Criminology.

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In Year 11 GCSEs are taken in the summer, but the Arts are still pushed in Architecture and Theatre. The Theatre project also has a Community Service element which will help prepare for year 12 CAS, along with Explorations.

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