Islamic Empire - Amherst Education SOL 8...

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Transcript of Islamic Empire - Amherst Education SOL 8...

Islamic Empire


Label: Africa Arabian Sea Asia Asia Minor Baghdad Black Sea Bosporus Strait Caspian Sea Constantinople Dardanelles Dead Sea Egypt Euphrates River Europe Jerusalem Jordan River Medina Mediterranean Sea Mecca Nile River Persian Gulf Red Sea Strait of Hormuz Sinai Peninsula Tigris River


Label: Africa Arabian Sea Asia Asia Minor Baghdad Black Sea Bosporus Strait Caspian Sea Constantinople Dardanelles Dead Sea Egypt Euphrates River Europe Jerusalem Jordan River Medina Mediterranean Sea Mecca Nile River Persian Gulf Red Sea Strait of Hormuz Sinai Peninsula Tigris River

Islamic Empire

ADD: Arabian Peninsula

Arabian Sea

Arabian Peninsula


Black Sea



Asia Europe

Mediterranean Sea

Euphrates River Strait of Hormuz


Tigris River

Jordan River

Dead Sea

Asia Minor

Bosporus Strait Dardanelles



• The student will demonstrate knowledge of Islamic civilization from about 600 to 1000 A.D. (C.E.) by

– a) describing the origin, beliefs, traditions, customs, and spread of Islam.

Essential Understandings

• The revelations of Muhammad form the basis of the Islamic religion, a monotheistic faith.

• Muhammad and his followers spread Islam.

• Islamic traditions and customs developed over centuries and created a distinctive Muslim culture.


• Began with Muhammad

– A Prophet

– The last sent by God


• Mecca and Medina on the Arabian Peninsula: Early Muslim cities

EXPANSION • Spread from Asia, to Africa, and to Spain

EXPANSION • It spread by trade routes crossing Mecca

and Medina, two holy cities of Islam

EXPANSION • It spread further to the Fertile Crescent,

Iran, Central Asia

Beliefs of Islam

• Monotheistic

Beliefs of Islam

• Allah is the Arabic

word for God

Beliefs of Islam

• Allah is the Arabic

word for God

Beliefs of Islam

• Quran (Koran) is

the word of God

• It is the Muslim

holy book

5 Pillars of Islam

There are five basic holy beliefs of Islam.

These are something that every Muslim

must follow

5 Pillars of Islam

1. Faith Creed

“There is no God but Allah and Mohammad

is his prophet.”

2. Prayer

• Must pray five times each day:

– Morning

– Noon

– Afternoon

– Evening

– Night

• Must face toward Mecca

2. Prayer

• Must face toward Mecca

3. Alms (money to the poor)

• All things belong to God and humans

should be willing to give to the poor

• Can be in the form of a tax (2.5 percent)

4. Fasting

• Fast during the month of Ramadan

• Give up meals from sunrise until sunset

– Shows their devotion to Allah

5. Pilgrimage (journey)

• Also called the “Hajj”

• Muslims travel to Mecca once in their


Beliefs of Islam

• Muslims accept Judeo - Christian prophets – Ex. Abraham, Moses and Jesus

Beliefs of Islam

• Muslims accept Judeo - Christian prophets – Ex. Abraham, Moses and Jesus

• Judeo – Christian: having to do with the Jewish and Christian religion

Beliefs • Monotheism (Allah)

• Qur’an (Islam Holy Book)----------------------

• 5 Pillars of Faith






Accepted Judeo-Christian Prophets (Moses and Jesus)

Essential Questions

• Where did the Islamic religion originate? Where did it spread?

• What are the beliefs, traditions, and customs of Islam?


• The student will demonstrate knowledge of Islamic civilization from about 600 to 1000 A.D. (C.E.) by

– b) assessing the influence of geography on Islamic economic, social, and political development, including the impact of conquest and trade.

Essential Understandings

• In the first three centuries after Muhammad’s death, Muslim rule expanded rapidly, overcoming geographic barriers, and facilitated by weakened political empires.

• Political unity and the Arabic language facilitated trade and stimulated intellectual activity.


Geographic influences on the Muslim Empire

Geographic influences on the Muslim Empire

• The Muslim empire diffused along trade routes from Mecca and Medina

Geographic influences on the Muslim Empire

• It expanded despite great distances, desert environments, and mountain barriers

Geographic influences on the Muslim Empire

• Spread into the Fertile Crescent, Iran, and Central Asia facilitated by weak Byzantine and Persian empires

– They could not control all of the land!

Geographic influences on economic, social, and political development

Geographic influences on economic, social, and political development

• Political unity of the first Muslim empire was short-lived.

– Many different groups from different geographic areas ended up fighting over the land

Geographic influences on economic, social, and political development

• Arabic language spread with Islam and facilitated trade across Islamic lands.

Geographic influences on economic, social, and political development

• Slavery was not based on race.

– Most were from Eastern Europe

Essential Questions

• How did geography influence the rapid expansion of territory under Muslim rule?

• How did political and cultural geography facilitate trade and cultural activity in the early Islamic lands?


• The student will demonstrate knowledge of Islamic civilization from about 600 to 1000 A.D. (C.E.) by

– c) identifying historical turning points that affected the spread and influence of Islamic civilization, with emphasis on the Sunni-Shi’a division and the Battle of Tours.

Essential Understandings

• Major historical turning points marked the spread and influence of Islamic civilization.

Historical turning points

Historical turning points

• Ali:

– Ali was Muhammad’s son in law and cousin, a blood relative to Muhammad

– Ali was Muhammad’s chosen leader after he died

Historical turning points

• Death of Ali:

– The largest group of followers believed the leadership could go to whoever was chosen as leader

Historical turning points

• Death of Ali:

– The largest group of followers believed the leadership could go to whoever was chosen as leader

– The smaller group believed leadership should go to a blood relative of Muhammad

Historical turning points

• Death of Ali:

– The largest group of followers believed the leadership could go to whoever was chosen as leader

– The smaller group believed leadership should go to a blood relative of Muhammad

These are known as


These are known as


Historical turning points

• Death of Ali:

– This divided Muslims

– The division continues today!

Historical turning points

• Muslims conquered Jerusalem and Damascus

– Took control from the Byzantine Empire!

Historical turning points

• Muslims conquered Jerusalem and Damascus

– Took control from the Byzantine Empire!

– The Muslims also allowed the Jewish to practice their religion freely!

Historical turning points

• The capital of Islam is moved to Baghdad

Historical turning points

• Muslim defeat at the Battle of Tours

Historical turning points

• Muslim defeat at the Battle of Tours

– It was a battle between the Muslim Empire and the Franks

Historical turning points

• Muslim defeat at the Battle of Tours

– It was a battle between the Muslim Empire and the Franks

– It took place in France

Historical turning points

• Muslim defeat at the Battle of Tours

– It was a battle between the Muslim Empire and the Franks

– It took place in France

– The Muslims were defeated and the Empire began to decline

Historical turning points

• Baghdad, the capital, fell to an Asian group of attackers known as the Mongols

Essential Questions

• What were some major historical turning points that marked the spread and influence of Islamic civilization?


• The student will demonstrate knowledge of Islamic civilization from about 600 to 1000 A.D. (C.E.) by

– d) citing cultural and scientific contributions and achievements of Islamic civilization.

Essential Understandings

• Early Islamic civilization was characterized by achievements in science and the arts that transformed the Islamic world and contributed to world civilization.

Cultural contributions and

achievements of Muslims

Cultural contributions and

achievements of Muslims

• Architecture (Example: Dome of the Rock)

Cultural contributions and

achievements of Muslims

• Architecture (Example: Dome of the Rock)

• Mosaics – Pictures made with pieces of stone

Cultural contributions and achievements of Muslims

• Cultural contributions and achievements of Muslims

& • Scientific contributions and achievements of


Arabic alphabet


Translation of ancient texts into


Scientific contributions and

achievements of Muslims

Scientific contributions and

achievements of Muslims • Arabic Numerals (originally from India),

including zero


• a + d = g

• A = ½ b h

• d = r t

• C = 2 p r


Expansion of geographic

knowledge (maps)

Cultural Contributions • Architecture (Dome of the Rock)----

• Mosaics-----

• Arabic Alphabet--------------

• Universities----

• Translation of Ancient texts to Arabic----

Scientific Contributions

• Arabic Numerals (0-9)---

• Algebra -- a + b = c

• Medicine---

• Expansion of Geographic


Essential Questions

• How did Islamic civilization preserve and extend ancient Greek, Persian, and Indian learning?

• What were some contributions of Islamic civilization?