Irregular Verbs 50 Most Common Part 2 Copyright ©2015 Donna BarrAll rights reserved by author.

Post on 14-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Irregular Verbs 50 Most Common Part 2 Copyright ©2015 Donna BarrAll rights reserved by author.

Irregular Verbs 50 Most Common Part 2

Copyright ©2015 Donna Barr All rights reserved by author www.ESLAmerica.US

mean meant

I didn’t mean to step on your toe but I meant to give you a hug.

set set

I rarely set the table but I set the table last night.

meet met

I met a friend for coffee and we usually meet at Starbucks.

run ran

I ran three miles yesterday but I usually run two miles.

pay paid

I paid my bill late but I usually pay my bills on time.

sit sat

They sat in comfortable chairs because they don’t like to sit in uncomfortable ones.

speak spoke

She spoke quietly in the library because people should not speak loudly.

lie lay

I will lie down to sleep early tonight because I lay down late last night.

lead led

The teacher led the children outside but he will not lead them into the room.

read read

I read a book last night because I usually read every night.

grow grew

It’s hard to grow roses but they grew them in their garden.

lose lost

He lost five pounds but he needs to lose ten pounds.

fall fell

They fell in love because it’s easy to fall in love.

send sent

I sent a letter last week but I usually send emails.

build built

We built a table and now we need to build some chairs.

understand understood

I understand English now but last year I only understood Spanish.

draw drew

He drew a picture because he likes to draw.

break broke

I broke a dish this morning but I usually break glasses.

spend spent

Don’t spend too much money today because you spent too much last month.

cut cut

Please cut the meat the same way you cut it yesterday.

rise rose

I rose early this morning but I usually rise late.

drive drove

You like to drive so you drove to San Diego.

buy bought

Please buy some apples like the ones you bought yesterday.

wear wore

He likes to wear jeans but yesterday he wore shorts.

choose chose

They chose this color but they usually choose another color.