Iron Values TPC Chapter 12

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Iron Values TPC Chapter 12


Trailer Park ChallengeChapter XII

Welcome back to the trailer where dreams are made.

Last time a valued member of our organization got whacked by natural causes.

Sam: “{Where’s Uncle Bar-Bar?}”

Of course the only one who could’ve remained oblivious had the corresponding fear in his panel.

“Can I go eat something now?”

You may have a 5 minute break.

“But 5 minutes is like 5 seconds for us!”

Oh, how I love running a labor camp.

One of the decorations caught fire… sideways?

Cute couple is cute <3

They’re both perma-plat thanks to Freetime. MOAR CHORES

Perhaps now that Sam can make himself understood he can tell his family to STOP PICKING UP THE TODDLER

“Why you no pee outside, huh?”

For some reason I am imagining Bruce’s voice with an Italian accent.


“Eh, I’m moving out today anyway.”

Yay, the oven’s reverted! :D

Once again, it is time to par-tay!

And Thor’s riding his wagon again.

The original Thor, not the ripped-off Marvel Thor.

Better move the punch inside!

No, that isn’t a gas leak. I happened to snap a picture right when lightning struck somewhere on the lot.


“I know right!”

Pras then decided to be just about this social for the rest of the party.

Ginger made sure to pick up where she left.

I think Pras is the only of the siblings that Uranium hasn’t picked a fight with yet.

Of course Mrs R made sure to serve her the dish of justice.

“Could you guys please just… not do that?”

“Mm, his hair may be gray, but that booty hasn’t changed a bit.”

Cal, it’s past 6 pm.

“I know, I just need to make sure this place is clean before I go.”

Oh wow.

I’m letting you keep that outfit.

Aaaand there goes the party score.

It plummeted from “Not bad” to “Disaster” with just one hit.

Probably because no one touched the juice.

“If I’m not looking, it’s not cheating.”

“Oh relax, Bruce. Your wife’s had my baby.”


“Move, Pras. I want to get out of here as fast as I can.”

“In a minute dear. Let’s just have the party timer run out first.”



Benny decided to hang out with the dead for a while.

If you’re wondering why the computer section is fenced in, I’ve got two words for ya: environment score.

Benjamin went back for EVERY. SINGLE. GNOME. (well, two were missing since last chapter, so I doubt we’ll ever get those back)

“I’m just saying, Sgucci is not what it used to be. Just look at the quality of their ‘09 dress collection.”

“… Voice, is he… um…”

No idea what you’re talking about.

Buffy makes her very first haunting!

I’ve read that sim ghosts can play with pet ghosts, so I’m actually psyched about Bar dying because I want to see it happen ^.^

“Sit still! I want you to experience the pain I went through as a toddler!”

“Gween uncwe scawy. Want Baj-Baj.”



“Oh, hi Patrick! Yeah, it’s true. Sorry for our loss.”

Patrick is Barium’s half-brother. And still a teenager.

Should I include the Ottomases in the family tree?


You may be in grief over the son you never met but GET LOST!

“Mom, could you please take over my chores while I teach my son about the essence of life?”

“Oh, darling, I have my own responsibilities too, y’know.”

“Like allowing your former lover into our home?”

“Ben, could you please get out? I need to ventilate my anger upon this adorable child.”

Nice sandwich. Made it all by yourself?

“Of course. We wouldn’t want to end up like my brother, now would we?”

…I don’t get why they love bathing so much.

They’re supposed to be sloppy.

I jumped in my seat when I saw the “TWO new babies”-pop-up.

The outcome was triplets, all boys.

I blame the juice.

Tellurium is a brittle, mildly toxic, rare metalloid that is easily pulverised. Crystalline tellurium has a silvery-white appearance, and exhibits a metallic lustre when pure.Humans exposed to as little as 0.01 mg m-3 in air, or less, develop "tellurium breath", which has a garlic-like odour.

Livermorium is a synthetic, extremely radioactive element that has only been observed in laboraty environments.An isotope of livermorium, 292Lv, was identified in the reaction of 248Cm (Curium) with 48Ca (Calcium). It is very shortlived and decomposes to a known isotope of Flerovium, 288


Curium is a transuranic radioactive metal named after Marie and Pierre Curie. It is only produced in nuclear reactors. It tarnishes slowly in dry air at room temperature. If curium enters the body it accumulates in the bones, and is therefore very toxic as its radiation destroys the red-cell forming mechanism.

Wow, those were long paragraphs.

I think Sam is feeling a bit jelly <3

“Why did I have to dieeee?”

Because you didn’t eat your vegetables.

“That’s MY telescope! Booo!”


“The big voice in the sky wishes for us to mate!”

“Hmm… Alright.”

Is there any way to find out whether a pet is pregnant or not?

Because I didn’t hear a lullaby :c

At least you let me know for sure.

The pregnancy scanner says twins… KMN

Brace yourselves, summer is coming!

Which also means yard sale. Ugh.

“I’ve learned how to become a better parent!”

While your first-born is waddling over to play in the rain.

“Now, for the next of my kind…”

Thanks for only haunting those with the wish for it.

“I feel like you’d do something nasty to my grave if I did that.”



“Yay! Uh, Grampa…”

I think this is the funniest fear I’ve ever seen xD

Let’s just ignore that purple want.

“You wish to cheat on me, eh?”

“Wish to, unlike you.”

“Hey Voice, how about you check what Cal’s been up to?”

Cal is currently living in one of the trailers across the street.

He’s working in Criminal, but don’t tell his landlord that.

He also had a familiar face move in.

More details can be found on my livejournal under the tag “simfic50”, prompt “Lost”.

“I got this sucker goood”.

Ginger is a Family sim, by the way. And apparently Californium no longer has a secondary aspiration <.<

“Hi son, just thought I’d see how – is that Ginger?”

“Everything’s fine. You can go home now.”


“What is it, Gingersnap?”

“I got employed at SCIA today. Don’t worry, I won’t rat you out.”

Mister Rauta wanted to improve his creativity, so I gave him an acoustic guitar by Atavera at .

And let me tell you how hard it is to take a decent picture in a tiny apartment with relatives walking in like they own the place.

“Cal, my clothes are stretching out, if you know what I mean…”

“I think I do…”

“Ginger Newson, will you be my wife?”

“I thought you’d never ask!”

That’s pretty much it. Back to headquarters.

Curium: “{Move me up so I can suck your blood! Bleh!}


Yes, that is customary when taking baths.

The micro-managing is slowly taking its toll on me.

I mean, who would’ve thought that a household with 9 sims and 2 pets would be so hard to take care of? /sarcasm

Babies, meet floor.

This is why I have to micro-manage.

Nice work on making it look like the pipes are clogged.

“I didn’t do it!”

Hey, old man problems are nothing to be embarrassed about.

Summer is here again, meaning it’s yard sale time! Good thing the son-in-law came with a golden register badge.

Don’t you even think about getting a treat, Benny.

Patrick’s already setting his sights on the treasure chest!

Someone who played this challenge before me experienced that you should wait with the rocks, otherwise no one might buy the expensive items.

Alert! Patient has escaped the asylum!

“I’m going to grow old and childless… must buy chess table…”

I guess you can stay for a while.

Smooth sailing here.

Excuse me, that is not a free sample.

She has 5 nice points >_<

Oh great. It’s you again.

Tessa Ramirez: “Relax, I’m just here to shop and play tag.”

Did nothing bad except for kicking a gnome+

Sam wants to become her friend=

If he becomes spare, she’ll marry him

Why can’t I go one day without any gnome-related business ;_;

The shop has closed! You don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here!

I made it 3 seconds before the allowed time ran out :3

Even with a lot of stuff left, today’s profit was 4947 simoleons!

Which means we more than doubled our previous funds.

Thank you Benjamin <3

“Wow, those are some pretty nifty stars!”

I wonder if children can be abducted. Anyhow, scram. Neppie needs a few more logic points.

I wonder whether you’ll roll Knowledge.

“What do you mean ‘roll’? Like a cinnamon roll?”


“These humans are terrible! I’ve been dirty for more than two days!”

“That’s because you’re not acting friendly enough. Wanna try for puppy?”

Ooh, tub pirating. I haven’t seen the Rautas do it in a while.

“I think I can sense what babies are telling me now.”

Good. Now go handle the screaming infants.

“… do I have to?”

Bruce is such a sweet grandfather.

Beard: “50 percent of that credit goes to me!”

Wait, when did you get permaplat? o.O

“Around my 12th grilled cheese sandwich and 4th kid, methinks.”

Benny, come on. This is like the fourth time already.

“I’m sure the judge won’t convict you! And even if she does, just have Voice pull some strings and you’ll be fine.”


Oh look, Neppy brought Teresa home. Don’t you think she’d be really impressed if you, oh I don’t know, WENT TO COLLEGE?

“I’ll do my homework when I feel like it, okay?”

How was school for you, then?

“Our science teacher Mr. Ottomas has been absent for some time. I hope he isn’t sick. Should I write him a ‘get well’-card?”

… probably not.

SYNCHRONISED SMUSTLING! It’s so awesome that you have to drive your hand through the wall!

Which I now realise is corrugated iron. And this is Iron Values, the Rauta (iron) family. Oh, the irony!

“I decided to help my children with their birthdays all at once, so I blocked the way to one of the babies with another baby so that neither one can be picked up now!”

Is this what I get for making bad puns?

I applaud you on your timing.

After 8 pm, Livermorium.

At almost 10 pm, Curium.

And finally, at almost 11 pm, Tellurium.

Recognise the personality? It’s the same as Samarium.

And so it begins.

“Feel the pain of bathing!”

*sigh* This is going to be hell.

“Voice! I think it’s time again!”

Will it be a boy? A girl? A minotaur? Join us next time for the thrilling conclusion!