IOP Publishing Lukas Piasecki Regional Manager – Eastern Europe IOP Publishing or Institute of...

Post on 12-Jan-2016

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Transcript of IOP Publishing Lukas Piasecki Regional Manager – Eastern Europe IOP Publishing or Institute of...

IOP Publishing

Lukas PiaseckiRegional Manager – Eastern Europe IOP Publishing or Institute of Physics,

The Institute of Physics

A scientific membership organisation that promotes physics in the UK and internationally

Over 40,000 members worldwide Supporting education, advising government and industry,

raising awareness Mission to disseminate leading-edge scientific research Over 64 prestigious journals and Historic archive 1874 10 community websites; Six magazines including Physics World; 21 international publishing partners including Cern, IAEA

and AAS;

Publishing partners and Physical Societies

American Astronomical Society The Astronomical Journal The Astrophysical Journal The Astrophysical Journal Letters The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series

Bureau International des Poids et Mesures Metrologia

Chinese Astronomical Society and National Astronomical Observatories Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Chinese Institute of Electronics and the Institute of Semiconductors Journal of Semiconductors

Chinese Physical Society Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics Chinese Physics B Chinese Physics C Chinese Physics Letters

Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft New Journal of Physics

European Optical Society Journal of Optics

European Physical Society EPL (Europhysics Letters)

Turpion Izvestiya: Mathematics Physics-Uspekhi Quantum Electronics Russian Chemical Reviews Russian Mathematical Surveys Sbornik: Mathematics

Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Publishing partners and Physical Societies Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine

Physics in Medicine and Biology Physiological Measurement

Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Plasma Science and Technology

Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Communications in Theoretical Physics

International Atomic Energy Agency Nuclear Fusion

International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Journal of High Energy Physics Journal of Instrumentation Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment

London Mathematical Society Nonlinearity

Nanjing Institute of Geophysical Prospecting Journal of Geophysics and Engineering

National Institute for Materials Science Science and Technology of Advanced Materials

National Natural Science Foundation of China Science Foundation in China

Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Physica Scripta

Society for Radiological Protection Journal of Radiological Protection

The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics Fluid Dynamics Research

Feedback "My compliments on the functionality of the search features,

it's obvious a great deal of time and thought was put into developing a good interface."

Beth Callahan, Assistant Director, Wayne State University Libraries

Our library has had a very satisfactory experience with IOPscience. It is a unique platform with multiple features for information, search and retrieval, developed from a collection of highly rated titles."

Inna Steklyar, Head of Periodicals Department, Tel-Aviv University, Israel

International Offices

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