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Transcript of IOIO Card


Presented by OBONO Eric & MADJOULO Marcelle



Joint progress in microelectronics, wireless transmission technologies and

embedded applications helped to produce cost-effective mobile terminals as well as

high-tech electronic charts. Apple with the advent of the I-phone has been put forward

its product by adding the phone to new features and by creating new needs. The market

for Smartphones meanwhile is so booming in which actors usual (Windows and

Symbian) trying to rush, however Google, having realized the potential of this market,

has decided to enter by buying a startup working on an operating system for mobile

terminal: Android.

As part of our career telecom at the private higher school of engineering and

technology (ESPRIT), we have chosen for the module end of year project (PFA) to

achieve a mobile application of telemetry.

This report will be structured into three parts in which we will first do a study of

the existing mingled at the capture of the needs for our application, then we will do an

analysis and detailed design of the use cases, finally the last part will aim to define the

environment of work and the achievement itself.


Presented by OBONO Eric & MADJOULO Marcelle



To better meet the needs of the users of our application, referred to in this part

introduce the draft, highlight the problem and finally to present existing solutions to out

the limits to gain a better understanding of the design.


Imagine a sudden change in temperature and no one to write it down. What will be

the percentage of known relevant information? Our idea is to receive the information in

real time in order to solve the various problems in time. This is the case for example of

a satellite system which gives the position in real time from a satellite, a weather system

that gives information on the temperature. So we thought a less cumbersome, less

expensive telemetry device and using modern equipment.

Our project will therefore consist of achieve an telemetering device which can

measure and detect multiple values like temperature, gas, alcohol, distance... and

displays the status on an interface.




Presented by OBONO Eric & MADJOULO Marcelle



Android phones are an excellent platform for developing applications, but

sometimes it is nice if these applications go beyond the integrated hardware of the phone

and plugged in to a bit of electronic environment. The objective is to perform

measurements using a Smartphone, how would that be possible since phones do not

always have sensors integrated, yet there are a multitude of sensors, it would be useful to

build an intelligent system based on the Android system.

However, some constraints are taken into account in the implementation of a

mobile application namely :

Varying screen sizes, which may in some cases be quite reduced.

The limited possibility of data entry;

The CPU power, which may be limited on first Smartphone;

The size of the memory may vary;

The autonomy of the Smartphone;

Variable rates of Internet bandwidth.


The telemetry word which literally means "measuring distance" is used to describe

a technology that allows the automatic measurement and transmission of data by wire,

radio or other means, usually from places inaccessible or dangerous, such as a satellite

in orbit to control the ground stations, where the information is recorded and evaluated.

When telemetry was still in its infancy, the information was relayed on wires. Today, it

uses communications radio and GSM (Global System for Mobile communication), data

transmission technology. The main GSM telemetry applications include monitoring

stations-electric, meteorological data collection, remote meter reading, logistic

management, monitoring of endangered land and aquatic species, and manned and

unmanned spaceflight monitoring.


Presented by OBONO Eric & MADJOULO Marcelle


1) Telemetry device

As telemetering devices existing we have SCADA devices: they are devices of

remote management on a large scale to process in real time a large number of telemetry

and remote control of technical installations. Device SCADA equipment, controllers,

networks and communications features, a database, an input-output management

software and a man-machine interface. Information from the SCADA device field are

centralized on a CPU. The control field is achieved by automatic measuring instruments

and control or industrial programmable logic controllers (PLC or PLC, Programmable

Logic Controller English). Only they are more expensive than conventional

microcontrollers-based computer solutions, furthermore they are cumbersome and

require mastery of comply with standard IEC 61131-3 specific languages which include

in their form the logic internal execution of the PLC.

Figure 1 : Exemple of SCADA system

2) Other devices

An integrating device map Arduino: Arduino is a circuit board on which stands

a microcontroller that can be programmed to analyze and generate electrical

signals, to perform tasks very diverse as home automation (control household


Presented by OBONO Eric & MADJOULO Marcelle


appliances - lighting, heating...), a robot pilot. This card offers several

advantages but disadvantages such as high prices and large dimensions still exist,

must be programmed a sketch in C/C++.

Some devices incorporating IOIO card:

The Breathalyzer: detects the level of alcohol in the air ;

The Garage control: controls the opening and closing of a garage,

The Line follower: robot able to follow a black line,

The Soccer robot: robot that fetches a ball and scored the goals in a goal.

Figure 2 Models: IOIO Robot/ Garage door

Comparaison entre la carte Arduino et la Carte IOIO :

Criteria Arduino Card IOIO card

Development JAVA, C++


Android Version ADB

V1.5 and UP

Bluetooth Compatibility Bluetooth Shield NATIVE (V.3)

Plug & Play

OpenAccessory Compatibility no Yes


Presented by OBONO Eric & MADJOULO Marcelle


According the comparison table above we see that the IOIO is the card best

suited to the achievement of our device.


We propose therefore to make a device using the Android technology, a IOIO

Card and sensors. It will issue to develop an Android using the Java application, this

application must be installed on a phone and can control sensors; These sensors will

return via the IOIO Card the various measures taken. The device will consist of a

Smartphone connected by a USB cable with IOIO Card, itself connected by wires to one

or more sensors.

A few rules to follow:

If at least one sensor is connected to IOIO card, measurements will be

displayed on a single interface.

Sensors of temperature and gas will each be connected to analog input pin.

The IOIO Card

IOIO card (pronounced: yo-yo) is a card that allows us to connect electronic

circuits to an Android device and control from an Android application. It is composed

of a small Board PCB (2.7x1.2 '= 7x3cm) specifically designed to be controlled via an

Dimensions 68 - 53mm 70 - 30mm

Host USB Connectivity yes Yes

Price 75$ 55$


Presented by OBONO Eric & MADJOULO Marcelle


Android device (with OS 1.5 version and SUP) through its USB port. This control will

be via a JAVA ™ API simple and intuitive that can be used in our Android application

that handles all communications with the card without resorting to an embedded

programming low level, nor to any external programmer.

IOIO is available for purchase online from the official website of SparkFun

Electronics. All of the software and hardware are 100% open source under a permissive

license. The electronic card is built around a PIC Microcontroller series 24, which has a

USB host connection. So just connect it using a USB cable to a minimum Android (OS

v1.5) device for that IOIO card interprets commands received by an application.

As a technical specification map consists of:

USB connector (type A) female connector: connects the Android device.

GND pins (9 pins): Earth.

VIN pins (3 pins): used for the power supply to the card. Voltage between 5V -

15V must be provided.

5V pins (3 pins): normally used as output 5V when the card is powered from vin.

Can be used as input 5V when vin is not connected.

3.3V pin (3 pins): 3.3 V output.

I/O pins (48 pins, numbered 1-48): IO PIN. Some have special functions, see

below :

- 16 analog inputs (10 - bit)

- up to 9 PWM outputs

- up to 4 links series UART

- to 3-channel SPI.

- Up to 3 links TWI (I2C-compatible)


Presented by OBONO Eric & MADJOULO Marcelle


Figure 3 IOIO Card

Some advantages of the IOIO Card:

Supports all Android versions.

Less expensive in terms of cost compared to other cards.

Does not require a built-in code, with a Java API you can control all functions of

the card. It remains only to write the application Android.

Documentation available.

Small dimension.

The hardware and software are Open source.

Can load an Android handset.


After presenting our project as well as a few existing solutions, we can now make a

detailed analysis which will allow us to then pass to the achievement of our telemetry



Presented by OBONO Eric & MADJOULO Marcelle



The objective being to create an easy to handle and maintain application, offering

the possibility to be used by single users to take action. In this part, we specify the

needs and we will later proceed to a detailed analysis of our subject.


1) Functional Requirements

Our device must be capable of:

Measure and process the data taken by sensors.

Display on a Smartphone measures taken by temperature sensors, and gas, all

connected to an electronic card.

Detect the level of gas in the air and the ambient temperature in degrees Kelvin,

Celsius and Fahrenheit.

2) Optional Requirements

As non-functional requirements we have:





Presented by OBONO Eric & MADJOULO Marcelle


Stability: The different modules of the application must be easy to maintain. For

this, the code must be legible and well structured. We must respect the coding

standards for example the names of the attributes and variables, the names of

methods as well as comments.

Energy consumption :

Ergonomics : Several graphical interfaces for easy browsing, these interfaces

can be characterised by shapes, colors.


1) Use case diagram

Through use cases, we will be in constant contact with the players in the system to

define the limits of it and avoid too away the user's real needs.

Figure 4 Use case diagram



check temperature measurements

check Gas measurements


Presented by OBONO Eric & MADJOULO Marcelle


2) Textual description of the use cases

For this part, we will present different cases of possible uses for our application:

Check Temperature measurement,

Check measurement gas.

Use Case 1: Check Temperature measurement

Goal Read the temperature displayed on the Smartphone interface

Actor (s) User

Pre-condition(s) User logged on to the application.

Nominal scenario 1 - The user chooses the measurement option 2 - The user consults the temperature



A-1 Measures incorrect or not present A-1-1 The user restarts the application. A-1-2 The user resumes the alternative scenario level one

Post-condition Measurements displayed


Presented by OBONO Eric & MADJOULO Marcelle


Use Case 1: Check Gas measurement

Goal Read the gas displayed on the Smartphone interface

Actor (s) User

Pre-condition(s) User logged on to the application.

Nominal scenario 1 - The user chooses the measurement option 2 - The user consults the gas

Alternative scenario A-1 Technical movement of the SeekBar. A-1-1 the user restarts the application. A-1-2 The user resumes the alternative scenario level one

Post-condition Displayed gas level.

3) Sequences diagrams

a) Temperature

Figure 5 Sequence Diagram for use case 1

Utilisateur Système

1 : Start application()

2 : choose action to display()

3 : load gas measures()

4 : display gas measures()


Presented by OBONO Eric & MADJOULO Marcelle


b) Gas

Figure 6 Sequence Diagram for use case 2


This chapter was helpful to specify the different needs that must meet our

application. Offered us a vision more or less detailed on the purpose of the project, and

a better distinction between the capabilities of the system. Therefore, in the next

chapter we will begin the design and the realization of our application itself.

Utilisateur Système

1 : Start application()

2 : choose action to display()

3 : load temperature measures()

4 : display temperature measures()


Presented by OBONO Eric & MADJOULO Marcelle



Make the application consists in developing the codes of the different functions in

the JAVA language, the purpose of this chapter is to present the design and the method

of work and the various graphical interfaces of our application.


1. Sequence diagram object

For a sequential overview on the main features of our system, we present sequence

system diagram:

Chapter 3: Design and

realization of



Presented by OBONO Eric & MADJOULO Marcelle


Figure 7 Sequence Object Diagram

2. Class diagram

The class diagram is a schematic static. It represents the static view of an application,

it is not only used to visualize, describe and document the various aspects of a system,

but also for the construction of executable code software application


user application carteIOIO sensors

1 : start project()

2 : start splashscreen()

3 : display measurement options()

4 : select measurement options()

5 : interpret commands()

6 : activate sensors()

7 : receiving data()

8 : recover information()

9 : convert information()

10 : transmit measures()

11 : display measure()

12 : leave project()


Presented by OBONO Eric & MADJOULO Marcelle


Figure 8 Class diagram


1) Work environment

a) Hardware environment

The material we used is composed of:

A laptop ;

An Android Smartphone;

A USB cable;

IOIO card;

A gas sensor;

A temperature sensor;

A battery 9V;


+onCreate(Bundle): void



-temperaturor_pin: int-units: string

+run(): void+setText(string): void


-gas_pin: int

+run(): void+setText(string): void+setSeekBar(int): void



-analogInput: int-digitalOutput: int

+setup(): void+loop(): void+createIOIOThread(): void




Presented by OBONO Eric & MADJOULO Marcelle


A plate test;

The son drivers.

Figure 9 Gas sensor /temperature sensor

b) Software environment

To develop, it is important to choose a generally consist of an IDE, and a few

software development environment.


Eclipse is a multi-language development comprising an integrated development

environment (IDE) and an extensible plug-in System. It is written primarily in Java and

can be used to develop applications in Java and, through various plug-ins, other

programming languages, such as C, C + +, COBOL, Perl, PHP, Python.

SDK Android

Android SDK is essential to develop Android, it is a development kit created to be

integrated into an IDE, it offers a set of tools necessary for development and testing like

ADT, compiler, emulator,.


Presented by OBONO Eric & MADJOULO Marcelle



IOIO Lib is a library special Android created by the constructor of the IOIO card,

which allows the application Android control IOIO card. It exposes a set of Java

interfaces, covering the different functions of the card. It offers a set of classes and

methods that are used to communicate with the different pins of the map, other methods

are used to change the frequency or the pulse of a such pine. When it generates the

application, IOIOLib integrates into the .apk target, so the application is self-contained

and requires no additional installation on the Android Smartphone that runs it.

Figure 10 Java + Android SDK


Fritzing is a free software edition of electronic circuit or circuit board. It is possible

to complete its library of components. Each component is defined using three elements:

the image of the component, which can be done from an image, a symbol of the

component and the representation of the component on the circuit board (number and

position of the tracks). We have used it to map the installation of the project.

Figure 11 Fritzing Logo


Presented by OBONO Eric & MADJOULO Marcelle


Photoshop CS5

Photoshop is a software for editing, processing and computer edited by Adobe

Design. It is primarily used for the treatment of digital photographs, but is also used for

the creation of images and design. It is used heavily in our application's command, to

create almost all of the graphic elements from the Joystick, the Custom Tab elements

floating until the general interface and borders design so the other needs such as the

SplashScreen and icon.

Figure 12 Photoshop5 Logo

2) Diagram of mounting

This montage shows almost all Electronic components of our application, we will still

be able to add other components and have new features as it remains empty in the IOIO

card PINS.


Presented by OBONO Eric & MADJOULO Marcelle


Figure 13 The fritzing mounting diagram

Type sensor entry Number of


Count pins Input/Output

Gas Analog 34 1 input

Temperature Analog 42 1 input

In the timeline, IOIO card and sensors are powered by a 9V battery, the sensor of gas

(in red) is connected to pin 34 of the map and the temperature sensor (in white) on pine

42.Chaque strands (-) for a sensor is plugged into one of the GND of the map pins and

the (+) strands are connected to 3, 3V.The Smartphone will be connected to the card

through its USB port.


Presented by OBONO Eric & MADJOULO Marcelle



The figure below represents the start of our ERINMEASURE application interface

Figure 14 Boot Interface


Presented by OBONO Eric & MADJOULO Marcelle


Interface that displays the measurement of the temperature in Fahrenheit, for this case,

it is 30.

Figure 15 Fahrenheit temperature


Presented by OBONO Eric & MADJOULO Marcelle


The temperature display in Celsius: 20. 6 °.

Figure 16 Celsius Temperature


Presented by OBONO Eric & MADJOULO Marcelle


The temperature display in Kelvin: 293.6°

Figure 17 Kelvin Température


Presented by OBONO Eric & MADJOULO Marcelle


Display the level of gas interface

Figure 18 Gas Level


Presented by OBONO Eric & MADJOULO Marcelle


Top view of the mounting

Figure 19 Mounting 1

Figure 20 Mounting 2


Presented by OBONO Eric & MADJOULO Marcelle



As part of our end of year project (EYP), we were called to achieve a telemetry

device using IOIO Card.

Throughout this report we have made a study of the existing devices then we presented

the solution and its benefits, we did an analysis followed by a design and finally the

realization. We can say that our project has covered its functionality, but we do not

measure distance as our theme 'Telemetry' shows because with our device, data are

directly visible locally. To improve, we could save the steps taken in a database and

send to other Smartphones by sms or email which could be a prospect and then add

other types of sensors.

This work was also the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the Android

mobile operating system and enter deeply into the design and implementation of mobile

applications by leveraging its operating system. This project has been beneficial in that

it has led us to discover in depth programming mobile applications.


Presented by OBONO Eric & MADJOULO Marcelle


Bibliography & Webography


Oreilly.Making.Android.Accessories.with.IOIO.Feb.2012: PDF Document

Devenez_un_developpeur_Android_Vol_1 : video ,by AndroWiiid et Frédéric


creez-des-applications-pour-android-.pdf by Damien Guignard, Julien Chabie

et Emmanuel Robles

FRITZING2_La_creaton_de_composants.pdf French version translated by


Sites: contains several videos of projects using IOIO

Card Date last accessed : 7 may 2013 Documentation on IOIO Card. Date last

accessed : 11 may 2013

https://www.SparkFun .com/products/10748 Documentation on IOIO Card Date

last accessed : 15 April 2013 06 For communication between

Bluetooth IOIO Card. Date of last consultation : 6 May 2013 to download the software which allowed us to make

mounting of the circuit on pc Date last accessed : 14 may 2013 to download the Android SDK.

Date last accessed : February 2013 to be compatible with the

gas sensor java library. Date last accessed : 14 April 2013

http://mitchtech.NET/ expand the IOIO Card + sensors . Date last accessed :

March 2013