InZider Summer '12 Edition

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The news of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Alpha Eta Zeta Chapter.

Transcript of InZider Summer '12 Edition

My goodness…..How quickly time passes! It seems like just yesterday that we were looking back on the accomplishments of 2011-2012 with thankfulness! And now, God has allowed us to see the start of another sororal year, and for that we are grateful! I hope your summer was relaxing, peaceful and enjoyable!

Now, it’s time to return to the business of our Glorious Sisterhood! Although we took a bit of a hiatus, several hard-working committees have been diligently planning for a productive new year!

I encourage you, if you haven’t already done so, to sign up for at least one committee! Our chapter needs each of you to make our programs and pro-jects a success! Just a few of the activi-ties planned for this year includes:

Finer Womanhood Luncheon Numerous Z-HOPE Initiatives Domestic Violence Awareness

Forum Prematurity Awareness Weekend

South Central Regional Conference Sisterhood Retreat And many more….

So as you can see, we have much to accomplish this year! We are reminded in 1 Corinthians 12 that in order for the whole to function properly, each part of the body has a necessary role to play. We need each of you to fulfill the mission and objectives of this great sisterhood we call Zeta Phi Beta! Sorors, let’s continue to press on, as we strive to be “One Zeta Body....Committed to Sisterhood and Service”


Igina D. Perteet Igina D. Perteet President, Alpha Eta Zeta Chapter

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.,

Alpha Eta Zeta Chapter re-

cently adopted a strip of Inter-

state 40 in Memphis. For the

first clean up, Alpha Eta Zeta

chapter members set out with

orange vests, gloves, and gar-

bage bags to pick up all un-

wanted litter around the high-

way. Local members plan to

clean this area at least 3 more

times this year for a total of

four times per year. The chap-

ter understands the value in

preserving the city and keep-

ing it beautiful. Litter has

become a major issue and has

cost tax payers money. Alpha

Eta Zeta’s goal with adopt-a-

highway is to keep the area

clear of litter and encourage

others to get involved.

President’s Corner

M E M P H I S , T E N N E S S E E

Adopt a Highway

News of the Alpha Eta Zeta Chapter V O L . 1 I S S U E 1

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South Central Regional Conference The 83rd South Central

Regional Conference was

held in Jackson, Mississippi

this summer. During the

conference, Alpha Eta Zeta

was recognized for a year of

acco mplishment s and

community service. Of all

the graduate chapters in the

South Central Region, we

received a first place award

for having the largest

number of members in

attendance. The chapter was

r eco g n iz e d fo r o u r

contribution and donation to

the walk that raises money

to fund research and

support for mothers and

premature babies. As a

chapter we raised over

$2000 for March of Dimes.

Cynthia E l l io t t was

inducted into the South

Central Hall of Fame for

her accomplishments.

Undergraduate members of

wer e a lso awarded.

Christian Greenhill of Rho

G a mma C ha p t e r a t

University of Memphis

received the South Central

R e g io n ’ s A c a d e m i c

Scho lar ship. Shenika

Holmes of Pi Alpha at

L e mo yn e - O w e n w a s

crowned Miss South

Central Region.

In add it io n to t he

recognition of awards for

our chapter, the South

Central Region donated

$2200 to Stewpot, a

community service organization that

serves homeless people in Jackson,


Soror Shenika Holmes

New Amicae members holding their shirts

Chrystal Graves, and

Rasheema Mitchell.

Zeta Amicae The Zealous Zeta Amicae of

Memphis ended the year by pre-

senting gift baskets

to senior members of the auxiliary

and they took part in the March of

Dimes Walk for Babies. Amicae

members attended the Regional

Conference where they were

recognized for their

scrapbook and membership

numbers. During the

summer, Memphis Amicae

sponsored a trunk party for

high school graduates. Three

new Amicae members were

inducted: Vinette Quinn,

Boule 2012

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In July, our sorority held

elections for the highest office in

our organization. Alpha Eta Zeta

zealously announces that Mary

Breaux Wright is our 24th

International President.

During the Boule held in Chicago,

Illinois, International President

Wright was elected . She was

preceded by Past President,

Sheryl P. Underwood who served

from 2008 until 2012.

During the conference sorors

from all over enjoyed the

workshops, the meetings, the in-

teractions, and celebrations, with

other sorors from various


Soror Shenika Holmes competed

in the Miss Zeta Phi Beta pageant

with several other sorors from

different chapters. We are proud

of Soror Holmes for her hard

work and dedication to the


Born in Opelousas, Louisiana

Initiated into Psi Zeta

Graduated from Grambling State

Member of St. Ignatius Loyola Catholic Church

Raised one son who is a member of Phi Beta Sigma

Fraternity, Inc.

Served on the National level of Zeta for 15 plus years.

Active in Zeta leadership on the national, regional, and

local level for 20 years.



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Daddy’s Little Girls

Girls to Pearls

Every June across the world

fathers are celebrated for the

intricate role they play in the

lives of their family. It is fa-

thers who guide, protect, and

teach their children to be re-

sponsible. We held our 9th

Annual Daddy’s Little Girl

program to honor our youth

auxiliaries and to salute their

fathers for the positive influ-

ence they have made in their


This year’s theme was “In

My Heart Always”. Master of

ceremony, radio personality

Michael Adrian Davis of 95.7

Hallelujah-fm, announced the

girls as they were escorted

into the auditorium. He also

spoke to all of the guests

about the importance of a

father or father figure. He

said, “Men also have an

‘intuition’ ”. Mr. Davis, a

single parent of two, shared

details from his own personal

parenting background. He

said he had to learn how to

communicate better with his

daughter in order to help

strengthen and encourage her.

Ms. Shenika Holmes, Zeta Phi

Beta Sorority’s reigning Miss

South Central Region, recited

a poem entitled, “Daddy’s

Little Girls:” it was about how

fathers are necessary for every

stage of their daughter’s life.

The young ladies presented

their father with a special gift

bag that included a key chain

with the program’s theme, “In

Our Heart Always,” a car

freshener, and a thank you


The youth advisors presented current

youth club members with awards for

academic achievements, community

service, and overall participation. Fif-

teen new youth club members were

present and were pinned in front of

their family and community of friends.

On July 28th,Senior Archonettes,

Khadijah Crane, Amber Pride,

and Denesha Pride celebrated

their high school graduation with

a trunk party. The Archonettes

enjoyed swimming, grilled hot

dogs at Brother Charles’ house.

Fellow Sorors and Archonettes

donated gifts and essential items

for the graduates first semester

of college.

Archonette Khadijah Crane will

attend University of Southern

Mississippi and plans to major

in Speech Pathology.

Archonette Denesha Pride

will attend Ole Miss and major

in Biology.

The ladies were all

smiles and very appreciative of

the gifts, gift cards, and money

that they received.

Archonette Graduates Trunk Celebration

Annual Community Health Fair

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Our annual Back to School Com-

munity Health Fair was held at the

Potter’s Life Center on August

11th, 2012. Attendees were able to

donate blood, check blood pres-

sure, hear speakers about health

and wellness, and safety. School

aged children received free school

supplies and free school uniform

pants, shirts, and shoes.

Amica Chrystal Graves explained

the cycles of childhood obesity and

the needed understanding of the

Food Pyramid to a parent of school

aged children.

Officer Wilson spoke to the youth

about safety aware-

ness. Archonette

Smith shared that

the officer gave use-

ful tips to remember

while away from

home: leave a light

on inside, don’t hide

a spare key under the front door

mat, have someone pick up mail

and newspaper.

Sorors Christian Greenhill and

Alelia Higgenbottom of Rho

Gamma chapter donated to Life

Blood. Soror Greenhill stated that

it was her first time giving blood

and she was encouraged by the fact

that she could save a life and glad

that she could donate. She also

stated that she would do it again,

because it was painless.

Dodgeball, jump rope, and barbeque painted the scene at

Martin Luther King Jr. Park on July 21st, for the Annual

Blue & White Picnic. Brother Charles and Brother Der-

win grilled fish, chicken, and hot dogs during the celebra-

tion. The food was delicious.

Soror Winton organized the games that were enjoyed by

all. Not only did the youth participate but the Sorors

and Frat also took part in the games.



Graves talk-

ing to a par-


Blue & White Family Picnic

(Above) Officer Wilson talking about Safety tips.

(Left) Soror Greenhill donating to Life Blood and

(Right) Sorors preparing supply bags for students.

Finer Women Sparkle

Lower right: Soror Bowens accepting

her Hall of Fame plaque.

Congratulations to every Soror on their academic, professional, and

personal achievements!

Pi Alpha Sorors Shenika Holmes, Patricia Watts, Devondria Byrd,

Jahmela Kelley, Samill Meriwether, Samila Meriwether, and Maranja

May-Douglas graduated with their Bachelors in May 2012 from

Lemoyne Owen College. Elizabeth Booker and Eyrial Hearns

graduated with their bachelors in May 2012 from Christian Brothers

University. Soror Letiticia Jackson received her Masters of Business

Administration from University of Phoenix in July 2012.

Soror Helen Bowen, was inducted in July 2012 into her high school

alma mater’s Hall of Fame for her accomplishment s in the area of

Business. Soror Bowen’s alma mater is Oak Park Vocational High

School located in Laurel,


C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s S o r o r s! 2012 Graduates and Recognition

Soror Jackson in her cap and gown.

The Membership Team coordinated an ASTOUNDING sisterly outing for fellowship and fun!! We enjoyed a Girls Night Out and saw the premiere of Sparkle. Everyone had a great time. The membership committee has a lot of outings in store for the upcoming year!

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on the state level. She is the Immediate Past Chair of the Executive Board for Tennessee and former Miss Tennessee Zeta Pageant Coordinator. Within our local chapter, she is a past president, vice-president, youth advisor and chairperson of various committees of Alpha Eta Zeta Chapter. She currently serves as the Chair of the Board of Directors for Alpha Eta Zeta-DOVE Foundation, Inc. Soror Williams is the Adm i ni s t ra t i ve D ir ector o f Biostatistics for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital . She is married to Danny Williams and they have 3 beautiful children. Congratulations Soror Donna R. Williams on your new position as Tennessee State Director!

Soror Donna R. Williams of Alpha Eta Zeta Chapter was recently appointed to the position of Tennessee State Director for Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. by 24th International President Mary Breaux Wright. In her new role, Soror Williams is responsible for the leadership and guidance of the sorority’s members and managing the business of the organization across Tennessee. Soror Williams is a native of Memphis, Tennessee. She joined Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. while at-tending Memphis State University. Upon graduation she immediately transferred to Alpha Eta Zeta Gradu-ate chapter. She has 28+ consecu-tive years of active service and is a Life Member. She has held several leadership positions in the sorority


The success of the events and activities our Chapter hosts are determined by the preparedness of our Chapter Officers, committees and members. This "Pearl of Wisdom” provides examples of actions each Chapter Officer and Committee Chairman should un-dertake to ensure that all events/activities are well planned, expectations are communicated and Com-mittee and Chapter members are informed of the goals of the activity in order to reach the desired outcome.

Drafts an agenda and sends to committee members in advance of meetings

Provides adequate notice of meetings and re-minders

Bring all committee recommendations to the chapter to be voted on prior to proceeding

Requests written reports for presentation at meetings

Sends minutes of meetings to members in a timely fashion

Communicates budget allocations and goals of the activity to committees

Sorors, always remember the words of Confucius, “Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure.”

Z-Lessons: Embellishment Tidbits

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Summer Birthdays June

3rd Tonya Bernard

7th Donna R. Williams

13th Celia Pierson


2nd Sonja Bell-Joyner

6th Malinda Conrad

17th Hope Shields

18th Crystal Brown

20th Rutha Pegues

21st Sadie Wiley

24th Doris Owens-Smith

26th Carmen Taylor

30th Shunda Milan

“What are you saying that is sabotaging God’s Word?” Are you putting God's word to work in your life? Are you confessing His word daily? There is power in speaking God’s word and he wants us to stop saying negative things and to begin saying positive things and confess His word over our lives. Some of the things we say daily seem “small” but they can do such damage. There are things we say frequently out of habit that may be sabotaging our growth or the growth of some-one we love. Do any of the following sound familiar:

“You make me sick” “You’re useless”

“Why did I pay my dues” “I can’t do this” “You’re stupid”

“You’re working my last nerve” “I'm broke, I don’t have any money”

“My back is killing me” “I’m so tired of you”

None of these “sayings” above are from God’s word. We need to stop and reflect on the things that we say and speak positivity into existence each and every day regarding ourselves, our spouses, our kids, our friends, and our loved ones. There is a great book titled, “The Secret Power of Speaking God’s Word” by Joyce Meyer. I'd like to suggest that you begin a personal “Confession List” if you don't do something similar already. This list should include scriptures as they relate to changes that you want to see in your life. Once you find a scripture re-word it to 1st person and make it your own and then say them out loud at least 2-3 times each day (you can even write them on index cards and keep them in your purse, in your car, taped to your bathroom mirror, on your desk at work, etc.) For example, I personally want to have more self control (over my tongue, over how quickly I get angry, and overeat-ing) so one of the scriptures I will be using is Proverbs 25:28 and making it “my own” by saying: I operate in self-control and don’t allow my spirit to be unruly. I refuse to be like a city that is broken down and without walls. Self-control and discipline add protection to my life. Sorors, let's be more careful of the words that we speak. Let’s remain mindful that our tongue is a powerful thing!


1st Daphne Maclin

5th Ella Standsberry

6th Delcenia Pegues

6th Jennifer Sanders-Johnson

13th Rosalyn Jackson

13th Candace Reed-Hamilton

16th Alice McDearman

23rd Roxie Ball

31 Tennille Moten


7th Igina Perteet

29th LaCharity Carter

19th Audrey Johnson

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Photos: C. Crawford, J. Dunlap, I.

Perteet, D. Wells, L. Jackson, D.


Articles: J. Dunlap, I. Perteet, T.

Upcoming Events


Contact Information

October 2012

13th ACT Workshop– MBA High School, 8:30 am-1:00pm

13th Breast Cancer Walk– Laurelwood Shopping Center, 8am

20th Sickle Cell Walk- AutoZone Park—8am

20th Women Vote Early Press Conference 12pm

26-27 TN State Leadership Conference, Nashville, TN

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.—Alpha Eta Zeta Chapter

P.O. Box 301417

Memphis, Tennessee 38103

Follow us on Twitter @TheMemphisZetas and “Like” the Memphis Zetas on Facebook

Visit our website:

As we embark upon this new sorority year, I am excited about all the things that we have in store to propel our causes for Zeta. I am here to promote and publicize the works of our local chapter, Alpha Eta Zeta . Thank you to my committee for all of your assistance and wonderful ideas. Thank you to everyone who submitted pictures and articles. Individually we are strong, but together we are even more powerful.

It gives me great pleasure to present to you the InZider Summer Edition Newslet-ter! If there are any corrections or changes to be made, please contact me by email. Thank you, Sincerely, Jamie Dunlap, Publicity Chair InZider Editor in Chief

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