INTRODUCTION TO EGYPT Ancient Egypt, like other early civilizations, developed in a river valley-the...

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Transcript of INTRODUCTION TO EGYPT Ancient Egypt, like other early civilizations, developed in a river valley-the...


EGYPT1INTRODUCTION TO EGYPTAncient Egypt, like other early civilizations, developed in a river valley-the valley of the river Nile. The river Nile was central to the whole civilization and a constant and major influence on its development.


THE RIVER NILE3LIFE AFTER DEATHThe ancient Egyptians strongly believed that there was life after death and devoted all their energies preparing for eternity. They believed that a dead person lived on in his tomb, which was eternal home. The more beautiful it was, the more splendid would be the afterlife. This belief inspired the ancient Egyptians to build giant pyramids, magnificent temples, monuments and tombs.4

5Divided into three periodsThe Old kingdom (approximately 3000-2000 BCE)The Middle kingdom (approximately 2000-1700 BCE)The New kingdom (approximately 1600-1100 BCE)6

Old kingdomMiddle kingdomNew kingdom7RulersFor about a 100 years (1700-1600 BCE),Egypt was invaded and ruled by the Hyksos tribes . The decline of the Egyptian empire set in with collapse of the New kingdom . Egypt was repeatedly invaded by the Babylonians , Assyrians , Persians , and finally by Alexander the great. Alexander founded the city Alexandria . It later became one of the greatest cultural centres of the ancient world during the reign of Ptolemy, one of the generals of Alexander. Ptolemy was the founder of the last dynasty of Egypt.8

Hyksos tribesPtolemyAlexander the great9Pharaohs or KingsFrom the earliest times, Egypt was divided into two parts lower Egypt and upper Egypt.About 3200 BCE , these were united and ruled by pharaohs or kings to become a brilliant civilization that lasted until the death of Cleopatra, the last the last pharaoh, in 30 BCE.10

CLEOPATRAPharaoh AKHENATENNEFERTITI11Characteristics of the Egyptian civilization.The Egyptian were divided into three distinct classes.1.The upper class consisted of the royal family, rich landowners, high ranking priests, government officials and doctors.2.The middle class consisted of merchants, manufacturers, craftspeople, and the lower clergy.3.The lower class consisted of the peasants. At the bottom of the social hierarchy were the slaves who were mainly prisoners of war.

12Family lifeThe families were close knit groups. The relationship between the husband , wife and children was usually close. The father was the head of the family. Women were treated with respect and their property rights were protected. They were more or less equal to men in eyes of law. Children enjoyed carefree and happy lives. The boys were sent to school and the girls stayed at home and learnt housework.Wealthy families lived lives of luxury and pleasure. Family outings and recreation included hunting, fishing, swimming, and sailing on the Nile.13

14FoodBread made from wheat and beer made from barley .Wheat formed the staple diet of the people. They also ate vegetables, fruits, meat and dairy products.15

FoodDrink16DressDress were made of white linen. The early Egyptian dressed simply. The men wore a loin cloth and the women wore long, tight fitting dresses with shoulder straps. Later, their dresses became more complex. Both men and women wore elaborate jewellery , cosmetics and wigs. Men paid as much attention to their hairstyles and complexions as women did.17

18ShelterThe Egyptians lived in houses made of sum baked bricks. The rooms were airy with small windows set high on walls to keep out the sun and let the daylight enter.19

20AgricultureThe chief occupation of the Egyptians was agriculture. The fertile soil, abundant supply of water from Nile and a vast irrigation network enabled them to grow crops throughout the year. Their chief crops were wheat, barley and millet. Vegetables and fruits such as dates, apples, peaches and figs were grown.21

22Domestication of animalsAnimals such as pigs , cows, sheep, goats, donkeys, camels, doves, and geese were domesticated.23

24Art and craftThe craftspeople worked very hard to satisfy the demands and expensive tastes of the aristocratic and priestly classes. There were skilled craftspeople such as potters, goldsmiths, carpenters, weavers, sculptors and painters. The sculptors carved large stone statues of kings and gods while artist decorated the tomb walls with exquisite paintings. These paintings tell us a great deal about the lifestyle of the early Egyptians . The Egyptians built a number of magnificent temples with pillared halls. The walls and pillars were decorated with beautiful paintings of human, animals and birds.25

Statues of kings and godsPaintings26Architecture and engineeringArchitects and engineers built remarkable monuments such as pyramids and temples. The Great Pyramid at Giza is one of the Seven wonders of the world.Another architectural wonder is the Sphinx a mythological figure with the body of lion and the head of a man. It is carved out of a single block of stone.27

SphinxGreat pyramid28MedicinesEgyptian doctors and surgeons were renowned for their skills. The advanced and elaborate technique used in mummification or embalming an Egyptian corpse showed their deep knowledge of the human body and its system. Doctors (mainly priests) specialized in the treatment of eyes, teeth,etc.29

30Trade and commerce Trade was carried on both by land and sea routes. For internal trade, goods were transported by boats, and barges along the Nile and by road on camels and donkeys.31Religion The Egyptians worshiped many gods and goddesses connected with nature. Ra, the sun god, and Osiris, the god of blessed dead, were among the most important gods. The pharaohs were also worshiped as gods. Each god had his own temple and priest. Every city, town village had its own favourite god.32

33MummyThe Egyptians believed in life after death. So they preserved the body of the dead.A dead body was embalmed with spices and wraped in fine linen. Such a preserved body is known as mummy.34


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