Introduction to DevOps Foundation.pdf- Talk about most useful jenkins plugins Jenkins CI/CD -...

Post on 06-Feb-2021

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Transcript of Introduction to DevOps Foundation.pdf- Talk about most useful jenkins plugins Jenkins CI/CD -...

  • DevOps Foundation Course:

    Introduction to DevOps - Concepts and Culture

    - CI/CD, Everything as Code and store it VCS

    - Orchestration platforms

    - Why migrate legacy apps to microservice arch.

    - DevOps in Business

    Three times in week and 2 hours, three month.

    Course requirement: Knowledge and experience of any OS (Linux, Windows), Fundamental level Networking, Programming or Database systems, min 8GB RAM and Core i7 8gen computer for LAB enviroment.

    Git- Introduction GIT

    - Working locally with GIT

    - Working remotely with GIT

    - Branching, Merging, Stashing, Tagging, Cherry Picking, Re-

    basing with GIT

    - GIT Hooks

    - Best practises, GitFlow, Git common mistakes and fixes

    Prometheus- Install & Configure Prometheus

    - Alerting/monitoring and Internal arch

    - Prometheus Query Language

    - Scraping Server, Postgres, Haproxy, Docker, Kubernetes

    metrics and Integrate with consul

    - Implement instrumentation within your

    applications(Python example)

    - Enable metrics & alerting on throughout your


    Docker- Why Docker, introduction

    - Architecture and Container Runtimes

    - Install, Images, Containers

    - Volumes

    - Networking

    - Storage

    - Local Repository Solution(Nexus, Docker registry)

    - Docker Containers Resource Management

    - Dockerfile, multistage

    - Docker Composer, scaling

    - Docker Machine

    - Docker RestApi

    - Security

    - Monitoring,stats,top,cadvizor

    - Tips & Tricks

    Jenkins CI/CD - Install and basic configure

    - Configure with Slaves

    - Pipeline with simple project and Jenkinsfile(basic

    grovvy language)

    - Parameterize Job , Multienviroment, multistage and


    - Shared Library and Performance Optimization

    - Configuration(matrix permission and blue-ocean


    - Integration with git,sonarqube, nexus, vault, docker,

    kubernetes, remote linux server, slack, mail, ldap

    - Talk about most useful jenkins plugins

    Jenkins CI/CD - Install and basic configure

    - Configure with Slaves

    - Pipeline with simple project and Jenkinsfile(basic

    grovvy language)

    - Parameterize Job , Multienviroment, multistage and


    - Shared Library and Performance Optimization

    - Configuration(matrix permission and blue-ocean


    - Integration with git,sonarqube, nexus, vault, docker,

    kubernetes, remote linux server, slack, mail, ldap

    - Talk about most useful jenkins plugins

    Vagrant- Introduction and Benefits

    - Terminalogies,Working and Install/Configure

    - Vagrant in Action/Vagrantfile

    - Administation/Maintanence

    Ansible- About ansible

    - Ad-hoc commands, find info about modules

    - Playbooks

    - Handlers

    - Conditions

    - Loops

    - How to store playbook result in variables

    - Inventory, dynamic inventories

    - Tags

    - Delegation

    - Variables(var,set_fact,special vars) and lookups

    - URI module

    - Paralel executions

    - Error handling

    - Ansible Vault

    - Templating Jinja2 examples

    - Roles

    - Tips_Tricks

    - Service discovery and managing multi enviroment

    - Application deployment, rolling updates

    - VM Provisioning

    - Custom module and plugins(shell/python)

    - Testing Ansible roles with Molecule

    - Ansible galaxy

    Kubernetes Beginner - Introduction

    - Installation Methods

    - Architecture

    - Containers

    - Pods

    - Replica Sets

    - Deployments

    - Services and Labels

    - Endpoints

    - Service Publishing

    - Statefull and stateless applications

    - DaemonSets and Jobs,Cronjobs

    - Namespaces, Content

    - ServiceAccounts

    - Readness and Liveness checks

    - Configmaps

    - Secrets

    - Persisten Volumes,PVC - Emptdir, Host volume and

    NFS example

    - MetricServer, Horizontal Scale Apps , auto scale

    - Node Selector, Taints, tolerations and node a�nity

    ,pod a�nity and anti-a�nity

    - Rollout Deployments(Zero downtime deployments)

    - Dashborad tutorial

    - Ingress(Nginx, Trafeik)

    - MetalLB

    - Init Conainers, Sidecar containers, Object Level

    resource quotas, LimitRange, ImagePolicyWebhook

    and ImageReview, Pod Preset, Pod distributed

    Budget, Pod Security Policies, Priority Class,

    ValidatingAdmissionWebhook and

    MutatingAdmissionWebhook, Admission Controllers

    - Useful Tools(k9s, stern, kubefwd, kube-hunter,

    Kube-ops-view, kube-tail, kubewatch, weave scope,

    kube-monkey, kube-box, falco, skallfold, kubectx,

    kubens, kube-shell, K8s-testsuite, kube-state-metrics,

    LitmusChaos )


    +994 (50)