Interview guide for oGCDP

Post on 20-Feb-2016

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Interviewing guideline for selection of EPs

Transcript of Interview guide for oGCDP

OGCDP selection Guide- AIESEC Colombia

Purpose Proper screening before we raise our EPs. Assess the candidate in detail to ensure we

are going to provide the best high quality experience with the most aligned profiles taking into account our main criteria: (cultural sensitivity, emotional stability, adaptability, resilience and resourcefulness).






OGCDP selection Guide- AIESEC Colombia

1. Introduction. Introduce yourselves, briefly covering your AIESEC experience, including how

long you’ve been in AIESEC, your job profile, your college, etc.

1. Expectation Setting for the interview: Be Honest, our aim is not to judge you but see what potential you have and how

you can effectively fit in Exchange Process. Don’t be nervous. Ask any questions you have by the end of the interview.

2. Expectations towards Exchange:

Why do you wish to participate in an AIESEC exchange? How the exchange will contribute to your personal and professional goals? What is necessary to happen in your exchange to fulfill your expectations?

Why do you wish to participate in an AIESEC exchange?

Have good motivation for participating in X, with clear advantages that he/she can have. (3 strong arguments)


Have a motivation but still is not totally sure what could get from the experience. (2 arguments)


See it just as possible nice experience without seeing clear what he/she can get from it. (1 argument)


How the exchange will contribute to your personal and professional goals?

Understands and says 3 personal and 3 professional contributions.


Understands and says at least 2 personal and 2 professional contributions.


Understands and says at least 1 personal contribution. 1 What is necessary to happen in your exchange to fulfill your expectations?

All his/ her arguments are completely aligned with what we can offer in our internships


All his/ her arguments are moderately aligned with what we can offer in our internships


All his/ her arguments are barely/scarcely aligned with what we can offer in our internships


3. Communication Skills: Describe a situation when you had to persuade other about something. Did you

succeed? Why? Give an example of a difficult or sensitive situation that required you to use

excellent communication skills. What did you do?

OGCDP selection Guide- AIESEC Colombia

Describe a situation when you had to persuade other about something. Did you succeed or not? Why?

Answer with 3 strong arguments of success as key in his/ her experience


Answer with 2 strong arguments of success as key in his/ her experience


Answer with 1 strong argument of success as key in his/ her experience


Give an example of a difficult or sensitive situation that required you to use excellent communication skills. What did you do?

Answer with 3 strong arguments of success as key in his/ her experience


Answer with 2 strong arguments of success as key in his/ her experience


Answer with 1 strong argument of success as key in his/ her experience


4. Flexibility & Cultural Sensitivity: (To generate the questions, you need to get the following information: what would be for him/ her to be out of his/ her comfort zone, what is the impossible they can accept when they are living with other people?, what do they imagine can be a difficult situation that they would face during an internship and how do she/ he can overcome that?) What do you want to do (JD)? Where? During your internship, you are sharing your bedroom with 4 trainees more that

have different cultural backgrounds. Will you be comfortable in this situation? What two or three things would be most important to you in your internship? If you could decide, which country will you decide to go and why? And which

country won’t you like to go to and why? What he/ she imagine can be a difficult situation that he/ she would face during

his/ her internship and how she/ he can overcome that?)

What do you want to do (JD)? All his/ her arguments are completely aligned with what we can offer in our internships


All his/ her arguments are moderately aligned with what we can offer in our internships


All his/ her arguments are barely/scarcely aligned with what we can offer in our internships


During your internship, you are living with 4 trainees that have different cultural backgrounds. (include what it’s impossible for them to accept when he/ she is living with other people) Will you be comfortable in this

Answer with 3 strong arguments to overcome assertively this situation


Answer with 2 strong arguments to overcome assertively this situation


Answer with 1 strong argument to overcome assertively 1

OGCDP selection Guide- AIESEC Colombia

situation? What would you do to change that?

this situation

What two or three things would be most important to you in your internship?

All his/ her arguments are completely aligned with what we can offer in our internships


All his/ her arguments are moderately aligned with what we can offer in our internships


All his/ her arguments are barely/scarcely aligned with what we can offer in our internships


If you could decide, which country will you decide to go and why? And which country won’t you like to go to and why?

Answer with 3 assertive arguments that are completely aligned with what we can offer in our internships and are not discriminatory


Answer with 2 assertive arguments that are completely aligned with what we can offer in our internships and are not discriminatory


Answer with 1 assertive argument that are completely aligned with what we can offer in our internships and is not discriminatory


What you imagine can be a difficult situation that you would face during your internship and how can you overcome that?

Answer with 3 strong arguments to overcome assertively this situation


Answer with 2 strong arguments to overcome assertively this situation


Answer with 1 strong argument to overcome assertively this situation


5. Global mindset: What is the first thing to come to your mind with the following countries: India,

Brazil, Russia, China, Nigeria, Kenya, Poland, Romania, Indonesia, and Ukraine? Try to remember a situation when you had to face something different,

something never experienced before? How did you handle it? Mention a difficult situation in which you wanted to quit but in the end you

didn’t. Please, name most important global issues, on your point of view. Have you being in other country or met a foreigner? How was the experience

and how this changed your vision about the world? Do customs and rituals of other cultures interested for you? What kind of?

What is the first thing to come to your mind with the following countries: India, Brazil, Russia, China, Nigeria, Kenya, Poland,

Identify relevant and positive ideas for each of the countries


Identify some positive ideas for more that the half of the countries at least


OGCDP selection Guide- AIESEC Colombia

Romania, Indonesia, and Ukraine?

Identify scarcely few ideas for half of the countries at least 1

Try to remember a situation when you had to face something different, something never experienced before? How did you handle it?

Answer with 3 strong arguments to overcome assertively this situation


Answer with 2 strong arguments to overcome assertively this situation


Answer with 1 strong argument to overcome assertively this situation


Mention a difficult situation in which you wanted to quit but in the end you didn’t.

Answer with 3 strong arguments to overcome assertively this situation


Answer with 2 strong arguments to overcome assertively this situation


Answer with 1 strong argument to overcome assertively this situation


Please, name 3 most important global issues, on your point of view.

Identify 3 relevant issues and give strong arguments 3 Identify 2 relevant issues and give strong arguments 2 Identify 1 relevant issue and give strong arguments 1

Have you being in other country or met a foreigner? How was the experience and how this changed your vision about the world?

Has had relevant international/ multicultural experiences 3 Has had some international/ multicultural experiences 2 Has had scarcely international/ multicultural experiences 1

Do customs and rituals of other cultures interested for you? What kind of?

Identify 3 customs and rituals of other cultures (have strong and clear knowledge)


Identify 2 customs and rituals of other cultures (have some knowledge)


Identify 1 custom and ritual of other cultures (have partial knowledge)


6. Emotional Intelligence: What kind of people you enjoy working with and what are the personalities that

are difficult for you to work with? Describe situation in which you had to work with a difficult person (another

student, co-worker, customer, supervisor, etc.). How did you handle the situation? Is there anything you would have done differently in retrospection?

Have you ever work in team? What was your role in it? How did you work with opinions of your teammates?

OGCDP selection Guide- AIESEC Colombia

Please, evaluate your ability to manage your emotions from 1 to 5. Why do you think so?

Do you think everyone is responsible for own problems? In what cases are you willing to help?

What are your greatest strengths/weaknesses?

What kind of people you enjoy working with and what are the personalities that are difficult for you to work with?

Identify 1 personality that will be difficult for him/ her to work with (assertive and not discriminatory arguments)


Identify 2 personalities that will be difficult for him/ her to work with (assertive and not discriminatory arguments)


Identify 3 personalities that will be difficult for him/ her to work with (assertive and not discriminatory arguments)


Describe situation in which you had to work with a difficult person (another student, co-worker, customer, supervisor, etc.). How did you handle the situation? Is there anything you would have done differently in retrospection?

Answer with 3 strong arguments to overcome assertively this situation


Answer with 2 strong arguments to overcome assertively this situation


Answer with 1 strong argument to overcome assertively this situation


Have you ever work in a team? What was your role in it? How did you work with opinions of your teammates?

Reflect a honest attitude (give 3 assertively and strong arguments/ examples)


Reflect a honest attitude (give 2 assertively and strong arguments/ examples)


Reflect a honest attitude (give 1 assertive and strong argument/ example)


Please, evaluate your ability to manage your emotions from 1 to 5. Why do you think so?

Answer in a scale of 5 (strong arguments) 3 Answer in a scale of 4 (some arguments) 2 Answer in a scale of 3 (few arguments) 1

Do you think everyone is responsible for own problems? In what cases are you willing to help?

Reflect an open and honest attitude (give 3 assertively and strong arguments/ examples)


Reflect an open and honest attitude (give 2 assertive arguments/ examples)


Reflect an open and honest attitude (give 1 assertive argument/ examples)


What are your greatest strengths/weaknesses?

Identify clearly 3 weaknesses and 3 strengths at least (the weaknesses must not be a difficulty for his/ her interpersonal relationships)


Identify clearly 2 weaknesses and 2 strengths at least (the 2

OGCDP selection Guide- AIESEC Colombia

weaknesses must not be a difficulty for his/ her interpersonal relationships) Identify clearly 1 weakness and 1 strength at least (the weakness must not be a difficulty for his/ her interpersonal relationships)



52- 63 The EP passed the interview successfully

35- 51 The EP should be analyzed at the assessment and reviewed

0- 34 The EP did not pass the interview

Good luck and select the best EPs