Intersection 3D Demo · Intersection 3D Demo 1) Open the Crash Zone or Crime Zone diagram program....

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Transcript of Intersection 3D Demo · Intersection 3D Demo 1) Open the Crash Zone or Crime Zone diagram program....

  • Intersection 3D Demo

    1) Open the Crash Zone or Crime Zone diagram program.

    2) Click on to open the CZ Point Cloud tool.

    3) Click on 3D/Cloud Preferences.

    a) Set the Cloud File Units (Feet or Meters).b) These units should match the Export Units set Scene.c) “Feet”for this example.d) Un-Check Show Ground Plane (if checked).

    4) Click on Load Point Cloud to load the .czp file from Scene. OpenIntersection_Demo.czp

    NOTE: This example was previously saved with the ground level adjusted.For this example this step is not necessary but will be helpful for futurework.5) Ground Level Adjust to adjust the point cloud so the lowest point is atthe ground plane (elevation of 0). The altimeter on the scanner sets theoverall point cloud height. For drawing purposes it will be easier to have zeroelevation.

    a) Click on Display Tools.

    b) Click on Elevation Adjust.c) Click on OK to make the adjustment.

    6) Maximize Viewing

    When working with point clouds in CZ, it is best to view both CZ and thePoint Cloud tool at the same time. If two (2) monitors are available, this canbe done by placing CZ full screen on the left monitor and CZ Point Tool fullscreen on the right. When dual monitors are not an option:

    a) Move the mouse to the title bar of CZ.b) Click and hold the left mouse button.

  • c) Drag the cursor to the left edge of the computer’s screen until a rippleeffect occurs at the cursor.

    Ripple effect appears

    d) Release the cursor.e) Move the mouse to the title bar of CZ Point Cloud.f) Click and hold the left mouse button.g) Drag the cursor to the right edge of the computer’s screen until a ripple

    effect occurs at the cursor.h) Release the cursor.

    7) Before you start drawing in the point cloud it is a good idea to set theline type properties to a bright color and heavy line thickness so that itstands out from the point cloud. To do this:

    a) In the “Tool Zone”, click located under “Properties”b) Choose a color from the “Color Palette”

    c) Clickd) Choose either “3 –Medium”or “5 –Heavy”

    Line thickness options

  • Road Edges8) First, get an optimal view to draw the first road edge. Click on left most

    Iso View tool (1) and then use the Zoom Window tool (2) tozoom in closer.

    MOUSE NAVIGATIONFreely modify the view with your mouse.a) Hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse to rotate theview clockwise and counter-clockwise as well as change the vertical angle ofthe view.b) Roll the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.c) Hold down the mouse wheel to pan.

    9) In the CZ Point Cloud tool click on the Single Line tool. Click on Pt 1and then Pt 2 in the point cloud.

    DELTA Z: While drawing the line watch the Delta Z value. Inthis example there is approximately a one foot change in elevation betweenPoint 1 and Point 2. The Delta Z value is the change in elevation from thelast point placed to the next point (cursor location). If you see a drasticchange in elevation it may be due to the cursor being on an erroneous point.

  • ERROR HANDLINGa) While drawing a continuous line, curve, or arc you can UNDO the lastpoint selection by pressing the ESC key.b) If you complete the placement of an object in error, you can click on the

    UNDO tool in the diagram program.c) You can ERASE unwanted objects in the drawing by selecting them andpressing the DEL key.

    10) In the CZ Point Cloud tool click on the 3pt Arc tool. Snap to Pt 2, Pt3, and Pt 4 in the point cloud. Snap to Pt 2 at the end of the last line placedin the 2D diagram.NOTE: You can only snap to cloud points in the CZ Point Cloud tool.Snap to actual drawing entities in the 2D drawing window.

  • 11) In the CZ Point Cloud tool click on the Single Line tool. Click on Pt 5and then Pt 6 in the point cloud.

    12) In the CZ Point Cloud tool click on the 3pt Arc tool. Snap to Pt 6, Pt7, and Pt 8 in the point cloud. Snap to Pt 6 at the end of the last line placedin the 2D diagram.

    13) Draw the double yellow centerline.

    a) Draw a Single Line starting from the center of the double yellow linePt 9 to Pt 10.

    b) Click on the line just drawn in the diagram to select it.

    c) Click on the Reset Properties tool.

  • d) With the line still selected, click on the Line Type properties button, thenclick on Center Lines, and then the Double Solid line type.

    You can select any line, arc, or curve and change it to a custom line type.

    PLACING SYMBOLS IN THE POINT CLOUDa) Clicking on a 3D point will set the elevation of a symbol.b) You can click on a point cloud point directly when placing a symbol or you

    can place a Point in the cloud and click on that same point in the 2Ddiagram window.

    FLIP Z (F key = keyboard shortcut)

  • Using the Flip Z tool, you can turn the whole point cloud environmentupside down. From underneath it’s easier to place point at location of asymbol.

    14) Place the Stop Sign symbol.a) Turn Flip Z ON.

    SEEK (S key = keyboard shortcut)Set the focus of all the navigation and zoom tools on a specific location in

    the cloud using the Seek tool.a) Turn the Seek tool ON.b) Click on the base of the Stop sign in the cloud.

  • Any navigation or zooming you do will be focused around the Seek point youselected. Click on Seek again to turn it off.

    c) Place a Point at the base of the stop sign.

    d) Click on Flip Z to turn it off and set the ground orientation to normal.e) Open up the Crash symbols group.f) Select the _sign Stop symbol.

    Signs>General>_sign Stop

    g) Place the first symbol point on the stop sign base point. Rotate and clickthe final point symbol point.

  • h) Adjust the height of the Stop Sign symbol to match the actual height inthe point cloud. It’s apparent that the stop sign symbol is much higher thanthe actual sign.

    Select the Stop Sign symbol in the diagram window.i) Click on the 3D Builder tool on the Speedbar.j) Enter a Symbol Height of 8’.

    15) Draw the power lines across the roadway.a) Make the power lines stand out more by increasing the Pt. Size.

  • b) Use the Curve tool to trace the power lines.c) Angle the view so it’s clear behind the power lines so you don’tactually click on a point other than the power line.

    16) Place and align a vehicle in the ditch.To align a symbol to a surface you use the 3D Symbol Align (to Plane)

    tool. This tool is located on the 3D•Recon•Animate menu or theright click mouse menu when you right click on a selected symbol.

  • NOTE: To align a symbol to a plane you need a surface you can click on,one that’s created with the Surface tools, or three points you cansnap to.In this example you will place three points in the ditch that define theplace of the vehicle in the ditch.a) Place three points in the ditch near the location of three of thevehicles wheels.

    b) Place a vehicle in the ditch.

    c) Changing the view in the cloud will show that the vehicle isn’t alignedat this point.

    d) Select the vehicle symbol in the diagram.

  • e) Right click your mouse and click on 3D Symbol Align (to Plane).

    f) Snap to each of the three points. Click OK when the Symbol alignedmessage pops up.

    g) The vehicle symbol will align to the selected points in 3D.