Exact intersection of 3D geometric models · Exact intersection of 3D geometric models Salles V. G....

Exact intersection of 3D geometric models Salles V. G. de Magalh˜ aes 1,2 , Marcus V. A. Andrade 1 , W. Randolph Franklin 2 , Wenli Li 2 , Maur´ ıcio G. Gruppi 1 1 Departamento de Inform´ atica – Universidade Federal de Vic ¸osa (UFV) Vic ¸osa – MG – Brazil 2 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Troy – NY – USA {salles,marcus,mauricio.gruppi}@ufv.br, [email protected], [email protected] Abstract. This paper presents 3D-EPUG-OVERLAY, an exact and parallel al- gorithm for computing the intersection of 3D triangulated meshes, a problem with applications in several fields such as GIS and CAD. 3D-EPUG-OVERLAY presents several innovations: it employs exact arithmetic and, thus, the compu- tations are completely exact, which avoids topological impossibilities that are often created by floating point arithmetic. Also, it uses a uniform grid to index the geometric data and was designed to be easily parallelizable. Furthermore, we propose the use of Simulation of Simplicity to effectively ensure that all the special cases are properly handled by the algorithm. 1. Introduction Computing intersections or overlays is a very important operation for CAD systems, GIS, computer games and computational geometry. In 2D, given a pair of maps A and B, that are composed of faces or polygons representing partitions of the E 2 plane, the overlay of A with B is a map C where each polygon is the intersection of a polygon of A with a polygon of B. For example, the intersection of a map representing the states of the United States with a map representing the American drainage basins is another map where the polygons represent the portion of each basin that is in each state. These operations also extend to 3D datasets. An example of application in 3D is to compute the intersection between solids representing layers of soil with a solid representing a section of the soil that will be excavated. According to Feito et al. [Feito et al. 2013], although 3D models have been widely used in computer science, processing them is still a challenge. Due to the algorithm imple- mentation complexity (that usually needs to handle several special cases), the necessity of processing big volumes of data and precision problems caused by floating point arithmetic, software packages occasionally “fail to give a correct result, or they refuse to give a result at all” [Feito et al. 2013]. The likelihood of failure increases as datasets get bigger. Even though in some situations an algorithm that occasionally fails is acceptable, it is often important to have an algorithm that is both efficient and robust. This is mainly important when the algorithm is used as subroutines for other algorithms. Since in many applications it is important to have exact algorithms, [Hachenberger et al. 2007] presented an algorithm for computing the exact intersec- tion of Nef polyhedra. The basic idea of a Nef polyhedron is to represent the

Transcript of Exact intersection of 3D geometric models · Exact intersection of 3D geometric models Salles V. G....

  • Exact intersection of 3D geometric models

    Salles V. G. de Magalhães 1,2, Marcus V. A. Andrade 1,W. Randolph Franklin2, Wenli Li2, Maurı́cio G. Gruppi 1

    1Departamento de Informática – Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV)Viçosa – MG – Brazil

    2Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Troy – NY – USA

    {salles,marcus,mauricio.gruppi}@ufv.br, [email protected],[email protected]

    Abstract. This paper presents 3D-EPUG-OVERLAY, an exact and parallel al-gorithm for computing the intersection of 3D triangulated meshes, a problemwith applications in several fields such as GIS and CAD. 3D-EPUG-OVERLAYpresents several innovations: it employs exact arithmetic and, thus, the compu-tations are completely exact, which avoids topological impossibilities that areoften created by floating point arithmetic. Also, it uses a uniform grid to indexthe geometric data and was designed to be easily parallelizable. Furthermore,we propose the use of Simulation of Simplicity to effectively ensure that all thespecial cases are properly handled by the algorithm.

    1. IntroductionComputing intersections or overlays is a very important operation for CAD systems, GIS,computer games and computational geometry. In 2D, given a pair of maps A and B, thatare composed of faces or polygons representing partitions of the E2 plane, the overlayof A with B is a map C where each polygon is the intersection of a polygon of A with apolygon of B. For example, the intersection of a map representing the states of the UnitedStates with a map representing the American drainage basins is another map where thepolygons represent the portion of each basin that is in each state. These operations alsoextend to 3D datasets. An example of application in 3D is to compute the intersectionbetween solids representing layers of soil with a solid representing a section of the soilthat will be excavated.

    According to Feito et al. [Feito et al. 2013], although 3D models have been widelyused in computer science, processing them is still a challenge. Due to the algorithm imple-mentation complexity (that usually needs to handle several special cases), the necessity ofprocessing big volumes of data and precision problems caused by floating point arithmetic,software packages occasionally “fail to give a correct result, or they refuse to give a resultat all” [Feito et al. 2013]. The likelihood of failure increases as datasets get bigger.

    Even though in some situations an algorithm that occasionally fails is acceptable,it is often important to have an algorithm that is both efficient and robust. This is mainlyimportant when the algorithm is used as subroutines for other algorithms.

    Since in many applications it is important to have exact algorithms,[Hachenberger et al. 2007] presented an algorithm for computing the exact intersec-tion of Nef polyhedra. The basic idea of a Nef polyhedron is to represent the

  • polyhedron as a finite sequence of complement and intersection operations on half-spaces [Hachenberger et al. 2007]. Because of their importance, the algorithms proposedby Hachenberger were implemented in the CGAL library[CGAL 2016]. According toLeconte et al. [Leconte et al. 2010], even though these algorithms are exact they have somelimitations such as their poor performance. Besides the performance problems, anotherlimitation of the Hachenberger’s algorithms is the fact that they were designed to han-dle geometric data represented as Nef Polyhedra, what is not as widely used as otherrepresentations such as triangular meshes.

    [Bernstein and Fussell 2009] also presented an intersection algorithm that triesto achieve robustness. Their basic idea is to represent the polyhedra using binaryspace partitioning (BSP) trees with fixed-precision coordinates. As the authors men-tion [Bernstein and Fussell 2009], the main limitation is that the process to convert BSPsto widely used representations (such as meshes) is slow and inexact.

    In previous works we have developed exact and efficient algorithms for processing2D (polygonal maps) and 3D models (triangulated meshes). More specifically, we havesuccessfully developed algorithms for intersecting polygonal maps [Magalhães et al. 2015]and performing point location queries [Magalhães et al. 2016] in both polygonal mapsand 3D meshes. These algorithms employ a combination of 5 separate techniques toachieve both robustness and efficiency. Exact arithmetic is employed to completely avoiderrors caused by floating point numbers. Special cases are treated using Simulation ofSimplicity (SoS) [Edelsbrunner and Mücke 1990]. The computation is performed usingsimple local information to make the algorithm easily parallelizable and to easily ensurerobustness. Since the use of exact arithmetic is expected to add an overhead, efficientindexing techniques and High Performance Computing (HPC) are used to mitigate this.

    In all these algorithms our spatial data is represented using simple topologicalformats. The 2D maps are represented using sets of oriented edges where each edgecontains the information (labels) of the polygons on its positive and negative sides. In 3D,the meshes are represented using a set of oriented triangles and each triangle has labels tothe polyhedra on its positive and negative sides.

    In this paper we will present a brief description of these previous works and presentour current research: 3D-EPUG-OVERLAY (3D-Exact Parallel Uniform Grid-Overlay), aparallel algorithm for exactly intersecting 3D triangulated meshes.

    2. Roundoff errorsUsually, non-integer numbers are approximately represented in computers with floating-point values. The difference between the value of a non-integer number and its approxima-tion is often referred as roundoff error. Even though these differences are usually small,arithmetic operations frequently create more errors, which accumulate becoming larger.

    In geometry, roundoff errors can generate topological inconsistencies caus-ing globally impossible results for predicates like point inside polygon. For exam-ple, [Kettner et al. 2008] presented an interesting study of the failures caused by roundofferrors in geometric problems such as the planar orientation computation.

    Several techniques have been proposed in order to overcome this problem. Thesimplest one consists of using an � tolerance to consider two values x and y are equal if |x−

  • y| ≤ �. However this is a formal mess because equality is no longer transitive, nor invariantunder scaling. In practice, epsilon-tweaking fails in several situations [Kettner et al. 2008].

    Snap rounding is another method to approximate arbitrary precision segmentsinto fixed-precision numbers [Hobby 1999]. However, snap rounding can generate in-consistencies and deforms the original topology if applied consecutively on a data set.Some variations of this technique attempt to get around these issues [Hershberger 2013,Belussi et al. 2016].

    [Shewchuk 1996] presents the Adaptive Precision Floating-Point technique, thatfocus on exactly evaluating predicates. The idea is to perform this evaluation using theminimum amount of precision necessary to achieve correctness. As mentioned by theauthor, this technique focus on geometric predicates and it is not suitable to solve allgeometric problems. For example, “a program that computes line intersections requiresrational arithmetic” [Shewchuk 1996].

    The formally proper way to eliminate roundoff errors and guarantee robustness isto use exact computation based on rational number with arbitrary precision [Li et al. 2005,Hoffman 1989, Kettner et al. 2008]. In this work, our algorithms perform computationusing arbitrary precision rationals provided by GMP library. Computing in the algebraicfield of the rational numbers over the integers, with the integers allowed to grow as longas necessary, allows the traditional arithmetic operations to be computed exactly, with noroundoff error. The cost is that the number of digits in the result of an operation is aboutequal to the sum of the numbers of digits in the two inputs. This behavior is acceptable ifthe depth of the computation tree is small, which is true for the algorithms we will present.

    Besides ensuring exact results in the predicates and arithmetic computations, theuse of arbitrary precision rational numbers has other advantages. First, Simulation ofSimplicity [Edelsbrunner and Mücke 1990], the technique we use for treating the specialcases, requires exact arithmetic. Second, our algorithms will be able to support inputgeometrical data where the coordinates are represented using rationals and, thus, we will beable to process meshes that cannot be exactly represented using floating point arithmetic.

    3. Previous worksIn this section, EPUG-OVERLAY [Magalhães et al. 2015] and PIN-MESH [Magalhães et al. 2016], two previous algorithms developed for, respectively,intersecting maps and performing point location queries in 3D meshes will be presented.

    Before presenting these two algorithms, two important techniques applied in theseworks will be briefly described: the use of a uniform grid for indexing the data and theapplication of the Simulation of Simplicity technique for handling special cases. Bothtechniques will be also applied in the intersection algorithm described in this paper.

    The understanding of EPUG-OVERLAY, PINMESH and of the sections 3.1 and 3.2is important because techniques similar to the ones described in these sections are appliedon 3D-EPUG-OVERLAY.

    3.1. Indexing data with a uniform grid

    [Franklin et al. 1989] proposed a uniform grid to accelerate his algorithm for computingthe area of overlaid polygons. When a polygonal map (or triangular mesh) is indexed with

  • a uniform grid, a 2D grid (or 3D grid for meshes) is created, superimposed over the inputdatasets and, then, the edges (or triangles) intersecting each cell c are inserted into c. Afterthe grid is created, it can be employed to accelerate the geometric algorithms. For example,given two maps indexed by the grid, the intersection of pairs of edges from the two mapscan be found by processing each cell and comparing the edges in that cell pair-by-pair (oneedge from each map) to compute the intersection points.

    The uniform grid works well even for unevenly distributed data for various rea-sons [Akman et al. 1989, Franklin et al. 1988]. First, the total time is the sum of one com-ponent (constructing the grid) that runs slower with a finer grid, plus other components(e.g., intersecting edges) that run faster. The total running-time varies slowly with changinggrid resolutions. Second, an empty grid cell is very inexpensive, so that sizing the grid sothat the geometric objects in the dense part of the data are well distributed works.

    Nevertheless, to process very uneven data, in EPUG-OVERLAY and PINMESHwe have incorporated a second level grid into those few cells that are densely populated.The exact criteria for determine what cell to refine depends on the algorithm that will usethe grid. For example, since in the intersection computation pairs of edges in the cells aretested for intersection, one could refine the grid cells where the number of intersectiontests (i.e, the number of pairs of edges from the two maps) is greater than a threshold.

    This nesting could be recursively repeated until all grid cells have fewer ele-ments than a given threshold, creating a structure similar to quadtree (or octree), al-though with more branching. However, the general solution uses more space for point-ers (or is expensive to modify) and is irregular enough that parallelization is difficult.Also, experiments have shown that the best performance is achieved using just a secondlevel [Magalhães et al. 2015]. This can be explained because the first level grid, in general,has many cells with more elements than the threshold justifying the second level refinement.But, in the second level, only a few number of cells exceed the threshold and the overhead(processing time and memory use) to refine those cells is never recaptured.

    3.2. Simulation of SimplicityTo correctly handle the special cases (for example, coincident edges or triangles) we applythe Simulation of Simplicity (SoS) [Edelsbrunner and Mücke 1990] technique. This is ageneral purpose symbolic perturbation technique designed to treat special (degenerate)cases. The inspiration for SoS is that if the coordinates of the points are perturbed thedegeneracies disappear. However, too big a perturbation may create new problems, while atoo small one may be ineffective because of the limited precision of floating point numbers.

    SoS is a solution that uses a symbolic perturbation by an indeterminate infinitesimalvalue �i, for some natural number i. Its mathematical formalization extends some exactlycomputable field, such as rationals, by adding orders of infinitesimals, �i. Floating pointnumbers with roundoff error cannot be the base. The infinitesimal � is an indeterminate. Ithas no meaning apart from the rules for how it combines. All positive first-order infinitesi-mals are smaller than the smallest positive number. All positive second-order infinitesimalsare smaller than the smallest positive first-order infinitesimal, and so on. All this is logicallyconsistent and satisfies the axioms of an abstract algrebra field.

    The result of SoS is that degeneracies are resolved in a way that is globally con-sistent. For example, consider Figure 1 : two identical rectangles (abcd represented using

  • solid edges and efgh represented using dashed edges) are overlaid, but all the vertices ofefgh are slightly translated using the vector (�, �2). This translation is globally consistent,i.e., even if the rectangle is stored as separate edges an intersection test with edge ef willreturn true only when this test is performed against the edge ad while an intersection testperformed with gf will return true only when the test is performed against cd.

    Figure 1. Effect caused by SoS during the intersection computation.


    b c



    f g


    The infinitesimals do not need to be explicitly used in the program since they willbe used only to determine signs of expressions. The only time that the infinitesimals changethe result is when there is a tie in a predicate. Then, the infinitesimals break the tie. Theeffect is to make the code harder to write and longer. However, unless a degeneracy occurs,the execution speed is the same. When a degeneracy does occur, the code is slightly slower.

    3.3. Point locationPINMESH [Magalhães et al. 2016] is an exact and efficient algorithm for performing pointlocation queries in 3D meshes. It is based on the idea of ray-casting: given a query pointq, a semi-infinite vertical ray r starting on q is traced and, then, the mesh triangle t thatintersects r in the lowest point is used to determine q’s location. Since t is the lowesttriangle to intersect r, because of the Jordan Curve Theorem, q will necessarily be on thepolyhedron below t (this polyhedron can be quickly determined since all triangles containthe labels of the two polyhedra it bounds).

    For performance, a uniform grid is applied to reduce the amount of ray-triangleintersection computation tests. Furthermore, empty grid cells (that will, necessarily, becompletely inside a polyhedron) are labeled with the polyhedra where they are located(these labeles are used to accelerate the queries). As a result of a careful implementation anduse of parallelization, PINMESH is very efficient, being able to index a dataset and perform1 million queries on a 16-core processor up to 27 times faster than RCT [Liu et al. 2010],a sequential and inexact algorithm (that was the current fastest one).

    In PINMESH all coordinates are represented using rational numbers and, as aconsequence, there is no roundoff error. Furthermore, special cases are handled usingsimulation of simplicity: the idea is that all the triangles are translated using an infinitesimalvector (�,�2,�3) and, as showed in [Magalhães et al. 2016], after this translation no specialcase (for example, the one that happens when r hits a triangle vertex and, thus, there is atie in the process of selecting the lowest triangle hit by r) will happen.

    3.4. Exact 2D map overlayEPUG-OVERLAY [Magalhães et al. 2015] is an exact and efficient algorithm for over-laying two polygonal maps. Given two maps A and B composed of faces representedimplicitly as a set of edges, the goal is to create a map where each face represents the inter-section of a face of A with a face of B. Parallel programming associated with an efficient

  • indexing made EPUG-OVERLAY very efficient. Indeed, according to the experimentsshown in [Magalhães et al. 2015], it was able to process maps with more than 50 millionedges faster than GRASS GIS (that is sequential, but does not use exact arithmetic).

    As described in [Magalhães et al. 2015], EPUG-OVERLAY is composed of thefollowing basic steps:

    • Create the 2-level uniform grid: First, a two-level uniform grid is created to index theedges from the two input maps A and B.• Compute the intersection points between all edges of maps A and B: the uniform

    grid is applied to accelerate the process of computing the intersection of the edges in thetwo maps. For each grid cell c, pairs of edges (from the two input maps) in c are testedfor intersection and the intersections are computed. The intersecting edges are split atthe intersection point and, after that, edges intersections will happen only in vertices.• Classify the resulting edges: after the input edges are split at the intersection points,

    the labels indicating the polygons bounded by each edge are updated.

    Figure 2 illustrates this process: the map A (in dotted blue) contains 4 edges andtwo polygons (polygonA1 and polygonA0, representing the exterior of the map) while mapB (solid black lines) contains 7 edges and 4 polygons. After the intersections are detectedand the edges are split at the intersection points (in red) the resulting edges are classified.For example, the edge (u,w) bounds polygons A0 (positive side) and A1 (negative side).Edge (i2, i3) (generated after (u,w) was split) is inside polygon B2 of the other map and,thus, in the output map (i2, i3) will bound polygon A0 ∩B2 (this polygon is equivalent tothe exterior of the resulting map) on its positive side and A1 ∩B2 on the negative side.

    Since the edges are split at the intersection points, after this process all the edgeswill be completely inside a polygon of the other map. Thus, one strategy to determine inwhat polygon an edge e is consists in using a fast 2D point location algorithm to locate apoint from e in the other map (for example, the location of m3 from Figure 2 can determinein what polygon (i2, i3) is).

    Figure 2. Intersecting two polygonal maps.



    B2 B3


    i1 i2i3 i4m3




    This strategy uses only local information to compute the intersection, i.e., insteadof intersecting pairs of faces the individual edges are intersected and classified and theresulting faces will be represented implicitly by the edges. This has several advantages.First, it is easier to test a pair of edges for possible intersection than to test a pair of faces(which would devolve to testing pairs of edges anyway). Second, knowing an intersectionof a pair of edges contributes information about four output faces. Third, as an edge isfixed size but a face is not, parallel operations on edges are more efficient.

    Degenerate cases are handled with Simulation of Simplicity (SoS). The idea is topretend that map A is slightly below and to the left of map B. Thus no edge from Awill coincide with an edge from B during the intersection computation. Oversimplifiedslightly, the process proceeds by translating map B by (�, �2), where � is an infinitesimal.

  • As mentioned before, we do not actually compute with infinitesimals, but instead determinethe effect that they would have on the predicates in the code, and modify the predicates tohave the same effect when evaluated as if the variables could have infinitesimal values. Forinstance, the test for (a0 ≤ b0)&(b0 ≤ a1) becomes (a0 ≤ b0)&(b0 < a1). With SoS, nopoint in A is identical to any point in B neither do two any edges coincide.

    4. Exact 3D mesh intersectionSimilarly to our 2D intersection algorithm, in 3D the computation is performed using onlylocal information stored in the individual triangles. That is, the triangles from one meshare intersected with the triangles from the other one. Then, a new mesh containing thetriangles from the two original meshes is created and the original triangles are split inthe intersection points. That is, if a pair of triangles in this new mesh intersect, then thisintersection will happen necessarily in a common edge or vertex. Finally, the adjacencyinformation stored in each triangle is updated to ensure that the new mesh will consistentlyrepresent the intersection of the original ones.

    4.1. Intersecting triangles and remeshingFor performance, a strategy similar to the one used in EPUG-OVERLAY was adopted:for each uniform grid cell, the intersections between pairs of triangles from the twotriangulations are computed. The pairs of triangles are intersected using the algorithmpresented by Möller [Möller 1997], that uses several techniques to avoid unnecessarycomputation by detecting as soon as possible if the pair of triangles does not intersect.

    More specifically, a two-level 3D uniform grid is employed to accelerate the com-putation using an strategy similar to the one we used in the 2D map intersection algorithm.That is, the grid will be created by inserting in its cells triangles from both meshes M1 andM2. Then, for each grid cell c, the pairs of triangles from both meshes in c are intersected. Ifthe resolution of the uniform grid is chosen such that the expected number of triangles pergrid cell is a constant K, then it is expected that each triangle will be tested for intersectionwith the other K triangles in its grid cell. Thus, the expected total number of intersectionstests performed will be linear on the size of the input maps.

    Since there is no influence of one cell in the other ones, the process of intersectingthe triangles can be trivially parallelized: the grid cells can be processed in parallel bydifferent threads using a parallel programming API such as OpenMP.

    After computing the intersections between each pair of triangles, the next step is tosplit the triangles where they intersect (creating new ones) such that, after this processing,all the intersections will happen only in common vertices or edges. When a triangle issplit, the attributes (that is, the ids of the two objects it bounds) will be copied to the newtriangles. This process is similar to the 2D map overlay step where the edges are split atthe intersection points to ensure that all intersections happen in vertices.

    Figure 3 presents an example of intersection computation. In Figure 3 (a), we havetwo meshes representing two tetrahedral with one region in each one: the brown mesh(mesh M1) bounds the exterior region and region 1 while the yellow mesh (mesh M2)bounds the exterior region and region 2.

    After the intersections between the triangles are computed, the triangles from onemesh that intersect triangles from the other one are split in several triangles, creating meshes

  • Figure 3. Computing the intersection of two tetrahedra.

    (a) (b)

    (c) (d)

    M ′1 and M′2 (for clarity, these two meshes are displayed separately in Figures 3 (b) and

    (c), respectively). The only triangle from mesh M1 that intersects mesh M2 is the triangleBCD. Since BCD intersects three triangles from M2, it was split in 7 triangles when M ′1was created (triangles LMN , CLN , CBN , BDN , DMN , DLM and CDL). Similarly,each of the three triangles from M2 intersecting M1 was split in 3 smaller triangles.

    4.2. Classifying triangles

    After the intersections are detected and all the triangles that intersect other triangles aresplit at the intersection points, two new meshes M ′1 and M

    ′2 are created such that each new

    mesh M ′i will have the following two kinds of triangles:

    • Triangles from the original mesh: if a triangle t from Mi did not intersect any trianglefrom the other mesh (or if this intersection was located on a vertex or edge), then t willbe in M ′i .• New triangles: if a triangle t from Mi intersects one or more triangles from the other

    mesh (and this intersection is not located on a common vertex or edge), then t will besplit into several smaller triangles and these smaller triangles will be inserted into M ′i .

  • It is clear that each mesh M ′1 will exactly represent the same regions that M1represents. In fact, if no triangle from M1 intersects the mesh M2, then M ′1 will be equalto M1. Otherwise, each triangle t from Mi that intersects M2 will be split in n trianglest1, t2, ..., tn and these new triangles will be inserted into M ′i instead of t. Since the unionof the triangles t1, t2, ..., tn is t and these split triangles contain the same attributes as t,then M ′1 represents the same regions M1 represents. This observation is also valid for M


    Thus, computing the intersection between M ′1 and M′2 is equivalent to computing

    the intersection of M1 with M2. However, M ′1 and M′2 are easier to process: since the

    triangles from one mesh intersect with the triangles of the other one only in commonvertices or edges, then each triangle t from M ′1 will be completely inside a region from M


    Suppose a triangle t from M ′1 bounds regions Ra and Rb and is completely inside regionRc from mesh M ′2. When M

    ′1 is intersected with M

    ′2, t will be in the resulting mesh and

    it will bound regions Ra ∩Rc and Rb ∩Rc. The same process can be performed with thetriangles from M2.

    Therefore, the process of classifying the triangles to create the output mesh consistsin processing each triangle t from the mesh M ′1, determining in what region of M

    ′2 t is

    and, then, updating the information about the regions t bounds such that we will have aconsistent mesh. The same process needs to be performed with triangles from M ′2.

    To determine in what region from the other mesh a triangle is, the point locationalgorithm presented in section 3.3 is applied. That is, since point location queries can bequickly performed, an efficient way to locate a triangle that is completely inside a regionconsists in locating one of its interior points (for example, its centroid).

    Similarly to the other steps, the classification can also be performed in parallel:since updating the regions that a triangle bounds does not influence other triangles, all thetriangles from the two meshes can be processed in parallel.

    If a triangle t is in the exterior of the other mesh, in the resulting mesh the tworegions t bounds will be the exterior region. To maintain the mesh consistency, the trianglesbounding only the exterior region can be ignored and not stored in the output mesh.

    Figure 3 (d) illustrates the classification step. All the intersections happen incommon edges and the only triangle from M ′1 that is completely inside region 2 (of M

    ′2) is

    triangle LMN . Since LMN bounds region 1 and the exterior region inM ′1, in the resultingintersection LMN will bound region 1 ∩ 2 and the exterior region. All the other trianglesfrom M ′1 are in the exterior region of M

    ′2 and, thus, they will only bound the exterior

    region in the resulting intersection (therefore, they will be ignored when the output mesh iscomputed). Similarly, in M ′1 the only triangles that are inside region 1 of M

    ′1 are triangles

    EMN , ELM and ELN . These three triangles will also bound the exterior region andregion 1 ∩ 2 in the resulting mesh.

    4.3. Handling the special casesThe current version of 3D-EPUG-OVERLAY does not handle special cases (degeneracies)yet. However, the ideas we intend to apply in order to handle these cases have already beensuccessfully implemented for EPUG-OVERLAY and PINMESH and, therefore, we believethey will suitable to 3D-EPUG-OVERLAY.

    Since it is usually difficult to guarantee that all degeneracies are considered (this is

  • particularly true in 3D, where more special cases may happen than in 2D), we intend todevelop a symbolic perturbation scheme similar to the one used to ensure the special casesin the point location algorithm (PINMESH) are treated. The idea is that one of the mesheswill be infinitesimally translated and, as a result, singularities such as the one that happenswhen a triangle from one mesh intersects a co-planar triangle from the other mesh (and,thus, the intersection of them is not necessarily a line segment) will never happen.

    An adequate perturbation scheme associated with the use of exact arithmetic and acareful implementation will ensure our intersection algorithm is robust.

    5. Preliminary results3D-EPUG-OVERLAY was implemented in C++ and several experiments have beenperformed. Figure 4 presents an example of intersection computed using 3D-EPUG-OVERLAY: the model Ramesses (a) and Neptune (b) were intersected. These two modelswere downloaded from the AIM@SHAPE repository [AIM@SHAPE 2016] and wereproduced by, respectively, the users Marco Attene and Laurent Saboret. The Ramessesmodel contains more than 1 million triangles while the Neptune model contains more than4 million triangles. Figure 4 (c) presents the result of the intersection.

    Figure 4 (d) presents a zoom that detaches the region of the resulting mesh wherethe triangles from the two models intersect. As it can be seen, the remeshing processgenerate several thin triangles (displayed in the vertical center of the figure), that areusually hard to process mainly by methods based on floating-point arithmetic.

    Figure 4. Computing the intersection of two 3D models.

    (a) (b)

    (c) (d)

    Since some features of 3D-EPUG-OVERLAY (such as the use of SoS to handlespecial cases) are still under implementation and the main feature of 3D-EPUG-OVERLAYis its exactness, we have decided to optimize its performance after these features are

  • implemented. However, we intend to employ as the main optimization techniques thesame strategies that were successfully employed to optimize previous works such asEPUG-OVERLAY and PINMESH: trading memory for computation, i.e., pre-computingresults that will be necessary often such that these results can be reused; parallelizationof the bottlenecks of the algorithm using OpenMP: similarly to our previous work, 3D-EPUG-OVERLAY was designed specifically for being easily parallelizable ; reductionof the memory allocations on the heap: heap allocations cannot be performed in parallelefficiently and, thus, our previous experience has showed that it should be avoided mainlyinside parallelized blocks of code. Since as rationals grows memory needs to be allocated,in previous works we pre-allocated the temporary rationals necessary in computations and,thus, avoided creating them inside the parallelized functions.

    Since these techniques were sucessfully applied to our previous works (and, asresult, they even outperformed inexact algorithms), we believe they will also make 3D-EPUG-OVERLAY very efficient.

    6. Conclusions and future worksThis paper presented 3D-EPUG-OVERLAY, an exact and parallel algorithm for computingthe intersection of 3D models represented by triangulated meshes. 3D-EPUG-OVERLAYuses arbitrary precision rational numbers to store all the geometric coordinates and performcomputation and, thus, is roundoff error free.

    Even though the current implementation of 3D-EPUG-OVERLAY does not treatspecial cases, preliminary experiments have indicated that 3D-EPUG-OVERLAY cansuccessfully intersect some big meshes available in public repositories.

    As future work, we intend to implement a symbolic-perturbation scheme on 3D-EPUG-OVERLAY to ensure that all the special cases are properly handled. Furthermore,optimization techniques similar to the ones applied in some of previous works will be alsoapplied to 3D-EPUG-OVERLAY.

    7. AcknowledgementThis research was partially supported by CNPq, CAPES (Ciência sem Fronteiras),FAPEMIG and NSF grant IIS-1117277.

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