Inspirational speakers flyer

Post on 09-Mar-2016

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Inspirational speakers flyer

Transcript of Inspirational speakers flyer

Come and listen to Inspirational parents who have children with additional

needs/disabilities talking about their journey, what skills, tools and

knowledge they have gained over the years through training courses; How

they have used this work to provide information for other families.

They are individually inspiring!


I have been attending The Pines with twins Bobby and Alec, who have autism, since they were three years old. The twins are now nine and I am co-editor of

AuKids positive parenting magazine, which was launched with speech and language therapist Tori Houghton in 2008. I will be chatting about my twins,

what the early years were like, the most helpful information I learnt along the way and the inspiration behind AuKids magazine. As well as sharing my ‘Ten

Commandments’ for parents who have children with Special Educational Needs.


My daughter was born unexpectedly, 2 months early and struggling to breath. At four days old, she underwent surgery for a tracheostomy, as a result of this;

she was unable to make any sound. When she was 3 weeks old we were told she was severely brain damaged and was unlikely to walk or talk. It was

devastating, our lives had changed forever. It was impossible to see at the time, but this was the start of a new life, a new business venture and a better

family life for all of us.


I would like to talk about the role and value of learning to relax, how it has helped me personally, helped me develop a meaningful career and how it is valuable to all. I have two daughters who are autistic and although this has

been exhausting for me, over the years I have learnt to find coping strategies on a daily basis. I have learnt to accept that I will tirelessly have to explain things about my children over and over again as if they are so rare as well

explaining to family members that I am not making it up about having autistic daughters and knowing they would not last 24 hours with my kids

without help.


From breakdown to breakthrough! That's what Parent and author Geraldine Hills shares with you. Her story leads you on a journey from despair to joy,

creativity and a new appreciation for life". Parent and author Geraldine Hills knows more than anyone how carers can lose their mental wellbeing. Having emerged from a period of prolonged depression and break down she is now a published author and has developed a successful training company Inclusive

Choice Consultancy.


I am the Co-Chair for Parents in Partnership Stockport known as PIPS, representing parents of children with additional needs and disabilities in

Stockport and nationally. I am mother of three children with Special Educational Needs. I will be talking about my eldest daughter who struggled in

high school and the battles I have faced as a parent when talking to the teachers. My daughter now plays for a Premiership football club and this

hasn’t been an easy transition as she struggles to make friends and engage with others. I always have to find new strategies to encourage her as she

becomes very anxious about being alone in London but her love for football causes her to become conflicted and confused as to what or where she wants

to be.


I am a single parent of two children; my eldest has Rett Syndrome who is now

eight years old. When I first became a single parent both my children where in

preschool and I felt very isolated and alone which affected my health. I started

to attend groups at Independent Options and Portage which really made a

difference in my life. I started to meet other parents who were in the same

boat as me. The more I attended these groups the more I started making

friends and socialising with them more outside the centre. Slowly I started to

gain more confidence and decided to get my qualifications to become a

personal trainer. I am now the director of my own company and work with

people with and without disabilities to help improve their lifestyle.