Innate and learned behaviour

Post on 24-Feb-2016

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Innate and learned behaviour. Ms. TRS. Innate vs. Learned Behavior. Innate behaviour in invertebrates. Taxis and kinesis are two terms used to describe innate motor behaviors in invertebrate species. Some Examples of Types of Learning. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Innate and learned behaviour

Innate and learned behaviour

Innate and learned behaviourMs. TRSInnate vs. Learned BehaviorInnate:Inherited from parents

Controlled by genesDeveloped by natural selectionIncreases chance of survival and reproductionExamples:Migration of Black cap birdsHunting instinct in some dogsA spider spinning web

Learned:Not inherited from parents, dependent on the environmental contextNot controlled by genesDevelops by response to an environmental stimulusMay or may not increase chance of survival and reproductionExamples:Learning to drive a carLearning a language

Innate behaviour in invertebratesTaxis and kinesis are two terms used to describe innate motor behaviors in invertebrate species.

Taxis: A taxis is a directed response to a stimulus. There are positive and negative taxes. e.g. chemotaxis, phototaxis, gravitaxis, rheotaxis, thigmotaxis, thermotaxis

Kinesis:A movement in response to a non-directional stimulus, like humidity.The rate of movement depends on the intensity of the stimulus rather than its direction.

Some Examples of Types of LearningImprinting :Young ones become attached to their mother. Helps in survival because the young ones staying close to their mother get protection and food. Example: duckings following their motherImitation Development of templates for behavior*Inherited or innate skill sets that are developed with exposure to target responsee.g. birdsong Conditioned responsesClassical Conditioning*Operant Conditioning

Classical ConditioningIB Objective: Outline Pavlovs experiments into conditioning of dogs. (E.3.5)

Classical Conditioning:DefinitionsUnconditioned Stimulus (UCS): a stimulus that has the ability to produce a specified response before conditioning begins.(FOOD)

Unconditioned Response (UCR): response produced by the UCS. (SALIVATION PRODUCED BY FOOD)Conditioned Stimulus (CS): an initially neutral stimulus that comes to produce a new response because it is associated with the UCS.(BELL)Conditioned Response (CR): the response produced by the CS.(SALIVATION IN RESPONSE TO BELL)Classical Conditioning

SalivationTest Trial:


Conditioning Trial:Ivan Pavlov

Other types of learningIB Objective: Outline the role of inheritance and learning in the development of birdsong in young birds. (E.3.6)

BirdsongBirds have species-specific sounds that are inherited. However, there is also a component of learning to the song that a bird will produce as an adult.If a male bird is kept in isolation in a laboratory, he will produce a very crude (but species-specific) song, according to an inherited template.Furthermore, if deafened, the song will be even more crude.

Practice QuestionsDistinguish between learned and innate behaviours.

Describe the design of an experiment which measures either taxis or kinesis of an invertebrate animal.