Ingles para comunicarse.

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Ingles para comunicarse.


2. THE NATUREtreeskyheart GENITALScloudSI AM GOING TO GIVE YOU THE SKY, THE CLOUDS, THE SUN, THE MOUNTAINS, THE SEA, THE NATURE, THE TREES, THE PLANTS, THE FLOWERS, THE GRAMMA.sun OK! I WILL GIVE YOU THE HEART. I SUPPOSE THAT IT IS ENOUGH.mountains seaNO, IT IS NOT ENOUGH. I NEED THE GENITALS TOO.plantsgrammaflowerIT IS NATURAL ,BECAUSE I WANT TO BE FATHER ! I UNDERSTAND ! WE ARE AGREE ! 3. THEY ARE ENEMIES . THEY ARE NOT FRIENDS.12I SPEAK GOOD SPANISH.I SPEAK BETTER SPANISH.. YOU SPEAK BAD CHINISE.YOU SPEAK WORSE CHINISE.. GOOD BETTER THE BEST IRREGULAR ADJECTIVEBAD WORSE THE WORSTWE ARE THE BEST ENEMIES. IRREGULAR WE ARE THE WORST FRIENDS.GOOD BETTER THE BEST BAD - WORSE - THE WORSTADJECTIVEBUENO MEJOR- EL MEJOR. MALO - PEOR EL PEOR- 4. ENGLISH SOUNDS THE VOWEL SOUNDS sounds 1. Five Basic Sounds /i//o//u/notsosuemayhotnonewdaylottoetookeycarsownsoonteafarsoapsoup/e//a/seesayhe me 5. 12 sonidos voclicos bsicos en ingles. i//I//e//// /eat beat heat Seatit bit hitbait late matebet let metcat hat patsittaletellmapfeetfitsailsellCap/u/ boot food pool luke suit/U/ book foot pull look soot/o/ low hole pole coal boat/o/ law hall Paul call bought/ / Burt bird hurt fern shirt/a/cot hot pot mop cop// but bud hut fun shutSONIDOS 6. Word classEXAMPLEENGLISH Verbsdrink, sleep, eat, dance. Nounscar, house, table, flowers Articlesthe, an , a . Adjectivesbig, small, important, fast. Adverbsquickly, dangerously, Fastly. Prepositionson , down, for, from ,at. Conjunctionsand , then, if, or, while .. 7. SHUT UP!SILENCE! BALL! GO AWAY! GO ON !GET UP !HALT!AH!ENOUGH ! HEAVENS!HURRA!WELL THEN ! LOOK OUT!GO ON ! AH! GET UP! HURRA! Get up !ADELANTE ! AH! ARRIBA! VIVA! levantarHEAVENS! CIELOS! WELL THEN ! EA PUES ! GO AWAY ! FUERA DE AQU! ENOUGH ! BASTA! LOOK OUT ! CUIDADO ! Halt ! altoSHUT UP ! CALLENSE ! SILENCE! SILENCIO! BALL! BOLA! 8. THE LAWYERWHAT WILL I DO ? BALANCE. AGREEMENTLEGAL ILEGALHE IS A LAWYER. HE LIKES THE MONEY. HE IS NOT AN HONEST LAWYER. HE WILL RECEIVE THE CHECK.LAWYERDO YOU THINK THAT ! I AM LAWYER. I LIKE THE MONEY. I AM NOT AN HONEST MAN.OF COURSE !I WILL RECEIVE THE CHECK. BRIEFCASENOTE: IT IS INCORRECT. HE IS NOT A GOOD LAWYER. THIS LAWYER DOES NOT RESPECT THE LAW. HE ACTS BADLY. 9. SHOEMAKER NEEDLETHE SHOES I WANT TO SEE THE SHOES. WHAT IS THE PRICE OF THIS ?HAMMERTHREADspatulaSHOES OR BOAT.HAVE YOU ANYTHING CHEAPER ? THIS IS VERY EXPENSIVE. BAD SMELLSHOW ME THE BEST YOU HAVE. CAN YOU LET ME HAVE IT FOR TWO DOLLARS.FIVE- DOLLARS 10. VOCABULARY. SECRETARY NOTEBOOKBOOKPENSILLETTERSSPEAKTELEPHONE JAR COFFEESCISSORS WRITECUP KEYBOARDEIGHT HANDS. SPEAK AND WRITE. 11. I HAVE BEEN SICK FOR TWO WEEK. YES ,OF COURSE . I FEEL WEAK. WHAT IS MY TEMPERATURE ? I BREATH WITH DIFFICULTI HAVE A COLD. TENSIOMETRO HOW MANY TIMES MUST I TAKE HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN SICK? THE PILLS? WHAT ?.......... DO YOU FEEL WEAK ?THE DOCTORTEMPERATURE IS FORTY -GRADES.THERMOMETERSHOW ME YOUR TONGUE. TAKE HOT CHOCOLATE FOR THIS DISEASE. HERE ARE THE PILLS. TAKE THE PILLS FOR TWO WEEKS. THE OPERATION IS NOT DANGEROUS. THE OPERATION IS EXPENSIVE..SYMPTOMS FEVER COLD 12. Be nurse is difficult. Be woman is difficult. Be young is dificult. I donT HAVE EXPERIENCE. I need cotton, adhesive tape.oh!peroxidetabletTHE NURSE cottonalcoholbandageMEDICINE tweezersthermometerPILLS SYRINGEAdhesive tape.ADJECTIVE DIFFICULT (OPPOSITE) .EASY. 13. I am doctor I am cookerI am maid I am gardenerI am painterI am hostFIRST DAY OF MAY.We are workers. We work every day. The work is hard. Today is worker day. 14. THEY ARE SICK SHE HAS FEVER. SHE IS SICK. SHE FEELS BAD.II I IHE HAS COUGH. HE IS SICK. HE FEEL BAD. VERBS TO HAVE HAVE (HAS)- HAD- HAD I YOU (SHE,HE,IT ) WE YOU THEYHAVE HAVE HAS HAVE HAVE HAVEHAVE THE FLU.HAVE FEVER. AM SICK. FEEL BAD.PAST TIMETO BE BE (WAS- WERE)- BEEN I YOU SHE, HE, IT YOU THEYAM ARE IS ARE Present ARE TIMEI WAS YOU WERE SHE ,HE,IT, WAS YOU WERE WE WERE THEY WERE 15. Now Today Early Quick Inmediately At last How longWe are in love !Beer Wine wiskyWE ARE IN LOVE !When Within Out Far How as Without Back Behind Well Where Once Probably absolutelyYES, YOU ARE IN LOVE!ADVERBS 16. Expressions:greetings 17. CONTINUE : GREETINGSBEAUTIFULGIVE ME MORE COFFEE. I WANT MORE COFFEE. I LIKE COFFEE. I DRINK COFFEE EVERYDAY.GIVE ME MY COMPUTER AND LEAVE ME ALONE ! HAVE A NICE DAY ! 18. I DONT FEEL HAPPY.. I WANT TO FIGHT. 19. savannas pad cases carWe are free. 20. THE DRINKERS 1 DO YOU WANT TO WORK?DO YOU WANT TO DRINK ?2 NO, I DONT WANT TO WORK. I AM FREE EVERY WEEK. YES, I WANT TO DRINK EVERY DAY. I WANT TO DRINK BEER, WINE WHISKY.I LIKE TO WORK. I DONT LIKE TO DRINK. I AM POOR, BUT I DONT LIKE TO DRINK.AND WHAT ABOUT YOU ?DO YOU BELIEVE ME ?YES, I BELIEVE YOU !THEN, YOU DRINK EVERY DAY. YOU ARE A DRINKER I AM POOR MAN , BUT I DONT LIKE TO DRINK. I LIKE TO WORK.I AM POOR MAN ,BUT I LIKE TO . DRINK. I DONT LIKE TO WORK. THIS IS THE TRUTH. 21. EXPRESSIONS 22. VOCABULARY SHELFCLOCKBOOKCASEBOARDCUPBOARDCOMPUTERBINDESK 23. I DO MY HOMEWORK FOR LIVING. I PRAY DAILY. I WORK FREQUENTLY.I DID MY HOMEWORK FOR LIVING. I PRAYED DAILY. I WORKED FREQUENTLY. 24. Learn words.TEMPERATUREcold warmHOT 25. pictureskymountainTELEVISINseaSANDlamprocket furniture Video beam radiotablecupVacuum cleanertelephonefan 26. vocabulary clock seasors rulechairPEN notebook sharpenercomputereraser blacboard teacherbooks 27. NOUNS 28. leavesgrass 29. SELECT A FRUIT. He wants What do you want to eat ? I want to eat fruits. WHAT FRUITS DO YOU LIKE? I LIKE APPLES.She wants IT WANTS They want You wantpineappleWe wantbananamandarinapple milky, grapescherries 30. SITUATION : THE INVITATION THEY ARE STUDENTS. TOM LOST HIS BOOKS AND HE DOESNT GO TO SCHOOL TODAY.WHO CAN UNDERSTAND HIS ERRORS ? FORGET THE BOOKS ! WE CAN GO TO DISCOTEQUE . WE CAN GO TO THE HOTEL.DISCOTEQUEHOTEL WE WORK TO EARN OUR BREAD DAILY.YOU ARE THE MAN THAT WE WERE LOOKING FOR.I MUST FIND MY BOOKS AND NOTEBOOKS. MY FATHER ADVISES ME ENTER SCHOOL. I DONT WANT SEX NOW. I AM TIMID. 31. THE PRISION It is a place in which people are deprived of personal freedoms.face You will be living in this cell for Several years. YOU WILL NOT HAVE A GOOD TIME HERE . LOOK MY FACE !OH!I am not free. I can not go out. Perhaps, I will have a good time here.I am sharing this room with at least two other people. I THINK that the criminals should have a better conditions.Steal stole -stolenI have broken the law. I have not respected the humanity. I have killed in order to get money.prisoners Kill killed -killed knife 32. verbs Think Thinking Thought Thought 33. THE DOGSI wanto to play now.I dont want to play.Come here!Go away!I am in love.I am not in love.I canForget me ! Verbs : forget forgot forgottenNOTforget you ! 34. I WANT TO HELP MY FAMILYI LOVE MY FAMILYThe family 35. THE NEW SCHOOL BUS DRIVERWE HAVE BEEN WAITING THE BUS FOR SEVERAL HOURS.VERBS WAIT WAITING WAITED WAITEDI HAVE WAITED THE BUS FOR TWO HOURS.I AM WAITING THE BUS.HE WAITS THE BUS. SHE WAITS THE BUS TOO.BUSES WE WAIT THE BUS . 36. Art student I am an art student. I always say, some day Im going to be a great artist! . I will wear expensive clothes. I will live in a huge house. I will drive a fast sports car. SOME YEARS LATER.Nowdays I am an art teacher. I dont wear expensive clothes. I live in a small apartment. I drive an old car. I am an art teacher poor.ACTIVITY. WRITE YOUR HISTORY. 37. We have a shower. He has a shower. I have a shower. THEY GET UP AND THEN THEY HAVE A SHOWER.I have breakfast at eight oclock. I have LUNCH at twelve oclockI have dinner at six oclock. I get up and I have a shower. I am very busy all days.MONDAY , WE HAVE A SHOWER BUT ON SUNDAY WE HAVE A BATH, BECAUSE WE HAVE THE TIME.We have a bath on Saturday. SHE GETS UP AND THEN SHE HAS A BATH. 38. palabras que suenan y se escriben muy parecido significan lo mismo en el ingls y espaol. Ingls Espaol actor (ac-tor) actor angel (ein-llel) ngel art (art) arte analyze (an-al-ais) analizar bank (bank) banco car (car) carro concert (con-sert) concierto content (con-tent) contento culture (cul-chur) cultura delicate (de-li-cat) delicado detail (di-teil) detalle enormous (i-nor-mous) enorme excellent (ek-se-lent) excelente express (eks-pres) expresar Family (famili) FAMILIAGOOD ! finite (fai-nait) Flower (flau-er) Garden (gar-den) government (go-vern-ment) guide (gaid) Hospital (jos-pi-tal) hospital Hotel (jo-tel) important (im-por-tant) importante infinite (in-fin-it) invention (in-ven-chion) invencin jovial (llo-vial) judicial (llu-di-chul) kilogram (ki-lo-gram) kilogramofinito flor jardn GOBIERNOguahotelinfinitojovial judicial 39. Palabras que se escriben parecido al espaol problem (pro-blem) problema radio (rei-di-o) radio restaurant (res-ter-ant) restaurante science (sai-ens) ciencia secret (si-cret) secreto silence (sai-lens) silencio taxi (taks-i) taxi term (term) trmino terrible (te-ri-bul) terrible traffic (tra-fic) trfico train (trein) tren urgent (ur-llent) urgente united (iu-nait-ed) unido Vibration (vai-brei-chion) vibracin violin (vai-o-lin) violn visit (vi-sit) visitar zebra (si-bra) cebra zero (si-ro) ceroINGLES ESPAOL Kiosk (ki-osk) kiosko lamp (lamp) lmpara letter (let-ter) letra memory (me-mo-ri) memoria moment (mo-ment) momento music (miu-sic) msica nation (nei-chion) nacin necessity (ne-ce-si-ti) NECESIDAD optic (op-tic) ptica order (or-der) orden original (o-ri-llin-al) original plant (plant) planta Posible (po-si-bul) posible President (pre-si-dent) presidente problem (pro-blem) problema restaurant (res-ter-ant) restaurante route (rut) ruta YES ! 40. verbs Fly fling Fliedflied 41. Do you want to share the milk ?NO ,I dont want to share the milk. 42. The shapes There are four shapes. A rectangle, a circle,a square and a triangle. The rectangle has a length and a width. The circle has a radius, a diameter and a circumference. The triangle has three parts. 43. THE DETECTIVESA detective is a professional investigatorA detective is a person employed to discover, determine, and access situations and clues. This person may be part of a police force, a staff member at a detective agency, or an independent contractor. This person is usually trained or has developed skills that allow her to connect pieces of information to form a clearer picture of something unknown. Do you look for the true all the time ? Do you investigate all the situation? DO YOU LIKE THE TRUE OR LIE ?TRUE or -False 44. TILL NEXT TIME. MSC. MOUNA TOUMA. Universidad Politcnica IUTET. Valera Trujillo.