Information Products vs Affiliate Marketing

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Information Products vs Affiliate Marketing

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Information Products vs Affiliate Marketing

Up until recently I was an af f iliate marketer. In case you have no idea what that is, I was basically sellingother peoples products.

I set up a f ew websites and advertised all sorts of things. And if I managed to get the customer over to themerchant website and hit the buy button, I would get a commission. I did OK at it and still make sales now,even though I have completely stopped.

This method of making money online works really well f or many people. At the af f iliate network I was using(insert moreniche link), they publish daily and weekly earnings tables showing how much the top af f iliatesare pulling in daily and weekly.

The top guy was usually earning around $6000-$7,000 (and sometimes more) every week without f ail. Yes,that’s $6k-$7k per WEEK. Not bad at all, I’m sure you will agree.

So What’s The Problem ?

All of the above sounds f ine and dandy, especially f or this mystery man/woman making all that cash week-in-week-out, but there are downsides, and pretty bad ones at that.

An af f iliate network can close down at any time, and you get no warning. Your business could go up insmoke tomorrow f or all you know. And that would be very hard to take.

Af f iliate sites usually also rely heavily on search engine traf f ic. But our f riends over at Google have beenvery busy with constantly changing the rules the last f ew years. They’ve been messing and f iddling with theway websites rank in the search engine results.

One day your website could be on page 1 f or certain keywords, and the next day af ter a Google algorithmupdate, it could be on page 12, 54 or 88, or……. who knows where. And that translates as internet ghost-town. If your website is down on those pages , it ’s like you don’t exist.

You would not believe the number of people who saw their business bringing in lots of cash one day,suddenly bring in nothing the next day and every day af ter that. Thanks a lot Google.

This happened a f ew times to many af f iliates over at (more niche link). Businesses were lost and manynever recovered.

Image doing all that work of building and maintaining websites over periods of years, to see it all go up insmoke overnight, and there ain’t a damn thing you can do about it. You suddenly have ZERO income and nof all-back.

The main issue with this method of making money (f un though it is) is that you don’t own anything. In manyways you don’t even have a business. The heart of it belongs to someone else, and the plug can be pulledanytime. Plus you’re at Googles mercy too.

Why Information Products Are Better

For no other reason than you own them. Instead of selling someones else products, you have your own tosell. And you are f ree to package and sell them as you please, and you can do with them as you please.

They belong to you f orever, and they’re always there to use as giveaways or bonuses. Nobody can takethem away f rom you.

But what about Google ?

Same issues I guess, but typically when you try to sell your own products, you recruit your own af f iliates todrive the traf f ic to your sales page and cut Google out completely. There’s also other ways you can sellwithout relying on Google.

What is an Info Product ?

This could be anything f rom an eBook you have written, to an audio or video,or even some sof tware. I guess it should really be called a “Digital Product”.

People crave inf ormation and they crave solutions to problems. The world is sof ull of people looking f or advice it ’s crazy. And they pay f or it. So if you can come up with a solution thathelps a real need, then selling inf ormation products is f or you.

This could be anything you like. Think about your hobbies and interests. What could you tell the worldabout f or a small f ee ?

Have a think about it and write down some suggestions. And don’t think that nobody will be interested. Ifyou have a reasonable amount of knowledge in one area, then you probably know more than 95% ofpeople out there.

When you do have an idea, get out there on the f orums and websites and f ind out what the big questionsare that need answering. Find out the main pain points, and create a product that addresses them.



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