Inferring Cognitive Behaviors from Low-level User … · Inferring Cognitive Behaviors from...

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Inferring Cognitive Behaviors from Low-level UserInteractions in Games

Titus BarikNorth Carolina State University

ABSTRACTThe study of low-level user interactions from input devicessuch as mice is interesting in that interactions are ultimatelya reflection of cognitive processes that occur far ahead ofthe actual motor actions. However, the extent to whichcognitive behaviors are identifiable when these interactionsare observed through computer-mediated game interfaces re-mains an open question which I plan to answer in my dis-sertation. In my research, I seek to determine initial char-acteristics on the range and depth of behaviors that can bepredicted through this indirect proxy measure. Because oftheir cognitive affordances, I use games as a scientific ve-hicle for inducing cognitive behaviors in human players. Ipropose the use of machine learning approaches to identifyfeatures that provide discriminatory capabilities for playersunder different task constraints. I then develop cognitivemodels to provide psychologically rooted explanations forthe observed interactions. The results of my work can beused to inform games so that they are able to provide moreengaging, usable, and affective experiences for their players.

Categories and Subject DescriptorsH.1.2 [Information Systems]: User/Machine Systems—Software psychology ; I.2.0 [Artificial Intelligence]: Gen-eral—Cognitive simulation; K.8.0 [Personal Computing]:General—Games

General TermsDesign, Human Factors

Keywordscasual games, behavior detection, input dynamics

1. OBJECTIVES AND SIGNIFICANCEI hypothesize that elements of cognitive behav-iors in players are reflected through their interac-tions with input devices, and that these behav-iors can be identified computationally through

statistical machine learning techniques and sub-sequently explained psychologically using cogni-tive architectures.

Research in motor cognition [6, 12] indicates that actions canreveal intentions, desires, and goals, but the mechanisms toidentify and explain these behaviors through actions withincomputer-mediated game interfaces remains an open ques-tion which I plan to answer in my dissertation. A contri-bution of my research is that it offers following guarantees:data collection uses conventional input devices, the data isalways passively collected, the methodology is to difficultto manipulate by players, and the techniques provide bothdiscriminatory as well as explanatory insight into player be-haviors. Existing approaches to studying player behaviorprovide only a limited subset of these guarantees.

The impact of my research is that it will offer game designersand researchers an avenue for inferring cognitive behaviorsthrough real-world game play, without the need for special-ized equipment and using conventional input devices. I focuson casual games as the vehicle for obtaining my research re-sults, as they have become popular in recent years due tosocial networks [15]. Such games are a platform well-suitedto the study of cognitive behaviors because they provide af-fordances not available in general applications [14].

Using machine learning approaches, my research will iden-tify low-level input features (e.g., mouse click position orvelocity) that are sufficient for classifying players under dif-ferent task constraints. Unlike surveys, low-level featuresare a fully passive approach to data collection. And unlikehigh-level metrics, such as “achievements unlocked” or “lo-cations visited” [13], low-level motor actions are executedunconsciously [6]. My research will demonstrate that theseunconscious features are difficult for players to manipulate,either accidentally or intentionally, making them a powerfultool for accurately discriminating player behavior in games.

While machine learning allows for discrimination, it is notexplanatory and therefore provides little insight into whyobserved actions are being produced in the first place. Thefinal component of my dissertation will augment machinelearning with cognitive modeling to provide psychologicallyrooted explanations for observed actions. If the results of thecognitive models are inconsistent with the game designers’desired intention, these models can offer insight as to how tomodify specific game elements to reconcile the differences.

To address these research challenges, I propose several userstudies. I have completed the first online study, which con-firms that a game environment can influence cognitive be-havior to the extent that these influences are reflected in in-put traces. I will design a second online study to determinewhether a player can be classified solely from their inputtraces when the player is given explicit task constraints. Iwill then design a third in-person study that seeks to ad-dress whether unconscious motor actions can be easily ma-nipulated by asking players to play deceptively. Finally, Iwill perform a validation in which a cognitive architectureis used to develop models whose simulations are consistentwith the collected input traces. The validation will offerplausible explanations for the observed actions.

2. RELATED WORKA large body of psychophysiology research exists on study-ing game effects [8]. These approaches use specialized instru-ments to measure physiological responses to stimuli, such aspupil size and heart rate. One advantage of psychophysi-ology research is that they use involuntary measures, andtherefore are not contaminated by answering style or ob-server bias [8]. The disadvantage is that these measures arenot readily available for actual players once games are de-ployed outside of player testing.

As interactive behavior is constrained by the affordances ofthe input devices, a limited number of atomic operations areavailable for analysis. Combinations of these atomic opera-tions, however, form microstrategies when input interactionsare measured at millisecond resolutions [3]. Interfaces influ-ence these microstrategies and change the way users performtasks. Similar techniques may be used to infer behaviors.

Low-level mouse features have been used to detect user ex-pertise, but only for GUI menu elements [5]. My approachuses mouse features without any dependencies on the under-lying interface. The TRUE system combines instrumentedbehaviors with attitudinal, demographic, and contextual datain the game Halo 2 to assess a user’s perception of diffi-culty [7]. I remove the dependency on survey data and relysolely on passively collected data. The use of interactionshave shown initial promise in video games when appliedto game pads through the examination of button pressurewhen correlated with arousal [16], immersion [4], and frus-tration [2] in players, and suggests that this work can beapplied to other input modalities.

Machine learning approaches have been used to identify in-fluential game play elements [17], but do not provide expla-nations for why they are important to players. Cognitivearchitectures have been used to create models that simu-late human-level performance using controls similar to whatis available to human players [9, 10]. Space Fortress, forexample, was developed as a research tool for psychologyin order to study complex skills and their acquisition [11].These experiments assume that the player has no ulteriorintentions. This assumption is reasonable in controlled en-vironments, but generally unenforceable when experimentsare conducted in real-world settings.


Figure 1: An online implementation of Scrabble. Irecord mouse interactions in order to discriminatebetween bots and humans.

Figure 2: Concentration game with the constraint(suggested intention) of minimizing time. Theplayer has cleared two of the tiles on the board, andhas revealed the mismatched tiles Q and H.

I outline the research I have completed thus far and thedirection I plan to pursue in my research in this and thenext academic year.

3.1 Scrabblesque ExperimentsI have developed an online version of Scrabble, a word gamewhere players receive tile letters which they use to createwords on a board. For the layout of the game, see Figure 1.For this experiment, I recorded mouse clicks and their as-sociated time and position, and mouse movement positioninformation at 20 ms sampling intervals. The results confirmthat players have game-specific interactions that are uniqueto the particular game environment, which I call game sig-natures. Results from model fitting suggest that these userinteractions are cognitively influenced and are not simplyresponses to external events. The work has been success-fully applied to bot detection, where bots emulate actionswithout cognitive knowledge [1].

3.2 Concentration ExperimentsConcentration is a card game in which all of the cards arelaid face down and during each turn, the player turns twocards face up. The object of the game is to turn over pairsof matching cards at each turn until all of the cards are ex-hausted. I have conducted an online study in which playersare asked to play this game under two constraints. In the

first constraint, players are asked to play the game such thatthey minimize the time needed to clear the game board, asshown in Figure 2. In the other, players are asked to mini-mize mismatches without regard to timing.

A final user study will identify when deceptive play can bedetected. In this variation, players are split into two groups.The first group plays the game under either the time or ac-curacy game constraints. The second group is also askedto play the game under these constraints, but is given theopportunity to memorize board arrangements and then playthe game as if they had not received this information. I hy-pothesize that deception activates subtly different cognitivepathways that are detectable through input traces.

From the user study data, I will extract low-level mousefeatures as input to machine learning algorithms to classifyplayers. I will compare the performance of these low-levelfeatures against a baseline classifier which uses the high-level features such as the number of mismatches and thetime taken to complete a round. Both the feature selectionand the choice of machine learning algorithms will play animportant role in the effectiveness of classification. I willalso investigate motif discovery or other pattern recognitiontechniques to identify appropriate microstrategies [3] for po-tential selection by cognitive models.

For validation, cognitive architectures will be used to de-velop cognitive models whose output can be quantitativelycompared against the low-level data obtained from humanplayers. Though actions are overt, the cognitive behaviorsthat elicit these actions are unobservable. However, if a cog-nitive model can simulate behaviors to generate actions thatare consistent with the observed actions of the player, thenI can infer that the behaviors selected in the model are aplausible explanation for the observed player actions, andthat these observed actions are unlikely to have occurredfrom other cognitive processes.

4. CONCLUSIONBy the end of my Doctoral research, I will have providedthe following deliverables: 1. Initial characteristics for therange and depth of cognitive behaviors that can be elicitedfrom observing low-level input interactions, 2. Computa-tional techniques for classifying players’ behaviors based onthese low-level input observations, and 3. Cognitive simula-tions that offer plausible explanations for these behaviors.

5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis work was supported by a grant from the Army ResearchOffice (W911NF-08-1-0105).

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