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Cambridge University Press978-0-521-51421-7 - William Howard Taft: The Travails of a Progressive Conservative Jonathan Lurie IndexMore information



Abbott, Lyman, 123–124acceptance speech

by Roosevelt in 1904, 67by Taft in 1908, 94–95by Taft in 1912, 168–170

accidents, industrial and liability, 29–30, 33–34

Adams, Henry, 95Adams, John Quincy, 129Addams, Jane, 128Addyston case, 34–36administration, approaches of Taft and

Roosevelt to, 94–95age, of justices, 96, 121–122, 192aggressiveness of Taft’s 1912 campaign,

158–163Aldrich, Nelson, 104, 107ambitions, of Helen Taft, 23, 62amendment, income tax, 106–107American Railway Union strike, 30–33Anderson, Donald, 104, 105–106Anderson, Judith, 6–7annual message to Congress, by

Roosevelt, 78–79, 86Anthony, Carl, 4, 23anthracite coal strike of 1902, 60antitrust law

Addyston case, 34–36law suit against U.S. Steel,

146–149Roosevelt’s stand on, versus that of

Taft, 196, 197Taft’s campaign for, 143–146

Taft’s comments on, in 1912 acceptance speech, 169

Arthur, Chester, 10, 11Article X, League of Nations Covenant,

186–187, 188assistant county solicitor, Taft as, 15assistant to Cincinnati prosecutor, Taft

as, 10Associate Justices. See justices, Supreme

Courtassumption of risk, 37attorney, Taft as, 15–17

Bailey, Joseph, 106Bailey, Thomas, 103Ballinger, Richard

Ballinger–Pinchot controversy, 108–117

replacement of, 138–140Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern

Railway Co., v. William Voight case, 33–34

Bancroft, George, 197Bannard, Otto, 139Bar exam, Taft’s, 9Beard, Charles, 176–175bells, case involving casting of, 21Bering Sea fishing-rights debate, 26Bernstein, Michael, 160Beveridge, Albert, 107–108Bible reading case, Ohio Superior

Court, 4–5big business© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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antitrust campaign, 143–149Taft’s stand on, 96, 97

Bishop, George, 163black persons, discussion of, in Taft’s

inaugural address, 98–99Blaine, James G., 13The Blood of Government: Race,

Empire, the United States, and the Philippines (Kramer), 41

Blum, John Morton, 37Boardman, Mabel, 77, 130–132Bonaparte, Charles, 167boycotts, secondary, 21–23, 31–33, 100Brandegee, Frank, 179–180, 190–191Brandeis, Louis, 114, 181–182, 184bricklayers, case involving union of,

21–23Bryan, William Jennings, 83Buenker, John, 36Bull Moose Convention, 168Butt, Archie, 144, 158–159

cabinet, of Taft, 91–95, 162calibrated colonialism, 50campaigns, presidential. See specific

entries beginning with “presidential campaign”

Campbell, Thomas, 13, 15–16Canada, proposal for tariff reciprocity

between U.S. and, 147Cannon, Joseph

ouster of, by House insurgents, 102, 105, 118–119

in Republican party crisis, 83–86tariff reform, 104, 141

capitalism, 17, 96, 97, 184, 197casting bells, case involving, 21Century Association, nomination of Taft

for membership in, 178Chaffee, Adna, 44–47chairman of 1912 Republican

Convention, 164–165, 166Chief Forester, Pinchot as, 108–117Chief Justice, Supreme Court

promotion of justices to, 124–126Roosevelt’s hints about appointing Taft

as, 71Taft as, 190–193, 199

Taft’s appointment of White as, 123–127

Cincinnati, Ohio. See also Superior Court of Cincinnati

case concerning Bible reading in schools, 4–5

overview, 3William Taft as assistant to prosecutor

of, 10Cincinnati Bell Foundry Co. v. John B.

Dodds et al. case, 21Cincinnati Orchestra, establishment

of, 29circuit judge, Taft

appointment as, 28–29end of career as, 37–38major decisions as, 29–37

civil government in Philippines. See Philippine Commission

classical legal thought, 16–17Cleveland, Grover, 13coal strike of 1902, 60coeducation, 7Collector of Internal Revenue, Taft as,

10–12colonialism, calibrated, 50commissions

Taft’s use of, 196tariff, 140–142, 169

conference committee, in tariff battle of 1909, 107

Congress 1910 congressional elections, 132–135inquiry regarding Ballinger–Pinchot

controversy, 113–114ouster of Cannon by insurgents,

118–119Roosevelt’s message to in 1908,

78–79, 86Taft’s dealings with during tariff battle

of 1909, 103–107tariff commission, 140–142

consecutive presidential terms, limit on, 159

conservation, 108–117, 196–197conservatism, of Taft, 129, 150, 195–199constitutional amendment, income tax,

106–107constitutionalism, Taft’s focus on, 175

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Index 205

consultation, by Taft before making decisions, 62

contract, liberty of, 33–34, 35–36contributory negligence, 37Convention, Republican, of 1912,

164–166corporate law, 143–149.

See also antitrust lawcorporate lawyers, in Taft’s cabinet, 95corruption

in Philippines, 51–52Taft’s views on as young man, 11–12

county solicitor, Taft as assistant, 15courts. See also specific courts by name

authority to issue injunctions in industrial disputes, 100–101

civil, under Philippine Commission, 44–48

criticism of by Roosevelt in 1910, 133–134

in progressive view, 128Taft’s appreciation of, 16–17Taft’s reaction to comments on by

Roosevelt, 86courtship, Taft’s, 14–15cross-country trips

by Taft during 1911, 150–151by Taft during first year in office, 108

Crunden, Robert, 36

Daugherty, Harry M., 191Day, William, 43, 61, 191, 192decisiveness of Taft, 40, 62Democratic Party

in 1884 presidential elections, 13tariff issue in 1911, 141–142

discrimination, racial, 49–53

early career, Taft’s, 10–13E.C. Knight case, 35education, Taft’s, 6–9elected office, former presidents in, 129elections, congressional, of 1910,

132–135elections, presidential

of 1884, 13of 1904, 64–65of 1908, 83of 1912, 170–173

of 1916, 176–177of 1916, 182of 1920, 189–190

Emery, Henry C., 141, 169England, dispute with regarding Bering

Sea fishing rights, 26executive governance

difference in approaches of Taft and Roosevelt to, 136–137

Taft’s ideas concerning, 98, 103–107, 196

expertise in government, 140–143, 160

fellow servant rule, 29–30feminine rights, 7fiesta politics, 50Fifteenth Amendment, discussion of, in

Taft’s inaugural address, 98Fisher, Walter L., 139–140fishing rights debate, Bering Sea, 26Foraker, Joseph, 12, 17–19, 24foreign policy, Taft’s support of Wilson’s,

179, 182–183, 185–190Forest Service and Ballinger–Pinchot

controversy, 108–117freedom, individual, during Gilded

Age, 16

Garfield, James 1910 congressional elections, 134complaints to Roosevelt about Taft,

113, 114–115conservation, 109removal of Pinchot, 114Roosevelt’s possibilities for

renomination, 150Taft’s choices for cabinet, 92–94Taft’s decision not to retain as

Secretary of Interior, 136Taft’s possibility for

reelection, 152Taft’s replacement of Ballinger with

Fisher, 140Gilded Age, legal thought in, 16–17Glavis, Louis, 109–110, 111, 114goals, of Taft’s administration, 97–101Gompers, Samuel, 79, 101GOP. See Republican Party© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Gould, Lewis 1912 elections, 171antitrust campaign of Taft, 144lack of correspondence between

Roosevelt and Taft, 129–130Southern support for Taft, 127tariff battle of 1909, 103U.S. Steel lawsuit, 147

government difference in approaches of Taft and

Roosevelt to, 94–95, 136–137power of Philippine Commission to

establish, 46–47governorship

of Ohio, 1883 campaign for, 12of Philippines, Taft in, 56

Grant, Robert, 154–156Guam, as destination for exiled

Filipinos, 48

habeas corpus, under Philippine Commission, 44–48

Hammer v. Dagenhart case, 61Hanna, Mark, 31Harding, Warren

1920 election, 189–190Taft’s appointment to Chief Justiceship

by, 190–193Harlan, John Marshall, 34, 56, 125Harmon, Judson, 18Harrison, Benjamin, 24–25, 28health problems, of Taft, 54–55Hearst, William Randolph, 74Hemphill, J. C., 156Herron, Helen, 13–15. See also Taft,

HelenHigginson, Henry Lee, 144–145High Court. See U.S. Supreme CourtHilles, Charles, 125, 150–151Hitchcock, Lawrence, 149Hoadley, George, 12House of Representatives

ouster of Cannon by insurgents, 118–119

tariff bill of 1909, 105Houston Post, 165Hughes, Charles Evans, 72, 80,

122–126, 182Hull, John, 49

inaugural address, Taft’s, 97–101inclusionary racial formation, 50income tax, in tariff battle of 1909, 107independence, of Philippines, 66–67independent judiciary, Taft’s focus

on, 159individual liberty, during Gilded Age, 16industrial accidents and liability, 29–30,


American Railway Union strike, 30–33authority of courts to issue injunctions

in disputes, 100–101blacks in, discussion of, in Taft’s

inaugural address, 99labor violence and, 17Moores case, 21–23Taft’s stand on big business, 96, 97tariff battle of 1909, 102–108

initiative, referendum, and recall. See judicial recall

injunctions, authority of courts to issue in industrial disputes, 100–101

inquiry, Congressional, regarding Ballinger–Pinchot controversy, 113–114

insurgents Roosevelt’s view of, 132–133Taft’s reaction to ouster of Cannon by,

118–119Taft’s view of, 105, 107–108, 142–143

integrated political and social framework in Philippines, 50

IRS, William Taft’s career in, 10–12

Johnson, Andrew, 129judges. See also circuit judge, Taft as;

Superior Court of Cincinnatilength of time in office, Taft’s position

on, 96in progressive view, 128Roosevelt and Taft’s positions on abuse

by, 79Taft’s reaction to comments on by

Roosevelt, 86judicial recall

Roosevelt’s endorsement of, 156Root’s comments regarding, 166Taft’s opinion of, 172, 177© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Index 207

judiciary. See also judges; U.S. Supreme Court

criticism of by Roosevelt in 1910, 133–134

Taft’s focus on independence, 159Taft’s involvement with while

president, 120–129justices, Supreme Court. See also specific

justices by nameage of, 96, 121–122, 192nomination of Taft by Wilson,

178–179, 180–182promotion of Taft to Chief Justice,

124–126Taft’s appointment of, 120–129

Karger, Gus appointment of Taft to Superior Court,

178, 191, 192–193League of Nations Treaty, 188overview, 176

keynote address, by Root at 1912 Republican Convention, 166

Knight case, 35Knox, Philander, 71, 91Kramer, Paul, 41, 50, 53

La Follette, Robert, 80labor

American Railway Union strike, 30–33authority of courts to issue injunctions

in industrial disputes, 100–101and capital, strife between, 17discussion of, in Taft’s inaugural

address, 100industrial accidents and liability,

29–30, 33–34Moores case, 21–23National War Labor Board, 184, 197Pitney’s views regarding, 128Roosevelt and Taft’s positions on rights

of, 79–80Lamar, Joseph Rucker, 127law

in progressive view, 128study of, by Taft, 8–9

law practice, of Taft, 15–17law suits, antitrust

overview, 143–146

against U.S. Steel, 146–149Lawler, Oscar, 110lawyers

Taft as, 15–17in Taft’s cabinet, 95

League of Nations Treaty attempt, 185–190

lecturer Taft’s side occupation as, 177–178at Yale University, 174–177

legal thought, in Gilded Age, 16–17legalistic approach to executive

leadership, 95–91legislative power in Philippines.

See Philippine Commissionlegislature, Taft’s dealings with during

tariff battle of 1909, 103–107liability, in industrial accidents, 29–30,


of contract, 33–34, 35–36individual, during Gilded Age, 16

Lincoln Memorial Commission, 178–179Lochner v. New York case, 36, 133–134Lodge, Henry Cabot

friendship with Roosevelt, 80, 116inability to support Taft in 1912

campaign, 161League of Nations Treaty, 187,

188, 189nomination of Brandeis as justice, 181tariff reform, 105

Lurton, Horace, 73, 121–122

MacArthur, Arthur, 41–44MacArthur, Douglas, 42Manners, William, 107, 113manufacturing process, case involving

secret, 21marriage, Taft’s, 13–15martial law, in Philippines, 43McAdoo, William, 189–190McClure, S. S., 125McGerr, Michael, 49McGovern, Francis, 166McKinley, William

1896 presidential campaign of, 37–38appointment of Taft to Philippine

Commission, 39–40© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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conflict between military and civil government, 46

Roosevelt as assistant Secretary of the Navy, 53

support for Taft by, 58Taft’s 1912 campaign, 164

McReynolds, James, 178–179Mencken, H. L., 189–190message to Congress, by Roosevelt in

1908, 78–79, 86military, conflict with, in Philippines,

41–49Moody, William, 73, 126–127Moores & Co. v. Bricklayers’ Union

No. 1 case, 21–23Morgan, J. P., 145Morris, Edmund, 52, 122Murdock, Victor, 131–132

Narramore case, 37National Committee, Republican,

164–165National War Labor Board, 184, 197negligence, cases involving, 30, 37neutrality, Taft’s support of Wilson’s

policy on, 179new nationalism, 133New York Sun, 171New York Times, 143, 153, 163,

165, 171New York World, 171–172Nobel Prize, won by Elihu Root, 178Nomination, presidential, of 1908, 80nomination, presidential, of 1911,

Roosevelt and Taft’s struggle for, 149–152

nomination, presidential, of 1912 aggressiveness of Taft’s campaign after

April, 158–163choice of Taft for, 164Roosevelt and Taft’s campaigns before

April, 153–158Roosevelt’s decision to try for,

149–152nomination, presidential, of 1916

Roosevelt’s attempt to gain, 176–177Taft’s support for Hughes, 182

Norris, George, 118–119

Norton, Charles, 125

Ohio, 1883 campaign for governorship of, 12

Ohio Superior Court Alphonso Taft’s career in, 4–5influential judges from, 18William Taft’s career in, 13–19, 20–25

organized labor, 128, 184. See also unions

ouster of Cannon by House insurgents, 118–119

Outlook journal, 130–131

pacification of Philippines. See Philippine Commission

Panama Canal, 130Parks, William, 166party affiliation, in nineteenth century, 4patronage

in politics, 10, 11Taft’s denial of to insurgents, 118–119

Payne–Aldrich tariff, 107–108, 140, 142Peckham, Rufus, 36, 121personality

of Helen Taft, 15of Roosevelt versus that of Taft, 86of Taft, 6–8, 12, 82–83

Phelan, F. W., 31–33Philippine Assembly, 68Philippine Commission, 39–63

conflict with American military, 41–49overview, 39–41race, Taft’s viewpoint on, 49–53Taft’s commitment to, 56Taft’s relationship with Roosevelt prior

to 1904, 53–55Taft’s removal of president of while

Secretary of War, 68Philippine tariff provisions of 1909,

105–106Philippines, Taft’s interest in while

Secretary of War, 66–67, 68Pinchot, Gifford, 87, 108–117, 134,

136, 148Pitney, Mahlon, 127–128plutocracy, Roosevelt’s position

regarding, 78politics

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Index 209

Alphonso Taft’s involvement in, 5–6appointment of blacks to office, 98–99in appointment of Pitney to Supreme

Court, 127–128of Taft, as seen in appointment of

justices, 120–121Taft’s lack of insight into, 119–120Taft’s views on, 10–13, 37–38,

179–180presidency, Roosevelt, Theodore

after McKinley’s death, 54–55ambivalence regarding nomination of

Taft for presidency, 75–77campaign for reelection in 1904, 64–67difference in approaches of Taft to

government, 94–95disinclination to endorse Taft as

presidential candidate, 69–73offers to Taft of Supreme Court

appointment, 56opinion of Taft as Secretary of War,

67–68political/policy positions before 1908

elections, 78–87relationship with Taft immediately

before Taft’s presidency, 91–92, 96–97

presidency, service in elected office after, 129. See also specific entries beginning with “presidency;” specific presidents by name

presidency, Taft, 91–117, 118–137, 138–152, 153–173

acceptance of idea of being nominated in 1908, 68–78

aggressiveness of Taft’s campaign after April 1912, 158–163

antitrust campaign, 143–146appointment of justices, 120–129Ballinger–Pinchot controversy,

108–117campaign for, in 1908, 73–78,

80–83elections of 1912, 170–173lack of interest in presidency, 54,

64–65lawsuit against U.S. Steel, 146–149nomination in 1908, 80nomination in 1912, 164

ouster of Cannon by House insurgents, 118–119

policies of Taft when assuming presidency, 91–101

relationship with Roosevelt in first half of term, 129–137

replacement of Ballinger, 138–140Roosevelt and Taft’s campaigns before

April 1912, 153–158Roosevelt’s decision to try for

renomination in 1912, 149–152tariff battle of 1909, 102–108tariff reform, 140–143views regarding, immediately before

assuming office, 96waking interest in while Secretary of

War, 68presidency of Philippine Commission,

40–41, 68President-elect, Taft as, 83–87, 91–101presidential campaign of 1884, 13presidential campaign of 1904, by

Roosevelt, 64presidential campaign of 1908, by Taft,

80–83presidential campaign of 1912

aggressiveness of Taft’s campaign after April, 158–163

elections, 170–173nomination of Taft by GOP, 164Roosevelt’s and Taft’s campaigns

before April, 153–158Roosevelt’s decision to try for,

149–152presidential campaign of 1916, 182presidential elections. See elections,

presidentialprimaries, 1912, 157–158, 161,

163Pringle, Henry

antitrust law, 34Bar exam, 9corporate law, 143difficulties with Taft as attorney, 16on Foraker’s appointment of Taft to

Superior Court, 18on IRS of 1882, 11Taft’s choices for Supreme Court

appointments, 128© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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professor of law at Yale University, Taft as, 174–177

progressive conservatism Roosevelt’s statements regarding,

during 1912 campaign, 153–154of Taft, 195–199in Taft’s statement of Republican party

positions, 160Progressive Era, 36Progressive Party

formation of, through split in Republican party, 164

position on tariff, 160Taft’s view of after presidency,

179–180progressive wing of Republican party, 98,


in appointment of Pitney to Supreme Court, 127–128

Beard’s comments on Taft’s, 176income tax amendment, 106–107in Lurton’s jurisprudence, 122overview, 195–199of Taft compared with Roosevelt, 150in Taft’s appointment of justices,

120–121in Taft’s inaugural address, 101Taft’s National War Labor Board

work, 184tariff reform efforts by Taft, 140–143women’s right to vote, Taft’s view on,

185–186property rights, Taft’s ideas

concerning, 196prosecutor of Cincinnati, Taft as assistant

to, 10protectionism, 102–108, 140public schools

Bible reading in, 4–5Taft’s education in, 6–7

Pullman, George, 31Pullman strike, 30–33

race, Taft’s viewpoint on in inaugural address, 98–99while in Philippines, 48, 49–53

railroad worker’s strike, 30–33recall, judicial. See judicial recall

reciprocity, tariff, between U.S. and Canada, 147

Reed, Thomas, 116reform, within Republican party, 83–86relationship between Roosevelt and Taft

first acquaintance with Taft, 26in first half of Taft’s presidency,

129–137immediately before Taft’s presidency,

91–92, 96–97prior to 1904, 53–55rapport at beginning of 1911, 138–139during Wilson’s presidency, 183

religion, in case regarding Bible reading in schools, 4–5

Republican party. See also campaigns, presidential; elections, presidential; specific entries beginning with “nomination”

antitrust campaign, 144, 149authority of courts to issue injunctions

in industrial disputes, 100–101Ballinger–Pinchot controversy, 112conflict between progressive and

conservative wings, 102dissent within, during 1908, 83–86division in, after Taft’s first year in

presidency, 119–120divisions in, due to Taft’s stand on

tariff, 96and growing rift between Roosevelt

and Taft, 132–135labor disputes, 79Taft family involvement in, 4Taft’s alienation of, 114–115Taft’s Southern strategy, 125, 127Taft’s statement on positions of, and

progressive conservatism, 160tariff reform, 102–108, 140

reservations, in League of Nations Treaty, 186, 187–189

revenue collector, Taft as, 10–12risk, assumption of, 37Roosevelt, Theodore. See also

presidential campaign of 1912; relationship between Roosevelt and Taft

1916 nomination, attempt to gain, 176–177© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Index 211

antitrust suit against U.S. Steel, 146–149

Ballinger–Pinchot controversy, 112–113

campaign for reelection in 1904, 64–67conservation efforts by, 108–109difference in approach of Taft to

government, 94–95disinclination to endorse Taft as

presidential candidate, 69–73dispute between Taft and Chaffee, 45impact on beginning of Taft’s

presidency, 101–103injunctions in industrial disputes, 101legislature, way of dealing with,

103–104military in Philippines, 44negativism toward, before 1908

elections, 77–78nomination of Taft for presidency,

ambivalence regarding, 75–77offers to Taft of appointment to

Supreme Court while in Philippines, 56, 57–60

opinion of Root, 178opinion of Taft as Secretary of War,

67–68opinion of Taft’s first year in

presidency, 114–117political/policy positions before 1908

elections, 78–87progressive conservatism, 196Secretary of War, appointment of Taft

as, 60–63Self-rule in Philippines, 52similarity of views of Taft as Secretary

of War and, 78–87in Taft’s appointment of justices,

122–125Taft’s expectations for reelection of, in

1908, 73–74Taft’s opinion of, after 1912 election,

175tariff bill of 1909, 108trusts, 143–144World War I, attempt to participate

in, 183Roosevelt Republican Club of Cincinnati,


Root, Elihu appointment of Taft as Secretary of

War, 61appointment of, to Supreme Court,

Taft’s decision regarding, 124as chairman of 1912 Republican

Convention, 164–165, 166communication with Taft after end of

presidential term, 175confrontations with MacArthur, 42critique of Roosevelt’s behavior in

1912 campaign, 170–171dismissal of Pinchot as Chief Forester

by Taft, 113lack of participation in Taft’s 1912

campaign, 160–161notification of nomination to Taft in

1912, 168offers to Taft of appointment to

Supreme Court, 56, 58opinion regarding Roosevelt for 1912

nomination, 154as possible replacement for Roosevelt

in presidency, 72reaction to Roosevelt’s criticism of

courts, 134relationship with Roosevelt, 62–63relationship with Taft after end of

presidency, 178Roosevelt’s approval of, 102Roosevelt’s view of, as presidential

candidate for 1908, 65, 76Self-rule in Philippines, 66suggestions to Roosevelt regarding

1910 congressional elections, 132–133

support for Taft by, 58Taft’s appointment to Philippine

Commission, 40, 41Ross, Ishbel, 11Ross, William G., 128Rules Committee, and ouster of Cannon,


Schlesinger, Arthur Jr., 181School Board, Ohio, 4–5schools

Bible reading in, 4–5Taft’s education, 6–9© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Schurman, Jacob, 39, 142–143Scott, Charles, 163secondary boycotts, 21–23, 31–33, 100secret manufacturing process, case

involving, 21Secretary of State, Philander Knox as, 71Secretary of the Interior, Ballinger as,

108–117, 138–140Secretary of War, Taft as, 64–87

acceptance of idea of presidential campaign, 68–78

appointment, 61–63overview, 64–68similarity of views of Taft and

Roosevelt, 78–87self-rule in Philippines, 52–53, 66–67Senate tariff revision of 1909, 105, 107senior oration at Yale, by Taft, 8Sherman, John, 10Sherman Antitrust Act, 34–36, 143–145Shiras, George Jr., 33, 59“The Signs of the Times” lecture, 177Solicitor General, Taft as, 25–29South, discussion of, in Taft’s inaugural

address, 98–99Southern strategy, Taft’s, 125, 127speeches, by Taft

during first cross-country trip, 108inaugural address, 97–101Roosevelt’s suggestions regarding, 67

split, in Republican party, 164Stimson, Henry, 156, 161strikes

authority of courts to issue injunctions in industrial disputes, 100–101

Roosevelt’s settlement of, in 1902, 60Taft court decisions regarding, 30–33

suffrage Taft’s stand on rights of blacks to, 99for women, 7

Superior Court of Cincinnati Alphonso Taft’s career in, 4–5influential judges from, 18William Taft’s career in, 13–19, 20–25

Supreme Court Addyston case, 35–36age of justices, 96, 121–122, 192Bering Sea fishing-rights debate, 26

Day, appointment of, by Roosevelt, 61first suggestions regarding appointment

of Taft to, 24–25mention of Taft appointment while

Secretary of War, 65–66, 71offers of appointment to Taft while in

Philippines, 55–61promotion of justices to Chief Justice,

124–126Taft as Chief Justice of, 190–193,

199Taft as Solicitor General before, 26–27Taft’s appointment of justices, 120–129Taft’s suggestions to Roosevelt

regarding appointments to, 73Voight case, 33–34Wilson’s nomination of justices,

178–179, 180–182Sutherland, George, 192Swift, Lucius, 114

Taft, Alphonso 1884 presidential election, 13Campbell case, 16career of, 3–6death of, 28expectations for William, 9regarding offer of post of Solicitor

General, 25William’s appointment as tax

collector, 10William’s courtship, 14–15

Taft, Charles Phelps, 25Taft, Helen

ambitions of, 23appointment of Taft as Secretary of

War, 62cerebral hemorrhage of, during Taft’s

first year as president, 107description of Alphonso Taft by, 4dislike of Roosevelts, 53, 64establishment of Cincinnati

Orchestra, 29marriage to Taft, 13–15racial integration in Philippines, 50regarding offer of post of Solicitor

General, 25role of, in selection of cabinet, 91© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Index 213

Roosevelt’s comments to, about supporting Taft for presidency, 72

views on appointment as circuit judge, 28

Taft, Henry, 57–58Taft, Horace, 40Taft, Louisa, 4tariff

battle over, in 1909, 102–108dissent in Republican party over,

83–86proposal for reciprocity between U.S.

and Canada, 147Taft’s stand on, for Philippines, 67Taft’s stand on in 1911, 140–143Taft’s stand on in 1912, 160, 169Taft’s stand on while assuming

presidency, 96, 97–98tariff commission, 140–142, 169tax collector, Taft as, 10–12“Teddy Envoy to Taft Says He Won’t

Refuse to Run” (article), 153Thornton, Amasa, 125trade secrets, case involving, 21travel, by Taft

during 1911, 150–151during first year in office, 108

trusts. See antitrust law

unions American Railway Union strike, 30–33in Moores case, 21–23Pitney’s views regarding, 128

United States v. Addyston Pipe and Steel Co. case, 34–36

United States v. E. C. Knight case, 35university professor, Taft as, 174–177Urofsky, Melvin, 195U.S. circuit judge, Taft as

appointment, 28–29end of career, 37–38major decisions, 29–37

U.S. Steel, antitrust suit against, 146–149U.S. Supreme Court

Addyston case, 35–36age of justices, 96, 121–122, 192Bering Sea fishing-rights debate, 26Day, appointment of, by Roosevelt, 61

first suggestions regarding appointment of Taft to, 24–25

mention of Taft appointment while Secretary of War, 65–66, 71

offers of appointment to Taft while in Philippines, 55–61

promotion of justices to Chief Justice, 124–126

Taft as Chief Justice of, 190–193, 199Taft as Solicitor General before, 26–27Taft’s appointment of justices, 120–129Taft’s suggestions to Roosevelt

regarding appointments to, 73Voight case, 33–34Wilson’s nomination of justices,

178–179, 180–182

Van Devanter, Willis, 127vice presidency, of Roosevelt, 54Villard, Oswald Garrison, 156violent strikes, decisions regarding,

30–33Voight case, 33–34vote. See also elections, presidential

for 1912 Republican candidate, 164Taft’s stand on rights of blacks to, 99for women, Taft’s support of, 185–186

Wall Street Journal, 83Wall Street, Taft’s view of, 143war, Taft’s support of Wilson’s policy on,

179, 182–183War Department, Taft’s insistence

on proper behavior within, 66. See also Secretary of War, Taft as

War Labor Board, 184, 197Washington, Booker T., 99Washington, Taft’s absence from, while in

office, 198wealth, Roosevelt’s position regarding, 78Weeks, Edgar, 49White, Edward D., 125, 191–192White, Henry, 102–103White, William Allen, 76“Why Theodore Roosevelt Charges

‘Theft’ and ‘Robbery’ “ (essay), 170–171

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antitrust campaign, 144, 145–146, 197Cannon showdown, 119salary reduction when joining

cabinet, 95Taft’s nomination of Lurton to

Supreme Court, 121–122Wiecek, William, 16Wilson, Woodrow

1912 elections, 171League of Nations, 185–190Taft’s opinion of presidency of, 176,

178–184women’s rights, 7, 185–186Woodward High School, Taft’s education

at, 6–7

wool, effect of Payne–Aldrich tariff on, 142

World War I, 179, 182–183, 184Wright, Luke, 68writings, by William Taft, 20writs of habeas corpus, under Philippine

Commission, 44–48writs of injunction, authority of courts to

issue in industrial disputes, 101

Yale University Taft as professor of law at, 174–177Taft’s education at, 7–8

“yellow dog contracts,” 184Young, Thomas, 11youth, Taft’s, 3–9

Wickersham, George (cont.)