Inclusive education

Post on 01-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Inclusive education


Let’s think together……………..

1. What message does the video want to convey?

2. What is inclusion in education?

3. What can inclusion do to children with special needs?

4. You think inclusion will work in our schools? Why? Why not?



Session Objectives:

At the end of the session, the participants are should be able to:

1. define inclusive education;2. be aware of the legal mandates of inclusive

education3. fully understand the benefits of inclusive

education4. identify line agencies in order to build a network

of support to the program6. identify various modes of inclusion7. appreciate inclusive education

All children have the right to education and learn together

Children should not be devalued or discriminated by being excluded

There are no legitimate reasons for segregation

Adults with disabilities describing themselves as survivors are demanding an end to segregation


Segregation teaches children to be fearful, ignorant and breeds prejudice

Researches show: - children do better academically and

socially in inclusive setting - inclusion help them develop relationships and prepare them for life in the mainstream


- Only inclusion has the potential to reduce fear and build friendship, respect and understanding

- There is no teaching or care in a segregated school that cannot take place in an ordinary school

- Given commitment and support, inclusive education demonstrates efficient use of resources


MDG in Education• Achieve universal primary education

EFA Goal • GOAL: Basic Competencies for

Everyone to Achieve Literacy for All


Magna Carta for Disabled Persons (Republic Act 7277, 1995) “provides for the rehabilitation, self-development and self-reliance of disabled persons and their integration into mainstream society.”

Policies and Guidelines in Special Education (Revised,1997)

“The ultimate goal of special education shall be the integration or mainstreaming of learners with special needs into the regular school system and eventually into the community. “


’… “ the fundamental principle of inclusive school is that all children should learn together, wherever possible, regardless of any difficulties or differences they may have” (Handbook on Inclusive Education, 1999).


“Institutionalization of SPED Programs in All Schools” – there should be at least one SPED Center organized in

every division and eventually in ALL Schools.


“Inclusive Education As Strategy for Increasing Participation Rate of Children” – to address and guarantee the right of children with special needs to receive appropriate education within the regular or inclusive classroom setting


A process by which schools attempt to respond to all pupils as individuals by reconsidering its curricular organization and provision

Schools build capacity to accept all pupils from local community thus reduces the need to exclude



Education of students with disabilities in regular setting under the responsibility of regular education teacher with support services from SPED teacher and other significant persons



Children with Learning Disabilities Children with Visual Impairment (the

Low Vision & the Blind) Children with Hearing Impairment ( the

Hard of Hearing and the Deaf) Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Children with Intellectual Disabilities Others



Children with Learning Disabilities

•Also known as learning disorders is a term used to describe a wide variety of learning problems.

*not a problem with intelligence or motivation*Kids with learning disabilities aren’t lazy or dumb but:

-Their brains are simply wired differently that affects how they receive and

process information; so they see, hear, and understand things differently. 

-there is trouble with learning new information and skills, and putting them to use

-most common types of learning disabilities involve problems with reading, writing, math,

reasoning, listening, and speaking.


Can kids with leaning disabilities succeed in schools?(Gina Kemp, M.A., Melinda Smith, M.A., and Jeanne Segal, Ph.D, February 2013.)

Most kids with learning disabilities are just as smart as everyone else. They just need to be taught in ways that are tailored to their unique learning styles. By learning more about learning disabilities in general, and your child’s learning difficulties in particular, you can help pave the way for success at school and beyond.


Preschool signs and symptoms of learning disabilities

-Problems pronouncing words

-Trouble finding the right word

-Difficulty rhyming

-Trouble learning the alphabet, numbers, colors, shapes, days of the week

-Difficulty following directions or learning routines

-Difficulty controlling crayons, pencils, and scissors or coloring within the lines

-Trouble with buttons, zippers, snaps, learning to tie shoes


Ages 5-9 signs and symptoms of learning disabilities

-Trouble learning the connection between letters and sounds

-Unable to blend sounds to make words

-Confuses basic words when reading

-Consistently misspells words and makes frequent reading errors

-Trouble learning basic math concepts

-Difficulty telling time and remembering sequences

-Slow to learn new skills


Getting help for children with learning disabilities

-Turning to specialists who can pinpoint and diagnose the problem is important.

-Encourage parents of children that show signs of LD so that they can with the school to make accommodations them and get specialized academic help.

-teachers must be very keen at identifying children’s behavior in school so that they can provide options/recommendations to the children’s parents and get the necessary help whenever available.


Children with Visual Impairment (the Low Vision & the Blind)

-Visual impairment is a decreased visual acuity and field of vision relative to the fully sighted population

-the term can cover a range of eye conditions from individuals with total congenital blindness to individuals whose sight is not considered normal but who have some useful vision



What can be done to help someone with visual impairment?

-Provide a good support and counseling for both the parent and the VI

--acceptance of the parties involved is important

--Provide the low vision child with low vision aids, brailing machine (if blind), large print books and other magnification and educational aids

-Provide adequate arrangements for the VI’s when mainstreamed in regular classes (visiting teachers, etc)


“Hearing Impaired”

- is a technically accurate description of someone who is hard of hearing or who has no hearing ... however, many Deaf, hard of hearing and late deafened people prefer not to be called impaired. They don't want to be primarily defined by their lack of (or poor) hearing.


Signs in children with Hearing Impairment

-is delayed in learning to talk, or they are not clear when they speak 

-Have difficulty understanding what people are saying?

-Seem to speak differently from other children his or her age?

-often asks you to repeat yourself 

-often talks very loudly

-Complain of earaches, ear pain or head noises?

-often turns up the volume of the TV so that it is very loud


Autism spectrum disorders (ASD)

-are complex developmental disorders that affect children by disrupting their ability to communicate and interact socially.

-since it is a spectrum disorder, there is wide variation in how it affects each person. Individuals with ASD vary widely in their needs, skills and abilities but most have common types of characteristics including:

a. difficulties with communication and social interactionb. repetitive interests and activitiesc. unusual attachments to objects or routines


Possible Signs of ASD (adated from First Signs). Note: A child does not need to demonstrate all of these behaviours in order to be referred for an assessment.

*seems disinterested in sharing enjoyment with others

*does not speak, or uses very few words

*appears to understand very little

*may seem deaf or does not respond when name is called

*has unusual sensitivity to light or sound


Possible signs and symptoms of ASD……………

*may walk on his or her toes

*when excited, may flap hands

*may not make eye contact as other children do

*may resist cuddles and hugs

*has frequent tantrums when required to do anything new or when asked to change activities without advance warning


Possible signs & symptoms of ASD……………

*does not point to show you interesting things

*does not engage in make-believe play

*may line up toys and obsess on strange objects

*does not show objects to others

*does not look where you are pointing

*like things to be done the same way all the time

*exhibits loss of social play or language skills


The symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can be categorised into two sets of behavioural problems. These are:






The main symptoms of impulsiveness are:

*being unable to wait for a turn

*acting without thinking

*interrupting conversations

*little or no sense of danger



The main symptoms of hyperactivity are:

*being unable to sit still, especially in calm or quiet surroundings

*constantly fidgeting

*being unable to settle to tasks

*excessive physical movement

*excessive talking


The main symptoms of inattentiveness are:

*a short attention span*being easily distracted*making careless mistakes, for example in schoolwork *appearing forgetful or losing things *being unable to stick at tasks that are tedious or time consuming*being unable to listen to or carry out instructions*being unable to concentrate*constantly changing activity or task*having difficulty organising tasks


For the Administrator and Teachers

For All Parents

For the Pupils


let us make curriculum and instruction

appropriate for all


Link with DepED (SPED-BEE) , LGUs, civic organizations for assistance

Coordinate with SPED Centers for models of the resources

Solicit parents commitment for support of students’ needs



Observe process of assessment Checklist on the Readiness for

Inclusion (by category - cognitive functioning - academic readiness - emotional maturity - social adaptability



Initial observation

(parents, teachers, or concerned individuals)

- Give exact description of the observed characteristics

Compare to checklist of normal development and high risks signal

Refer to principal, nurse, or appropriate local

agency (parent permission)

Get parents’ permission for screening and

identify services being received

Get parents’ permission for screening and

identify services being received

Parents agree


-Health, vision, hearing, educational

-get a copy of the child’s previous medical records

Medical problems noted

Educational problems noted

Notify parents, refer for appropriate

medical services

Refer for diagnostic study

Problem corrected by medical services

Problem corrected by medical services

Continue with present placement

Problem not corrected by

medical service


In depth diagnosis by the multi disciplinary team

Parents notified of right to


Continue observation in present placement

Problem confirmed

Multidisciplinary staff

conference: IEP developed

Placement with special services noted

in IEP

IEP committee reviews at least once a year and make necessary


Request parental

permission for classroom


Problem not confirmed

Model 1: Regular Schools with Special Education (SPED) Center as Resource Center for Inclusion

= “school within a school” concept

= assessment center that recommends


= provides learning resources

= provides support services

Model 2: Regular Schools with trained SPED teachers ncp

Full inclusion with the regular teacher only

Full inclusion with both the regular and SPED teacher

Inclusion with pull out program for

the special instruction from a SPED teacher or other specialists

Combinations of the above


SPED Teacher Support/ Shadow Teacher

Allied Medical Professionals - Physical Therapist - Occupational Therapist - Speech Pathologist Parents Volunteers


Team teaching by the regular and SPED teacher

Supplementary/complimentary instruction provided by the SPED teacher/other specialist

Provision of specific support services



Music Video: A Song Dedicated to all the Children with Special Needs
