Inception magazine cover analysis

Post on 18-May-2015

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Transcript of Inception magazine cover analysis

Inception Magazine Cover Analysis - Fonts

The font used for the masthead is incorporated into the image as the letters of the word “film” are represented as the tops of buildings. This will stand out to fans of the magazine who would expect to see the usual font used on the magazine title and would be intrigued by the drastic change. Its bold sans-serif style is also conventional of the masthead of a magazine cover.

The same bold, silver, sans-serif font is used for the majority of film titles on the cover which helps the audience establish the main films promoted in the magazine and also stands out as the most important information on the page as the font has an eye-catching shine effect to it. The use of the same font on different topics on a magazine cover is conventional of the form in order to help reveal the magazine identity and link the topics.

The text for the Tron promotion is in a font placed in a circular box which makes it stand out and separates it from the rest of the magazine which connotes it’s importance. These are often used to promote topics unrelated from the rest of the magazine cover.

Some coverlines are placed in a bolder font than others, particularly ones that relate to the main item of the magazine cover. For example the “mind-blowing” text in the coverline and the strapline are highlighted in red when the majority of the text is in white fonts. Magazines often do this to highlight important information.

Inception Magazine Cover Analysis - Colours

This magazine cover uses many conventional colours for the text such as red and white which are bold yet clear colours that are often associated with the magazine meaning the target audience will be familiar with the design.

The use of silver in the coverline for the film Inception connotes class which automatically sets the film in a good light to the reader. This is conventional of the genre as many films in it are often associated with class and sophisticated characters or themes etc.

The blue mist at the bottom of the page and the blue fade on the buildings in the image create a mystic feeling to the image which relates to the theme of dreaming and dream worlds in the film; this realtes to the psychological element of the film, establishing it within the psychological thriller genre. This also revealls an insight into the film that will increase audience interest.

Inception Magazine Cover Analysis – Image

The main image is placed conventionally in the centre of the page as a character is usually the central focus of a film magazine cover. This shows how the main coverline supports the scenes depicted in the image. The image includes the famous Hollywood actor Leonardo Dicaprio who many readers would recognise and possibly be fans of, therefore increasing public interst in both the film and the magazine.

The backdrop of the image is an aerial shot of a city and a number of buildings. This could be considered unusual as the backdrop for a magazine as it gives the image a supernatural element. However it could be considered conventional for a psychological thriller, therefore appealing to fans of this genre.

The mise-en-scene is used in the image to reveal elements of the film, for example his smart costume gives the character a professional, classy look and gives the film a sophisticated feel. Props are also used such as the silencer for the weapon he is holding which connotes action and violence which is a typical element of a thriller.