Inbox Blueprint Member's Area Walkthrough and Review

Post on 30-Nov-2014

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A complete walkthrough of Inbox Blueprint. Start Inboxing ==>$1000-Overnight It covers the 8 Steps of the Inbox Blueprint Course: Step 1: Addiction Meter Step 2: The Bait Step 3: The TYP Method Step 4: Email Machine Step 5: List Relationship Step 6: Payday Secrets Step 7: Easy Traffic Step 8: Unlimited Success. Start Inboxing ==>$1000-Overnight It also touches on the other parts of Inbox Blueprint: Helpful Resources Bonuses 5 Student Weekend Workshop Bonus Training Webinars Start Inboxing ==>$1000-Overnight Find out if Inbox Blueprint is for you! Start Inboxing ==>$1000-Overnight

Transcript of Inbox Blueprint Member's Area Walkthrough and Review

A Member’s Area Tour & Review

By Allan Ngo

What’s in store:

1. Step-by-Step Walkthrough2. Tips on using Inbox Blueprint 3. Real-Life Examples

8 Steps to 10K/month

Selection - Choosing a niche

Relation - Building rapport with your leads

Acquisition - Getting leads

Repetition - Getting unlimited leads

Breaking Down the Steps

Finding Your Niche


Step 1: Addiction Meter


Select a Profitable Niche (Topic)

One of the fundamental mistakes new email marketers make is picking the wrong niche to build a list and market products to.

A niche is a need in the marketplace. Some examples of niches are weight loss, getting your ex back, making money online, video game strategies, and cooking.

Competition is good. Don’t go into internet marketing thinking you have to reinvent the wheel and find the one amazing niche that nobody else has found. That is NOT the right approach.

Inbox Blueprint gives specific instructions on how to find a profitable niche

Where to Find Profitable Niches

Where to Find Profitable Niches

Where to Find Profitable Niches

It also gives 4 criteria that a niche must pass to prevent you spending A LOT of time working on a niche that's both unprofitable and not to your liking

This is very critical for beginners. This step along can save you weeks or months of frustration.

Step 1: Addiction Meter


Select a Profitable Niche to start Inboxing


How to Acquire Leads

Step 2: The Bait


Create an Opt-in Page where your traffic will eagerly sign-up to be your leads.

Opt-in page is the one-page website that Anik talks about.

This is where your reader signs-up to be your lead in exchange for a free gift (i.e. pdf, video, report etc.)

Here are some samples of opt-in pages

Did you notice something?

BOTH of them were giving something away for FREE for an e-mail address.

That’s how you increase your leads.

Personal Example:

My site is the

I created this page after watching the training from

Inbox Blueprint.’s Opt-in Page

How effective is this page?

It’s converting at 42.6%

This means that almost half of the people who view this page end up as

my lead.

I have a confession to make... I don’t know how to design.

Much less create a webpage.

I simply outsourced this task to A site where freelancers do various tasks

starting at $5.

I simply gave a sample opt-in page and got a photo of Bo

Sanchez and asked him to put it together.

This is my peg

We can refer you to the person who did this for me if

you decide to join Inbox Blueprint.

Step 2: The Bait


An Opt-in page that will attract and keep traffic and become leads


Monetize Immediately

Step 3: TYP Method


To get you making money (instantly) even if you're just

starting out

I wish I knew about this sooner. It would’ve saved me at least a year in trying to monetize my first site when I started out.

This is where the 5 students that

Anik taught made their first $1,000


Anik said that each lead is worth $1/month? Don't you think people will pay to get them?

Yes, they will and that's why the TYP method was born.

This is how it works

Your lead signs in your opt-in page

Instead of going to a standard THANK YOU PAGE

They are sent to a different page like this:

Other company’s website

When they fill up the form and hit DOWNLOAD FREE.

The owner of that page will pay you between $0.25 - $1.00 per lead

You haven’t sent an e-mail yet but you can already monetize your site.

Anik teaches: *Where to find these offers*The different types of payouts*What he recommends beginners to use.

It's a great way for part-timers to recover their paid advertising and it's psychologically powerful to know

you've earn you first income early on.

It's a validation that you're doing something right.

Step 3: The TYP Method


Select your TYP offer and start applying to be an affiliate


Where Automation Happens

Step 4: E-mail Machine


Choose and set-up your e-mail service (automation)

An autoresponder (email service that allows you to send e-mails on auto-

pilot) automates 98% of your service

It is a part-timer's best friend. It works 24/7 without complaining.

Funny story, a friend of mine recently told me that she was in awe of my work ethic. I was wondering what she was talking about. Apparently she was referring to an e-mail I

send everyday at 8am called “Thought of the Day”

What she didn’t know was they were being sent automatically. I just spent a Sunday afternoon and did one

month’s worth of e-mail.

Amazing, huh?!

What e-mail service did I use to do that?

That’s what Anik is going to talk about: 3 of the top email service he


Get Response



Other things he teaches:

How to properly track your e-mails performance to know :

* How many are opening your e-mails? * Who are clicking on your links? * Are they marking your e-mails as spam? * What you can do to make these numbers work in your favor

Step 4: E-mail Machine


Choose and set-up your e-mail service (autoresponder)


Building Relationships

Step 5: List Relationship


Turning Leads into Believers

If you're looking for a new restaurant to eat, how do you find one?

1. Ask your friends

2. Look for reviews from sites like

The methodologies are different but the reason we get their advice is because of...


We believe them because past experience have proven that you can

rely on their advice.


This module aims to help you get that same level of trust from

your leads

In this module, you’ll learn:

1. What sort of e-mails to send:

Content E-mails

Relationship E-mails

Sales / Promotion E-mails

How often you should e-mail

How to never run out of things to say (and how to say it)

Copying is key: The importance of Swipe files

Other topics:


They didn't opt in to buy a bunch of products. They opted in to learn more

about your niche

Invest heavily in relationships (GIVING)

You don't want them to feel pressured -- but reassured

Step 5: List Relationship


Write your first 7 e-mails and queue them up.


Converting Leads

Step 6: Payday Secrets


Turning Believers into Customers

Relationship > Trust > Respond to your promotion

Relationship > Trust > Respond to your promotion

How to promote great products they’ll love



Different methods to monetize the list

In this step, you’ll learn:

* How to monetize your list using affiliate marketing (& where to find products to promote to your list)

* How to use affiliate networks to find multiple products you can promote.

* 3 Criteria you should consider BEFORE promoting a product

* How may times should you promote an offer to your list.

* What stats to look at to see the profitability of a product

* Different ways to monetize your leads --> CPA (Cost per Action) / CPL (Cost per Lead)

You can monetize in two ways with Inbox Blueprint

1. Affiliate Marketing (promoting other people’s


2. Selling Your Own Product

Inbox Blueprint touches on creating your own products BUT doesn’t go deep in helping you

create one.

The program is more suited on leveraging already existing products through affiliate


Step 6: Payday Secrets


Strategically find and filter affiliate offers that you can promote to your list.

(Outside from those already given in the course)


Get people lining up

Step 7: Easy Traffic


Make people "virtually" line-up to opt-in

In this step, you’ll learn:

How to get people to visityour opt-in page using both FREE and PAID traffic

There is always a trade off with FREE and PAID traffic

FREE Traffic => If you have more time than money.PAID Traffic => If you have more money than time.

You can still use both of them at the same time.

Free Traffic Sources

1. Guest Blogging2. Forums3. Blog 4. Commenting

5. Twitter6. Yahoo! Answers7. Craigslist8. Solo Ad Swaps

Personal Example:

Guest Blogging

My Guest post in

High traffic site = >4,800 likes/shares

I got a link in my by-line to drive traffic to my site.

Guess where they went after clicking?

That’s right --> to my opt-in page

For this guest post, I got 50 new leads

Now on to paid traffic.

Paid Traffic Sources

1. Solo Ads2. Facebook Ads

Personal Example:

Facebook Ads

My first blog was

I gave away a free ebook I co-wrote.This is how my ad looked like.

It performed pretty well. It got 9.266% CTR (Click through rate)

Regular CTRs range from 2-4%

I got some good traffic from this ad.

Both traffic sources are good.

If you start earning from your list, I would advice to invest in advertising.

It’s another ingredient for part-timers to succeed and is an important element of automation.

Step 7: Easy Traffic


Focus on 2-3 Traffic source to spend your time or money on


Fine-Tuning Your System

Step 8: Unlimited Success


Learn to assess the HEALTH of your e-mails (deliverability, open rates, click-through rate,

earnings per click)

In this final step, you’ll learn:

* How to make sure your emails are actually SEEN and READ.

* How to Write headlines your readers can't resist

* Why you should spend the most time on SUBJECT LINES and HEADLINES

What NOT to write in your emails and AVOID the SPAM FOLDER

What to do when you're losing your leads or they simply don't want to buy from you.

Step 8: Unlimited Success


Ability to assess and adjust your business especially your e-mails to

get the best returns.

That’s it for the 8 Steps!

Now on to the other parts of the course

Bonuses5 Student Weekend Workshop

Weekly Training VideosHelpful Resources


1. 8 Action Checklist2. Getting Subscribers using Solo Ads (Without Going Broke) 3. Anik's Favorite Headlines Swipe File4. Anik's Favorite Subject Line Swipe Files 5. Anik's Favorite Power Words Swipe Files

6. Opt-in page Sampler Swipe File7. E-mail sampler Swipe File 8. Fast Outsourcing Package 9. Fast Free Giveaway Reports

5 Student Weekend Workshop

5 Student Weekend Workshop

The WHOLE video of how the 5 students did $1000 overnight

Suggested Option

Go through all the Videos BEFORE going through steps 1-8.

It touches on all the points from the course and will give you a very good overview of what you are about to do


Instead of getting overwhelmed, you'll be excited when it's your turn to go through the course

Weekly Training Videos

These are tutorials done by Anik’s coaches to help you discuss IN MORE DETAIL the steps being taught in Inbox Blueprint.

Helpful Resources


1. Optin Page Templates2. Thank You Page Templates3. Anik’s Secret Drawer (List of profitable affiliate products)

Helpful Resources


Do-It-Yourself videos that deals mostly with technology that will be a hurdle for total newbies.

These will be a good resource especially in getting you started with your domain name, hosting etc.

That’s the Member’s Area of Inbox Blueprint!

My Assessment

This is a very smart way to start an online business.

It selects the only the most important aspects of internet marketing (i.e. one page

website instead of spending tons of time writing a blog no one reads). And more importantly puts

them IN ORDER so you know what to do next.

There’s A TON of information out there on doing online business. Yet often the problem is not that the content is incorrect, but in the SEQUENCE by which you implement them is not ideal. (i.e. you build a strong blog or Facebook page but are clueless on what to sell / promote)

You skipped step 1(Finding a profitable niche) and went straight to content creation which

makes it harder for you to monetize.

This course puts you through the right sequence of steps structured in a way that

allows you to understand WHY you are doing each step and HOW to do them correctly.

Lastly, it OFFERS a clear path to monetization both immediate and

continuous that satisfies both our need for "instant" gratification and the stability of long-

term income.


Please don't expect results like the people in the case study who each earned over $1000 overnight.

You'll have to INVEST time, effort and money to make this work. Remember, this is going to be an online

BUSINESS, don't fool yourself into believing that you'll make and keep growing money instantly.

This is a front-heavy industry meaning a lot of the hard work is done at the start.

Once it's up and running, you can enjoy flexibility in your time as your business can run on auto-pilot with minimal supervision.

The better effort you put up-front the better your chances of living the ideal lifestyle of making money while

you sleep.

Thrilling times ahead!

If you join Inbox Blueprint, J3 Patino of and I will be

glad to share our personal anecdotes, experience and adviceto our fellow Pinoy Inboxers.

We’ll be your classmates during this program.

Details to follow when Inbox Blueprint closes.

If you’re ready to be an Inboxer,Simply click on the link below and join us!