Implications of Atmospheric Differential Refraction …atmospheric differential refraction, the...

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02Implications of Atmospheric Differential Refraction for Adaptive

Optics Observations1

Henry G. Roe,2

PASP, in press.


Many adaptive optics systems operate by measuring the distortion of the wavefront in onewavelength range and performing the scientific observations in a second, different wavelengthrange. One common technique is to measure wavefront distortions at wavelengths <∼1 µm whileoperating the science instrument at wavelengths>∼ 1 µm. The index of refraction of air decreasessharply from shorter visible wavelengths to near-infrared wavelengths. Therefore, because theadaptive optics system is measuring the wavefront distortion in one wavelength range and thescience observations are performed at a different wavelength range, residual image motion occursand the maximum exposure time before smearing of the image can be significantly limited. Wedemonstrate the importance of atmospheric differential refraction, present calculations to predictthe effect of atmospheric differential refraction, and finally discuss the implications of atmosphericdifferential refraction for several current and proposed observatories.

Subject headings: atmospheric effects — instrumentation: adaptive optics

1. Introduction

Adaptive Optics (AO) has been used for astro-nomical observations for more than a decade andnumerous medium-to-large telescopes around theworld are now equipped with AO systems. If anAO system’s wavefront sensor operates at differ-ent wavelengths than are being observed by thescience instrument, and no correction is made foratmospheric differential refraction, the target ob-ject will appear to drift with respect to the scienceinstrument. An example of the problem this phe-nomenon can introduce is shown in Fig. 1 whichis the difference of two images of Saturn’s moonTitan taken just 2.5 minutes apart while contin-uously tracking and correcting on Titan with theKeck II telescope’s AO system. The maximum ex-posure time possible without degrading the spatialresolution of the data is significantly restricted ifno correction for atmospheric differential refrac-tion is made.

Adaptive optics systems for astronomical ob-serving operate by splitting the incoming light intotwo beams, one of which goes to the wavefront sen-sor of the AO system and the goes to the scienceinstrument. In many cases a dichroic optic is used

1Data presented herein were obtained at the W.M. KeckObservatory, which is operated as a scientific partnershipamong the California Institute of Technology, the Univer-sity of California, and the National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration. The Observatory was made possible bythe generous financial support of the W.M. Keck Founda-tion.

2Department of Astronomy, 601 Campbell Hall,University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-3411.(

as the beamsplitter in order to send visible light(<∼ 1µm) to the wavefront sensor and infraredlight (>∼ 1µm) to the science instrument. Exam-ples of telescopes with AO systems that can oper-ate in this way include the 3-m Shane telescope atLick Observatory (Gavel et al. 2000), the CFHT3.6-m telescope (Rigaut et al. 1998), the Gem-ini North 8-m telescope (Graves et al. 2000), and

Fig. 1.— The difference between two raw images ofTitan taken just 153 seconds apart with NIRSPEC’sSCAM detector on the Keck II telescope while con-tinuously guiding/correcting with the AO system onTitan. Each image is the result of three 10 secondexposures. At the start of the first sequence of expo-sures Titan was at an elevation of 57.◦86 and an hourangle of 2.25; 153 seconds later when the second set ofexposures started Titan was at an elevation of 57.◦26.Titan’s declination was 16.◦73. The 1-pixel wide slitof NIRSPEC’s spectrometer is across Titan’s disk andthe apparent motion of Titan due to the effect of at-mospheric differential refraction is obvious along theelevation vector.


both of the W.M. Keck Observatory’s 10-m tele-scopes (Wizinowich et al. 2000). The wavefrontsensor measures the distortions to the wavefrontand a correction is calculated and applied to a de-formable mirror. The first order of distortion thatan AO system is called upon to correct is simplyimage motion, commonly known as ‘tip/tilt’. Ifsignificant tip/tilt residuals remain after AO cor-rection then the resulting data will be of lowerspatial resolution, regardless of how well the AOsystem corrects for the higher order terms of fo-cus, astigmatism, coma, and so forth. Minimizingtip/tilt residuals is critical to achieving optimumperformance from an AO system. The effect ofatmospheric differential refraction is to introducea systematic tip/tilt error that an AO system willnot correct for unless specifically accounted for inthe AO control software. For ease in the remainderof this report we will refer to atmospheric differ-ential refraction as “ADR”.

Problems due to ADR arise when the AO sys-tem is correcting on visible wavelength light andthe science instrument is observing at infraredwavelengths. From visible to infrared wavelengthsthe refractive index of air decreases sharply, asshown in Fig. 2. A star’s visible pointing centeralways appears at higher elevation than a star’sinfrared pointing center, except when the star isat the zenith. That the two pointing centers donot coincide is not unto itself a problem for thetypical AO system, however the offset betweenthe two pointing centers is not constant. With-out some consideration for the effect of ADR, aproperly performing AO system will hold the vis-ible pointing center of the star fixed, relative toboth the wavefront sensor and the science camera.However as time progresses and the star movesin elevation, the infrared pointing center will driftwith respect to the visible pointing center, andthus in the infrared the star appears to drift withrespect to the science instrument. Observers mustconsider this effect in determining the maximumexposure times in order to avoid ‘trailed’ images,unless some other compensation is made.

In this paper we present calculations demon-strating when and how much of a problem ADRcan be for an AO system. Using data taken withthe AO system on the Keck II telescope we showthat in a long exposure, or sequence of exposures,the most significant uncorrected tip-tilt motion isdue to the effect of ADR. We further show thatthe effect of ADR is dependent on the spectraltype, or color, of the star being used as a refer-ence source. Finally, we discuss the implications of

Fig. 2.— The refractive index of air as a function ofwavelength across the visible and near-infrared spec-trum at standard temperature and pressure in the ab-sence of water vapor.

ADR for AO observing with current and currentlyproposed telescopes. The code used in these cal-culations is available with the electronic version ofthis paper or by request from the author. Whilethe code is written in the commonly used IDL pro-gramming language, it could easily be translatedto other languages. We encourage others to inves-tigate the implications of ADR for their favouritetelescope, site, target, observing strategy, etc..

2. Theoretical Calculations

The equations necessary for calculating the ef-fect of ADR are given by Schubert & Walterscheid(2000). From Schubert & Walterscheid (2000) therefractive index of air n at pressure p millibar,temperature T Kelvin, partial pressure of watervapor pw millibar3, and wavelength λ microns is

n (λ, p, T, pw) = 1+ (1)[

64.328 +29498.1

146− λ−2+


41− λ−2

] [







1−7.956× 10−3





where ps is 1013.25 millibar and Ts is 288.15 K.For a given refractive index n the angle betweenthe true zenith distance zt and the apparent zenithdistance za is well approximated by

R ≡ zt − za ≃ 206265


n2− 1



tan zt arcsec


3Schubert & Walterscheid (2000) contains a typo that re-sulted in a missing factor of 10−6 for the water vapor cor-rection. Equation 2 here is correct.


for zenith distances less than about 80◦. Observerstypically work at much more modest zenith dis-tances of zt < 40◦− 50◦ where this approximationis extremely good.

Atmospheric differential refraction between twowavelengths (e.g. λvis of an AO wavefront sensorand λir of a science instrument) is then

Rvis −Rir = (3)



n2vis − 1


−n2ir − 1



tan zt arcsec

Note that equation 4 is written to give a posi-tive angular distance since the zenith distance ofthe visible pointing center, zvis, will be less thanthat of the infrared pointing center, zir. The truezenith distance (zt) is related to latitude of the ob-server (φ), declination of the target (δ), and hourangle of the target (H) by

cos (zt) = sin (φ) sin (δ) + cos (φ) cos (δ) cos (H)(4)

To relate the ADR offset of equation 4 to the(x,y) coordinates of a detector array oriented arbi-trarily with respect to the sky, we introduce sev-eral angles. As shown in Fig. 3 the parallacticangle (ParAng) is the angle from the sky Northvector counter-clockwise to the elevation-up vec-tor. Position angle (PosAng) is the angle fromthe increasing Y-direction of the detector arrayclockwise to the sky North vector. Finally, the dif-ference of PosAng minus ParAng gives the anglefrom the increasing Y-direction clockwise to theelevation up vector. In the (x,y) coordinates ofthe detector array the offset from visible pointingcenter to infrared pointing center is then

Xoffset =Rir −Rvis

PlateScalesin (PosAng − ParAng)


Yoffset =Rir −Rvis

PlateScalecos (PosAng − ParAng) ,

(6)where PlateScale is arcseconds per pixel of the ar-ray. The parallactic angle (ParAng) is a functionof hour angle, declination, and latitude,

tan (ParAng) =sin (H)

cos (δ) tan (φ)− sin (δ) cos (H).


In the coordinate system of elevation and az-imuth, the motion of the infrared pointing centerrelative to the visible pointing center due to ADRis always along the elevation vector. However,most observations are made using a field rotator




to ZenithPo



Fig. 3.— Schematic clarifying definition of positionangle and parallactic angle. The parallactic angle(ParAng) is defined as the angle measured from thevector pointing north on the sky counter-clockwise tothe vector pointing to the zenith. The position angle(PosAng) is defined as the angle measured from thepositive Y-direction on the detector array clockwise tothe vector pointing north on the sky.

such that instrument coordinates remain fixed rel-ative to right ascension and declination. Thereforethe instrument coordinate system rotates relativeto elevation and azimuth. The important pointis that the instrument coordinate system rotatesabout the visible pointing center. Thus, the ef-fective motion of the infrared pointing center ininstrument coordinates is not along the elevationvector except when the parallactic angle is un-changing. In the images of Titan differenced inFig. 1 the parallactic angle was nearly unchang-ing and therefore the motion due to ADR appearsalong the elevation vector. In later examples theparallactic angle is changing rapidly and then theapparent motion is not along the elevation vector.

Equation 4 gives the instantaneous offset be-tween visible and infrared pointing centers, but itis the first derivative of Rir − Rvis with respectto time that causes the problem addressed in thispaper. In the extreme case of an AO equippedtelescope at the South Pole, ADR, as described inthis current report, is not a problem since targetsdo not move in elevation angle.

In order to find the instantaneous rate of imagemotion due to ADR we define the constant

β =206265



n2ir − 1


−n2vis − 1




and take the partial derivative of Xoffset andYoffset with respect to hour angle.


∂HXoffset = (9)

β sin (PosAng − ParAng) sec2 (zt)∂zt∂H

−β tan (zt) cos (PosAng − ParAng)∂ParAng


∂HYoffset = (10)

β cos (PosAng − ParAng) sec2 (zt)∂zt∂H

+β tan (zt) sin (PosAng − ParAng)∂ParAng


The partial derivatives of zt and ParAng with re-spect to H are

∂Hzt = (11)

cos (δ) cos (φ) sin (H)√

1− (cos (H) cos (δ) cos (φ) + sin (δ) sin (φ))2

∂HParAng = (12)

cos (H) cos (δ) tan (φ)− sin (δ)

sin2 (H) + (cos (H) sin (δ)− cos (δ) tan (φ))2

The combination of eqns. 8, 12, and 13 with


dtH =

π radian

1800 minute(13)

into eqns. 10 and 11 gives the instantaneous rateof image motion in the x/y-plane of the detector.The IDL routine adr included inthe electronic version of this paper calculates thisinstantaneous rate of image motion.

Finding the maximum exposure time allowedbefore the image motion exceeds some given limitis not as straightforward as simply dividing thedesired image motion limit by the instantaneousrate of image motion at the start of the expo-sure. This is because the image motion is usu-ally curved in the x/y-plane and because thesecond partial derivatives of Xoffset and Yoffset

with respect to time are not constants. There-fore, the most direct method of determining themaximum exposure time is to calculate Xoffset

and Yoffset with fine time sampling and simplysearch for the point at which the maximum de-sired image motion has been exceeded. The IDLroutine adr, included in the elec-tronic version of this paper, calculates the maxi-mum allowed exposure time.

Fig. 4.— (a) predicted image motion and (b) maxi-mum exposure times for an observation at 1.65 µm (H-band) of a target at declination +30◦ with the Keck10-meter telescope assuming an effective wavelengthof 0.65 µm for the wavefront sensor of the AO sys-tem. Each hour angle is marked by a circle and a linepointing toward the zenith at that moment. The mo-tion due to ADR is not necessarily along the elevationvector. Note that (a) does not depend on telescopeaperture, but does depend on wavelengths of observa-tion, declination of target, and latitude of observatory.The origin of the coordinate system in (a) lies at thevisible wavelength pointing center, which the AO sys-tem is holding steady. Maximum exposure time in (b)is calculated for a 10-meter diameter telescope and as-suming maximum allowed image motion of 0.25 of theFWHM of the diffraction limited point spread func-tion.

Output from these calculations for an observa-tion with the Keck telescope is shown in Fig. 4.The predicted motion shown in Fig. 4a dependson site, but not diameter of telescope, while themaximum exposure times shown in Fig. 4b arebased on the 10-meter diameter of the Keck tele-scopes. A smaller telescope has a coarser diffrac-tion limit and therefore is less affected by the issueof drift due to differential refraction, however somesmaller telescopes are at lower sites (e.g. the Shane3-m of Lick Observatory) where differential refrac-tion is greater. A smaller telescope at a higher al-titude, higher latitude site suffers less from ADRthan a larger telescope at a lower altitude, lowerlatitude site. The implications of ADR for severalcurrent and proposed telescopes are discussed insection 4.


A critical parameter in calculating the implica-tions of ADR is the effective wavelength of thereference source on the wavefront sensor. Thewavefront sensor of an AO system is often photonlimited and therefore designed to have as broad awavelength bandpass as possible. In the case ofa broad wavefront sensor bandpass, the effectivewavelength of the reference source on the wave-front sensor depends on the color of source, as wewill show in section 3 using observed data. Usu-ally of less importance is the effective wavelengthof the target on the science instrument since thevariation of air’s refractive index with wavelengthis much less in the near-infrared than in the visi-ble.

3. Data Reduction and Analysis

All the data presented here were taken usingthe W.M. Keck Observatory’s near-infrared spec-trograph NIRSPEC behind the AO system on theKeck II 10-meter telescope. NIRSPEC containstwo infrared arrays: a 1024 × 1024 InSb AL-ADDIN for spectroscopy and a 256 × 256 HgCdTePICNIC array as a slit-viewing camera (SCAM).The images of Titan shown in Fig. 1 were taken2001 January 11 (UT) during high-spectral reso-lution long-exposure spectroscopy for a project ofEliot Young’s. This observing run was the firsttime we noticed the problems presented by atmo-spheric differential refraction when observing withAO. The images shown in Fig. 1 are 30-second ex-posures taken just 2.5 minutes apart and clearlyshow a movement of ∼1 pixel, or ∼1/2 the fullwidth at half maximum (fwhm) of the diffractionlimit.

During the nights of 2001 August 20 and 21(UT) James Lloyd and James Graham observedseveral binary stars as part of an ongoing searchfor low-mass companions. Images were taken ofeach field nearly continuously for 30 to 60 minuteswhile neither adjusting the parameters of the AOsystem nor offsetting the pointing of the telescope.We first discuss platescale and position angle cal-ibration using several Hipparcos binary star sys-tems. We then focus on data on two of Lloyd &Graham’s stars (HIP 110 and HIP 13117) to showthat on multi-minute time scales atmospheric dif-ferential refraction is the dominant image blurringeffect that is uncorrected by the AO system. Fur-ther, we use these data to show that the spectraltype or color of the star is important when con-sidering how to correct for ADR.

Fig. 5.— Example images of HIP 110 and HIP13117. These images have been processed using stan-dard near-infrared techniques of sky-subtraction andflat-fielding. Bad pixels have been replaced with themedian of their nearest 4 to 8 good neighbors.

3.1. Calibration of Platescale and Position


The platescale of SCAM behind AO was de-signed to well sample the core of a diffractionlimited point spread function (PSF) in the near-infrared with a pixel size of approximately 0.′′017.In order to determine the true platescale of SCAMbehind AO and confirm the accuracy of theinstrument-reported position angle, four Hippar-cos binary systems chosen for their small uncer-tainty in separation and small parallax were ob-served earlier on the evenings of 2001 August 20and 21 (UT) by de Pater et al.. The details ofthese plate scale calibrations are given in Table 1.Each Hipparcos field was imaged at a number ofpositions around SCAM’s field-of-view in order tocheck for distortions. As noted in Table 1, threeof the four fields were imaged a second time af-ter a 90◦ rotation of SCAM’s field-of-view. All


Table 1

Details of plate-scale calibration.

Coadds× Assumed SCAM Hipparcos Measured DerivedStar # of Exposure P.A. of Reported Measured Binary Separation Plate Scale

Name images Time Binarya P.A.b P.A.c Separation (pixels) (mas/pixel)

HIP 83634 14 10×0.1 s 306.◦4 92.◦0 92.◦13±0.◦23 1.′′436±0.′′007 87.03±0.51 16.50±0.013HIP 83634 17 10×0.1 s 306.◦4 2.◦0 1.◦95±0.◦29 1.′′436±0.′′007 87.24±0.49 16.46±0.012HIP 89947 6 50×0.2 s 340.◦1 92.◦0 92.◦33±0.◦53 1.′′642±0.′′006 98.67±0.30 16.64±0.008HIP 91362 10 50×0.2 s 223.◦2 82.◦0 82.◦63±0.◦35 1.′′050±0.′′009 61.88±0.52 16.97±0.020HIP 91362 10 50×0.2 s 223.◦2 -8.◦0 -7.◦21±0.◦34 1.′′050±0.′′009 62.29±0.31 16.86±0.017HIP 100847 10 10×1.0 s 129.◦ -8.◦0 -8.◦28±0.◦24 0.′′871±0.′′010 51.59±0.23 16.88±0.021HIP 100847 10 10×1.0 s 129.◦ -98.◦0 -97.◦87±0.◦55 0.′′871±0.′′010 51.93±0.36 16.77±0.022

aPosition angle of secondary star relative to primary star as reported in the Hipparcos catalog (ESA 1997).

bPosition angle of the SCAM detector reported by the instrument hardware. See Fig. 3 for definition.

cPosition angle of the SCAM detector determined from the data assuming the position angle of the binary pair given in ESA(1997) is perfect.

of these data were taken in the H-band filter andwere processed using standard infrared techniquesof sky subtraction and flat-field correction usingdata taken on the twilight sky. To measure thex,y offset between two stars on the same image werebinned the image by a factor of 8 (64 new pixelsfor each original pixel) using sampling and thencalculated the autocorrelation function

A = FFT−1 (FFT (R)Conjugate (FFT (R))) ,(14)

where R is the rebinned image, FFT represents aforward fast fourier transform, and FFT−1 repre-sents an inverse fast fourier transform. The posi-tion of the secondary maxima in A gives the x,yoffset between the two stars. Table 1 gives theHipparcos measured position angle (PA) of eachbinary pair, the PA of the detector as reported bythe instrument hardware, and the PA of the detec-tor measured from the data assuming no motionof the stars since the epoch of the Hipparcos ob-servations. Further, Table 1 gives the Hipparcosmeasurement of angular separation for each pair,our measured separation in pixels, and the impliedplate scale for our detector. For the current workwe adopt a plate scale of 0.′′0167±0.′′0002 per pixel,although we note that most of the uncertainty inthis determination of plate scale appears to be dueto inaccuracies in the ‘known’ separation of thebinaries in the Hipparcos catalog, suggesting thatthese binaries have moved slightly in separationsince the epoch of Hipparcos (1991.25). The posi-tion angle determination shown in Table 1 demon-strates that the instrument-reported position an-gle is accurate to better than ∼ 0.◦5.

3.2. Measurement of Differential Refrac-


The relevant ephemeris data and details of theobservations of HIP 110 and HIP 13117 are shownin Tables 2 and 3. Note that two separate se-quences of data were taken on HIP 110. All of thestellar data were taken in the K-prime filter, eachimage containing 100 coadds of 0.40 second ex-posure. Each pair of binary stars were aligned onthe chip to avoid regions of bad pixels. The imageswere processed using standard infrared techniquesof bias subtraction and flat-field correction usingdata taken on the twilight sky. Those pixels thatwere flagged as bad were replaced with the me-dian of their nearest 4-8 good neighbors. Exampleframes from both fields are shown in Fig. 5.

The goal of this exercise is to track the motionof a star across the several dozen images that makeup an exposure sequence. To do this we extract aregion of roughly ±50 pixels around the star fromeach image of the sequence. In essence we thenoversample by a factor of 4 and find the peak ofthe cross-correlation function for every pair of im-ages in this extracted stack. From this matrix ofquarter-pixel resolution offsets between every pairof images we calculate a least-squares fit for therelative offsets of the images. Since each field con-tains two stars we can do this for each star andobtain an internal cross-check on our method oftracking image motion. Figure 6 shows the im-age motion during the second sequence of HIP 110observations as measured from each of the com-ponents of HIP 110, which agree well with eachother. This good agreement gives us confidencethat our method of detecting image motion is not


Table 2

Binary stars used for fitting for the effects of ADR.

Parallax Separationa Spectral

Star mV (milliarcsec) B − V a V − Ia ∆HIPmaga,b (arcsec) Typec

HIP 110 8.61 20.42±1.91 0.787±0.003 0.820±0.007 0.64±0.03 1.197 GVHIP 13117 11.69 29.67±9.34 1.460±0.022 1.85±0.10 0.64±0.22 1.679 MV

aFrom the Hipparcos catalog (ESA 1997).

bMagnitude difference between the two stars of the binary in the ESA (1997) defined passband.

cSpectral type and class estimated from the tables of Drilling & Landolt (2000) using mV , parallax, B − V , andV − I.

Fig. 6.— Image motion during second sequence ofHIP 110 observations as derived independently fromeach component of the HIP 110 binary.

affected by issues such as bad pixels, residual flat-field noise, read-noise, etc. that would differ be-tween the two stars.

For each of the six observed sequences (2 com-ponents of HIP 110 observed in two separate se-quences and 2 components of HIP 13117) we usethe downhill simplex method ‘amoeba’ of Press,Teukolsky, Vetterling, & Flannery (1992) as im-plemented in the IDL software package to fit forthe effect of ADR. The fixed parameters are: thezenith distance of each observation, the parallacticangle of each observation, the relative (x,y) off-set of each observation, the platescale, the posi-tion angle of the SCAM array, the atmosphericpressure and temperature, the partial pressure ofatmospheric water vapor, and the effective wave-

length of the star on SCAM. The parameter ofinterest being fit for is the effective wavelength ofthe reference star on the wavefront sensor. Alsoallowed to vary is the (x,y) position where thestar would appear on SCAM at the effective wave-length of the wavefront sensor. This (x,y) positionis constant within an observing sequence. The re-sults of these fits are shown with their correspond-ing observations in Fig. 7 and are summarized inTable 3. For the purposes of this fitting we as-sumed a typical atmospheric pressure and tem-perature for Mauna Kea of 456 mm Hg and 2◦C(Cohen & Cromer 1988). We also assumed a watervapor partial pressure of zero, although we foundno variation in our results over a reasonable rangeof water vapor partial pressures for the summit ofMauna Kea.

A thorough examination of the uncertainties inour determination of effective wavelength on thewavefront sensor is difficult, primarily because theresiduals of the fits (dashed lines in Fig. 7) areclearly not randomly distributed. While most ofthe residual image motion is attributable to ADR,there appear to be other phenomena causing resid-ual image motion at the several pixel level.

One method for better understanding the un-certainties in best-fit λeff is to refit λeff to a ran-domly chosen fraction of the observations. Foreach observational sequence we randomly choseone half of the observations and refit for λeff .By repeating this procedure 1000 times for eachobservational sequence we made the error esti-mates shown in Table 3. The major source of sys-tematic uncertainty in λeff is the uncertainty inplatescale, which adds an additional ±0.004 µmuncertainty to the values of λeff in Table 3. Thisis not a truly rigorous exercise in error analysis,however it does show that the uncertainties in λeff

for HIP 110 and HIP 13117 (∼< 0.025 µm) are


Fig. 7.— Image motion for the brighter component of each binary pair. (a) is the first sequence of HIP 110observations, (b) is the second sequence of HIP 110, and (c) is HIP 13117. The triangles mark the relative positionsof the star from image to image. The solid line is the best-fit for the motion due to ADR. The dashed lines connecteach observation (triangle) with its corresponding point along the best-fit solid line. As shown in Fig. 6 the imagemotion derived from each binary component is nearly identical and therefore the fits to the secondary componentsare not shown in this figure, but the resulting best-fit effective wavelengths are included in Table 3. Also shown on(a), (b), and (c) are gray arrows pointing to the zenith at the start and end of each sequence of observations. (d), (e),and (f) show the image motion residuals of the observations in (a), (b), and (c) after subtracting the motion due toADR. Note the asymmetry of the residuals in the case of HIP110 in (d) and (e). This is due to the close separation ofHIP110 influencing the AO correction as described in the text. The orientation of the binary pair in each observationsequence is indicated by an arrow.


much less than the difference between λeff for HIP110 and HIP 13117 (∼ 0.11 µm). As expected, wefind that HIP 13117, an MV star, has a redderλeff than HIP 110, which is a GV star. Our de-tection of the color difference between these twostars is real and shows that to fully correct for theeffect of ADR the color of the AO calibrator sourcemust be taken into account.

Figure 7 shows that the largest source of resid-ual image motion is accounted for by ADR, how-ever residuals of up to 1 to 2 pixels (0.′′017 −

−0.′′034) remain, which are significant given thatthe diffraction limit resolution is 0.′′046 at 2.15µm. The source of the largest remaining resid-uals is most likely due to the binary nature ofthese stars. The AO system uses light from thebrighter of the two stars to measure the wavefrontdistortion. In these observations a 1” field stop isemployed in front of the wavefront sensor in or-der to block the light of the dimmer star fromreaching the sensor. With binaries of closer sep-aration, moments of worse seeing can cause lightfrom the dimmer star to leak in through the fieldstop. During these moments the AO correctionis worse and the residual tip-tilt error in the di-rection of the position angle of the binary will belarger. In support of this argument that the largertip-tilt residuals we observe are due to this binaryeffect, we show in Fig. 7d-f the residuals of tip-tilt image motion after subtracting the effect ofADR. For both observations of HIP110 these resid-uals are extremely asymmetrical in the x-y plane,with the larger residuals parallel to the positionangle of HIP110. In these data the position an-gle of HIP110 is approximately orthogonal to thedirection of motion due to ADR. The residuals inthe direction of motion due to ADR are approx-imately gaussian distributed with σ = 0.3 pixels.The stars of HIP13117 are more widely separatedand thus the AO correction is less affected by thisbinary star issue. This is apparent in that theresiduals of image motion measured for HIP13117are roughly symmetrically distributed in the x-yplane with a standard deviation of 0.3 pixels.

4. Implications for Observing

Ideally one would know λeff of the referencesource on the WFS and λeff of the science targeton the science instrument. The AO system couldthen continuously correct for the calculated effectof differential refraction by inserting tip-tilt mo-tions in order to keep the science target steady onthe science instrument. Some AO systems have

implemented this type of correction. However,in some cases for practical reasons implementingthis correction may be difficult, or λeff of the ref-erence source on the wave-front sensor may notbe well known. Knowing λeff of the science tar-get on the science instrument is less critical sincethe index of refraction of air varies much moregradually at near-infrared wavelengths than visi-ble wavelengths. In the following sections we in-vestigate both of these cases for several existingand proposed telescopes. An alternative techniquefor ADR correction is to insert an atmospheric dis-persion corrector between the telescope and AOsystem. This approach would be effective in manysituations, although it does invariably lead to atleast some loss of throughput and increase in ther-mal background. Any increase in thermal back-ground is detrimental to observations at longernear-infrared wavelengths. We also discuss the im-portance of considering the effect of ADR whenattempting slit-spectroscopy with an AO system.

4.1. Maximum Exposure Times

In the following we adopt the maximum accept-able drift in a single exposure to be 0.25 of the fullwidth half maximum (FWHM) of the diffractionlimited core of the science instrument point spreadfunction (PSF), i.e. 1.04 λ/D radian, where λ isthe wavelength of the science observation and Dis the diameter of the telescope aperture. Thesecalculations were performed for a λeff of the wave-front sensor of 0.65 µm and a science wavelengthof 1.65 µm, which is roughly the middle of H-band. For all of these examples we use the latitudeof Mauna Kea observatory in Hawaii (19.◦826 N),but clearly if the sign of the target declination isreversed then these figures would be correct foran observatory at 19.◦826 S latitude. In general,an observer closer to the equator will be affectedmore by ADR than an observer at one of the poles,who will not have to contend with the problemsdiscussed here. All of these calculations assumedzero water vapor. In general reasonable values forthe partial pressure of water have little impact onthese calculations, but the implications of varyingwater vapor should be considered if extremely highprecision is sought. See Section 2 for further de-scription of these calculations. We are making theIDL code used in this work publicly available foranyone to use to examine the implications of at-mospheric differential refraction for their favoritetelescope and target. A final note is that nearly allmodern telescopes are built on altitude-azimuthmounts which often have a zenith


Table 3

Details of observations and results of fitting for atmospheric differential refraction.

Star UT Time Elevation # of Best-fit λeff

Name Range Range images (µm)a

HIP 110a (#1b) 12:28-13:06 70.◦27-68.◦68 40 0.611±0.016

HIP 110b (#1b) 12:28-13:06 70.◦27-68.◦68 40 0.608±0.014

HIP 110a (#2b) 13:16-13:55 67.◦71-62.◦84 41 0.623±0.008

HIP 110b (#2b) 13:16-13:55 67.◦71-62.◦84 41 0.623±0.007HIP 13117a 14:07-14:46 64.◦15-68.◦98 31 0.735±0.018HIP 13117b 14:07-14:46 64.◦15-68.◦98 31 0.730±0.019

aSee text for details of fitting. This is the effective wavelength of the wave-front sensor of the AO bench when observing this star.

bThese numbers refer to the first or second sequence of observations on HIP110.

Fig. 8.— Maximum exposure time due to the effect of atmospheric differential refraction. All calculations assumeλeff of the wavefront sensor is 0.65 µm, science observations are at 1.65 µm, observatory latitude is 19.◦826 N,maximum allowed image motion is one quarter the FWHM of the diffraction limited PSF at the science wavelengthof 1.65 µm, and that there is no water vapor. (a) is for the case of a 4-meter telescope at sea level. (b) is for the caseof a 4-meter telescope on Mauna Kea, similar to NASA’s IRTF 3-meter telescope or the CFHT 3.6-meter telescope.(c) is for the case of a 10-meter telescope on Mauna Kea, such as the Keck 10-meter telescopes. (d) is for the caseof a 30-meter telescope on the summit of Mauna Kea. Note that maximum exposure time is not symmetric abouttransit.


cone-of-avoidance of up to a few degrees. Thesecones-of-avoidance are not considered in these cal-culations, but obviously this will further restrictmaximum exposure times on targets that transitnear the zenith.

Figure 8 contains contour plots of maximumexposure time in minutes as a function of targetdeclination and hour angle at the start of the ex-posure. Although few, if any, 4-meter class tele-scopes are located at sea level, Figure 8a showssuch a case. Comparison to Figure 8b, the caseof a 4-meter telescope on Mauna Kea, conveysthe importance of altitude when considering ADR.In typical near-infrared observations the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is often background limited injust a few minutes. So long as the data are back-ground limited, there is no disadvantage to break-ing up a long exposure into several shorter expo-sures. For 4-meter class telescopes this means thatADR will not often be a siginificant problem, ex-cept when nearing the readnoise limited regimesuch as the cases of imaging through narrowbandfilters or during spectroscopic observations.

We initially encountered the problem of ADRwhile observing with the Keck II 10-meter tele-scope, and Figure 8c shows the maximum expo-sure time for this case. Since maximum exposuretime scales nearly linearly with telescope diame-ter, a wider range of observing strategies are im-pacted. Again, wideband filter imaging programswill often find their SNR background limited be-fore being ADR limited, but most narrowbandimaging and spectroscopic projects will now findthat ADR places significantly shorter limits on ex-posure time than achieving the background limitof the SNR. We discuss another important issueconcerning spectroscopic observations in Section4.3.

Finally, discussions are currently underwayabout the prospect of building even larger diam-eter telescopes. The proposals range in telescopediameter up to 100-meters and usually includeplans for an AO system. To our knowledge nofirm commitments have been made by any groupregarding location or size of these proposed tele-scopes. In Figure 8d we show how importantADR becomes for a 30-meter telescope on MaunaKea, where maximum exposure times are reducedto a minute or less. Clearly any plans for new,extremely-large telescopes must include a way ofcorrecting for the effect of ADR.

4.2. Partial Correction

The guide star’s λeff on the WFS will oftennot be known to high precision due either to un-

certainties in the spectrum of the star or the shapeof the passband of the WFS. Thus, even if anAO system is designed to account for ADR theremay still be some image motion due to imper-fect knowledge of λeff on the WFS. The routineadr, included in the electronicversion of this paper, calculates the maximum ex-posure time assuming the AO system is correctingfor the effect of ADR using λestimate as λeff onthe WFS while λtrue is the actual λeff on theWFS. When calculating the maximum exposuretime, λestimate and λtrue are reciprocal, e.g. themaximum exposure time is the same in the caseof λtrue = 0.6µm and λestimate = 0.7µm as in thecase of λtrue = 0.7µm and λestimate = 0.6µm. InFig. 9 we show contour plots of maximum expo-sure time as a function of hour angle and targetelevation for a series of λestimate and λtrue. We usethe parameters of a 10-meter telescope on MaunaKea, as in Fig. 8c. In each case the error betweenλestimate and λtrue is 0.1µm and the wavelengthsexamined are 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, and 0.9 µm. Atshorter wavelengths an 0.1 µm error in the wave-length of correction results in the maximum ex-posure time being increased by only a factor ofless than two. However, at longer wavelengths thesame error of 0.1 µm has much less impact andmaximum exposure times are increased by a fac-tor of six. This demonstrates that a bluer wave-front sensor passband and/or blue reference sourceis much less tolerant of errors in the estimate ofλeff . The reason for this significant difference inerror tolerance at red and blue visible wavelengthslies in the shape of the curve of refractive index asa function of wavelength, as shown in Fig. 2. Theability to measure the wavefront distortion at awavelength with a similar index of refraction asthe wavelength of observation is one of many rea-sons that infrared wavefront sensors are appealing.

4.3. Implications for Spectroscopy

The implications of ADR for slit-spectroscopyare somewhat more complicated than for imaging.Along the direction of the slit the issue of imagemotion is the same, and simply leads to degradedspatial resolution, as happened to the spectrumtaken during the images of Titan shown in Fig. 1.However, with spectroscopy one is also concernedwith the possibility of biasing the spectrum of thelight sent through the slit to the spectrometer. Ir-respective of ADR, a narrow slit and/or misalign-ment of the slit on the target can lead to biasedspectra. The easiest way to understand this prob-lem is to imagine a narrow slit centered on the


Fig. 9.— Maximum exposure time in the case of a partial correction for differential refraction. All calculationsassume that science observations are at 1.65 µm, the telescope diameter is 10 m, observatory latitude is 19.◦826 N,and pressure and temperature are typical for Mauna Kea, maximum allowed image motion is one quarter the FWHMof the diffraction limited PSF at the science wavelength of 1.65 µm, and that there is no water vapor. (a) is forλestimate and λtrue equal to 0.5 and 0.6 µm, (b) is for 0.6 and 0.7 µm, (c) is for 0.7 and 0.8 µm, and (d) is for 0.8and 0.9 µm. These plots can be compared with Fig. 8c to see how much maximum exposure time increases betweenthe case of no correction (Fig. 8c) and partial correction.


core of the PSF versus the same slit partway offcenter. Because the PSF of the bluer end of thespectrum is narrower than the PSF of the red endof the spectrum, the spectrum from the off-centerslit will be biased to the red. Residual image mo-tion perpendicular to the slit risks introducing acolor bias to the resulting spectrum.

In the case that ADR is not perfectly compen-sated and image motion results, observers takingspectra should be aware of the choice they aremaking when orienting their slit. Aligning the slitparallel to the direction of motion due to ADRmeans degraded spatial resolution along the slit,however this will not introduce any extra color-bias to the spectrum. Aligning the slit perpen-dicular to this means conserving spatial resolutionalong the slit, however there is then a risk of intro-ducing a spectral color bias, especially if the targetis a point source and the exposure is long. Further,if the target is extended and the slit is orientedperpendicular to the motion of ADR the spatialresolution of the data is also degraded. Ideally forspectral observers ADR would be adequately com-pensated for by the AO system and the observerwould not need to worry about these complica-tions. In the case that the ADR correction is pooror non-existent observers can calculate the direc-tion of motion due to ADR from Equations 10-11,implemented in the routine adr,and decide for themselves the tradeoff betweenspectral integrity and spatial resolution.

5. Summary

Using theoretical calculations and data fromthe W.M. Keck II telescope we demonstrate thatatmospheric differential refraction (ADR) shouldbe considered when designing and building adap-tive optics (AO) systems. We present calculationsand IDL code for others to calculate the effect ofADR for their own particular observing parame-ters. The primary effect of ADR on typical AOobservations is to reduce the maximum exposuretime possible without significant image blurring.Maximum exposure time decreases approximatelylinearly with increasing telescope size. Due to thevariation of the refractive index of air across vis-ible wavelengths, the maximum exposure time isstrongly a function of the effective wavelength ofthe wavefront sensor. The other important param-eters in calculating maximum exposure time areobservatory altitude and latitude, target declina-tion and hour angle, and, to a lesser extent dur-ing typical near-infrared science observations, the

effective wavelength of the science observations.Planning for AO systems on larger (> 10-meter)future telescopes must include consideration forhow to compensate for the effect of ADR.

We thank Imke de Pater for her support of thiswork, James Graham and James Lloyd for the useof their data from August 2001, Eliot Young forthe use of the Titan data, and Ray Jayaward-hana for his encouragement. We thank the en-tire staff of the W.M. Keck Observatory, espe-cially David LeMignant, Scott Acton, and RandyCampbell. H.G.R. is supported by a NASA GSRPgrant funded through NASA Ames Research Cen-ter. This work has been supported in part by theNational Science Foundation Science and Technol-ogy Center for Adaptive Optics, managed by theUniversity of California at Santa Cruz under co-operative agreement No. AST-9876783. We ex-tend special thanks to those of Hawaiian ancestryon whose sacred mountain we are privileged to beguests. Without their generous hospitality, noneof the observations presented herein would havebeen possible.


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