Impact of Suspended Sediment and Smothering on...

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Transcript of Impact of Suspended Sediment and Smothering on...

Impact of Suspended Sediment and

Smothering on Scallops

Inch Cape Wind Farm

6th October 2017

Inch Cape Windfarm Limited

Author: Laila Higgins, Environmental Consultant

Document reference: 1152250




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Document history

Author Dr Laila Higgins 08/09/2017

Checked Stuart McCallum 12/09/2017

Approved Dr Jane Lancaster 06/10/2017

Client Details

Contact Tom Young

Client Name Inch Cape Offshore Limited

Address 5th Floor, 40 Princes Street



Issue Date Revision Details

A 06/10/2017 First issue (before modelling)

B 08/02/2018 Second issue incorporating modelling

C 02/03/2018 Third issue following client comments

D 12/03/2018 Fourth issue following client comments


Impact of Suspended Sediment and Smothering on Scallops 6th October 2017


1. Introduction ....................................................................................... 1

1.1. The Inch Cape Project ............................................................. 1

1.2. Purpose of this Report ............................................................. 1

2. Approach ........................................................................................... 5

3. Findings ............................................................................................. 6

3.1. Literature review on sensitivity of scallops to sediment ........... 6

3.1.1. Scallop biology ........................................................... 6

3.1.2. Effect of sediment on scallops ................................... 7

3.2. Predicated sediment levels ...................................................... 9

3.3. Distribution of scallops from fisheries data............................. 10

4. Validation of existing baseline ......................................................... 11

4.1. Presence of scallops and extent of fishery............................. 11

4.2. Predicted sediment levels ...................................................... 15

5. Validation of EIA conclusions .......................................................... 18

5.1. Impact on scallops ................................................................. 18

5.2. Impacts on fishing .................................................................. 20

6. Conclusion ...................................................................................... 21

7. References ...................................................................................... 22

8. Appendix A - Modelling results ....................................................... 26


Impact of Suspended Sediment and Smothering on Scallops 6th October 2017 1

1. Introduction

1.1. The Inch Cape Project

Inch Cape Offshore Limited (ICOL) is progressing the development of the Revised Inch Cape Wind Farm and

associated Revised Inch Cape Offshore Transmission Works (OfTW), collectively known as the Revised

Development for the purposes of this report. The Revised Development is located in the North Sea off the east coast

of Angus, Scotland. It will comprise an offshore array of up to 72 Wind Turbine Generators (WTGs), connected by

up to 190km of subsea inter-array cables. These will be connected to one or two Offshore Substation Platform(s)

(OSPs) where power generated by the WTGs is transformed and subsequently carried approximately 83 km to the

onshore landfall location at Cockenzie via Offshore Export Cables (OEC). Foundations for WTGs and OSPs will be

either be mounted on gravity base structures (GBS) or piled.

The Revised Development will comprise an offshore generating station with a capacity of greater than one megawatt

(MW) and therefore requires Scottish Ministers’ consent under section 36 of the Electricity Act (Section 36 Consent)

to allow its construction and operation. Under the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010, the Revised Development will also

require Marine Licences granted by the Scottish Ministers to allow for the construction and deposition of substances

and structures in the sea and on the seabed.

A Scoping Report for the Revised Development was prepared in support of a request for an opinion from Marine

Scotland Licensing and Operations Team (MS-LOT) as to the scope of the information to be provided within the

Revised Development Environmental Statement (ES). The Scoping Report was submitted to MS-LOT on 28th April

2017 and an opinion received on 28th July 2017.

1.2. Purpose of this Report

This document has been produced in response to the Scoping Opinion received from MS-LOT. The Scoping Report

set out the approach to the Revised Development EIA, specifying which receptors and impacts should be

considered. For the Natural Fish and Shellfish chapter ICOL proposed only one receptor and impact should be

included within the impact assessment (the impact of construction noise on hearing specialists).

In the Scoping Opinion Scottish Ministers noted two potential impacts that may require further consideration within

the impact assessment: Impact of suspended sediment and smothering on scallops and Nephrops, and particle

motion. This paper covers the impacts of suspended sediment and smothering, particle motion is covered by a

separate discussion paper.

The scoping opinion is detailed below.

Impact of suspended sediment and smothering on scallops and nephrops

The SFF raised the issue of the need for an assessment of the impact of suspended sediment in smothering species

such as scallops and nephrops in their consultation response and during discussions at the stakeholder meetings.

Advice from MSS noted that the possible use of gravity base structures would require significant dredging operations

and lead to increased suspended solids and increased smothering impacts. MSS note that structures such as

monopoles or pin piles would not be likely to have such an effect. Adult and larval scallops have a low tolerance to

smothering and to increases in suspended sediment levels although adults are able to swim and may be able to

escape the impacts. The behaviour and survival of scallop larvae and their ability to settle on suitable substrate

would also be affected. Adult nephrops are more tolerant to smothering and to suspended solid load increases and

decreases but MSS noted that more information on larval production, larval development and juvenile nephrops

behaviour is required to understand the effect on these life stages. MSS note that the dredging would also have an

effect by destroying populations of nephrops and by removing sediments best suited to burrowing and that re-

colonisation/recovery would be prolonged.

MSS provided advice on a suggested approach for assessing the impact of sediment on scallops and nephrops.


Impact of Suspended Sediment and Smothering on Scallops 6th October 2017 2

If gravity base foundations are to be used the Scottish Ministers advise that for fish and shellfish ecology further

work to assess the impact of sediment on scallops and nephrops is carried out. The Scottish Ministers advise that

the following two pieces of work be undertaken:

• A review of literature on effects of suspended sediments to scallops and nephrops (including different life

stages); and

• Physical process modelling of likely spatial extent of suspended sediments from activities of concern.

These could be used to provide a comparison with the spatial extent of the scallop and nephrops fishery, identified

from commercial fisheries data (e.g. Vessel Monitoring System (“VMS”) data as described by Kafas et al. (2012)

and found online at Kafas et al. (2013). This would allow an understanding of the spatial extent of effects, if any, to

scallops and nephrops and provide a context within which to consider them. If ICOL consider that there are no

significant effects and scope this potential impact out of further assessment they must provide justification for this


Kafas A, Jones G, Watret R, Davies I and Scott B (2012). Representation of the use of marine space by commercial

fisheries in marine spatial planning. ICES CM I:23.

Kafas A, Jones G, Watret R, Davies I and Scott B (2013) 2009 - 2013 amalgamated VMS intensity layers, GIS Data.

Marine Scotland, Scottish Government. doi: 10.7489/1706-1

The Scottish Ministers note that ICOL carried out a modelling assessment as part of the Original Development ES.

This modelling system allowed the baseline environmental conditions to be modelled, against which the impacts and

effects due to the development and any cumulative effects with the other Forth and Tay projects could be assessed.

No significant effects were identified.

The Scottish Ministers advise ICOL to follow the approach suggested by MSS and outlined above and provide an

overview of the potential impact of suspended sediment and smothering on scallops and nephrops.

In their scoping response MS-LOT specified that an assessment of the impact of suspended sediments is only

required where GBS are to be used, as they represent the greatest source of suspended sediment for the Revised

Development, as a result of the requirement for dredging for this type of foundation.

While scallops are found throughout the Development Area, Nephrops are less common as the sediments of the

Development Area are less suitable for burrowing. Nephrops are instead predominately found in the soft muddier

sediment of the offshore export cable route. This is demonstrated by the distribution of fishing for Nephrops as

illustrated by Scotmap data for <15m vessels (Figure 1.1) and VMS >15m (Figure 1.2-1.3; Kafas et al., 2013 and

VMS data for demersal trawling (2011-2015)). ICOL therefore requested to Marine Scotland that as this assessment

be limited to scallops, as Nephrops are unlikely to be impacted by sediment arising from the installation of the GBS

as they are not found in the Development Area.

MS-LOT confirmed they are content with this approach in an e-mail from Sophie Humphries on 29th September


This paper serves to provide justification from ICOL to scope out any further assessment of the impacts from

suspended sediment and smothering on scallops.


Impact of Suspended Sediment and Smothering on Scallops 6th October 2017 3

Figure 1.1: Number of Nephrops trawls from <15 m vessels (Scotmap, 2013)

Figure 1. 2: Commercial fisheries distribution of Nephrops by Intensity, 2007 to 2013 (Kafas et al., 2013)


Impact of Suspended Sediment and Smothering on Scallops 6th October 2017 4

Figure 1.3: VMS Density by Quantity for Demersal Fishing 2011 to 2015 (ICES Commercial Landings)


Impact of Suspended Sediment and Smothering on Scallops 6th October 2017 5

2. Approach This document aims to provide justification to address points raised by Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) and

Scottish Ministers on the impact on scallops from suspended sediment and smothering should GBS be used in the

Revised Development. This has been achieved through the undertaking the following tasks:

• A literature review on the impact of on scallops at different phases of their life cycle arising from increased

suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) and smothering;

• Sediment plume modelling to predict the likely spatial extent of elevated SSC and subsequent deposition arising

from a worst-case scenario of 72 GBS for the Revised Development within the Development Area; and

• Establishment of the spatial distribution of scallops in the vicinity of the Development Area, as indicated by the

extent of the scallop fishery derived from fisheries data.

This information was compared to the information presented in the Natural Fish and Shellfish Chapter of the Original

Development ES in order to assess the validity of scoping out this impact from the Revised Development ES. This

was achieved through the following steps:

• Comparison of the levels of SSC and smothering predicted from the sediment plume modelling for the Revised

Development to:

– The levels predicted in the Original Development ES;

– The levels found to be biologically significant to the different life cycles in the papers reviewed;

• Comparison of the sensitivity of scallops used to assess the significance of the predicted impacts in the Original

Development ES compared to those found in the literature review.

Validation of the commercial fisheries assessment presented in Original Development ES was beyond the scope of

this study, as a new assessment will be undertaken as part of the Revised Development EIA report.


Impact of Suspended Sediment and Smothering on Scallops 6th October 2017 6

3. Findings

3.1. Literature review on sensitivity of scallops to sediment

3.1.1. Scallop biology

Scallops are bivalve molluscs, preferring sedimentary habitats comprised of sand, gravel and mud, sometimes

interspersed with stones, rocks or boulders (MarLIN, 2006; Marine Scotland, 2017a). They are filter feeders,

collecting phytoplankton and other micro-organisms from the water column (Seafish, 2016). Within the ICES

rectangles corresponding to the Development Area (41E7 and 42E7), two species have been identified in

commercial landings, the king scallop (Pecten maximus) and the queen scallop (Aequipecten opercularis), with king

scallops making up the vast majority of the landings.

The king scallop (Pecten maximus) is a large scallop which can grow to 17 cm or more and is typically found in

depths between 20-40 m, but has been found deeper than 100 m (Seafood Scotland, 2012). The minimum landing

size for king scallops is 10.5 cm in length, except in the Irish Sea where it is 11 cm and Shetland where minimum

landing length is 10 cm (Cappell et al., 2013; Marine Scotland, 2017b).

The queen scallop (Aequipecten opercularis, also known under synonym of Chlamys opercularis; Carter, 2008) is a

medium-sized scallop which grows to around 8-9 cm and is found between tide marks, and to a depth of 100 m

(Carter, 2008; Hayward & Ryland, 2017). The minimum landing size for queen scallops is 4 cm, with a potential

increase proposed to 5.5 cm (Cappell et al., 2013; Marine Scotland, 2016).

These species are abundant in the North Sea and the Atlantic with a geographical distribution from Norway to the

Mediterranean (Carter, 2008; Marshall and Wilson, 2008). Within the coastal waters of Scotland, king scallops are

found in numerous separate populations in the North Sea and to the west of the Hebrides in the Atlantic (Seafood

Scotland, 2012), while queen scallops are predominantly located in the Irish Sea, particularly around the Isle of Man

(Carter, 2008; Marine Scotland, 2016).

Adult scallops of both species are benthic, living on the seafloor in sand and gravel habitats, and reproduce by

releasing gametes into the water column during synchronised spawning events (Le Pennec et al., 2003; Seafood

Scotland, 2012; Marine Scotland, 2016; Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute [AFBI], 2017). For king scallops,

spawning occurs between April and September and peaks in late spring, with a secondary spawning peak in late

summer / autumn (Seafood Scotland, 2012). Queen scallops spawn during approximately the same period, peaking

in March to May and again in autumn, and may spawn periodically during the summer (Jenkins et al., 2003; Brand,

2006; Marine Scotland, 2016).

Life cycles are similar for both species. After spawning, the eggs (oocytes) and larval stages are pelagic (live in the

water column). The fertilised oocytes remain near the seabed for a few days until they develop the capacity to swim,

becoming larvae which are lecithotrophic (possessing a yolk), and rise to the surface of the water column.

The larvae have several stages of development, starting with a trochophore stage, then grow into veligers and

develop an eyespot, later developing a “foot” in preparation for their benthic life stages (Cragg, 1980; Cragg, 1991;

Le Pennec et al., 2003). The yolk reserves are thought to last for approximately a week (Le Pennec et al., 2003),

after which veligers resort to hunting phytoplankton and other pelagic micro-organisms. The scallop larvae are

capable of active swimming, and their position in the water column largely depends on the water currents and

temperature, though eyed veligers concentrate near the top of the water column, and typically near high

concentrations of other plankton (Cragg, 1980; Cragg, 1991; Le Pennec et al., 2003).

After 3-6 weeks, the larvae settle on the seabed and metamorphose into juvenile scallops, known as spat (Le Pennec

et al., 2003; Howarth and Stewart, 2014). The settlement of pelagic larvae in benthic environments is referred to as

recruitment. The pelagic life style of the larvae allows for recruitment of new scallops both to the location they were

spawned (self-recruitment) as well as to other areas (dispersal), depending on hydrographic conditions (Howell &

Fraser, 1984; Lewis and Thorpe, 1994a; 1994b; Beaumont and Gjedrem, 2007).

King scallops become sexually mature at approximately 2-3 years at a shell length of 80-90 mm, and often first

spawn in the autumn of their second year (Howarth and Stewart, 2014; Seafood Scotland, 2012). Queen scallops


Impact of Suspended Sediment and Smothering on Scallops 6th October 2017 7

mature between 1-2 years old and approximately 40 mm in shell length (Howarth and Stewart, 2014). Small scallops

attach using a byssus while larger scallops are capable of swimming freely (Hayward & Ryland, 2017).

3.1.2. Effect of sediment on scallops

Large movements of sediment are common in mobile sedimentary habitats such as sands and gravels, where storms

and current fluctuations regularly shift the mobile substrate, causing changes in SSC and sediment deposition (Orpin

et al., 2004). Smothering and increased SSC are considered separately, although it is recognised there is overlap

between these impacts. The information presented below applies to both king and queen scallops unless otherwise

stated. SSC

The effects of elevated SSC have been examined in scallops particularly in relation to aggregate extraction and

scallop fishing by dredging (Szostek et al., 2013; Howarth and Stewart, 2014). These effects vary depending on the

developmental stage of any scallops present, and the activities that they would ordinarily be undertaking at that time.

The key behaviours or activities that can potentially be affected by an increase in SSC are:

• Spawning;

• Settlement;

• Avoidance behaviour; and

• Feeding.

Effects on the above behaviours will be considered in relation to increased SSC.


Scallops produce large numbers of gametes (oocytes and sperm) during spawning, and can spawn multiple times

throughout the spawning season (Le Pennec et al., 2003). Three-year-old adult king scallops can produce 15 million

oocytes in one emission (Le Pennec et al., 2003). Oocyte production in queen scallops can range from 3 to 6 million

(MarLIN, 2006). The production of large amounts of oocytes is a strategy used by broadcast spawners, and the

mortality of these oocytes and resulting larvae is extremely high (Thorson, 1950).

Suspended sediments have been shown to impact the gametes of other species to varying extents, (Davis, 1960;

Auld and Schubel, 1978; Kang, 2012; Ricardo et al., 2016) with a reduction in oocytes recorded between 0% in

copepods (Kang et al., 2012) and 50% in corals (Ricardo et al., 2016) at SSC of 100 mg.l-1, but this has not been

specifically studied in scallops. Hard clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) showed a variable response to concentration

and sediment type, showing relative tolerance to silt for both oocytes and larvae, where 750 mg.l-1concentration

produced no negative effect, and 400 mg.l-1 concertation produced 100% mortality for oocytes and 100% survival

for larvae (Davis, 1960). Clay, chalk and Fuller’s earth however showed significant negative impacts to growth and

survivability of larvae at concentrations >250-500 mg.l-1, whereas oocytes were more tolerant (Davis, 1960).

Stress can induce spawning in invertebrate animals, including scallops (New England Fishery Management Council,

1993; Heasman et al., 1995; Guijarro-Garcia et al., 2007), which could increase oocyte production in affected areas.

Resulting larvae produced in this manner can be underdeveloped or self-fertilised (oocytes fertilised by sperm

produced by the same individual), resulting in higher mortality of larvae, longer maturation times and reduced overall

size (Beaumont and Budd, 1983).

Impacts on fecundity is related to reduced gonad development, caused by a decrease in food intake and an increase

in elimination of inorganic particles (Lo, 2009).


Both juvenile and adult scallops in general exposed to higher levels of SSC for long periods (several days to weeks)

demonstrate reduced growth rates compared to those exposed to lower concentrations (Bricelj & Shumway, 1991;

Szostek et al., 2013; Howarth and Stewart, 2014). Settling larvae and spat are more sensitive to impacts relating to

increased SSC as impacts to growth would also affect the development of organs, including gonads. Juvenile king


Impact of Suspended Sediment and Smothering on Scallops 6th October 2017 8

scallops exposed to low SSC (<100 mg.l-1) and high SSC (200-700 mg.l-1) for 18 days responded by increasing

“clapping” rate (as a means of clearing unwanted particles), and though high SSC reduced growth rates, high SSC

did not affect mortality (Szostek et al., 2013).

Avoidance behaviour

Both the pelagic larvae and adult scallops are capable of free swimming and can, to an extent, avoid unfavourable

conditions (Moore and Trueman, 1971; Cragg, 1980; Howell & Fraser, 1984; Howarth and Stewart, 2014; Hayward

& Ryland, 2017). During one tagging study, adult king scallop did not migrate further than 30 m from their release

point (Howell & Fraser, 1984). Studies have shown animals generally remain in the same bed (Gibson, 1956), or

travel less than 1-2 km of the release site (Barber and Blake, 1991), however it has been noted that movement to

other areas would likely increase as a result of disturbance. Queen scallops are known to be more mobile than king

scallops though this has not been quantified (Howarth and Stewart, 2014).

Scallops, including king and queen scallops, possess eyes arrayed along the edges of their valves, which are used

for predator avoidance and feeding (Land, 1965; Speiser and Johnsen, 2008). Increased SSC will reduce visibility

and could delay predator avoidance. It is also important to note that vision-based predators will also be impaired,

thus reducing the risk of predation.

Veligers spread throughout the water column live off their yolk reserves until it is exhausted, then tend to migrate to

the top of the water column (Cragg, 1980; Le Pennec, et al., 2003). The impact on vision-based activities will be

limited due to their reliance on pressure to orientate (Cragg, 1980). Within the water column, predation by vision-

based predators will also be reduced. Migration to the seafloor for settlement and metamorphosis is determined by

temperature, pressure and water currents (Cragg, 1980; Le Pennec, et al., 2003; Beaumont and Gjedrem, 2007),

however late-stage veligers (pediveligers) seek out suitable habitat to settle (AFBI, 2017), and may avoid areas of

high SSC, altering settlement patterns.


Filter Feeding

Scallops filter feed on phytoplankton and other micro-organisms. Increased sediment suspension can increase the

concentration of sediment being collected by the scallop, diluting food particles and requiring expulsion of material

(AFBI, 2017). It can also damage feeding apparatus of filter feeders, and result in a subsequent reduction in growth

rates (Bricelj and Shumway, 1991). Many species of scallop show selectivity in food choice, for example

distinguishing between different algal species (Shumway et al., 1997), and have been shown to respond to an

increase of SSC by increasing their food selectivity, discarding non-food particles either by flushing the shell (shell

claps) (Last et al., 2011), or excreting particles as pseudofaeces as shown in the deep-sea scallop (Placopecten

magellanicus) (Macdonald and Ward, 1994). Other species have shown significant responses to increased SSC

(Ellis et al., 2000), while others show greater tolerance (Bricelj and Malouf, 1984). The characteristics of the

organism, properties of the sediment and length of exposure time appear to be significant factors in determining the

magnitude of the impact (Beecham, 2008).

Hunting by veligers

The pelagic eyed veliger stage also possesses an eyespot, and are known to hunt for phytoplankton and other

micro-organisms (Le Pennec et al., 2003). Increased SSC would likely decrease visibility and increase mobility as a

result of avoidance behaviour, therefore the effort required to find food will increase, impacting larval growth and

development, as demonstrated for other species of mobile zooplankton (Hansen et al., 1991). Smothering

Adult and juvenile Scallops

Benthic organisms present contrasting tolerances to burial, with mortality rates dependant on size and species

(Hinchey et al., 2006; Kotta et al., 2009; Last et al., 2011; Hendrick et al., 2016).


Impact of Suspended Sediment and Smothering on Scallops 6th October 2017 9

Hendrick et al. (2016) found the mortality rate of adult queen scallops (Aequipecten opercularis) measuring

approximately 5.4 cm in width was 35% in sediment depths <2 cm, increasing to 57.4% at 5 cm depth and 64.8% at

7 cm depth (Last et al., 2011; Hendrick et al., 2016). Survival was largely dependent on their ability to emerge from

the sediment and individuals that could not free themselves after 32 days died (Hendrick et al., 2016). This research

supports the conclusion that survival rates decrease with increasing sediment depths.

As survival is strongly linked to a scallop’s ability to emerge from burial (Last et al., 2011; Szostek et al., 2013;

Hendrick et al., 2016), smothering presents a greater risk to small individuals and juveniles which attach to the

sediment using byssus threads (Hayward and Ryland, 2017) compared to the larger, free-swimming adults. Minchin

(1992) noted that scallops as small as 1 mm in length were capable of detachment from the substrate, however

most remained attached until they were between 4-13 mm in length.

Similar to queen scallops, mortality in juvenile king scallops has been shown to increase with depth of sediment and

length of time it takes them to emerge, as well as increase in response to a reduction in particle size (Szostek et al.,

2013). For medium and coarse sediment types, mortality was 0-20% for all sediment depths, and represented

individuals that failed to emerge after 8 days (most emerged within a day, if not almost immediately). For fine

sediment types, mortality was 0% for 1 cm burial depth, increasing to between 60-70% for 3 cm and 5 cm depth

(Szostek et al., 2013). This also supports the conclusion that increasing burial depths reduce survival rates.

There is no specific data available measuring the tolerance of adult king scallops to burial, though Marshall and

Wilson (2008) suggest burial in sediment to a depth >5 cm should be fatal. It is important to note that king scallops

can grow to 17 cm across or greater, and as a result are likely to be stronger and more capable of freeing themselves

than queen scallops as used by Last et al. (2011) and Hendrick et al. (2016), increasing the proportion of the

population that would survive burial of the same depth. Hendrick et al. (2016) also demonstrated mortality was not

complete for queen scallops buried 7 cm deep.

Nevertheless, as a conservative estimate, burial by sediment deeper than 5 cm for longer than 16 days should be

considered to be fatal for all organisms (Marshall and Wilson, 2008; Last et al., 2011; Hendrick et al., 2016). Adult

king scallops buried shallower than 5 cm of sediment are considered to be able to lift themselves clear of deposited

sediments (Marshall and Wilson, 2008), however it is reasonable to propose that this is a relatively conservative

value considering the size of an adult king scallop.

Once unburied, scallops are free to either swim away to find more favourable conditions, or remain and resume

normal behaviour (spawning, avoidance behaviour, and filter feeding).

Oocytes and Pelagic Larvae

Smothering will not be a significant risk for oocytes and pelagic larvae. Larval dispersion is strongly influenced by

local hydrographic conditions, and they do not have to settle in the location they were spawned (Beaumont and

Gjedrem, 2007). Where scallop density is lost due to smothering, recruitment from the water column in affected

areas would not be prevented. However, the larvae can be selective of the location they choose to settle, and excess

sediment or incorrect grain size on the surface can act as a deterrent, particularly in relation to silt (AFBI, 2017).

3.2. Predicated sediment levels

Sediment dispersal modelling assessment was carried out to predict SSC levels and sediment deposition depths as

a result of the Revised Development (Appendix A).

The assessment was carried out using a worst-case estimate of dredging requirements, including all worst-case

tolerances, of 40,000 m3 of material to be excavated from each GBS location (72 locations in total). The assessment

employed a cumulative impact model and was based on the continuous disposal of dredged material from the fall

pipe of a trailer suction hopper dredger at a rate of 314.82 kg.s-1 and at a distance of 5 m above the seabed (Partrac

Ltd, 2018, Appendix A).

The model was run for 16 days accounting for the prevailing tidal currents, and flood and neap tides. Results were

presented in time sliced snapshots of 48 hours at distances of 100 m, 250 m, 500 m and 1000 m away from the

point of release.


Impact of Suspended Sediment and Smothering on Scallops 6th October 2017 10

The conclusions of the modelling are summarised as follows:

• There is a strong tidal axis observed along north-north-east (NNE) and south-south-west (SSW). SSC and

deposition levels are greater in a SSE direction from each disposal point compared to NNE. SSC levels locally

increase slightly during neap tides versus spring tides, while SSC travels further during spring tides compared

to neap tides.

• SSC is predicted to peak at 200-500 mg.l-1 above background levels (maximum observed was 330 mg.l-1) over

an area of approximately 100 m2. Concentrations are expected to drop to 100 mg.l-1 within 100 m of discharge

point and <5 mg.l-1 at 500 m. The maximum distance travelled by sediment is 5 km from source.

• Due to the coarse nature of the excavated material, deposition is expected to occur rapidly at the release site.

SSC expected to drop to background levels (<5 mg.l-1) almost immediately (< 1 hour).

• All SSC expected to return to background levels within 2 days of material disposal.

• The maximum predicted sediment deposition depth is 5.9 m. Sediment depths will reduce to 61-110 cm at 100

m from source, 17-19 cm at 250 m, and <5 cm at 500 m distance (north/south). The area affected by a deposition

depth >5 cm is approximately 6.08 km2.

3.3. Distribution of scallops from fisheries data

Using data collected by Marine Scotland between 2007 and 2011 (Kafas et al., 2012), and more recent 2009 to 2013

(Kafas et al., 2013), VMS data (MMO) on the scallop dredging activity for the over 15 m fleet and (2016) VMS data

(ICES) on the scallop dredging activity for the over 12 m fleet, the spatial extent of the scallop fisheries in and around

the Development Area have been plotted. From this, it can be seen that scallop fishing clearly overlaps with the

Development Area. The extent of the scallop fishery is further discussed in Section 4.1.

Landings figures for ICES rectangles 42E7 and 41E7 (which overlap the Development Area) obtained from the MMO

revealed that the vast majority of scallops landed were king scallops between 2011 and 2016. Of these rectangles

the highest catches were found to have occurred in 42E7. Between 2011 and 2016 no queen scallops in were landed

in 42E7, and with only 288 kg landed in 41E7 during this period (in 2012). This is not to say that queen scallops are

absent in the area, but more likely they are not of high commercial value compared to king scallops. It is also worth

noting that the maximum growth length for queen scallops (<9 cm) is less than the minimum landing size for king

scallops (>10.5 cm, previously 10 cm), and might result in the latter species being targeted preferentially in this area

for practical reasons in addition to commercial potential.


Impact of Suspended Sediment and Smothering on Scallops 6th October 2017 11

4. Validation of existing baseline

4.1. Presence of scallops and extent of fishery

Fishing patterns indicate that king scallops are still present in the area and continue to be commercially exploited

and while landings of queen scallops are uncommon (not commercially exploited) they are likely to be present

throughout the Development Area.

A new commercial fisheries baseline has been gathered for the Revised Development EIA, hence validation of the

original baseline is not required, however details have been presented in this section which compare any changes

which may have occurred with the distribution of this fishery, as an indication of the presence of scallops.

Between 2011-2016, average annual landings of scallops 42E7 and 41E7 where the Development is located were

£529,645 and £240,262 respectively. The majority of scallop landings in the Forth and Tay region1 came from ICES

squares to the north east of the Development Area, particularly rectangles 42E8 and 43E8, which are located further

offshore. Over this period rectangle 42E8 alone recorded average annual scallop landings of £1,418,659 and this

rectangle had the second highest average landings of scallops (by value) in Scotland.

Prior to this, scallop landings were higher in both rectangles 42E7 and 41E7 and the Forth and Tay region (Figure

4.1). Scallop fishing in the 42E7 and 41E7 underwent rapid expansion during the period 2001-2007, before

decreasing until 2011. Since 2011, landings have steadily increased, however remain less than half of their peak

levels in 2007.

1 Comprising of ICES rectangles 43E&, 43E8, 42E7, 42E8, 41E6, 41E7, 41E8, 40E7 and 40E8.


Impact of Suspended Sediment and Smothering on Scallops 6th October 2017 12

Figure 4.1: Total scallop landings values (£) in the 42E7 and 41E7 and the Forth and Tay region from 2006 to 2016 (MMO)

The average landing figure for over the past 10 years indicate that scallop fishing has moved further offshore in

recent years. This evidence is further substantiated by VMS data, which provides an accurate picture of scallop

fishing distribution as the majority of scallop dredgers are of over 15 m.

Marine Scotland VMS data for the period 2007-2011 (Kafas et al., 2012) shows that the location of the Development

Area was subject to some of the highest intensity scallop dredging in the Forth and Tay region (Figure 4.2). Marine

Scotland data from 2009-2013 (Kafas et al., 2013) shows that the area intensively dredged for scallops expanded

north east (Figure 4.3). More recent VMS data shows the intensity of scallop dredging in the Development Area

becoming less, with areas to the north west of the Development Area being more intensively fished during the period

2011-2015 (Figure 4.4). The most recent VMS data available from ICES shows that in 2016 within the Forth and

Tay region, scallop dredging principally targeted north west of the Development Area (ICES rectangle 42E8; Figure

4.5). It should be noted that the VMS for 2016 from ICES includes vessels of between 12-15 m, hence while this

increase in intensity may be due to the inclusion of smaller vessels, as most scallop dredgers are over 15 m it is

more likely that increase in activity is reflective of increased landings in 2016 particularly in 42E8.

While the landings and VMS data do point to the fact that scallop dredging has moved further offshore in recent

years and is now less centred upon the Development Area, it should be noted that fluctuations in scallop dredging

activity are subject to annual fluctuations due to the cyclical nature of the fishery, with nomadic vessels targeting

different areas in different years. Thus, annual variations in fishing intensity can be somewhat dependant on

productivity elsewhere. Hence it is possible that the area of the Development Area may be targeted intensity in future










2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016


tal scallo

p l



gs b

y v


e (



Regional study area Local study area


Impact of Suspended Sediment and Smothering on Scallops 6th October 2017 13

Figure 4.2: Distribution of Scallops by Intensity (Average 2007 -2011) in Regional Study Area (Marine Scotland; Kafas et al., 2011)

Figure 4.3: Distribution of Scallops by Intensity (Average 2009 -2013) in Regional Study Area (Marine Scotland; Kafas et al., 2013)


Impact of Suspended Sediment and Smothering on Scallops 6th October 2017 14

Figure 4.4: VMS Density by Fishing Intensity for Dredge (2011-2015) (Source MMO)

Figure 4.5: VMS Density by Fishing Intensity for Dredge (over 12 m vessels) in 2016 (Source ICES)


Impact of Suspended Sediment and Smothering on Scallops 6th October 2017 15

4.2. Predicted sediment levels

Sediment modelling for the Revised Development was compared to that from the Original Development for evidence

of any significant increase in suspended sediments. The aim of the current study was to provide biologically

significant data on predicted levels of SSC and deposition to inform the assessment of impacts on scallops.

The Original Development EIA, the area disturbed as a result of sediment displacement was estimated to be 5.54

km2 for the installation of 213 WTGs, five Offshore Substation Platforms (OSPs) and 353 km of cable corridor (ICOL,

2013a). The volume of dredge material was estimated to be 28,503 m3 per GBS, 114,012 m3 per OSP and trenching

requirements of 2 m deep and 1 m across for cable burial (ICOL, 2013b). To mitigate dispersal and reduce the

overall area to be affected by burial, spoil would be dumped as close to the seabed as possible (1-5 m above the

seabed), however it was modelled at 5 m above the seabed as a worst-case scenario.

Suspended Sediment Concentration (SSC) levels were estimated for each activity:

• GBS dredging works: SSC was predicted to peak at 4000 mg.l-1 during GBS dredging works, will be very

localised, dropping off within 10-20 minutes, and to 100 mg.l-1 or less above background levels within 100 m of

the discharge point. Any drilling as part of jacket foundation installation was modelled to produce similar levels

of SSC as GBS dredging.

• Cable installation works: SSC was predicted to peak at 300 mg.l-1 above background levels, with an average 3-

10 mg.l-1 (above background) within a few hundred metres of the cable and settling out within a few minutes at

most. Very fine sediment or silt could possibly persist longer and travel further (up to 3 km) and will settle within

a few hours.

• Jacket scour installation: SSC was predicted to peak at 100 mg.l-1 close to the structures, dropping to <10 mg/l

above background levels beyond 100 m away from the structures, and <1 mg.l-1 beyond 1 km. All Suspended

Sediments (SS) were modelled to settle within 1-2 hours, mostly travelling <100 m from the point of release,

with finer sediments travelling no more than 3 km.

• Combined SSC plumes were considered to be unlikely as construction activities would need to by simultaneous

and in very close proximity.

Deposition depths were estimated for each activity:

• GBS dredging works: deposition footprints for WTGs were predicted to be elliptical, with a thickness of >10 cm

reaching up to 150 m away from each WTG, <1 mm within 1.5 km (ICOL, 2013a).

• Cable installation works: deposition footprints were also predicted to be localised with peaks of 3-5 mm, reducing

to <1 mm within 1 km either side of the cable trench.

• Jacket scour protection: localised deposition footprints were predicted to have a maximum thickness of 1.1 m,

>10 cm at 150 m and <1 mm within 200 m.

The Revised Development includes a maximum number of 72 WTGs which are larger than those consented,

representing the greatest change between the Revised and Original Developments. The total area disturbed during

construction of these WTGs is estimated to be 4.24 km2, with 1278 m between each structure. The volume of dredge

material is now estimated to be 40,000 m3 per GBS. While the WTGs proposed for the Revised Development require

greater foundation works per turbine, the overall impact of increased suspended sediment levels and sediment

deposition depths will be less due to the reduction of total ground disturbance and increased distance between


With regards to other infrastructure within the Development Area, as the number of OSPs has reduced when

compared to the Original Development, and as the extent of inter-array cabling has also reduced due to the reduction

in the number of WTGs these have not been considered within the modelling. In addition, although the larger WTGs

may require more scour protection installation, this is also less overall when compared to the Original Development

due to the reduced number of WTGs and therefore also not included in the modelling assessment.

The main differences in the modelling outputs are summarised in Table 4.1.


Impact of Suspended Sediment and Smothering on Scallops 6th October 2017 16

Table 4.1: Summary of differnce in biologically significant modelling outputs

Activity Original Development Revised Development Difference

SSC Levels

GBS dredging


Concentration to drop to 100

mg.l-1 within 100 m of

discharge point.

Maximum peak

concentration of 4000 mg.l-1

higher than background

levels, dropping off within a

couple of minutes and overall

increase lasting no more

than 2 hours.

Concentration to drop to 100

mg.l-1 within 100 m of

discharge point.

SSC expected to drop to

background levels (<5 mg.l-1)

almost immediately (<1 hour).

All SSC expected to return to

background levels within 2


Extent of the increased

SSC per structure is similar.

Overall area affected is less

over the Development Area

due to reduced number of





Peak at 300 mg.l-1 above

background levels, lasting a

few hours.

Revised model calculated for

deposits from GBS dredging,

did not distinguish cabling,

however methodology has not

changed for the Revised


Overall area affected is less

due to reduction in cabling





Peak at 100 mg.l-1 close to

the structures, lasting 1-2

hours, fine sediment

travelling <3 km.

Revised model calculated for

deposits from GBS dredging,

did not include scour

protection. Overall value for

Revised Development is less.

Fine sediment travelling <5

km at low concentration (<0.1


Overall area affected is less

over the Development Area

due to reduced number of


Combined SSC


Unlikely, not to exceed 4300


Unlikely, though would be a

combination of cable

installation works with GBS

dredging works along NNE-

SSW tidal axis.

Distance between structures

is increased.

Overall area affected is less

over the Development Area

due to reduced number of


Combined effects less likely

due to increased distances.

Sediment Deposition

GBS dredging

works 10.09 km2 affected by >5 cm

sediment deposition depth

(6.7% of the Development


6.08 km2 affected by >5 cm

sediment deposition depth.

Reduction in area affected

by sediment deposition.




Peak depths of 3-5 mm,

reducing to < 1mm within 200


No change locally. Overall

value for Revised

Development is less.

Overall area affected is less

over the Development Area

due to reduced cabling





Maximum thickness of 1.1 m,

reducing to <1 mm within 200


Localised increase in scour,

overall value for Revised

Development is less.

Overall area affected is less

over the Development Area

due to reduced scour



Impact of Suspended Sediment and Smothering on Scallops 6th October 2017 17

The comparison of data from the modelling for the Original Development and the Revised Development did reveal

some differences in the instantaneous peaks of SSC, with 4000 mg.l-1 being predicted at each point source release

of sediment for the Original Development and only 330 mg.l-1 for the Revised Development. This difference is,

however, unlikely to be a result changes to the design of the Development, but instead to different outputs

parameters of the two models. These peaks in SSC for the Original Development were predicted to occur very close

to the point source of release and to last only 10 to 20 minutes, and falling to only 100 mg.l-1 within 100 m. The

modelling for both developments predicted that the majority of all SSC would drop off almost immediately (within 1

hour), and all SSC expected to return to background levels within 2 days. Overall SSC increases per GBS/point

source release is broadly the same for both the revised and original development, however due to the reduction in

the number of turbines the total area affected by SSC has reduced.

For deposition depth, the depth of sediment deposited for each GBS is greater, hence the total area affected by >5

cm deposition depth (i.e. biological significant levels for scallop survival) has increased per GBS, however due to

the reduction in the number of turbines total area affected by burial is reduced.


Impact of Suspended Sediment and Smothering on Scallops 6th October 2017 18

5. Validation of EIA conclusions

5.1. Impact on scallops

In the Natural Fish and Shellfish chapter of the Original Development ES, scallops were assessed under the receptor

group “shellfish”, along with crab, lobster and Nephrops. With the receptor group approach, although there may be

differences in the species within groups, in terms of exact sensitivities to effects, variations in some stage of their

life history, or in their conservation value, these variations fall within a relative range which allows them to be

assessed as a group.

In the original EIA, increased suspended sediment levels were predicted to have a negative impact on filter feeders

such as scallops through damage to feeding apparatus, and subsequent reduction in growth rates (Bricelj and

Shumway, 1991). It was however, considered that recoverability after the cessation of the impact (when magnitude

of the effect is below MarLIN benchmark of an arbitrary short term, acute change in background SSCs e.g. a change

of 100 mg.l-1 for one month) was likely to be high (Marshall and Wilson, 2009). Additional research agrees with this

assessment, and has introduced new theories driving recoverability such as food selectivity, particle excretion and

behavioural responses (increased clapping rates) as mechanisms to limit damage to feeding apparatus (Macdonald

and Ward, 1994; Shumway et al., 1997; Last et al., 2011). Recoverability after the cessation of the impact is likely

to be high.

In the original EIA, scallops buried by less than 5 cm of sediment were considered to be able to lift themselves clear

of deposited sediments, and as such, outside of this area no impact of smothering was expected (Marshall and

Wilson, 2008). Burial by sediment deeper than 5 cm (benchmark level assessed by MarLIN) was considered to be

fatal according to a precautionary standpoint, and a total area of 10.09 km2 (or 6.7%) of the Development Area would

have been impacted to this degree. This area was considered to be negligible in relation to the wider area in which

scallops are predicted to exist (scallop grounds are located around the UK on the Scottish east and west coasts, in

the Irish Sea and the English Channel (Carter, 2008; Marshall and Wilson, 2008), and as such the magnitude of the

smothering effect on scallops was assessed as negligible. Additional research does not indicate a significant change

in this assessment and agrees that it is a precautionary standpoint. The area to be affected by smothering as a result

of a reduction in WTG has decreased by 40% in the Revised Development (see Section 4.2), and can be considered

to be negligible in relation to the wider area in which scallops are predicted to exist.

The effects of suspended sediment on settled larvae and juvenile scallops were not specifically considered in the

original EIA. Examination of the literature indicates that settled larvae and juvenile scallops will be negatively affected

by increased levels of suspended sediment, affecting growth and survival rates. The extent of this effect on growth

potential of settled larvae and juvenile scallops is greater than that of adult scallops, however it does not significantly

increase mortality rates (Szostek et al., 2013). As concluded for adult scallops, recoverability after cessation of the

impact is likely to be high (Marshall and Wilson, 2009; Szostek et al., 2013).

The effects of suspended sediment on pelagic eggs and larvae were not specifically considered in the original EIA.

The extent of this effect for pelagic eggs and larvae scallops is not specifically known, and is dependent on the

characteristics of the suspended particles, its concentration and persistence in the water column (Davis, 1960; Auld

and Schubel, 1978; Kang, 2012; Ricardo et al., 2016). However, due to the spawning behaviour of adult scallops

(Le Pennec et al., 2003), natural dispersal of pelagic larvae (Beaumont and Gjedrem, 2007; AFBI, 2017), and the

short duration of the impact (see Section 4.2), recoverability can also be considered to be high after the cessation

of the impact. In addition the natural mortality of scallop larvae is extremely high (Thorson, 1950).

The findings of this review, in relation to the predicted level of impact are presented below for increased SSC and

smothering respectively (Table 5.1). Although the sensitivity of the different life phases of scallops to sediment were

not considered individually in the original assessment, the assumptions made for scallops in general were sufficiently

conservative to encompass the biologically significant levels of SSC and deposition found in papers reviewed for

this discussion paper. It is, therefore, considered that the conclusions of the ES in relation to the impact of predicted

sediment (SSC and smothering) disturbance on scallops remain valid.

Document reference: 1152250

Impact of Suspended Sediment and Smothering on Scallops 6th October 2017 19

Table 5.5.1: Table 5.1 Summary of Impacts to scallops from an increase in suspended sediment concentration (SSC)

Impact Original ES Conclusion New Relevant Information Validation

Smothering Loss of scallops in sediment

deposition depths >5 cm over

a total estimated area of

10.09 km2.

The sensitivity of this group

was defined as low therefore,

combined with an effect of a

low magnitude, a minor

impact is predicted.

Loss of settled larvae and juvenile scallops in sediment

deposition depths >5 cm is consistent with the loss of

adult scallops.

Increase in mortality up to 20% for settled larvae and

juvenile scallops in sediment deposition depths <5 cm.

Interruption of spawning activity due to loss of mature


Pelagic oocytes and larvae present in the water column

will not be affected.

Studies indicate high recoverability of scallops also

applies to oocyte, larval and juvenile life stages of


In relation to the Revised Development, sediment

deposition may increase per WTG foundation

installation, but total area affected by sediment

deposition depths >5 cm is likely to be reduced.

Net impact will be less than original prediction.

Conclusion of Original EIA remains valid; (not

significant) no further assessment is required.

Increase in

suspended sediment

concentration (SSC)

Decreased feeding and

potential growth rates in

scallops during episodes

higher than background levels

of SSC, with a maximum

peak concentration of 4000

mg.l-1 higher than background

levels dropping off within 10-

20 minutes, and overall

increase lasting no more than

2 hours.

The sensitivity of this group

was defined as low therefore,

combined with an effect of a

low magnitude, a minor

impact is predicted.

Decreased feeding and potential growth rates in settled

larvae, juvenile and adult scallops during episodes higher

than background levels of SSC, dropping off within a

couple of minutes and overall increase lasting no more

than 2 hours.

Possible interruption of spawning activity.

Reduction in larval scallop survival during episodes of

higher than background SSC (>200 mg.l-1), lasting no

more than 2 hours.

Reduction in oocyte survival during episodes of higher

than background SSC (>200 mg.l-1), lasting no more than

2 hours.

Studies indicate high recoverability of scallops also

applies to oocyte, larval and juvenile life stages of


In relation to the Revised Development, activities

causing SSC will be fewer in number, and areas of

increased SSC will affect a smaller total area.

Net impact will be less than original prediction.

Conclusion of Original EIA remains valid (not

significant); no further assessment is required.


Impact of Suspended Sediment and Smothering on Scallops 6th October 2017 20

5.2. Impacts on fishing

The Commercial Fisheries chapter of the Original Development ES recognised that scallop grounds overlapped with

the Development Area. While it is beyond the scope of this discussion paper to validate the commercial fisheries

baseline of the Original Development ES for scallop fishing, as a new commercial fisheries baseline will be submitted

as part of the Revised Development EIA report, it is clear that scallop grounds still overlap the Development Area

(as the area remains unchanged and scallop fisheries continue).

The Original Development ES commercial fisheries assessment considered impacts to scallops from indirect

disturbance as a result of sediment deposition and temporary increases in SSC, and concluded that this impact

would be of Negligible/Minor significance, and therefore not significant for the purposes of this assessment. The

validity of which has been discussed above in relation to both the revised levels of sediment predicted and the new

papers reviewed. Therefore, the conclusion of this assessment is considered to remain valid. It is worth noting that

sediment modelling for the Revised Development demonstrates that that levels of SSC and deposition will also not

be sufficiently high to affect scallops outside the Development Area, therefore impacts to scallops or scallop fishing

are not predicted beyond the boundary of the Development Area.


Impact of Suspended Sediment and Smothering on Scallops 6th October 2017 21

6. Conclusion A literature review was undertaken on the effect of sediment (SSC and deposition) on scallops at different phases

of their life cycle. In addition, sediment dispersal modelling was undertaken for the Revised Development and the

predicted levels assessed in terms of the biological impact on scallops. This information was then compared to the

distribution of fishing which provides evidence of the distribution of scallop. This information was then used to

validate the predictions of the original assessment.

Although the sensitivity of the different life phases of scallops to sediment were not considered individually in the

Original Development EIA, the assumptions made for scallops in general were sufficiently conservative to

encompass the biologically significant levels of SSC and deposition found in papers reviewed for this discussion

paper. It is, therefore, considered that the conclusions of the Original Development ES in relation to the impact of

predicted sediment (SSC and smothering) disturbance on scallops remain valid and not significant.


Impact of Suspended Sediment and Smothering on Scallops 6th October 2017 22

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N.F. Bourne, B.L. Bunting and L.D. Townsend (Eds.) Proceedings of the 9th International Pectinid Workshop,

Nanaimo, B.C., Canada, April 22-27, 1993. Volume I. Canadian technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic

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Marine Scotland (2016). Consultation on New Controls in the Queen Scallop Fishery in ICES Divisions VIa and VIIa.

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8. Appendix A - Modelling results

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Inch Cape Wind FarmDredge Disposal – Plume Dispersion Study

March 2018

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Version History

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V01 17/01/2018 J Poleykett M Wright M Wright Draft forcomment

V02 25/01/2018 J Poleykett M Wright M Wright Draft forcomment

V03 06/03/2018 J Poleykett M Wright M Wright Final

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V01 N/A

V02 Changes made following comments received from Laila Higgins.

V03 Revised in line with comments received from Natural Power (28/02/2018)

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Stuart McCallum (Natural Power), Laila Higgins x

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1. INTRODUCTION 6Study context 6Modelling the dispersion of dredged material 7

2. METHODOLOGY 9Modelling approach 9Model scenario 10Input parameters 11Hydrodynamics 13Model outputs 17

3. RESULTS 18Modelled predictions 18Disposal plume dispersion and deposited sediment thickness 24






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Figure 1. Map showing the location, and layout of the Inchcape Offshore Wind Farm (72 WTGlayout). ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 7

Figure 2. Current roses showing the direction, and magnitude, of tidal flows at two locations inthe area of Inch Cape Offshore Wind Farm. Data Source: Partrac Ltd (2011). ........... 8

Figure 3. Development of regional MIKE21 flexible model mesh. ................................ ................... 14

Figure 4. Development of local MIKE21 flexible model mesh showing increased resolution aroundthe Inchcape Offshore Wind Farm. ................................ ................................ ................. 14

Figure 5. Measurement locations used for model validation presented in this report. ............... 16

Figure 6. Predicted maximum suspended sediment concentrations observed at any timethroughout disposal operations and in the days following ................................ ........ 18

Figure 7. Predicted maximum sediment thickness on the seabed following dredge disposaloperations. ................................ ................................ ................................ ......................... 19

Figure 8. Predicted suspended sediment concentration (mg l -1) predicted at locations 100, 250,500 and 1000m to the south along the tidal axis from the release point (WTG 8)following the commencement of disposal operations. ................................ ................ 20

Figure 9. Predicted suspended sediment concentration (mg l -l) at locations 250, 500 and 1000 mto the north (along the tidal axis) of the release point (WTG 8) following thecommencement of disposal operation. ................................ ................................ ......... 21

Figure 10. Predicted cumulative sedimentation thickness (mm) at 100, 250, 500 and 1000m to thesouth (along the tidal axis) of the release point (WTG 8) following thecommencement of the disposal operations. ................................ ................................ .22

Figure 11. Predicted cumulative sedimentation thickness (mm) at 100, 250, 500 and 1000m to thenorth (along the tidal axis) of the release point (WTG 8) following thecommencement of the disposal operations. ................................ ................................ .23

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Table 1. The dredging cycle simulated within the model scenario. ................................ .................. 11

Table 2. Model input parameters, and default input parameters used within the model for ea chdredge site derived from the ES (Inch Cape Offshore Limited, 2013). ...................... 12

Table 3. The tidal phase, sedimentation thickness and spatial extent of the deposit during modelrun simulations. ................................ ................................ ................................ .................24

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As part of the application for a Revised Development, being developed by Inch Cape OffshoreLimited (ICOL), for the Inch Cape Wind Farm, Partrac has undertaken an assessment of thesediment dispersion potential associated with the disposal of material to be dredged during theinstallation of Wind Turbine Generator’s (WTG’s). Dredging of seabed sediments up to 72locations would be required as part of the ground preparation for the installation of the RevisedDevelopment WTG’s. Specifically, Partrac was requested to quantitatively evaluate the sedimentdispersion potential within the surrounding North Sea associated with the continuous disposalof dredged material from the fall pipe of a Trailer Suction Hopper Dredger (TSHD). To ascertainpotential impacts of dredge material dispersal to potential near, and far field receptors, a(numerical) dispersion modelling study has been conducted.

The objectives of this report are to provide a description of the: Methodology adopted (section 2); Model input parameters (section 2); Model set-up and validation (section 2 and appendix 1) Impact of disposal operations (section 3); Conclusions (section 5)

Study Context

The wind farm development is to be located approximately 15 to 22 km, to the east of the Anguscoastline in Scotland, UK. Figure 1 shows the location of the Development Area.

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Figure 1. Map showing the location of the Development Area (72 WTG layout).

The original Environmental Statement assessed the construction of 213 fixed structure WTGs,whilst the Revised Development is proposing up to 72 WTGs. Due to the changes in the turbinefoundation parameters associated with larger WTGs, and in order to inform responses to thescoping opinion, the extent and magnitude of the potential distribution(s) of dredged sedimentsarising from their disposal at sea have been reassessed.

Modelling the Dispersion of Dredged Material

Effects associated with the proposed dredging activities have the potential to affect marineprocesses within the North Sea. The extent, and manner, of these effects is complex and difficultto predict. Consequently, a numerical model has been developed, calibrated and a scenario runto allow any effects on marine and coastal processes associated with the dredging of seabedmaterial at the proposed foundations to be identified and, where possible, quantified.

At the wind farm fairly uniform flows are observed across the Development Area (Partrac Ltd,2011). Tidal flows are strongly rectilinear in form with a principal tidal axis oriented NNE/SSW(Figure 2). Flood currents are generally stronger than ebb currents and flow south-westward(minorly southward), whereas ebb currents flow NNE (i.e. they are aligned with the generalshoreline orientation). The flow velocity magnitude is generally low (< 1 ms-1, see Figure 2). Thespatial variation in flow across the development area is broadly anticipated to be minor (InchCape Offshore Limited, 2013), though some variation (however slight) will likely exist due tobathymetric change, with the flow velocity magnitude reducing as water depth reduces. Figure

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2 presents flow data, in the form of current roses, collected at two locations (see Figure 4) nearthe Development Area, during a six-month metocean monitoring campaign (Partrac Ltd, 2011).The data presented, (captured using two seabed mounted, Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler(ADCP) was captured between March and June 2010. These data were also used for modelvalidation (see Section 2.4).

ADCP 3: March – April 2010 ADCP 4: March – April 2010

ADCP 3: April – June 2010 ADCP 4: April – June 2010

Figure 2. Current roses showing the direction, and magnitude, of tidal flows at two locations around theDevelopment Area. Data Source: Partrac Ltd (2011).

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Modelling Approach

Suspended sediment plumes are one of the process effects of dredging operations which mayimpact the environment. Dredge material disposed of at sea generates a suspended sedimentplume which is subsequently open to transport, driven by the local hydrodynamic regime.Modelling this phenomenon allows the processes driving sediment dispersion to be simulated ,(advection, diffusion, settling) enabling an assessment of the localised and wider impacts ofdredge disposal operations to be investigated. The model was developed and run to simulatethe behaviour of sediment plumes in the region where dispersion processes are dominated byambient environmental forcing and passive settling due to gravity. The results were used toevaluate the fate of the sediment plume and any accumulation of sediment on the seabed .

Prior to the commencement of the model run, NPC advised that the ‘worst case’ estimate ofdredging requirements, including all worst-case tolerances, is 40,000 m3 of material to beexcavated from each WTG foundation location (72 in total). The total dredge volume providedwas utilised as input data to the dispersion model.

To set up the dispersion simulations, the operational cycle (i.e. the length of time it will take theTSHD to excavate, and dispose of, 40,000 m3 of sediment from each WTG location) wasestimated as 48 hours. During the model run dredging operations were continuous1. During theoperational cycle, excavated sediments were also disposed of continuously from the fall pipepositioned 5m above the sea bed2. The disposed sediments were then subject to advection anddispersion by the ambient flows. The downward momentum occurring due to disposal via thefall-pipe was not modelled. Use of an appropriate model coefficient to estimate this wouldinherently lead to a greater sediment thickness on the bed in the close vicinity of the disposalsite. Assessment of the scenario where a larger depositional footprint will occur is conservative,and can be considered the worst-case scenario, since the thickness of deposited sediments close

1 In reality, it is likely to take several days to complete the preparation of each base, which may beundertaken in several phases, and there will be periods between the completion of one base, and thecommencement of excavating the next (Inch Cape Offshore Limited, 2013). Further, the material will likelybe discharged in controlled phases, rather than as a continuous discharge. Thus, this assessment is notsensitive to the precise duration of excavation or the rate of discharge.

2 The height of the fall-pipe is anticipated to vary during dredging operations from between one metreand five metres above the seabed. The greater the release height, the greater the size of the resultingdepositional footprint. Thus, to consider the worst-case scenario, the fall pipe was positioned at 5m abovethe seabed in the model scenario.

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to each foundation site is estimated to be large under any feasible scenario (Inch Cape OffshoreLimited, 2013).

To assess the potential impacts arising from dredge disposal operations from all 72 WTGfoundation sites, the model was setup to simulate 9 TSHD, excavating the foundation sites of 8WTG sites, simultaneously, across a 16-day period (referred to as the operational cycle). Weconsider this approach to be more robust than directly extrapolating the findings from a reducedmodel run (as was conducted in Inch Cape Offshore Limited [2013]) as the spatial variation inbathymetry and flow velocity magnitude is captured.

Within the model, disposal begun on the 30 th March and continued for the following 16 days,through to the 15th April. The model simulation was continued until the Suspended SedimentConcentration (SSC) returned to likely background levels (defined as < 5 mg l -1) to consider thepotential for continued dispersion of sediment.

The model outputs were interrogated to establish the maximum SSC’s (mg l-1) and maximumdeposited sediment thickness (mm) arising from the disposal operations. These metrics areconsidered key output parameters required for the assessment of potential environmentalimpacts. In addition, to provide further information which may be of use to the assessment, arepresentative example of a worst case (within the context of dredge disposal operations acrossthe development area) foundation site (nominally WTG 8 3) was interrogated in further detail .From this, the sediment thickness predicted at locations to the north and south (broadly alongthe tidal axis) is predicted and the evolution of the sediment plume via time sliced snapshotsare presented.

Model Scenario

The model employed is a cumulative impact model encompassing all disposal operations at thesite. The scenario modelled was as follows:

Tidal Phase: The first release within the model commenced on 30th March at 19:10 coincidentwith the spring tidal phase. The operational cycle (16 days), occurred over the spring- neap tidalcycle. As the tailings were released continuously throughout this period, tailings were releasedvariously across the spring – neap cycle and on the flooding and ebbing tide.

3 WTG 8 was determined as a representative example of the worst-case scenario due to the location(offshore location), and release timing (close to peak spring tidal cycle) which resulted in disposaloperations occurring in an area, and at the time, of the greatest flow velocity magnitude.

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Release Location: The excavated material was released from the proposed location of each WTG(provided by NPC). Each TSHD employed [9] excavated 8 WTG foundation sites, working fromWest to East across the site. The TSHD operational cycle modelled is detailed in Table 1.

Definition of Worst Case: The worst case is defined here as release of 40,000 m3 from a fall pipecontinuously discharging material from 5m above the bed at each of WTG location.

Meteorological forcing: A historic meteorological dataset was used to simulate ‘typical’meteorological forcing experienced during the springtime.Table 1. The dredging cycle simulated within the model scenario.

Release Time afterfirst release







(kg s-1)

Height above seabedof discharge


1 0 40,000 48 314.81 5

2 2 40,000 48 314.81 5

3 4 40,000 48 314.81 5

4 6 40,000 48 314.81 5

5 8 40,000 48 314.81 5

6 10 40,000 48 314.81 5

7 12 40,000 48 314.81 5

8 14 40,000 48 314.81 5

* The dredging cycle was repeated for all 72 WTG locations by simulating 9 dredgers working simultaneously acrossthe site.

Input Parameters

Where appropriate, to provide continuity, model input parameters were garnered from theenvironmental statement (Inch Cape Offshore Limited, 2013). The dredge mass (kg) was derivedby multiplying the dredge volume by the bulk density. The sediment mass was then proportionedinto 6 size classes being: very coarse sand, coarse sand, medium sand, fine sand, very fine sandand silt. The median grain size values (derived from sediment samples taken throughout theDevelopment Area [Inch Cape Offshore Limited, 2013]), enabled the sedimentologicalcharacteristics of each sediment size fraction to be calculated and model input parameters tobe defined (Table 2). Transformations of deposition rates into equivalent sedimentationthickness was facilitated using a dry bulk density value of 1360 kg m -3; assuming a 15% watercontent. The re-suspension of deposited sediment was not considered in the assessment.

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Table 2. Model input parameters, and default input parameters used within the model , for each dredgesite. The sedimentological characteristics of disposed sediments were derived from the environmentalstatement (Inch Cape Offshore Limited, 2013).

Metric Value

Bulk wet density (kg m -3) 1600

Dry Bulk density (kg m-3) assumed 15% water content 1360

Total dry mass of dredged material (kg) 54400000

Average proportioned mass – very coarse sand (kg) 103904

Average proportioned mass - coarse sand (kg) 6573696

Average proportioned mass – medium sand (kg) 28346752

Average proportioned mass – fine sand (kg) 17769216

Average proportioned mass – very fine sand (kg) 579904

Average proportioned mass – silt (kg) 1026528

Very coarse sand mean grain size (mm) 1.5

Coarse sand mean grain size (mm) 0.75

Medium sand mean grain size (mm) 0.38

Fine sand mean grain size (mm) 0.19

Very fine sand mean grain size (mm) 0.09

Silt mean grain size (mm) 0.03

Very coarse sand settling velocity (ms -1) 0.203

Coarse sand settling velocity (ms -1) 0.1031

Medium sand settling velocity (ms-1) 0.0471

Fine sand settling velocity (ms-1) 0.0179

Very fine sand settling velocity (ms-1) 0.0054

Silt settling velocity (ms-1) 0.0007

Specific gravity (kg m-3) 2650

Porosity (%) 60

Bulk dry density at seabed for sedimentation thickness calculations (kg m -3) 1360

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A numerical hydrodynamic model was configured to establish the magnitude and extent ofchanges to the physical marine environment. Details relating to the configuration, calibrationand validation of this model are provided below. The model enabled investigation of thedispersion of disposed material in the worst-case scenario. MIKE21 software was used to set-upand operate a European scale two-dimensional (depth-averaged) flexible mesh model, toproperly capture the relevant physical processes. A dedicated regional model was thendeveloped using the MIKE21 hydrodynamic modelling package. This is a comprehensivemodelling system for two- and three-dimensional water modelling developed by DHI. Suchmodelling systems have been developed for complex applications within oceanographic, coastaland estuarine environments. The MIKE21-HD (Hydro-Dynamic) and MIKE21-PT (Particle-Tracking) modules were applied to investigate tidal and sediment plume processes at a regionaland local scale, respectively.

2.4.1 Model Domain

A European, basin scale “flexible mesh” model was developed (Figure 3). By employing a flexiblemesh with triangular tessellations, it was possible to refine the resolution of t he grid in the areacovering the proposed development. Such localised refinement provides an enhancedrepresentation of the bathymetry and therefore allows spatial variability in currents to be moreaccurately represented. The resolution of the model varied from approximately 10 km in theopen Atlantic Ocean to 5 km in the approaches around the UK, 3 km in the North Sea and downto a maximum resolution of approximately 75 m (Figure 4). The model consisted of a total of480,000 triangular tessellations, the majority of which were around the Development Area.


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Figure 3. Development of regional MIKE21 flexible model mesh.

Figure 4. Development of local MIKE21 flexible model mesh showing increased resolution around theDevelopment Area.

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2.4.2 Bathymetry

The primary source of bathymetry used in the hydrodynamic model was Oceanwise raster charts.These data deliver some of the best available information on water depth around the UK. At aresolution of 1 arc second in the Development Area (or approximately 30m, depending onlatitude) and 6 arc seconds in the wider model domain, physical features such as trenches,ridges, sand banks and sand waves are well represented. These data were augmented with datafrom GEBCO, ETOPO, EMODnet. The coastline was discretised using the Global Self-consistent,Hierarchical, and High-resolution Geography (GSHHG) Database. The GSHHG is a high-resolution geography data set, amalgamated from two databases in the public domain: WorldVector Shorelines (WVS) and CIA World Data Bank II (WDBII).

2.4.3 Boundary Conditions

As the hydrodynamic model was based on a simulation of the European shelf, boundaries wereapplied in the North Atlantic beyond the continental shelf break to allow the deep water tidalwave to propagate into the model domain and generate any associated higher harmonics. Tidalboundary conditions to the hydrodynamic model originated from the 1/12-degree TPXO 7.2Atlantic Ocean tidal model.

2.4.4 Regional (2D) Model Calibration and Validation

The numerical model was calibrated against measured current data gathered during a 6 month- long metocean survey campaign which commenced in December 2010 (Partrac Ltd, 2011).Model outputs were compared with the measured current data from the two ADCP deployed inthe region of interest. Figure 5 shows the locations of the two ADCP used for model validation,reported as ‘ADCP 3’ and ‘ADCP 4’.

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Figure 5. Measurement locations used for model validation presented in this report.

For each dataset in turn, the model output at the corresponding location was compared to thetidal component of depth averaged current velocities.

The information provided in Appendix 1 displays that the current speed and direction showed astrong fit with real data (Partrac Ltd, 2011). The observed high correlation (determination)coefficients (R2 values of 0.93), regression slopes marginally in excess of unity and low scatterindexes suggest excellent model fit with real data and thus the model can be considered a strongreflection of reality.

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Model Outputs

Figure 6 and Figure 67 display the maximum SSC and the maximum sediment thickness (in mm)of deposited sediment observed at any time throughout disposal operations, and in the daysfollowing, respectively.

In addition, Figure 8 - Figure 11 and appendix 2 display the following outputs based upon therelease of dredge material from WTG 8.

1) The SSC observed at locations 100, 250, 500 and 1000 m north and south (i.e. broadly inthe direction of the tidal axis) of the simulated release point throughout dredge disposaloperations.

2) The thickness of sediment deposited at locations 100, 250, 500 and 1000 m north andsouth (i.e. in the direction of the tidal axis) of the simulated release point throughoutdredge disposal operations.

3) Time sliced snapshots of the location and SSC of the sediment plume that arises fromthe disposals of excavated material from WTG 8, and the associated SSC through timeuntil the concentrations are imperceptible in relation to background SSC.

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Modelled Predictions

The following figures show the outputs for the modelled scenario. Figure 6 and Figure 7 showthe maximum SSC encountered at any time during the model run scenario, and the maximumsediment thickness following dredge disposal operations , respectively.

Figure 6. Predicted maximum SSC observed at any time throughout disposal operations and in the daysfollowing.

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Figure 7. Predicted maximum sediment thickness on the seabed following dredge disposal operations.

Figure 8 and Figure 9 show the SSC observed and Figure 10 and Figure 11 show the thickness ofsediment deposited at locations 100, 250, 500 and 1000 m north and south (i.e. in theapproximate direction of the tidal axis) following the simulated release from WTG 8.

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-100m -250m

-500m -1000m

Figure 8. Predicted SSC (mg l-1) at locations 100, 250, 500 and 1000 m to the south along the tidal axis from the release point (WTG 8) following thecommencement of disposal operations.

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+100m +250m

+500m +1000m

Figure 9. Predicted SSC (mg l-l) at locations 100, 250, 500 and 1000 m to the north (along the tidal axis) from the release point (WTG 8) following thecommencement of disposal operation.

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-100m -250m

-500m -1000m

Figure 10. Predicted cumulative sedimentation thickness (mm) at 100, 250, 500 and 1000 m to the south (along the tidal axis) from the release point (WTG 8)following the commencement of the disposal operations.

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+100m +250m

+500m +1000m

Figure 11. Predicted cumulative sedimentation thickness (mm) at 100, 250, 500 and 1000 m to the north (along the tidal axis) from the release point (WTG 8)following the commencement of the disposal operations.

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Table 3 details the relationship between the tidal phase and the deposited sediment thicknessand spatial extent of the deposit on the bed.

Table 3. The tidal phase, sedimentation thickness and spatial extent of the deposit during the model run.

Sedimentation thickness(mm)

Spatial extent(~ km2)

0.1 123.25 0.3 49.80 1 20.82 3 13.33 10 9.55 50 6.08 30 7.19 100 4.69. 300 2.70 1000 0.77 3000 0.02

Disposal Plume Dispersion and Deposited Sediment Thickness

Significant points to note from the outputs of the modelling with regard to plume dispersionand deposited sediment thickness are:

That the plume disperses southwards on the flood tide and northwards on the ebb tide(Figure 6 and Appendix 2).

The maximum predicted SSC observed at the site during disposal operations is 330 mgl-1, and the maximum observed sediment thickness is 5.9 m.

Due to the position of the fall pipe in the water column (5 m above the sea bed), andthe (relatively) coarse nature of the excavated material, deposition of dredge materialgenerally occurs rapidly in the locality of the release.

Due to the reduced flow velocity magnitude at neap tides in comparison to spring tides,the predicted SSC locally, are slightly reduced when dredge disposal occurs on the springtidal cycle. Comparatively, when disposal occurs during neap tides, SSC are slightlyincreased locally to the release site, the plumes follow a similar path and direction, butof reduced extent in comparison to that observed during releases on the Spring tide.

SSC return to background levels (< 5 mg l -1) ~2 days following the final release of themodelled scenario (i.e. almost immediately [< 1 hr.] following the completion of dredgingoperations).

Figure 8 and Figure 9 show the maximum SSC observed to the north and south (alongthe tidal axis) following dredge and disposal operations at WTG 8 captured at 100, 250,

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500 and 1000 m. During disposal operations the SSC to the south peaked at 200, 19, 4and 2 (mg l-l) at 100, 250, 500 and 1000 m, respectively. Comparatively, SSC to the northpeaked at 35, 12, 4 and 2 (mg l-l) at 100, 250, 500 and 1000 m. This is due to the floodcurrents (which flow south-westward [minorly southward]) being stronger than ebbcurrents (which flow north eastward).

Figure 10 and Figure 11 reveal the thickness of deposited sediment at the same locationsnorth and south of WTG 8 during disposal operations. The deposited sediment thicknessobserved to the south following release at WTG 8 captured at 100, 250, 500 and 1000 mpeaked at 1100, 170, 8 and 0.5 (mm) at 100, 250, 500 and 1000 m, respectively.Comparatively, the deposited sediment thickness observed to the north peaked at 620,185, 25 and 0.3 (mm), at 100, 250, 500 and 1000 m, respectively. Again, this is due to theflood currents (which flow south-westward [minorly southward]) being stronger than ebbcurrents (which flow north eastward).

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To evaluate the sediment dispersion potential , within the surrounding North Sea, of sedimentsdisposed of at the Development Area, Partrac employed a numerical modelling approach. Themodel simulated the release of excavated sediments from 72 WTG foundation sites toquantitatively evaluate the sediment dispersion potential, associated with a proposed, continual,sub-surface disposal of excavated sediments from a fall pipe from a TSHD.

For the modelled scenario, the spatial distribution of SSC and the maximum sedimentedthickness were predicted during ebb and flood tidal conditions, across the spring- neap tidalcycle. The model simulation outlined the dispersion of the dredge plume and the extent andmagnitude of the depositional thickness of the material on the sea bed. The plume dispersionpotential is driven by the hydrodynamic and tidal forcing at the site. The extent of the dispersionand subsequent deposition is dependent upon flow velocity magnitude which are increased onSpring tidal cycles and decreased on Neap tidal cycles. Due, to the size of the site, and thebathymetric profile, spatially varying flow velocity magnitudes also impact upon the dispersaland deposition patterns of disposed sediment. The ‘worst case’ scenario model outputs indicatethat the suspended sediment plumes generated from dispersal will encroach beyond the siteboundary, though only in low concentrations (< 10 mg l -1). The associated deposited sedimentthickness, beyond the site boundary is also predicted to be low, not exceeding a thickness of 30mm, and generally being < 1-3 mm, thick. Resuspension of deposited sediment has not beeninvestigated during this assessment.

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The following key conclusions have been drawn from the outputs of the model led scenario: The numerical model showed strong correlation with the measured hydrodynamic data

from the site, indicating excellent model performance. Following completion of disposal operations, SSC is predicted to return to ‘approximate

background levels’ (~5 mg l-l) almost immediately. The localised (to the point of release) maximum SSC was increased during disposal of

dredge spoil at Neap tides, and at inshore (relative to site extent/boundary) sites. The spatial extent of disposed sediment deposition was increased during the Spring tidal

cycles in comparison to that observed during the Neap tidal cycles. This was enhancedat offshore (relative to site extent/boundary) sites.

In general, the dispersal of disposed sediments is low due to the generally low flowvelocity magnitude experienced at the Development Area and the proposed dredgedisposal technique of releasing sediments from a fall pipe, 5m above the seabed.

The results of this study suggest that during the modelled “worst case” scenario there is thepotential for suspended sediment plumes created during dredge disposal operations to increaseSSC and deposited sediment thickness within, and beyond, the extent of the Development Area.SSC is predicted to be greatest due to increased flow velocity magnitude and greater tidalexcursion (the distance a parcel of water travels during a tidal phase) during Spring tides. Inaddition, during this time the spatial extent of deposition is greatest , but the thickness ofsediment deposited is lower. Comparatively, during the Neap tidal phase SSC is predicted to belower and the spatial extent of deposition is lower, yet the deposited sediment thickness isgreater. Consequently, it is reasonable to conclude that increased SSC and the spatial extent ofsediments being deposited on the seabed is greatest during the Spring tidal phase, yet theimpact during the Neap tidal phase may be less widespread, but the deposited sedimentthicknesses in these areas may be more pronounced.

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Inch Cape Offshore Limited (2013). Environmental Statement. Chapter 10 Metocean and CoastalProcesses, Appendix 10A Metocean and Coastal Processes Assessment. Report reference:P1476_RN3026_REV5_APP10A.Partrac Ltd (2011). P1127 - MRP Forth and Tay. ADCP data captured from ‘ADCP 3’ and ‘ADCP4’. Date last accessed: 16/01/2018.

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Details of the method used to fit the harmonic constituents to measured data are as follows:Part 1: Fit Harmonic Constituents to Measured DataStep 1a: Select Data for FittingAll data was used to fit harmonic constituents, with the following exceptions:i) Data bins with less than 50 % valid data, i.e. the topmost bins which are more often out

of the water than in it, are omitted.ii) Some sections appear inconsistent to the majority of the data and thus were not

included.Step 1b: Depth Average Selected DataMeasured current speed and direction data were resolved into eastward and northwardcomponents (hereafter U and V) and depth averaged.Step 1c: Fit Harmonic Constituents to Depth Averaged ComponentsHarmonic constituents were fitted to the depth averaged data using the UTide software packagewith the following options:

Two dimensional fit (U and V simultaneously) No linear trend included Nodal/satellite corrections with exact times Constituents selected using the automated decision tree of Foreman and minimum

conventional Rayleigh criterion (Rmin) of 1. Note that alternate values of Rmin wereconsidered but did not give notable improvements in the quality of the fit.

Step 1d: Review FitThe raw data was subsequently compared to a reconstituted dataset comprising only the tidalcomponents to ensure a good fit.

Part 2: Evaluate Harmonic Constituents at Timestamps of Model OutputsThe fitted harmonic constituents were then evaluated at timestamps corresponding to the modeloutputs, giving a direct comparison point for each model timestamp. These values weresubsequently compared to the model outputs to create the validation plots included in thisreport. Simultaneous scatter plot comparisons of modelled and measured depth-averaged tidalcurrent speeds with overlaid Quantile-Quantiles and time-series comparisons are presentedbelow.

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Comparison of modelled and measured tidal currents (ADCP 3).

Comparison of modelled and measured tidal currents (ADCP 4)

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Time-Series comparison of modelled and measured current speed (ADCP 3).

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Time-Series comparison of modelled and measured current direction (ADCP 3).

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Time-Series comparison of modelled and measured current speed (ADCP 4).

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Time-Series comparison of modelled and measured current direction (ADCP 4).

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The following plots show time sliced snapshots of the location, size, and associated SSC throughtime of the sediment plume(s) arising from the disposal of dredged material from WTG 8, andof subsequent disposals which occurred during the time stamp of the data presented.

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Impact of Suspended Sediment and Smothering on Scallops 6th October 2017 27

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