Impact and influence own the room - fcu 1 awards coaching session - april 2015 - thornton group

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Transcript of Impact and influence own the room - fcu 1 awards coaching session - april 2015 - thornton group

Impact and Influence: Own the room with your

next presentation

Neil Thornton

"Nothing happens until something moves."

- Albert Einstein

“They may forget what you said — but they will never

forget how you made them feel.”

—Carl W. Buehner


“The only thing that will ever get in the way of

the impact you want to make

… FEAR.”

Our goal for today ….

If you leave here today thinking and acting the same way you walked into the room, I have failed!!

How you walk in a room, make an impression and leave an impact is ‘the’ most important business skill you can polish and improve.

Your presence and ability to ‘own’ your influence is critical today.

Let’s begin……

Open Dialogue

What challenges do you face in making presentations?

Open Dialogue

What changes are you required to lead today?

Tips ….

Advice, lessons and tools that I have learned over the years…

Your brand….what you want to be know for?

Leadership definition: “What people say about you….when you are

not in the room.”

Your influence starts when you walk in the room

Remember to breathe….

Slides: No more bullets No reading allowedClean and simpleFive second ruleKeep the lights on

No more podiums….use the full room

People like stories

Know your audience

Capture attention

Avoid talking about something you are not passionate about, eager to share or excited to discuss

Value vs. Selling

3-D Speaking

Learn to understand body language

Be ready for Q&A

Are you open for coaching?

All athletes use a coach

Two good resources:

Thank You