IMARY FOR NEGROES - · next.except ats tb slums of Tenr 'Dollatrs and...

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Transcript of IMARY FOR NEGROES - · next.except ats tb slums of Tenr 'Dollatrs and...

A N Extrt Connnication of Coierdia Lode,No. 50, A. F. N1.. will be held (in Satunrday

evenitg tb 9h hist.,'st 7 o'olnek- .'>r the purposeof i nilltonq'f Otliers for the ocurrt'arL. -

Uruthreniwill take dute notice, ai vivern them-selves accordingly. .iy order of tI e \). M.

A. G. TEAGUE, See'ry.

Feb 6 It 4

Fir't, Last and onY C0all!I ILEisiLY warn nli persons indebted to moe,eitler by Note tor Aceount. te come forward IIml

Settle tl--aine w'tithut le'av. I Rm rwed-Vtl, anttdw nthosthe above Ft.ut-st is.e splied (vith. will be

Compelled to use tihe striligelt ne:i.-ures withall m1debtjed. I API ill earnet.

t. H1. SULLIVAN.Feb4 . . 2 4

Bleecied Shirtings & SheetingsNeLwIA tiH R Agusta; a.idtsI

T *eeived' f'romn New: York--Extra Water Twist 4.14 Bleeched SIRTiNGS;New York Mill.V -4 BleehdSilIHRTINGS;White Rock; Water Twist, 4.4 Blevehed SHtiRT-

IN GS, i soft finish) -

M:meiester 4.4 8ileecu ed SiIRTI-NGS;Boot MilLis 4-4 itleeched Si N!1TiNGSSu;erior 12-4 ilainil-ou W iiehessiE ETINGS;rior 12.-4 Ml-n.hud/i1:T1 eched SiIEKET I N G'S t

Wansu'.ta Nlills linetn.-1 Pillow C,teCOT TfNS; N.ii Mills lVelied1 :aiha .1 E.ANSA. G. A. .\n-eknn a.d Iearl itiver TICITNGS.

'I he-ubove omiscs tho b -st uimke of Goads, itllik --otuttry.Iit will hnt.sod at rvetr low pi~ces for

en-h. The ubbe are rntietfnilyinvited to ea4l and

-:inine the a-sotui-nt.Feb. 4. .f- -4

Heavy Cotton Osnaburgs.- IIi1LA3J SIL A 1, A ntgust-t. GA-..h1son band, H eavy atton OSN A BURGS,

whieh .wilJ be sold low fur eash, by the p ce or hale,.1 to which hie recektfully iiese the ttentioUnil

Pi-aiters nod Country Merdiants.Feb. 4. 'f 4

Cambridge Female School,r 'iIF. Exercis-of thi Schln'u. woer Tesutned on

I te -tirst Nlonday in i'ebruary itnst., tnder nhe

direction of the .ncomplished y.oun:t hilv, Ms<AN I E C. GOTT. She wil all thebraneb'es of Engilish and Frech. jrawing, Paint-

inz and Mlusie. The Sehool will be taught Teni montl'.divided into two SeV-ion.Rates of Tuitlon by the Year.

Spcllig anud Reading first Sessions in. Geo.raphyand Arithmetie................... 2 00

The abovie Witt Gogerphy, Aritnet1e,Grammar a Cd (listory.............. 16 00

And all the h6iihner branches of E'ngtilh.. . . 20 00)Mlusic on the Piano.......... ....... 00

French. lrtawing. &e, each............. 5 00

Goo board cati be had iii respectable families a'tSS pt-r month. A. P. POOL, -

W.M. CARTER. 2.J. W. CHILD, Sr. -

Feb 4

Administrator's Sale,B -~lti T~ifdsibiy' le 21st February at the

late 'rsSf-e( btleldr lloy,"'-dt-'d.t- on the: Five

Noti Voad leadin to laiiburg. p. the per oval

property of the said deceased. cunsistilng of

About Fifty Negroes,Eleven head na 1forSen alnd .lules' a Lar.c Stock

.of Cattle, Stock 1lgs, a .o1 of Sheep. one Ibad

Waggop', one Cart, one Bugey and Unrne-s, lar"e4Ict o* Corn. Fodder. Peas. otatine, l ain Enrd,-Cotton Sei. the deceased's interest in a Thrasher,a stf Ulacksmith Tools, llouserhold and. KitebeFurzniture, and other articles nit-necessary to enua-merate.Tots -On a credit'i " th d .it ~11eerrr

next. except ats tb slums of Tenr 'Dollatrs and under-which must be paid in cash. Purchnaserse riingtheir noutes with two aprovedl senities'-filin tocomply Wh thetrms, thne property to be resold atthe risk of thiedi-st putrchans.~

31.\MTI LDA DOBY, -\d'-N. E'.-The Noble's Tract of L;nmd, c..ntainting

t'tree huntdre i andi forty a.-teLs, will be rented ait'thesamte tme and place, for the present year.

Feb6 0 4

-- --Notice.- - IALL. p.-rsmns indelbted to the Es4tate of NathannielC-C..rley, dee-ased, are reqn.-sted to ma~ke pay-

mnent wvithut further~ dilay, andl dmse having de-ma~inds againset said estate, wvill rendeer themi in pru-per Iv- attested.

BRL)ITT C0II1.EY', Adm'r. -

Execuitor's Notice.ALL P'ersons ind'ebted to the &state of -tamnes1.Stevens, dee'd., are reqjuttedl to settle up

pr.omspt!v, and thoase Ismvin~g demands are herebyinotitled t'trei:dur thm in by tine iht of tl~archi or

they wvill be rejected. W. L. STE\'ENS, E..-r.Feb Gi 4It

-Notice. I

41.L d-hs. iudebt..d toc thne Estat.- of J. E. Free-11 tnin will p'~ee cme f-a ward and pasy up

inunetidiatelv atnd th. .s. havinig decmande against theEntate n ill'presetnt tem itrperly attAted.

.J. 11. .JENN 1NG~S, A d'rs.JT. Wt. 1:REEMA.N,

1-hbd. - .tl*

110: FOR~ CAEI'ORINIA.To' TICR toa;l: prsots teral whom it tmay cncent,

.i Th:. is to e- rt~ify t huai thes Sindebtedti.Elibeth Iih ner:, will be!edl upn iiilare tn ret urn

day to pay all-dentat'.ag and -hy so they wil!sav troruble and cost. G E0 . 31.1 ii IL R.I'I'eb 4 e ~ t

-.T$~iinj 01 OUTh CAROLINA,EDG;EFlI-:*1.1) D'I iCT,

INREQUlT.Anierien C. ilacket, et. at,L I'rioaFibbcy Ann Nfoowe, and (Thos. L:ke, Ex'ors. S) .

1)Y Virtne o~f :m order frinm the Coutrt of EquityI)for EKlielici I istrict.I wiU pr..ceed to sell at

thec late residene-: of -iohnt C. ir,e deic'easedl.Ontthme 56th Inst. all the fleal Esntte of .11.1m C. Mloore4.ded'd. exeept the itomste:a.l trar. Cotsistingr of onetraet of land! eontanii-C one ttndn~red ande twetnty-twoacres, more or less, bounded by the lantds of W. N.

Moore. A. G. Unteket anid te hilnds of the estante of.Creswell more.

TR3s'o? SAI.E.-Onia credit otnc ati.I two yearts-.except as to tihe costs, which tneust be panid 'in caish.Purchasers to give botnd with two adnus.tatestretis

A SIalKINS, c.1:oFeb, 41. 1S'. S . 4.

At the same time and place by virtue of an orderfromt Chanm. Wardhuw I will procedn. to sell the fol-luwitng persoctmln prtopjerty oif .1 C. Meacre, dee'd., vz

12 Likely Negroes3 Mlules, Stoclk of Cattle, lUngs, Corn. Fodder,

Oats, Pea<a. Shinteks. Costton anid' 'otton Seed (cieGin llead, i Iloand Waggucns. onte Carriage Pinanta-tinsti arid Blacki Smthtl tcs,ae ont anid Lard, House-hold and Kiteheni furtnituire. &e.

Tents or~ SALE-Ott a credit of twelve mntthns,Except as to sutms untiler 'E-n Iisilhtus which mustbe paid in' Casht. Putrcha~sers to noates with twvoand suitflint sureties to secutre tint putrcha~se money.1

Feb 4 -St 41Found,

()N the Columbhia Roand, near Lexington CourtI Tiruse, a sntali-sized Pocket Book, conttaintitn

a smnall 'ariutunt of mroiiey whkch the owner tan getby gijn on the Subscriber, pnroritng property andpalyintg for this advertisetnet. The said PockmetBook also egnniginetd a taxS receipt givecn to otne .hackPrice by J..J. JDernis-k, T. C. L. D). Other papqrwere ficumnd itn thne IP.ket 1liemk ott which thte saidPrics namte was wraign.,

y. fILSON0BA KE.Jatil 30 ' Sr


BY Hi. T. WRIG IIT, Esquire, Ordinary of Edge-

Whtei-es.Ch'airlotle Sm'tih Tis alipitrme fmnr IJet-'ters of A drministrat in. on-all and airienttar the senhdsarid chtattlesc. rights aund ecruditsuf Danmiet L. Smith and.-andu Ns.ncy Permia Srith late of the Dijstrict tafure-

sid, dleceasedl.These are. therefore, to cite and admoonish all and

singular, tine kindred tund creditors of tih aid deceas-edi, to be and appear beafdre me at oturnext Ordinary'sCourt ror the safid Distrit-, to be holuden at EdgefleudC. II., on -the I8th day of February imsnt, to) usow

canuse, ifatny, why thnesaid admirdsttratn ould notibegranted.Gi~ven under my haunt andiseal, this -4thdlay of Febrtt-

ary inmtihe rear oefinur [ordl one thosndit eighmt litmntrsdaund fifty-six and ih tihe eightieth year of Anmeric-anIndepede. II. Tr. WI~II(T, 0. E. 1).

F4h 6

A E.GUSTAT 11E UnderJsigiu would ree ful'y e7'l i

totheir very coinlltlete did ten-lee tlANE SURGICA OPIi)SEASES.

The ,Building is siuated corner of Jack-ine Savannaht Rail R.1aid Depois; and in sight I

Aon of1 patient., from at distmee. Ila its con.,triiiew the Special pur ipe o-t Io. wlhil i i's :ppliv

m*oliduce it, Ile COML-'ORLT OFii SICK.iths-anid h:swater-elo-t1, ini eac.tory to a

so we!l ven ti;ated and I lited with gas.i1d 'nale nur'sos, tae patietnt wviil he SIAved 1

A unavoidable neplect in the treatment of NE(TERMS18--For Bonard, Le.dging, .111d ,Nur.-ii

ttendam-e, S urgical Operations, & e., tite aie


Augusta, Tan 30, 1855.


W L commi-nee .- C441 fry1 Glods4 Ilinsineis,onl anid~atCr ho Idt of' February nl.,

ill keep a W ELI. SE L1E'TI) Stek of

STAPLE AND FANCY- ARTICLES,aptedi to the Sothearn Trade. which h 1 will sellat

-ees to make it the ityre'st 'f purcha-ersti huyir Cash. It require! no aegmntci to prove dtatiods cat be sll ebenper tor Cash than they can

m the usual credit terims.The public are iespecttully reque.ted to call and

m'miethe assortment.Augusta, .Jau 30 tf 3

Groceries, &c.uHE Undersigned have 1ormtied a Co-partner-lhip i6 busmess, uider th.- firm or SIlIlEIY

. 'Us I'R. :t the, ,ld al well kLuwn stanl utet.:LE & soy .Corner-u .\htrktt.-n Centre. Streets.

atburg, for the trutiaetioni of ae d

roery, Provision S cotton Business,ee.we itntend to keep constatily on hand a Iill

pely of Gods, an till sell as 1.W for CAS11is any other hitnse.

Our Stick consists in pt or the fullnwingClar;Iied-, Crush'd. Powdered. Zt. Croix, Purto

Rieo -nd New (rleans SITGA RNew Orl.-ais and Vet India MO L.\SSFS;.lavaand Hi COFFEE;

irish PUTATO'ES filr l'Iihiting;BACON, LAUI) anid DUtEIl

Ung-;'ng Rone andi' Twine,.SIo nd Illlo~le Leath,

Mackerel Kitts anid IHarre!s,illanikets,\ Ne"'r C lothIt, )sinabuirgs

Pepper :na i e, 1- esh: Iice. S..ek anid

inow GhC; I.:nIno, liseid and Trin Oil,Pai:ts, Pwd--r, lii ith. ;m Iiast in:, 'lhotuntdLad, a .t'ifl assotmntt oft Chlir'- I ock-aways. 'tlie.. A tim and ('IhidrenN

'I edet eads. tfil. Feath:t s-

exican ti 1 lriv iani (;mio,' Nittlevell's Sa'ts.Liietm. anP las.t.r. Irni, Germ:mo :1u- Cast sie.]I

is, assorted, au-, &e.S!lIl.EY & 'Sll.

iamburg, .n :1. 1s5';.. _ly 2

Administrator's Sale,.)rot e t1 iott the ':1s .J;anuairy, at iiee of Sita e.t: l'ln s. .1. eX-.!ct

i;tyf the s-al id deca'.d, e..mistinig it about

. Nine Negroesineetuc fotrs: .. nine Stock ofl I Iloms. ('attie. onet.sfSteis, 'i:e .'x C 'art. lII.othlli :mid lKi'ceniunitue. Farn:: utentsil<, and] time lst-ya',of Corn and Ios-, aIr e.Term~s, ion ai credit until thle 25tih-c )embrnet.t

ust be paid ini ea..i. 'PumrchIasers givin.: heir

Otes with two applrovedi suirettes.SAJ)ElRCK llOLMAES, Adm'or.

Ja: 23 .t

A1 iaily recii1ng my Sprine Stn'-k con iting~o every article usus..tly kept in ounr line~ ofr Iusi-

iss, whci.-I wtii he soNd at Mlessrs. l.amtbek&,o1ers -Cash prtices. A\ mon::lt my Stocek -inhte'Best Assorted Liquors and Wines,ver oiffered in llamburg, which will be sold aic-urdig to quadtty aund tnot Brtandu.

S. E. lBo WEks, Am:.r, Iat 31) tf . ' i-

Look, Look.*T1i1 .\Y DFro the i, Suibscriber, at it. P. Iliar-)rson's, on the :hmd inst , '~T ORSI>'1--

ic a D~ark llayv, betweenm 5 an : 16' hand~tes highi,bout 7 vears old, with a statr in his foreead, theiwer par-t of onie hid foet whiute, anid is a mat utahaeer. The othier is a. iiy abo ut I5 hatudsh!, suiplmsed t, hbe nmar i1 y ears old, with mtatie

d ie tail blaek. A ny informmtioni concenmgsainoSs, addressed to mue at Dune WVest, Abbeville

.astrit, will bie thainkfully received.15. M. WINSTOCK.

Tan 310 .- 2ta

Ad iitao~ Notice..Lh PersonJfs havuing demttandsl ag~ainst the Estate.f W,'m. 11. Aedamis, deced. are hereby notiled

pr iiesnt the ratme. pureeperly ttee, for patymenitt,td tose wiho are itidebited toi the Estate, are re-

et'c~ed to make payitent toE. PENN. Adtt'ur.

Jan 24 f . 2

. Notice.LL ersns de~te totheI-stteL orf.John C

A lln, ee' ar reneseelto t-tie upl pfgnhpt-and thtose havinig demands are hereby notifi--dto

tder them in imm~iediate-ly.W.S. SMYLY, Admi'i.

De(21; - - 91-.


George W. Jonies,

Geore Kelly.'plt PIlaitntjh in the above staited ease, hanvingi

L 1 tis dav filed his Dei larati'ei in myt (ilie,1gaint thle I Jfendanttt. wvho (as it is said; is aba-cnt

m oi aid with'out the limits eaf this State, andl lhseithier wife ntori nttoneV known -withini tile samelionit wouj ai coipy of the said. D)eclarationi itt

eserved, It is tliereforne iordered that the saidl De-endant do uppiear and plead to the said LDeelarationt

.iiiti a vear anid ia day from the date htereoif, tther-ise- tial'and] abhsolute jutdgmeot will be giveniand

twrar aga ne bhn.-T110S. G. B ACON, c. c. r....

May i-,' - qly -. Iii

- IN COMM.ION PLEAX.Jaes 'i1. iihardsoni,

Mss Sauindets.

II1 Pluinttill' in the aibove cases hav'ing this d1ayiled htis dleclarattiont ini tmy Oflice, ande thleDe-

ndanthaviig iiither wit'e nutr A ttornmey kntown' to

itsaid lDeelarationis with- rnW to plead canm ber eym Un mrotion of Messrs. Spannlt & -Matgrath,

laintiff's Attiorneys, Ordiere-d that i-aid IDefendatipear and plead to said I terlarations withini a yeartd a ay ftromt the date Iteirem'f. oer itnal aind absolutegetet will be given: aginst him.

Ti11OS. G. F;ACON, u. c. E. a.r Cle..k's nm..c, u...n 6,1855 13cJ 8


"IMARY FOR NEGROEStl tt i 'f i'laitters, :nd She-ownerggenerali

i-himil ii A glt ai. Ga.. for the nt'ilmta diiIRATlUNS or TRATMiENT -IN CIIlONI'

and Fu' ick Srvets, Lwtween the Georgi: ant

' botli.. It is dierefore coitivenienit foir tihe recep.lioni, throu hlr11, 11te ent1ire plan1, was.- keptiti.: bi~g 118 igihedl wiith etverin w i i~ hichc::

It i s p'i:-.d x ih ltot :-al enlt baihs and shiwe

viioil lI*1i-uie aid expoi.ure lt the jatieltlk. It iih the vicnstatiit iltiance of experieiied malt

Ih 4' tile sullu-rinst vii i too illen is the resulIOSin ordinary private pinelice.

'r, per wthi, AI U. Foir ajl NECESSAI:Y MCedienvsi or in r ciy pr.ietice.-is in itrtiit;l iar i rei.

I I. F. CA.\N!PIll, Surgeoin,:'(. AM1'BEL. Atinding Physician.

Look at This!Carriages, CarriagesBug gles,. E g m

..&c., &e.- &C. &e.r ll S sci.ri ber ,tN; carries on the hus-iiess at.the. old statid of A.- BesusNsL, ((th

would say to the * peole of the' D s:riet that 1he

u.vl al ties ind ood1 assirtelit ofCARRIAGES AND BUGGIES

finl hanl of his tinw t ma nn!eit tire, that wili besolto -o.1l punctual eisitthiiers (oil as reasiinable term

os tley can be boru-ilt in any Southtrn imarket.I have secured the setrvices of.Mr. A. UeslxeLL

f6r the present, year, aid f rul his long exierienie<in thl arr iag business, I think that purchaser.

may expect sati.tsfaction in their work.

N. . I a n n ta.o) prieparoL'at all tilnes to urniilCOFFINS and I1.\I!Sl for aity portion or th,Dist riet at the .shiurtest ntice.

lJgetiveld C. I1., M~y 16,if is


S nw hut in the lnrgest sze-d HoIliles, aid is acknuwI.algIed ii lie the It EST SA RSA PA RI LLd

made, as i. i-ertilied by. the Wonderfin Cores it h:periormued, the riginal Copies .0f whi(eb are in the

pu0 ( ofii li e piroplrieliir. Rtemeiber, this is tionv IrIle a ind rigitnl artiele.

SrhttFI LA, ; I'll!I.lS. MERC1'RAL COM

P IL AINTS, C:.ANCERl, G .1(U(E ENIE, R II E C31 ETI'S), ant a v:-t variety of ither titenses are speedi1:

hold pienfet'ly enired by 1with noi o this inrteicne.READ THLE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATE.

I tl~'Lmi *i laiili. I I . 11.I..e Ii..:.thi'.... .\ l . :. wi ti

halI ho: l:I:--1 *.n. y u t h! i s sto c ri'. t o yo* u tie you

let racti of1 Yen fre -ad~i anilrlualsrie rnic

one ua' rh na'-t1 ial wondru en InIeiii ie rhe

atr.--el 1n in .t iv laeiee n.ill.ite. 'for li ii ; r will

rp ion --n niaC le:: I n l -o i ni'a i i y :or'ii-I athat - inail Io : in onerleb. ad i n 1 mol i nd n lesl

:na teI;:l t i -l' knee (In tabotr ~ ui inubail'r;..nira e Isrik ai i .re ..~- .'.f inir n.rlui: 'Ire '8'lo

r *'an.e :r.;y 'ari. ' at. ta.I i 'lni 'e. 1 3 n t rilo rl.

. i i 'in: le . l . :ta!.-. a-t :i lur::' tieil:. n 1hie

die1i:...aa i:Ian. i ainav:n!:-rion ati 'ira l I'' :le it:

la il 0. 1 br-.lf t!! i n a:r.. rii n;:' t ute.- nearlaao

iilio . ah :eri-i h::t e lin i.~!erllo ie.eo

vtah i.. entte teil-e to hI itn iff ltl':" li:arli ere e.I . :. rn:b.

n r t i i. .!".i t ' : i. i . e '.,n.i ae.t . S OV ' &un. wonEAD ernCenre her:r Ne.I . e,'inI ett ar zi.r . nelo aah u'! r:

: *.$ :1 . . n (1 in. PE N I :'!eut w '.> b . :i!e of i . ('n - Pe n

nI-\ w ..aiiian:.' n y.twomek.t & t i i'.relt :sli!It.(.I:Ie:

rh.. I~j h:. Sai.l.Ie.d Iiuai years11 . W illhenl hi i h.1:lui.ix1. .l:!.--. ly t--r s tw .il , it l e xel ian '-t, I hn u

tiltw 'e.':i:ihk nl i:lil ie.itltrfyu .- ihxteretofi Yae

ul . l tin. --:.r- iai'1in. :ilic n i'rmel

I e ten.a ::l. 48f hal-:ulid . an artili.of n i tin ornhnlsho i i~it wiletr a yin.n IIL lti-cuTL ti ilL' h w or ti n;p.;.!it:si.' l r...ili, ittir;! - btr it lel ...hitnai' vi ::re

'6,.r:li le .lli rI n: I.t'l i hn x .::1 :ali 1 ie no lint -li j:lo i in-~i! i:.' i ti i . il0:is l~eiut s li; l ' td higly- 1801i'- i :! ". ti te e s I lt uize tit.n!lla e:11 oil 1'*. il i

I r ';-t.. i .:t :!'2:rn : .t . 3.7l. l T lal .

I,..:. Ior~ rted Gardeen1- SerryE 11114 ueh :et -.N.\.1.\1l1 1f t.:ill E.

a.).p.-. !- - :- ntll n.i'.. i t', l tt e ili ng~ ( r.-in iett

nenni..-r l' e.-rt ilb-aue t'.ir. , y r'vrin.d ti -' 13t.h . jili'

seri pii.n. W e am reoi Stle~e, glIsl or18w.

a - - renaLos riilic lC~amireew tenturil

1.1 .. Per-ali li11:tilll.v iCOVIL&MED1:Chartrese, N. 0. fl ea :: for this11re rl-r

: iii...,. elV w Ihet :l ~e r, niiniii e : illlI ir ~'re' e hllii;. [. I-N , :ha e ll h t'c. 11.: W.gnt . i1ttiF

1-8r'eii thn:miu: W.\ n It 1t .1 W (pa p IY N lwr ille C.1 11.-I l'.\'ei Lar.h-il1: -I t''. hu' .TiT tlO t'-'

.he tis .\li.A111. I ii3.FY lt'll .. Ait r e by -, t an.fel

(1.\ ot irI..\ t N I i ntt li e i.1. l ' t~ tie ..('har e ston. it

P tn t Brutalic Brushes C serTl Su'>reribe r:stys on haint, atis Fur.i

nritue &E. talisient by ag a.l r indestrtbleCss

v:Inlyf2r 1rts9tton rf.ralyohrddN~v lol hand aNtice. ieetfr

and linish frwmt ihetfr C ua iheh.rt

shape2 and aierneftefore stl. h

resebhm.eeiofn ih beeautifuiand hAihly PO

besory 'n eaonAl tos . .\lO.MITTN.Jaept 2Li




-;, ee. i ure hli

tion of the e lizls of IElefirll 1.tDi eie to hisMACHIN SHOP,

Wliieb is nw in snit'sful aid comnplete operation,3i1d als, seiitits anit examititn ofr hs

Whrehe a.1 11O lndan extii-ive variety ot henu-iful and w.e~ll-inhed IFU RN ITIRE,eonsistin!! of

.\lahorany, Walniut. RosCewood, \lle: and1 Pine

Cubboard Safes,11OO CASES & WItlTING DESKS,Wardrobes of various Qualities,

3EM3D STE3MA3D_=,(fine varietTy.)


Always on hal a god spilply of- well-naele

Sash, Blinds, Pannel Doors, &c., &c.

Havinl' sec'uril the services of the most emnipe-tW rk I eld not hev'ilatte t0) say tait I call ('x-

hib:t as flue al'd good work as will be found eice-

11El'P.\ I G 1 Sa neatly and Irnllpt.y atendcedto.C I wi!I sell tile avel 'artivles otn as reva.onaile

terms ns the im %%-s wI all ov. Those wheo iay Cashfilr- tlivir Furiiture in Aitllusta .I Charleston willnit lind -nuch diti-rence in our en'h ebarges.

;(. dl inl lispect the above Furniture beforetdigeltewhere.

Edgelieh G. I I., Sept 5 If 34

WARE _RD6omS\ T IV E woul call the attentionel (,I tle putblietee

cur NCW~ anid WVEiL.ELE.CTi) Stock ef

.\t tihe eIld i'tandl,

UNDER THE AUGUSTA HO-TEL, BROAD STREET,Where we are prep'red to supply ill orders in our

lhe, at Redued Prices, vndr

We woulbl invite psurchasers te ecll before buy3 ingelsewhere, for we W AR1iANT a

Large Deduction from Old Prices.JIE.IRY & SKIIINNER.

~AUs-TA, Sept. 7, 1M)5.

P. S.-IHnvil' lmlale arrnngetnntis for our Fall

SSupplis with e it Exclsiur 3anufartory" of'New York. it enables us to sell at unlpreceetedlow rates. 1 I t S-

Augusta, Sept 7 - m 35


1 T IE Siciseriber, being unw in receipt of histweck of' Goids for the

Fall and Winter' Trade,(A tIAd thankfull fior the very liberal pMalreeunagehere-toore' extened~t to him11) respectfutlly solicits d .onl-

tiInmmeeC' of t hat patronafge andit an exallinlationof



l* i'urede PrtiteAdl Plin~ all wool DEIi) .UAI ES

]Ei'tek and Coeled C H t LL I E1A gr'et ierity sfCALICOF. iandc WORSTEDI

.In'cn--l.wi.-. i Do ted. Chi'k'd andtul .\ liushins;*etnnbrie :md11 ".tiee ll.\l.\llN S;Ch.-i' i - lt. s. ':ssllars and1 t le.l.eeves5 :

ITrea. Linen ande Lisle Edslinlgs, &:e., ke.

]ilnek CAXSSi .E ESi5 S.\TIN ECTS, TWEEDSltnd Keninetke .h F.A Nst

Uencebeld andc firown~t Sil ITI N( :.. .- !131 iSi':NS;

ALGe oi l.\N d' N T'. ||sthe

\ GroberiesitHard.ware erandtrs;ey

WhiNteSanIIdl..\ ANDS C- SA lne variety:5 st' Cheried do.'~tl ht, ~des

I.titeJi..d. Cd ~!' n lc'ri i.\Ns'

A large aupply o 51:10 do-~iieiiittt

Aleandtatifu Beron.f

.iti'se'tc lLd Ciie n'sC

th aboevte as a g--eratl ouitline of his Stock, willni~lice foer thet prlese .

Wilingt~ at all time's 1o idsw htis Goods to any

ntity tile earne.tly requtested to stepl inl and) exi~efee thiemeles~. It. II. SULLhIVA\N.Sept 2t, If 37

Executive Department..

liv 11is Ex'elleneV .1. AMN ES II. A l)A \MS, Gover-nor andc Comninu~nderi inl Chief in und. over theState of Southi Caroeellm:W.IIER lEIAS information has been received at' T this IDpartmnltt that a miurer was commhiit-

eel on thce body of ICLi-i Al I ERKlNS. on thedtcay of by3 FRLANKI(N PEiRiiNS. (his

b rother) in Newberry ishtriet, anld that said Per-kilts. hts ile~d from jiustice:

Now knoew v'e, that to tiie ~e jus~tice may be0d ote. till that thle side Perkinst may he broutghlt to

hlgal tal feer hts il' its oesnid, daan-:t s II.

A palb ,Gove.rnor as a foresaidi, dot issue this mtyer lttionll eili'ring a reartld of TifllRl E f UN-)hiio rOL.LAFRS for his apeprehension and de-

lvery itto y jail in this State.Said Perkinls is abosut 23 4cr 24 years of nee,

abseut 5 f'eet 8 inchles hight, dark hair, light complex-iln genetrnlly weirst a thtin hea'rdl on his chin rathe'rligtr colored, htas a dlown-east cutennneell0(, andspaks qick when spojckenf to; hie hadi his wife wvithhim whenC Inist hteardi from.Given undler moy hand and the seal of the State.[L. S.] J- II. ADAMlS.

JA)1 .S PA-rEnSON, Sec. of State.Jan 23 3t 2.

Fair Notice.A LL Persons due the late Fcirmn of hIrindley &

.~Rosamoend, by Nocte or Account, are hiereby-nctiedl that they will be ptineed in the huands of tenAttorney for collection if noet settled soon1.

iR1. J. for Assignee.Itlhurg, Jtin 21 2t 2

Fair Notice.LLPe rsons indcebteud to the late Firm ofC .leohn

. £.Cha~pmattn & Sonls, by open Account mIustse~ttle. JOhlN A. CilAPMAN,

Newherr'ly C. IL.,ITIIOS. E. C'iI A P.\lAN,

Colemlan's X 1l 3 1

INotice.W yASillN(G andc 11RONING done to order

Applyo at ,hiia Ollicc.

EDGEFELDCOLLEGIATE INSTITUTE,F'S'ABLISl ED nder its present direetion in

sI1S51, and has continued uniformly prospe-rouus.

--ts peculiar elutraeteristies are-1. Whatever it proposes to do, it (loes, ann does

thoiringly.2. Its advant:ges, reputtation and pntronage are

designed to lie or a strictly local character, and no

appeals are iade to the citizens of other parts ofJi- State for thlir patronage.

3. It alibrds to the people of Eilgefild, what fewin other Districts propose, viz: A model School forthe edueatioin of their daughters under a strictlyhome in/luence, and seenres to them, at their owndoors. advantages which they cannot finid surp'assedelsewhere.

.1. It is, without controversy, the beat furnishedAcademy in the State fur educational purposs.

5. Its income. no matter how great it may be, isall disbursed at htnumune. so that its patrons are dnu-bly benelited by its priosperity.

7. And la.tly, it relies simply upon its meritsfor reputation aiil ,ulliort, ant doing its worksunder the most favorable circumstances, !hallengescenstant serutiny and in)vestigation.The Winter 'Session for 1856 commenced on

Monlay, the 14th .aiuary.The Rates of Tuition in the dillerent dlepartments

will remnain unchanzed. They are as follows:Collegiate lh partment, per session, - $15 i00A eademical n 12 00Primary " " " 7 00

Optional Studies,Folt wIcH TIMt CraRGn Is EXraA.

Mtusic Department --- - - - - $I 00French - - - - - - 10 00Drawing, " - - - - - t000P'ulpils using the Chemical anl Philosophical A p-

paratus are chalrged each $ a Session fir breakage,&c. And those practicing upon the Pianos at theInstitute pay each $1 a gession for keeping them intuni.There is also a charge upon all the Pupils of 50

cents i Sessiin for contingencies.Pupils can enter at any time, and if near the

middle or close of the Session, are charged butirom the time of entranve: all such deductionslivirecr, date from the close of the second weekof that Session. Loss of time from sickness, ifof more than two weeks, is also deducted.Rates of Tuition and regalations the same a

published last year.lHlAS. A. RAI MONDTPamCPAL.

Edgefield, Jan 15 tt 1

CURRYTON ACADEJHES.r IlE Exercises of these Institutions will be re-1

sumed in the third Monday in January next..As heretofore, Mr. JAM ES L. LESLEY will

et as Prineipal of the Male Department.The Female School, with the Primary Depart-

ment of thie Male Academy, will be conducted byMr. A. P. BUTLER, assisted by the learned andhighly accomplished Miss A. E. ART 1UR, andother eumpetet Teachers. .

i Rates of Tuition per Session.First Class, Primary Department,..........$9 00Second " Orlinary English r:Inches,....12 00

I ird " Iligher " ..... 15 00

Fourth " Greek and Rimnlan Literaturowith higher Mathematies,...........20 00

French. Enibroidery. Needle work, &c., ustalrates.The Scholastie vear will be divided into two Ses-

sions of live montiis each. Pupils will be chargedfrom the timc of entering to the end of tht Session.Tuition in advance.Good Board can be had in the Village at from

$S to $10 per mouth.Rt. MERRIWETHIER,S. P. GETZEN. ..


A. P. BIUT.ERt,ii. A. SHAW.J

D~ecS5 tf 47

Bethany Academy,'pileI~xerises iif this In~stitution will be re-

a. sumed on the F"ourtht 31onday of Januaryunier thie superimuendiance and instruction of Mr.IG. GA LA'l lN, aided by comipetent Assistants.All neesstry repatirs and aidditions to the building

n ill be compi1leted by the oipeingt of the School.

R.\TES O1" TUITION, &c., the sanme as furthe last twelve years, are as fo!luws:For Illtmentary D'epartment, Class-I1st, etmbracingIOrthoraphy. Reading. Writing and Child's Ge-ographty, per Sesion, of : weeks,..... 00

For E-'lementary Depar't, Clatss 2nd, inelmliing aboveand Arithnmetie & Alitcell's GJeography, per Ses-;i'n of 21 wveeks............ ......... 00

1-'ir-Intrereiate Decpartment, inceluding above,nandII istiry and English G rammnar,...$10 0

Fr lliiher D~epartment, so omech of ahove as maybe constiider'ed necessary, with Natural Philosophy,Chemistry and Mathectuaticaml Scces, per Se-.sion if 20 weeks,..................$12 00

Classical J)epartmient, embiracing :all the studies nue-eessary to qjua'fy the .student for admnissiion into

Sophlimoru Class, S. C. College, pr Ses. 61l5 00Students are charged frim time of entrance to

end of Session. No'deduction for absenice unlessensed by sickness of two weeks duration ;andwheni dediuetion is expeted thme Principal must beniotitid atL the time.Thlere will be an adilitioinal Twety cenuts pe'r

Schoilar1 per s.,iont, to meet the inieidental expen-ses of the Selmoil. W. 1ARRISON, Cualit.De 2( St . 50

Edgefield lMale .Academy,TaE exere ses of this Institution reeotmmenced on

the 18th Januairy, under the chatrge of Mir. W.SicCASLA N, who hats Classes prepiaring for the

Fr shmnan and Sophomore Classes in . .C. College.Thse wishing to enter College will do well to jointhe forthwith...l'articular attention will lie givent to exereises in

Coposition anid Deelamtatiiin, and also to weeklyrvews. Parents should constult the interest oftheir Childrent, start them at the begining withtheir Classes, nd keep them regularly at School.P'upils will be charged friim time of entering tillendf th Sesionexcept ini case of viekness.

en oteSesinTernas,Primary Studies, per. quarter.........i7,00iighecr English ..................-- S--800Classics ............,....--.-. ...0.00

- A. SI.\KINS, Chair. B.'.Jan 16 tf

B, C, BRYAN,At his Old Stand, tine Brick Store,

HAS .lust received his FALL AND WIN-TER GOODS, to which he invites his eus

tomers and the puiblic to call and examine for them-selves, as he has a

LARGE AND OM1PLETEassortment of all kinds of

Goods for Ladies' Dresses,Amontgst whiech may be found.

Rich. Plnint, Black, Figured, Watered and StripedSILKS;

Plait atnd Figured Muslin DELAINES.~F"renchu atl Englisht MERINOS;Black BOMfiA ZINE, ALPACCA and CAN-TON CLO'18. A very line assortment of

Ladies' Cloaks, Talmas & Mantillas,a lairge and beautiful stock of.

*A full supply of


--Also-A spiondid ad well selected assortment of

Kereys. Blankets & Negro Shoes,HARDWARE AND CROCKERY,

SJIQES, fIATS, CAPS, 4'C.With every article generally kept in a Dry GoodsStore. Thankful for past favors, I hope b~y-strict at-te,on to business to merit a eotinuance of thesame.

IfyA liberal ditcounit always mtade for Cash.B. C. BRYAN.

Oct 2 tf SS

FOR SALE,TrHiE STORE lIOUSE, nexthEast of Rt. H. Sul-

.Liva's, 30 feet front anid 60) deep, containingIthreerooms below, otne above, tand a good cellar.

--Also--ITHEFTAN YARD and Lot aidjoiniing, and con-

tainting about three atres.--Also--

ONE LOT on the brunch adjoining C. L. Refo.

Oct2 ft R. Tr. MIMS1.

CANDIDATESror Tax Collector


Law Notice.-.1T IE Undersigned live formed a partnershipfor the Practice of Law for Edgefield Di-itrictOne or both will at all times be funl at theit

Offiue in Law RIange.M1. L. BONJIAM,CICERO ADAMS.

Edgefie'ld, Dec 24. 1855. 2nv 51

Law Notice,T IE Undersigned hae formed a Partnership

fot the practice of' Law in K.gefieldIDistrict.W. C. MaORAGNE,H. W. ADDISON.

Dec 25, 1855. tf 50

Law Card,Y OFFICE i4 now In this Vil!agc. next door

S.Lto W. W. Adams, where I enn atall times. -. C. W. STY-LES.*Edgeficld C. I., Jan'15, 1856. if 1

Medical Card!DR. 1q. W.'ABNEY now occupies as an

Oilice the building immediately below theCourt 1ouse and ('jpumite Cl. Carroll's Office: lIeill at all times bt found either at his Otfice or at

his dwelling, adjoining the Male Academy. leill attend strictly to all calls upon him.Jan 2 - tf 2

Medical Notice.DRS. READY & KENNERLY will prietiee

Medicine together on the Ridge and neigh-boring vicinity. Office at Dr. Ready's.Oct 17 Gm 40

c. m. WRIGHT, DENTIST,DFFICE over fessrs. CARn1CIHEAL& DEAN'SHardware Store, Broad

street, Augusta, Ga.All operations pertaining to Dentistry will be at-

tended to with promptness, and to the entire satis-taction of all who may favor him with their patronage.

" Gold Plate and Wire, Clasp Mal, Solder,&., furnisned to Dentists for Cash.A uusta, May Iy 16


F. M. JENNINGS, PROPRIETOR.T HIS popular and well known Hotel, the mostT centrally situated in this city is now open

for reception of Customers. The undersigned was

for a number of years, the proprietor of the Globe,and flatters himself that he has still the ability aniddisposition to afford to his patrons the aceommoda-

tiou of yore. le will take this occasion to say thathe has secured the services (if 5. J. V. CLARK,as his assistant, and will guarantee to the travellingpublic, who may patroinise his house, the best Farethat can be furnished in the Augusta, Savannah,Charleston and Northern matkets. .The United

States is now open under his managenwat and su-

pervisiun, and all lie asks or new or old customersisaa call, if they are not satisfied lie %%ill not com-

lain.Board $150 per day.

F. Pl. JENNINGS.' Nov. 21, 1855. 45 4m

.6%. ; .A. XL 3D.

TpHE Undersigned returns his sincere thanks to

hisa friends for their patr9nage while located in-amburg, and hereby informs thenm that he can beond (after 1st September next,) at the 'louse ofVAR!D, B3URCH ARI) & CO., opposite the Ma-sonie nIal, Augusta, Ga., where he would be happytosee and serve them, and where a FULL and

Complete Stock of Dry Go ods,n always be found, which will be sold as LOWasfrom any House in the City.

31. A. RANSOM.

IHaburg. Ag 13, tf 31

Attention, Gardeners,

Ill.\VlE just opetned my usual large suipply ofFresh Garden Seeds from the well known Gar-

denof 1). LanidrLeth & Soni, of Philadelphia. Itisgneraly acknowledged that Seeds grown in th:s

irden arc equal, if nut supe.rodr to any grown inthiscouttrv. G. L. PENN, AGEN'r.Jan 1 * f5 -

BACON, LARD, FLOUR, &c.Augusta., Ga.

TY Consignments from Te~nnesseeof 13.\CON,ft.LJAI).'ILOUR, CORN, &c., will benu-suallyheavy this sensoti. Persons whlo may hauve

.huythese articles, are invited to 'give tme a call.Evr'yhing is sold fur cash, or city acceptance.

Tr. W. F'LEMIN G,Commission Merchant.

Augusta, .Jan 16 Ot I

Notice, Positive!LL Persons indebted to Robinson & Jackson,is account for 1855, arc requested to settle

thesame by the 1st .alc 1856, as we are desi-rousof closing our old Books.And all' persons having standing open aceountsonour Books for 1853 and 1854, or indbted to as

byNote, are carnestly requested to pay the mnoneybythat time, or they will be placed int the hands

ofanAttorney for collection.Gentlenen! One and all, settle up ! Spare our

feelings fronm much -a course, and save yourselvesunnecessary expense. Longer itndulgence we can-

notgrant. ROBINSON & JIACKSON.lamburg, Jan 7 2m 52

Abbeville LFanner and Independent Press willpleasecopy tw.o months.

NOTICE?!ALL those indebted to tho Undersigned, either Note or Account, ate earnestly regnestedtocome forward and settle, as money .1 NEED, andoieyMlUST II4VE. All those who fail to

omplywith this request by Return Day may expecttosettle with an Attorney.


Janl t .' 51

-Notice to Debtors.OSE indebted on Bonds in the Commissionters-

IOffice, which bonds are due!, will please takenoticethat I am under general instructions frompartiesto colleet the dues of the diff'erent estatesunderthe management and direction of this Court.'his dvrtisee niust be taken by all in lieu ofurthespecial notice.-Those who have borrowed money of the funds ofJonathan Wever, a minor, are expressly notitied

htthattm inor. becomecs of age early in April next,andthey nmust hold themselves preparedI for asettle-neotin cassh at that time. I make this notification

atthe instatc of the party chiefly interested, as lhewiilltbed funds imperatively, on attainig his ma-

jority. A. SI.\KINS C..y. E. D.

Jan9, 3m 52

Ad iitrtr Notice.LL persons indebted to the Estate of William.1..Vance deed. are earnestly requested to settle

withoutdelay, and all those having dema~nds againsttesame will render them in legally att'ested

S. BROADWATE&R, Adtnr.Jan 7 tf 52.

Notice.LL persons to whom the Estate of JamesWathersby, decased, is indebted will pre-

senttheir claims, and all persons indebsted to thesaidEstate, will make payments to the undersigned.

W. L.. ANDERSON, Adminiutrautor.N ov. 21, 155. f 45

Estray Notice.SOLLED befuore mte by W. F. Kenrick on the 9thItinst.,one Stray Horse, appraised at seventy-

fivedollars. H~e is a .lark brown bay, five feet high,nineyears of age, with a snmall white spot in thefe,right hitnd foot white, a blemish in the right

eyethat niakes it nearly blitnd, shodl all round andinoodorder. Said horse is in possession of W.

F.Kenrik, nine nmiles from Ilamburg, on thePatnkoad, BENJ. BAIRD, MD..

Jan21 4tm 1


EDGEFIELDINFOREY1ER I" sha'l tle I're-os the penpile's rihts maintitn,UntaId by power.and unbribed by gain."r I, Subsirib.-r plropos on .ie first Thursday

;it Fleirtary next. if iNulivntli encogrnged, toconm11wneo. the poubliention,pa d2ipurt llouse,of nla t:olI1e1pudeint*.t-o tral %'eekly Newspnper,to be- niat1(t .ij li . I FOlumEt

Th.- '- o A.:.'.giiI *li - medivnm" of thewriteli s vi.%ws on !l Antijoret.that: may bi dny wieitetrsht rite pefopie or I-ir ltightn. lefotrm.aud Proari.s will be the ditinguihingf'atures ofthe 1 o' ,rr&:" and while. its c.o'ums -hall fur-nish the- usual ounint of aeneral imfuirn-.ationti rela-tive to Conmowree, Aarivc'lture :md Potilities;Sciene'. I .i.terstm c and tho.,A rts ; most proqiigentamontig tile iubji ets, colntemplated f diswn, re

the quetonts af dividing Edg, field and Barnwellso as tooea -tablish two new Dittricts ; a thorough re-

form in our State polity. anil the people's sideofthe Elector.d que,-tion. Awl a'so reform in the n-litia systein of this State.

In his depairtmetit, thu I'd;t.or will be assisted byable and poepiular writers : and no trouble. labor or

expense .-uhall be sparei- too mnuke the - Ixroauza"what a 4-..wsplpr ght ition price Se I year. inl dvance'-piyablo

On the reeript- t the first :uiber. -' -

W. .xddress the !ubaeriber .t Edgkfield- C.IL, S. C. a .

-- C- W'STYLES.'Edlgehield, Dkecembecr 20, 1S.5....N. 1.-Post and-ttsnd oIters, who will act as

Agents. for tlie sixvo:r3a.' upon setniung In tentnnt sldi receive te enip free. C. W. S.Doe 26 t 50

Valuable Property' for Sale,1 E unlersignled, ittC'lllteig to) mlve to Geotfa

T i a:IShut-i tin', t1f. re for sale the fo'.Jewingvaluable prooperty in 1latnburg-titles indisputable,TheDW%L lING 1101 Inl L,(T on N.'-lie,

Corner o' Siewdlen Stree-t. rutnni through to-Mercgr cirgct., The hvelling and Kitchen are ofbrick, cove red w:thI tin. On the Lot is a Ca'rriageHJouse, Stable, and all nectssary otitbuildings.The LtT on Centre Street, -narly opposite the

Ameriei lotel. on which is a IargeTWO STORYlBRICK liU.ll.)IN( , oecupied as Two Storey andDwelling-lot rtnming thrugh to Cobb Street. Onthe later .reet is a large back Store.The I.OT on Coorneri0Market and Leavenworth

Streets, rminiingthrongh to hir-reer IStree:. On this.Lot isa:ne.W One and a half story 11OUSE, plIP-tered and painted.

-Also-'FIVE J1UNDRgD. SiHARES Hlambuig and-Edgetiel Plank Road Stlek.The alove projerty will be tlol tin necommo&d-

ting tetow, ot exchanged for laud in Southern Geqr-gia. or ntegroes. 11. A. KENRICK.Hambirg. Oct 1 f38'Valuable Lands for Sale,

TII,E iisucriber <&ivrs for sale the TRACT O7LAND Ien %% hich. he now -lives, situated on

Savannalt River, z-venteen miles. above Augusta,well adapted to the cultivation of Cotton and Grain,containing - -

1176 Acres,more or less. Between five and six. tiund're aers'of cleared land. one hundred of which is first quali-ty lot% grnunds; nil ne hundred aereoe, whilstthe balance of the eleared- Iand isinla', state ofcultivation. The place has several- fine springs onit. On the premies are all nyessary buildings.It is as he:ltthy a location, atd asmoral and intelli-gent a ne'ghburhotod as ean he fund in the District..

-Also-One other Trau-t conttninitit FIVE HUNDREDAND T'IVENTY ACRES, lyiing near the june-ture of the Iktr.erdam an.' Turkey Creeks. Orrthe premaises'-tre. nil. necissary . buildings, with-several gooed sprjutge. ~thej.idaee is heatlthcy, locatedin a fine ne~lithOi4od,' :nxd tiel hdapted to a smallforce.The above ltttls a ill be stiled ton accommodating

terms, and it' desirc d, negro property, at tutir prices,will be taken in paymttz. I will take pleasure itrshowing the latids to any ii hut maiy wish tee purchase,.or any infoermat'ont givent by addresesing the subscri-ber at Woocdlawn, S. C. .1. B. HOLMES.Oct2 Snet 38

Land for Bale, .

T'HE Subsc.rive'r wish'ng to change htis etir

.off~ere, for tele his VA LLUABLE PLANTA-

Three Hundred & Seventy-seven AcresLying on .a'udit ivetr.:nna adjining landls of Wirr.A. Strother. .\. Clark and Jtav'id Payne, nearBozeman's Ferry, antd i~lhint two or three hundredyrds of the (Gr'entvgle & Columebia Ratil Road.The Trnet cont;tins about-tite htutndred eresir

oiinal torsst, wheil.t thte re'et is under fence. Onehundred and l fv . in a hi:.:h state of cultivatio,of which thtere ii. fromi ee ntiy-live to one hundr'edacres of tinte bottom land eqnal tuonny and surpassedby none in the staete. Thtis planttatiun has good out-lets and e.seeltnt tanigs ihr yt..ek.On the premnisce' are u gnod Two Story.Dwelling

Ilueadalnces.;iry planttation buildings. Also,a Spring otf neer l,ing watt r.-

ag Any pers-n wisifng to purchase will eall onthe SuLseilbert whm re'sidts on ithe premijses, and hewill take ph asure itt showvig thtemt the above tract.

J1. W. MAYNARD..Novel tI 45

DIssOLUJTION.r PHE C.. Partnermship heretofore existieg betweens

the Unerswtned, utnder the Firm of W. &.J.Itrr.., is dli~selvedl tin mutual constent. -:

Thet unit. t~lcd bnuirie's of thte Firm Will be ad-justed by Wta.t.t.u: IIIn,. who is duly authoris'ed touse the namei of the Firm in liquidation.-'- -


Hlamburg,S. C., Auognst 31, 1855.

TlE Unde'rs'trned will continue the business intl4its branese at the Old Stantd, where he would belease~d to have ALL who atre indebted to the Firm

in anywise, to call and settle without delay.WM. IIILL.

lHambutrg,Auttg 31, 1S55. Gn. 35

Thne Last Dun .

I ONCE maore apps aleto tose that are indebtedLfor money.,eandtshuld you fail to pay me by the

15th day or hiebrnnry next', you cannot settle withme after thatt titme, as will on that day, w~tboutdistiction. tur over myii ntes~L and accounts to thteproper officers for' e--'llection. r. W. CLARY.Dcc20 Pt 50

Not ice.

A.LL Persona indelbted to thte Estate of Col. R.AB. Hsaukmnight, dec'd.. arte earnestly reiestedtoma~ke immediate p1'yment. All persons hauing~demands atgaintst the e,-tute, will, present they~ pro-Iperly attesa.ed.


Deec19 lv

.For Sale,A FIRST RATE Tantner and Carrier.

ItAlso, a good UIlackstmith for sale or liire.Enqrire of' F. O'CONNOR.Mel. Vitage. Edgefield District, Jan '7 tf 52

Notice.-ALL persons indebted to the estate of Mutry P.Tutt, deecease'd, are requested to miake payment,

nndthose'having demndss against the said .cstate,iwlilpresent them piropertly attested to.

J an-16 tf ' 1

Notice.LOS OR MISL.tlD, by the Subseriber, aNote otf htande signted by WV. B. Dora, for

Tirteen Hlundred and seventeen Dollars, dated onthe 9th inst. All persons arc Itereby notifiedIagainst trading for said- iyote. . ....

J. T. CHEATIIAh.-Jan 10, 1856. 3t ' I

English Prints.I LL 1.43E SHEAR, Auguasta,Georgia,Ihas just received from New Ybrk 'a supply

of Englisb PRIN4T3 of new and beautiful styles,suitable for the Fall season. .Also, superitor hIerri-

sye.nackand other American PRITS, of the lat'estApgusta, Oect 2 ,

f 38

Notice.ALL Perseins indebted tie the Estate of Lewvis-A abil, $r.,deed., will pay up by return. day,

otherwise urgent we nsures ttust be pursued. Andthose 'havintg deandns against the same willpresent thtemt hby thatt tintm. as thie Estate must besettled til. *AB if.R W. A~SBILL tr

I P. 11. ASBILL,.M

Jan23 ENRY CATO.1....on .t