Images - Anchorage, Connotations and Dentotations

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Images - Anchorage, Connotations and Dentotations



Keep looking at the picture.

Do the words next to an

image effect the way we

see it?

By the end of this lesson…

ALL of you will be able to understand the terms anchorage, connotation and denotation.MOST of you will be able to evaluate the effect words have on an image.SOME of you will be able to identify how techniques are used by the media to influence the people.

Key Terms

Anchorage - the words that accompany a picture.Denotation - What can you see in the picture?e.g. Old man in torn clothes sitting on a pavementConnotation - What does the image suggest or imply?e.g. possibly homeless, hungry, lonely expression


The following images are from a HSBC advert specifically for airports.While looking at the advertisements, think about the effect of anchorage and the connotations and denotations of each image.What is the company trying to suggest with this advertisement?What subconscious effect to the words have?