ILTA: Tutorials, activities and flashcards by Chrissi Nerantzi and Haleh Moravej

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Transcript of ILTA: Tutorials, activities and flashcards by Chrissi Nerantzi and Haleh Moravej

Chrissi Nerantzi Academic Developer Manchester Metropolitan University, UK @chrissinerantzi

ILTA141 Introduction to Learning, Teaching and Assessment

Haleh Moravej Senior Lecturer in Nutrition Science Manchester Metropolitan University, UK @halehmoravej

Chrissi Nerantzi Academic Developer Manchester Metropolitan University, UK @chrissinerantzi

Tutorials: flashcard sets and activities


Thinking about learning

1. Think about something you are good at.

Write in this box how you became good at it.

a Phil Race activity

2. Think of something about yourself you feel good about. Write here the evidence it is based on.

3. Think of something you are not good at, perhaps as a result of a bad learning experience. What went wrong? Add it to this box.

4. Think of something that you did learn successfully, but at the time you didn’t really want to do it. What kept you going, so that you did succeed in learning it?


LEGO® Serious Play® activity

Task 1: Build a tower (1 minute)

Task 2: Build a model that shows your main needs as a learner (3 minutes)

Task 3: Explain your model to your peer(s) (5 minutes) and discuss.

Personal tutor models

The pastoral model

The professional model

The curriculum model

personal tutoring (student perspective)

Benefits Challenges

personal tutoring (tutor perspective)

Benefits Challenges

Top 10 tips

tutorial types

one-to-one small group

led by tutor led by student mentor

face-to-face remote

reactive proactive


• … a portrait of the person sitting next to you

• Show portrait to the person you created

• Person on the portrait to provide feedback to the artist


Goal •What do you want to achieve? •What would achieving this lead to long term? •How would that feel? •When would you like to achieve this?

Reality •What is the current situation? •What have you done so far? •What stops you from moving on?

Options •What could you do? •What else could you do? •What else? • ... and what else?

Will •What will you do? •How committed are you? •What will be the first step? •By when?


The wheel of learning: Where are you now?


Role plays


Tutor 1

A student in your subject area comes to their first personal tutorial at your invitation. They have been at MMU for two weeks. You feel it is useful if students give some thought as to what they might do when they leave university early in their university career. Use guidance principles and a coaching model (GROW or CIGAR) to shape the discussion. (15 minutes)

Student 1

You are in your first year of study. You chose the course because you liked it at school. You have not done much thinking beyond this; moving away from home and getting settled has taken up all your time and emotional energy so far. You like being with people and enjoy communicating. You have worked as a volunteer in a local Youth Centre. You are a bit panicked at the thought of writing your first assignment. Since this is your first meeting, you have no idea what to expect. (15 minutes)

Tutor 2

A student comes to see you at the beginning of their second year of study in your area. They have asked for an extra appointment. They seem uncomfortable. You have checked their attendance for the previous year and found it was erratic, to the extent that some colleagues have logged concerns. Try to give appropriate support and guidance which will assist the student to progress successfully. (15 minutes)

Student 2

You are in your second year at MMU. You like the course, but you work 25 hours per week in a local restaurant, where you have recently been asked to ‘act up’ as manager five nights a week. You started the job last year, to relieve fears about money, and you have agreed to taking on the extra responsibility. Sometimes you are too tired to make morning lectures and you’re worried it might be worse with the new role. You really want to get a degree, which costs so much money, but you are suffering stomach aches and sleeplessness. (15 minutes)