If Not Excellence, What? If Not Excellence Now, When? The “19 Es” of Excellence

Post on 07-Jan-2016

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If Not Excellence, What? If Not Excellence Now, When? The “19 Es” of Excellence Enthusiasm . (Be an irresistible force of nature!) Ener gy. (Be fire! Light fires!) Exuberance . (Vibrate—cause earthquakes!) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of If Not Excellence, What? If Not Excellence Now, When? The “19 Es” of Excellence

If Not Excellence, What?If Not Excellence, What?If Not Excellence Now, When?If Not Excellence Now, When?The “19 Es” of ExcellenceThe “19 Es” of Excellence

EnthusiasmEnthusiasm.. (Be an irresistible force of nature!) (Be an irresistible force of nature!)

EnerEnergy.gy. (Be fire! Light fires!)(Be fire! Light fires!)

ExuberanceExuberance.. (Vibrate—cause earthquakes!)(Vibrate—cause earthquakes!)

ExecutionExecution.. (Do it! Now! Get it done! Barriers are baloney! Excuses are for wimps! Accountability is gospel! (Do it! Now! Get it done! Barriers are baloney! Excuses are for wimps! Accountability is gospel! Adhere to the Bill Parcells doctrine: “Blame nobody! Expect nothing! Do something!”)Adhere to the Bill Parcells doctrine: “Blame nobody! Expect nothing! Do something!”)

EmEmppowermentowerment.. (Respect and appreciation! Always ask, “What do you think?”(Respect and appreciation! Always ask, “What do you think?” Then: Listen! Liberate! Celebrate! 100% innovators or bust!)Then: Listen! Liberate! Celebrate! 100% innovators or bust!)

EdEdgginessiness.. (Perpetually dancing at the frontier, and a little or a lot beyond.)(Perpetually dancing at the frontier, and a little or a lot beyond.)

EnraEnraggeded.. (Determined to challenge & change the status quo!)(Determined to challenge & change the status quo!)

EnEnggaaggeded.. (Addicted to MBWA/Managing By Wandering Around. In touch. Always.) (Addicted to MBWA/Managing By Wandering Around. In touch. Always.)

ElectronicElectronic.. (Partners with the world 60/60/24/7 via electronic community building(Partners with the world 60/60/24/7 via electronic community building and entanglement of every sort. Crowdsourcing/doing power!)and entanglement of every sort. Crowdsourcing/doing power!)

EncomEncomppassingassing.. (Relentlessly pursue diverse opinions—the more diversity the merrier! Diversity per se “works”!)(Relentlessly pursue diverse opinions—the more diversity the merrier! Diversity per se “works”!)

EmotionEmotion.. (The alpha. The omega. The essence of leadership. The essence of sales. (The alpha. The omega. The essence of leadership. The essence of sales. The essence of marketing. The essence. Period. Acknowledge it.)The essence of marketing. The essence. Period. Acknowledge it.)

EmEmppathathy.y. (Connect, connect, connect with others’ reality and aspirations! “Walk(Connect, connect, connect with others’ reality and aspirations! “Walk in the other person’s shoes”—until the soles have holes!)in the other person’s shoes”—until the soles have holes!)

ExExpperienceerience.. (Life is theater! Make every activity-contact memorable! Standard:(Life is theater! Make every activity-contact memorable! Standard: “ “Insanely Great”/Steve Jobs; “Radically Thrilling”/BMW.)Insanely Great”/Steve Jobs; “Radically Thrilling”/BMW.)

EliminateEliminate.. (Keep it simple!)(Keep it simple!)

ErrorErrorppronerone.. (Ready! Fire! Aim! Try a lot of stuff and make a lot of booboos and then try some more stuff(Ready! Fire! Aim! Try a lot of stuff and make a lot of booboos and then try some more stuff and make some more booboos—all of it at the speed of light!)and make some more booboos—all of it at the speed of light!)

EvenhandedEvenhanded.. (Straight as an arrow! Fair to a fault! Honest as Abe!)(Straight as an arrow! Fair to a fault! Honest as Abe!)

ExpectationsExpectations.. (Michelangelo: “The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, (Michelangelo: “The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” Amen!)but that it is too low and we reach it.” Amen!)

EudaimoniaEudaimonia.. (Pursue the highest of human moral purpose—the core of Aristotle’s philosophy. Be of service. (Pursue the highest of human moral purpose—the core of Aristotle’s philosophy. Be of service. Always.)Always.)

ExcellenceExcellence.. (The only standard! Never an exception! Start now! No excuses! If not Excellence, what?(The only standard! Never an exception! Start now! No excuses! If not Excellence, what? If not Excellence now, when?)If not Excellence now, when?)

Tom Peters’Tom Peters’


Results Group/Auckland/19.02.09Results Group/Auckland/19.02.09


Excellence1982: The Bedrock “Eight Basics”Excellence1982: The Bedrock “Eight Basics”

1. A Bias for 1. A Bias for ActionAction2. Close to the 2. Close to the CustomerCustomer3. 3. AutonomAutonomyy and and EntreEntreppreneurshireneurshipp4. Productivity Through 4. Productivity Through PeoPeopplele5. 5. Hands OnHands On, , Value-DrivenValue-Driven6. 6. Stick toStick to the Knitting the Knitting7. 7. SimSimpplele Form, Form, LeanLean Staff Staff8. Simultaneous 8. Simultaneous Loose-TightLoose-Tight Properties” Properties”

““Breakthrough” 82*Breakthrough” 82*

People! People! CustomersCustomers

! ! Action! Action! Values! Values!

**In Search of ExcellenceIn Search of Excellence


Why in the Why in the

World did World did youyou

go to go to SiberiaSiberia??

EnterpriseEnterprise* ** (*at its best):* ** (*at its best): An An emotionalemotional, , vitalvital, , innovativeinnovative, , jojoyyfulful, , creativecreative, , entreentreppreneurialreneurial endeavor endeavor that elicits maximum that elicits maximum

concerted humanconcerted human potential in the potential in the wholeheartedwholehearted serviceservice of others of others.****Employees, Customers, Suppliers, Communities, Owners, Temporary partners**Employees, Customers, Suppliers, Communities, Owners, Temporary partners


Organizations Organizations existexist to to serveserve. Period.. Period.

Leaders Leaders live live toto serveserve. Period.. Period.

… … no less than no less than CathedralsCathedrals in which the full and in which the full and

awesome power of the awesome power of the Imagination and Spirit and Imagination and Spirit and native Entrepreneurial flairnative Entrepreneurial flair

of diverse individualsof diverse individuals is is unleashed in passionate unleashed in passionate pursuit of … Excellence.pursuit of … Excellence.

““The role of the Director is to The role of the Director is to create a space where the actors create a space where the actors

and actresses canand actresses can become become more than they’ve ever more than they’ve ever been before, more than been before, more than

they’ve dreamed of they’ve dreamed of beingbeing.”.” —Robert Altman, Oscar acceptance speech—Robert Altman, Oscar acceptance speech

““Leaders Leaders

‘‘SERVESERVE’’ people. people.

Period.”Period.” —inspired by Robert Greenleaf

““Business has to give Business has to give people enriching, people enriching, rewarding lives,rewarding lives,

or it's simply not or it's simply not worth doing.”worth doing.” —Richard Branson—Richard Branson

““Too Much Cost, Not Enough Value” … “Too Too Much Cost, Not Enough Value” … “Too Much Speculation, Not Enough Investment” … Much Speculation, Not Enough Investment” … “Too Much Complexity, Not Enough Simplicity” “Too Much Complexity, Not Enough Simplicity” … “Too Much Counting, Not Enough Trust” … … “Too Much Counting, Not Enough Trust” …

“Too Much Business Conduct, Not Enough “Too Much Business Conduct, Not Enough Professional Conduct” … “Too Much Professional Conduct” … “Too Much

Salesmanship, Not Enough Stewardship” … Salesmanship, Not Enough Stewardship” … “Too Much Focus on Things, Not Enough Focus “Too Much Focus on Things, Not Enough Focus

on Commitment” … “Too Many Twenty-first on Commitment” … “Too Many Twenty-first Century Values, Not Enough Eighteenth-Century Values, Not Enough Eighteenth-

Century Values” … “Too Much ‘Success,’ Not Century Values” … “Too Much ‘Success,’ Not Enough Character” Enough Character” —chapter titles from John Bogle, —chapter titles from John Bogle, Enough. The Measures of Money, Business, and LifeEnough. The Measures of Money, Business, and Life (Bogle is (Bogle is

founder of the Vanguard Mutual Fund Group)founder of the Vanguard Mutual Fund Group)

““Managers have lost dignity over the Managers have lost dignity over the past decade in the face of wide spread past decade in the face of wide spread institutional breakdown of trust and institutional breakdown of trust and self-policing in business. To regain self-policing in business. To regain

society’s trust, we believe that society’s trust, we believe that business leaders must embrace a way business leaders must embrace a way

of looking at their role that goes of looking at their role that goes beyond their responsibility to the beyond their responsibility to the shareholders to include a civic and shareholders to include a civic and

personal commitment to their duty as personal commitment to their duty as institutional custodians. In other words, institutional custodians. In other words,

it is time hat management became a it is time hat management became a profession.”profession.” —Rakesh Khurana &—Rakesh Khurana &

Niin Nohria, “I’s ime To Make Management a True Niin Nohria, “I’s ime To Make Management a True Profession,” HBR/10.08Profession,” HBR/10.08

The 19 EThe 19 Ess of of


If Not Excellence, What?If Not Excellence, What?If Not Excellence Now, When?If Not Excellence Now, When?The “19 Es” of ExcellenceThe “19 Es” of Excellence

EnthusiasmEnthusiasm.. (Be an irresistible force of nature!) (Be an irresistible force of nature!)

EnerEnergy.gy. (Be fire! Light fires!)(Be fire! Light fires!)

ExuberanceExuberance.. (Vibrate—cause earthquakes!)(Vibrate—cause earthquakes!)

ExecutionExecution.. (Do it! Now! Get it done! Barriers are baloney! Excuses are for wimps! Accountability is gospel! (Do it! Now! Get it done! Barriers are baloney! Excuses are for wimps! Accountability is gospel! Adhere to the Bill Parcells doctrine: “Blame nobody! Expect nothing! Do something!”)Adhere to the Bill Parcells doctrine: “Blame nobody! Expect nothing! Do something!”)

EmEmppowermentowerment.. (Respect and appreciation! Always ask, “What do you think?”(Respect and appreciation! Always ask, “What do you think?” Then: Listen! Liberate! Celebrate! 100% innovators or bust!)Then: Listen! Liberate! Celebrate! 100% innovators or bust!)

EdEdgginessiness.. (Perpetually dancing at the frontier, and a little or a lot beyond.)(Perpetually dancing at the frontier, and a little or a lot beyond.)

EnraEnraggeded.. (Determined to challenge & change the status quo!)(Determined to challenge & change the status quo!)

EnEnggaaggeded.. (Addicted to MBWA/Managing By Wandering Around. In touch. Always.) (Addicted to MBWA/Managing By Wandering Around. In touch. Always.)

ElectronicElectronic.. (Partners with the world 60/60/24/7 via electronic community building(Partners with the world 60/60/24/7 via electronic community building and entanglement of every sort. Crowdsourcing/doing power!)and entanglement of every sort. Crowdsourcing/doing power!)

EncomEncomppassingassing.. (Relentlessly pursue diverse opinions—the more diversity the merrier! Diversity per se “works”!)(Relentlessly pursue diverse opinions—the more diversity the merrier! Diversity per se “works”!)

EmotionEmotion.. (The alpha. The omega. The essence of leadership. The essence of sales. (The alpha. The omega. The essence of leadership. The essence of sales. The essence of marketing. The essence. Period. Acknowledge it.)The essence of marketing. The essence. Period. Acknowledge it.)

EmEmppathathy.y. (Connect, connect, connect with others’ reality and aspirations! “Walk(Connect, connect, connect with others’ reality and aspirations! “Walk in the other person’s shoes”—until the soles have holes!)in the other person’s shoes”—until the soles have holes!)

ExExpperienceerience.. (Life is theater! Make every activity-contact memorable! Standard:(Life is theater! Make every activity-contact memorable! Standard: “ “Insanely Great”/Steve Jobs; “Radically Thrilling”/BMW.)Insanely Great”/Steve Jobs; “Radically Thrilling”/BMW.)

EliminateEliminate.. (Keep it simple!)(Keep it simple!)

ErrorErrorppronerone.. (Ready! Fire! Aim! Try a lot of stuff and make a lot of booboos and then try some more stuff(Ready! Fire! Aim! Try a lot of stuff and make a lot of booboos and then try some more stuff and make some more booboos—all of it at the speed of light!)and make some more booboos—all of it at the speed of light!)

EvenhandedEvenhanded.. (Straight as an arrow! Fair to a fault! Honest as Abe!)(Straight as an arrow! Fair to a fault! Honest as Abe!)

ExpectationsExpectations.. (Michelangelo: “The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, (Michelangelo: “The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” Amen!)but that it is too low and we reach it.” Amen!)

EudaimoniaEudaimonia.. (Pursue the highest of human moral purpose—the core of Aristotle’s philosophy. Be of service. (Pursue the highest of human moral purpose—the core of Aristotle’s philosophy. Be of service. Always.)Always.)

ExcellenceExcellence.. (The only standard! Never an exception! Start now! No excuses! If not Excellence, what?(The only standard! Never an exception! Start now! No excuses! If not Excellence, what? If not Excellence now, when?)If not Excellence now, when?)

““Mr. Watson, Mr. Watson, how long does it how long does it take to achieve take to achieve


““11 minute”minute”