If God Made A Plan For Transformation

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of If God Made A Plan For Transformation

How We Mature In Christ

Daily Life

Holy Spirit


From Dallas Willard

One of God’s List

"Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; Remove the evil of your deeds from My sight. Cease to do evil, Learn to do good; Seek justice, Reprove the ruthless, Defend the orphan, Plead for the widow.

Isa 1:16-17 NASB

A Pathway of Transformation

0Wash yourselves

0Make yourselves clean

0Remove the evil of your deeds from My sight

0 Cease to do evil

0 Learn to do good

0 Seek justice

0Reprove the ruthless

0Defend the orphan

0Plead for the widow

Make An Action Plan

0As we go through this list, allow the Holy Spirit to…

0 Tell you what you are to do. Listen to God and see if He has something for you to do.

0 Tell you what NOT to do. Are you over reaching, to busy. Don’t YOU decide, but allow God to Shepherd you.

0Add a time commitment beside your action plan

0 On Monday morning I will…

0 On Saturday at 6 pm I will

Wash yourselves

Bathe yourself

0 Clean up, keep yourself clean

0Don’t be filthy all the time, take a shower

What is God’s desire for me regarding personal hygiene?

How is taking care of my body, taking care of my life in God?

How did Jesus relate washing and spirituality?Last Supper

Make yourselves clean

Make yourself translucent, clean, innocent.

0 Stop hiding stuff.

0Deal with who you really are.

Why did God make each of us responsible for our lives?

A part of how God makes us clean is by telling us to clean up.

Remove the evil of your deeds from My sight

Turn off bad acts from the front of my eyes

0 Stop living as though God doesn't see YOU.

0 God made you with the power to choose, use it rightly.

0You are not a victim. You can choose.

Why did God choose to witness, and have the believers who have died, witness our actions?

Cease to do evil

Be to flabby to be bad

Be to lazy to do evil

0You know how to neglect stuff, to simply “forget.”

0 Forget to do bad.

0 Don’t have enough energy to get angry.

0 Be too weary to deal with judgmental thoughts.

God calls us to be to tired to sin. What happens in our lives when we develop this skill?

Learn to do good

Teach and instruct to make gladness, happiness, improvements

0Do you know how to “tick people off?”

0 Learn to make them laugh.

0 Become skilled at joy and happiness.

Why does God call us to develop skills of joy?

What happens to your Spirit when you are happy?

Seek justice

Follow the divine law

0The Kingdom of God is a Nation of laws with the two greatest being centered on love.

0Try to live by the laws of God and not your reason, your emotions, or your physical desires.

Why does the God who is personal call us to live according to laws?

When a people are lawless, what happens to relationships?

Reprove the ruthless

Straighten out the violent

0Evil is overcome with good. So strive to help others be good, to set them straight.

0 Someone is in need of your help to be a better person, please help them.

Why does God call us not only to do good, but to actively help others be good too?

Defend the orphan

Judge the lonely, bereaved, fatherless

0God does not leave us as orphans and calls us to be like Him.

0Talk for, litigate, argue for the lonely and isolated.

God is three persons in one. Why is fellowship, community and “others” so important to God?

What role has God chosen for “others” to plan in your life?

Plead for the widow

Wrestle, fight for the widow, the desolate

0 The Kingdom of God makes something out of nothing, out of desolation. Join God by working in barren places.

0 A broken and contrite heart God will not despise and we too should be drawn to brokenness.

God often uses the wilderness to build people into holy vessels. Why does God call us to go to them in the wilderness and help them?