IDML Training Jan 2017

Post on 25-Jan-2017

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Transcript of IDML Training Jan 2017

PowerPoint Presentation


My goal for you todayTo equip you with everything you need to:

Turn your idea into a real revenue generating business

Even if you are not an expert in the industry, using your idea and passion along with my knowledge of a proven to work method, you can turn your idea into a real business.

What I am going to show you today are the EXACT same strategies that I used to grow my business to $4m / year in just 4 years

Who is this training for:Inventors who have great ideas for new products or services but do not know how to go about itEntrepreneurs with existing businesses looking to expand their products through innovationEmployees who are looking to eventually quit their 9-5 jobs and start a business of their ownOr seasoned inventors who have inventions and would like to know how to best turn them into revenue

House rules:This is NOT a Get Rich Quick methodThis is NOT a Do nothing but click a button and make moneyNeither my results or my clients results are typical. Successful inventors and entrepreneurs are hard working and put in the effort.


We are experiencing one of the most phenomenal growths in the world


Types of innovations:Completely new products never seen or heard of before

Improvement on existing products that have been around for decades

Regardless of whether the invention is new or an improvements on an old one, they all have one thing in common:

They all are there to SOLVE A PROBLEM

RIGHT now is the PERFECT time to start your own business derived from an invention you created


Sam Jalloul

Consultant from London, UKPrevious corporate slaveInventor, entrepreneur leading to growing my business from nothing to over $4m / yearSold my business and now focused to help other entrepreneurs do the same

Imagine yourself 3 years from now

You nowYou in 3 Years

Misconceptions People have about inventorsTo be an inventor you need to have a college degreeTo be an inventor you have to be an engineer or a mad scientistInventors are people who are often locked up in their basementInventors need huge sums of money to invent

Misconceptions People have about inventorsTo be an inventor you need to have a college degreeTo be an inventor you have to be an engineer or a mad scientistInventors are people who are often locked up in their basementInventors need huge sums of money to invent

The biggest mistakes inventors make:The biggest mistake you could make as an inventor is DOING NOTHING!

Other risky mistakes would include divulging you idea to someone without an NDA, sharing it on a public forum, launching it without a patent, among others

The only 4 things that you need to generate revenue from your invention

The only 4 things that you need to generate revenue from your inventionA viable inventionProtect your inventionDevelop idea into a ProductGo to Market strategy1234

Step 1A viable invention

Why a viable invention?An invention must a have a viable needAn invention must solve a genuine problemAn invention must be novel i.e. not just a copy of something elseAn invention must be industrially applicable i.e. can be manufactured using todays technologyAn invention must be inventive i.e. should not be obvious or easily conceived for a person skilled in the artThe whole objective is to ensure it is viable before spending further money on it or risk legal issues if a similar product exists and no homework was done

So how do inventors know if their invention is viable or not?The easiest way and most expensive way is to contact a patent attorney who will be happy to charge several thousand dollars for this serviceSearch engines are always a good source to give a feel of what is out there but they do leave a lot of uncovered territoryPatent search firms also exist and they can do a cheaper search for a few hundred dollars

When I started my business, I did a combination of all 3 of the above and it cost me almost $10,000 just for this phase

The end result of Step 1 is a risk reduction factor for you and your potential investor from launching the product

Step 2Protect your invention

What can you do to protect your invention?File provisional utility patentsFile non-provisional utility patentsFile design patents

Patents are licenses granted by government authorities to allow the inventor or its assignees to have exclusive and the sole right to make, use or sell the invention for a set period of time usually 20 years

Additional protection can include trademark and copyright for other elements that are not patent related

Why should I protect my Invention?Exclusive and sole right to make, use or sell the invention for a period of 15-20 years from the date of first filing Ability to create a monopoly for that niche segment for the same period of timeAbility to license the invention to others to make or use it in return for fixed % royalty on salesAbility to bring suite to anyone who tries to launch a product which violates the claims approved in the granted patent

How expensive are patents?Patents can get quite expensive in some cases depending on how straight forward the invention isA typical patent can cost between $3,000 - $5,000 for each countryYou can file International patents under the PCT which does not give you one filing for all but allows you to use the original filing date of the first filing country to claim priorityThe strategy you set can minimise the amount needed to spend on patent filingsKnowing what I know now about international patents, I could have saved myself upwards of $30,000-$50,000 on my invention

The end result of Step 2 is a further risk reduction factor for you and your potential investor from launching the product

Step 3Develop idea into a Product

Turning your invention into a product is one of the most complex steps and can be quite intimidating

I provide you with 4 phases to turn the idea into a physical product

I provide you with 4 easy phases to turn the idea into a physical productBasic sketches3D technical drawingsPhysical prototypeFinal product sample1234

Step 3Develop idea into a ProductPhase 1Basic sketches

What are basic sketches?These are simple drawings done by you or a professionalThe sketches show the general gist of the product in terms of key elements and featuresThey will often contain annotations and text to explain certain features

Step 3Develop idea into a ProductPhase 23D technical drawings

What are 3D technical drawings?These are more complex drawings done by a professional 3D designer using software such as AutocadThese technical drawings will be very details in terms of measurements, shape, functionality of the inventionThey will be layered so that each element can be viewed separatelyThese can be quite expensive to get done but I have managed to find ways to get them done a reasonable prices

Step 3Develop idea into a ProductPhase 3Physical prototype

What is a physical prototype?This is a physical model replica of the technical drawingsThe prototype can be a non-functional one done in methods such as 3D printing or a functional prototype with expert manufacturersIt is important to ensure NDAs are signed with all of these to protect the confidentiality of the productThis will be the most costly part with prototypes costing between $300 up to several thousands depending on the technical complexity and material requirements for itThe end result will in fact be a basic working model of you product which you can test and adjust as required

Step 3Develop idea into a ProductPhase 4Final product sample

What is a final product sample?This is a physical model of your improved first prototype and may include at this stage any design elements sich as colour, logo and materialsIt is as close to what the final product that a consumer will useIt will involve further prototyping costs to ensure it is done properly and may include other costs such as designer fees for the logo and overall design.

If you have reached this stage of the process you have not only proved to yourself that your product works but also to any potential investors you are talking to

Step 4Go to Market strategy

What is a go to market strategy?This can be confusing and daunting for certain people but if you have made it this far then do not let this discourage youEvery product and business will have a different go to market strategies based on the goals of the inventor and the industryIn the most simple terms is How do you take you product from sample to availability in stores and online for consumers to purchase?If you can answer this question then you have your go to market strategy

Before going to market:How do you plan to fund the go to market plan?:

Private investment from yourselfPrivate funding from investors or venture capitalCrowd funding on reliable platforms such as KickstarterLicense agreements in exchange for Royalty

The end result of Step 4 is a further risk reduction factor for you and your potential investor from launching the product

So to recap the training

Our process from start to finishA viable inventionProtect your inventionDevelop idea into a ProductGo to Market strategy1234

Would you like to learn more?:If you would like to learn more schedule today your FREE 30-40 minutes consultation call

Simply click the link on the page containing the video and book your free session now

Learn how I can make your invention into a viable business generating you income.