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106 2014, XVII, 2 DOI: 10.15240/tul/001/2014-2-008


International Joint Ventures (IJVs) have been ina central role of global expansion by severalcompanies [64]. IJVs are formed between twoor more firms with different organizational andcultural characteristics. There are severaladvantages related to the IJV entry mode likethe possibility for the local and parent firms toexploit complementary resources, innovativecapacities and core competencies (e.g. [17],[22], [35], [37], [45], [49], [52]). IJVs aresuperior when firms face uncertainty about theforeign market and future development or wheninformation is inadequate [1]. Therefore IJVsare often used as a market entry approach bydeveloped countries aiming to enter emergingmarkets where foreign firms usually face anuncertainty in economic and opportunisticbehaviours. In spite of the high popularity ofIJVs especially in emerging markets results inseveral studies have indicated that the goalsset for the IJVs have not been reached and thatthere has been high rates of instability andfailures in IJV operations [4], [24], [26], [57].Thus there has been growing interest to studyin more details the performance of IJVs and tostudy the key factors and drivers behindsuccessful and unsuccessful IJVs.

When it comes to China IJVs have beenrapidly proliferating in China in the last threedecades since China adopted an open doorpolicy to attract foreign investments in 1978. Inaddition to wholly foreign-owned firms, equityjoint venture is a major mode of businessoperation [13]. According to U.S.-China

Business Council [65], Foreign DirectInvestment (FDI) in China totalled $82.7 billionby 2007 with a total of 37,888 new foreigninvested firms. In recent years China has beenpopular among Nordic firms because of theirlimited domestic market and China’s over 1.3billion potential consumers together with theoutstanding economic performance. However,many IJVs experience significant problems inChina due to its complicated and difficultenvironment [8]. Therefore it is necessary tolook into these problems, find solutions andidentify key success factors for IJVs in China.

In the literature the research on Sino-Foreign IJVs has been clearly growing, but theresults have been partly mixed and the studieshave mainly focused on the IJV operations byAsian, especially Taiwan-based firms. Manystudies also focused on IJVs with parent firmscoming from big Western countries such as theUSA. However, research focusing on IJV (andFDIs) by firms from smaller developed Europeaneconomies like from Nordic countries, has beenextremely limited so far. Furthermore, as in thedecade award winning article of Journal ofInternational Business Studies (JIBS) Madhok[51] argues that most existing research on IJVperformance tends to focus on a few singlefactors such as ownership and a shift of focusto case studies to examine relational dynamicsis encouraged. In this study we will use nineFinnish-Chinese IJVs to do detailed casestudies to identify key factors for IJV success.Therefore this study contributes to the existingIJV literature by attempting to identify keysuccess factors in Finnish-Chinese IJVs


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through detailed case studies. The researchresults will have implications to academicresearchers, firms, professionals andgovernment policy makers.

This paper is organized in the followingway. In the first section a literature review ondeterminants of IJV performance is conducted.The second section is about research methodand data collection. In the third sectiona conceptual model is built up as a frameworkfor case studies. Case results are discussed inthe fourth section. The final section is summaryand conclusions, including also implications ofthe study, discussion of limitations of thisresearch, together with recommendations forfuture research directions.

1. Determinants of IJV PerformanceOne of the main challenges in evaluating IJVsuccess is the measurement of its performance.In the literature different theories have beenused to study IJV performance includingtransaction cost economies [25], [35], [58],agency theory [12], [36], [61], resource-basedview [15], [19], [53], social exchange theory [63],knowledge-based view [16], [63], behaviourperspective [20], [31], organizational learninglogic [30], [32], [49], bargaining power theory[39], [66], institutional theory [41], contingencytheory [56], and fairness theory [48]. Amongthese theories resourced-based view andknowledge-based view have most commonlybeen applied in IJV performance studies. Somegood literature review articles on IJVperformance have been published in businessand management journals [54], [60], [62], [67].The results of these studies will be referred tolater in this paper.

Before we study factors or determinants ofIJV performance it will naturally come up withthe question what are the proper measures ofIJV performance i.e. what are the criteria toevaluate an IJV performance? Some of the IJVmeasures used in previous studies includesatisfaction, financial indicators, survival,duration, instability, and stock-market reaction[2], [23], [38], [47]. IJV performance measurescan be classified into objective and subjectivemeasures. The use of objective measures mayfail to reflect the long-term goal of IJVs [22],[45]. On the other hand, using subjectivemeasures in evaluating IJV success will havedifficulties because they may contain biased

opinions and they are generally not comparable[55]. However, e.g. Geringer and Hebert [22]have found that subjective and objectivemeasures are highly correlated. Usinga sample of UK IJVs, Glaister and Buckley [23]confirmed Geringer and Hebert’s findings. Zhanand Luo [69] suggest that different IJVperformance measures can be classified intotwo groups namely financial performance andcompetitive performance. Financial performanceincludes return on investment (ROI), return onassets (ROA), and revenue growth etc. whilecompetitive performance includes all othermeasures such as sales level, market positionand share, customer satisfaction, organizationalreputation and product image, realization oflong-term strategic goals [7]. In this study wewill use a number of subjective measures toexamine and compare IJV performance in Chinadue to the limited number of cases available.

After we have taken proper IJV performancemeasures we can then investigate what factorsor determinants will affect IJV performance? Inthe literature some significant factors havebeen identified and discussed that includecontrol, ownership, commitment, culture, trust,etc. [14], [21], [33], [40], [44], [51], [54], [60],[62], [63], [67]. These important factors arebriefly described in the following.

Control can be defined as the managementprocess by which a parent’s interests areprotected. According to Geringer and Hebert[21], control refers to the process whereby oneparty influences, to different degrees, thebehaviour and output of another party throughthe use of power, authority, and a wide range ofbureaucratic, cultural, and informal mechanisms.These of control are widely regarded as criticalfor IJV performance [10], [21], [39], [50].Through control a partner influences the jointventure to behave in ways that lead toattainment of the organization’s objectives [9].The ownership structure is a means ofmaterializing the management control which isdetermined by the partners’ bargaining power[40]. The share ownership structure of a jointventure cannot be determined unilaterally, butis usually an outcome of negotiations betweenthe investing country and the host country. Thegreater the power one partner has, the higherthe share of ownership the partner can obtain[24]. Commitment refers to the extent to whichthe partners are bound to the stability and

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success of the relationship [4]. This involvesthe assurance of commitment before embarkingon a joint venture with a partner and theencouragement of commitment by the partnerthroughout the venture’s life span. Mutualcommitment creates a feeling of shared identity[43] and facilitates the development of mutualtrust and voluntary cooperation betweenpartner firms. Therefore mutual commitmentreduces conflicts and increases cooperationbetween IJV partners and will also increase thefeeling of fairness and stabilizes relationshipsbetween partners. Mutual commitment improvesIJV performance both directly through its effecton aligning interest and indirectly through itseffect on minimizing conflict. Trust betweenpartners has also been revealed as an importantfactor that contributes to the success of IJVs[14], [33], [51] and it can be easily managed tofacilitate the achievement of IJV objectives [3], [5].

Finally, culture is bound around IJVs all thetime and some researchers argue that culturedoes affect IJV performance [41]. Culture hasbeen defined by Hofstede [27] as “the collectiveprogramming of the mind which distinguishesthe members of one human group fromanother”. Hofstede identified originally fourcultural dimensions (i.e. Power Distance,Uncertainty Avoidance, Individualism-Collectivism,and Masculinity-Feminity) and later on a fifthdimension - Long-Term Orientation – especiallybased on the Asian cultures [28]. The impact ofculture on IJV performance has been the mostextensively examined variable in previousresearch [38], [62]. Among the five culturaldimensions Power Distance and Individualismare particularly different between nations [11].Lu and Lee [44] found that Power Distance ispositively related to the satisfaction of seniormanagers in IJVs and Individualism isnegatively related to the satisfaction of seniormanagers in IJVs. Because this study focuseson IJVs from only one single WesternEuropean country to China we cannot focus inmore details on the impact of cultural distanceon IJV performance. However, it can be statedthat Finland and China are relatively far awayfrom each other along all five dimensions [29].

In addition to the above important IJV performancedeterminants many others are also worth lookinginto. For this purpose we summarized all mainpotential IJV performance determinants andthey are presented in the following Table 1.

We think that research on IJV performancedeterminants theoretically can be divided intothree stages. The first stage of research is toexamine IJV background information such ascultural, economic, political and technologicaldimensions from all partners particularly for thelocal partner or target partner. These factorsmostly represent macro level or environmentalfactors in the local environment where IJVs areoperated. In Table 1 these environmental factorsinclude culture, economy, government policy,technology, infrastructure, labour, marketpotential, legal system, quality of life. Eachfactor is further explained in more detail. Forexample legal system factor means howefficient the local government can protectIntellectual Property as nowadays many hightech foreign firms are expanding east to China.Legal system also concerns governmentregulations on IJVs and the stability of theseregulations. Quality of life factor includes costof living in the target country, safety and socialsecurity system in the country. These issuesmay influence the establishment and operationof IJVs. Countries having poor quality of lifetend to accept more FDIs and their bargainingpower in IJVs tends to be weak.

The second stage for research on IJVperformance determinants is to look situationalfactors at IJV formation stage. These situationalfactors reflect factual data from all partners atthe time of IJV establishment. In Table 1 thesefactors include motivation of entry, firm size,partner selection, IJV experience, resource, timeof entry, ownership structure, sales orientation,and long-term focus. For example resource canbe divided to capital and non-capital resources.The resource factor usually determines ownershipstructure which is a well proven factor that willsignificantly affect IJV performance. Timing ofentry may also influence IJV performance [70].Foreign companies entering a target marketearlier usually have first comer advantagesover latecomers.

The third stage for research on IJVperformance determinants is to examinefactors related to IJV operation stage. In Table1 we have commitment, bargaining power,control, trust, justice, conflict, conflict resolution,cooperation, and age of the IJV. These factorsare well represented in the literature and theyare classified further in explaining theirmeanings. However, research on factors such

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Tab. 1: An overview of potential determinants of IJV performance

Source: own

as justice is quite new and it deserves furtherresearch. Age of the IJV unit may also influencethe IJV performance. Units having operatedlonger have reached the stability in operationand partner relationships thus may lead tobetter performance.

Table 1 gives a concise summary trying tocapture all major IJV performance determinants.The table is built from research results in theliterature as well as our own research. In a latersection we will develop a concept model basedon the determinants summarized in Table 1 tocarry out case studies.

2. Research Method and DataCollection

This paper aims to identify key success factorsfor IJVs in China by using nine Finnish-ChineseIJVs operating in Mainland China. For thispurpose a comparative case study researchmethod is used. The cases are selected froma more extensive study focusing on the IJVbehaviour, strategies and performance ofFinnish firms made in late 2006 and early 2007.In this study we will examine the performanceand key success factors of IJVs in China.Based on the examination and evaluation of thekey factors a concept model will be constructed to

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systematically investigate the key determinantsof IJV performance in China. Case studyresearch method is also used for exploratorytheory development and validation [68]. Casestudy can enable researchers to generatea rich understanding of the research questionfrom a small number of situations while usinga range of data collection methods [18].

The nine IJVs were established during1994–2005 in China. Two of the nine IJVs hadas a minority shareholder also another Finnishpartner (a financing organization agreed to participateto ownership in a short term). Furthermore, inthree IJVs there were two Chinese partnerswhereas the rest have only one Chinese partner.Two of the cases had the first manufacturingFDIs by the Finnish company and five of the

cases had first IJVs by the companies. TheFinnish equity share is between 10–90%, thusfulfilling the traditional JV requirement forshare. Some researchers regard only 50-50%ventures as the real IJVs. There was only oneIJV of this kind among the nine cases and alsoin general the 50-50% IJVs seem to be veryrare among IJVs by Finnish companies [38].From the eight other IJVs three were originallyminority and five majority owned by the Finnishpartners. The motives establishing the IJVswere to increase profits and market share aswell as lower production and sourcing costs[34]. Except in one case the IJVs were clearlyestablished to last for longer time period, inseveral cases at least ten years.

Fig. 1: A concept model for identifying key IJV performance determinants

Source: own elaboration

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3. The Concept Model DevelopmentIn order to systematically study the keydeterminants of IJV performance, we developeda conceptual model to investigate determinantsof performance in the nine Finnish-ChineseIJVs. The model is illustrated in the followingFigure 1. Those on top of the model representIJV local environmental factors and they areexpressed as cultural, economic, political andtechnological dimensions. These are macrolevel factors rooted in the local parent countrythat will affect IJV performance. Next weidentified a few most significant IJV performance

determinants at IJV formation stage and IJVoperation stage respectively. In Table 1, there isa more complete list of determinants at eachstage. However, in practice we are not able toexamine and test all factors and instead wehave to select a few most important factors totest their influence on IJV performance [59]. Itwould not be feasible to test all factors in smallscale case studies [6]. Below IJV formation andIJV operation stages, is the IJV performance. Inthis study we use subjective performancemeasures such as financial performance (ROI),ownership stability, market position, sales and

Tab. 2: Results of key determinants at IJV formation stage

Source: own

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market share, and overall satisfaction. The lastpart in the concept model is the conclusion ofkey success factors or determinants of IJVperformance in China. As we mentioned earlier,these key success factors represent a Finnishparent perspective.

4. Case ResultIn this study we focus on studying the factorsassociated with IJV formation and IJV operationstages. The results on these factors from casestudies are presented in Table 2 and Table 3.

In Table 2, the nine IJV companies arenumbered alphabetically from A to I. The leftcolumn contains a few important factors at IJVformation stage such as Finnish firm size (interms of value of assets), FDI and IJV expe-

riences, year of investment and investmenttype, earlier trading company and partner expe-riences, partner size symmetry, main motivationand sales orientation at entry stage, Finnishpercentage share of ownership at entry, andintended duration of the IJV.

In Table 3, results of key determinants atIJV operation stage are summarized. Thesedeterminants represent important factorsassociated with IJV performance in actual dailyoperations. These factors have been studiedwidely in the literature. Therefore we also emphasizethese factors in this study. The control factor isdivided into strategic control and operationalcontrol. Other important factors includecommitment, trust, conflicts, sales orientationat operation stage, and total sales.

Tab. 3: Results of key determinants at IJV operation stage

Source: own

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The results of IJV performance arepresented in Table 4. Results from all nine casestudies from company A to company I havebeen summarized. Table 4 contains subjectiveIJV performance measures such as financialperformance, market position, sales level, marketshare, and overall satisfaction. The results ofthese subjective measures represent a Finnishparent perspective i.e. they were obtained fromFinnish managers in the IJVs. In Table 5a numerical ranking is presented by assigningdifferent weights (on a 0-1-3-5 scale) toindividual performance results. For example infinancial performance measure high satisfactionis assigned a weight 5 and relatively highsatisfaction is assigned with 3. Medium level ofsatisfaction is given a weight 1 and low level ofsatisfaction will be given 0. Other performanceresults are assigned weights in a similar way.By simply adding up all weights we get the

overall ranking for each case. In Table 5 caseE has the highest rank 17. Cases B, D andG have the second rank with a number 15. Case F has the worst rank.

For the analysis of the results we will startfrom results at IJV formation stage. From Table 2we can see that the size of the Finnish partnersin IJVs vary considerably. IJVs B, G, and H(G and H were established by the same Finnishfirm) were established by larger Finnishmultinational corporations (MNCs) while otherFinnish companies are small and medium enterprises(SMEs). The Finnish MNCs have relativelymore FDI, IJV and TC experience than SMEsand they all have a long term focus (intendedduration of the IJV). These MNCs are alsosignificantly larger than their Chinese partners.They have a number of motivations to enterChina and they have a higher ownership sharethan their Chinese partners (majority owned

Tab. 4: Results of IJV performance

Source: own

Tab. 5: Ranking of IJV performance

Source: own

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IJVs). As a result in Table 4 both IJVs B andG were evaluated to have excellent financialperformance and the two companies showedrelatively high satisfaction. Company H showeda medium level of satisfaction. All of them hada leading market position partly due to its largesize scale effect. All of them also showed highlevel of satisfaction with the level of sales andmarket share. For overall satisfaction companyB showed relatively high satisfaction whilecompanies G and H showed medium level ofsatisfaction. In table 5 companies B and G havethe same weight 15 while company H hasa weight 9. They all showed relatively goodperformance. We argue that all performancemeasures should be analyzed and combined togive a more solid result. Therefore by thecombination of all the performance measureswe think FDI experience is an important factorin IJV performance. For the factor timing ofentry, four companies had investment after year2000 i.e. companies A, E, G(H) and I. Amongthem companies A, E, G showed relatively highsatisfaction on financial performance andcompanies H and I showed medium level ofsatisfaction. They also showed either relativelyhigh satisfaction or medium level satisfactionon measures of sales, market share, andoverall satisfaction. From this analysis we canalso say timing of entry also affects IJV performanceand early movers tend to outperformlatecomers in a foreign market because theiroperations tend to be more stable and partnersmay know each other better after a few yearsleading to better performance. All other factorssuch as establishment mode and mainmotivation etc. do not show a consistent result.

Factors at IJV operation stage also affectperformance. For partner commitment, companies Cand F have low partner commitment and theyhave the worst ranks in Table 5 with an overallranking number 7 and 4 respectively. Sales andmarket share for both companies also showedmedium level of satisfaction. From the analysiswe can conclude low partner commitmenttends to lead to low level of satisfaction in IJVperformance. All other factors at this stageincluding strategic control, operational control,trust, conflicts, and sales orientation,didn’t show a consistent result.

Company E is an exception in terms ofintended duration of IJV and it is planned foronly 2–5 years. Timing of entry was 2003 and

the investment type was acquisition. In thiscase Finnish parent had the highest ownershippercentage at formation stage (85%) among allnine cases. At IJV operation stage Finnishparent in company E had high strategic andoperational controls and strong mutual commitment.Conflicts between partners were low and only5–24% of the total sales were directed to thetarget country. In terms of performance theFinnish parent showed high level of satisfactionon all performance measures. In this case theFinnish parent company is a medium sizedcompany and had the investment in China in2003 and the commitment is strong from bothpartners. Therefore the two key factors i.e.timing of entry and partner commitment are stillvalid in this case.

From the above case studies and analyseswe find that FDI experience and timing of entryare the key success factors at IJV formationstage and partner commitment is the keysuccess factor at IJV operation stage. Otherfactors either did not affect IJV performance ordid not show a consistent result.


IJVs are commonly used to enter the Chinesemarket and IJVs have received a great academicand managerial interest. Accordingly, there isan increasing interest to study the key factorsor determinants underlying IJV performance.However, in the existing IJV performanceresearch the foreign parent firms are mainlyfrom major developed countries such as USA.There is very little research on firms from smalldeveloped European countries such as Finland.This paper extends current IJV performanceresearch by studying nine Finnish-ChineseIJVs operating in Mainland China. In theliterature review section of this paper an overviewof IJV theories, determinants of IJV performanceand the pros and cons of objective and subjectiveIJV performance measures, were made. Basedon the literature review and our ongoingresearch an overview of potential determinantsof IJV performance were presented groupedinto three main categories: IJV local environment,IJV formation stage, and IJV operation stage.A conceptual model for the investigation of IJVperformance determinants was presented. Theempirical part of the paper consisted of nineFinnish-Chinese IJV case studies. The results

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show that FDI experience and timing of entry(age of IJV unit) are the key success factors atIJV formation stage while partner commitmentis the key factor at IJV operation stage. Thisimplies that these factors are crucial to IJVsuccess and should be paid special attention toin the formation of IJVs and in the operationprocess thereafter. The results support some ofthe earlier studies [46], [4], [43] which arguethat FDI(IJV) experience, timing of entry andmutual commitment are the key determinantsof IJV performance. All other factors are eitherassociated with the identified key factors orthey didn’t show a consistent result.

As usual, there are some limitations in thisresearch. First we only managed to have ninecases and they are not enough for more extensivegeneralisations. Secondly, all the cases wereFinnish-Chinese IJVs, thus one has to becautious with generalisations of the results toIJVs established by firms from other smallerdeveloped economies in China. Thirdly, theremight be some tradeoffs between the variousfactors or determinants of IJV performance.Therefore future research may include moreFinnish-Chinese IJVs to allow for a quantitativeanalysis of these factors on IJV performance.Special attention should be paid to the possibletradeoffs between these factors. Moreover, AsMadhok [51] suggests in the decade awardwinning article of Journal of InternationalBusiness Studies, current research trend alsocalls for a shift of focus from separate factorssuch as ownership to relational dynamics in IJVperformance. Therefore future research directionscan also include more embedded case studiesto reveal interfirm or interpartner dynamics thatmight be fundamental factors underlyingsuccessful IJV performance. Furthermore, thefuture studies should analyze IJVs in Chinaestablished by firms from other smallerdeveloped European economies like from otherNordic countries and e.g. from Austria or fromBelgium or Greece.

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Xiaosong Zheng, Ph.D.Shanghai University

Sydney Institute of Language and

andTallinn University of Technology

School of Economics and Business

Prof. Jorma Larimo, Ph.D.University of Vaasa

Faculty of Business

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International Joint Venture (IJV) has been one of the main foreign market entry approaches in thelast decade and this is particularly true for entry to the huge Chinese market. Although IJVs havebeen a very commonly used entry form many studies have indicated that the IJVs have notreached the goals set for them or they have clearly failed. Recently there has been also a growinginterest to examine the performance and determinants of successful IJVs in China from majordeveloped countries. The studies have so far mainly focused on IJVs where the foreign partnersare either from Asian countries or from big western economies like from the USA whereas researchfocused on IJVs established by firms from small developed European economies like from variousNordic countries has been extremely limited. This paper tries to shed some light on this gap byanalyzing the performance and key success factors of Finnish-Chinese IJVs from a Finnish parentperspective. In the paper a conceptual model to examine key IJV performance determinants is firstbuilt up and then we apply this model in the analysis of a few Finnish-Chinese IJVs. The results ofthe study show that IJV performance depends on the measure of the performance. Focusing onmanagement evaluation of performance the FDI experience and timing of entry are found to be thekey success factors at IJV formation stage while partner commitment is the key success factor atIJV operation stage. At the end of the paper, conclusions are made and limitations are discussedtogether with an outline of future research directions.

Key Words: Success factors, IJV, performance, China, Finland.

JEL Classification: M16, M31.

DOI: 10.15240/tul/001/2014-2-008

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